Australia - you're standing in it

Robwilliams wrote:Abc news
Interesting read, makes sense and smart way of doing things.

Robwilliams wrote:Abc news
So it is not really for disaster relief, more just like a savings account. Useful for when those car parks need to be built. Why limit the expenditure, surely it is needed when it's needed? And then not to have spent any of it? For f sake.

Scomo is praying hard (again) for those affected.

indo-dreaming wrote:Robwilliams wrote:Abc news
Interesting read, makes sense and smart way of doing things.
Oh FFS Indo, you'll make any excuse for these numpties.
That 'disaster fund' was supposed to help out people from the fires in July 19 through to February 20. Do you remember those? I do, because ScoMo sold this as his government's response to the bushfires. Since then we've had a once in a billion year fire, three once in a trillion year floods, and all you can say is 'makes sense and a smart way of doing things'.
Really? Really! At what point would you actually release the funds (other than just before the next election). Honestly mate, make an effort to not appear like a total brain dead LNP droog, just so we can give your comments some benefit of the doubt.
Fark me! You have to be kidding, right. Surely. Tell me that was a post just to wind me up.

Hows dutton’s “ go fund me “ going for the Qld flood victims ? Has the Red Cross and other orgs started passing the hat around again yet ? They raised a fair quid last time, pity it didn’t get passed on to the bushfire victims, think they were saving it for a rainy day , well , it’s raining.

Dutton copped quite a serve, apparently, from the Twitterati, pointing out the fact that 'hey, aren't you in the government. why aren't you sorting this out.'
Now, I'm not a member of the twitterati, but they got this right. He is a fool's fool, the capo do tutti capi fool, the big cheese fool, the chief fool, the head honcho fool, the numero uno fool, the grand poobah fool. Hmmm, must be more.

batfink wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Robwilliams wrote:Abc news
Interesting read, makes sense and smart way of doing things.
Oh FFS Indo, you'll make any excuse for these numpties.
That 'disaster fund' was supposed to help out people from the fires in July 19 through to February 20. Do you remember those? I do, because ScoMo sold this as his government's response to the bushfires. Since then we've had a once in a billion year fire, three once in a trillion year floods, and all you can say is 'makes sense and a smart way of doing things'.
Really? Really! At what point would you actually release the funds (other than just before the next election). Honestly mate, make an effort to not appear like a total brain dead LNP droog, just so we can give your comments some benefit of the doubt.
Fark me! You have to be kidding, right. Surely. Tell me that was a post just to wind me up.
Look Batfink, im not going to argue with you, you have shown time and time again to have a marxist/socialist/communist view point, one that lacks common sense.
This is common sense:
"That's why about four years ago the federal government set aside roughly $4 billion for the Emergency Response Fund (ERF).
All that money would be invested, and the returns used to provide tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars a year to both respond to disasters and mitigate future ones.
At the end of last year, that investment had returned the best part of a billion dollars."
Instead of blowing all that money in one go, it's invested to provide a much better ongoing return to provide funds for a variety of natural disasters.
All that said people also need to move away from a view point of always thinking the government is going to bail them out, if you buy smack bang on the beach, expect erosion dont expect the government to build a big erosion control wall, if you buy in Cairns or Darwin etc expect to one day be hit by a cyclone, if you buy in an area near a river or flood plain expect to one day be flooded, if you buy in an area surrounded by bush expect to one day be hit by fire, same deal with having huge trees right next to your house if you dont cut them down expect one day a storm will topple it on your house.
If you want to roll the dice with these things, take out very expensive insurance for these things and be clever in how you build.

Abc news
Is the profitable business of labour hire being questioned at its core?

Very concerning development:
Now, who was last to try to break the sea-lane link USWestCoast/Pearl/Brisbane?
Tho, further from home, further extended, more risk for them...
Edit: move fits in line with authoritarian regimes expanding their influence where they can, Russia in Ukraine being the most overt example presently. It seems the democracies at some point are going to have to make a choice and confront this, feels like the ball is rolling now.

In 2013 oil was $110 USD a barrel and petrol in Australia was $1.50 AUD a litre , today oil is $107 USD a barrel and petrol is $2.29 AUD a litre . Can someone explain this to me please .

Supafreak wrote:In 2013 oil was $110 USD a barrel and petrol in Australia was $1.50 AUD a litre , today oil is $107 USD a barrel and petrol is $2.29 AUD a litre . Can someone explain this to me please .
Me too.

Supafreak wrote:In 2013 oil was $110 USD a barrel and petrol in Australia was $1.50 AUD a litre , today oil is $107 USD a barrel and petrol is $2.29 AUD a litre . Can someone explain this to me please .
Me too.

Supafreak back in 2013 we were getting 25% more bang for our buck against the USD

And one of the major oil suppliers back then hadn't embarked on their Ukrainian crusade yet as well.

garyg1412 wrote:And one of the major oil suppliers back then hadn't embarked on their Ukrainian crusade yet as well.
Russia is about 10% of the supply, rite? How is that going to cause a 35%-50% hike. Even with 25% reduced capacity of the dollar au. Disaster capitalism?
Ukraine being a marketing opportunity more so than a logistics problem.

garyg1412 wrote:Supafreak back in 2013 we were getting 25% more bang for our buck against the USD
Ok thanks GG I should have looked at exchange rate for 2013 first , 97 cents

Supafreak wrote:garyg1412 wrote:Supafreak back in 2013 we were getting 25% more bang for our buck against the USD
Ok thanks GG I should have looked at exchange rate for 2013 first , 97 cents
Supafreak when it hits 97 cents again buy yourself an Isurus wetsuit :)

garyg1412 wrote:Supafreak wrote:garyg1412 wrote:Supafreak back in 2013 we were getting 25% more bang for our buck against the USD
Ok thanks GG I should have looked at exchange rate for 2013 first , 97 cents
Supafreak when it hits 97 cents again buy yourself an Isurus wetsuit :)
I will be living back in indo by the time it’s 97cents again, I’ve got a short sleeved hyperfreak 2mill , does the job , very impressed with how far wetsuits have come , didn’t need one for 12 years.

Indo-dreaming wrote:Look Batfink, im not going to argue with you, you have shown time and time again to have a marxist/socialist/communist view point, one that lacks common sense.
This is common sense:
"That's why about four years ago the federal government set aside roughly $4 billion for the Emergency Response Fund (ERF).
All that money would be invested, and the returns used to provide tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars a year to both respond to disasters and mitigate future ones.
At the end of last year, that investment had returned the best part of a billion dollars."
Instead of blowing all that money in one go, it's invested to provide a much better ongoing return to provide funds for a variety of natural disasters..
You’re not going to argue with me, and then you did. Well, you tried anyway, consistent at least.
Marxist/Socialist/Communist!! Little old me? You praise me unjustly there Indo. Worse still, you think those are terms of abuse rather than descriptions of a political philosophy. Worse again, you have no idea what the terms mean. Like ‘woke’, they just mean something in your head, something that nobody else understands or has insight to.
If we are going to be talking about politically closed minds, you are top of the tree. Numero uno, the big cheese, the top dog, the big kahuna.
As for this ‘investment’ that has made nearly a billion dollars (fudging there, but you’re a liberal, so outright exaggeration is quite ok). Are you aware that when Morrison put this forward as his ‘announceable’ (because that’s what he does, all announcement, no follow through, except at Engadine Maccas) he described it as a fund to meet emergencies and rebuild communities in the political heat of the moment. He didn’t announce a fund to go to investments that would one day make some money that might, or might not, ever be spent on said communities.
And what do you think of governments creating money to investment in private markets? You free market, no role for government guys should be off the hook about that, but consistency or analysis isn’t your game. Are you aware that the government borrowed the money to put it in this fund, and they are paying interest on that?
You’re a cheerleader Indo, pom-poms and all. There isn’t common sense, there isn’t analysis, there isn’t any real idea how governments work. You’re a shill, an empty suit. In that sense you have found your home in the liberal party.
As for my politics, I’m certainly not a communist (even in whatever sense of the word your mind interprets that).
There is no party that represents my political philosophy, but for what it’s worth, the period of greatest economic expansion was the post war years where govts in all western countries were hands-on market socialist economies.
Just the facts.

Of course you’re not going to argue with me, because you can’t do it. You don’t debate, you don’t argue, you just spiel LNP talking points and say ‘these are the facts’, and tell everyone else that what they are doing ‘is not common sense’.
You’re an automaton, a wind-up LNP talking points repeater.
You were a young liberal at uni, weren’t you Indo.

batfink wrote:Indo-dreaming wrote:Look Batfink, im not going to argue with you, you have shown time and time again to have a marxist/socialist/communist view point, one that lacks common sense.
This is common sense:
"That's why about four years ago the federal government set aside roughly $4 billion for the Emergency Response Fund (ERF).
All that money would be invested, and the returns used to provide tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars a year to both respond to disasters and mitigate future ones.
At the end of last year, that investment had returned the best part of a billion dollars."
Instead of blowing all that money in one go, it's invested to provide a much better ongoing return to provide funds for a variety of natural disasters..
You’re not going to argue with me, and then you did. Well, you tried anyway, consistent at least.
Marxist/Socialist/Communist!! Little old me? You praise me unjustly there Indo. Worse still, you think those are terms of abuse rather than descriptions of a political philosophy. Worse again, you have no idea what the terms mean. Like ‘woke’, they just mean something in your head, something that nobody else understands or has insight to.
If we are going to be talking about politically closed minds, you are top of the tree. Numero uno, the big cheese, the top dog, the big kahuna.
As for this ‘investment’ that has made nearly a billion dollars (fudging there, but you’re a liberal, so outright exaggeration is quite ok). Are you aware that when Morrison put this forward as his ‘announceable’ (because that’s what he does, all announcement, no follow through, except at Engadine Maccas) he described it as a fund to meet emergencies and rebuild communities in the political heat of the moment. He didn’t announce a fund to go to investments that would one day make some money that might, or might not, ever be spent on said communities.
And what do you think of governments creating money to investment in private markets? You free market, no role for government guys should be off the hook about that, but consistency or analysis isn’t your game. Are you aware that the government borrowed the money to put it in this fund, and they are paying interest on that?
You’re a cheerleader Indo, pom-poms and all. There isn’t common sense, there isn’t analysis, there isn’t any real idea how governments work. You’re a shill, an empty suit. In that sense you have found your home in the liberal party.
As for my politics, I’m certainly not a communist (even in whatever sense of the word your mind interprets that).
There is no party that represents my political philosophy, but for what it’s worth, the period of greatest economic expansion was the post war years where govts in all western countries were hands-on market socialist economies.
Just the facts.
Good comment.

WOW , I’ve butted heads with Batfink a few times but that was a pretty awesome summary.

batfink wrote:You were a young liberal at uni, weren’t you Indo.
Ha ha are you just trying to wind me up, as if i went to Uni, i was a dole bulging surfer bum, barely anyone i knew went to uni and the few that did either dropped out or never used their arts degree.
Ive said it numerous times before my voting history, Greens-Labor-indepedents-this time will be the first time i vote LNP.
BTW. the very fact you think Marxism/Communism/Socialism are in anyway positive ideals is scary and a real problem these days generally among the young though that don't know the dark history of these ideologies..

Actually Batfink, can we do that one? Can we compare the rates of growth Western nations postwar, with that of the last peak of free-trade, hard-money globalism leading up to 1914. but more specifically 1905? Which datasets would do?

indo-dreaming wrote:batfink wrote:You were a young liberal at uni, weren’t you Indo.
Ha ha are you just trying to wind me up, as if i went to Uni, i was a dole bulging surfer bum, barely anyone i knew went to uni and the few that did either dropped out or never used their arts degree.
Ive said it numerous times before my voting history, Greens-Labor-indepedents-this time will be the first time i vote LNP.
BTW. the very fact you think Marxism/Communism/Socialism are in anyway positive ideals is scary and a real problem these days generally among the young though that don't know the dark history of these ideologies..
Haha, the very thought of you going to uni, Indo. Nothing you have ever posted shows even the remotest evidence of that. You may be late to the LNP party but you have the full on zeal of the newly converted. Carry on.

I reckon the learning curve was short and steep before stalling all together or to put it another way is that 15 years experience he has or 1 years experience experienced 15 times over?

Hardly matters Guy, same old same old. Could never understand why the crew of the Minnow and guests could never get off that island. That professor fellow was pretty sharp, and Thurston Howell was as rich as Croesus apparently. Perpetual groundhog day.

ABC being a bit timid?

Iconic iconography

velocityjohnno wrote:
Bit of a Catch 22 when you look at the place nowadays and the raw beauty that is the South West Conservation Area.
I suppose the question is if they drain it will it return to it's former beauty!! Probably should have been left alone in the first place.

To drain it would leave a lot of lake bed currently. How it would re-vegetate? Dunno

Aussie consumer confidence:
down, down under it's average since December 2021. Plumbing for the April 2020 low.

Nothing to be learned, just a hatchett job on Scotty.

“At the centre of it will be the foreign political party News Corp. Despite its irrelevance to mainstream Australia being demonstrated by the election result, “
Well, that just called bullshit on everything you’ve been saying for the last decade about Murdoch controlling Australians. And you agree with it enough to think it’s deserving of a repeated posting. I guess flip flopping on your fundamental beliefs ain’t no thang when you’re being told there’s a New Current Thing.

cooking (the East coast) with gas
from article:
East coast $35/Gj
WA $<6/Gj
Production cost $1/Gj

I think there is going to be a very, very hard landing for Albo once he comes off the honeymoon- which I will predict will officially end when the full fuel excise comes back in Sep.
Overnight 20 cents/litre increase in fuel, electricity prices up, food, housing costs all up.
there is going to be a massive price shock happening under current trajectories and all the talk about cost of living is going to be quicksand under the legislative agenda of the Govt.

velocityjohnno wrote:cooking (the East coast) with gas
from article:
East coast $35/Gj
WA $<6/Gj
Production cost $1/Gj
Plus the gas is sold to China at $4 less than we pay for our own resource. This is after the gas exporters lied that they had enough gas to justify their projects when the condition for construction was that the6 wouldn’t Hoover up all the east coast gas supplies. They lied , the gas was hoovered up and the politicians refuse to implement the legal Dom gas reservation mechanism which was created for this very situation. The same Dom gas mechanism which gives WA it’s cheaper gas.

Yep, nothing's changed since my Aussie grandfather sold cane at sixpence a ton.
Time for a letter to your new woke member I would think, as suggested here:
How smart does WA look now?
Also, feel quite filthy for writing 'new woke member' above...

Agree FR on the landing after the honeymoon.
Here's more:
Still frantic work around here for the young one, lots of different jobs too which keeps life interesting. He had so many days when starting on concrete prep we were referring to it as 'liquid carpentry'.

freeride76 wrote:I think there is going to be a very, very hard landing for Albo once he comes off the honeymoon- which I will predict will officially end when the full fuel excise comes back in Sep.
Overnight 20 cents/litre increase in fuel, electricity prices up, food, housing costs all up.
there is going to be a massive price shock happening under current trajectories and all the talk about cost of living is going to be quicksand under the legislative agenda of the Govt.
Seems likely.
I think I might start hoarding fuel in 44gallon drums Mad Max style over the next few months.
The "I can't believe it's not politics" thread.