Surfers and conspiracy theories etc

philosurphizingkerching wrote:Looks as though the sheep are slowly starting to wake up.
Australian population 26 million.
6 million purebloods.
How many people have had each dose?
When it comes to the first vaccine, about 20 million people have had it, according to data from the department of health and aged care.And about 19.8 million people have gone back for their second dose.
Of those eligible, 14.3 million people have had their third dose.
And the data shows 5.4 million people have had number four.
I think the 5.4 million would be predominantly the vulnerable which have been scared shitless to not get it, becuase as they have been told its their only protection, yes a few others who are blindly doing what they are told are in this mix as well. but from what we have seen its only the vulnerable which are now dying and have been the only ones that have died throughout this debacle, hmm

philosurphizingkerching wrote:Looks as though the sheep are slowly starting to wake up.
Australian population 26 million.
6 million purebloods.
How many people have had each dose?
When it comes to the first vaccine, about 20 million people have had it, according to data from the department of health and aged care.And about 19.8 million people have gone back for their second dose.
Of those eligible, 14.3 million people have had their third dose.
And the data shows 5.4 million people have had number four.
And the figures will be less for number 5 and track downwards if they want 6 and 7.
The majority of people have looked at the stats, looked at the science, looked at the current state of covid and decided no more shots. Very few people get the vax because the govt or health authorities say they have to.....lots of new info in the public domain now and people are making their own minds up. Irrespective of what the truebloods say the majority are not sheep and most of us are just getting on with life...all while burleigh and BD etc etc cry and whine and play the victim and drama queen it up.
90%+ simply don't give a fuck..

Roadkill wrote:philosurphizingkerching wrote:Looks as though the sheep are slowly starting to wake up.
Australian population 26 million.
6 million purebloods.
How many people have had each dose?
When it comes to the first vaccine, about 20 million people have had it, according to data from the department of health and aged care.And about 19.8 million people have gone back for their second dose.
Of those eligible, 14.3 million people have had their third dose.
And the data shows 5.4 million people have had number four.
And the figures will be less for number 5 and track downwards if they want 6 and 7.
The majority of people have looked at the stats, looked at the science, looked at the current state of covid and decided no more shots. Very few people get the vax because the govt or health authorities say they have to.....lots of new info in the public domain now and people are making their own minds up. Irrespective of what the truebloods say the majority are not sheep and most of us are just getting on with life...all while burleigh and BD etc etc cry and whine and play the victim and drama queen it up.
90%+ simply don't give a fuck..
OMG this is hilarious.
Looked at the stats and science. Lmao
It was there all along, you got suckered by media and government.
I hope nobody here forgot how sick you got after your 3 jabs. That was hilarious you looking for sympathy after all the fucked up cruel things you said to anyone who questioned the vaccine.
Karma doing its work.

burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:philosurphizingkerching wrote:Looks as though the sheep are slowly starting to wake up.
Australian population 26 million.
6 million purebloods.
How many people have had each dose?
When it comes to the first vaccine, about 20 million people have had it, according to data from the department of health and aged care.And about 19.8 million people have gone back for their second dose.
Of those eligible, 14.3 million people have had their third dose.
And the data shows 5.4 million people have had number four.
And the figures will be less for number 5 and track downwards if they want 6 and 7.
The majority of people have looked at the stats, looked at the science, looked at the current state of covid and decided no more shots. Very few people get the vax because the govt or health authorities say they have to.....lots of new info in the public domain now and people are making their own minds up. Irrespective of what the truebloods say the majority are not sheep and most of us are just getting on with life...all while burleigh and BD etc etc cry and whine and play the victim and drama queen it up.
90%+ simply don't give a fuck..OMG this is hilarious.
Looked at the stats and science. LmaoIt was there all along, you got suckered by media and government.
I hope nobody here forgot how sick you got after your 3 jabs. That was hilarious you looking for sympathy after all the fucked up cruel things you said to anyone who questioned the vaccine.
Karma doing its work.
LOL...oh porkpieburleigh you dramatic clown...forgetting all the abuse you said to anyone that disagreed with you.
You used Malcolm Roberts as your source of science and knowledge...says what you are. (I still chuckle you didn't even know how preferences worked...again lol). You said you were going to Mexico and indo (as you knew how to sneak in and butter a few palms for access. You said your 2 international business had suffered as you could not travel..then you said you had been O/S 2 x for work.
And you got caught lying about your MIL and then went quiet for 2 days .....then back at the usual..ha ha
move on burls...your posts now are nothing...just lame poor quality trolling at the level of a 15 year old and no one gives a fuck about.

Why A Shocking Number Of Crazy-Sounding Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories Turned Out To Be True
"Theory" doesn't mean what you think it means...
The World Economic Forum, governments around the world, and the mainstream news media are sounding the alarm in Davos about crazy-sounding, right-wing conspiracy theories. And it’s easy to see why: conspiracy theories are prima facie silly. The boring truth is that people and institutions are terrible at keeping secrets.
And yet, a shocking number of crazy-sounding right-wing conspiracy theories have, recently, turned out to be true:
The World Economic Forum really does exercise a creepy influence over world leaders and it really does want “A Great Reset” whereby we’ll collectively move to living in low-energy, high-density, and low-privacy environments, having less physical wealth and, yes, eating insects for protein instead of meat.
The FBI really did spy on Donald Trump’s campaign, run brief-and-leak operations, and spread misinformation about the extent of Russian election interference in ways that led nearly all of the media, media platforms, and Democrats to believe that Hunter Biden’s laptop was fake and anyone who talked about it is a conspiracy theorist, and in a way that may have constituted election interference.
Facebook and Twitter really did censor accurate covid information at the behest of the White House and Twitter, and operate secret blacklists to censor and deplatform disfavored voices and opinions, even when their own internal teams said the people being censored had not actually broken any of the platform’s rules.
The people who allege that the above were, and remain, “conspiracy theories,” say that World Economic Forum is just a gabfest, the FBI was simply doing what bipartisan majorities in Congress and the President agreed was necessary after Russian election interference on the 2016 elections, and government officials and social media executives were doing the best they could with the information they had during a fast-moving pandemic where millions of lives were at stake.
But if the World Economic Forum is a gabfest, it is also, including in its own opinion, enormously powerful, with its founder, Klaus Schwab, playing a mysteriously large role within the G-20 organization of world leaders.
Russian influence over the 2016 election was massively overstated, and the FBI went far beyond what Congress and the President asked and appears to have carried out an orchestrated campaign to deliberately misinform the media and social media platforms about the Hunter Biden laptop, which it had in its possession.
And while Monday morning quarterbacking on covid often goes too far, it’s also the case that Twitter and Facebook censored qualified people who were expressing a reasonable point of view about the vaccines and suppressed factually-accurate vaccine information.
What’s more, all of the above raise significant concerns about the current state of Western democracy.
A rich, secretive, and unelected person, Klaus Schwab, is exercising a weirdly large influence over world leaders on the Left and Right, from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.
The FBI, the most important law enforcement organization in the world, is under the control of people who have shown great comfort in abusing the warrant process, leaking to the press, and influencing journalists and social media executives in what appears to be deliberate influence operations, known as IOs, and which used to be known as psyops.
And everybody from Davos to the White House to the mainstream corporate news media are using claims of “disinformation” and “misinformation” whether coming from Russians, 4chan, or Harvard professors, as excuses to censor social media platforms.
Why is that, exactly? Why did so many crazy-sounding right-wing conspiracy theories turn out to be true? And why are the elites behaving so undemocratically?
The control of publicly-available information over the last 10 years by WEF, the White House, and intelligence agencies including the FBI has been remarkable. Cushy gabfests like the ones in Aspen and Davos are effective in making journalists subservient to elites. The ability of government agencies like the White House and FBI to abuse their power is particularly strong when they have the support of the majority of the public, as was the case with Covid and with Trump, whose support hovered between just 35 and 45 percent. And the centralization of power in a small number of social media sites — mostly Facebook and Twitter — created an opportunity to bully politicians and government officials to deprive hundreds of millions of people of true information and feed them false information.
But all of the above are retrograde attempts to put the Internet genie back in the bottle and thus doomed to fail. The takeover of Twitter by Elon Musk showed how fragile the control of social media platforms was. Musk not only made public just how much control the FBI exercised over Twitter, he also has destroyed the older blue checkmark verification system that biased the whole system toward woke-WEF ideology, or what Martin Gurri calls the “one-sided politics of identity and ecology.”
Change is coming. A growing number of people understand that they must pay for news and information from trustworthy and independent sources, ones without financials conflict of interest, and who make their values and beliefs explicit, rather than hide them...

you can bag the source all you want...
but there's more truth in there than the usual suspects preferred sources

burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:philosurphizingkerching wrote:Looks as though the sheep are slowly starting to wake up.
Australian population 26 million.
6 million purebloods.
How many people have had each dose?
When it comes to the first vaccine, about 20 million people have had it, according to data from the department of health and aged care.And about 19.8 million people have gone back for their second dose.
Of those eligible, 14.3 million people have had their third dose.
And the data shows 5.4 million people have had number four.
And the figures will be less for number 5 and track downwards if they want 6 and 7.
The majority of people have looked at the stats, looked at the science, looked at the current state of covid and decided no more shots. Very few people get the vax because the govt or health authorities say they have to.....lots of new info in the public domain now and people are making their own minds up. Irrespective of what the truebloods say the majority are not sheep and most of us are just getting on with life...all while burleigh and BD etc etc cry and whine and play the victim and drama queen it up.
90%+ simply don't give a fuck..OMG this is hilarious.
Looked at the stats and science. LmaoIt was there all along, you got suckered by media and government.
I hope nobody here forgot how sick you got after your 3 jabs. That was hilarious you looking for sympathy after all the fucked up cruel things you said to anyone who questioned the vaccine.
Karma doing its work.
Hahaha. I bet roaddill had a fb profile picture proclaiming 'i got vaccinated'.
Claims its over, move on.
Not for those with vaccine injuries.
Not for those who lost their jobs and cant get them back.
Not for those who lost their homes...
All because they didn't follow government and public bullying from dipshits like roadkill.
Seriously, fuck off Roadkill. Youre the worst kind of human.

Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:philosurphizingkerching wrote:Looks as though the sheep are slowly starting to wake up.
Australian population 26 million.
6 million purebloods.
How many people have had each dose?
When it comes to the first vaccine, about 20 million people have had it, according to data from the department of health and aged care.And about 19.8 million people have gone back for their second dose.
Of those eligible, 14.3 million people have had their third dose.
And the data shows 5.4 million people have had number four.
And the figures will be less for number 5 and track downwards if they want 6 and 7.
The majority of people have looked at the stats, looked at the science, looked at the current state of covid and decided no more shots. Very few people get the vax because the govt or health authorities say they have to.....lots of new info in the public domain now and people are making their own minds up. Irrespective of what the truebloods say the majority are not sheep and most of us are just getting on with life...all while burleigh and BD etc etc cry and whine and play the victim and drama queen it up.
90%+ simply don't give a fuck..OMG this is hilarious.
Looked at the stats and science. LmaoIt was there all along, you got suckered by media and government.
I hope nobody here forgot how sick you got after your 3 jabs. That was hilarious you looking for sympathy after all the fucked up cruel things you said to anyone who questioned the vaccine.
Karma doing its work.
LOL...oh porkpieburleigh you dramatic clown...forgetting all the abuse you said to anyone that disagreed with you.
You used Malcolm Roberts as your source of science and knowledge...says what you are. (I still chuckle you didn't even know how preferences worked...again lol). You said you were going to Mexico and indo (as you knew how to sneak in and butter a few palms for access. You said your 2 international business had suffered as you could not travel..then you said you had been O/S 2 x for work.
And you got caught lying about your MIL and then went quiet for 2 days .....then back at the usual..ha hamove on burls...your posts now are nothing...just lame poor quality trolling at the level of a 15 year old and no one gives a fuck about.
I had been OS twice last year. I don’t feel the need to announce it on an anonymous forum like yourself. You told 20+ times you were in Japan like anybody actually gave a fuck. How sad
My 2 businesses have suffered. Having international business relationships isn’t very unique. Not sure why you would think this is a lie.
Caught lying about my MIL having a stroke? That wasn’t a lie champ.
Malcolm roberts had some great information about covid early, maybe if you took your head out of your own shit hole you could have seen what was happening.
But hey, if it makes you feel better to call me a liar, then go ahead cafe boy.
Nothing will ever compare to your cafe scenario.

burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:philosurphizingkerching wrote:Looks as though the sheep are slowly starting to wake up.
Australian population 26 million.
6 million purebloods.
How many people have had each dose?
When it comes to the first vaccine, about 20 million people have had it, according to data from the department of health and aged care.And about 19.8 million people have gone back for their second dose.
Of those eligible, 14.3 million people have had their third dose.
And the data shows 5.4 million people have had number four.
And the figures will be less for number 5 and track downwards if they want 6 and 7.
The majority of people have looked at the stats, looked at the science, looked at the current state of covid and decided no more shots. Very few people get the vax because the govt or health authorities say they have to.....lots of new info in the public domain now and people are making their own minds up. Irrespective of what the truebloods say the majority are not sheep and most of us are just getting on with life...all while burleigh and BD etc etc cry and whine and play the victim and drama queen it up.
90%+ simply don't give a fuck..OMG this is hilarious.
Looked at the stats and science. LmaoIt was there all along, you got suckered by media and government.
I hope nobody here forgot how sick you got after your 3 jabs. That was hilarious you looking for sympathy after all the fucked up cruel things you said to anyone who questioned the vaccine.
Karma doing its work.
LOL...oh porkpieburleigh you dramatic clown...forgetting all the abuse you said to anyone that disagreed with you.
You used Malcolm Roberts as your source of science and knowledge...says what you are. (I still chuckle you didn't even know how preferences worked...again lol). You said you were going to Mexico and indo (as you knew how to sneak in and butter a few palms for access. You said your 2 international business had suffered as you could not travel..then you said you had been O/S 2 x for work.
And you got caught lying about your MIL and then went quiet for 2 days .....then back at the usual..ha hamove on burls...your posts now are nothing...just lame poor quality trolling at the level of a 15 year old and no one gives a fuck about.
I had been OS twice last year. I don’t feel the need to announce it on an anonymous forum like yourself.
My 2 businesses have suffered. Having international business relationships isn’t very unique. Not sure why you would think this is a lie.
Caught lying about my MIL having a stroke? That wasn’t a lie champ.
Malcolm roberts had some great information about covid early, maybe if you took your head out of your own shit hole you could have seen what was happening.
But hey, if it makes you feel better to call me a liar, then go ahead cafe boy.
Nothing will ever compare to your cafe scenario.
You’re just an evil piece of shit.
yeah, burleigh. Everyone believes you...haha

Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:philosurphizingkerching wrote:Looks as though the sheep are slowly starting to wake up.
Australian population 26 million.
6 million purebloods.
How many people have had each dose?
When it comes to the first vaccine, about 20 million people have had it, according to data from the department of health and aged care.And about 19.8 million people have gone back for their second dose.
Of those eligible, 14.3 million people have had their third dose.
And the data shows 5.4 million people have had number four.
And the figures will be less for number 5 and track downwards if they want 6 and 7.
The majority of people have looked at the stats, looked at the science, looked at the current state of covid and decided no more shots. Very few people get the vax because the govt or health authorities say they have to.....lots of new info in the public domain now and people are making their own minds up. Irrespective of what the truebloods say the majority are not sheep and most of us are just getting on with life...all while burleigh and BD etc etc cry and whine and play the victim and drama queen it up.
90%+ simply don't give a fuck..OMG this is hilarious.
Looked at the stats and science. LmaoIt was there all along, you got suckered by media and government.
I hope nobody here forgot how sick you got after your 3 jabs. That was hilarious you looking for sympathy after all the fucked up cruel things you said to anyone who questioned the vaccine.
Karma doing its work.
LOL...oh porkpieburleigh you dramatic clown...forgetting all the abuse you said to anyone that disagreed with you.
You used Malcolm Roberts as your source of science and knowledge...says what you are. (I still chuckle you didn't even know how preferences worked...again lol). You said you were going to Mexico and indo (as you knew how to sneak in and butter a few palms for access. You said your 2 international business had suffered as you could not travel..then you said you had been O/S 2 x for work.
And you got caught lying about your MIL and then went quiet for 2 days .....then back at the usual..ha hamove on burls...your posts now are nothing...just lame poor quality trolling at the level of a 15 year old and no one gives a fuck about.
I had been OS twice last year. I don’t feel the need to announce it on an anonymous forum like yourself.
My 2 businesses have suffered. Having international business relationships isn’t very unique. Not sure why you would think this is a lie.
Caught lying about my MIL having a stroke? That wasn’t a lie champ.
Malcolm roberts had some great information about covid early, maybe if you took your head out of your own shit hole you could have seen what was happening.
But hey, if it makes you feel better to call me a liar, then go ahead cafe boy.
Nothing will ever compare to your cafe scenario.
You’re just an evil piece of shit.
yeah, burleigh. Everyone believes you...haha
You sound like my mates narcissist wife.

burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:philosurphizingkerching wrote:Looks as though the sheep are slowly starting to wake up.
Australian population 26 million.
6 million purebloods.
How many people have had each dose?
When it comes to the first vaccine, about 20 million people have had it, according to data from the department of health and aged care.And about 19.8 million people have gone back for their second dose.
Of those eligible, 14.3 million people have had their third dose.
And the data shows 5.4 million people have had number four.
And the figures will be less for number 5 and track downwards if they want 6 and 7.
The majority of people have looked at the stats, looked at the science, looked at the current state of covid and decided no more shots. Very few people get the vax because the govt or health authorities say they have to.....lots of new info in the public domain now and people are making their own minds up. Irrespective of what the truebloods say the majority are not sheep and most of us are just getting on with life...all while burleigh and BD etc etc cry and whine and play the victim and drama queen it up.
90%+ simply don't give a fuck..OMG this is hilarious.
Looked at the stats and science. LmaoIt was there all along, you got suckered by media and government.
I hope nobody here forgot how sick you got after your 3 jabs. That was hilarious you looking for sympathy after all the fucked up cruel things you said to anyone who questioned the vaccine.
Karma doing its work.
LOL...oh porkpieburleigh you dramatic clown...forgetting all the abuse you said to anyone that disagreed with you.
You used Malcolm Roberts as your source of science and knowledge...says what you are. (I still chuckle you didn't even know how preferences worked...again lol). You said you were going to Mexico and indo (as you knew how to sneak in and butter a few palms for access. You said your 2 international business had suffered as you could not travel..then you said you had been O/S 2 x for work.
And you got caught lying about your MIL and then went quiet for 2 days .....then back at the usual..ha hamove on burls...your posts now are nothing...just lame poor quality trolling at the level of a 15 year old and no one gives a fuck about.
I had been OS twice last year. I don’t feel the need to announce it on an anonymous forum like yourself.
My 2 businesses have suffered. Having international business relationships isn’t very unique. Not sure why you would think this is a lie.
Caught lying about my MIL having a stroke? That wasn’t a lie champ.
Malcolm roberts had some great information about covid early, maybe if you took your head out of your own shit hole you could have seen what was happening.
But hey, if it makes you feel better to call me a liar, then go ahead cafe boy.
Nothing will ever compare to your cafe scenario.
You’re just an evil piece of shit.
yeah, burleigh. Everyone believes you...haha
You sound like my mates narcissist wife.
you have mates? :)

Once an anti a soverign citizen.
Yo burleigh, is the the start of the great reset you kept babbling on about?

Dear @jacindaardern. In this interview, you divided vaccinated and unvaccinated into different classes of people and justified the scandalous deprivation of fundamental rights for those who decided to not get the shot. Don't you think it's about time to resign? Oh wait...
— Dr. Simon Goddek (@goddeketal) January 19, 2023
Just in: Live shots of NZ reacting to Jacinda Ardern's resignation. 😂😂😂
— Rukshan Fernando (@therealrukshan) January 19, 2023

Absolute gold again green room. When you post the bed wetters go silent which means you’re doing something right.
Poor roadkill being the proud vaccinated kiwi, I’m sure we did a little wee in his pants when the corrupt horse head resigned today.
Wonder why…………….


Jelly Flater wrote:
Nah, it’s all sweet. Stok trusts the science. Don’t ask questions.

burleigh wrote:Absolute gold again green room. When you post the bed wetters go silent which means you’re doing something right.
Poor roadkill being the proud vaccinated kiwi, I’m sure we did a little wee in his pants when the corrupt horse head resigned today.
Wonder why…………….
your mates narcissistic girlfriends not a Kiwi by any chance is she @burleigh.
Fark, what a kuntwana she is.
Agreed great posts @greenroom.

People are dying suddenly and leaders are reigning suddenly.

She’s going to be fired.
— J Chamie (@jjchamie) January 19, 2023
"She said it was hard not to feel abandoned by the government with mask and isolation restrictions now gone and worries that, if she died with COVID, her death would be dismissed as a consequence of her underlying health conditions.
“When people are reduced to being an immunocompromised person or a vulnerable person, you take away their story; you take away the impact of their life and their value as a human being to society as a whole,” she said."

Supafreak wrote:
Comments are hilarious,
They knew.
All planned,
How convenient- they all knew.
Of course, because it was all planned out years before.
You have to create a problem before enacting a solution which makes the problem worse.
They murdered people.
They planned the whole thing.
They they they they
And just like the covidiots in here, not one person can say who THEY are.

Roadkill wrote:Supafreak wrote:
Comments are hilarious,
They knew.
All planned,
How convenient- they all knew.
Of course, because it was all planned out years before.
You have to create a problem before enacting a solution which makes the problem worse.
They murdered people.
They planned the whole thing.They they they they
And just like the covidiots in here, not one person can say who THEY are.
Roadkill i hope you've reported your vaccine injury of a severely disfunctioning brain to the TGA. They do say alot are under reported.

I got a good laugh out of it , fishing is good today

bluediamond wrote:Roadkill wrote:Supafreak wrote:
Comments are hilarious,
They knew.
All planned,
How convenient- they all knew.
Of course, because it was all planned out years before.
You have to create a problem before enacting a solution which makes the problem worse.
They murdered people.
They planned the whole thing.They they they they
And just like the covidiots in here, not one person can say who THEY are.
Roadkill i hope you've reported your vaccine injury of a severely disfunctioning brain to the TGA. They do say alot are under reported.
Keeping the bar high, hey BD.

Just you contriibuting on anything covid (or Sierra Kerr/your mum in a cafe) related is keeping the bar right up there dipshit. After all the evil stuff you've posted about anyone not getting jabbed i can't believe you haven't quietly removed yourself in a deep shame.
Anyway....i thought you got banned from SN for using this forum as a tool for trying to organise to meet 'blokes' in the Burleigh toilets or something. Did i misread that?

bluediamond wrote:Just you contriibuting on anything covid (or Sierra Kerr/your mum in a cafe) related is keeping the bar right up there dipshit. After all the evil stuff you've posted about anyone not getting jabbed i can't believe you haven't quietly removed yourself in a deep shame.
Anyway....i thought you got banned from SN for using this forum as a tool for trying to organise to meet 'blokes' in the Burleigh toilets or something. Did i misread that?
Oh gee homophobia now? you are scraping the barrel now, BD. Keep the insults coming as it just shows the character you are.

You know what they say....where there's smoke, there's fire!! yeoowch! Don't bother me....You do you. Love is love.
Ur probably on the wrong website for the old 'cuppa and chat' meetups if u know what i mean though. I think you misread the meaning of Swellnet.

Now officially the worst forum topic to even appear on Swellnet

Why Stok? Who would it offend?? (someone who found themselves on the wrong website?)
Just repeating the facts. A bloke arranged to meet another bloke in the toilets at Burleigh 'for a cuppa and a chat'. One got banned. One didn't. Not sure why. If it was a sheila, i'd be repeating the same story and stating the same thing, Wrong website for that. But crew like you wanna be offended by everything so i get it.
Anyway, truth be told, i've had my fun traumatising the little snowflake that is roadkill. I had to paint a pool deck the last 2 days, and it was the most tedious job ever. So to break it up, thought i'd see what it was like to be a real troll for 48 hours!!! Follow him around and write him off like he does.
Turns out, it's really no fun at all. Makes you feel like a pretty shitty person actually. I feel sorry for the Toad. I'll leave him to his cuppas on the point or whatever it is he does between his relentless trolling on here. Yew.

Blowin called it not Roadkill
Roadkill called his bluff.
Now you’re adding your own narrative that it was homosexual.
BD you’ve lost the plot.
Ps this is the worst thread on Swellnet
Knock it on the head Ben

I agree Seeds, it's unfortunate that an otherwise potentially worthwhile discussion has once again descended into personal attacks.
I knew surfers weren't immune to being crazy, but a group?
No i am not a member