All Things Religion Thread

Jelly Flater wrote:Thank god for the real George ;)
Well, you cant argue with George on that one !!

Haha flopti ;);)
Yes. Pray for those who apparently persecute you ;)
The victim mindset is still strong…
Does that mean you pray for the catholic church which you accused of persecuting christians ;);)
Not sure the flopti wishes to understand the principles of hypocrisy - or is maybe just too far gone into the fantasy realm.
Your words : ‘I’m just a useless human like everyone else full of faults and battling my way through a fallen world’
Just because you perceive yourself this way does not mean it is that way for everyone else! And your ‘fallen world’ is of your own creation ;)
If you are ‘useless’, then of course you require the intervention of an imaginary power to save you ;)
Yes, everyone has faults. Only true word spoken there…
- When you wish to ‘opt out’, maybe consider doing so in regard to attempting to force your own individual religious convictions onto others as though they are fact. You want to dish out advice that’s not even your own yet not consider anything coming back at you ;)
The personal flopti scenario projected is not reality, just a mirror of your own sad soul, and an invention of a depressed mindset ;)
Perhaps look into the truth of how you may have the capacity to still change that - and of your own accord!
Don’t pretend this is a fallen world either - after all, you reckon it’s god’s creation ;);)
Might be time to try live up to the title of ‘optimist’… pandering to delusions and self deceptive tendencies may only land u in the same place pell resides.
Cheer up buttercup ;)

Scale up your mind….it’s easy to be trapped in the here and now. The pressures of the modern age tend to keep the mind tightly held in a box. It’s no one’s fault but it’s there anyway. The trick is to look up and out of the matrix and see the vast and bigger picture. We have a creator and His son and a garden planted long ago. Inhabitants planted too, many of whom have base little minds bound on war with each other and their environment instead of enjoying the natural world given to us. Technology to make life better seems to be making life harder..Unfortunately, this is the side effect of free will. You can only plant and see what grows. Weeds come up too….poor choices by free thinkers have poor results.
It’s why Gods intervention was so important…the Son who was with the Father in the beginning sharing the same Ghost or spirit came to visit. Born of a woman, born under the law shows us the way to live and love….Life is a lot like going to the gym…we have to have a vision of where we want to be, then ask the trainer to intervene…then the sweat comes and the flab starts to turn to muscle…but without the trainer to watch over you it’s easy to drift….this applies with God as well…He needs to be invited into your life and He will come….you will see things more clearly and the world will become much more simple and orderly for you…materialism will become irrelevant and ungodly passions boring…the simple things , the low tech things the family and friends things the natural things all more enjoyable as the plastic fades away. Everything you need in life (not what you want) will be supplied for you if you trust God…..when a kid asks dad for chocolate dad says yes son ..have some chocolate…the son asks again and dad says yes son have some more chocolate…..the son asked again and dad says no son ..I love you but too much chocolate is bad for you….Dad knows best because He can see a broader picture……Jesus loves us very much and knows what we need and when we need it but this needs to be a harmonious relationship….with Him as our trainer and advocate and God as our father we can only improve and slowly turn that flab into spiritual muscle.

Optimist wrote:Scale up your mind….it’s easy to be trapped in the here and now. The pressures of the modern age tend to keep the mind tightly held in a box. It’s no one’s fault but it’s there anyway. The trick is to look up and out of the matrix and see the vast and bigger picture. We have a creator and His son and a garden planted long ago. Inhabitants planted too, many of whom have base little minds bound on war with each other and their environment instead of enjoying the natural world given to us. Technology to make life better seems to be making life harder..Unfortunately, this is the side effect of free will. You can only plant and see what grows. Weeds come up too….poor choices by free thinkers have poor results.
It’s why Gods intervention was so important…the Son who was with the Father in the beginning sharing the same Ghost or spirit came to visit. Born of a woman, born under the law shows us the way to live and love….Life is a lot like going to the gym…we have to have a vision of where we want to be, then ask the trainer to intervene…then the sweat comes and the flab starts to turn to muscle…but without the trainer to watch over you it’s easy to drift….this applies with God as well…He needs to be invited into your life and He will come….you will see things more clearly and the world will become much more simple and orderly for you…materialism will become irrelevant and ungodly passions boring…the simple things , the low tech things the family and friends things the natural things all more enjoyable as the plastic fades away. Everything you need in life (not what you want) will be supplied for you if you trust God…..when a kid asks dad for chocolate dad says yes son ..have some chocolate…the son asks again and dad says yes son have some more chocolate…..the son asked again and dad says no son ..I love you but too much chocolate is bad for you….Dad knows best because He can see a broader picture……Jesus loves us very much and knows what we need and when we need it but this needs to be a harmonious relationship….with Him as our trainer and advocate and God as our father we can only improve and slowly turn that flab into spiritual muscle.
Optimist. Morning. Pretty good writing on your behalf. I’d remove the words God and Jesus and all of that could make a bit of sense. Enjoy your day AW.

Plagiarism is a sin.

“ Scale up your mind….it’s easy to be trapped in the here and now. The pressures of the modern age tend to keep the mind tightly held in a box….”
Couldn’t agree more Optimist; now tell us all again about your previously often repeated view that Brittany Higgins’ motivation on making public her alleged rape in Parliament House needed to be seriously questioned.
You give genuine humble spiritual people a bad rap you lowlife hypocrite

Stuart Lickspittler wrote:Plagiarism is a sin.
But ChatGPT makes life easier.

Will need to be a big shakeup in school and uni assessment methods, particularly online uni degrees.
One could nearly do a whole uni degree, even a masters, with ChatGP now and not actually learn anything, and it’s only getting smarter.

gsco wrote:Will need to be a big shakeup in school and uni assessment methods, particularly online uni degrees.
One could nearly do a whole uni degree, even a masters, with ChatGP now and not actually learn anything, and it’s only getting smarter.
Easy to buy a paper on your given topic too. I don't think it (ai) is a bad thing, just means, as you say, a different approach to assessment. Which is a good thing.

Jeez Louise, even more dumb as dogshit economics/finance students. Right wing apocalypse comin' RIGHT up.
Elon beam me up, pretty please.

Happy surfing swellnutters. I been giving chatgpt a solid testing. So far davetherave way out ahead. It is honest though and tells me about it's limitations.
Just like our beliefs. Are they really ours or are they fabrications? Yes, we made them up or we gave it meaning.
But none the less, they are just perceptions.
Please don't take them too seriously and I invite you to change your perceptions as you evolve, which we all are.
Rather than seeing all this diversity as something to judge, just see it all as an expression, life expressing itself.
Ex, there is an optimistic perspective that believes in a thing called god that has a son called Jesus Christ who is a stuff of legend, is not good, bad, ugly or even ridiculous, it's just an expression of life, nothing more, nothing less.
If you practice this perspective you begin to see life as a wonderful continual expression, not as some fucked up human viral polluting mislead mess. Ha ha
It's only life, it and you are eternal, so have some fun for god's sake. Eddie would go!

Stuart Lickspittler wrote:Jeez Louise, even more dumb as dogshit economics/finance students. Right wing apocalypse comin' RIGHT up.
Elon beam me up, pretty please.
On fire today facto, big night last night?

Time to ‘scale up your mind’ ;);)
Thanks for the advice and all flopti…
Remember this gem of yours from back on page 9 of this thread ;);)
“There are actually 3 heavens in translation, the sky above is the first, space is the second and planet Heaven the third. ( paul talked about the third heaven) You get to planet heaven after your spirit leaves your body. When you die your spirit descends into the heart of the earth and waits. Then if approved by God you are lifted up and go through the tunnel which is probably like a wormhole in Sci Fi. If unapproved you will wait for judgement but there is no time there so you wouldn't know if you've been there a year or a hundred years. At the end of the tunnel you will be greeted by The Christ Himself in His glorified form and put on planet Heaven, a very beautiful and physical place and in your brand new physical body. Earth will also be renewed after the great tribulation so for a time there will still be two seperate habitations and eventually just one.
It is comforting to know that on my death, my heavenly father will still look after me and guide my spirit or "actual person" through the maze of death and to the renewed and promised life.“
… sounds like the ramblings of ‘a mind tightly held in a box’.
- and this is the result of ‘seeing things more clearly’ and a representation of ‘spiritual muscle’ ?
Spare us please - what a pile of fantastical stinking bullshit ;);)

Flopti proudly states :
‘…it’s easy to be trapped in the here and now.’
And :
‘…poor choices by free thinkers have poor results’
Now ?
There is no being ‘trapped in the here and now’. Wtf is that ? The here and now IS the here and now ;);)
Here and now is reality. And here and now is changing and evolving and growing - here AND now ;);)
If you are ‘trapped’ or perceive the here and now as a trap then that is you…
Get it. That is YOU trapped. Not anybody else.
- And if that is the case for you, and hence your message is that ‘it’s easy to be trapped in the here and now’, well, sorry but that is an indication of your inability to accept or understand reality.
So… keep on keeping on wif your Sunday sermons. Nice try and all ;)
But - just a reminder for you of another pearl of wisdom from earlier in this thread.
These are your words :
“ I'll give you some keys to help unlock things yourselves....This requires some Revelation research and deep thought.
Try and picture the disciple John on a prison Island trying to figure out what Jesus was showing him in the future 2000 years ago with no knowledge of our modern world.
A rough outline but some food for thought.
The first beast is a man empowered by Satan ( from the abyss)
The second empowered by the Vatican . The Vatican (Vaticaanus) means Divining Serpent (from the earth)
The symbols of Satan are the Dragon and the Serpent.
The image of the beast is probably a Quantum computer with A.I. think Skynet. It is given life and also speaks ...A.I. again. and Siri on steroids.
The worlds finance system will be controlled by a global bank using this quantum computer system...a quantum is 100,000,000 times faster than our best now. Just add A.I and you have a real treasure. Google and China already have them.
They are building two giant computers now , one in Brussels for the EU and one in America.
The most corrupt bank on earth is the Deutsche Bank, the biggest bank in Germany and one of in the world with assets of 3 Trillion dollars and is the one that financed the Nazis and sold all the stolen gold from the Jews to finance Hitler. They launder criminal money to this day. Their main share holder is now China (the dragon again) and everyone owes them money.
The swift code for the Deutsche Bank is guessed it 666
Rome and the Vatican sit on 7 hills or mountains
2 of the last 4 popes were Hitler youth.
China the dragon will work with the serpent to bring about a cashless society with a central core and one leader the new anti christ.
The beast will require everyone to be implanted with an RF chip in their right hand or a detailed facial scan"fore head" or they will not be able to trade...Do not get this!
With no cash we will enter into a new age of slavery and the mind programming has already started with the banks and Dept stores selling fear under the covid banner.
The ten kings who give their power to the beast are the new world order which has already been decided by the Club of Rome years ago.
The Club of Rome is a global think tank that has decided to divide the world into 10 financial sectors with 10 leaders (the 10 kings) One of their members is Henry Kissinger who help start the EFTPOS system.“
- this is your version of ‘deep thought’ ;)
Sounds more like poor choices from your own free thinking… and certainly producing poor results !
Straight up lies and hypocrisy.
Great story tho ;)

Jelly I’m honoured that you reading my old posts and as far as your limited mind in your little box can understand, there is a big universe out there and an even bigger creator. I have personally met two people who have died ,descended, travelled the tunnel, met the glorified Christ at the other end , saw heaven and were asked if they wanted to go back and finish something unfinished. One was Ian McCormack who was killed by 5 box Jelly’s….jelly, ..his original testimony is available on you tube…terrific bloke…for a kiwi..ha….the other a Pastor named Archie from Melbourne who died in a car crash and pronounced dead at the scene…He created quite a scene with the ambos and firies when he stood up again and blood started squirting out his holes…another incredible guy whom I had over for dinner one night. His guitar playing and song worship that evening had something not of this world in it…But if you feel safe and unthreatened in your little world you stay right there Jelly ..good for you…..and guy, I’m glad Brittany got her undisclosed multi million dollar payout from the Labor party…good on her.

Hahahaha… oh, the honour is mine ;)
Nice try, again ;)
Notice a common theme ?
You’re always talking about other people’s supposed experiences to try validate your theories…
Just coz you met someone or know someone or had dinner with someone blah blah doesn’t mean shit.
You are relying always on exterior events to back up your wild and imaginary beliefs.
They are beliefs. Continue to enjoy them and occupy your peanut brain with them all you like ;)
When you have your own authentic experience of life (or near death) please relay the significance and provide all the detail you want.
‘His guitar playing and song worship that evening had something not of this world in it’
- notice also the emphasis of things not being of this world.
How sad you are always searching and seeking and being obsessed with things that have ‘something not of this world in it’.
Funny though. Pretty sure you and I and anybody else of this world actually reside right here - in this world.
Thanks, though, for more entertaining story telling stuff and fairytale inspired events. Pity none of these tall tales are actually yours !
Flopti… the Great Pretender ;)

Further evidence that you’re a nasty piece of work there opti no compassion just a cheap barb

Optimist wrote:Jelly I’m honoured that you reading my old posts and as far as your limited mind in your little box can understand, there is a big universe out there and an even bigger creator. I have personally met two people who have died ,descended, travelled the tunnel, met the glorified Christ at the other end , saw heaven and were asked if they wanted to go back and finish something unfinished. One was Ian McCormack who was killed by 5 box Jelly’s….jelly, ..his original testimony is available on you tube…terrific bloke…for a kiwi..ha….the other a Pastor named Archie from Melbourne who died in a car crash and pronounced dead at the scene…He created quite a scene with the ambos and firies when he stood up again and blood started squirting out his holes…another incredible guy whom I had over for dinner one night. His guitar playing and song worship that evening had something not of this world in it…But if you feel safe and unthreatened in your little world you stay right there Jelly ..good for you…..and guy, I’m glad Brittany got her undisclosed multi million dollar payout from the Labor party…good on her.
I Also saw this when lord Voldemort killed Harry Potter. Amazingly Harry Potter returned from the dead too.

Ah, so attached to our perspective we choose to be nasty. Easy to listen to your ego or your conscious mind, your identity. Thank it, bless it, but then choose that macro part of yourself. Try it. If you practice this you will send loving kindness instead of reactive defensive attacks. You will still be yourself, but the version of yourself that knows it's connection to The All. Knowing instead of believing becomes the operating system, and man, it fucking rocks. It's a very joyful experience. Sign up today, all you need to do is say yes, I agree to be the real me, not the avatar me.

Optimist wrote:Jelly I’m honoured that you reading my old posts and as far as your limited mind in your little box can understand, there is a big universe out there and an even bigger creator. I have personally met two people who have died ,descended, travelled the tunnel, met the glorified Christ at the other end , saw heaven and were asked if they wanted to go back and finish something unfinished. One was Ian McCormack who was killed by 5 box Jelly’s….jelly, ..his original testimony is available on you tube…terrific bloke…for a kiwi..ha….the other a Pastor named Archie from Melbourne who died in a car crash and pronounced dead at the scene…He created quite a scene with the ambos and firies when he stood up again and blood started squirting out his holes…another incredible guy whom I had over for dinner one night. His guitar playing and song worship that evening had something not of this world in it…But if you feel safe and unthreatened in your little world you stay right there Jelly ..good for you…..and guy, I’m glad Brittany got her undisclosed multi million dollar payout from the Labor party…good on her.
Optimist. See, early this morning i gave you a little wrap, a little one at that, but now you’ve regressed and gone back to your silly ways and all that mythical shit. You believe in GOD, so thats your belief, i believe in NO GOoD, its way better fun, all the drinks, the parties, drugs and wild times in my church, The Church of the Open Sky a place where all of evolutions beauty lies not it some novel that was invented some 6500 years ago, so you and your mob all say. Keep on keeping on. AW.

Hi Dave. I enjoyed those last 2 posts of yours. Speaks, broadly, to how i try to go. I fail alot at it. Particularly in spaces like this one where anonymity creates triggers for all. I notice that you've gotten no run with those thoughts. No replies. I have found, and i believe you have too, that most don't wanna hear it. Especially in a space like this, where we come and go lead by ego. That is the point of a space like this, content/context aside. Yew. Go well, Dave.

We heard it, we were nodding our heads silently. Perhaps there is nothing more to be said.

People of the world. Relax.
A quote from a literary parrot!

davetherave wrote:Ah, so attached to our perspective we choose to be nasty. Easy to listen to your ego or your conscious mind, your identity. Thank it, bless it, but then choose that macro part of yourself. Try it. If you practice this you will send loving kindness instead of reactive defensive attacks. You will still be yourself, but the version of yourself that knows it's connection to The All. Knowing instead of believing becomes the operating system, and man, it fucking rocks. It's a very joyful experience. Sign up today, all you need to do is say yes, I agree to be the real me, not the avatar me.
Do not usually want to comment on this forum, but great post...

Seeing as we are digging up old posts.....

I find Optimist"s previously stated positions pretty extreme; a mixture of unquestioning faith based (zealot like) thought and far right political ideology. The sort of blind thinking that Australia rejected at the last election. His bottom line is all other religions, faiths, spiritual practices and indigenous culture e.g. Aboriginal dreaming are secondary to his "one true god". And yet he gets on here inviting us to liberate our minds or to watch some faith affirming DVDs called the chosen. Incidentally, what all knowing and loving god "test" his children and "choose" or unchoose" one over the other; yes we all have our favourite kids but we are supposedly talking about eternal misery here!. But what he really is talking about is his brand of all singing all dancing waving your hands in the air "americanised" christian religion that preaches the prosperity gospel, believe and you will be (materially) rewarded, believe harder even more rewards and here us mere mortals were thinking our spiritual beliefs such as they are were something all together different.

Opti is very skilled at not answering difficult questions.
Here is another one. A religious person I know has a strange debilitating illness that has lasted over 6 years. His life is tough. Lots of pain. Affects his whole family. He prays for help, his wife prays for him, his whole church prays for him.
Thousands of prayers unanswered. If the big fella is all powerful that is just cruel to ignore the prayers..
Judge by the fruit on the tree.
No fruit that I can see.
Why would all those prayers not work?

It’s just his way of testing our faith frog.
Don’t you know anything? :)

It’s just like all those children who have died horrible deaths at an early age and at the same time murderers paedophiles and crooks died peacefully in their bed at a ripe old age.
It’s just his way of testing our faith.

I like the part where humans are the only mammals that go to heaven. Must be something to do with our superior brain........... hmmmmmmm

Where did you get that from Burleigh…the book of Ecclesiastes says “who can tell?”.. regarding healing, there is always a reason…it’s usually a faith issue or unforgiveness. You aren’t allowed to hate anyone, even those who have wronged you. It stops the healing process. At the end of the day if your numbers up it’s up. My best friend died young and when he did his entire family sparked up and honoured what he taught them by joining a great little church and helping many..they are now powering and very happy…he would have been stoked and I’m sure he knows…I was upset and had why God questions as he was my Christian brother and surf buddy and I loved him …we were a lot alike..we frothed on our boards cars boats isolated spots etc building stuff ....And also…no one gets away with evil and the little ones who have been mistreated by evil people have a better place to go. They will remember none of it in Gods kingdom , in Gods love and in their new body.

“And also…no one gets away with evil and the little ones who have been mistreated by evil people have a better place to go. They will remember none of it in Gods kingdom , in Gods love and in their new body.”
Still didn’t answer the question tho did ya, conveniently, why would god let it happen in the first place?

velocityjohnno wrote:We heard it, we were nodding our heads silently. Perhaps there is nothing more to be said.
Hi VJ. Yeah, and my apology for the chastising way I chose to express myself. Came from the frustration of watching all the trolling. I think the "silently nodding" bit coulda been added to with some validation. I tried and failed to do that, becoming what I despise.This is why i don't post too much on here. Just me heading towards my lesser self. Bad direction with bad consequences. None of us are solving anything on here. Just blowing hot air. All in good fun, I spose. If there is an Elite with bad organized intent... these anonymous spaces are exactly what they need. Keep us divided and exchanging at the lowest common denominators. Anyhow.... I gotta get back to work. 0106 at my spot in the world and I have a project to get on wheels, which I am procrastinating about, lol. With stormy weather around here this beginning of the new year and a recently busy schedule, I haven't been wet in a bit. Goin out this morn after work. Incoming tide 3-5 ft... 13 second intervals, it seems. Beach break. Windy and choppy today. Means Sharky around here, but i need to go. Be well.

Optimist wrote:Where did you get that from Burleigh…the book of Ecclesiastes says “who can tell?”.. regarding healing, there is always a reason…it’s usually a faith issue or unforgiveness. You aren’t allowed to hate anyone, even those who have wronged you. It stops the healing process. At the end of the day if your numbers up it’s up. My best friend died young and when he did his entire family sparked up and honoured what he taught them by joining a great little church and helping many..they are now powering and very happy…he would have been stoked and I’m sure he knows…I was upset and had why God questions as he was my Christian brother and surf buddy and I loved him …we were a lot alike..we frothed on our boards cars boats isolated spots etc building stuff ....And also…no one gets away with evil and the little ones who have been mistreated by evil people have a better place to go. They will remember none of it in Gods kingdom , in Gods love and in their new body.
Which testament is that from? The first wrong one or the other wrong one?

Jelly Flater wrote:Flopti proudly states :
‘…it’s easy to be trapped in the here and now.’
And :
‘…poor choices by free thinkers have poor results’
Now ?
There is no being ‘trapped in the here and now’. Wtf is that ? The here and now IS the here and now ;);)Here and now is reality. And here and now is changing and evolving and growing - here AND now ;);)
If you are ‘trapped’ or perceive the here and now as a trap then that is you…
Get it. That is YOU trapped. Not anybody else.
- And if that is the case for you, and hence your message is that ‘it’s easy to be trapped in the here and now’, well, sorry but that is an indication of your inability to accept or understand reality.So… keep on keeping on wif your Sunday sermons. Nice try and all ;)
But - just a reminder for you of another pearl of wisdom from earlier in this thread.
These are your words :
“ I'll give you some keys to help unlock things yourselves....This requires some Revelation research and deep thought.
Try and picture the disciple John on a prison Island trying to figure out what Jesus was showing him in the future 2000 years ago with no knowledge of our modern world.
A rough outline but some food for thought.
The first beast is a man empowered by Satan ( from the abyss)
The second empowered by the Vatican . The Vatican (Vaticaanus) means Divining Serpent (from the earth)
The symbols of Satan are the Dragon and the Serpent.
The image of the beast is probably a Quantum computer with A.I. think Skynet. It is given life and also speaks ...A.I. again. and Siri on steroids.
The worlds finance system will be controlled by a global bank using this quantum computer system...a quantum is 100,000,000 times faster than our best now. Just add A.I and you have a real treasure. Google and China already have them.
They are building two giant computers now , one in Brussels for the EU and one in America.
The most corrupt bank on earth is the Deutsche Bank, the biggest bank in Germany and one of in the world with assets of 3 Trillion dollars and is the one that financed the Nazis and sold all the stolen gold from the Jews to finance Hitler. They launder criminal money to this day. Their main share holder is now China (the dragon again) and everyone owes them money.
The swift code for the Deutsche Bank is guessed it 666
Rome and the Vatican sit on 7 hills or mountains
2 of the last 4 popes were Hitler youth.
China the dragon will work with the serpent to bring about a cashless society with a central core and one leader the new anti christ.
The beast will require everyone to be implanted with an RF chip in their right hand or a detailed facial scan"fore head" or they will not be able to trade...Do not get this!
With no cash we will enter into a new age of slavery and the mind programming has already started with the banks and Dept stores selling fear under the covid banner.
The ten kings who give their power to the beast are the new world order which has already been decided by the Club of Rome years ago.
The Club of Rome is a global think tank that has decided to divide the world into 10 financial sectors with 10 leaders (the 10 kings) One of their members is Henry Kissinger who help start the EFTPOS system.“- this is your version of ‘deep thought’ ;)
Sounds more like poor choices from your own free thinking… and certainly producing poor results !
Straight up lies and hypocrisy.
Great story tho ;)
Sounds very conspiracies based deep thinking Optimist. Or at least solely from your own mind trying to make sense of the nonsensical that you’ve committed your adult life to. You once said you were a preacher Optimist. Are you preaching this to your faithful?
I disagree GuySmiley. I think Optimist is a leader in some independent church(cult) that have the freedom from the big church’s or denomination’s rules.

wax24 wrote:velocityjohnno wrote:We heard it, we were nodding our heads silently. Perhaps there is nothing more to be said.
Hi VJ. Yeah, and my apology for the chastising way I chose to express myself. Came from the frustration of watching all the trolling. I think the "silently nodding" bit coulda been added to with some validation. I tried and failed to do that, becoming what I despise.This is why i don't post too much on here. Just me heading towards my lesser self. Bad direction with bad consequences. None of us are solving anything on here. Just blowing hot air. All in good fun, I spose. If there is an Elite with bad organized intent... these anonymous spaces are exactly what they need. Keep us divided and exchanging at the lowest common denominators. Anyhow.... I gotta get back to work. 0106 at my spot in the world and I have a project to get on wheels, which I am procrastinating about, lol. With stormy weather around here this beginning of the new year and a recently busy schedule, I haven't been wet in a bit. Goin out this morn after work. Incoming tide 3-5 ft... 13 second intervals, it seems. Beach break. Windy and choppy today. Means Sharky around here, but i need to go. Be well.
Hey Wax24, I hope you got out there and got some good punchy waves. I'm currently close to waveless, but all that will change in a bit and I'll be out every day!
I kind of wish the 'all things religion' thread would become 'all things religion'. I'd love everyone's opinions on Sufiism, the elements of Buddhism that most appeal, etheric connnections and why I can see it in the sky, moments when you all realised there was something more, the Jewish temple rules and their relation to modern finance, vibration, Gematria, hidden religions within other religious/values systems, why we are all connected, Wodenism, Ahura Mazda, Gnosticism, the Spaghetti Monster, L.Ron Hubbard's round-the-world voyage, Jesus' years away, meeting Odin as an old man on the street, anything else! The thread seems it devolves into Christian bashing. The reality is incredibly colourful.
For example, here's a wrap up of the battle of Kurukshetra, about 4000+ years ago.

We are all stardust that has evolved into biological beings with the sole purpose of recreating ourselves.
Religion is made up stuff to make people believe there is some etheral "meaning" to it.
There is no "meaning".
So try to have a good time while you are here.

Yep, VJ, I hear ya there. GOD as seen through the Christian lens seems to always hijack the conversation.

mattlock wrote:We are all stardust that has evolved into biological beings with the sole purpose of recreating ourselves.
Religion is made up stuff to make people believe there is some etheral "meaning" to it.
There is no "meaning".
So try to have a good time while you are here.
Matlock. Good statement. AW

So I think Opti is saying that:
- prayer mostly does not work - it is sort of a lucky dip outcome with odds stacked against you.
- you can't really trust the big fella to keep you and your family safe - maybe he will or maybe he won't. It is again sort of a random chance deal similar to that we all face.
But the really good news is that if something really bad happens you can go and do some good works and maybe feel good about that as a reward for the tragedy. Of course, if it doesn't, and you still are sad over your loss, it is probably your fault.
I am surprised there aren't long queues outside every church with that deal on offer.

frog wrote:So I think Opti is saying that:
- prayer mostly does not work - it is sort of a lucky dip outcome with odds stacked against you.
- you can't really trust the big fella to keep you and your family safe - maybe he will or maybe he won't. It is again sort of a random chance deal similar to that we all face.
But the really good news is that if something really bad happens you can go and do some good works and maybe feel good about that as a reward for the tragedy. Of course, if it doesn't, and you still are sad over your loss, it is probably your fault.I am surprised there aren't long queues outside every church with that deal on offer.
You gotta pray for simple shit, like interest rate rises or fuel prices increasing.
That will increase your pray success. It’s science. Amen

There’s no arguing with Father Bob.

..and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free…Jesus.
Everyone has their own interpretation of truth…it moulds our lives and fashions our future….it’s often formed by our upbringing and our experiences. It definitely is manipulated by our personal desires but is that reality?…… there can only be one truth…the rest , a matrix of global deceit keeping people in their “happy place”….the truth isn’t always happy but it is very real…it doesn’t always agree with our desires and it often slaps us in the face with a wake-up slap….
If God is real as many know and believe, and His truth the only truth leading to an awakening in the spirit of man, why not ask and see….but it has to be genuine …it has to have no conditions …the truth is the truth and and the initial shock may rattle you but the peace it brings passes all understanding….if you are a genuine truth seeker…challenge God to show you if he’s really there.…this is between you and God not anyone else….if your not interested that’s fine, keep going the way you are…truth seeking is not compulsory …..but it sure is interesting.

Optimist. Hi. How’s things ?
“Is that the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth” ? AW.

Optimist wrote:..and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free…Jesus.
Everyone has their own interpretation of truth…it moulds our lives and fashions our future….it’s often formed by our upbringing and our experiences. It definitely is manipulated by our personal desires but is that reality?…… there can only be one truth…the rest , a matrix of global deceit keeping people in their “happy place”….the truth isn’t always happy but it is very real…it doesn’t always agree with our desires and it often slaps us in the face with a wake-up slap….
If God is real as many know and believe, and His truth the only truth leading to an awakening in the spirit of man, why not ask and see….but it has to be genuine …it has to have no conditions …the truth is the truth and and the initial shock may rattle you but the peace it brings passes all understanding….if you are a genuine truth seeker…challenge God to show you if he’s really there.…this is between you and God not anyone else….if your not interested that’s fine, keep going the way you are…truth seeking is not compulsory …..but it sure is interesting.
Hi Optimist, do believe what happened in Acts 2:1 still happens today?

FT thanks for the question, the answer is yes but in my experience not as dramatic as that first day when 12 men were supercharged by Gods spirit to take Jesus gospel throughout the earth. That actual event was witnessed by lots of people from different regions and countries who heard the message in their own languages coming from the mouths of untrained fishermen….an amazing time indeed.
The modern world has many distractions compared to those more simple days and faith is watered down a lot, but the same power that surged through those fishermen is available today to any who allow God to have His way in them. I could share some amazing stories but as you know ridicule always follows.

Please share your Stories Oppy..

“ .. who allow God to have His way in them. …”
Now where have god’s innocent children heard that before George?

That story Supa linked came to mind when I read that Guy. Sickening!
Here you go optimist
Not sure my instinctive need to stick up for the secret desire to be one day honoured rightfully with the role of Forum moderator (expecting a call any day)...
But anyway I couldn't help but read your troubles on another thread...unfortunately I found myself siding with everyone's posts...other than your own...except for the part where you were told you can't post here!
So I put my low IQ mind to coming up with a solution that suits all...and here it is...a safe place if you like
You can post anything you like about your beliefs...and no one has to read it unless they want! Easy peasy...
maybe you could even get Jesus, fat Buddha, Mohammed, and friends to converse in adult conversation here
Solving the world problems, one at a it taking a shovel as a way of moving that mountain
All the
PS...I actually was born again once, but I grew up, and grew a brain of my own...and realised it was all a load of shit!