What's what?

GroundSw, you may notice that Pilger is not only extolling a lot of journalistic license here but is well known for it. Firstly, the women's costume named Bikini was not a celebration. Quite the opposite. Secondly the media were Certainly not in general support of the Iraq invasion. This is fresh in many memories and again Pilger goes off. It's pretty obvious that nuclear armaments is a problem hence the concern re Iran and the stability of Russia. He does not have much time for the US and there is plenty of contradiction in his articles.

it seems ww3 might be somewhat inevitable
western countries are more worried about managing market sentiment than reality

Doggo, duke of dire daggy-dad dank-memes:
"But mine are used for butthurt..."
So your memes are like constipation? Or dysentery?
Or both sorts of painful shit?
Yep. You're on it. Mirror is working.

Tory Barber, you really should get into the meme-scene. Doggo, can teach you.
Bucketfuls of messy shit like yours needs a more creative outlet, I feel.

Who'd have thought it could be true ?

@ Sypkan,
The Alex Jones Channel reports reality?

Where's Icke when you need him?

He comes up as a suggested video on the Alex Jones clip. 'David Icke: What others dare not say.'
Because they don't fucken believe in aliens living amongst us, Davo.

Tony Barber: "Secondly the media were Certainly not in general support of the Iraq invasion."
All 173 News Corp publications would disagree with you.

Allied to Blowie's post above regarding 457 visas, correlation or just another 'scare campaign'?
'Jobs n growth' for who??

Visas ?
We don't need no stinking visas !
Dutton has declared that any foreign workers to be employed in the offshore oil and gas industry will not even need a visa anymore.
Petroleum industry ( any industry ) says jump - the government asks how high.
I suppose it must be hard to find anyone in Australia who would want to work on a supply ship on a month on / month off roster for a mere $200K per year.
Plus 4 weeks annual leave, sickies etc etc
Story about it in the guardian, you'll have to google it as this page won't let me paste a link.

All this talk of 457 visas or lack of the requirement for a 457 visa, just think of it as Workchoices on the downlow .... the conservatives know full well what they are doing here .... if this were a policy attacking something held dear to the rich you could expect daily headlines in the Murdoch press e.g. attack on the carbon or mining taxes but we get nothing because its the conservatives war on unions, workers and their wages ..... along with the failed royal commission, involvement in the Victorian CFA dispute during the election etc etc.
If this does not directly effect you already it will when you hit your 50s, made redundant and find it impossible to find another job or when your kids what a job or when your neighbourhood ends up a getto with house after house of unemployed families ........ just look at the USA where large slabs of that country have been left behind in the "mythical economic miracle" that was Reaganomics.
When Labor return to government they should hold a royal commission into how the conservatives have signed away 100,000s of Australian jobs ....... and yet the 250,000 manufacturing jobs associated with the car industry are about to join the dole queues ....... FFS Australia get angry about this fraud.

Labor 'scare campaign' (straight from the Shadow Minister for Vocational Education's mouth):
"This government prefers their fallback position of relying on 457 visas rather than also working to train Australian citizens to truly encourage jobs and growth into the future. "

Stu, I don't follow the 100 odd News Corps media outlets. I'm sure in the US there would have been a lot of support for Bush at the time but I distinctly remember the hard time Howard had to convince us. If you remember when Powell got stumped in the UN, the Iraq war argument was looking very shaky.
Maybe you have a thing for Murdoch but I'm sure you know better than most his influence is fractured, especially today.

His influence 'may' be waning, but I can assure you his media company overwhelmingly supported the war. When it was announced, all his publications bar one, the Hobart Mercury, ran op eds in favour of the war. The following week every single one, including the Hobart Mercury, were pro war.
I'd call that general support.
You're right though that the public gave Howard a hard time. Kinda heartening that we didn't all tow the Murdoch line, and that we gave it to Little Winston. Though it didn't make a lick of difference in the end.

A coupla quotes:
"Some regard newspapers as dinosaurs, but this is mistaken in my view. Newspapers continue to set a daily agenda, particularly in politics. They are responsible for the majority of online news which in turn feeds blogs and social media. Radio and television feed off newspaper coverage, creating an echo chamber, particularly in small state capitals."
"However, we believe there is an arguable case that the Murdoch newspapers may well have helped set an agenda for the election campaign, by their selection and presentation of issues. This may have occurred directly through its influence on its readership, but it may have also occurred because of ‘inter-media agenda-setting’. Studies of inter-media agenda-setting suggest that newspapers have a powerful influence on the news agenda of television and other media (Shoemaker & Vos, 2009; Atwater, Fico, & Pizante, 1987; Golan, 2006). In the case of Australia, News Corp dominates the newspaper industry. This continuing dominance was underlined by a new study during the election campaign which found that News Corp titles account for 59 per cent of daily newspaper sales nationwide and 65 per cent of capital city and national daily newspapers which, the study said, ‘are by far the most influential in setting the news agenda’ (Flew & Goldsmith, 2013). The study also pointed out that 14 of the 21 metro daily and Sunday newspapers were owned by News Corp, making the Australian newspaper market ‘among the most concentrated in the democratic world’."

Newspaper's biased? Australia conservative?

nice work TT, dispelling the resident Chinese historian attempting yet another history rewrite.

From another thread:
In particular, how do they (Labor) get their message out there?
Doggo: "So start questioning why they (LNP) won..."
Circumvention, by all means, is necessary.
"Don't hate the media, become the media." - Eric Reed Boucher.
What we're doing and can do RIGHT HERE! ON SWELLNET!

"(I think) the role of activist groups, the union movement, and grass-roots Labor faithful in direct on-the-ground and online engagement, which bypassed the corpo-media and usual channels, is interesting for the future. The impact of Get-up, say in Tassie? Bernardi for one is interested."

Turkmanistan writes; "Tory Barber, you really should get into the meme-scene. Doggo, can teach you."
Are you for fuckn real, Stan? You do realize everyone see's the countless memes you post yourself, don't you? Delusional......

Floyd writes " happy, I think I heard Keating was advising Labor & BS during the election. Could you image how PK would tear ribbons off the LNP now? IMO the best treasurer/PM we have ever seen"
Full agreement....... Also the last Labor PM to serve a complete term....... No Labor pm has done it in 20 years........ 20 freekn years..........

"Turkmanistan writes; "Tory Barber, you really should get into the meme-scene. Doggo, can teach you."
Are you for fuckn real, Stan? You do realize everyone see's the countless memes you post yourself, don't you? Delusional......"
But you and Tory Barber are on the same wave-length, Doggo. Team up. He can do the 'constipated shit' ones and you can be 'dysentery dawg'.
Team Butthurt!

"Team Butthurt!"
Ah, imitation..... The most sincere form of flattery...... thank you, Stan..... It means a lot... :)

Team Delusional! Team Dogging! Take your pick.

Yeah, SB, someone's on the ball. It has to happen and the tools to do it are available.
'Aussie Spring', anyone?
JB is ALWAYS on the ball.
Become the media, indeed.

SB....or is social media potentially destroying society? I wonder if we actually getting dumber. no time anymore to sit down, and contemplate face to face with someone.
coming from someone is annoyed at Pokeman Go - but not sure if Im just annoyed because I don't get it, or because I think those partaking are just nuts. im going with the latter for now.

Speaking of tools, read this. History never repeats??

It's everywhere Shats, on the mainstream news, social media - I even saw some of the little blighters playing it for real the other day.
Weird as shit.
Oh, and I'm going to "shirtfront" the next bozo that's walking down the street, looking at their device and not paying attention.

I think SB's comment was rhetorical Andy, but that's ok. I guess what im asking is how often people form considered opinions anymore or whether use of social media could rob people of using their brain in mannered sense where read-speed and response-hast over-rides contemplation, and measured communication. not to mention the countless plethora of rubbish that draws no end of attention, robbing people of time. do we become too reactive?
as they say opinions are a bit like arseholes, everyone has one.

Happy Arse, check out how people use the threads on here. They run the full gamut. Some rant, some rave, some abuse, inform, reflect, entertain, lie, question, seek knowledge, seek to give knowledge, make connections, seek to make connections. And all done hastily, or not.

"Team Delusional! Team Dogging! Take your pick."
Because I think Shorten blew it? Like I knew he would? Bahahahahaha..
Nah, you're right..... As we've seen you're always right...
Have you ever undertaken a psychopathy test? It's be interesting to see the result....
Insert banal response below

trouble in happy land.......

Doggo, still spraying the corporate-sponsored flavoured sugar/salt water-ade about - 'cos it's shitty tasting but FREE - as you sing the club-song post-match?
Drink up! It's good for ya!
"Good old Rupert forever, he knows how to play the game. Side by side, we'll stick together, to uphold the Murdoch name..."

Trouble in happy land part 2

Doggo, still spraying the corporate-sponsored flavoured sugar/salt water-ade about - 'cos it's shitty tasting but FREE - as you sing the club-song post-match?
Drink up! It's good for ya!
"Good old Rupert forever, he knows how to play the game. Side by side, we'll stick together, to uphold the Murdoch name..."
You're a dead set rollicking idiot, aren't you, mate..... You can't stick to one conversation..... Adhd...
Gerard Henderson on too much Caffeine....
Now let's look at your "delusional" accusation.... Let's look at my major pov's here;
That the Abbott/ Turnbull government is possibly the worse government we've ever had...... Delusional? If you say so....
That Shorten is still held in contempt by a large part of the community over the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd fiasco.. Delusional If you say so..
That Labor's gains in this election was a false dawn for the party, with it's primary vote the second lowest in history.. Delusional?... If you say so....
That both parties on totally on the nose... Delusional? If you say so....
That both parties have not learned a damn thing from the protest vote? Delusional? If you say so....
That the global warming scene has trojans on both sides with profits in mind ahead of anything else? Delusional? If you say so....
That Australia should pull out of the middle east as it would lessen "social tensions" here, would save taxpayer dollars, and it's a dodgy war anyway? Delusional? If you say so......
Insert bile below:

Sick! Nailed TEAM DELUSIONAL! You gonna move on to the 'dogging' and 'butthurt' bits now?
Does your team-mate Tory Barber get a say?
"There's no 'I' in 'TEAM'!"

Hang on, I feel a MEME comin' on. Yew!

Ooooohhhhhhhh hissy fit one for the day..... Of course no proper response...... Why don't you write one of your cumbersome cryptic "I'm the most intelligent guy here" posts that go on, and on, and on, and on.... Then we can all speed read your 100 words that say what can be said in one sentence, and marvel at your self proclaimed Gore Vidalness?
Come on.... You know you wanna..... pmsl..

"Self proclaimed Gore Vidalness"...Do you even know what that means? I will bet you 20, no, 50, fuck it, ONE HUNDRED schmackos if you can show where I've proclaimed myself Gore Vidal.
What's a hissy fit, Doggo? Is that like wind or worse? Speed-digesting will be the death of you. Don't swallow the bait.
Or we talking idiopathic epilepsy?
Anyways, here's a GIF!

Get in the frigging sea, indeed!

"Google "Fighting Turkey's Twitter Ban With DNS Graffiti" to see how 'old school' social media works with the new.
Mad Turks, indeed!"
What's going on in Turkey is insane. Watch this space.

You can get into strife signing stuff like that!
"See what you get, Larry..." Good read. Good warning!

Very good SB. Drew a wry smile and a laugh or two. I think Australia is pretty fucked politically, except compared to so many other places. In one way we're lucky we're only governed by dills. Evil dills, often enough, but dills.