Vaccinate or not

Vaxerz Infectious Care Plan is Lockdown Rollout Compliant.
Anyone vaxing to spread less Covid...then this Review is dedicated to you!
Vaccines :
Vaxer's guide to Vax incubation infectious periods + (Explanation : *Outbreak x 3 / **Variant x 8)
Vaxers are incubating & instantly more infectious immediately after Vax.
Vax Card could thoughtfully timetable these elevated infectious periods to avoid more Covid outbreaks.
Pfizer wk1 10% Flu +20% (Outbreak x3) / wk2 +57% / wk3 +28% (Variant x8) wk4 +22% (Clear >)
AZ wk1(10% Flu ) wk3 +16% /< (Clear) >wk7 +1% >+> wk12 (2nd Shot-Mild Flu -Isolate)
Mass Vax Halls allow incubating vulnerable Vaxer to exit (via) Entry > infectious thru whole Queue
tbb can list cases at all current NSW mass vax hubs...this is a real thing-right here and now.
Govts only declare Mass Vax Hub / Clinic an Exposure site for a new Trace. (Stigma of Mass Vax covid)
tbb is saying that Govt will invite vaxerz into a hidden contaminated zone. (Be careful to SD)
UK / US / Oz insist No Covid School Outbreaks is spreading thru families.
As Rollout age lowers to Parental Age Covid, the world sees corresponding spikes in Child Covid.
Infectious Vax Parents can't isolate from their kids...Where is the Plan B to end this Vaxer spread?
28th June Hot 100 can help lower the fuel load brought home to the Family Hot Spot during incubation.
Side FX
Lockdown exempt Vaxer is highly infectious spreading Hot Spots from Hospital > GP > Chemist
Prescription (>10 [+] per Chemist whilst peak infectious during an Outbreak)
Recap : Record Crowds of Peak Infectiousness > Queue > free Beer & Parmy > Hospital > GP > Chemist
All Hot Spots that All leaders beg Vaxers to Avoid..."Vaxer is #1 Covid Spreader over Hot town by day 2.
The whole point of Vaxing is to not need new shoes & Tyres in a Lockdown.
Mandating Covid Spreading
PM / AMA / Premier / Health Minister / CHO
All contradict own orders..."Vax Now! > Keep well away from Vax Queues / Hospitals / GPs / Chemists."
Most highest infectious are the Vaxerz & have keys to the city + are exempt from all Lockdown laws.
Highest Vax ramps highest Covid cases as now in Oz re : Melbourne > Sydney.
Govt's Mandate immediate Frontline on-site Vax & instant spread on first hour of first day > weeks.
They are many cases of this in Qld / WA / Vic that sparked lockdowns.
Ongoing Vax infectiousness lasts for how long?
Fully Vaxed spread more Covid because they Sneeze & Cough more > often > further distance.
Covid Sneezing & Coughing Vaxers require more Social Distancing than Non Vaxers.
A fully vaxed society would need to adopt 3-4 m Vaxerz far reaching Social Distancing
Also that each cough or sneeze will worry more so as a Covid symptom.
Breathing & Lung function is already compromised in many Aussies...this needs serious examination.
More so as it was never told that Vax can weaken Airwaves with Virus onset...that's a high risk!
Yes! Of course all Vaxerz would / should know of major ongoing health setbacks...infectious to others.
Seriously talking about ever infected airways mixing with Covid virus to brew more lethal contagion.
These studies show that from Jab onward the vaxer is ever more infectious in every possible way.
Vaxers are more infectious at more Hot Spots & reportedly require more mass Hospital Care...
tbb is aware of Vax lessening viral load but it lacks detail to offset vaxer'z ever changing infectiousness.
Many levels of degraded immunity impact on this guide. tbb limits review to known infectious nature.
4th June Vax or Not Rollout Guidelines (Exclusive) Compliments this Guide for best Vaxer efficacy
Extremely rare Vax care Plan is thoughtfully presented to vaxerz by one of them sneaky hesitant types.
Please do not dob tbb in...just trying to help reduce covid.
Peace & Love to all vaxerz & thanx for protecting us!

Excellent timely insightful UK review upnorth...deserves another run on this page.
Cool how you surf the commotion in the UK ocean...that's not easy to do.
Equally sound out herd immunity with yer same cast
Boris the drunken sailor has set them adrift.
The Hunter fears it's the calm before the storm.

Taking my mum to hospital now after she had the vaccine a few days ago. Fuck this vaccine. Don’t take the shit! Waiting for ambulance. Spewing coffee grounds. Blood!

Heavy and sad news mate.......I hope it doesn't get anymore serious than it already is Blowin

indo-dreaming wrote:This is pretty crazy "Sydney woman in her 30s with no pre-existing health conditions dies from COVID-19
They should have said no KNOWN pre existing health issues.
For example a lady who once lived up the road from me got bitten by a paralysis tick and went into anaphylactic shock, she now carries an epi pen with her.
Everyone who lives in the bush for any length of time would have been bitten by a tick and therefore would know how their immune system reacted.
So you could say ticks give people in the bush an insight into their immune system compared to the majority of city people who have never been bitten.
I also knew of a bloke who lived in the valley to the north east of me who died from a tick bite, he knew he had a compromised immune system but decided to take the risk and live in the bush.
Something else I have noticed from talking to people is that your immune system can change, my brother got stung on the face by a bee when he was young and his face swelled so bad he looked like the elephant man, now he's a bee keeper and has no issue at all.

I got bit on the forearm by a kangaroo tick over at yorkes late last november.its still itchy n weeps when i squeeze it!
philosurphizing those tick stories are freaking me out!

Crew are here for you Blowin...sending all our love, strength positive vibes to yer mum.


Hope your mum is ok Blowin. Sending strong healing energy

Yeah, hope your mum is OK Blowin and doesn't deteriorate further. All the best.

yeah Blowin hope your Mum is going to be ok.

Hoping its not the vax Blowin, either way wishing your Mum a speedy recovery.

Wishing you and your mother the best don’t go out

Wishing you and your mother the best don’t go out

Voice to text dismiss last 3 words

Hey Blowin,
any news re your Mum?
All the best

Hope your mum makes a speedy recovery Blowie.

I focus wrote:Hoping its not the vax Blowin, either way wishing your Mum a speedy recovery.
Just read Blowins post, my exact thoughts, hope all goes well Blowin.

Blowin writes "Taking my mum to hospital now after she had the vaccine a few days ago. Fuck this vaccine. Don’t take the shit! Waiting for ambulance. Spewing coffee grounds. Blood!"
Your mum is spewing blood but u have the time to log in and tell us all about it instead of being by her side caring? You're either an idiot or a liar. Which is it?

all the best to muma blowin...
hope she is ok

The two sides of the argument . The World Economic Forum is trying to get The Great Reset happening so I am on side two . As I am 61 and a smoker and tried to book in for a jab with my GP . Not done by GPS in Vic I believe . Hope your mum is ok Blowin !!!

Gday All. Thanks for the thoughts.
What happened is that my Mum and Dad both had the AstraZeneca first shot last Wednesday. They live about an hour away so I just call them everyday to check how they handle when I can’t get there in person. They were both fine for a day or two, then Dad got a few headaches and was OK but Mum went downhill.
I was expecting something along those lines as it seems pretty common: the flu-like symptoms, muscle aches, chills, bit of fever. Fatigue. Then she stopped coming to the phone when I’d call and Dad was saying “Yeah, she’s OK, just really tired, sleeping lots and vomiting regularly. I was worried but assumed it’d be all good as this still seemed normal for some people’s reaction to the vaccine.
Unfortunately Dad has a touch of cognitive decline and I didn’t realise that he wasn’t relaying all the information to me, so when I luckily flagged a fun little surf yesterday to go check on them, I was astounded to find my Mum barely communicative and looking absolutely shocking. She looked ten years older than a few days ago and was slumping without able to wake properly.
I started quizzing Dad and it turns out that she’d been vomiting what he described as “ brown stuff” for a couple of days. The brown stuff is blood. She hadn’t been able to retain any liquids or food for over two days. She’s also diabetic so this means she hadn’t been able to retain any of her medication. As far as I know, three days without water and you’re pretty fucked. Add the fact that she’s been sweating through fever and vomiting and she was nearly dehydrated. She looked it. I told Dad I was getting her to hospital. She couldn’t really move so I called triple 0.
My parents live out of town a bit and I had to go to the end of the 400m long driveway to confirm to the emergency crew where they live and show them how to get to the house. Took emergency about 25 minutes to get there That’s where I was with my phone when I posted my comment above. The triple 0 lady sort of hinted that Mum had a heart attack as she’d also had chest pain , indigestion and back pain along with the rest. I was freaking thinking the Old duck was going to die whilst I was waiting for help. I was pretty scared and angry at the time thinking how she’d been made by society to inject the poison that put her in that situation.
Australia fucking rules! First to turn up was a fire truck with all sirens blazing, then a 4WD with a couple of paramedics and then an ambulance. 7 crew all up. They checked her over. Her blood pressure was 90/50 and her heart was beating an irregular 100BPM.
They took her down the hospital. I followed with my Missus and the old man. They only let one person per day in to visit, so Dad went in . When he came back out he couldn’t really account for anything the Doctors had said - he does this a lot- so I didn’t have anything to go off about her condition beyond Dad being grateful we’d turned up as it probably saved her.
I’ve spoken to Mum over the phone today and she’s mentally back to normal but can’t really remember much anything of what happened. Still in hospital, on a drip and undergoing tests. She is still super tired but is no longer vomiting and has even eaten something. The hospital said I can ring the doctor in a few minutes to get information on what happened and where we are at.
Thanks again for the concern everyone.
Sheepdog- Rot in hell cunt.

Sheepdog put a lid on it mate........seriously ....
Blowin nothing worse than seeing your olds in a bad situation ....all the best to your family.

simba wrote:Sheepdog put a lid on it mate........seriously ....
Blowin nothing worse than seeing your olds in a bad situation ....all the best to your family.

Great respect for actions Blowin . Doubt you will find out what really happened but I will say a quick prayer to the Universal Spirit for a speedy recovery for your mum .
If I was you Sheepdog I would be doing a LOT of good deeds to try and repair the devastation to your Karma .

Sounds like a scary time blowin. Hope she’s coming good.

All the best Blowy.
I know for a fact, when my mum doesn't answer the phone my heart is in my mouth.
Sheepy, generally respect your opinions but in this instance you coulda been a little more circumspect.

Hope she comes good quick.
Hopefully it's not a vaccine reaction but if it is, make sure it gets logged by the docs.

Thankyou for updating. Relieved to hear she is ok. Very stressful for all of you. Good that you were there and acted quickly! I hope you can get more answers soon to clarify what happened. Sounds to me like a very nasty reaction to the vax.

Blowin, all the best for your mum. It will be interesting to hear what the doctors say re the potential vaccine reaction. My guess, they'll be interested and concerned, but likely state they'll not be able to pinpoint a reaction, and so probably never log it as such. Just another one of those coincidental cases. This is what happened with my Dad. And sadly no doubt is happening to many more out there.
views.... - I saw your reply to my earlier comment. I'll largely bite my tongue on that. But just to your last point on me to 'get wise' - right back at you mate, the vast majority are sheep. Good luck

Pretty obvious that the situation was a direct result of reaction to the vaccine. It may have been compounded by other issues but the situation would never had arisen if not for the vaccine. I didn’t get to speak with a doctor when I called the hospital back, only a nurse. She was very kind and helpful, as they all seem to be, but unable to answer any questions beyond telling me that Mum was being monitored and they were trying to adjust levels in her blood.
No mention of the vaccine and I wasn’t inclined to push the nice nurse into recording it as a factor in any way.
Seems an appropriate discussion point for the “Vaccinate or not” thread though so there you have it. Just another story. I hope no one else gets a similar outcome when/ if they have it themselves.

Thanks for the update Blowin. Glad your mum is now on the mend and hopefully makes a full recovery or to as close to it. It does sound like a reaction though, worsened by the factors outlined above.

Just been reading this doctors viewpoints. Very interesting. .
Very in depth analysis on mass vaccination and subsequent detrimental effect on immunity and how it effects variants . He also discusses prophylactics as successful treatment.
His twitter account also very informative-

Anti-vac and anti-immigrants, fkn bellends the lot of you.

Hope both you and your Mum are all good Blowin. That's a heavy day to go through. Must have been reassuring to have the cavalry arrive like that.

Blowin- glad to hear your mom is on the mend. Hoping that continues. I have her in my thoughts. Be well.

"Australia fucking rules! First to turn up was a fire truck with all sirens blazing, then a 4WD with a couple of paramedics and then an ambulance. 7 crew all up."
Last weekend driving north on an empty country road, the missus and I were first responders to an ugly high speed crash. 2 adults, three young kids. Fuck!
Got to test my long-ago acquired first aid skills (paramedic in the Danish Army early 80s), and thank god we both stayed calm and got shit done.
Very very happy, though, to see the cavalry arrive. Friendly, professional policemen/women, and finally an ambulance.
Good to hear your mum is on the mend. I hope someone can look after your dad too; he must be in a proper flap.

@ saltyone, that link to Geert Vanden Bossche is hilarious , people actually buy that crap. He's a vet with animal hygiene degree and has never published anything on virology. For every "expert" like him there a 10,000 who say he is wrong, the guy is a vet into animal hygiene, swears he is not anti vaxx and wants everyone to take the vaccine he claims to be developing.

Anyone else had the AZ vaccine?
My folks had it, all their friends and family did.
Everyone at work has had it.
No one got more than a half day mild cold reaction and a sore arm.
I'm booked in for Pfizer but it sounds like all the northern rivers stock is heading to Sydney.

I'm really surprised at how many old fashioned conservative people there are on this site. So trusting of government directive. So law abiding, so fearful.
I will keep eating well, maintain high levels of fitness, wash my hands, maintain social distancing and wear a mask. Im probably protected as best I can to avoid colds, flus, and multiple mutations of any virus. If I get sick I won't be going to work or out and about. People hate on me for wearing a mask, seriously, you choose to get a vaccine, good onya, it's not for me. Both have pros and cons.
I will have the stronger long term multigenerational outcome.

Nothing to do with fear or being law abiding here.
Just a rational weighing up of risk versus reward, both for me and the rest of the community.

I’ve had the first AZ. No problems.

Numbat- Is law abiding really a bad thing?
I mean sure Australia is extraordinarily over legislated but the average person isn’t “feared” into following laws, most are just trying to do what they think is moral within society’s framework.
I’m glad you are healthy and have a COVID plan with masking, hygiene, and the like. It’s good stuff and hope it works for you in the long term, but I am curious and have a two part question.
What is first law you break of a day and what time does this generally occur?

Freedride- I had az and got a shocking head ache around 5am then had a head full of flu, mild headache. I can’t remember the last time I had the flu so it was quite novel.
It all lifted around 6pm like the effects one feels when the drugs wear off.
I also drank a few glasses of an amazing Shiraz the night before the vac effects that may have helped or hindered.

Got AZ jab about three weeks ago midday. All good till I woke up in the middle of that night to have a piss and started shaking violently for about two minutes. Back in bed and it went away Felt a bit crook the next day but that was it. Have heard anecdotally that the shakes have been reported by others.

I'm now fully vaccinated with AZ as is my wife. I also woke up on the first night shaking and feeling cold, it lasted about 10 minutes and the next day I felt fine. My wife also had the same experience but on night two. Mentioned it to my GP and he confirmed it's a common reaction with the first shot. No side effects with the 2nd. Other family members have had the same experience.
I was a little shocked at Alan Joyce (CEO Qantas) announcement that international travelers will be required to have a covid 19 vaccination in order to travel on Qantas flights . The government wanted to have mandatory vaccination but after the bumbling of its release ( it was painful to watch the delivery of that announcement ) they withdrew the mandatory part but it seems Qantas and other business may demand a vaccination in order to use their services. I’m not anti vaccine by any means I just don’t trust this government or a vaccine that has been rushed through. A jab followed by another jab followed by yearly jabs doesn’t sit well with me as I have never had a flu shot or the flu for more than 20 years. Plus I don’t want to give this shot to my healthy 4 year old daughter. She is up to date with all her vaccinations but this covid vaccine is new and not being around for decades like the others. Tuberculosis remains the number one as far diseases go and you don’t need proof of vaccination to travel so what is going on ?