What's what?

I pointed out to you a few monthst ago the cost of living here, Zen... Do you remember that? I supplied you some links on the prices of simple things? It's freakn unbelievable... Are you still in japan?
Also if you can, try to find a copy of this..... I had a quick look..... Couldn't find one...... But this is what Australia has become since Howard....

Love John Safran Sheepy, always have. Jeez he's aged though hasn't he.
Yes mate still in Japan and that's kind of what prompted me to take issue with you calling Oz a shithole. And I said it above, may not be perfect but to some people it's the closest thing to heaven on earth. A recent trip back home reinforced that. I was reminded how pretty and well looked after everything is (geography) and how relaxed and friendly everyone is (people). If that's what living in a shithole is like, pass me a shovel.
Regarding Blowins points, some may or may not be workable but what he's done is presented ideas and created a discourse- that's a good thing. From my point of view I think his ideas are totally relevent and with merit as are yours.

Blowie, the nationalist man of mystery, wears many hats, comrades. He told us.
1. I once sat in a caravan for weeks and manicured over a hundred pounds of marijuana.
2. For a brief time in my youth I was famous nationally and widely recognised as the star of a series of television commercials.
3. I tested in the top percentile of IQ in the state I was educated in and attended a school for talented and gifted students.
4. One of my eyes is pale blue whilst the other is a dull brown.
5. I see dead people.
6. I can read Braille .
How'd that old Meatloaf song go? 2 outta 6 ain't bad? Well, it ain't a pass, but anyhoo...
Yep, Blowie is a fan of the film THE SIXTH SENSE. And he can read braille. He's told us.
But he's also shown us he's the original 'milky white kid'; He's the 'cleverman'; He's the Roger Bannister of commentary (better make that John Landy. Oi!); He's the Hanson-man; The Agenda 21 sooth-sayer (brought to you via the Koch Brothers); He's the 'great white doper'; The 'great white thumper'; The switch-hitter; The pinch-footer; The man with the (imported) plan; The blow-in a-blowin' (with the answers, my friends) HARD.
Sometimes there's a man... I won't say a hero, 'cause, what's a hero? But sometimes, there's a man, well, he's the man for his time and place. He fits right in there. Yes, sometimes there's a man, sometimes, there's a man...
Anyways, enough of that horse-shit.
How's fucking Boris fucking Johnson's form??

Sometimes threads, commentary and the like, can throw up some prescient and worthy shit, hey?

Stu was all over that last link a week ago well plucked

BTW, latest stats show nearly 1 million Australians working overseas, from surf tours in Bali to serving warm beer in London to banking in New York..... If you are gonna talk the talk, expect to walk the walk.... When you ban people from working in Australia, expect other governments to "return the favour"....
Some of those 1 millionmay choose to relinquish their Australian citizenship to allow them to continue working overseas for the big dollars.... But you'd have to say at least 3/4 or 750 000 people will return to these shores..... No longer bringing in overseas dollars to pay off their over priced chunk of Australian dirt, I hope you have some applicable employment ready for them Blowin..... 3/4 of a million people......

Zen, no point trying to convince Sheepdog of Australia's place at the top of the tree.
He's seen the world.
Well he won a disappointingly clean weekend to Vanuatu on Perfect Match, 30 odd years ago.
The chick bailed on him for a local stud, Greg and Dexter roasted him relentlessly on his return to the show and he got crook from the chicken on the flight, but hey - he's been there and done that now.
Only time he's been overseas , but fuck, seen one foreign country ....you've seen them all.

A truly banal response.... Whenever you cant debate a point you go the man.... At least my Howard shit stir had some essence re' TAFE and the skill shortages we now suffer.... Humour interlaced with the subject at hand..... But you..... Pissant material.....
Yep...... Can't accept that 1 million Aussies are working overseas..... No come back....
As far as only being to one overseas country, bahahahaha...... It's 5 you dickhead..... But so what..... What if I've been to 1, 3, 20, 47? Does a week getting pissed ay the Oktoberfest mean anything? Does a fly in fly out surf trip to Bali count for "worldy experience"? A wine tour of Napa valley? There are fucktards out there who have been to more countries than you and I put together and they come home just as imbecilic - "oh here's me at the maccas in front of the pyramids, and here's one of a chick I fucked in Prague".....
Just admit when you drew up Blowin Kampf, you didn't take into account the 1 million Australia workers overseas, and the ramifications of your North Korean style isolationist policies..... You just moved a pawn and didn't think ahead 3, 4, 5 moves.......
Also note the essence of you policies - "don't do this", and "can't do that", and "we'll ban this" and "we'll stop that"............... Well, man, I've had a gut full of that style of politics..... Thats the link to Howard right there!!!!! Thats the style!!!! Sure, Stu and Zen love it..... A lot still do love that iron fist mentality........ But not me.... That's why I prepared that list of POSITIVES, not NEGATIVES....... But it seems we still have a way to go before people want a refreshing direction....
Making solar mandatory in all new dwellings is easy... Positive..... Small business can't argue... The unions can't argue... Fuck me, even the greens can't argue..... Same deal with tax free renewables....
And moving rice to the tropics is a fuckn given...... Now there may be some resistance to hemp, but that's fixable as is same sex marriage.....
So either continue the discusision as a grown up, blowin, or write another pissant "perfect match" post.... I know i don't have all the answers.... But I'm not gonna sook it like you bro....... Glass of cement......

Yeah, I WAS Dicky Knee.
Now I'm just a hat on a stick no one gives a rats arse about.
Life is cruel , Shattner.

I think sheepdog has a point with the tone of the policies. but I also think the policies are a reaction to the lasse faire immigration policies to now.
whether that makes them poputist reactionary policies or adaptive democracy will depend on your point of view
on that recent documentary on immigration corruption the guys 'excuse' was that it's been policy to push through as many as applicants as possible with very little scrutiny or eye for detail. both sides have been in on this over a long period of time. it does bring a lot of money with students and bogus business buyers buying up all we offer, but it also increases real estate prices and undermines oz education. anyone recently in the system can see it's become a certificate factory and not much else.
it's about finding a balance. which seems way out of whack at the moment. globalisation isn't going to stop, and trade will never stop. both of these things didn't need these policies to make them start. but maybe having policies that encourage making everyone high order consumers whilst at the same time having policies that lament such lifestyles is a little contradictory, especially when there's so much talk of sustainability and avoiding climate change with no clue how to even get close to these positions. the pie in the sky goals have changed, the world has changed, but the agendas and policies have not

First Boris, now Farage! Will Malcolm be the next right-whinger to do the "bugger-me-this-shit's-too-hard" last fandango?

@TT, agreed but can I preface your comment thus "First, totally fuck up the place" and then "....do the bugger-me-this-shit's-too-hard".

Anyone else dreaming we could have the Liberal Party split like the ALP/DLP in 1955?
The likes of Abetz, Bernardi, Abbott, Christensen, Andrews etc forming an ultra right party.
Ah, the irony of 1955 coz that's where those neo-con knuckleheads belong.

Someone put this scenario forward many moons ago. It may have even been me!
Bob Santamaria, the architect of the "split" back then (that kept Labor out of office till Gough in 1972!), was also Abbott's mentor!!
Oh dear...
By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes!

yeah i remember that post tt, good work, one can only hope

@talkingturkey ....... its off and running a split in the Liberal Party thanks to Bernardi

What a piece of work Bernardi is!
And it makes my skin crawl when I hear people say that the current Libs are "too centrist" - being further to the right than the current Libs is really saying something.
It's obvious that there are plenty of people in Australia who are prepared to support Pauline Hanson-style right wing politics but does Australia really have enough of the religious right to support bandy-legged dog rooters like Bernardi and his cronies??

Yes Andy, Bernardi is a creep.
He is however an example of the problem that the LNP face, which they do all in their power not to face, because it inevitably must end with either the right wing nut jobs either disappearing or shutting up (not going to happen, shutting up is impossible for these pricks) or the LNP is going to have to split.
The right wing nut jobs do not belong in the same party as the centrist, genuinely liberal LNP. On top of that, the NP doesn't really belong with the L, because they are largely agrarian socialists, a breed of politics almost at the opposite end of the spectrum.
Can you hold such a dichotomy (trichotomy?) of views within one group. Over the short term, yes, but not the longer term. It hardly seems likely that the right wing nut jobs will gain less publicity and following, they feed off disenchantment and that ain't going away, it is a worldwide trend.
That only leaves a right wing nut job party that must split from the centrist liberals. Labor would be beside themselves with happiness, would be in government for a couple of decades and that success would sow the seeds of their own demise, but really, that 's 2050 by then and the earth is buried under climate change. Ho hum.
Centrist liberals are actually very close in policy and viewpoint to right wing Laborites. They could form a new party. We could have a right wing nut job party, a centrist party (actual liberals and right wing Labor), and the left wing Labor and the Greens/socialists/anarchists. That last group doesn't really exist yet, but it's coming, I'm starting it.
Nothing would give me more pleasure than watching the right wing nut jobs come out of the woodwork. In following the example of Mao, I'm hoping that a thousand flowers bloom, so they can be cut out of the heart of power forever.
Fuckers. BTW, I wonder how Dutton is going. Nothing gave me more pleasure than to read that he was in danger of losing his seat. What a ponce!

Gentlemen, and any ladies out there if there are,
I don't come here religiously, afraid that I'll just have to sit here and respond to every post and misconception out there.
But I have to say, there is more of a sense of understanding the shit that is going down than probably any other website in Oz. On a farking surfing website!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Only a few comments - sheepdog, you are wrong in your assertions about immigration, in particular 'skilled labor'. It's being rorted left, right and centre, and not by both parties. Labor was slipshod, the LNP have an active open-door policy, provided you are one of the businesses that donate to them. Your underlying assumption that this is being administered well or for Australia's benefit is wrong.
And on the issue of excluding all foreigners from owning real estate, well, wrong again. It could easily be done by just stopping future investment and legislating for divestment within 5 or 10 years.
As much as you don't want the bubble to burst, that's actually what bubbles do. They don't deflate slowly, lots of suckers will be fucked over when it happens. That's unfortunate, but a sad reality of every asset inflation since the beginning of time. People have geared themselves up to their eyeballs, it isn't government responsibility to stop people from being greedy, just to stop their greed hurting others.
But honestly, so much good sense generally in this thread. I'd vote for all of you buggers and fill up the parliament. There would be enough divergence of views to genuinely debate shit, but enough sense to at least avoid the worst of current party politics. Fark me, except for a very few parliamentarians, everyone on here would be Einstein compared to them.

Also props to upnorth. Brexit was a much more complex issue than often narrated by the papers. I would probably have voted for Brexit if I was a pom, onl because I think the EU is a failed experiment and probably better to dismantle now rather than later. Our own experience with the TPP has made me deeply conscious of agreements that politicians enter into where national sovereignty is handed over.

Batfink, up until now, I would have thought that the other option for the LNP right wing would be to make a better fist of controlling the party for the benefit of their own ideology.
I mean, if I was in the extreme right faction of the LNP and the numbers were there, I would at some stage ditch Turnbull (despite Turnbull being a soulless narcissist, he just couldn't find it in his heart to deliver those policies with sincerity and conviction) and find a more acceptable salesman for those policies.
Having said that, if a true member of the extreme right like Tony Abbott was the best they could do, it seems apparent that they don't have anyone that the general public couldn't see coming from a mile away.
I like your Mao reference, let these fuckers form their extreme party so they all expose themselves (so to speak). Then we can see them for the sub-humans that they are.
My question in my last post wasn't rhetorical, I'm really not sure if Australia has enough religious right to support a Bernardi Party it's out of my realm of experience.
Thoughts anyone?
What would your party be called Batfink?
I think that the Greens are forever tainted amongst the working class - if you could could sell left-of-centre policies without the class baggage you could be on a winner.
I think you're right, far right Liberal ideology has contempt for Nationals primary concerns (pun intended).

A great piece from someone who definitely knows what's what.

one of the best essays I've ever read.

Batfink writes;
" sheepdog, you are wrong in your assertions about immigration, in particular 'skilled labor'. It's being rorted left, right and centre, and not by both parties. Labor was slipshod, the LNP have an active open-door policy, provided you are one of the businesses that donate to them. Your underlying assumption that this is being administered well or for Australia's benefit is wrong."
Mate... I never said it wasn't being rorted.... I never ever said it was being administered well.... I was pointing out the ramifications of blowins proposed policy, and the blowback we'd cop.... Yes Rhinehart is milking it no doubt...
On a semi related issue, do you know when migration increased dramatically? No...... Not under Rudd..... It was under John Howard.. He had everyone looking at boats, but in they came on planes..... Very crafty...... Without sounding like a Hanson, in 1999 you could get a cab driver in Sydney that could speak English.... By 2006 it was a rare thing..
In 1985, total immigration to Australia was 54500... Ten years later in 1995, keatings last full year, it was 76500..... Not a huge increase..... Just over 20000...... But by 2005, in Howards last term net immigration increased to a staggering 142930..... Basically doubled in ten years!! Under Howard;
2000/01 - 80 610
2001/02 - 93 080
2002/03 - 108 070
2003/04 - 114 360
2004/05 - 120 060
2005/06 - 142 930
2006/07 - 148 200
Now back to overseas workers...... You just put up a darconian kneejerk ban on foreign workers, Batfink, expect ramifications.... For every action there is a reaction..... Coming out with a blustering "we're banning overseas workers" will not work........ It has to be scaled back delicately... As I said , Tafe has to be funded properly... Positive legislation the makes it economically desirable to hire Aussies over importing foreigners has to be enacted.... A lot of things have to be done.... But a populist bit of chest beating wont fix anything..

Yes, BB, very interesting article. One for all to read. "The arrival of welfare demoralised the willingness of the local people". So true for all peoples, regardless of race, colour or culture.

"Yes, BB, very interesting article. One for all to read. "The arrival of welfare demoralised the willingness of the local people". So true for all peoples, regardless of race, colour or culture."
So that's the one line you took out of it? FFS..........

Now..... Back to Howard...... Because the Australian public are sheep, We have hardly anyone questioning the Iraq invasion till now..

The NSW Gov just loves banning things, don't they...... Wouldn't live there for a million...... By banning geyhound racing, they themselves have just signed the death warrant of 99% of all the dogs......

don't blame the government -- blame the absolute assholes that love baiting live animals and kill any dog that loses a race.

Gday, chook..... I was involved in greyhounds for a while..... Yeah there are some total pieces of shit out there..... But Premier Mike Baaaaad has taken the easy route.... Other states will follow suit with this lazy solution.... This will ensure a mass euthanasia, as Greyhounds cant be kept as standard pets... Instead of cleaning up the industry, including solid jail time for offenders, what he has done is tarred all greyhound owners, and guaranteed a mass state sanctioned dog killing..
ps - do you eat chicken? Have you ever killed your own chook? or would you rather someone else do the dastardly act? The quickest way to kill a chook is to chop it's head off.... BAM....... Thing is, the nerves in the body are still active for about a minute.... The body runs around..... So is it cruel to chop the head off an old chook that doesn't lay anymore, throw the running dead body to your greyhound which thinks it's alive? The chook was going into the pot for dog food anyway.....

Not quiet true that greyhounds can't be kept as pets Sheepy..
They are actually great dogs to have around the house..
Very happy with one walk a day and just to chill on the couch.

my neighbourhood has 3 families that adopt greyhounds. those dogs are placid, like a pat like any other dog, and i am told by their owners they make great family pets. they (like all dogs really) need a daily walk.
sheeps, sometimes our pollies need to take action that may seems heavy handed and this maybe one of those occasions. greyhounds, jumps horse racing and live export of cattle and sheep all areas where man profits on the back of animal misery. we are a 1st world country and our consciousness ought to be higher.
on pet ownership i would go further and say owners ought to be registered (and not the pets) and owners must prove they would properly care for their cat or dog before they could own one.

good riddance. fucking stupid industry. no benefit to anyone, nor the animals. its 2016 and we're still forcing animals to run around in circles for our enjoyment. FFS.

It will be interesting to see how quickly Wentworth Park is given over to property developers.

Gday, Goofy..... There's a fair bit of rigmarole to own a greyhound as a pet, council wise etc.... I cant see little junior owning a greyhound.... And yeah we kept our 2 girls when they retired... Sally and Tracy... Not their racing names of course.... The most beautiful loving dogs to humans..... Clean.... But they don't know their own strength, and can cut sick when a stray cat, possum, another dog gets into the yard...
Floyd I agree re' registration - across the board..... But the fact is our dogs LOVED racing... They fuckn loved it..... (you reading this happy? - let me guess - you're an expert on greyhounds yeah?).... So if greyhound racing is banned, if we are accepting tarring all greyhound owners as bad, where does it end... I'm so fuckn sick of "ban this ban that"..... Ban fuckn surfing yeah happy? "fuckn stupid industry" as you'd say..... Devils advocate - It's a waste of time, people die for no reason - sharks, drownings, accidents, millions spent on helicopters etc, billions in skin cancer when all these surfers hit their 40s, massive carbon footprint, chemicals, all for narcisistic douches to upload go pro vids to u tube....... And it employs fuck all people, maybe a few in China...... Swimming between the flags I say, with surf mats - you can still ride waves and not be a burden to society............. pmsl :p

Ive heard that from many people that have greyhounds that they love running.
I don't really have much of a view on it either way, but i wonder how much risk there could be of just forcing it underground and hence totally unregulated...normally people don't want to stop things that are a passion to them.
Society is going a bit crazy, with all these rules and banning this and that.

"Society is going a bit crazy, with all these rules and banning this and that."
Yep..... Maybe another 10 to 20 years of this crap, Indo..... People haven't had enough of the big stick yet.... But you can see signs of it starting to turn... You do realize this heavy handedness all started with one of your pet loves, don't you..... Banning boat people circa tampa..... It all started there..... It worked once for Howard... Guns...... But when the tampa made him mr 70% approval, a lot of premers, councils really took notice that those baby boomers love a bit of "law and order"...... Now you are flat out fl;ying a kite in a park....... Don't ride a bike without a helmet..... And TV joined in with "border force", and "Highway patrol", RBT, and "Customs", and many other "big stick" classics......

Yeah I agree about them for little kids, but for teenagers onwards they're terrific pets in my experience.
It's devastating to think how they're treated by some trainers.
My absolute pet hate is people who mistreat animals, fucking scum of the earth


To many rules, over regulation i think is just a result sadly of modern society and people basically lacking common sense and taking responsibility for themselves and others and their actions, and i guess in a lot of cases the government and council just covering their butts against legal action.

sd. are you seriously equating banning greyhounds to surfing to boat people to guns....."how it all started at the beginning of time" as you say. cmon mate. I have to give you an A+ for imagination.
yes yes. everything comes back to howard.

The ol greyhound what beautiful dog, if your looking for a pet don't hesitate to adopt one, they aren't hyperactive at all after 20 minutes of chasing a ball the'll be happy to sleep all day, they've just been given a bad rep as pets by people that have been in the industry who's closest interaction with a dog is to throw a freshly killed chicken over the fence. They then say they aren't good pets to justify the sale and export of the dogs to asia where they meet a cruel death.

yeah, sheepdog. it is the lazy move not prosecuting the baddies. but the industry has also been taking the lazy move and not cleaning up, year after year after year.
one time i took some friends to wentworth park. mate goes up to a bookie and places $5 on each dog in the race. bookie says: "it's people like you that keep the industry alive -- no formal training." now that's the characters you're going to lose.
and no, i don't eat chicken. yes, i have killed chooks -- one every sunday afternoon for the first 15 years of my life. sad to say, i've also shot a few sheepdogs. nothing personal. but you get a lesson in the difference between a pet and working animal at a very young age where i come from.

Goofyfoot writes; "My absolute pet hate is people who mistreat animals, fucking scum of the earth"........ Fuckn A+, goofy...... A+..
Happy writes; " I have to give you an A+ for imagination."...... An A+ AND a jelly bean of your choice for naivety..... Talk about absolutely miss the point.....
Chook writes; "it is the lazy move not prosecuting the baddies. but the".................................. Lazy move BUT.......but....... but.........
If and but are 2 of the biggest words in the dictionary..... You are basically endorsing lazy government..... Nice..... Your words, man......
"but you get a lesson in the difference between a pet and working animal at a very young age where i come from.".......... No shit sherlock......... As an ex trawlerman, I can tell you the difference between a pet, a working animal, and a witnessing a pissed off decky clubbing a wild animal , a turtle to death..... So what your point, bro?
Long live lazy government... Long live the banning stick....

The IMF ever-so-subtly criticises neoloberalism.
"The fact that the IMF is using the word “neoliberalism” in such a high-profile way is telling, since it is employed almost exclusively by critics of economic liberalization. Advocates of neoliberalism prefer to avoid the term, assuming that the policies are so self-evidently right that they don’t need a name at all. The fact that the IMF’s own research department has acknowledged the term could be interpreted as a nod to the fund’s critics that some of its policies did reflect ideological biases and that other approaches are valid."

Floyd....... Floyd!!......... FLOYD!!!!!!!!!!!
Not so cocky today? lol
Wanna continue the chat on Bilge Shunter? What was the primary vote again overal?
This is what you get when you target 2 million smokers...... Labor will never get over 39% again whilst they play the libs game of divide and conquer....

sd. you clearly understand the sole purpose of the racing industry and why it exists. so with that in mind can you honestly believe that it brings so much value to society that we need to go head over heals to clean it up. whos gonna pay for that? Australia is but just one of a few countries that legally runs dogs.

hey sheepy, been out surfing, nice little session, small but nice.
Anyway, as they say you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear or in perhaps more base lingo no matter how you try to polish this turd its still a turd .... for the Libs that is. I agree on one level about your thoughts on Labor's primary vote but in the same debate you need to acknowledge the same could/should be said for the LNP.
On Shorten, the fact that his policy focus delivered seats supports my theory and I suggest that if Labor continue down this way they will be increasingly rewarded at the ballot box. It is true that Greens voters could also switch to Labor (and vice versa) but if the Greens continue dealing the Libs like they recently did over Senate reform they will bleed votes ..... its all conjecture sheeps but right now I would prefer to be Shorten than Turnbull.
Finally, sheeps, what about the chilcot report ...... enjoyed seeing howard squirm yesterday, the lying cur.

"sd. you clearly understand the sole purpose of the racing industry and why it exists. so with that in mind can you honestly believe that it brings so much value to society that we need to go head over heals to clean it up. whos gonna pay for that? Australia is but just one of a few countries that legally runs dogs."
Look lets just ban everything shall we...... Drama queenitis..... "Head over heals"??? What? Some decent legislation, some installed cameras at registered trainers? "Head over heals?..... Spare the drama, happy... Baird has knee jerked......
Do you know how many "pet dogs" get put down every year? Do you know how many horses that can't run fast get put down every year? Do you know how many pets are being abused right now? Lets ban pet ownership.... It's the logical thing to do, right....
And, are you a vegan? Have you ever been to a pig farm? You do know pigs are as intelligent as dogs, right? But thats ok, huh? They're just sooooo tasty....... Ever hear a pig squeeling before death? I have..... I can't stomach pork anymore...... Very noble animal the pig....
Do you eat seafood? Do you know what "by catch" is? Mass death is ok when prawns are needed for Xmas, right? Every man has his price....
"Shrimp trawl fisheries catch 2% of the world total catch of all fish by weight, but produce more than one-third of the world total bycatch. American shrimp trawlers produce bycatch ratios between 3:1 (3 bycatch:1 shrimp) and 15:1(15 bycatch:1 shrimp)."
So... Here we are..... Because of some bad apples, good people can't run their dogs anymore... And Baird has signed these dogs death warrants anyway....
Meanwhile, Koalas are now endangered in S.E Qld....... But again.... Every man has his price....
It's a big can of philosophical worms, Happy...... Animal welfare.....I'm sure if greyhounds could talk, and you asked one "would you like to race with your mates, or have this dark blue liquid in this syringe, or be shipped to S.E Asia, I'm pretty sure it'd choose the race....
Floyd.... Yeah I posted on Howard yesterday...... What a turd....