Surfers and conspiracy theories etc

I did stumble into the remnants of a "grow" once looking for an old mine. Closer to Tabulam though. And know of 2 incidents of people being chased out of Ewingar State Forest

Speaking of cookers and nut jobs. Is there anything that can stop the Coalition from encouraging conspiracy theories and misinformation? Are these people stupid? Or do they simply not care? As I wrote on Wednesday, the right is not directly responsible for the wild path the Train family went down. But it’s blindingly obvious to anyone with any sense or care that it’s time for conservative politicians to stop dabbling in this stuff; to stop encouraging the mentally ill to believe that the government is out to get them and wants to control their lives and take their stuff; to stop making up outrageous bullshit as a substitute for real policy arguments.

AndyM wrote:Good old Burls, he finds it difficult to walk and chew gum at the same time.
Easiest way to join dots is a straight line, yet you keep doing loops and roundabouts, even after they have been numbered for you.

So you don’t reckon we can be concerned about both rapists and domestic terrorists?
Not worth worrying about?

A few articles masquerading as journalism and one or two incidents amongst millions and millions of vax shots never stopped the covidiot getting cooked and sweaty and angry and crazy and unintelligible etc etc
ie, periods…the science easily proved covid had a far greater impact on period changes..yet, who was double cooked?

Were they mentally ill?
He was a School Principal, she was a Teacher- for years.

Brenton Tarrant, the lowlife who murdered 51 muslims in Christchurch a few years ago, was unknown to police before he carried out his heinous crime. It was later discovered he was an adherent of conspiracy theories such as The White Extinction Theory and The Great Replacement Theory. Even his poor mum never suspected what was going on in his feeble mind. Sure, most people who get sucked in by these conspiracy theories do not go on to commit atrocities, but it only takes one to destroy innocent people’s lives.

The 3 of them apparently worked at Walgett school. Pretty sure they'd have been happy to have anyone apply.
There's a shitload of cookers and assorted nutters in the Lightning Ridge/Walgett area. Guns aren't hard to find out there either.

Roadkill wrote:periods…the science easily proved covid had a far greater impact on period changes..yet, who was double cooked?
LMAO fuck you're a special human.

tubeshooter wrote:The 3 of them apparently worked at Walgett school. Pretty sure they'd have been happy to have anyone apply.
There's a shitload of cookers and assorted nutters in the Lightning Ridge/Walgett area. Guns aren't hard to find out there either.
I’ve been to walgett once , we were going to go into the pub for a counter meal but after driving past and briefly looking in we decided against it .

burls is pretty special. Everything he criticises others for he is the master of. :)

burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:periods…the science easily proved covid had a far greater impact on period changes..yet, who was double cooked?
LMAO fuck you're a special human.
Burls is on his minstrel cycle again.

Grew up half baked by their father!

4 Officers for a Missing person Enquiry...
And a Couple of Looters

Supafreak wrote:Speaking of cookers and nut jobs. Is there anything that can stop the Coalition from encouraging conspiracy theories and misinformation? Are these people stupid? Or do they simply not care? As I wrote on Wednesday, the right is not directly responsible for the wild path the Train family went down. But it’s blindingly obvious to anyone with any sense or care that it’s time for conservative politicians to stop dabbling in this stuff; to stop encouraging the mentally ill to believe that the government is out to get them and wants to control their lives and take their stuff; to stop making up outrageous bullshit as a substitute for real policy arguments.
Stupid and do not care would be my reckoning....

AndyM wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:periods…the science easily proved covid had a far greater impact on period changes..yet, who was double cooked?
LMAO fuck you're a special human.
Burls is on his minstrel cycle again.
Nice one AndyM but I didn’t go for a bike ride singing today.
Learn to pronounce
a medieval singer or musician, especially one who sang or recited lyric or heroic poetry to a musical accompaniment for the nobility.


Thanks Burls, I had no idea.

AndyM wrote:Thanks Burls, I had no idea.
I know

Remember Burls, I love you like a brother.

AndyM wrote:Remember Burls, I love you like a brother.
I love you like a brothel too x


burleigh wrote:AndyM wrote:Remember Burls, I love you like a brother.
I love you like a brothel too x
You want to do what???
Please don't travel 500 miles to give me your seed.

Then again, you're pretty charming when you're on your minstrel cycle.

About tbb drumming up Oz War Conspiracies...only wish that were true!
Got enough time in the year for another one...a real big nasty one!
During 2022 tbb has noted...
Oz supplies $20m-$30m /month of Arms/Ammo to Russia since war began.
Year's Weapon Supplies = $250m -$350m to Arm Mother Russia to Bomb Ukraine
These "Monthly" payments could well be installments for Local / Imported Missiles in Ukraine's houses!
Oz then kindly returns $180m blood money to Ukraine to prevent Oz Bombs blowing them up.
That leaves $100m to train them how to use Oz Defence weapons...can donate another lazy $100m.
eg: Sept-Oct 2022 > $48m for 2 months Arms/Ammunition to Mother Russia...
Note other exports have dropped 75% over the year but not Arms/Ammo...Oz keeps Putin Happy!
So! Do we wait for Oz Media to wake up...(Tip!) They never never will!
Of course not...Contacted Australian Ukraine officials and alerted them to such!
That was a while back now...Does tbb expect a reply for the Hot Potato?
Nope! Not in this year or next or never...Done what was needed to do!
Just repeating that none give a shit that Oz sells $300m Arms to Russia after Voting NO! in UN.
Oz Monthly Arms/Ammunition Export data shows no decline in lead up to new Russian offensive!
Sure! Another tbb conspiracy...Why! Coz it's not news worthy...well durr!
Who cares if Oz are gifting Putin a $300m Xmas present for Ukraine!
Pretty sure no Aussie gives a shit...go & ask! Wot?
Relax! No cause for Alarm it's just another tbb War conspiracy! All say Aye!

On Alibaba, China's largest online shopping platform, the price of regular paracetamol tablets has increased tenfold in the past week from $4 to $40 for 20 tablets.

China have really screwed this one up..

I'd recommend not swallowing verbatim the western media clickbait China bashing narrative.
I am in regular contact with lots of Chinese people. The reality over there couldn't be any further from the junk media clickbait hysterical trash we're served up.
I'd actually liken what we're exposed to more to a grand conspiracy theory.

Got some more info GSCO?
And to what end does any hyping affect things in regards to us on the outside?

I'd describe it (or it has been consistently described to me) as people just going about their daily lives in not too different of a way to us, and having basically the same experience as us, all during covid and when we relaxed our covid restrictions, just in a population of 1.4 billion people compared to only 26 million (and one year later).
I seem to recall us all throughout the West also having lockdowns, large and widespread protests, police brutality, calls for the resigning and removal of leaders, cries for freedom, disagreement with covid responses, food shortages, empty shop shelves, hoarding, inflation and price gouging, inconsistencies and contradictions and confusion in covid policies and responses, hospitalisations, deaths, uncertainty, panic, fear...etc... The China experience is no different.
Overall how does the media hyping effect us?
I'll only say that the ALP seems to have the right idea of intelligently managing the relationship with the Chinese superpower: China breakthrough: Penny Wong to visit Beijing this week as relationship recovers. They're taking the right steps.
One the one hand there's this "wild" concept of diplomacy (which I'm not overly good at), defined as "the profession, activity, or skill of managing international relations, typically by a country's representatives abroad" or "the art of dealing with people in a sensitive and tactful way", which is what the ALP is starting to show signs of doing.
One the other there's what we've just seen in the past decade or so in politics, and what the media persists with, which I'd describe as more akin to drunken shit slinging in the pub before getting into a barroom brawl.

Thanks GSCO.
Though you'd think they would have learnt a few things, garnered a bit more of an insight from the rest of the world in the past 2.5 years regarding it's mortality rate, though most at risk etc, etc. And hence opened up earlier instead of trying to eliminate it, which is futile.

Craig wrote:Thanks GSCO.
Though you'd think they would have learnt a few things, garnered a bit more of an insight from the rest of the world in the past 2.5 years regarding it's mortality rate, though most at risk etc, etc. And hence opened up earlier instead of trying to eliminate it, which is futile.
I guess once a ship that big has set a course, it takes a long time to change direction??

Yes, but it’s actually also a misunderstanding that China is only suddenly just “opening up now”.
All through covid I’ve had like literally 100s of friends and (ex) colleagues updating their WeChat moments and other social media with their normal daily lives, tourism and travel all over China, weddings (and breakups..), etc, and it’s made me very jealous!
Internally people in China have been very free in general through covid with mostly targeted lockdowns and other policies during covid waves, not really any different to us.
The main difference is this yr they kept their covid policies in place (although in fact gradually easing them), and international travel into China is still restricted.
You’d think I’m completely making this up judging by our media coverage, but anyway, I guess that’s just the world we live in…. The media just picks out the most extreme, isolated and provocative instances and tries to make it look like that's the whole picture.
Our media tries to make it look like everyone in China is living in a Stalin concentration and forced labour camp - a Gulag.

The last thing we want to see is the anti-vaxxers, pro-gun, conspiracy theorists to get this land and use it for their own warped and dangerous views,


gsco wrote:Yes, but it’s actually also a misunderstanding that China is only suddenly just “opening up now”.
All through covid I’ve had like literally 100s of friends and (ex) colleagues updating their WeChat moments and other social media with their normal daily lives, tourism and travel all over China, weddings (and breakups..), etc, and it’s made me very jealous!
Internally people in China have been very free in general through covid with mostly targeted lockdowns and other policies during covid waves, not really any different to us.
The main difference is this yr they kept their covid policies in place (although in fact gradually easing them), and international travel into China is still restricted.
You’d think I’m completely making this up judging by our media coverage, but anyway, I guess that’s just the world we live in…. The media just picks out the most extreme, isolated and provocative instances and tries to make it look like that's the whole picture.
Our media tries to make it look like everyone in China is living in a Stalin concentration and forced labour camp - a Gulag.
For sure, it's on the list of the usual states to be subjected to regular hatchet jobs.
Includes North Korea, Russia, Venezuela and Iran.
Various central American countries as well as Iraq and Libya have been crushed and brought to heel so are off the front page these days.
Wonder what's happening in Afghanistan and Syria?

udo wrote:The last thing we want to see is the anti-vaxxers, pro-gun, conspiracy theorists to get this land and use it for their own warped and dangerous views,
We certainly don't want Burls and his ilk supporting a Branch Davidian- type project out there.


Johny is also not happy with the under reporting of vaccine injury.

gsco...Western concern for China's Zero Covid put into perspective.
China Pop 1,452,977,672 ~ Covid Deaths 9-16th Dec 2022 = 184 or (26/day) or 1/ 7,896,618
Australia Pop 25,978,935 ~ Covid Deaths 9-16th Dec 2022 = 232 or (33/day) or 1/ 111,978
Aussies are 70.5x more likely to die from Covid during Silly Season.
IHME projected Oz Daily death peak 4th Feb 2023 at 56/day
Adopting "Harsh Zero Covid" ( 80% Mask only ) reduces [+] by half & lowers toll to 18/day
That'd be why AMA urge masks are currently the best defence.(Pollies tell you it's Vax?)
Current Mask usage is 3% but tbb would read that as 0 < 1% on Gold Coast @ Peak Wave.
Lone Masked tbb can vouch being shamed simply by walking thru malls...(Fell like an outcast Punk!)
As said...not doin' it for myself...just do it as tbb genuinely cares as we all still do!
Data shows unvaxed Deaths % declining for well over a year to now rank below unvaxed demographic.
Due to building natural immunity the Unvaxed drop below their % in infection, Hospital & now deaths.
Now! 15x more deaths than pre 50% Full Vax Era > tbb feels more relaxed than ever being unvaxed.
tbb wears a mask to lower transmission among vulnerable Mass Vaxed Crowds, dropping off at 33/day.
There a roughly 5-10,000 fully vaxed furloughed frontline and that number is still increasing.
No! You won't read about it on Xmas Sales dockets but any are free to pause & reflect & Salute!
Ask! How or who else knows or wishes to share all this unless they care...Not our Govts! That's for sure!
Sure! Another Covid Conspiracy!
Stats are sourced from most reliable, dedicated, prompt & fairest Oz/ World Covid Data source
Full & open Credit to Anthony @ Covid Live.

AndyM wrote:Interesting.
That all you got after the biggest covid vaccine news?

burleigh wrote:AndyM wrote:Interesting.
That all you got after the biggest covid vaccine news?
I think it needs capitals for more impact

Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:AndyM wrote:Interesting.
That all you got after the biggest covid vaccine news?
I think it needs capitals for more impact
wow..OMG...that is the bigest news ever?...actually snoooooooooooore

burleigh, will be wetting the bed.

thanks tbb, and I'd never shame you for wearing a mask!

gsco wrote:I'd recommend not swallowing verbatim the western media clickbait China bashing narrative.
I am in regular contact with lots of Chinese people. The reality over there couldn't be any further from the junk media clickbait hysterical trash we're served up.
I'd actually liken what we're exposed to more to a grand conspiracy theory.
So would the following be clickbait? Do you think this article is in the grand conspiracy basket?

China ~ Covid Dashboard / Maps > as used by US / Oz data sets...(Click Translate!)

I would hate to be in a Chinese hospital requiring will be non existant if cases over run their poorly run/staffed hospitals.
life is expendable for non party cronies
I knew surfers weren't immune to being crazy, but a group?
No i am not a member