Vaccinate or not

I didn't say lock down forever, just don't listen to fucken idiots who try to set dates they never achieve because of politics not public health.

"these anti lockdown rallies etc are not left or right they take in the whole spectrum"
The protesters are all on the same side of the idiocy spectrum though.
The thing about the anti-lockdown mob, the organisers are pretty much all right wing activists. In Victoria, the main organisers have very clear links to the Young Liberals. Looks like the next generation of Liberal politicians are going to be even more batshit crazy and/or dangerously cynical than the current shitshow.

Wot Hesitants! It's called Politicizing the Pandemic.
Went to see if ya could get a idea what was tbb thinking!
Local GP = No Vax for U60 (pre orders only) Months away...
tbb's GP = Vaxes are strictly reserved for "Scomo's No ID Visa Mutant Slaves - 4 get jabbed per hour"
tbb's ( 20 x GPs ) = (U60's Pfizer re: October + Over 60's AZ - 3 weeks )
Fed Govt Vax Sites = No U60 Pfizer Vax > None (4 weeks?) / AZ 2-4week wait
That's it for Central Gold Coast from City's biggest Shop Precincts 1/2/3 hwys / Rail /Tram Bush2Beach.
We are outta Vax! For a Month or More > middle of a 7 day lockdown.
State Govt GC Mass Site = Closed before 2nd Dose could be given.
State Govt GC New Mass Site = U60 Pfizer > 2nd Dose Only
State Govt AZ Only...(but) there's a catch... Gotta fork out some serious dough.
Qld AZ = Mandatory $80 GP approval Only..this is also for Qld Fed (Empty) Clinics...
Note Mandatory AZ GP "Vax Chat" stop the bitchin' over the shitty low GP jab fee...GP's feel better now!
Qld Bookings > Mandatory GP - email + Printer QR Code + Mobile Phone for (SMS)
tbb is guessing it would cost $100 Printer + $300 iphone + $ 20-50 Contract + Foreign email intercept.
tbb trialled this but site refuses progress without Cyborg must be tech compliant for vax.
All here know you need a Cyborg upgrade for Vax POV entry compliance.
Say it again ...Govt / Shop don't give a Fuck if you vax... [ Cyborg Entry Only]
tbb will never be allowed to enter a gig without a Mobile Phone Tracker.
(Vax is only permitted after Borg upgrade) Human > $500 Cyborg > Lab Rat > Gig...(That order)
Covid Vax min cost = $400 > $500 + $100 Start up Course for Qld 20 part Naplan Test for Vax.
Check the Video...tbb thought it was Census night or Naplan Weekend or both rolled into one!
Need 7 nations IT departments working flat strap until Xmas just to process tbb's 150 half full boxes.
Please no one talk shit about Hesitants...Govt/s are 1,000% Vax Paranoid Hesitants.
Repeat! There is no fuckin' Vax or Rollout...It is dead...It's Over > MSM are not telling you!
Scomo's Murdoch News + Costello News + [L] ABC are gagged.
Right Here & Now...all of yer States have just run outta Vax...(Bingo!) It's all gone...See for yourselves...
NSW Vax depot has run dry + Every State rollout has run outta Vax...Shh! Don't wake up the News!
Not that tbb trusts this site as it's UK Vax massage style is well dodgy...
Qld is in the middle of a Lockdown but Media & Govt dares not mention the "V" word!
Costello 9 News / ACA : Our job is to divert attention toward the growing ALP Test & Ambo Queues .
Ok! So wotz Going on is that Scomo is blocking access to Pfizer until States mop up AZ.
Scomo must mop up the AZ slop or Dutto will roll Daggy dad pre / post election.
Note! Vic / NSW / Qld are all running AZ Scams every which way to get a bite at the Pfizer.
Scomo has told them..use up the AZ or no Pfizer! Simple as that! MSM are too cowardly to call it!
Looks like all states are restricted to 2nd dose pfizer only.
Here's our version!
MSM > "We hunted down some more dirty filthy disgusting Hesitants...that are flat lining our Rollout!"
Wake up Oz! Costello is doing you Slowly. [L] Rollout Scam or [L] Politicized Pandemic...(Take yer Pick)

Vic Local wrote:"these anti lockdown rallies etc are not left or right they take in the whole spectrum"
The protesters are all on the same side of the idiocy spectrum though.
The thing about the anti-lockdown mob, the organisers are pretty much all right wing activists. In Victoria, the main organisers have very clear links to the Young Liberals. Looks like the next generation of Liberal politicians are going to be even more batshit crazy and/or dangerously cynical than the current shitshow.
No idea who organisers are, but just dont kid yourself that the anti vax/anti lockdown/covid is just the flue is a right wing movement its not at all, it seems to be split pretty much 50/50 with a huge amount of these these people just being everyday normal people with no strong political leanings.
Im being completely surprised at the people that are taking certain views some quite strong that are generally quite smart non political type people or proud Green voters that are in no way new age hippy types, you just can't pick them until you start talking about Covid or the vaccine.
Yeah i have sadly seen a lot of conservative groups jumping on the anti vax/anti lockdown bandwagon clearly trying to cash in and boast numbers, i read the other day Sky news viewership has been way way up since Covid.
I've also had to unfollow conservative social media pages for anti vax type crap of late, personally i think they should leave the anti science stuff to the looney left who believe in crazy things like critical race theory, and endless amounts of genders instead of basic biology.

"No idea who organisers are, but just dont kid yourself that the anti vax/anti lockdown/covid is just the flue is a right wing movement"
I'm not "kidding myself" that the anti-vax crowd are all right wing lunatics. There's a fair few crystal loving Mullimbimby types in that mob too. But here's the point, this movement only becomes dangerous when there's money, power, and media access backing it. The hippies have none of that. They are merely useful idiots to scumbags like Monica Smit, Alan Jones, Craig Kelly, Sen Rennick, Canavan, Houston, and the Young Liberal twats who think creating havoc is the best way to achieve power.
But hey Indo, you just worry about Critical Race Theory or whatever the latest bogeyman is being pushed by the muppets on Sky News After Dark.

Even as a conservative im not exposed to those people and their views Alan Jones, Craig Kelly, Canavan are the names I recognise but not a fan of either three and find their views on most things over the top and only see their views if i go looking for them, the three others ive never even heard of and I dont know what the young liberals are about, im betting 90% of the crowd are exactly the same.
The sad reality as i said is these people are mostly just everyday people with no strong political leanings.
Hard to say exactly where they are getting their views from, but i think its more just a lack of understanding of things and just believing what a friend says or post on social media.
Even here look at the people that have been critical of Covid information and the vaccine, they are in no way right leaning people like TTB or Sheep dog etc, you just cant tell.
Anyway no offence but im going to do my best to not continue a conversation with you.

Vic Local wrote:"No idea who organisers are, but just dont kid yourself that the anti vax/anti lockdown/covid is just the flue is a right wing movement"
I'm not "kidding myself" that the anti-vax crowd are all right wing lunatics. There's a fair few crystal loving Mullimbimby types in that mob too. But here's the point, this movement only becomes dangerous when there's money, power, and media access backing it. The hippies have none of that. They are merely useful idiots to scumbags like Monica Smit, Alan Jones, Craig Kelly, Sen Rennick, Canavan, Houston, and the Young Liberal twats who think creating havoc is the best way to achieve power.
But hey Indo, you just worry about Critical Race Theory or whatever the latest bogeyman is being pushed by the muppets on Sky News After Dark.
actually VL, I Know heaps of younger people who are hesitant about vaxing and who are affected by left wing wellness peoples opinions/conspiracy theories ...try Pete Evans and the whole Byron Bay clique......a lot of surfing people who are well educated and I would call lefties are on the anti-vax bandwagon...........
Alby calls for everyone to get $300 so we will get vaccinated.....I mean , really you have to pay people so they will protect themselves and the rest of the country??
It's really sad to see so much misinformation be distributed through our social media and mainstream media.....if you you look at the Stats from other countries who are way ahead of us in vaccinations, it's now very easy to see what's working and what's not.
There is now a Global Epidemic among unvaccinated people in the USA/UK/Japan the list is getting longer every day.....of countries/demographics that are now suffering......there is no excuse in the USA or the UK to not get if and when you get sick, you then want to use the Health System to save yourself......all because you risked your life and others....lotta lefties , lotta right wingers.......

The common thread running through the politicians and people like Pete Evans from across the political spectrum who make public or social media anti-vax pronouncements is attention seeking.

It makes me wonder about the general lack of curiosity and cynicism amongst people regarding the introduction of a mandatory digital ID which all citizens must produce for virtually any transaction or interaction.
Do people honestly think a digital ID for vaccination is not a Trojan horse?
At the moment there is no onus on any individual to own or carry a digital device beyond convenience. Australians are not required to carry ID. If the government wants to access location data of an individual which they do not voluntarily provide, the government is required to get a warrant. COVID digital ID changes all of this irrevocably. It is a paradigm shift in individual rights within society and it’s getting zero MSM attention.
If Certification Of Vaccine ID is essential then why can’t it be a physical item like a drivers license? There is no genuine need for a digital ID.

"If Certification Of Vaccine ID is essential then why can’t it be a physical item like a drivers license? There is no genuine need for a digital ID."
yep, the machine is finally getting its dream...
and considering the push for many such things pre covid, ...and the much resistance pre covid, its enough to make one believe the conspiracy nutters...
the open secret 'great reset' so called 'conspiracy' just feeds the beast even more
so much dodgy shit getting pushed through under the cover of darkness, of mainstrean media censorship, at the moment, I don't think its a stretch or fanciful at all to think there will be some form of revolt in the not too distant future...
its already happening in places like france
that mexican politician twitter vid was very telling, in that there is only questionable evidence vaccines are even justified for the current situation, especially mandatory ones...
and this is more glaringly obvious to people in developing countries, who are already still battling some rather common disease
that's without even considering the questionable process and proof of the vaccines
the machine has squandered so much trust and good will throughout this shit show, which are far from infinite resources... there comes a point where even the meekest and mellowest of barely willing minions say enough is enough
from what Im seeing, we are about there now, and those in power need to be very careful how they play this from here
the thing that does my head in, more than anything, is, do those with power really believe they are winning the information war?
it's embarrassing to watch some of the shit going down, embarrassing for them...

adam12 wrote:The common thread running through the politicians and people like Pete Evans from across the political spectrum who make public or social media anti-vax pronouncements is attention seeking.
don't forget people like Pete Evans are making fortunes selling bogus attention seeking, but also to enrich themselves at the expense of others!

"@TBB , this FOX News report talks about the “ possible “ lab leak and the war games that you have previously posted about..."
yep, seen a timeline layed out, very similar to ol' mate tbb
whi layed it all out a good. 6 months ago at least...

I'm sure plenty will disagree but I reckon Albo just won the election. Vote Labor get $300, vote LNP get nothing. Bang. Unless the LNP match it they will be struggling.

@Supa, yeah!

"I'm sure plenty will disagree but I reckon Albo just won the election. Vote Labor get $300, vote LNP get nothing. Bang. Unless the LNP match it they will be struggling."
oh gawd... i hope not...
nothing to do with albo over morrison, ...except his pathetic policy... if bribing is what it takes to get people vaccinated, then fuck me, what a sad state of affairs...
and if its successful... and aussies 'buy in' to such patheticness... then fuck me again...
...and $300?! ...come on! ...its bloody insulting...
the lamest thing I have ever heard all round ...from one increasingly lame duck dude...
what else would you expect I guess, it seems all labor does these days is buy people's votes
what else do you do I guess? ...when you've squandered just about any credibility and loyalty you ever had

"I guess, it seems all labor does these days is buy people's votes"
Sports rorts
Bushfire rorts
Carpark rorts
You understand how these things work, right?

@sypkan, with your comment "the thing that does my head in, more than anything, is, do those with power really believe they are winning the information war? it's embarrassing to watch some of the shit going down, embarrassing for them..."
I assume you are referring to people like Alan Jones, Craig Kelly and their friends on Sky News. Absolutely laughable commentary on there from them regarding the supposed lack of effectiveness of Pfizer! See here:
For example, Craig has some reference to the Israel covid stats showing less people getting infected where they haven't been fully vaxxed - uhm, DUH - that's due to the fact that most of the f-king country is now vaxxed and so the stats will reflect those high numbers per capita statistically! Not brain surgery, and really embarrassing for them to publicly show how little maths / stats sense they have. Sad. He should have worked harder in maths class at school. Idiot.
And then (again, on public record - how embarrassing!) he refers to this study basically saying that "14 deaths in placebo group and 15 deaths in vaxxed group - so it's actually worse!!!" HAHA - dickhead, that's TOTAL mortality, not from covid alone! That's right, if you do a study with upwards of 50k people for 6mths, some of those people will DIE - naturally and/or from other causes.
The data is in the appendix / supplement ya bloody idiot! God, how stupid can someone get?! Lame.

yeh, it's a well worn liberal's path...
if labor wants any semblance of the high moral ground... you need to inhabit it...

well there is that banana man...
but no, not really what I was referring to...

adam12 wrote:I'm sure plenty will disagree but I reckon Albo just won the election. Vote Labor get $300, vote LNP get nothing. Bang. Unless the LNP match it they will be struggling.
yeah until Andrews came out and said no!

stunet wrote:"I guess, it seems all labor does these days is buy people's votes"
Sports rorts
Bushfire rorts
Carpark rortsthere is no such thing as democracy , while we allow Lobby groups !
It doesn't matter which sides in we all live under the spectre of Governments are paid by Lobby groups to their bidding.......LOL......we just get sucked into the smoke and mirrors that our opinions/votes count.....
You understand how these things work, right?

With our current YouTube research knowledge go back 100 years.
The Vax Movement would be saying thank fuck there is no social media or there would be 100 million dead instead of 50 million.
The Anti Vax Movement would be saying thank fuck there are no vaccines or there would be 100 million dead instead of 50 million.

If you give people $300 to get the vaccine, what happens to those that have already got it?
Do they also get $300 for getting it or do they miss out?
Kind of sucks if they miss out, they are the ones that have done the right thing.

I think they should lift that to $800 and back pay it to vaccinated people.
I just ordered a new board.

indo-dreaming wrote:If you give people $300 to get the vaccine, what happens to those that have already got it? Do they also get $300 for getting it or do they miss out? Kind of sucks if they miss out, they are the ones that have done the right thing.
No, they've said anyone who gets, or has had, the vax will get $300.

What an amazing country Australia is. No wonder people are desperate to live there. Seems like they just throw money at you.

Washington State in the US offering 'a joint for a jab'.
"The program launched by the Liquor and Cannabis Board...allows State licensed dispensaries to give qualifying customers one pre- rolled joint at an in store vaccination clinic."

indo-dreaming wrote:If you give people $300 to get the vaccine, what happens to those that have already got it?
Do they also get $300 for getting it or do they miss out?
Indo, how do we all feel about more rich people getting $300 because they are already vaccinated......ya can't make this shit up........
Kind of sucks if they miss out, they are the ones that have done the right thing.

stunet wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:If you give people $300 to get the vaccine, what happens to those that have already got it? Do they also get $300 for getting it or do they miss out? Kind of sucks if they miss out, they are the ones that have done the right thing.
No, they've said anyone who gets, or has had, the vax will get $300.
Ok that's not too bad then, current issue is more about Pfizer supply though, maybe when we reach a point where numbers getting vaccinated drops right off it might be worth a try, but it's also kind of sad if you need to pay people to get vaccinated..

I could understand all the anti govt, anti establishment new world order crap if there was a Hitler like evil despot calling all the lockdown, police crackdown shots, but all the state premiers and their medical advisers are good family people trying to do their best to keep us safe and would all love life to go back to normal and not have to deal with all this crap. I guess it must be COOL to to be anti establishment these days. Get the jab you fuckwits.
This thread has been one of the best sources of misinformation on the internet.

brutus wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:If you give people $300 to get the vaccine, what happens to those that have already got it?
Do they also get $300 for getting it or do they miss out?
Indo, how do we all feel about more rich people getting $300 because they are already vaccinated......ya can't make this shit up........
Kind of sucks if they miss out, they are the ones that have done the right thing.
If it happened the areas where it would really boast vaccine take up is in the lower income areas.

Salute to Qld Health Frontline. They step up & respond immediately when you urgently need them.
Dedicated to crew that have ever woken up in a Panic & drove themselves mad to the Emergency Bay.
3 cancelled Sleep tests > Back2back sleep anxiety attacks, instantly crosswired & covered in sticky pads.
Of interest! Yes Emergency patients must wear Masks even if breathing is the primary concern.
Couldn't sleep a wink in over 6hrs! Not complaining...just stating that Emergency Ward is 100% masked.
Back home & CPAP water fountain tingles all me nerves & shocks one into a deep sleep.
Meanwhile...Sleep Clinic gets a tip off...then wakes tbb to book a Sleep Test...(Think that was the Test?)
tbb : "Can't play tonite! No! Not tomorrow nite either, nor this week." Thanx! Goodnitedaymorning to you!
Me achy breaky Heart / Lungs / Ribs / Chest are well worn out for any Olympic sleep test.
Thankfully the Bipolar tags in to wrestle the Sleep Anxiety to create a new trendy 3d Olympic Sport!
Of course it's gotta's called "Get a Life"...dedicated to tbb's comment replies.
Get A Life finalist tbb...welcomes all challengers that are too bone lazy to sleep.
(Medal Update) tbb was stripped of Gold Medal for removing one of last nite's Sticky Pads.
All know those Sticky Pads were still good enough for tonite's emergency read outs.
tbb "Never met a more lazy opponent, Sticky Pads leech off us Lazy people, forcing us to do something."
'Yes! Ok...tbb admits to cowardly prying off one Sticky Pad...but regrets doing that!" (Double Ouch!)
So makes you wanna cry it does...All Hail the Sticky Pads!

TBB... You really should get out of the house for a walk or something. Constant insanity posts.
Take your boyfriend indo_bellend... He's as fkd up as you are.

I miss your interesting research into obscure surfing and coastal history.
A far healthier obsession.

Tbb do whatever the f you want ! Your sharp wit mixed with intensive research and original eye for detail and quirk is a rare and appreciated thing by many here

Saltyone said "Tbb do whatever the f you want ! Your sharp wit mixed with intensive research and original eye for detail and quirk is a rare and appreciated thing by many here"
I agree, he's a gem.

Yep, more power to the unique TBB.

sheep shagger...
Yes! Outta the house & essentially to an Emergency Hospital.
Qld is in it's strictest lockdown ever!
Not sure if tbb must spell things out...
Yes, was wheeled to X-Ray
Yes, was refused to leave the Hospital under own terms..
Yes, was refused to even walk to the loo.
Yes, Doctor has long advised against walking.
Yes, can barely stand without shaking.
Yes, can hardly raise an eyebrow.
Yes, was told not exercise for a while
Yes, absolutely scared of sleeping tonight.
Well done! ...tbb is clinically fkd up + certified insane as you all crew full well know!
In fact ...just after last night's episode...need 2 more specialists + 2 more drugs.
So what of it...tbb was born this way.
With pandemic, equal options are closing fast...soon strictly for wealthy & fully abled.
Most of Australia cares less each tbb feels a sense of freedom that heals body & mind.
#1 swellnet crew supports mental health recovery & affords a fair & open outlet, right here & now.
This unhealthy tirade upon ill, recovering & grieving crew has no place here...ever!
As severely weak & ill that tbb is...can & will defend the honour of crew & demand an apology.
Full power to the crew...the healing has commenced sooner than tbb could dream of...Legends!

Don’t feel you need to explain your situation
to pathetic weasels like sheep shagger tbb. Plenty of people on here appreciate your input. Keep it up

Full Power to you True Blue Bru Baker.

Love your work TBB. Please accept some good vibes for quick improvement mate

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Keep em coming TBB.

"Everyone has their critics . The timeline TBB did on the Wuhan lab and what went on with the war games is on this thread. It had links and was well researched by TBB . When I came across the Fox News report talking exactly about what TBB posted made me think , f@ck me TBB was reporting this months ago . Ive said before I don’t always understand his posts but I read them for the snippets of gold I find amongst them . Stay strong TBB and hope you get your needs met ."
pretty sure he gave the theory a run even before that, this thread was more (solid) updated version...
yeh, some of us love your work tbb, and just as importantly, the power and purpose it gives you
keep strong mate, and all power to you

as to sheep shagger...
what has he ever contributed to these forums beyond, namecalling, negativity and miserableness?
which is ok if that's your trip...
but you could dig a little deeper, offer alternative ideas, and explain yourself occasionally...
or not...
up to you...
you miserable cunt

TBB has been consistently spotting stuff from unusual sources that are well ahead of what (sometimes) makes its way into the MSM. Thanks TBB and I wish you well with your quite mind boggling health issues.
For my own peace of mind, I don't explore the vaccination topic too deeply or have fixed views and try to keep it simple.
Vaccination seems an imperfect but valuable protection and an excuse for society to shift to living with covid with natural immunity playing a role.
The whole big pharma money machine loving the absolutely massive incentive to sustain peak fear and the massive shift in goverment control over, and intrusion into, our lives in the last year is quite disturbing.
I sort of hope that a return to the mean will happen over time.
The effort and cost of sustaining the current status quo of goverment intrusion into our lives, daily crisis management etc. and associated expenditure will hopefully not be sustainable New issues and the usual politics will one day sweep away this period.
Normality is a powerful form of gravity and tends to be the default for society.
But technology is making what was once unimaginable and impractical possible. The CCP total control model is now possible and we have moved multiple steps in that direction in such a short period.
Hopefully the chaos of democracy will have benefits for the west. Can you imagine a Boris Johnson sustaining anything for long?
Accept and embrace a degree of chaos and disfunction! Freedom partly comes from the tendency for things to muddle along and the flaws of humanity and politicians.

Frog- i have tried to stay away from it lately as well. When i am weakening i tell myself that my surfing sucks and is really all i need to focus on (when not at work). Lol. It usually works when i tell myself that.
TBB- sending good vibes to you.
I was a little shocked at Alan Joyce (CEO Qantas) announcement that international travelers will be required to have a covid 19 vaccination in order to travel on Qantas flights . The government wanted to have mandatory vaccination but after the bumbling of its release ( it was painful to watch the delivery of that announcement ) they withdrew the mandatory part but it seems Qantas and other business may demand a vaccination in order to use their services. I’m not anti vaccine by any means I just don’t trust this government or a vaccine that has been rushed through. A jab followed by another jab followed by yearly jabs doesn’t sit well with me as I have never had a flu shot or the flu for more than 20 years. Plus I don’t want to give this shot to my healthy 4 year old daughter. She is up to date with all her vaccinations but this covid vaccine is new and not being around for decades like the others. Tuberculosis remains the number one as far diseases go and you don’t need proof of vaccination to travel so what is going on ?