Vaccinate or not

Mr Nobody- Fair point. Vaccinate the front line health workers alongside anyone else who wants it. Protect the vulnerable. Open everything else. Sorted.

thermalben wrote:Went north of the border yesterday, but I'd printed off the wrong pass so they pulled me over and got me to fill in the correct one on my phone.
Going through the checklist, there's a couple of tickboxes for things you're not allowed to cross the border for - one of which was recreation.
Harry Bryant just crossed the border at Mallacoota , he's a resident of Merimbula border with Vic is still open to the locals that live on the NSW border!

Blowin wrote:Mr Nobody- Fair point. Vaccinate the front line health workers alongside anyone else who wants it. Protect the vulnerable. Open everything else. Sorted.
yeah when we have finished the mass vaccinations that are needed, but NSW looks like it could shut down till end of Sept....debacle with AZ and now we can only give it away to other countries....meanwhile it looks like Pfizer might be a bit of a dud , as it loses it's potency after the second shot, 2% per mth , so boosters are needed ....but these are only the results from the Original Covid......will be interesting to see how Pfizer works on the Delta variant.......what a scam pfizer.....AZ read the article, the original scientist's from Oxford ....made AZ sell at cost....and we are now paying about $1.3b for 85 m Pfizer boosters........Aussie morons?

"Vaccinate the front line health workers alongside anyone else who wants it. Protect the vulnerable. Open everything else. Sorted."
Beware of people offering simple solutions to complex problems.
Anti-vax idiots are a massive problem in the USA. They are filling up hospitals extremely quickly in the Trump states. This of course isn't just a problem to the nutters who refuse to protect themselves, it's also a massive problem for anyone who needs an ICU bed after a workplace or car accident, or severe illness.
blowin, your judgement is seriously poor on almost every single issue you blab on about on these forums. Remember a few months ago how you were desperate to get to Indo and thought our government was behaving unreasonably for not letting you go. You'd be one of the 800 people desperately trying to get home if you got your way and were allowed to go on a surfing holiday.
Why anyone would take your pandemic advice seriously is beyond me.

Blowin wrote:Waste resources? Taxpayers pay for those hospitals whether they’re vaccinated or not. You think they should not attend hospital so that some fat smoker can get sorted when their body shits itself?
The whole “ wasting precious hospital beds” fails to take into account that there thousands of hospital beds which are always -even during Covid- filled with hopeless cunts who fail to take care of themselves, yet when the tiny amount of free beds due to underfunding looks like they might be filled with Covid crew, all of a sudden it’s a case of “ Excommunicate the unvaccinated”!
You think an unvaccinated Aussie who’s paid tax their entire life should forfeit a bed whilst an elderly Indian grandmother who’s been chain smoking her entire life and who now needs medical care despite never having paid a cent in tax is all good ?
Don’t think so.
Fuck me you must have Typing Tourettes Syndrome!!!

Blowin wrote:Mr Nobody- Fair point. Vaccinate the front line health workers alongside anyone else who wants it. Protect the vulnerable. Open everything else. Sorted.
Vaccination for the front line workers is one part of protecting the health system, and making sure too many customers don’t turn up to hospitals is another part. Even before Covid I think there were plenty of examples of hospitals in Oz not necessarily being somewhere where you could expect to arrive and be whisked into immediate care. Adding an unchecked Covid situation to the mix can’t be a good thing as has been seen in other parts of the world. I think we have been lucky to have had bugger all cases to deal with and I don’t think that would be the case if we just tried to focus on the elderly and vulnerable.
I am certainly no expert though.
All the best.

Gary1412- Apologies if my language seems a bit too emphatic. The whole vax segregation movement doesn’t sit well with my anti-authoritarian streak. The last thing the world needs is to embolden any narcs out there.
Mr Nobody-Yeah I reckon protect the vulnerable through voluntary lock downs if they feel the need. Same as now but just for those who need it and of their own volition. Locking down teenagers is criminal.

I agree Blowin, smokers also have no excuse for a lack of education on the dangers of their choice.

Sprout wrote:I agree Blowin, smokers also have no excuse for a lack of education on the dangers of their choice.
The government won't ban smoking, but tax the living shit out of cigs. So who's the real villain?

The cost of having a universal health care system is that we accept everyone...regardless of lifestyle choices/poor decisions.
We, as a society, keep people alive for way longer (for better or worse) thanks to advances in medicine and pharmaceuticals.

Sprout wrote:I agree Blowin, smokers also have no excuse for a lack of education on the dangers of their choice.
Sprout funny how there is no education on the dangers of consuming highly processed foods and drink. It's almost as if the tobacco industry was the fall guy in the whole scheme of things. Obesity and Diabetes would have just as much a co-morbidity risk with this virus as someone choofing 20 durries a day.

tbb can you have a look into this?
I'm thinking it's some kind of comic interlude:
everything about it seems tarded (including the spelling of the title), but what if?

velocityjohnno...thanx for sharing anomaly...we all luv that!
tbb will have a crack, but don't repeat it's purely a guess...
Crew knows the injection swells the lymph nodes.
This causes blood to slow & naturally build up around the injection site.
Note just above the jab can press & feel how tight the muscle tissue is.
Also feel how closely the muscle is pressed against the surface at this very point
Any swelling beneath that site should build up blood in a tight compact close to the surface.
Once this occurs...the iron in the blood pools closest to the flesh at said point & is trapped.
The iron content seems to be enough to attract a magnet where normally it wouldn't.
We have a doctor in the house...San Guine can diagnose if tbb is off his meds...
Yeah! Might pay to seek a medical opinion from you know who.
Like to think tbb is on the right track though! (Cough!)

thanks Fliplid, appreciate the comment, he's doing well for now. All the best to you and yours

Velocityjohnno might recall lady's iconic fail in trying to convince the house she was magnetic.
Sticks to tight skin Forehead / Thymus but her neck is a little trickier.
Women get more upper body lymph clots so it worked on her neck at home for the Lady.
By the time she got to share her trick her Lymph nodes likely cleared a little. (Blood is flowing)
No longer was her blood only the tight central Thymus was able to magnetize.
Seems as simple as that...but needs a scientific or medical explanation.

get your umbrella up blowin it's raining bullshit!

CDC : Vaxerz spread Delta at same rate as Hesitants
Delta Breakthru infection Rate edged up slightly today from infinitesimal 0.098% > 100% in 24hrs.
CDC hides the fact that Vaxerz are wildly more infectious during 4wk incubation period.
Also that Vaxerz heightened antibodies repel virus much further by reactive Coughing & Sneezing.
Scientific Warning : Pfizer Drug Cheats are Invincible & can easily infect puny Earthling hesitants.
Pfizer has brewed up a Godzilla Covid Delta Monster Virus.
Mad scientist's have ramped Covid Vax into the most virulent strain ever.
CDC : (Most probably a Million% or some shit by now!)
Hesitants run for cover as Mutant Godzillas spray Pfizer Delta hot lava from east to west coast.
The Prez has no choice but to declare Vaxerz as Public Enemy #1
Threatens to rip up Pfizer's Cereal Box Coupon.
World has reported often enough that Vaxerz have skyrocketed WR Covid since January...well durr!
Reckon CDC deserve a medal for waking up & coming out 6 months too late!
CDC : "Vaxerz Spread Covid...we're not cryin' Wolf here...this is serious Mum!"
The Prez : "We need to cap & cool 4 billion erupting Pfizer Volcanoes."
Plan B : Please! What ever ya do...don't rush the Vax!

thermalben wrote:Went north of the border yesterday, but I'd printed off the wrong pass so they pulled me over and got me to fill in the correct one on my phone.
Going through the checklist, there's a couple of tickboxes for things you're not allowed to cross the border for - one of which was recreation.
brutus wrote:Harry Bryant just crossed the border at Mallacoota , he's a resident of Merimbula border with Vic is still open to the locals that live on the NSW border!
What would people have said 3 or so years ago if you proposed the reality of this kind of lockdown being possible. You would have been ostracized and called crazy yet here we are.
I popped up in this thread before and commented and took a break.... but once you understand that this is way beyond a virus and a vax it's truly dark shit and Australia is eating it up.....
I told of my experience in Canada.... "we are open again when we get 70% vaccinated"... "nope now its 80%"... "now its 90%".... this hasnt removed a virus and lockdowns have decimated youth, healthy individuals of low risk, businesses, economies and societies...
And Australia is being forced down the same path...

4pm tday SEQ 3 Day lockdown

Again Udo informs tbb of Local SEQ News...(Last Drinks 4pm)...most thankfull Udo...Cheers!
Does Oz rolling Lockdown make WA's succession Official?
Great dig supafreak...can run a Phase 1 Blind Trial on that here & now.
We do know that Costello's [L] Super Duper Fund doubles with each sneeze of Pfizer.
Scomo signed up Pfizer @ $264m (Insider Trading Emergency) ramped own stock to $530m
Here's a List of Pfizer's approved Kiddie Drug Mule's doped out on experimental [L] Boomer treats
Note each of these Nations "Coincidentally" have 2x more Kidz Covid rate than Pov 3rd World!
Kidz get hooked on Mum& Dads Pfizer Vax...Now we gotta ween 'em off the Vax with more Vax!
Be like one of dem White Trash First World problems...
( WHO did warn us! ) Keep Vax away from Children...Did we listen?...Doh!
Here's how they Roll out Emergency Kidz Vax / Boomer Designer Drug Trials
Israel (Quarterly) Double extension Date > 31st Dec 2021
US (Quarterly) Next End Date > 20 Oct 2021
Oz (Quarterly) Next End Date > 17 Sept 2021
UK (6 months) End Date > 30 Sept 2021 (Extension) Xmas Day 2021 > 25th March 2022 (Leases)
NSW(6 -12 months) Ends > 25th March 2022
Cue News Headline: Gladys : "NSW Delta Outbreak prompts rethink on Doping Weet-Bix Kidz"
NSW WHO wallflower : "I've been calling on this for ages!" (re: "Opposite to WHO- No Kidz Policy")
Gladys : "I'll jab the little shits with my broomstick!"
US kidz 50/50 Blind Trials test 100's of Mystery Drugz (Yes! US Kidz Trial is openly doing this!)
It is what it is...A sweat shop for designer Boomer Drugz + that other Emergency thingy..Sure! Why not.
College Kidz get posh Vax > State school kidz get Fruit Tingles with a free sick note inside each wrapper.
Pure Evil Lab Coats fast tracking Oz economy by double dipping Red Frogz in undiluted Red Cordial.
This be the origin of that other Vax we don't speak of...
Gates Hot Hotelier Jane signed off on his CEPI ( Qld HIV / AZ Stout ) Note CSL brewed 8,000 HIV shots.
AZ backsies Deal was equally offset by CEPI being Joint mobsterz at new Tulla Wave Pool Meth Lab.
AZ cheated on US exam & walked out on own Naplan so can't even score a drug test at Schoolies.
Gotta restock #2 stationary before the next Cyborg Invasion @ 16:00 hrs...Into the Valley of Mutants.... here's the Pfizer press release about how after the second shot , the Pfizer is less affective, and actually it looks like this is turning into a global scam.......we bought $1.3 b of boosters..hmmmmm

Global scam is hyperbole Brutus. Scomo has screwed it but feeding the crazies doesn’t help things.

Check this out.
Hear what the Inventor of mRNA vaccines Dr Robert Malone has to say..

Check this out.
Hear what the Inventor of mRNA vaccines Dr Robert Malone has to say..

old news salty

The Prez: "Vaxerz gotta Mask up at Home to stop spraying Covid over the Kidz"
Now that don't sound like Hesitants are the killers any more...Wotz up with that!
Why did The Prez take his knee off the Hesitant's necks...Is there really a new more evil villain!
CDC : Barnstable County Massachusettes _ 346/469 cases or 74% were Fully Vaxed
High viral loads in 127 fully vaxed / 84 non vaxed- Note - Includes 1/2 part vaxed (re: 74-100% vaxed)
Now US joins Israel/UK with a growing Vaxer Army occupying all the Hospital Beds.
No longer get vaxed to save the World as yer more likely to hasten it's demise.
No longer whisper sweet nothings without Cops smashing in yer door!
No longer can vaxerz go maskless in their own homes as they're infecting their kidz...
Most likely a Stolen Generation as Kids get removed from spluttering Vaxer's households
US own stats show Vaxed families spread more covid thru whole year...a bit rough to blame it on Delta.
All stats from day one show Vaxerz save themselves but at the expense of others. (Sad but True!)
Rollout Ramps > Covid Ramps...
Rollout > Phase 1 > Phase 2 > Phase 3 > Phase 4
Variants > Alpha > Beta > Gamma > Delta..
Phases > Elderly > Mum'n'Dad > Sis'n'Bro > Gromz...
Efficacy > 90% > 80% > 60% > 20%
Call it what yer like, all reads the beginning of the end for Vax.
(No! Not good but also not burying our heads in the sand...Vax was super spreadin' since day one!)
tbb is stoked CDC is finally confronting the fact...yes! A lot of lives lost! {RIP}
Rollout Age drops reflecting each age group by perfectly measured increments. (Hardly Viral)
No Wilderbeast Virus just some CDC White Coat peddling Covid Cog by Cog on the way to the Lab.
Can bring that up if yer like...nothing tricky...
Click any month ya like...note the Kiddie covid rises with phased Rollout like Clockwork..
No Mc Flurry Whirlwind of this or that...rather a man-made construct just like Covid itself.
Can also see the highest Vaxed Wealthy States have more Kiddie Covid.
Invincible maskless Mums & Dads inhale more Covid & robust antibodies expel it further over their Kidz.
Note Kiddie Covid rises from poor unvaxed 10% > effluent White Vaxerz 25%...well, la-di-da!
That's yer target market for Kiddie Vax....FF rollout > ramp up the fear > OMG Kidz Emergency!
Slo-Mo Replay...
Phase 1
WHO: Covid can't spread & ya can't die - Get yer Wuhan Flu sample for each Lab > before the Buzzer.
WHO City Labs couldn't wait & were super spreading their Covid Outbreaks before the hooter sounded.
Phase 2
(SciFi Vax Bible) Rip out First Vax Spike Chapter now rip out the Last Breakthru Vax Chapter.
Vax science Crowning Glory censored & shredded for all time...sure to win over the student hesitants.
Phase 3
Vax is fading fast > Panic sets in > Big Pharma goes in for the kill & signs up the last Kiddie Vax kooks.
Once the Tier 1 Contracts ink was dry > CDC comes out pissing themselves & says sucked in losers.
Pfizer Pandemic scam just pushed Vax trust back 20 years.
Just when yer think it's all said & done...
Up pops the Downunder Gold Standard Steven Bradbury Rollout.
World Youth ditch their Vax infected Parents to seek asylum in world's most hesitant lazy arse Country.
Luv Straya!

read the sub titles

simba wrote:read the sub titles
That’s the Cartels speaking hombre

Speaking out. (second part from Eric’s interview)

bonza wrote:Global scam is hyperbole Brutus. Scomo has screwed it but feeding the crazies doesn’t help things.
Bonza just watching how many countries bough Booster shots, before they announced that their Pfizer vaccine loses potency ....Canada /Europe/Australia and they are trying to sell 500m doses to the USA.......
AZ has been discredited the original Oxford scientists wanted to make sure that their vaccine was sold at cost price, $4 per dose. Pfizer)($20 for 1 x jab) of....which was part of the deal done with help the World.....
we are now in a position here in Australia where only now that record amounts of younger people are getting today in NSW there are 25 people in ICU....7 in their 20's....plenty of AZ , but now the Pfizer wait is on....and now we learn that you will have to have a booster shot as their vaccine is losing it's potency 2% every mth......and we don't have the final results yet...on whether or not the actual the next Press release will have the data on how the Pfizer works against the Delta variant........that's the scary part.....the current Pfizer now has way too many questions about it's effectiveness , but they have sold the most and taken over a $1t in forward orders...lets see if and when Pfizer releases their data on the Delta variant ?

Supafreak wrote: Not sure if booster is same price as original
Good news.....

Yeah decent article i liked this bit
"Lockdowns must be abandoned once every Australian has had the opportunity to be vaccinated. We cannot shut down society to protect people who are unwilling to protect themselves."

Matthew Lesh is an adjunct fellow of the Institute of Public Affairs. An IPA stooge arguing 'let it rip'. But yeahnah "great" article, what are his public health qualifications again? None. But he must be a "leftie" Indo, because it's published in the Age and they are lefties aren't they?

adam12 wrote:Matthew Lesh is an adjunct fellow of the Institute of Public Affairs. An IPA stooge arguing 'let it rip'. But yeahnah "great" article, what are his public health qualifications again? None. But he must be a "leftie" Indo, because it's published in the Age and they are lefties aren't they?
"let it rip" but let it rip in good time when everyone has had the chance to be vaccinated.
Same approach Singapore is taking, it's the only realistic approach long term.
But we are not at that stage yet or even close maybe sometime in 2022 so until then IMHHO all the anti lockdown nonsense is very silly.

As Churchill famously never said "France has been overrun by Nazis, so we too must live with Nazi occupation"

Trying to make the virus do what you want it to, set targets and dates, draw arbitrary lines for opening, issue it directions, all that doesn't work. It mutates. Vax the over 16s and it will attack those younger, vax against it and it will change again. Not even the qualified can say what it is going to do, how many waves of it will come, how long will the vax last, will it go to under 5s, will it get benign or deadlier. These questions can't be answered now, so setting a date or a percentage of fully vaxxed (who fact checks those by the way) is just trying to make it do what you want it to, and most of those opinions come from political not medical positions. So yep, get as many vax into arms as possible (and despite the incompetence of the LNP in procurement) but leave it to the experts, not the LNP or IPA to make
the calls on what the virus is doing. Trust the guy that did a decade at Uni and years in the field, not the private school boy writing for the IPA or the politician only interested in themselves.
(I read yesterday that ex cop Peter Duttons net worth is now $100m)

Wow adam12 i have to say that's a unique view, i don't think many people no matter political views would agree with you I'm betting even here you would have trouble finding one person thats shares that view, it's just not realistic and would be a horrible way to try to live long term.
There is no need to set a date or a percentage that need to be vaccinated, it should be simply about opportunity to get vaccinated, the time to open is once everyone has had that opportunity.
BTW. I wouldn't put too much of focus on left or right on views people share on this be it covid, covid vax or lockdowns, im conservative and super pro vax and understand we currently need lockdowns, yeah i know many conservatives are against vax & lockdowns, but i sadly have quite a few friends that are very left leaning and wont get the vax and are against lockdowns, these people you see at these anti lockdown rallies etc are not left or right they take in the whole spectrum.
I was a little shocked at Alan Joyce (CEO Qantas) announcement that international travelers will be required to have a covid 19 vaccination in order to travel on Qantas flights . The government wanted to have mandatory vaccination but after the bumbling of its release ( it was painful to watch the delivery of that announcement ) they withdrew the mandatory part but it seems Qantas and other business may demand a vaccination in order to use their services. I’m not anti vaccine by any means I just don’t trust this government or a vaccine that has been rushed through. A jab followed by another jab followed by yearly jabs doesn’t sit well with me as I have never had a flu shot or the flu for more than 20 years. Plus I don’t want to give this shot to my healthy 4 year old daughter. She is up to date with all her vaccinations but this covid vaccine is new and not being around for decades like the others. Tuberculosis remains the number one as far diseases go and you don’t need proof of vaccination to travel so what is going on ?