Surfers and conspiracy theories etc

Ha. Sounds like we've got our own autopsy experts in here!

No expert, but my point is the embalmers in the Died Suddenly doco are saying they found amyloid protein in arteries (visual evidence), is this normal, San guine refers to it being found in the brain, so wouldn't my point of Australia having 100 autopsies and the results published, shed some light on what is going on.
After all as John Cambell and many others point out, we are still observing a Covid science experiment, which most people see as a 'confirmation bias' war.

"Yeah i saw that part @Andy M. A small sample size could be viewed two ways. 5 people out of 25 is concerning to me"
Christ mate, seriously?
You should probably find a sample size of two with one person dying of blah blah blah, then you could claim 50%.

"If someone I knew died I would be demanding an autopsy."
I'd be blaming Bill Gates and every pizza shop I could find.

philosurphizingkerching wrote:No expert, but my point is the embalmers in the Died Suddenly doco are saying they found amyloid protein in arteries (visual evidence), is this normal, San guine refers to it being found in the brain, so wouldn't my point of Australia having 100 autopsies and the results published, shed some light on what is going on.
After all as John Cambell and many others point out, we are still observing a Covid science experiment, which most people see as a 'confirmation bias' war.
Agreed… are no expert.

AndyM wrote:"If someone I knew died I would be demanding an autopsy."
I'd be blaming Bill Gates and every pizza shop I could find.
Don't question anything is AndyMs life goal.

How does it go?
Keep an open mind but not so much that your brains fall out.

Roadkill wrote:philosurphizingkerching wrote:No expert, but my point is the embalmers in the Died Suddenly doco are saying they found amyloid protein in arteries (visual evidence), is this normal, San guine refers to it being found in the brain, so wouldn't my point of Australia having 100 autopsies and the results published, shed some light on what is going on.
After all as John Cambell and many others point out, we are still observing a Covid science experiment, which most people see as a 'confirmation bias' war.Agreed… are no expert.
Toady, you're just debunking everything today. That trip to Japan wearing your mask everywhere for two weeks has really paid off.
Did you also wear it in bed incase the scary covid crept under the door or through a window?

burleigh wrote:AndyM wrote:"If someone I knew died I would be demanding an autopsy."
I'd be blaming Bill Gates and every pizza shop I could find.
Don't question anything is AndyMs life goal.
You reckon? In the time he's been posting on Swellnet, I've found him to be one of the more sensibly skeptical commenters and he can hold his own across a wide range of topics.

No expert, but my point is the embalmers in the Died Suddenly doco are saying they found amyloid protein in arteries (visual evidence)Evidence.....Are you fuggin Serious
Philo - Died Suddenly its all Bullshit Mate....FFS

Died suddenly has been debunked so many times, and yet people refuse to accept it is bs.

I think it’s reasonable to call Burley a vaccine clot :)

AndyM wrote:I think it’s reasonable to call Burley a vaccine clot :)
I’m a clot in the vaccine roll out plan. No jabs no worries. All while another group of triple vaccinated friends have tested covid positive for the second time.
The only waves I’m worried about are the ones in the ocean, while the vaccinated have to worry about the covid tsunami that seems to keep hitting them.

AndyM wrote:"If someone I knew died I would be demanding an autopsy."
I'd be blaming Bill Gates and every pizza shop I could find.
Its diffucult having an adult conversation in here Andy M w u and toad continually playing the man instead of the ball.
Like i saud, if you know of another study dine with a larger sample size, id b happy to see it. Surprised 5people dying with a possible link to vaccination out of 25 is just all peaches for you.

san Guine wrote:And also from your link BD;
"Finally, we cannot provide a definitive functional proof or a direct causal link between vaccination and myocarditis."
So you reckon, that's it, forget about it or do you think theres enough data here with possible links of jab to myocarditis that further studies should b conducted with a larger sample size sanGuine?

Great vid @philosurphizing. Breaks it down much better than i could as i was struggling to understand some of the scientific jargon in the report.
Thanks for sharing.

bluediamond wrote:AndyM wrote:"If someone I knew died I would be demanding an autopsy."
I'd be blaming Bill Gates and every pizza shop I could find.
Its diffucult having an adult conversation in here Andy M w u and toad continually playing the man instead of the ball.
Like i saud, if you know of another study dine with a larger sample size, id b happy to see it. Surprised 5people dying with a possible link to vaccination out of 25 is just all peaches for you.
"Surprised 5people dying with a possible link to vaccination out of 25 is just all peaches for you."
There you go making shit up again to support your distorted world view.
Becoming a habit.

AndyM wrote:bluediamond wrote:AndyM wrote:"If someone I knew died I would be demanding an autopsy."
I'd be blaming Bill Gates and every pizza shop I could find.
Its diffucult having an adult conversation in here Andy M w u and toad continually playing the man instead of the ball.
Like i saud, if you know of another study dine with a larger sample size, id b happy to see it. Surprised 5people dying with a possible link to vaccination out of 25 is just all peaches for you."Surprised 5people dying with a possible link to vaccination out of 25 is just all peaches for you."
There you go making shit up again to support your distorted world view.
Becoming a habit.
eh? what have i made up?

AndyM wrote:bluediamond wrote:AndyM wrote:"If someone I knew died I would be demanding an autopsy."
I'd be blaming Bill Gates and every pizza shop I could find.
Its diffucult having an adult conversation in here Andy M w u and toad continually playing the man instead of the ball.
Like i saud, if you know of another study dine with a larger sample size, id b happy to see it. Surprised 5people dying with a possible link to vaccination out of 25 is just all peaches for you."Surprised 5people dying with a possible link to vaccination out of 25 is just all peaches for you."
There you go making shit up again to support your distorted world view.
Becoming a habit.
Hard to have an adult discussion when the opposition brings material that a 10 year old science student knows is utter garbage.

Antivax parents put their child at risk, NZ High Court gets guardianship until after urgent surgery.
Commonsense prevails.

Roadkill wrote:Antivax parents put their child at risk, NZ High Court gets guardianship until after urgent surgery.
Commonsense prevails.
Good news there.
Humans are just desperate for a religion, and anti-vax fits the bill so well.
God-shaped hole etc etc
An article pre-Covid.
"The Followers of Christ is a religious sect that preaches faith healing, despite alarming child mortality rates among these groups.
Mariah’s parents were fundamentalist Mormons who refused to take their children to doctors, believing that illnesses could be healed through faith and the power of prayer.
"I would like to see my parents prosecuted,” says Mariah.
“They deserve it.” “And it might stop others.”

yet you can feed your kids maccas everyday, put them on a screen from the moment they wake up until they go to sleep and its perfectly ok.
but as long as they got a vaccine its all good?

burleigh wrote:yet you can feed your kids maccas everyday, put them on a screen from the moment they wake up until they go to sleep and its perfectly ok.
but as long as they got a vaccine its all good?
But but but whatabout........

It's a good article Supa, and shouldn't be overlooked.
The Actuaries Institute people are not fools, nor are they conspiracy theorists (so this is probably the wrong thread for the article...!)
Actuaries Institute wrote:The Australian government should be urgently investigating the “incredibly high” 13 per cent excess death rate in 2022, the country’s peak actuarial body says.
An extra 15,400 people died in the first eight months of the year, according to new analysis of Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data by the Actuaries Institute, with around one-third of those having no link to Covid.
Karen Cutter, an actuary of more than 25 years and spokeswoman for the institute’s Covid-19 Mortality Working Group, said 13 per cent was an “incredibly high number for mortality” and that it was “not clear” what was driving the increase.
“Mortality doesn’t normally vary by more than 1 to 2 per cent, so 13 per cent is way higher than normal levels,” she said.
Mortality modelling is central to pricing life insurance contracts. I've done statistical modelling consulting in this area for superannuation funds that offer life insurance.
My experience is those excess death rates are so out of whack that it seems that there should be a full on national emergency trying to explain why.
I can find a few "fact check" articles immediately setting upon people questing if the non-covid excess death rates are due to the vaccines, and the conclusion I read was they don't know.

gsco wrote:It's a good article Supa, and shouldn't be overlooked.
The Actuaries Institute people are not fools, nor are they conspiracy theorists (so this is probably the wrong thread for the article...!)
Actuaries Institute wrote:The Australian government should be urgently investigating the “incredibly high” 13 per cent excess death rate in 2022, the country’s peak actuarial body says.
An extra 15,400 people died in the first eight months of the year, according to new analysis of Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data by the Actuaries Institute, with around one-third of those having no link to Covid.
Karen Cutter, an actuary of more than 25 years and spokeswoman for the institute’s Covid-19 Mortality Working Group, said 13 per cent was an “incredibly high number for mortality” and that it was “not clear” what was driving the increase.
“Mortality doesn’t normally vary by more than 1 to 2 per cent, so 13 per cent is way higher than normal levels,” she said.
Mortality modelling is central to pricing life insurance contracts. I've done statistical modelling consulting in this area for superannuation funds that offer life insurance.
My experience is those excess death rates are so out of whack that it seems that there should be a full on national emergency trying to explain why.
I can find a few "fact check" articles immediately setting upon people questing if the non-covid excess death rates are due to the vaccines, and the conclusion I read was they don't know.
Seems to be happening around the world , must be some reasonable explanation.

Would be interesting to get to the bottom of that, Covid and/or the vax may have a few secrets yet.

Roadkill wrote:AndyM wrote:bluediamond wrote:AndyM wrote:"If someone I knew died I would be demanding an autopsy."
I'd be blaming Bill Gates and every pizza shop I could find.Its diffucult having an adult conversation in here Andy M w u and toad continually playing the man instead of the ball.
Like i saud, if you know of another study dine with a larger sample size, id b happy to see it. Surprised 5people dying with a possible link to vaccination out of 25 is just all peaches for you."Surprised 5people dying with a possible link to vaccination out of 25 is just all peaches for you."
There you go making shit up again to support your distorted world view.
Becoming a habit.Hard to have an adult discussion when the opposition brings material that a 10 year old science student knows is utter garbage.
Why is it utter garbage? Its peer reviewed. Im citing a acientific study that holds as much weight as any other scientific studies. So why is it utter garbage??

Still wondering what it is you accuse me if making up @andym. Youre throwing alot of insults around (as usual) but worm yoyr way out (as usual) when clarification is asked.

bluediamond wrote:Still wondering what it is you accuse me if making up @andym. Youre throwing alot of insults around (as usual) but worm yoyr way out (as usual) when clarification is asked.
"Surprised 5people dying with a possible link to vaccination out of 25 is just all peaches for you."
Guess what, it's not peaches for me.
Don't put words in my mouth.

AndyM wrote:"If someone I knew died I would be demanding an autopsy."
I'd be blaming Bill Gates and every pizza shop I could find.
Apologies if i misinterpreted this then Andy M. To me it came across that if you haven't got a relative that died, then you shouldn't care and you get thrown in the same bin as the same one liner you always pull out,....Bill Gates and Pizzashop. I do care, i have a personal reason to care, but regardless, theres some serious questions that need answering which is why a rational discussion is important without the insults and derision.

R U OK AndyM ??

"To me it came across that if you haven't got a relative that died, then you shouldn't care"
You can't be for real.

AndyM wrote:"To me it came across that if you haven't got a relative that died, then you shouldn't care"
You can't be for real.
Ah AndyM. It didn’t happen to him so in his narrow minded world it never happened.
Pathetic as usual. How’s London?

Your arrogance is baffling. Of course you are like that. You've been hassling myself and others non stop everytime we comment on anything that doesn't go with your status quo.
For real.

The funniest part is earlier today AndyM said "Humans are just desperate for a religion, and anti-vax fits the bill so well"
All you can do is laugh....... and feel sorry for his wife (if he has one)
I guarantee AndyM watches Sunrise every morning.

gsco wrote:It's a good article Supa, and shouldn't be overlooked.
The Actuaries Institute people are not fools, nor are they conspiracy theorists (so this is probably the wrong thread for the article...!)
Actuaries Institute wrote:The Australian government should be urgently investigating the “incredibly high” 13 per cent excess death rate in 2022, the country’s peak actuarial body says.
An extra 15,400 people died in the first eight months of the year, according to new analysis of Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data by the Actuaries Institute, with around one-third of those having no link to Covid.
Karen Cutter, an actuary of more than 25 years and spokeswoman for the institute’s Covid-19 Mortality Working Group, said 13 per cent was an “incredibly high number for mortality” and that it was “not clear” what was driving the increase.
“Mortality doesn’t normally vary by more than 1 to 2 per cent, so 13 per cent is way higher than normal levels,” she said.
Mortality modelling is central to pricing life insurance contracts. I've done statistical modelling consulting in this area for superannuation funds that offer life insurance.
My experience is those excess death rates are so out of whack that it seems that there should be a full on national emergency trying to explain why.
I can find a few "fact check" articles immediately setting upon people questing if the non-covid excess death rates are due to the vaccines, and the conclusion I read was they don't know.
The Covid genie is out of the bottle in China and they are now relaxing their Covid policies, just not officially. Presumably trying for a “soft” Covid landing.
A 13% increase in mortality rate in China could well happen if Covid takes off.

burleigh wrote:The funniest part is earlier today AndyM said "Humans are just desperate for a religion, and anti-vax fits the bill so well"
All you can do is laugh....... and feel sorry for his wife (if he has one)
I guarantee AndyM watches Sunrise every morning.
Guess what Burls, haven't had a tv for 30 years.
Looks like you lose that bet.
Carton of beer will be fine.

No tv? Oh thank god. You’ve certainly got Swellnet covered for 15hrs a day though! Well, since blowin was banned that is

Twice impeached.

AndyM wrote:burleigh wrote:The funniest part is earlier today AndyM said "Humans are just desperate for a religion, and anti-vax fits the bill so well"
All you can do is laugh....... and feel sorry for his wife (if he has one)
I guarantee AndyM watches Sunrise every morning.
Guess what Burls, haven't had a tv for 30 years.
Looks like you lose that bet.
Carton of beer will be fine.
Believing you’re not brainwashed by msm because you don’t own a tv is like believing the only place you can have sex is the bedroom.
What a boring human

As usual, your logic is impeccable.
That's what I like about you Burls, you're an unrecognised genius.

gsco wrote:It's a good article Supa, and shouldn't be overlooked.
The Actuaries Institute people are not fools, nor are they conspiracy theorists (so this is probably the wrong thread for the article...!)
Actuaries Institute wrote:The Australian government should be urgently investigating the “incredibly high” 13 per cent excess death rate in 2022, the country’s peak actuarial body says.
An extra 15,400 people died in the first eight months of the year, according to new analysis of Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data by the Actuaries Institute, with around one-third of those having no link to Covid.
Karen Cutter, an actuary of more than 25 years and spokeswoman for the institute’s Covid-19 Mortality Working Group, said 13 per cent was an “incredibly high number for mortality” and that it was “not clear” what was driving the increase.
“Mortality doesn’t normally vary by more than 1 to 2 per cent, so 13 per cent is way higher than normal levels,” she said.
Mortality modelling is central to pricing life insurance contracts. I've done statistical modelling consulting in this area for superannuation funds that offer life insurance.
My experience is those excess death rates are so out of whack that it seems that there should be a full on national emergency trying to explain why.
I can find a few "fact check" articles immediately setting upon people questing if the non-covid excess death rates are due to the vaccines, and the conclusion I read was they don't know.
Don't worry, Karens on to it.
"Karen Cutter, an actuary of more than 25 years and spokeswoman for the institute’s Covid-19 Mortality Working Group, said 13 per cent was an “incredibly high number for mortality” and that it was “not clear” what was driving the increase."
Here's a bit of basic "fact checking".The ABS recorded 11441 deaths (9428 directly attributed to COVID and a further 2013 where COVID contributed), not as the article suggested,
"Of those, only 7727 were attributed to Covid..."
But lets' not let the facts get in the way of some good old News Corp hysteria.
We have 2 Wards (as of last night) full of elderly and immune compromised COVID patients...

san Guine, I don't think there's any hysteria being produced by News Corp article or anything dodgy by the Actuaries Institute.
The article is just quoting the ABS Provisional Mortality Statistics data which provides the excess mortality estimates, as apposed to the ABS covid mortality data you linked which uses different data definitions for covid deaths:
The provisional mortality data says: "analysis is based only on doctor certified deaths." The covid mortality data just uses a definition of "registered and received by the ABS."
So if anything the ABS seems guilty of not doing uniform data reporting.
To compare apples to apples between the ABS covid mortality estimates you linked and the Actuaries Institutes estimates, the ABS estimates are:
- 18,671 excess deaths (17%)
- 9,428 from covid
- 2,013 with covid
- 7230 non-covid remaining (39% of excess deaths)
The Actuaries Institutes estimates:
- 15,400 excess deaths (13%)
- 8200 from covid
- 2100 with covid
- 5100 non-covid remaining (33% of excess deaths)
So the ABS estimates actually seem more alarming than the Actuaries Institute estimates.
The reason for the difference between the two is explained in the New Corp article:
"...the Actuaries Institute takes into account population growth and the ageing population."
I'd suggest the Actuaries Institute is more accurate. Would be a bit weird to criticise them.
What I find interesting is, using the ABS estimates, 39% of 17% excess deaths = 6.6% excess non-covid deaths, which is still much higher than the usual 1-2% excess deaths.

It’s very obvious that covid vaccine has caused excess deaths. Only a one eyed fool like AndyM would argue otherwise.
Sad to hear about the 2 wards SanG. with those numbers it’s also blindly obvious that the vaccine is also not working

Have a friend in tweed hospital at the moment, he has private health and wanted private room but they are all full with covid patients.

Supafreak wrote:Have a friend in tweed hospital at the moment, he has private health and wanted private room but they are all full with covid patients.
That means the vaccine is working apparently

I knew surfers weren't immune to being crazy, but a group?
No i am not a member