Vaccinate or not

The question which needs to be asked is this :
The fella who died was one day away from ending Covid isolation. He obviously wasn’t ready to exit isolation as he was so sick he died. How many cases like this are kicking around? Is the 14 day isolation long enough or was he receiving sneaky guests during his isolation?

Blowin wrote:How many healthy 20 year olds in the entire world have died from Covid?
Fuck all.
Where's ya stats to back this "Fck All" claim? This delta variant is killing more young people than influenza.

brutus wrote:Blowin wrote:You’re right there. Normal influenza kills quite a few otherwise young and healthy people.
diabetes also kills nearly 5000 people a year , but what do car accidents/influenza have to do with Covid.......7 people in NSW in their 20's are in ICU.....over the last few mths it's easy to see globally that unvaccinated people are now having a Covid's not just about the deaths , but the hospitalizations and the stress on the health systems......
Not to mention the long term ever lasting affects of Covid on anyone who has had it.

And what happens when the vaccines aren’t effective and the virus does it’s thing regardless ala Israel? Do we get to take the “punish the unvaccinated “ crew out the back of the shed and give them a good flogging?

brutus wrote:Blowin wrote:Brutus -those graphs showed modelled predictions of positive tests, not numbers clogging up ICU and denying Craig a bed when he gets a fin chop at Manly.
me bad....try this Blowin.....
Blowin, you seriously just making shit up. Read this article above mate and stop rambling on with absolutely no information to substantiate your rambles.
"It’s more debilitating than people realise. People can’t do their normal jobs any more, they can’t do normal activities, people struggle to walk or do any kind of exercise."

brutus wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:brutus wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:If you give people $300 to get the vaccine, what happens to those that have already got it?
Do they also get $300 for getting it or do they miss out?
Indo, how do we all feel about more rich people getting $300 because they are already vaccinated......ya can't make this shit up........
Kind of sucks if they miss out, they are the ones that have done the right thing.
If it happened the areas where it would really boast vaccine take up is in the lower income areas.
Indo , I think the problem here is education and understanding why vaccinate?
Are the richer suburbs more educated?
Whey are the poorer socio-economic groups at a disadvantage , such as in SW Sydney and Melb and have lower rates......??
I have watched the media say that where there are large numbers of recent Immigrants , that's where the Covid hits is there a communication problem or ?
I could see a program that targets the lower socio-economic parts of our Nation......and offers incentives........have a read of this about the Global State of vaccinations to poorer countries and the risks we are all now taking in another mutant version of Covid .......the rich western countires have kept the vaccine for themselves...
Maybe more prone to misinformation and conspiracy theories?
Especially ethnic people who may be getting information from overseas often developing countries, for example even the government in Indonesia has put forward some pretty crazy ideas on Covid especially early on, things like saying Jamu a herbal type brew can prevent Covid.
Misinformation and changing views and ideas has been a big problem from day one with Covid, its easy to point fingers but its been everywhere, even listening to ABC radio ive heard so called experts, change their views in a short period, i guess to be fair as we learn information can change, but ive found it hard to know what to believe myself at times.
As we know so much mixed messaging around Astrazenca, it's a real pity and nobody fault really that it ended up having blood clot issues, but it's made many people think twice about Covid vaccines and in a sense even kind of given some validity to the idea they have been rushed through.
Maybe also lower income people might feel and bit more of an us & them things with the government than higher income workers and feel more skeptical about the governments intentions?

is it the red pill or the bluey?

donweather wrote:Blowin wrote:How many healthy 20 year olds in the entire world have died from Covid?
Fuck all.
Where's ya stats to back this "Fck All" claim? This delta variant is killing more young people than influenza.
come on mate these clowns don't need stats or science. they just go with what feels right to them.

Supafreak wrote:I really can’t understand some of the decisions. Ive had a gut full of the stupidity that is a recurring theme when it comes to spreading the virus.
says the ivermectin pumper.

Post Covid Trade Rules
Australia's neverending self defeating, self imposed Travel Embargo
Pre Covid Oz #1 Biosecurity/Vax/Events
Oz experts failed to Notice that No Leader ever visits us & our Vax Safety slipped 20%.
Post Covid No one will dare touch Australia & Oz Vax is slipping way way way behind the World.
* AZ (Knock offs) are not approved in most countries & if begged 9 months > 1 Year for a hesitant nod
* Nations must be instantly next Variant dose approved for full World Travel access.
* Compact wealthy Variant responsive Rollouts adapt to quarterly finance to run the World.
* Oz Vast & sparse, lazy - covid free world is a lifetime penalty in a lightning fast post Vax flexi Society.
* Australians & Rollout falls a year further behind with each new Covid variant
Let's just say the World standard requires 4 scoops as Oz tops up their 2nd!
As such, insurance will boycott OZ Trade / Produce / Events by default...our freedom is our penalty.
Will a 3.5 vax Formula 1 Team tour a 1.5 vax City ? (Insurance would rule or wipe out the Event)
CDC / WHO will always advance science & Travel Rules will follow.
Variant response & Compliant vaccine will rule over standard Lockdowns / Quarantine / Tests / Masks
Oz least complies with basic Variant vax & only slips further behind...
In this new world Oz needs to earn a seat at the head of the table.
Australian scientists could brew their own Vax but it needs to be world beating to give Oz advantage
Fears that Oz Govt/s will invest in mRNA (Variant Fails) will setback Oz even further.
Best outcome being that many but not all. may stamp an Oz made mRNA vax copy for a trade benefit.
It's clear to all...Aussies must advance light years in Next Gen just to keep one step ahead or level.
Largest, farthest Nation with slowest Rollout requires best ever rapid response tech or nothing.
Variants & Vax...
Variant Vaxes are being trialled by Oz trained & awarded leading scientist Batman.(Yes! As in Bat Lady)
However! Karaoke Champ Batman spreadz his caper far & wide & has outgrown CSIRO.
[ Arcturus ] mRNA 1 Shot / 40x less dose size / Standard Temp / Re-dose / Fights off Durable Variants.
Next Gen
[ CoVepiT ] immuno Multi Variant vax ( Neoepitopes ) Optimized Peptides
Problem : (Trial Paused)
Next Gen Vaccines are expensive & therefore we'd need Covid to present as a future problem.
tbb never read it's obvious to all that we need more Covid in order to fund the ultimate cure.
Doubt if Oz is that clever or has equal say in the Next Wave.

I haven't read all the comments on here
But for those people that don't give a fuck about other people and where they are in life or the health situation's that make them vulnerable to covid sorry for you!
Try and walk in another mans shoes and see if your opinion doesn't change .

Ive booked in for pfizer jab on the 27 of august. Despite what my internet and old school friends all say. Some believe its a money grab for billionaires etc who invested in vaccines. conspiracy theorists shit me, do they really think they know the truth? no sources to their claims just hearsay. over it im getting the jab even if we cant get into indo for ten years.

T'is the season for Long haired Mutants from Liverpool...
Hot Tip for next Hottest Spot...
1st Aug 2020 - 29th Aug 2020 > Liverpool ramped to average 46 cases/day...
Can't say NSW Health never knew about the Liverpool form guide.
They're making trax before the Shit hits the fan!
Mutants are escaping via the Sewage Subway...just pulled outta Coffs Sewage Sub Station
Tweed are entitled to one last essential paddle 'round to Qldurr'z Hottest Spot.
No Mutants...but we got a Hot Grom infestation...
Ekka Winds blew away the Ekka again this year...well durr!
Saved some show bags for our Tweed Neighbours...
Baby Shark / Titans Drop Off Bag / 5,000 Bertie Beetle Bag

" Blowin wrote: How many healthy 20 year olds in the entire world have died from Covid?
Fuck all."
27y.o. died today in Sydney.
I think you underestimate this pathogen Blowin. I think it is coming for the younger population, like the second wave Spanish Flu did.

Wasn't sure if anyone had put this story up but a very good read.
Best to Google....Oxford scientists_how we made the get the story from the Australian.

Israel is at 59% vaccinated
There’s your problem
Australia will have the same result, low vaccination rates and years of restrictions

Blowin wrote:Brutus- An accident isn’t an accident. You’d know this if you’d ever had the misfortune of encountering an occupational health and safety worker on their turf. There is a hierarchy of controls for preventing accidents. The primary control is eliminating the hazard. Surfing is a hazardous activity as is drug usage. If you were to end up in hospital as a result of surfing or drug usage you are just as culpable as an unvaccinated person becoming ill.
Blowin are we really just talking semantics here?
an accident is something that happens when you lose control over a situation and you get hurt. Driving a car , hit by your surfboard , drug overdose ,slice ya hand with sushi knife (I just did this LOL)...........heart attacks / diabetes...the list goes on of why our medical system help sick people....but there are those who will not help themselves......and we have to regulate and make people who don't want to help themselves......protect them from we will have to when all the anti-vaxers eventually do get per the article I posted.....which is now happening all over the world....
a Non-vaxxer who choses not vaccinate, have control over their decision......just like if they refuse a Flu shot and get the flu , or a polio shot , or a TB shot etc....but we will help them when they get sick and need medical attention, as one would hope as a society we still have enough empathy and care for our fellow man to save then from themselves, unless of course an anti-vaxxer catches Covid and prefers not to use the health system !

Blowin wrote:The question which needs to be asked is this :
The fella who died was one day away from ending Covid isolation. He obviously wasn’t ready to exit isolation as he was so sick he died. How many cases like this are kicking around? Is the 14 day isolation long enough or was he receiving sneaky guests during his isolation?
Blowin...just supposition based on your gut feel vs reality.......try reading this..

blowin.....more facts on the epidemic amongst non-vaccinated people in the starting to surpass the highest levels of the systems buckling , hospitals full etc...

So I guess a Constitutional challenge is a moot point?

If you’re not allowed to use public transport, stadiums and other infrastructure you obviously can’t be expected to pay for it. The unvaccinated are going to be paying less tax than Rio Tinto!

Don't worry Blowin, the gumint always makes you pay...on that basis I shouldn't be paying for education as I have no kids : )

san Guine wrote:So I guess a Constitutional challenge is a moot point?
Scotty and Co. told us all back in February they had the vaccine roll out "worked out". Be interesting to see how a vaccine passport system will be rolled out given that "special rules for the vaccinated were still being worked out."
Given that Operation Covid Shield (WTF??) has 80% of us vaccinated by December, and it's already August, I'd say this idea will make the vaccine roll out look like precision clockwork.

Blowin wrote:If you’re not allowed to use public transport, stadiums and other infrastructure you obviously can’t be expected to pay for it. The unvaccinated are going to be paying less tax than Rio Tinto!
Blowin , once again your logic is ah, not logical....see if you can answer this example.....
Do you wear a seatbelt and if so why?

Blowin wrote:If you’re not allowed to use public transport, stadiums and other infrastructure you obviously can’t be expected to pay for it. The unvaccinated are going to be paying less tax than Rio Tinto!
So our current tax systems offer tax rebates to those that don't use public transport, stadiums and other infrastructure? Taxes are taxed equally amongst all of us irrespective of the infrastructure we use or welfare handouts we receive. Of course users of that said infrastructure do actually pay an additional tax to use it. It's called GST.

This new strain may be resistant to vaccines .
Lambda evading vaccine?
While the highly infectious Lambda variant of Covid-19 may or may not be deadlier than any of the other strains - meaning the vast majority who contract it won't be hospitalized or die - researchers at the University of Tokyo have warned in a new study that it may be vaccine-resistant, according to Newsweek.
Like the Delta variant, Lambda is highly transmissible but Japanese researchers believe that three mutations in the variant's spike proteins make it more resistant to antibodies induced by vaccination.
Lambda, which is also known as the C.37 variant, is responsible for 1,037 cases of COVID-19 in the U.S., according to data from the GISAID Initiative, which promotes the rapid sharing of information about influenza and coronaviruses.
The variant was first identified in Peru in August, 2020, where it has now become the dominant strain of the virus, and it has been reported in 29 countries including the U.S. -Newsweek
"...because the Lambda variant is relatively resistant to the vaccine-induced antisera, it might be possible that this variant is feasible to cause breakthrough infection," reads the paper, with "Vaccine-induced antisera" referring to antibodies which arise from vaccination.

Supafreak wrote:@wallpaper , would love to read what you suggest for someone that is infected with covid . Go home and isolate and wait to see how sick you get ?

donweather wrote:Blowin wrote:If you’re not allowed to use public transport, stadiums and other infrastructure you obviously can’t be expected to pay for it. The unvaccinated are going to be paying less tax than Rio Tinto!
So our current tax systems offer tax rebates to those that don't use public transport, stadiums and other infrastructure? Taxes are taxed equally amongst all of us irrespective of the infrastructure we use or welfare handouts we receive. Of course users of that said infrastructure do actually pay an additional tax to use it. It's called GST.
Currently you don’t pay if you don’t use infrastructure but being denied access is different from not using it voluntarily. Discrimination comes at a cost.

Supafreak wrote:@wallpaper , would love to read what you suggest for someone that is infected with covid . Go home and isolate and wait to see how sick you get ?
no mate. I reckon call Eric the chiropractor on the number at the end of the video just in case you have any product enquiries, and in the meantime get stuck in with his ridiculous fasts and diets and poison yourself with handfuls of fat soluble vitamins.
As far as scientists and doctors go, this bloke's up there with the kook of kooks.

Referring to Dr Eric Berg
Who gets his info from
Dr Jason Fung - Guido Kromer - Rhonda Patrick - Yoshinori Ohsumi
Hardly kOOks

udo wrote:Referring to Dr Eric Berg
Who gets his info from
Dr Jason Fung - Guido Kromer - Rhonda Patrick - Yoshinori Ohsumi
Hardly kOOks

if you say so.

Supafreak wrote:Ive got no idea what your referring too , are you feeling ok ?
yeah I am feeling quite ok, but I confused the posts. I was thinking you were the one who put up that chiropractor's bullshit video, but now I think you might be the ivermectin twit. If not i apologise.

Qld newspaper letters confirm Vax booking delays > 6 weeks Pfizer + 3 weeks AZ.
Lockdown > AZ priority now means that Qld can ask for 150,000 AZ
Qld say they're also entitled to bring forward their 84,000wk August Pfizer (Forget about that!)
Qld / Scomo need to free up more GPs to groom more Hesitants
Scomo must first clawback some GP Bonus Jab Payments.
GPs - Payments
Vax Grooming- $68.75 > Gap ($30 Medicare / $22 Healthcare Card)
Rural-1st Dose $30.75 > 2nd Dose $27.55
City - 1st Dose $37.35 > 2nd Dose $27.55
Bonuses > a/h- $12.15 > 1+2 Dose $10.00 (Incentive)
Agreement needs to claw back $12.15 + $10.00 bonuses to help pay for the GP Vax Grooming
This then saves the PM from looking weak for shouting a beer for unastrayan selfish hesitants.
Pharmacies Payments
Rural-1/2 Doses $16 each + ( $10 bonus for Both Shots )
City - 1/2 Doses $19 each + ( $10 bonus for Both Shots )
Qld Lockdown greenlights AZ yuppies to storm Chemists & this frees up the GPs for Vax Grooming
Claws back the GP a/h bonus for grooming hesitants >1st Dose
Qld then redirects 2nd dose Hesitant's to queue for 20 miles filling baskets at Chem Warehouse
Phase 2 dencorub stench breaks up the 2nd dose yuppie Chem vaxerz ..No $10 bonus for Chemist!
Scomo claws back $32.15 / $68.75
Chemist's double bookings leads to overstocking, frees up the Vax Plant for new Flu / Booster brews.
Election eve, hand on heart, PM lays claim to unclogging his chunky custard brewery.
Just as Gran's walker nudges the mouldy AZ Pyramid at Chem Warehouse...PM starts sweating!
Experts (GP's) argue against cross pollination
2018/19 Only 50% of Oz Chemists recorded vaccines on AIR.
NSW leaders have often warned to keep away from Vax queues / Chemist (10 cases avg)
Pharmacies themselves are pulling out due to their non vented, covid traps.
Non patient friendly with no familiar care or emergency clinical response
Different Vax order schedules will likely either crush or sweat out wait time.
US Govt repeatedly extends use by dates to get around drug store hold ups!
PS: tbb thought they sounded dodgy enough to bypass Govt Cyborg upgrades
Tried to make a booking (Result) [ No store near your Area was found ]
That's weird ! Coz everyone has a Chemist Warehouse just down the road.
Tried & was bumped from booking all Qld State / Fed avenues + No Qld Vax for 3-6 Lockdown weeks
They even blocked tbb from donating his Vax to the National Emergency Vax Appeal...
Gonna have to drop a flyer to the United Australia Party...sue the Govt & sue the Vax & sue the Rollout.
Clive can even sue Covid if it breaks thru Israel's vax...dddon't you wworry 'bout that!

the wayward disinformation to combat the supposed 'misinformation'
what a messed up game it has become...
"You’re struggling to understand why some people are vaccine hesitant. The “let me help you” megathread:
Imagine you’re a normal person. The year is 2016. Rightly or wrongly, you believe most of what you see in the media..."

Further reading from those at the coal face.
"How Sarah Gilbert and Catherine Green found the energy to write this urgent and sometimes rather raw book, even with a ghostwriter’s help, is beyond me. Because what they went through — what they’re still going through, as they reshape their Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine to face new variants — sounds punishingly exhausting.
They call it a “race against the virus”, insisting that it was not a competitive race between vaccines. Whatever it was, it was a distance event at sprint speed.
Both women are leading Oxford scientists. Green manufactures vaccines for clinical trials, while Gilbert specialises in designing vaccines against emerging viral diseases. (The kind that don’t get enough funding because they don’t affect “us”: ebola, malaria, Lassa fever and nipah, “the one you don’t want to get”: the risk of death is between 40 and 75 per cent.)
Gilbert describes spotting Wuhan on a specialist website that reports disease outbreaks on January 1, 2020. As early as January 3, she was thinking “we were in trouble”. By January 10, the day the first death was reported in China, she and her colleague Tess Lambe had decided exactly how their vaccine could be made and that they would “go as fast as we could”.
How fast that was relied on a past stroke of bad luck. Gilbert had previously worked on vaccines for flu, ebola and Mers (a nasty Middle-Eastern relative of Sars). She had married a harmless chimpanzee cold virus with a genetic simulacrum of part of the virus they were targeting. (She explains it all very well; imagine it as a Trojan horse packed with tiny, specialist-trained medics.)
The ebola outbreak was contained, however, before the main trials could start. Still, the vaccine was a “platform” or “plug-and-play” design. In theory, genetic code from a different virus could be spliced in. And that was what, in January 2020, she and Lambe began to do with Covid-19’s notorious “spike protein”.
It took 65 days to make the first batch, an incredibly fine-tuned process that Green explains winningly in terms of bread and cocktail-making — although few bakers or bartenders spin test tubes at 154,000 G. (The highest G-force you can feel on a rollercoaster is 6.3.) It took another seven months to test it. This astonishing speed, in vaccine terms, depended on Green’s team proceeding “at risk”. The term is much misunderstood. Ordinarily, as Gilbert explains, “it is as if you are making a roast dinner and for every ingredient you have to make a separate trip to the shops to buy it, then cook it and demonstrate that it is going to be delicious . . . We were allowed to do a big shop and put all the ingredients we needed in the trolley.” In other words, they began before funding was secured, and took each subsequent step while the results were being finalised on the last one. She stresses that the risk was to time and money, not health.
The core of the book is a chronology of a year, and it is tense and weird in just the way that 2020 was tense and weird. You get glimpses of the women’s home lives, along with a strong sense that there was not much home life. Green comes across as rather fun — “not your stereotypical Oxford boffin”, as she says. She emotes, understatedly. “Being the only story in the world,” she recalls, quoting what a journalist told her she was, “felt like quite a heavy weight to bear.” Gilbert is more, well, your stereotypical Oxford boffin.
Both authors are keen to correct misapprehensions. The folk myth that there is mercury in flu vaccines, for instance. (There hasn’t been for years, and anyway it was safely excreted.) All that early confusion about half-doses, Italian batches and different percentages for effectiveness is explained in full. “I did occasionally allow myself to feel a bit sore,” Gilbert says, “that we were continuing to get bad press for our successful vaccine.” Or as Green puts it, “It was your basic scientists’ nightmare in a world that wanted simple, clear answers and a good headline. We also maybe did not always explain it well ourselves.”
At moments a guarded anger escapes. Gilbert and Green are distressed by the social-media scaremongerers, such as those who spread the spurious claim that Elisa Granato, one of the first volunteers to test the Oxford vaccine, had died. They do not like politicians who use vaccines as “a political football”. They are unhappy with the UK government’s procurement of PPE, and how more recently it has cut overseas development aid — the very source of funding for Gilbert’s crucial original work on her “platform” vaccine.
They also mention how, at the time they were already incubating infected cells with their vaccine, “our prime minister had yet to attend a COBRA meeting on the topic”.
The book offers a personal perspective and there are gaps as a result. It says little about other vaccines, or indeed AstraZeneca. (Although Green confesses that early on, when the pharma giant came on board, “I changed my WhatsApp bio to ‘working for the man’”.) Surprisingly, there is no detail on the company’s frankly astounding — and unmatched — decision to supply the vaccine at cost during the pandemic, and to poorer countries in perpetuity.
The personal perspective, however, does work. “Maybe what I have really taken on board,” Green concludes, “is that science itself needs to be seen.” Judged by that standard, this book is a profound success. I have read few that have given me such an immediate, eye-level view of working science — of brilliant, committed, heroic science."
Vaxxers: The Inside Story of the Oxford AstraZeneca Vaccine and the Race Against the Virus by Sarah Gilbert and Catherine Green, with Deborah Crewe

News Corp has most profitable year in decades.
Media: Covid fear, low cost of recycling same story 1000 times, lock down news watching ... we're luvin it.


hahahaha - shoredump, fliplid, indo just stop.... you're programmed and being a sheeple. This event cannot be compared or considered in any way to another vaccine push.
This man made lab virus is control mechanism and catalyst to massive social and financial change and is NO WAY a good idea
Everything related to this is a construct of fiction - very evil, evil, evil fiction
Call me a MONSTER CONSPIRACY THEORIST after watching and reviewing all of this... your mind will. be blown and if you cant still connect the dots (like many) well I dont know what to say...
Covid health + mortality update
June 28, 2021
“The most cited scientist of all time, pretty much. A brilliant mind. MD, and professor of epidemiology, public health and evidence-based medicine.”
Covid “coincidence” - its released and
I was a little shocked at Alan Joyce (CEO Qantas) announcement that international travelers will be required to have a covid 19 vaccination in order to travel on Qantas flights . The government wanted to have mandatory vaccination but after the bumbling of its release ( it was painful to watch the delivery of that announcement ) they withdrew the mandatory part but it seems Qantas and other business may demand a vaccination in order to use their services. I’m not anti vaccine by any means I just don’t trust this government or a vaccine that has been rushed through. A jab followed by another jab followed by yearly jabs doesn’t sit well with me as I have never had a flu shot or the flu for more than 20 years. Plus I don’t want to give this shot to my healthy 4 year old daughter. She is up to date with all her vaccinations but this covid vaccine is new and not being around for decades like the others. Tuberculosis remains the number one as far diseases go and you don’t need proof of vaccination to travel so what is going on ?