Realsurf Roll Call

I'm here, same user name.

Who the fuck are you?

been here for a while, not sure exactly wtf is goin on, but seems shit has the fan over at RS.....

I've been here since the start.

Has anyone seen Pompom? Last I saw he was pinned under the hull.

Present although a good op to change the user name... don't know Toby but from his home town.

Yeah I'm here too. Got sick of that 2nd Reef moniker 5 minutes after I thought of it.


Hi my names Steve Shearer and I'm an alcoholic.

I'm not here ... :-)

Not really.....but I do drink XXXX Gold.
Unless someone has some muddled ginger in a glass of rum nearby.

Ive been here since the start. I joined up after I was called a spingity spingity boo on the real surf forums, after my second post by some kook called dinosaur. Its a nice forum I hope you realsurfers don't wreck it

Yep, I'm here, just not sure whether to let on who I was at realsurf. I'm sick of that bloke.
Actually, I'm sick of this moniker too.
Stu, can you abbreviate my moniker just to 'Batfink'. Fuck Karate, who needs him.

^^ I can do that?
Oh fuck yeah, I'm a MODERATOR!!!!!

But nah, cant change your name. Dont have those powers.

i'm here, but I'm not... some other bloke had this username on RS. I posted a few times there but not a lot, seems every thread ended up in a pissing match on an unrelated got lame pretty quick.

Where's wanto?

But nah, cant change your name. Dont have those powers.
By: "stunet"
Well find someone who can you flipping ponce, he can't be further than an arm's length away. By the way, I think I just reported your post as abusive or spam or something, accidentally, while trying to quote. Tell Ben that you were being nice and not to worry about it.
some other bloke had this username on RS. I posted a few times there but not a lot, seems every thread ended up in a pissing match on an unrelated got lame pretty quick.
By: "brendo"
Yep, sadly, it's what we do best. Hold on to your seat.

Beachbanga, thought it was a good time to change that fucking shit username...
No censorship? Fuck cunt wog fag?
This place is beautiful.
By: "dondellion"
So beachbanga was shit, which I agree, and then you decided on donddellion??????????
Certainly makes me feel better. :-)

Hey Stu how do i change my login email?

Mate, surely it's not that hard to just make another account?
By: "dondellion"
Not that hard at all, just thought I would be lazy and see if Stu is up to it.
No more stories from Stu, he'll be too busy moderating the shit fights in the forums. :-) :-)

Hey Stu how do i change my login email?
By: "jimsheedy"
Gotta go into 'account' Jim. Up at top right of page and I think it's all there.
I think...
I'll take a look. Kind've new to this meself.

Who the fuck are you Batfink?

"jimsheedy" wrote:Hey Stu how do i change my login email?
By: "stunet"
Gotta go into 'account' Jim. Up at top right of page and I think it's all there.
I think...
I'll take a look. Kind've new to this meself.
yeah i did that, doesn't work

Who's jimsheedy? Some reference to that name on the dying forum but I didn't get it being out of the loop. Dino? Or olds?

Sound of the obvious whooshing over Fluffy and Banga's head - that's old news.
And whoever's running this carnival can we please have a crackdown on spelling and grammar - I can live with harlequin babies but if I see another another misplaced apostrophe I'll squick myself.
Also I've sent Mr Freeride a PM - how's he meant to see it unless he goes looking for PM's?
And how about some of those hopeless cheesy grin thingos?
How do I post a pic of my deformed penis?
At least this joint has relevant surf reports and astute forecasts.

Look at the avatar.

Also I've sent Mr Freeride a PM - how's he meant to see it unless he goes looking for PM's?
By: "merkin"
Yeah, I want automatic emails with hotlinks to the most recent post in a thread I've posted in. And auto-emails for PMs too. None of this manual checking shit.

How do I post a pic of my deformed penis?
By: "merkin"
Exactly, straight to the heart of the matter.
Plus Coops will want to know whether it's OK to post pics of copraphiliacs going at it.
Ah Coops, you cross the line once and the elephant never forgets.
The boys in the swellnet cupboard are shitting themselves wondering if this is a good thing, or the end of their site.
I have to admit that I'm wondering that too.

Heh! Well if you really want to know, Don's my middle name and since there are so many Dons in the forums these days I added a dellion to help try separate myself...
So batfink, let it out, who the fuck are you? Damage?
By: "dondellion"
You'll work it out, I've left a clue. So has merkin. No offence meant BTW, picking a good alias is harder than picking a deeply entrenched booger. Much harder.

So batfink, let it out, who the fuck are you? Damage?
By: "dondellion"
You must be a dumb cunt too..

While we're here bitching, get your active topics shit working. This hasn't hit the top 1000 yet, I don't think it even appears, and it has to be the most active topic going.
Ok, think I'm going home now.

"merkin" wrote:Also I've sent Mr Freeride a PM - how's he meant to see it unless he goes looking for PM's?
By: "toby"
Yeah, I want automatic emails with hotlinks to the most recent post in a thread I've posted in. And auto-emails for PMs too. None of this manual checking shit.
The whole Swellnet site is getting a bit of birthday shortly, including the forums. There's a few things that don't work too well but they haven't been much of a priority. It'll all happen soon enough.

Scroopulis signing in....

Where are the smileys anyway? What the fuck will Fong do?

Call me a dumb cunt because I don't know who half of you are. Not even the apparently obvious ones that the rest of you have got.

Call me a dumb cunt because I don't know who half of you are. Not even the apparently obvious ones that the rest of you have got.
By: "toby"
Just to make it easy for you I'm Merkin.

i must be dumber than dandelion cause i cant figure it out.
Also I tried to change my new avatar but it won't let me. Is this some sort of cruel penance I have to serve. doomed to look at a harlequin baby everytime I check these forums? As much as I find the little suckers amusing. I'm afraid theyve gone off the boil (no pun intended) a bit and I find they are now about as topically shocking as trevg's gynecological result.
ie: patient. Trev G. Location Queensland. Vagina. Full of sand and extremely sharp shell fragments.
So yeah can you help me out?

Jim your such a dumb cunt

I am glad you all followed me over here.

I want to be moderator you cunts.
or we are leaving.
who is with me?

good one buffy

No maybe tomtom
The Realsurf ship has crashed. Into an iceberg named marcus. This was the closest island.
Is everyone accounted for?