That’s weird, that’s queer, that’s crazy, that deserves a long hard look.

Haha ive been thinking this for a while. Why didn’t you just post under Paul McD or was that moniker banned also?

southernraw wrote:Get off the bongs mate.
Totally unconvincing big fella :)

southernraw wrote:Burleigh's no numbskull.
It's just a shame there's not more like him in this world.
Many could learn a thing or two from his integrity and conviction and thoroughness in assessing the bigger picture.
Which, incidentally, turned out to be all pretty much spot on observations...incidentally of course.
Problem with that is that it's just your stupid opinion, and your stupid opinions - just like those of burley (uncannily similar to those of old burls one must add) - are just a pile of baseless sooky bullshit.

Happy to be the proud owner of a pile of baseless sooky bullshit.
Cheers Wordsmith Wally.

AndyM wrote:southernraw wrote:Get off the bongs mate.
Totally unconvincing big fella :)
Sega Na Lega Gata ;-)

Roadkill wrote:mikehunt207 wrote:AndyM wrote:Bluediamond
BD left (or was banned?) the exact time southernraw arrived , same opinions, same style, coincidence? the "fella" stuff maybe just a smokescreen trying to make it seem like its blowins "bloke" stuff but not quite as well written (regardless of content) as blowin, dsd and the last one (cant remember monkier) before most recent departure
southernraw said in another post “ I’ve seen people banned for alot less than this.” considering he has been here for 5 mins and as far as I can recall no one has been banned since his arrival, it seems like a previous poster with a new name.
also said “ What a disgusting human you are.” seen that line used often from a banned poster also.
Roadkill wrote "SN is a far more enjoyable experience when the focus is surfing and competitions. I am out of the remaining bs covid thread and have been for the past week or so…it is not worth the effort. I do love the live discussion during comps so will avoid drama and stick to that kind of stuff."
And yet here you are.
Once a toad always a toad
Once a troll always a troll eh?

seeds wrote:Haha ive been thinking this for a while. Why didn’t you just post under Paul McD or was that moniker banned also?
Why u so.....seedy??

mikehunt207 wrote:AndyM wrote:Bluediamond
BD left (or was banned?) the exact time southernraw arrived , same opinions, same style, coincidence? the "fella" stuff maybe just a smokescreen trying to make it seem like its blowins "bloke" stuff but not quite as well written (regardless of content) as blowin, dsd and the last one (cant remember monkier) before most recent departure
Does swellnet do Only Fans?? Sounds like this poster is lining up to be the first candidate.
Slightly obsessed would be an understatement.
Hows those lemons going?

silentp wrote:is southernraw blowin in disguise

My bet is it's Bluediamond.

You can check out any time you like,
But you can never leave

Like this?
Bugger i missed you on your trip through here Velocity John.
Glad you got to do the big trip. Must have felt awesome to get back over to this beautiful place.
Hopefully next time.
Hope you're well and happy mate.

Stok wrote:My bet is it's Bluediamond.
I do hope you're not a betting man.
But i get the feeling you like horses.

The ghost of hutchy is alive and well it seems. Its all a bit dire.

blackers wrote:The ghost of hutchy is alive and well it seems. Its all a bit dire.
The paranoia is especially strong with this one.

No paranoia, you just dull. And repetitive.

blackers wrote:No paranoia, you just dull. And repetitive.
If i was dull, you wouldn't have your knickers in a knot now would you??

@Southernraw, damn, but I'm ok to lose a bet.
So Hutchy then?
Either way, how does it feel having to come up with a new moniker after being banned, only for people to see through it almost straight away?

velocityjohnno wrote:You can check out any time you like,
But you can never leave
'Swellnet: Australian surf cams, forecasts, reports and a never ending sledge match loosely relating to covid'

Stok wrote:@Southernraw, damn, but I'm ok to lose a bet.
So Hutchy then?
Blowin?Either way, how does it feel having to come up with a new moniker after being banned, only for people to see through it almost straight away?
And then you've got straight up paranoia, unashamedly so.
Unsurprisngly at all, from this poster.
How does it feel to display your insecurities on a public forum?

If it is BD McD we’ll know soon enough. When he throws his toys out the cot once again.

seeds wrote:If it is BD McD we’ll know soon enough. When he throws his toys out the cot once again.
Is throwing toys out of the cot on the same level as a disproportionate obsession about fretting about the identity of the boogieman on a Sunday night?

Obsessed, paranoid, knickers in a twist, fretting. Ha you read a bit too much into peoples comments don’t you. BD was good at that also.

It might be time to have a glass of milk and put yourself to bed.
Your obsession is quite sickening.

Actually, you’re too glib to to be BD. Thanks for the tip though!

I dunno what glib means.
But i'll add it to my 'pile' that i've been bestowed tonight.

So I was up checking the surf at my local yesterday.
Now I've travelled a bit, seen a few things in my time but I may have just witnessed peak (for now) fuckwittery.
I rocked up and there were two guys meditating on the headland.
Legs crossed, forefingers touching thumbs.
Quite public, ostentatious and poseur-ish but nothing too outrageous for this part of the world.
Then one of them spat a big dirty liquid stream onto the ground.
Then so did the other guy.
Every ten seconds or so, these fellas were just spitting out big streams on the ground next to them.
Then I realised they both had gobfulls of chewing tobacco.
And spitting out dirty brown muck onto the ground beside themselves, where people sit and kids play.
I turned to a group of chicks about five metres away and said "how spiritual's that! Meditating, and, spitting constantly!
I don't think they found it as fucked as I did but agreed all the same.

My fave bit is how you took a photo of them.
Rotten pricks

I should have got around in front of them and taken a video.

There is a man-bun waiting to be lopped.
The other guy looks like he as had the beeswax out. Organic! of coarse.

Anyone (stok, olddog, roadkill, hiccup, mikehunt and co) who blindly believed the government messaging is a fool:

MSM again?
Look, I know you got that story straight from your poster boy instagram hero, but it means very little.
Of course fear was used to get compliance, even guilt. They said it about mask wearing here in Aus - enforcement of mask rules made people take things more seriously.
This crisis was always on too large of a scale foe the average Joe to wrap their head around. The fact that hospitals were being overwhelmed didn't effect 90% of the population, as that 90% didn't need the hospitals then.
Think a little bigger Burleigh, apparently your good at that?

Stok wrote:MSM again?
Look, I know you got that story straight from your poster boy instagram hero, but it means very little.
Of course fear was used to get compliance, even guilt. They said it about mask wearing here in Aus - enforcement of mask rules made people take things more seriously.
This crisis was always on too large of a scale foe the average Joe to wrap their head around. The fact that hospitals were being overwhelmed didn't effect 90% of the population, as that 90% didn't need the hospitals then.
Think a little bigger Burleigh, apparently your good at that?
So you knew it was bullshit but still went along with it and belittled anyone that questioned the bullshit?
This speaks volumes about you Stok.

Geez Burleigh there was no fear amongst most of us. Unlike you most of us had to get the stupid bloody jab to keep our jobs. Most of us weren’t in a position to go from dual income raising kids paying mortgages to no income and defaulting on our homes. That’s the real crime here and we had no choice. Fuck you don’t call me a sheep.

seeds wrote:Geez Burleigh there was no fear amongst most of us. Unlike you most of us had to get the stupid bloody jab to keep our jobs. Most of us weren’t in a position to go from dual income raising kids paying mortgages to no income and defaulting on our homes. That’s the real crime here and we had no choice. Fuck you don’t call me a sheep.
No hate here if that was your position seeds. That fucking sucks.
When gritters like Stok claim that 95% of the eligible population got vaccinated, they claim they did it from a personal choice, however people like yourself had no choice, and that’s fucked.

Personally, I'm worried way more about tobacco-chewing hipster fuckwits than Covid these days.

@ Burliegh
Well that’s a noble thought but the reality is, in most cases, if you had a job, no matter what industry, you had to get 2 of the best or walk. I had to get 3.

burleigh wrote:So you knew it was bullshit but still went along with it and belittled anyone that questioned the bullshit?
This speaks volumes about you Stok.
I knew some of it was bullshit. The media absolutely played up the fear side of a said before fear sells clicks and engagement.
The gov certainly would've used this to get more to follow the rules, and they would've fanned the fear.
Pretty dumb convo to have though, not defending the pollies, just calling out that this isn't exactly breaking or new information

seeds wrote:Geez Burleigh there was no fear amongst most of us. Unlike you most of us had to get the stupid bloody jab to keep our jobs. Most of us weren’t in a position to go from dual income raising kids paying mortgages to no income and defaulting on our homes. That’s the real crime here and we had no choice. Fuck you don’t call me a sheep.
I got vaxxed for work number 1.
And the 2nd reason which I know sounds selfish and pretty fucked was so that I could go overseas.
I’d like to say that it was to “protect the vulnerable” but if I’m being 100% honest it wasn’t for that reason at all. Shit-house eh!

That’s a good sob story there seeds. Thanks for letting us know.
The only prob with your story is you didn’t come out and say it original. You didn’t call bullshit on stok and roadkill claiming 90 % of people got vaxed not because of work or heavy enforcement but because they were doing it out of free will. You said nothing mate. You hung burla out to dry.

By the time I had to get the 3rd it was well known it didn’t stop transmission, Omicron was weak as piss and the jabs had no lasting effect. But none the less out of nowhere, over a year after we had to have the first 2 we were made to get a 3rd by this such and such a date. A month after this they dropped the requirement for the 3rd after we’d all gone and got it.

AndyM wrote:Personally, I'm worried way more about tobacco-chewing hipster fuckwits than Covid these days.
Yeah the vaccine for that shit is pretty extreme. And the injection mechanism seems to closely resemble a gun….. I think it’s the same vaccine for leggie-less hipster longboarders in crowded line ups. You guys need to prevent the spread west or we’re lobbying McGowan for another border closure. (Jokes)

Alana_a wrote:That’s a good sob story there seeds. Thanks for letting us know.
The only prob with your story is you didn’t come out and say it original. You didn’t call bullshit on stok and roadkill claiming 90 % of people got vaxed not because of work or heavy enforcement but because they were doing it out of free will. You said nothing mate. You hung burla out to dry.
Not my job to look after Burliegh or support Stok or Roadkill. Fact is both sides were being ridiculous when the reality in the real world was exactly as I described. Just wanted to point this out.

seeds wrote:Alana_a wrote:That’s a good sob story there seeds. Thanks for letting us know.
The only prob with your story is you didn’t come out and say it original. You didn’t call bullshit on stok and roadkill claiming 90 % of people got vaxed not because of work or heavy enforcement but because they were doing it out of free will. You said nothing mate. You hung burla out to dry.Not my job to look after Burliegh or support Stok or Roadkill. Fact is both sides were being ridiculous when the reality in the real world was exactly as I described. Just wanted to point this out.
Seeds, i will order you a tin foil hat. Welcome to the club. AndyM has nearly earned his too.

Order stok a government badge while you’re at it. He’s nothing but a pathetic mouth piece.
I knew some of it was bullshit. The media absolutely played up the fear side of a said before fear sells clicks and engagement.
You didn’t know shit mate and retrospect is proving this. Keep telling us you knew it all.

burleigh wrote:seeds wrote:Alana_a wrote:That’s a good sob story there seeds. Thanks for letting us know.
The only prob with your story is you didn’t come out and say it original. You didn’t call bullshit on stok and roadkill claiming 90 % of people got vaxed not because of work or heavy enforcement but because they were doing it out of free will. You said nothing mate. You hung burla out to dry.Not my job to look after Burliegh or support Stok or Roadkill. Fact is both sides were being ridiculous when the reality in the real world was exactly as I described. Just wanted to point this out.
Seeds, i will order you a tin foil hat. Welcome to the club. AndyM has nearly earned his too.
Can I have a cock sheath instead please.

seeds wrote:burleigh wrote:seeds wrote:Alana_a wrote:That’s a good sob story there seeds. Thanks for letting us know.
The only prob with your story is you didn’t come out and say it original. You didn’t call bullshit on stok and roadkill claiming 90 % of people got vaxed not because of work or heavy enforcement but because they were doing it out of free will. You said nothing mate. You hung burla out to dry.Not my job to look after Burliegh or support Stok or Roadkill. Fact is both sides were being ridiculous when the reality in the real world was exactly as I described. Just wanted to point this out.
Seeds, i will order you a tin foil hat. Welcome to the club. AndyM has nearly earned his too.
Can I have a cock sheath instead please.
Not packing much heat?

Come on Burliegh don’t turn this place into a sausage factory.
Influencer being an influencer.