Vaccinate or not

..."a shite load of money to be made if you hit the market first."
yes and a shite load of money to be lost if you didn't..
risk. benefit.
scientific evidence is rarely a factor at all in determining what's on the market. walked into a chemist lately? sugar pills labeled as supplements for every ailment you never knew you had. quackery.
crappy drugs? perhaps. occasionally improperly proscribed? absolutely.
but broad sweeping statements criticising "evidence based medicine" is a poor, if not dangerous choice of words.

i was a waiter at a high end hotel in californy.
in private dinning we mainly did international weddings and business functions.
weddings were a riot for the most part.
bizznizz could be hit or miss.
sometimes a bunch of boring corporate kooks and sometimes not!
i try not to stereotype but.............kinda gotta now.
.them boys from da pharmy army conventions.........well...
the more experienced wait staff warned me that 'these guys party!'
the pharmy army did not disappoint.
they didnt seem too concerned with their own health or yours.
there was no gluten free, no downward facing donkey or aromatherapy.
they were likeable,slick,salesmen.
there was copious amount of alcohol and cigarettes/cigars consumed all night.
good looking bunch with hot partners.
to be honest they partied like a bunch of surfers!
if you want pharmy products go for it.
if people choose not to they shouldnt be discriminated against.
this is the argument!
after spending an evening with them i just wouldn't buy a pill or a bag of powder from them,let alone have them inject me with whatever it is that does whatever it is that they claim it'll do?

Don’t misrepresent me Bonza, I’m clearly stating that I believe there is enough evidence for Ivermectin to be used as prophylaxis.
What I’m trying to explain, perhaps not clearly, is history is littered with drugs that haven’t made the market despite good evidence and others who have had huge sales despite poor and even falsified evidence.
It’s a complicated business, Ivermectin is yet another one to add to a long list

Great article san Guine. Goes to show how cautious you have to be with evidence.
The other 20 or so RCT’s that show a positive benefit from Ivermectin may also be flawed as well, time will tell

Irrespective of the trial results, the Guardian has shown once again that it’s not worth the effort to click on the link. Leading with the description of a possible Covid treatment as “promoted by right wing figures worldwide” leaves no doubt as to the paper’s motivations. The politicisation of medicine is the realm of the corrupt and the unworthy.
Guardian is amongst the a lowest of all media outlets.

Wow Blowke,
You've figured out that the Guardian is left perspicacious!

Guardian isn’t left leaning. It’s proper Fake Left. Irrespective of its political leanings it’s just trash. As I said, politicisation of medicine is a place there’s no comeback from. Pure rubbish.
In the words of Mr T “ I pity the fool” who reads the Guardian.

The Guardian occasionally has fantastic oped pieces by Greg Jericho, Richard Denniss, and Jeff Sparrow, among others I can't think of right now. Those three are as right on and original as anyone in the game.

Granted they're not as consistent as The Excellent Macrobusiness Site but there's still gold to be found.
I pity the fool who misses it.

Greg Jericho embarrassed himself badly a couple of days ago. Are you sure he’s still on your list?
Here’s a takedown by ( drumroll)…..The Excellent Macrobusiness Site:
“Greg Jericho, doyen of the fake left, has today joined the immigration debate with gusto:
“It is regrettably far too easy in Australia to blame migrants. From societal to educational to economic woes – migrants are the easy target.
Last week the head of the Reserve Bank suggested migration could have caused lower wages growth. It was an unfortunate statement that goes against evidence and ignores the many other factors at play.
Blaming migrants for our economic woes is not new.”
Neither is conflating criticism of a broken migration system with “migrants” when the two are very clearly different things. Not one of the debaters and analysts engaged on this issue has “blamed migrants”, least of all the RBA. Nor has anyone ever suggested that a broken visa system is the only factor suppressing wages. For instance, amid the tsunami of output from the RBA that has endeavoured to understand an unprecedented decade of low wages growth, there are now just two speeches finally addressing the role that a broken migration system has played.
Analysis of the flaws in the migration system that have distorted the Australian (and NZ) labour markets at both the macro and micro levels is being conducted with intellectual rigour by the highest level experts in the field. These include:
Reserve Bank Governor Phil Lowe
Founding chairman of the Australian Productivity Commission Professor Garry Banks
Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern
The New Zealand Productivity Commission
Senior commentators Ian Verrender, Gareth Hutchens, Adele Ferguson, Ross Gittins and Bernard Keane.
Former leader of the opposition, John Hewson
Former economic advisor to Bob Hawke, Professor Ross Garnaut
Former Productivity Commissioner, Judith Sloan
Former Governor of the Reserve Bank, Bernie Fraser
Former economic advisor to Julia Gillard, Stephen Koukoulas
Chair in Economics and is the Director of the Centre of Full Employment and Equity, Bill Mitchell
Chief economist at the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Gareth Aird,
Former chief economist at ANZ, Saul Eslake
Chief economist at the NSW Treasury Corporation, Brian Redican.
Chief economist at Macroeconomics, Stephen Anthony.
Other groups that have been critical of the immigration system include the ACTU, ACOSS, the McKell Institute and many, many more. All have been scrupulously fair, very sensitive to the issues and entirely appropriate.
In the end, if an appeal to authority and logic doesn’t cut it for you for over Jericho’s racism dog-whistling, then perhaps you should listen to the man himself, who wrote rather presciently in 2014:
“This week the Australian Industry Group released its submission to the government on boosting the immigration intake by 30,000 a year to “meet skills shortages”.
…But at a time when employment growth is stagnant and unemployment is predicted to rise to 6% in the next 12 months, arguing we need more labour smacks of wanting to purely increase supply of labour in order to further reduce wages growth. This might benefit some businesses but certainly not those trying to find work.
Australia’s skills crisis is an ongoing challenge, but submissions such as this from Aig do little to suggest business groups are less concerned about the increasing labour costs and workers pay from possible skills shortages in the future, than they are about further reducing workers pay right now.”
Which is precisely what happened.
Later he recanted these reviews only because he shared them with Tony Abbott, whom Jericho clearly hates:
“Immigration – because there are many desperate to hate – must be treated with extreme care by politicians and journalists, and certainly with more care than Abbott seems capable. The inherently racist parties will seek to use any discussion and any seeming evidence of the negative impact of migrants as fuel to burn their fires of hate.”
In short, Jericho (or The Guardian) made a politicised editorial decision to defend a broken immigration system come what may. This clearly superseded any commitment to dialectic, logic, intellect, journalism, truth and, above all, Australian worker well-being.
This violated the principles of the Scott Trust upon which The Guardian is based:
The values of The Scott Trust
The Manchester Guardian was founded in the liberal interest to support reform in the early 19th century. The ethos of public service has been part of the DNA of the newspaper and Group ever since.
CP Scott, the famous Manchester Guardian editor, outlined the paper’s principles in his celebrated centenary leader on May 5, 1921.
The much-quoted article is still used to explain the values of the present-day newspaper, Trust and Group. It is also recognised around the world as the ultimate statement of values for a free press.
Among the many well known lines are the assertions that ‘Comment is free, but facts are sacred’, that newspapers have ‘a moral as well as a material existence’ and that ‘the voice of opponents no less than that of friends has a right to be heard’. The values he described are: honesty; cleanness (today interpreted as integrity); courage; fairness; and a sense of duty to the reader and the community.
Put the creepy dog whistle away, Greg“
BTW I’m thinking of bestowing some kind of annual merit recognition soon. You might be referring to the Right Honourable Macrobusiness Site in the near future.

Yeah, absolutely. I don't agree with him on everything, but I've read enough to know that he's an original thinker and challenges conventional wisdom.
I'd be more concerned about finding a writer or publication that I completely agreed with.
That, to me at least, would suggest I'm not applying sufficient critical thought.

Yep. I contest a fair bit of Macrobusiness stuff but I don’t put it on here because …..well, if I disagree with it then it’s very obviously incorrect, isn’t it!?
Doesn’t the clear ideological perversion Jericho has made in the above example make you a little bit queasy though? A man that smart wouldn’t be espousing that rubbish unless he’d clearly weighed up the pros and cons re speaking the truth and maintaining imposed editorial direction and come away with the belief that his job is more important than integrity.

I don't think he was being as robust about the point as The Sometimes Questionable Site Macrobusiness make out. Seems he was being circumspect about the combination of factors leading to low wage growth, and rebuking those who'd say it was solely due to immigration.
Yes, there were a few points I patently disagreed with, but to call it idelogical perversion is a bit strong.
Anyway, it's not the only issue on the economist's table, plenty of topics in the dismal science, and Jericho makes a good fist of most of them.

I thought it was a particularly poorly written article from Jericho, full of spurious reasoning, non-sequiturs and a pre-emptive scare campaign (oh no the RBA is "stoking anti-migration fires!).
Inflation growth is not tied directly to real wages growth so a whole leg of his argument needs to be lopped off.
Also, his counter-arguments : "the lack of monetary and fiscal stimulus, capped wages growth and reduced worker bargaining power", are also weak and lacking evidence.
Yes, wages growth has been capped in the public sector, where govts can control it, but wages growth in the private sector cannot be capped by the govt.
There it is subject to the laws of supply and demand and when migration loosens the labour market by increased supply, demand is reduced and there's no upward pressure on wages.
That was the very simple and basic point the RBA governor made.
It's a basic point that anyone who has been in the labour market involving overseas labour in the last decade can see very clearly themselves with their own eyes.
He set up a straw man argument : observing the effect that immigration has on the labour market is dangerous/racist, and then used very weak or irrelevant arguments in support of it.

A list of retracted covid papers:
You might also be interested in searching the
Macrobusiness is completely inflammatory, sensationalist junk, trash media on the highest level imaginable.

NSW Premier : "Get Vaxed but keep away from #1 Vax Hot Spots GP's / Clinics / Chemists."
Gladys is effectively saying that Vaccination Rollout sites are spiking NSW Covid Lockdown.
Now! If anyone else claimed as would be branded [f] Misinformation.
Bunnings : Karen's Barrows'n'BBQ's were more essential & long ranked #1 Oz Exposure Hot Spots.
Bunnings Banga'n'Sanga Booster will get them back in the game as top Oz superspreaderz.
Dr Nick's Double Shot Cafe...( Blatant QR code cheats are cooling off in iso. )
Govt stacked Chem Warehouse jab queues & hit #1 with 1,000's of premium exposure sites
NSW Premier : "Chemists are now #1 superspreaders."...Do not get Vax or medicine...stay home & die!
Supermarkets are fighting back & rolling out Spiked Strawberries + Jabz'n'Stabz 4 Toilet Rolls.
They're also rewarding free cases of Grog 4 Lockdown with DV loyalty cards.
Smoko's Free Beer 4 Vax passes the Pub Test.
(Wotz New in Rollout Review ) Beer 4 Vax - (Q & A)
Can 16y/olds claim a free Vax beer at their local Blue Light Disco...No! Get a free Schoolies Vax Schooner.
Is Going to the Pub to claim a Free Vax brew essential ...No! Piss Off! STFAH.
Can you even drink a Beer with a Mask?... No! That's why AZ came up with the chunky Stout Brew!
Ok! Can Essential Frontline accept a free Vax brew...Nope > Lose yer Job on the spot.
Can Truckerz mix Pills/Vax/Beer...Yes! But only when mounting the curb for weekly Vax Queue Lottery.
RVBT Cop: "1 dose of AZ Beer you say! Ok, I'll need ya to blow or lick or was it fart or scratch'n'sniff?"
Does (Beer 4 Vax) come with a Govt Jingle ....Take it away Slim...
There's no better way to unwind and relax.
Than swiping a Bar Code for yer free beer & Vax
Lyrics by Farkluvstraya! avaSTFAHweekend.

Interesting about motorbike accident deaths in Vietnam. According to Bureau of Infrastructure and Transport Research Economics (BITRE), Australia has seen 131 so far this year:

Whoops that was in response to megzee's post in the other thread.

Didn't realise motorbike accidents were so common in Australia.

No worries Lucky Al- Thread comments still go out to most.
The fatality number here is slightly overtaken by serious permanent injuries due to motorbike accidents....Carnage all round......

you're in vietnam are you megzee? i think i noticed vietnamese writing on a box of beer in one of your cat pictures.

Yes mate and that would be Saigon Lager......not a bad drop at 30c a can....
Now the local lads get into the dreaded rice whisky at 2c a glass.......
Sends them completely loopy and pickled. COVID stands no chance....

Aaaahhh Delicious Lucky-al...
I'm still presently ploughing through my stock of Yellow Fin tuna and the Tahitian recipe Freeride passed on......always accompanied by a Saigon or 7
Then back to the daily VN tucker.....

sorry for going off topic! won't post any more vietnamese beer pictures here.

Where are you Lucky-al....Still in VN?
Trusty old Mr. Phuong hey........we've all got one of, chickens, ducks, pork, dried fish......every household has a Mr. Phuong the delivery grafter....Pretty sure he could find a vile of AZ if asked..
Please, please don't tell me you drink beer with ice mate!

me too.
Sorry to the Vaccine discussion community for wandering off subject

Cheers Superfreak.......I know how sensitive some people can be with regards to this touchy topic...
A Shot of "dishwater grey" Tuak in the shoulder, washed down with a shooter of Semarang Arak.....or the other way round....

megzee wrote:Where are you Lucky-al....Still in VN?
Trusty old Mr. Phuong hey........we've all got one of, chickens, ducks, pork, dried fish......every household has a Mr. Phuong the delivery grafter....Pretty sure he could find a vile of AZ if asked..
Please, please don't tell me you drink beer with ice mate!
a nice cold bottle is what i really like, but will happily drink a glass of beer with ice in it if someone puts it in front of me. currently in thailand. left vietnam last august and it's already been too long. hoping to be able to get back for a visit late this year, in october or december when there are waves around. our place is on the south central coast. we have a small piece of farming land i can take charge of since the father-in-law passed away last year. in the long run i'd like to stay there for good.

Olympic Meddle Tally
2020/21 Olympic Training Camps resulted in 30-100% Covid infections amongst Olympic Teams.
Boxing / Wrestling / Rowing / Basketball & surprisingly Swimming ( Mostly by sharing Bus & facilities)
What's unusual is IOC have no Covid reporting agenda nor is there an Olympic Covid Tracker (Maybe!)
Cases are open in Home Nations then silenced in Japan or revealed as Nation / Sport / Coach / Athlete.
Interesting to see how the politics of (International Covid Transit) plays out on a universal stage.
Don't be surprised if some hide cases to salvage Travel Pass cred...Competition within Competitions.
[+] Cases will be outed to deny a Medal Presentation > China's 4x4 Relay { Covid Breach - Disqualified }
Quadz rort Japan's Covid Quarantine Records to bag a few extra Gold Medals...Drums of war!
These games are less wanted than ever but Nations are sending Record Teams...not less...Exactly!
Tokyo Olympics Covid infections
20th June Uganda Coach [+] Delta > Govt Quarantine (8 vaxed Athletes will isolate)+ Chiba ban!
23rd Uganda Vaxed Athlete tests [+]
29th Tokyo Governor-Week of excessive Fatigue leaves Hospital to work from Home until July. Ok!
2nd July UK > Japanese Olympic Golfer Tests [+] > 29th Golf Start.
4th Serbia (Rower) Tests [+] at Airport > 4 Isolate
9th Lithuania Athlete Tests [-] at Airport but Hotel PCR [+] Test > Lab [-] > Another Test > Contacts?
Israel Athlete Tests [+] at Airport > Quarantine Facility
Tally > counts 5 cases
Olympic Official Tests [+] in Quarantine - But refuse to reveal identity or Nationality
11th Torch Relay 2 more Test [+] Now infected 14 to date...'who's turn to hold the baton, don't rush me!'
Note: Could be more death defying than the Brazilian Olympic Torch Relay...if that's remotely possible!
12th 2UK / 2US Media crew say they snorted Coke to cure Covid...Japan are isolating them forever.
14th Russia -Women's 7's masseur > Hospital (Team of 16 / Staff 10 not contacts) Hard to believe?
Refugee Team IOC Official [+] > 26/29 in Doha Transit Quarantine )
49 Brazilian Judo Athletes Isolating as 8 Japanese Hotel staff Test [+] (Sounds back 2 front that story?)
South Africa - Rugby Team (21) in Iso > [+] Flight contact
15th Kenya - Rugby Team (8) in Iso > [+] Flight contact
"Foreign Athlete" No name or Nation is given to media
Total of 26 Olympic related Covid infections
Games Official [+]
3 Contractors [+]
2 Local Workers [+]
Nigerian Team member [+] > Hospital
Uganda Weight Lifter dodged a PCR test & Still missing!
16th Total of 30 Olympic related Covid infections
US -Basketball 2 Undisclosed Health breaches.
Australia -Basketball (Recently played US)
Australia -Tennis (Male) [+] No contacts
Nigeria - Official Tested [+] > Hospital
UK - Tennis (Male) [+]
Poll won't shock the Crew / Japan / World / IOC...& won't stop the VIP's from making a killing.
Poll 28 Nations Olympic Games (55% of the World don't want Games)
Want Games / Maybe - 1.India > 2.China > 3.Malaysia || 4.US 48% (World 45%) 5.Aust 44%
Don't want Games 1.Japan 78% > 2.S Korea > 3.UK > 4.Aust 56% > (World 55%) 5. US 52%
No Nation is real keen & only 16% want games ...most are not interested & don't want the Olympics
In fact #2 UK (38) #3 Oz (35%) least give a their Committees sent the largest teams ever.(Nice)
That pretty much sums up the Sporting elite..suck Emergency funds dry, now outta my way little people.

Some numbers:
NSW has in total acquired 91 cases from interstate
NSW went into this current lockdown at 31 daily cases
Victoria went into lockdown last July at 191 daily cases
Yeah delta, yeah where were lessons learnt, but it gives some perspective for the whinging poms I mean poor Victorians. FWIW I reckon the majority of us here in NSW wanted the hard and fast lockdown many days before we got it. If you want to help us do more of the heavy lifting with hotel quarantine, you’re welcome to it. Until then, maybe practice some gratitude
I’ll have the Sichuan pork and special fried rice, thank you

"When, not if, a SARS-CoV-2 variant emerges to bypass vaccine immunity, our only hope will be a specific and effective anti-inflammatory therapy: cyclosporine!
"For the record, in early 2021, I got my COVID-19 vaccine shots uneventfully. I suggest that all persons over age 16 get this shot, IF they are not already immune to SARS-CoV-2."
I posted this purely from a clinical practice point of view and in no particular order of importance:
1. BiPAP is a noninvasive method of ventilation and very effective as a weaning strategy post extubation or as a ventilation strategy that can delay/minimise the need for intubation (invasive ventilation). The team I work with oversee patients on the Wards needing BiPAP/ CPAP ventilation, which, if managed effectively, frees up our ICU to accept a higher level of patient acuity (ie. sicker patients).
2. The patient has a filter on the expiratory port of the BiPAP machine. This can make it more difficult to breath out (due to increased resistance) especially in a tachpnoeic patient. The filter can potentially increase expiratory pressures and thus increase the risk of dynamic hyperinflation (aka auto PEEP) and consequent barotrauma.
But I get that they are using the filter to minimise the risk from AGP's (aerosol generating procedures).
3. You can run BiPAP on most of the modern invasive ventilators, which have an inspiratory and expiratory limb back to the ventilator, thus minimise risk from AGP's.
4. They are using a mask that does not have an anti-aspiration valve, obviously to minimise the risk from AGP's, the risk being the patient vomits and aspirates their stomach contents into their lungs. You end up with an aspiration pneumonia and a much sicker patient.
5. Why is a COVID positive patient on a V60 (the BiPAP machine) without being in a negative pressure room or isolated? I know the answer...
All our SCOVID(suspected) patients are in individual rooms, on our SCOVID Ward. The sicker Ward patients will get neg pressure (very limited capacity), but our ICU has cubicles.
6. It clearly illustrates that open plan ICU's are a bad idea in this day and age. What happens if you have a circuit disconnection? Aerosols are sprayed directly into the entire ICU.
7. Why are the Nursing staff wearing gloves when at the keyboard? Our Infection Control nazis would have a field day with this! Gloves for procedures, hand hygiene the rest of the time. I reckon I spray my hands about 50 times per shift!

Also from the Spectator - "Meet the Covid billionaires":

Lockdown or no lockdown these boys were getting out of dodge, even with the Rona.

Great share san Guine...very rarely do we read of graphic borderline frontline...Salute!
Sure it's a tough topic but it is front & centre of Life & death with this horrid virus.
Any health workers & patients pitting these machines up against Covid are in for a fight.
Deserves a Clinical Reply from a patients perspective.
As I understand, the patient must be sedated for intubation then forgoes control.
Automated closed cycle breathing is exhausting and life zapping.
tbb ran an exercise on a closed CPAP to Covid "like" Vent settings (7 bpm in) > (14>22>35 bpm out)
This is beyond an Athletic workout as it's constant control with no open exhale time out.
Crew might not understand, but non stop Fast or Slow inflow is equally exhausting without exhale.
Your lungs & heart are working well overtime...your mind can't escape the fact your body is a prison.
(re: Common CPAP quote...I feel like I'm having a Heart Attack & was gonna die > 4 months of that.)
tbb in a sleep test heard neighbouring sleeper screaming & running out! > Full Face Mask! (Doc : "Yep!")
Real cool what san Guine shares about the AGP one shares talk on such a tortuous instrument.
Not just saying that...ultra rare to get a caring view as rule is to block out the last micron of exaltation.
ICU filters must be regulatory for no aerosol in ICU & therefore 99.9% Carbon filters block like a sponge.
These filters then face down beneath to then valve drip Covid into frontline skidpans...(Better not ask?)
[ Hotel Covid air freshener makes Headline again! ]
swellnet Vax or Not Letters : [ san Guine bodybash'z ICU Covid Tsunami ] see : Crew respects Frontline!
ICU Dishwasher is neat & shiny, but the quicker the infected gush out their evil, the sooner we're all safe.
No more stewing in own juices > out on verandah > open valves to gush Volcanic Lava over the Valley.
Doctors can get a break...hook up the Tonic Water hose...Stand back...need to be run for it!
tbb is having heaps of trouble propping up his wretched rickety CPAP and could do with a sleep test.
Hospital had booked a test in March & May but phoned on the day to cancel both of them.
They booked a review of said tests & never informed me...they phoned & sent letters for me to explain?
Explain Wot? Zero Test review that tbb was never invited to? No one's mad about the new normal.
This week tbb had an EEG & the operator explained what was going on with the Sleep study cancels.
re: san Guine has already explained it above...well ahead of the game he is!
Hospital Sleep Study DJ booth crosswires several solo suites...therefore...a perfect Covid hang out.
tbb actually guessed as much, that rooms double for respiratory emergency...ask san Guine, he'll know!
Pretty much tbb's appointments were only ever reliant upon there being no local covid cases.
This explains the same day last minute bump offs for an emergency patient needed the bed.
Next sleep test has been pushed out to next year (now 2 years on) crew can see there's no other way.
So, in itself tells all that Qld Health have prepared for Covid "Emergencies" until at least 2022.
NSW have long booked "Health Emergency" to 25th March 2022...we're not going anywhere people!
Meaning Oz Health Crisis is now blowing out 2 years (See UK...similar backlogs)
Gonna have to fork out another $150 to salvage this leaky CPAP or splash $1,000 for read out model.
Nurses just moved in either side...think tbb is just about to get Vaxed or Covid or maybe a cheap CPAP.
Thankful for san Guine & crew that share frontline truths as it restores trust during our Health Crisis.

Laugh at Supafreak's Sign....trying to think of the big winners or any players with skin in the game,
1970's Van Park Kiosk that gives a free vax if yer return the mini Soap bar without the pubes...Ouch!
I was a little shocked at Alan Joyce (CEO Qantas) announcement that international travelers will be required to have a covid 19 vaccination in order to travel on Qantas flights . The government wanted to have mandatory vaccination but after the bumbling of its release ( it was painful to watch the delivery of that announcement ) they withdrew the mandatory part but it seems Qantas and other business may demand a vaccination in order to use their services. I’m not anti vaccine by any means I just don’t trust this government or a vaccine that has been rushed through. A jab followed by another jab followed by yearly jabs doesn’t sit well with me as I have never had a flu shot or the flu for more than 20 years. Plus I don’t want to give this shot to my healthy 4 year old daughter. She is up to date with all her vaccinations but this covid vaccine is new and not being around for decades like the others. Tuberculosis remains the number one as far diseases go and you don’t need proof of vaccination to travel so what is going on ?