Vaccinate or not

Thanks tbb,
WRT sleep studies, get it done as soon as you can tbb, I know you've been bumped. Can you hurry up your GP and push for a quicker referral? Also, you can get new circuits for the CPAP-not too expensive and cheaper than buying a new machine?
Have you had an ABG? I often do ABG's (arterial blood gas-measures oxygenation, CO2, HCO3 levels) for inpatients before they get a referral to sleep lab. If you qualify in Vicco (don't know about you Northerners), you get the CPAP machine for nix.
The above post was to show the human dimension of COVID not just some abstraction.
I guess I just wanted to share the reality of what we do in an ICU and the processes we are going through on a daily basis.
We have so far been fortunate enough to avoid a full-on COVID overload of our health system. And yes it is 'our' health system, our taxes pay for it, it's definitely not perfect but in comparison to the rest of the world it's pretty damn good.
Stay safe, get vaxxed.

Does anyone here think covid was a deliberate attempt at genocide?
I see Jim Banks posting about how in Aussie land we have had zero deaths and we are vaxinating everyone to stop the threat because nobody died (this was before anybody died.
Another guy i talk to believes its an attempt to control the population by "some powerful people".
I dont like getting into arguments too much these days but look at indo and india, they are getting fucked up. if it wasnt for quarantine and vaxinations and social distancing we would all be fucked too.
I think Australia has done a damn good job with this pandemic, maybe not with letting indian australians back in but you know what i mean. We are bloody lucky with the small amount of cases. where i live there is pretty much no risk. I have this island and desert remoteness to thank for that.
Wasnt one of my most thought out posts but ive run out of duramine.

Here’s the pertinent quote from your link, San Guine:
“While the spike in infections had not resulted in a significant increase in hospitalisations“

True Blowin,
But if enough people are infected ...
Also many long COVID patients do not require hospitalisation but have ongoing health care requirements which further burden the health system.

But enough people were infected and nothing happened. That’s the point.
When does the doomsaying prediction give way to established fact?

Denial won't make it go away

Crew send a hearty Frontline Salute...+ Get well soon Vic / NSW
Unsure if we shared this paper on reason for AZ / J&J blood Clotting & who's most at risk & why
J&J are convinced this is the reason, as they asked the very same scientists if they could fix their Vax.
In short...a rush of Antibodies attack the invader's (Spike DNA) by splitting it to bits.
These clot (said to) also cling to vessel lining....resulting in antibodies whipping up a bloody Mc Flurry.
(Well not really...Ok! Maybe not like that at not an you read the Study)
Download PDF should work fine....
(Alt) News article on Discovery...
It seems their theory hit a raw nerve & that's the reason tbb is regurgitating this bloody Vax redo.
Discovery has held up AZ Kiddies Vax Trials & Oldies Variant Boosters in turn glossed over the Vax redo!
Blood Clot Vax Modification news is buried under an armada of News / Science paywalls
It's been a week now of withholding any substantial discussion on the matter.
Something creepy is goin' down...perhaps Lawyers are needed to comb thru past vaccinations!
Reuters have been locked out + Oz Media won't touch this Vax this space!
Google have severely limited searches...can dig out some puffy alts ...(Almost censored this Vax news is!)
{ Lucky Dip } Ouch something just spiked me!...Wot'd ya expect from creepy Vax news.,_j_and_j_to_research_modifications...
Wanna see wot Big Pharma fed Reuters...(Keep yer nose out of it!)
Anyhow! Vax Hesitancy Shares just Skyrocketed...again!
Anti Vaxers are suing Big Pharma for putting them outta work for the 100th week running...again!

San Guine- What denial?
You linked to an article which promoted fear based on nothing. The entire article described the situation of 40,000 people getting together The result of the 40,000 people getting together was no significant increase in health issues, yet the article still built its entire fear mongering around the proposition that 40,000 people getting together WOULD cause health issues.
It’s a complete beat up. The same as we have heard for 18 months.
When does the truth get in the way of the fear mongering? Not yet it seems.
Repeat after me…..over 99 percent of people survive Covid. Let the truth set you free.
All this blah blah blah about 21 people in ICU WITH Covid in the whole of Australia. Put it into perspective
“Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death globally, taking an estimated 17.9 million lives each year…… and one third of these deaths occur prematurely in people under 70 years of age.“
Time to appropriate the old Monty Python song “Every sperm is sacred” to the words “Every Covid death is sacred”.
You’ve got to love the irony that drinking, smoking and inactivity are responsible for more deaths than any ten viruses combined but the sale of piss and durries is considered essential during the lockdown which pushes everyone into enforced inactivity.

Blowin not sure where you are going with the above.
Current numbers of this COVID Delta out break in Australia is 10% of those that test positive and are infected go to hospital of that 10%, 20% to 30% are in ICU.
We are not just talking old people.
100,000 infections (not hard to achieve) means 10,000 will require hospitalization, 2K to 3K will require ICU where would you suggest they go as the beds, resources, medical staff simply are not there.
That's not some thing to worry about?

21 people in ICU in Australia WITH Covid.
Never forget!
I took this photo of the TV in April 2020 and nothing has changed. How can this fear mongering go unchallenged day after day? Every second hour there’s another dire prediction thrown out and when it never comes to pass it’s just swept under the carpet. Next minute….another ludicrous bit of fear mongering. It never ends.

You're obviously the smartest guy in the room and have a better handle on pandemics and public health policy than everyone else.

Yeah, fancy me becoming cynical after 18 months of headlines like the one above.
Or the SMH headline from a few days ago about the delta variant : No one is safe!
I’m seriously expected to keep swallowing that shit?
You’re on here talking Covid from a hospital perspective aren’t you? How many heart disease deaths have you seen in the past 18 months, yet you’re not on here ringing the town emergency bell over that. Why not?
Despite the fearmongering arms race amongst the MSM ,not one person has ever dared claim that Covid fatalities would ever surpass heart disease fatalities*, yet the world shuts down for Covid whilst durries, piss, and junk food are actively promoted everywhere you look. Inactively sitting in an office and during the daily commute for 80 percent of a person’s working day is hailed as an economic asset despite it contributing to millions of deaths around the world each year.
Stop the world from turning if a single person dies within 30 days of a positive Covid test**.
*Actually, yes they have. Many times. But I keep forgetting just how blatant and large the MSM lies regularly are because they always get memory holed.
** The qualification of a Covid death.

Say it with me San Guine: Over 99 percent of people survive Covid.
Say it out loud to yourself. Listen to the words coming from your own lips.
It’s not illegal or immoral to speak the truth.

10% end up in hospital
Don’t forget next year when we follow everyone else and open back up (thank god) along with those freedoms it will also be a year or two of your town, your street, your friends and family being riddled with covid. Everyone will get to have a turn eventually
If you know 200 people including friends, acquaintances and even people on here, that’s maybe 10 - 20 people you know over the next few years ending up in hospital
It’s going to be a messy coupla years unfortunately, particularly for the unvaccinated
But 100% I’m ready to get it over with.
Let’s see what happens with the big wash through

Rubbish, Shoredump.
It’s not 10 percent of everyone. The unverified 10 percent claim would only apply to the extremely old and the extremely unhealthy. And they are very, very likely to end up in hospital during the same time frame anyway. The average age for Covid death is higher than the average death from old age.
I swear, the Covid propaganda is so pervasive that people seem to actually promote it even when they think they’re acting in neutrality.
Say it with me, Shoredump:
Over 99 percent of people survive Covid.

Here’s a handy way to assess if you’ve been psychologically compromised by the MSM’s weaponised Covid assault:
Do you spend the same amount of time worrying about the global heart disease epidemic, which has for decades killed multiple times more people every year than all combined global Covid deaths, than you spend anxiously thinking about Covid ?
If the answer is no, consider yourself brainwashed.

According to NSW health, theres 75 people in NSW hospitals with covid. Surely you don’t disagree with that?
That’s from the current outbreak
Haha not sure if it was you or someone else but I was arguing in April last year that sugar would kill more people than covid in 2020. That’s why I limit my sugar and spend far far more time considering it over covid.
100% agree with this - “ You’ve got to love the irony that drinking, smoking and inactivity are responsible for more deaths than any ten viruses combined but the sale of piss and durries is considered essential during the lockdown which pushes everyone into enforced inactivity”

In the last 18 months 4 million people around the world have died WITH ( not explicitly FROM ) Covid. Most deaths are among those approaching age of natural death.
Result= The world spins off its axis.
In the last decade 180 million people around the world have died FROM heart disease. Most of which are premature deaths.
Result= The government ran a “Life be in it campaign” on TV featuring a tubby bloke called Norm some 40 odd years ago. Since then…..nothing.

Shoredump….true about sugar killing more people than Covid.
Government response? Subsidised sugar production. True story.

Not true
Every time someone goes for a walk, they’re thinking about heart disease
Every time someone grabs an avacado
Etc etc
I reckon heart disease and health is part of nearly everyone’s day, all day. They think about it getting the groceries, they think about it packing their lunch, they think about it staring in the mirror after every shower. People live and breath healthy lifestyles nowadays, it’s the 80s your thinking of
Covid is something we think about only once or twice a day

Sugar = bad
Covid = bad

Shoredump…..maybe you are talking about yourself but a large portion of the population is obese. They’re not thinking about heart disease….they’re thinking about upsizing their happy meal.
Another ( not so ) puzzling Covid situation:
Why the unapologetic and non politicised association with obesity and heart disease but the direct link between Covid symptoms, severity and outcome with obesity is purposefully down played?
The answer is that the you are being told to think that Covid is an indiscriminate killer - No one is safe!!!!!- despite every piece of evidence showing that obesity, along with age, is extremely influential on Covid outcomes.
Shoredump, You even displayed how effective that campaign has been with your post saying that ten percent of the people on Swellnet would be hospitalised through Covid, despite the fact that the healthy population of Swellnet would probably be almost entirely unrepresented amongst Covid hospitalisations.
Where is the overt government campaign to get people to maximise their fitness , health and time spent under the healing sunshine if they genuinely give a fck about public resilience to Covid?

Supafreak wrote:I’d highly recommended that everyone vaccinated or not do everything possible to boost their immune system. Stress , anxiety lack of sleep and lack of exercise weakens your immune system ( along with alcohol and tobacco ) and unfortunately alot of people are in lockdown are feeling all of this.
Couldn’t agree more with all of the above you’ve written. Eat healthy. Drink healthy. Exercise and sleep well. Your body will reward you like you wouldn’t believe.

Blowin wrote:Shoredump…..maybe you are talking about yourself but a large portion of the population is obese. They’re not thinking about heart disease….they’re thinking about upsizing their happy meal.
Another ( not so ) puzzling Covid situation:
Why the unapologetic and non politicised association with obesity and heart disease but the direct link between Covid symptoms, severity and outcome with obesity is purposefully down played?
The answer is that the you are being told to think that Covid is an indiscriminate killer - No one is safe!!!!!- despite every piece of evidence showing that obesity, along with age, is extremely influential on Covid outcomes.
Shoredump, You even displayed how effective that campaign has been with your post saying that ten percent of the people on Swellnet would be hospitalised through Covid, despite the fact that the healthy population of Swellnet would probably be almost entirely unrepresented amongst Covid hospitalisations.
Where is the overt government campaign to get people to maximise their fitness , health and time spent under the healing sunshine if they genuinely give a fck about public resilience to Covid?
Actually know some pretty healthy people fu(ked over by COVID with on going issues.

This thread is called vaccinate or not, surely no one here is still saying the jab is worse than the virus.
An unhealthy lifestyle takes a lifetime to slowly kill you but covid only takes a few weeks. Anyone who says it only affects the very old and week must be living in an alternate reality. We just haven't had a high enough no. of cases for it to get really ugly yet.

UK Year in review > Covid Vax Rollout > Re open.
27th March 2020 UK PM gets Covid
17th July UK Deaths 27/day
17th July Cases 686/day
7th Dec - Deaths 172/day
8th Dec - Cases - 12,252/day
8th Dec - Rollout Starts > cases / deaths skyrocket (Due to 3x Vax infection)
(Just 1 month after Rollout)
8th Jan 67,803 cases/day (peak)
20th Jan 1,823 Deaths/day (peak)
Brake pedal was applied to Rollout to give Frontline a break...cases/ deaths plummeted.
Daily Vax Data from Day 1 - 8th Dec -(#1 Vax Spike > Cases > Deaths)-10th Jan > disappears, no trace!
World censors it's #1 response to Pandemic. (It never happened ! Ok!) Go away & leave us alone.
Science / Study set back 1,000 years...who cares...Wot Pandemic? Nobody cares to notice anyhow!
22nd Feb UK ( # Road Map- out of Lockdown )
# 8th March > Schools > Care Home (1 Visitor)
14th March PM " We will beat Covid in coming Months
# 29th March > Group Meet outdoors > Sports > Intercity Travel
# 12 April > Personal / Hospitality Retail > Swim /Gyms > Accom
13th April - Boris says it wasn't vax but Lockdown that killed the Beast.
# 17th May > Social Contact > Twin Indoor Households Meet ups > Indoor Hospitality
Cases Rising Fast
15th June PM delays / breaks up 21st re-open
(1) # 4th July Super Saturday (Indoors 1m) + (2) # 19th July Freedom Day (Open)
# 21st June > Re-Open Day (Cancelled) re: (1) S.S + (2) F.D
UK tried everything (Reshuffling - Censoring Cases / Death / Vax - Stats)
Always : High Vax-High cases > Low vax-Low cases > No Vax - Least Cases. (Time after Time)
Everything they touched spread the virus > Leave the Virus alone and it goes away...well durr!
# 4th July : Super Saturday (Cases 23,858/day) > Pubs / Cinemas / Theatre Re-Open
(Cases double)
17th July Cases 54,647/day (2250% higher than same day last year) + 346% higher than Rollout Day 1.
Deaths 41/day (65% more than last year) only now most are vaccinated deaths (63.4%).
Health Secretary (Fully Vaccinated) contracts Covid > Cloud hangs over Govt MPs / PM
Eve of Freedom...
Covid / Vax *Antibodies is highest in UK & at it's peak...this forms the basis of UK reopen timeline.
Kidz 15-25 (*15-60%) / Teachers (*25%) /26-35 (*35-80%) / 35-50 (*50-95%) / 50-100 (*95-99%)
Hospitalization (Least- Low Antibodies Kidz) > (Most - High Antibodies Seniors) Plan is that simple.
Kidz Delta Light Herd Immunity > Spreads out thru Teachers > Breakthru Reboots Parents > Seniors
So what's the flaw in the Plan > The Highest Covid Risk Community > Who are they?
They are the poorest unvaxed 20-40% population from Caribbean > Africa > Pakistan > Mixed..
The least affected & protected are White & from Wealthiest Estates ( Never been a more Racist Policy)
Why have Youth gone from least affected to most vulnerable to Covid infection.
Youth can't Vaccinate...(That's the easy out that grown ups fall back on.) That's a minor reason!
UK Health claim Covid spreads more within the Home than School...
eg: US Kids covid soared from 2% > 24% when Parents vaccinated...Vaxed Parents infect their Kids
eg: Israel > Covid is Highest in Kids & next highest in their Parents Age Group + ( Oz : "Home > Kidz")
Fair to say that now "Mostly" Vaxed parents are unaware that they are spreading Covid to kidz.
Surely, there's more to it than Vaccinated Parents infecting Unvaxed Kids...( Yep! Only Everything else)
Youth are least likely to > Test > Wash Hands > Wear Masks > Self Isolate > SD > Ventilate Rooms
Youth are more likely to > Travel > crowd > Meet Up > Gather at Homes -Indoors...
So why do we only hear about Kids being Unvaxed... Parents are divided 50/50 on Kidz Vax
However! Pfizer + AZ Vaxes aren't Kidz Compliant > (Very Risky!)
EU aren't mandating (U16 Vax ) requirement.
UK then exploits Kidz to spread Herd Immunity > Teachers > reinfect higher immunity rebooting Seniors.
This buys AZ some time to modify their Vax for 2021/22 Boosters & safer Kidz Trials.
UK Covid Stats start with wealthy inheritance raids & finish with thinning out the poorest black Migrants.
50% of Black migrants reside in the least vaxed Greater London, up until now has the lowest covid.
Don't think these communities have immunity to Vaxed White hordes donating covid goodwill.
Pretty sure the Plan is to bring in the street sweepers & open up Greater London for Developers.
There's nothing more to say, than it's typically British and none will notice or raise an eyebrow!
Well apart from 1,246 World Doctors & Scientists
19th July Freedom Day for some - beginning of the end for others...Oz sends best wishes to UK.

"19th July Freedom Day for some - beginning of the end for others...Oz sends best wishes to UK."
And the crowd in the English soccer stadiums roar, "Let her rip!"
It's going to be an interesting match over the next few months.

hmm ivermectim...............I use this site for a lot of my medical issues and came across the following article...pretty tech but another scientific voice.....there is some great bits of info eg over a 100,ooo people died from overdoses on hydroxychloroquine.......

Brutus - that was good. thanks for posting.

And some more background about the sheep drench thing.

Oz Rollout Ads come under fire for rubbishing frontline & confusing the Vax message.
Mostly by presenting unrealistic, untrusting images and breaching all basic Covid procedure.
Critics say these Ads play into the hands of Anti Vaxerz for untold reasons.
1. Dr Nick visits Mullumbimby GP / Cafe (No Masks - QR code - Sanitising -SD) by order of Town Guru!
Wotz with his Hernia patch busting out of his $2 Daggy dad belt'n'fly Scomo production!
2. Govt protects the identity of these vaccinated bullies that deliberately go outta their way to infect us.
We can't show you their faces know....they're # The Vaxxer Army # ...Run everyone!
3. (Warning!)
Easy Breathe & Swallow ultra lite CPAP will have you feeling too young to Vax..( tbb : I'll take 2 mate! )
or on a more serious note...
Ad makes out evil Frontline has no compassion by letting the Covid patient suffer all alone.
Oh! Yeah! + The chick was a few light years short of being legal to vax.
Channel 9 - "Our Shot " 1,000% Omo VIP Boomer White Wash (Think they had to re-edit this one)
Mostly as this demographic had already vaxed in 1918.
Oz gave it our best shot ...all be queue jumpin'...for sure!

Hi Brutus, some interesting points in the article you linked. And some interesting comments too, for example:
“People watch governments and and pharmaceutical companies spending tens of billions of dollars developing, testing and distributing multiple vaccines in record time but somehow they can't come up with, say, $25 or $50 million to do the kind of credible high quality trial they say is needed to determine the usefulness and effectiveness of ivermectin. Instead they seem to be fixated on criticizing the mostly self-financed trials conducted in their spare time by working physicians desperately trying to find something that works for their patients and, when that doesn't seem to stifle them, enlisting social media companies to censor them. One does not need to be excessively cynical to ask what they might be afraid of finding. This is what I wish you both had addressed.”
Two sides to every debate.
It’s a complicated business, I don’t know the answer but maybe there’s some truth in that comment

Hi Tyler, I get what you are saying about the Big Pharma / Trials etc......I just like finding Science based info , especially when there are conspiracy theories running rife everywhere to the point it's hard to discern the reality from the BS. It's like all of the shit I have heard about Faucci and his connections to big Pharma.....and he keeps pushing the BIG pharma line.....last week Pfizer were in negotiations with the USA's CDC , to get them to buy next years booster shot( Canada/Europe have bought a couple of years extra ) , but Faucci came out and said no, as he believes there could be more variants that will need an upgraded vaccine...he is a man of great repute , and has been spot on for the last 18 mths....
So researching for the truth , what a full time job....

maybe that that commentator should have listened to the podcast or read the article. those concerns are addressed throughout: e.g:
"They're not always published in places that are peer reviewed. They have very low sample size. There are some questions about their protocol and things like that...... that they were generally poor quality, not the kind of randomized control trials you can hang your hat on."
"Well, I will say one thing, big tech f -- -ed up by censoring their videos and I think that's a huge mistake....So, I think big tech was wrong and big tech is also hypocritical"
"Pending the results, yeah. And we wanna be proven wrong.... and if any of those five or, not if any, but if any of the five convincingly show me that it works, I'll switch my practice"

Hi Supafreak ,the whole HCQ thing was dead and buried for me when I saw the original results from French testing , which showed not much benefit at all ...I see stories al the time about possible cheaper alternatives , but science is not backing it or they are still testing.
What I do know is that there are so many Americans/Poms who won't vaccinate and they are the ones now creating the new spike in infections and deaths , worldwide.
There is so much bullshit out there right now eg the AZ now has a bad reputation , and we are giving away AZ to Indo/Vietnam/PNG etc...while people are now waiting for Pfizer.......WTF?????
There's a man in the desert dying of thirst , another man approaches with life saving water,yewww...when the man tries to give him the water , the man dying of thirst says , sorry I only drink Perrier !
That's where we are with Covid !!!

You can go either way Bonza.
While the vaccines were being developed mid 2020 there was simultaneous evidence that Ivermectin may have significant clinical benefit. If there was a reversal of funding towards Ivermectin trials away from vaccine funding then we may have solid evidence by now that Ivermectin truly works...or not.
No way to find out but an interesting scenario to ponder nonetheless.
Like I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, it would appear that money was thrown at vaccine funding (as opposed to trials of potential treatment) because more money was potentially to be made from the first available vaccine ie market forces dictated the process, and possibly good science or good sense was a secondary concern.
But please don’t misrepresent me, the vaccines work and appear to be relative safe. I’ve had mine, the AZ.
But maybe just maybe with a different push we could have had a potential cure 6 months ago

I am awaiting confirmation from France that they recognize Australian AZ, as they did not recognize the AZ from India which affected 5 m poms having holidays in Europe......will know tomorrow about the OZ AZ......
I think it's pretty much accepted now that Pfizer and AZ are 60% effective against the Delt variant , which means there are still 2 in 5 people who could catch the D-Covid...but a lot less infections and deaths....but as you can see in the UK and the USA , unvaccinated people are now really suffering and dying in numbers again.....clear, get vaccinated !

misrepresenting you? you mean you are not deliberately attempting to discredit evidence based medicine and the scientific process by posting misinformation?

At this stage , we just need more people vaccinated as that's the only weapon we have at the moment.....people are still going to get infected and die with the vaccine as it's not 100% infallible , but we will see in the next month what happens in the UK.......we might have to live permanently with Covid , as too many people are confused and scared by the vaccines....politics and the media what a combination for disaster!

I was a little shocked at Alan Joyce (CEO Qantas) announcement that international travelers will be required to have a covid 19 vaccination in order to travel on Qantas flights . The government wanted to have mandatory vaccination but after the bumbling of its release ( it was painful to watch the delivery of that announcement ) they withdrew the mandatory part but it seems Qantas and other business may demand a vaccination in order to use their services. I’m not anti vaccine by any means I just don’t trust this government or a vaccine that has been rushed through. A jab followed by another jab followed by yearly jabs doesn’t sit well with me as I have never had a flu shot or the flu for more than 20 years. Plus I don’t want to give this shot to my healthy 4 year old daughter. She is up to date with all her vaccinations but this covid vaccine is new and not being around for decades like the others. Tuberculosis remains the number one as far diseases go and you don’t need proof of vaccination to travel so what is going on ?