All Things Religion Thread

blindboy wrote:"and blindboy turned it to theatre as usual".
Yeh sort of. I just wanted to get beyond the cool, groovy and it's all peace and love image you were pushing. I just assumed that anyone narrow enough to believe they were in possession of the absolute truth would probably be equally narrow in other areas.......and I was right.
you were right?
How about the Buddhist truths ?

So can we rename this thread ‘all things religion (and gay)’ ? ;);)
This is some strange theatre indeed…
Religion always degrades ;)
(Nothing against theatre, religion or gays by the way)


“ they know they are an anomaly of nature”
Reckon it’s the opposite Brutus.

I was right. Based on your insistence of possessing the absolute truth, I guessed that you would both condemn homosexuality. And "anomaly of nature" what does that even mean? Freak would seem to be a reasonable translation. Offensive isn't even in the ball park. " It's OK guys God will forgive you if you beg his forgiveness for being born a freak" A patronising, condescending anachronistic invitation to discrimination might get a bit closer.

“The Dalai Lama said the same Buddhist scripture that advises against gay and lesbian sex also urges heterosexuals to refrain from oral sex, anal sex and masturbation. "Even with your own wife, using one's mouth or the other hole is sexual misconduct," he said. "Using one's hand, that is sexual misconduct."
“From a Buddhist point of view, men-to-men and women-to-women is generally considered sexual misconduct.“

The Dalai Lama is a massive homophope and if christian leaders and their religion are responsible for gay kids topping themselves so is the Dali lama. Convince me otherwise.

All true bonza, but the Dalai Lama has very little influence in Australia and there are many other schools of buddhism.

Dalai lama doesnt seem as bossy or arrogant as Christian leaders

Nahh that’s all bullshit sorry. If one is to claim hurtful messages about gay sex then one needs to acknowledge all those messages. There is no difference between the pope say and the dahli lama they both spread hurtful messages based on supernatura themes that lead to self harm.
Own it

Could be worse.
You could be in an Islamic country

It is very very important to the great one and all your dead relatuives where you put your thing and spill your stuff.
They watch over you every moment of your life (but most shut their eyes when we do poop I hope). But if you stray and do naughty stuff they are always watching closely.
The great one of course has an obsession with sin so will be watching very closely and taking notes ready for judgement day.
He is apparently deeply interested in naughty bedroom stuff. War, floods, black holes and disease are a bit ho hum to him. The universe and far off galaxies matter not according to great one experts. But if that fleshy excitable appendage on humans on that little planet called earth is used improperly it is really really bad stuff.
So aim well everybody. No thinky thinky naughty naughty. No spilling seed on the ground or in a tissue. Then heaven will be yours.
If not, an eternity of nashing teeth and fire burning your flesh awaits cause the all loving great one chooses it so.
Unless of course your name is Trump - he gets a hall pass according to many evangelicals because ......... no idea why.

Haha that’s gold. I really think you’ve perfectly explained how ridiculous it all is. Creator of everything needs a bit of down time too Frog!

Couldn't resist wading in.....

And everyone preys to him on his day off.

Thats so good TS.

That was funny Tubeshooter
I hope even Opti and Brutus can have a laugh at that.

God exists here's his website-

Praise be to god…glory glory..

brutus wrote:Roadkill wrote:brutus wrote:Roadkill wrote:brutus wrote:Roadkill wrote:Brutus, the industrial revolution is responsible for what we are today. Science, not religion unlocked the western mind.
Religion tried to block and stop science because it posed a risk to the control and power religion held over the uneducated masses.
Thankfully, science won.
Thank you science.
Totally wrong RK, go and read history , ....
I’m not going to read biased garbage.
The facts are known.OK RK, it's obvious you know history better than all the academics who have spent their lives studying history....I post facts , you won't read or consider Revolution would not have been able to flourish without the Bible.....thats a fact and I have provided the links and source of the facts....
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink ...very apt in this situation !Hey no sense in answering me as there is no factual basis in what you are saying!
Mate, when you post religious stuff or religious bias to support your beliefs it's not fact. The bible and religion is a fact free zone.
OK RK, that's your opinion based on your personal experience??
It's not my's not anyone's opinion. It is FACT...just facts.

OK Roadkill, where did you get your facts from?
Roadkill wrote:brutus wrote:Roadkill wrote:brutus wrote:Roadkill wrote:brutus wrote:Roadkill wrote:Brutus, the industrial revolution is responsible for what we are today. Science, not religion unlocked the western mind.
Religion tried to block and stop science because it posed a risk to the control and power religion held over the uneducated masses.
Thankfully, science won.
Thank you science.
Totally wrong RK, go and read history , ....
I’m not going to read biased garbage.
The facts are known.OK RK, it's obvious you know history better than all the academics who have spent their lives studying history....I post facts , you won't read or consider Revolution would not have been able to flourish without the Bible.....thats a fact and I have provided the links and source of the facts....
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink ...very apt in this situation !Hey no sense in answering me as there is no factual basis in what you are saying!
Mate, when you post religious stuff or religious bias to support your beliefs it's not fact. The bible and religion is a fact free zone.
OK RK, that's your opinion based on your personal experience??
It's not my's not anyone's opinion. It is FACT...just facts.

brutus wrote:OK Roadkill, where did you get your facts from?
I think this clears up some facts-
Roadkill wrote:Praise be to god…glory glory..

I mean, who doesn't love some raw anointing of the spirit?

brutus wrote:OK Roadkill, where did you get your facts from?
Roadkill wrote:brutus wrote:Roadkill wrote:brutus wrote:Roadkill wrote:brutus wrote:Roadkill wrote:Brutus, the industrial revolution is responsible for what we are today. Science, not religion unlocked the western mind.
Religion tried to block and stop science because it posed a risk to the control and power religion held over the uneducated masses.
Thankfully, science won.
Thank you science.
Totally wrong RK, go and read history , ....
I’m not going to read biased garbage.
The facts are known.OK RK, it's obvious you know history better than all the academics who have spent their lives studying history....I post facts , you won't read or consider Revolution would not have been able to flourish without the Bible.....thats a fact and I have provided the links and source of the facts....
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink ...very apt in this situation !Hey no sense in answering me as there is no factual basis in what you are saying!
Mate, when you post religious stuff or religious bias to support your beliefs it's not fact. The bible and religion is a fact free zone.
OK RK, that's your opinion based on your personal experience??
It's not my's not anyone's opinion. It is FACT...just facts.
Are you for real? You are asking where I got facts from to back up me saying the bible and religion is not based on fact?
That is hilarious.
Btw..I'm really looking forward to reading your homosexuality bit that you studied about last night.
Anomaly of nature and all....and it is generous of you to try and find a way so they don't feel lesser a person than you...even though you think them a lesser person than you.

BB you get pretty ugly sometimes in your interpretations and to make your point you seem to constantly do unto others that you dislike being done unto you!!
, anomaly of nature you translate to freak of nature and that I condemn homosexuality........then you call your interpretation more than offensive then launch into ,"A patronising, condescending anachronistic invitation to discrimination might get a bit closer."
Seriously BB , the way you twist words and when you combine that with an ugly translation ...just to make a point, well it is only a reflection on your beliefs and you as a person.....I really find that sad and destructive in what you put forth as your opinions which are based on what I would simply call Bullshit!
So what I mean by anomaly of nature is that, nature provides males and females who are attracted to each other so they couple and produce offspring , which is also the basis for life !
Homosexuality is an anomaly , as there are a very small group of humans who are attracted to the same gender , which in nature is an anomaly .
so when I post this ""While the Bible disapproves of homosexual acts, it does not condone hatred of homosexuals or homophobia. Instead, Christians are directed to “respect everyone.”—1 Peter 2:17,"..
So BB I am not sure where you got your vile bile a Christian we respect all people and don't judge them....
What Buddhist sect does your wife follow , and does she respect the Dailai Lama?
blindboy wrote:I was right. Based on your insistence of possessing the absolute truth, I guessed that you would both condemn homosexuality. And "anomaly of nature" what does that even mean? Freak would seem to be a reasonable translation. Offensive isn't even in the ball park. " It's OK guys God will forgive you if you beg his forgiveness for being born a freak" A patronising, condescending anachronistic invitation to discrimination might get a bit closer.

Roadkill wrote:brutus wrote:OK Roadkill, where did you get your facts from?
Roadkill wrote:brutus wrote:Roadkill wrote:brutus wrote:Roadkill wrote:brutus wrote:Roadkill wrote:Brutus, the industrial revolution is responsible for what we are today. Science, not religion unlocked the western mind.
Religion tried to block and stop science because it posed a risk to the control and power religion held over the uneducated masses.
Thankfully, science won.
Thank you science.Totally wrong RK, go and read history , ....
I’m not going to read biased garbage.
The facts are known.OK RK, it's obvious you know history better than all the academics who have spent their lives studying history....I post facts , you won't read or consider Revolution would not have been able to flourish without the Bible.....thats a fact and I have provided the links and source of the facts....
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink ...very apt in this situation !Hey no sense in answering me as there is no factual basis in what you are saying!
Mate, when you post religious stuff or religious bias to support your beliefs it's not fact. The bible and religion is a fact free zone.
OK RK, that's your opinion based on your personal experience??
It's not my's not anyone's opinion. It is FACT...just facts.
re you for real? You are asking where I got facts from to back up me saying the bible and religion is not based on fact?
That is hilarious.Btw..I'm really looking forward to reading your homosexuality bit that you studied about last night.
Anomaly of nature and all....and it is generous of you to try and find a way so they don't feel lesser a person than you...even though you think them a lesser person than you.
Where did I say they were a lesser person ???
that's your weird interpretation, just like BB's...
Not sure that you get ""While the Bible disapproves of homosexual acts, it does not condone hatred of homosexuals or homophobia. Instead, Christians are directed to “respect everyone.”—1 Peter 2:17, I post, respect everyone , and you see me saying a lesser person....
That's why I asked if you were gay , as you seem so upset with discussing homosexuality....
As for asking where you get your facts from saying ,"You are asking where I got facts from to back up me saying the bible and religion is not based on fact?
That is hilarious. "........well if you are so sure the Bible is not based on fact , well would be nice if you would share your source of information so as to educate us all....or maybe you can't because it's just your unfounded opinion?

1. something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.
Brutus it's quite clear that across the animal kingdom, homosexuality is normal and expected.
Maybe in the minority but hardly an anomaly.

OK Andy , now it's semantics...if the gay population in Australia is 3.4 %....that's small minority .......the anomaly is that they have no intention of breeding!
Do you have any links etc to homsexuality in Nature animal kingdom?
AndyM wrote:anomaly
1. something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.Brutus it's quite clear that across the animal kingdom, homosexuality is normal and expected.
Maybe in the minority but hardly an anomaly.

"same-sex sexual behavior has been observed in over 1,500 animal species, from primates to sea stars, bats to damselflies, snakes to nematode worms."
But regardless of that, you really seem to think of gay people as being lesser than you.
It'd be worth reconsidering that.

Does it matter that they're a minority? (Though I do note they're a larger minority than Australia's Indigenous population)
Homosexuality exists in every country (except Iran of course), and there's proof of it through the ages. The sheer scale and scope of it means it can't be passed off as fringe or fashionable, as many bible bashers would wish it, but it sits within the framework of normality.
No intention of breeding? Well shit, when I was younger I rogered a lot of girls with no intention of breeding either. That's cos sex is fun, and it ain't just about procreation. Don't believe me? Ask the dolphins. They're smart, and randy little fuckers too, having sex for pleasure with no thought to baby dolphins.
While there's shiteloads of evidence of homosexuality in the animal kingdom. I'd show proof here but I'm worried what ads Google might then target me with.
Besides, homosexuals can procreate, they just enter into a loveless releationship and have the odd indifferent boof. Been happening forever. Same as in the animal kingdom, same as in humans

Andy where did I say lesser...I have some seriously great friends who are Gay.......that's your interpretation, wow, can't believe how people come to conclusions..
So the anomaly is that same sex behaviour doesn't provide continuation of the species...
AndyM wrote:"same-sex sexual behavior has been observed in over 1,500 animal species, from primates to sea stars, bats to damselflies, snakes to nematode worms."
But regardless of that, you really seem to think of gay people as being lesser than you.
It'd be worth reconsidering that.

stunet wrote:Does it matter that they're a minority? (Though I do note they're a larger minority than Australia's Indigenous population)
Homosexuality exists in every country (except Iran of course), and there's proof of it through the ages. The sheer scale and scope of it means it can't be passed off as fringe or fashionable, as many bible bashers would wish it, but it sits within the framework of normality.
No intention of breeding? Well shit, when I was younger I rogered a lot of girls with no intention of breeding either. That's cos sex is fun, and it ain't just about procreation. Don't believe me? Ask the dolphins. They're smart, and randy little fuckers too, having sex for pleasure with no thought to baby dolphins.
While there's shiteloads of evidence of homosexuality in the animal kingdom. I'd show proof here but I'm worried what ads Google might then target me with.
Besides, homosexuals can procreate, they just enter into a loveless releationship and have the odd indifferent boof. Been happening forever. Same as in the animal kingdom, same as in humans
Ok so lets reverse Nature formula......and say that 96% on animals were same sex and couldn't you think a species could survive.
Yeah I hear you on the whole sex/entertainment / fun angle.........Christians don't have sex till they are married, as a way of procreation....was pretty interested to see how the Dalai Lama's take on sex......but I think that's another subject?

brutus "anomaly of nature" could pass for a dictionary definition of freak. So it was your comment that was offensive. If you find my response offensive I suggest you take more care with what you post. Your comments also demonstrate a real ignorance of of homosexuality and an apparent unwillingness to find out more as a simple search would answer some of your questions
"Homosexual behavior in animals is sexual or mating behavior among non-human species that is interpreted as homosexual or bisexual. This may include same-sex sexual activity, courtship, affection, pair bonding, and parenting among same-sex animal pairs.[1][2][3] Various forms of this are found in every major geographic region and every major animal group. The sexual behavior of non-human animals takes many different forms, even within the same species, though homosexual behavior is best known from social species........same-sex behavior (comprising courtship, sexual, pair-bonding, and parental activities) has been documented in over 450 species of animals worldwide."
You seek to distinguish your views from homophobia but it doesn't really fly. You may not think of youreself as homophobic, but the views you hold have led to abuses such as gay conversion therapy. I would also suggest that telling an adolescent that his sexuality is sinful is also extremely abusive and undermining to that person's mental health. Vile bile? Nah mate, not me. Look in the mirror.

"You seek to distinguish your views from homophobia but it doesn't really fly."
Yeah that's the essence of it.

At least we are making progress from when Sharkman AKA Brutus claimed that paedophilia and homosexuality was a disease of the white man!
Hard to out-lol that little beauty!
From the old “Praise the lord” thread:
SHARKMAN FRIDAY, 15 MAR 2019 at 8:42AM
oh c'mon BB , racial vilification , religious vilification ......seems like I hit a trigger point , as all the western church's who have blamed here on pedo behaviour , is it the religion or the white people who used the religious system to further their malaise ?
sharkman's picture
sharkman FRIDAY, 15 MAR 2019 at 8:47AM
Blowin , travelling has nothing to do with , religious or racial vilification/discrimination , but I bring up the point that it seems all the churches who have been accused of pedophlia , have their origins in western white society is it a white mans disease?

Brutus has zero idea just how homophobic and bigoted he is.
It's the Christian delusional aspect.

Roadkill wrote:Brutus has zero idea just how homophobic and bigoted he is.
Nah, I disagree. Appears to me he's trying to make subtle distinctions, not advocate bigotry.
I just don't agree with those distinctions.

He’s a witch- burn him!

Calling gays an anomaly isn't a particularly subtle distinction in my book.
Also -
"I have many friends who are gay and have no problems as they know they are an anomaly of nature as do I."
I might be overthinking this last statement but to me it reads like "gays are ok as long as they know their place i.e. agree with me that they are one of nature's/God's freaks".

BB , I explain what I meant by anomaly.....but you find it offensive because YOU use the word Freak...big stretch wanted to know what I think....and as I already have said, your use of very sad because that's the last thing I meant.....but I can see how your intellect suffers from not being right all the time....
I am not homophobic , I respect and have very good friends of both gender who are gay......good to see you guys do a bit of homework on homosexuality in the animal kingdom.......
BB you are approaching Troll status , I engage with you and read your links your wife and Buddhism.....but you won't answer the question ?
I post a link to a book that proves the Bible is the basis/foundation of the World we now live just ignore and keep I said ...very sad!
blindboy wrote:brutus "anomaly of nature" could pass for a dictionary definition of freak. So it was your comment that was offensive. If you find my response offensive I suggest you take more care with what you post. Your comments also demonstrate a real ignorance of of homosexuality and an apparent unwillingness to find out more as a simple search would answer some of your questions
"Homosexual behavior in animals is sexual or mating behavior among non-human species that is interpreted as homosexual or bisexual. This may include same-sex sexual activity, courtship, affection, pair bonding, and parenting among same-sex animal pairs.[1][2][3] Various forms of this are found in every major geographic region and every major animal group. The sexual behavior of non-human animals takes many different forms, even within the same species, though homosexual behavior is best known from social species........same-sex behavior (comprising courtship, sexual, pair-bonding, and parental activities) has been documented in over 450 species of animals worldwide."
You seek to distinguish your views from homophobia but it doesn't really fly. You may not think of youreself as homophobic, but the views you hold have led to abuses such as gay conversion therapy. I would also suggest that telling an adolescent that his sexuality is sinful is also extremely abusive and undermining to that person's mental health. Vile bile? Nah mate, not me. Look in the mirror.

Andy now you are using the Word guys are just making shit up to try and coral me into something I am not which is life has been full of Gay people in every walk of life......I have sponsored surfers who were gay, partied with gay people, have relations who are gay .
I have had the conversation with a lot of gay people about being an anomaly....but I also am an anomaly relative to most people my age......
AndyM wrote:Calling gays an anomaly isn't a particularly subtle distinction in my book.
Also -
"I have many friends who are gay and have no problems as they know they are an anomaly of nature as do I."
I might be overthinking this last statement but to me it reads like "gays are ok as long as they know their place i.e. agree with me that they are one of nature's/God's freaks".

Doesn't anomaly just mean differs from the norm (majority)
Its factually correct its a small minority of the population that are gay.
The word doesn't have to be a negative, for instance its an anomaly to have a big dick, but most people wouldn't view that statement as a bad thing.
Intention is the important thing and its not fair to think Brutus has negative intentions when using the word.

indo-dreaming wrote:Doesn't anomaly just mean differs from the norm (majority)
Its factually correct its a small minority of the population that are gay.
The word doesn't have to be a negative, for instance its an anomaly to have a big dick, but most people wouldn't view that statement as a bad thing.
Intention is the important thing and its not fair to think Brutus has negative intentions when using the word. about if I used the word different instead of anomaly.....are we really talking semantics?

Blowin wrote:He’s a witch- burn him!
or is that Warlock ?

brutus as the possessor of absolute truth (ha ha) it is only to be expected that you would have trouble seeing things from any other point of view. Your views are toxic to the mental health of one of the most vulnerable sections of the community. So believe what you like but the moment you put those views out into public you become just another smug self-righteous hypocrite like the ones Christ booted out of the temple. You cannot love those whose nature you condemn.

This all started with roadkill hassling Brutus and I with our view on homosexuality.
We weren’t into it and so the thought police all intervene twisting everything we say. Can’t you see where your heading in the future…everyone has to agree with you or else…just like the nazi party. I don’t care what you do with your sex lives or your friends, my personal belief is that it isn’t correct and that’s that …there is nothing to’s my free choice to think the way I want to think and my personal belief is to warn you that this exponentially growing behaviour in society is neither healthy nor will end well….God doesn’t like it full stop.
Consider your 18 year old son…he hasn’t been hanging with his old friends lately or surfing but hanging with a new real trendy crew. He had a few tough girlfriend relationships but is a good kid. He goes clubbing a lot with his new friends and his mother finds ecstasy tabs in his clothes when washing. He starts to not come home at night sleeping over with his new friends and one day announces out of the blue he’s gay and will be moving to the home of an older guy….you as parents have to digest what happened to you son….after a while he is diagnosed HIV and the battle begins. He drifts in and out of male relationships and is a shell of a man.
Just like the Greeks and romans before him he got bored with the norm and looked for the bizarre to entertain him….I love him very much….He’s my little brother…and I pray for him a lot.

I'm dropping in, again haha
Another church being sold to help pay the redress scheme for past abuses

Optimist wrote:This all started with roadkill hassling Brutus and I with our view on homosexuality.
We weren’t into it and so the thought police all intervene twisting everything we say. Can’t you see where your heading in the future…everyone has to agree with you or else…just like the nazi party. I don’t care what you do with your sex lives or your friends, my personal belief is that it isn’t correct and that’s that …there is nothing to’s my free choice to think the way I want to think and my personal belief is to warn you that this exponentially growing behaviour in society is neither healthy nor will end well….God doesn’t like it full stop.
Consider your 18 year old son…he hasn’t been hanging with his old friends lately or surfing but hanging with a new real trendy crew. He had a few tough girlfriend relationships but is a good kid. He goes clubbing a lot with his new friends and his mother finds ecstasy tabs in his clothes when washing. He starts to not come home at night sleeping over with his new friends and one day announces out of the blue he’s gay and will be moving to the home of an older guy….you as parents have to digest what happened to you son….after a while he is diagnosed HIV and the battle begins. He drifts in and out of male relationships and is a shell of a man.
Just like the Greeks and romans before him he got bored with the norm and looked for the bizarre to entertain him….I love him very much….He’s my little brother…and I pray for him a lot. really are fucked up in your head. What a stupid analogy to defend your views.
Nothing nastier than a christian trying to defend homophobia and bigotry.

Also suggesting it’s from a series of bad choices. Are you saying the poor 18 year old son wasn’t born gay? Ridiculous Christian view of homosexuality.

Gee BB there you go again , where am I condemning anyone .........????
what of my views freaks you out ?
Is the respect everybody , and being different a bit much for you??
blindboy wrote:brutus as the possessor of absolute truth (ha ha) it is only to be expected that you would have trouble seeing things from any other point of view. Your views are toxic to the mental health of one of the most vulnerable sections of the community. So believe what you like but the moment you put those views out into public you become just another smug self-righteous hypocrite like the ones Christ booted out of the temple. You cannot love those whose nature you condemn.
Here you go optimist
Not sure my instinctive need to stick up for the secret desire to be one day honoured rightfully with the role of Forum moderator (expecting a call any day)...
But anyway I couldn't help but read your troubles on another thread...unfortunately I found myself siding with everyone's posts...other than your own...except for the part where you were told you can't post here!
So I put my low IQ mind to coming up with a solution that suits all...and here it is...a safe place if you like
You can post anything you like about your beliefs...and no one has to read it unless they want! Easy peasy...
maybe you could even get Jesus, fat Buddha, Mohammed, and friends to converse in adult conversation here
Solving the world problems, one at a it taking a shovel as a way of moving that mountain
All the
PS...I actually was born again once, but I grew up, and grew a brain of my own...and realised it was all a load of shit!