Australia - you're standing in it


Our friendly esafety commissioner is firmly in the club. Trip to Davos.
?feature=sharedWatch on you toob and read the comments - not many fans.
Key question asked of her. Who are the people who decide what is safe?
Answer "word salad" - meaning in practice "we do". Who "we" is changes everything.
Maybe this sort of modern day activist manager?

Yes we are a sovereign country.

Looks like the Libs are sounding out Going There:
watch what they do, not what they say - but - as I mentioned at the start of the thread, if they do, and follow through, they can win.

If you no longer value-add, are you still first world?
"Governments have been the architect of destroying manufacturing in this country..."

frog wrote:Our friendly esafety commissioner is firmly in the club. Trip to Davos.
Watch on you toob and read the comments - not many fans.
Key question asked of her. Who are the people who decide what is safe?
Answer "word salad" - meaning in practice "we do". Who "we" is changes everything.
Maybe this sort of modern day activist manager?
If you watch a few videos of Roberts at Senate Estimates you will come to the conclusion he is a complete tool and a bit full of himself. Utterly useless and achieves nothing: just using his position to push a misguided agenda. Sadly he has a fan club of similarly misguided fools.
The same can be said for Rennick, and the worlds most expensive politician, Ralph Babet.

VJ said : “ Looks like the Libs are sounding out Going There:”
Oh FFS. Really ? Come on VJ. You aren’t this naive. When in opposition, ALP said 160 K immigrants was far too many ! Now you think the Uniparty “opposition “ party throwing out similar figures is believable!
There is no democracy in Australia until these bought-and-sold compromised motherfucking career politicians are removed from our political process.
What’s more is that it’s absolutely fcuking bizarre that the exact same Ultimate Human Trafficking Rort is simultaneously being undertaken in every Western nation and, like every other simultaneous anglosphere developed world Fuck Over, it’s being ushered in under a seperate FRAUDULENT pretext and nothing the population feels about it has any impact at all on outcomes.
Democracy in Anglosphere nations is a sham.
We are being destroyed from within by compromised/ corrupted / Co opted political and corporate shysters who think they’ll be on the right side of the equation when the West is brought to its knees.
Globalised totalitarianism vs sovereign nation states coming down to the end game.
Which side are you on?
The lords or the serfs?

Salty Dog…aren’t you the fella who was all about lockdowns ( since proven unnecessary and detrimental to Individuals and society) , masking ( since proven unnecessary and detrimental to individuals and society) , Vaccinations for covid etc etc ?
Yeah…please continue and tell us who we should listen to.

Slackjawedyokel wrote:Salty Dog…aren’t you the fella who was all about lockdowns ( since proven unnecessary and detrimental to Individuals and society) , masking ( since proven unnecessary and detrimental to individuals and society) , Vaccinations for covid etc etc ?
Yeah…please continue and tell us who we should listen to.
Dear Slackjawedwokel:
The short answer is no.
Regularly exceeded the 5km limit to enjoy a crowded surf.
Edit: Also took wifey out for a drive as entertainment etc. Being afflicted with Parkinsons, undertaking a two hour jog as per Dan Andrews recommendations, was not really an option for her.
Wore a mask though in crowded situations, as did the dear wife, who was experiencing other respiratory issues at the time, and didn't need the added drama of a dose of covid. Vaxxed and boosted once but no more as I have no health issues in that regard. Common sense really. Have a mate with respiratory issues who still masks up, maybe you should set him straight.
Take advice from those appropriately qualified in the relevant field. You however, would be the last person I would listen to on any matter.

Yeah it's all Albo's fault.
Might not like his delivery, but hard to argue with the data presented etc.

You can always try to blame past governments for economy, housing, interest rates whatever thats just politics.
But you cant shift the blame to anyone for crazy high immigration rates which also puts immense extra pressure on housing, only reason they are doing it is they are shit scared of us going into recession, if we went into another of Labor's recessions like the 90s they would get voted out and not get back in for another decade.

indo-dreaming wrote:You can always try to blame past governments for economy, housing, interest rates whatever thats just politics.
But you cant shift the blame to anyone for crazy high immigration rates which also puts immense extra pressure on housing, only reason they are doing it is they are shit scared of us going into recession, if we went into another of Labor's recessions like the 90s they would get voted out and not get back in for another decade.
Oh I see you watched the video and brought up the relevant points.
Carry on.....

"You can always try to blame past governments for economy, housing, interest rates whatever thats just politics."
Nah it's just pointing out reality.
It's pointing out the nature of the foundations on which the current set up is built.
Both Labor and Liberals have done the "high immigration to avoid a recession" schtick, even as the real per capita income continues to fall.

Part 1 The Patrons of the Big 4 Plan
Alanna + Madeline / Dolly's dream
Patrons PM + Queen of Denmark
(Foundation of E Safety Commissioner)
Tragedy + Bullying > Online Empathy = Mandated My Gov Youth Corps convert Pay Pal Boomers!
Big 4 plan is to exploit child tragedy to get under Grandpas bed to funnel money out to the banks!
Sure! tbb is making this up...saying to WTFU...this plan is near complete!
Yes! It involves deregulation of Age Restriction & mandating several tier child internet Licences!
Nope! Not a joke...both and much much more is happening right this very minute...Kidz into adults!
Sure! Later tbb should be able to access public submissions - when they're up & running!
Told ya...this is very real!
(#1 Reason why Govt are exploiting X man is to throw massive shade over Big 4 sly child mandates!)
[factcheck] Here...can check on their evil plot...
Govt's just implemented bans on School mobile phones.(All say Aye!)
So why is E Safety Commissioner hell bent on pimping & Mandating School Phones!
Same reason Govts keep lowering ages of social media > TFN to now 13 y'o soon lower again.
Now ya know why Big Tech mandated a hip chick E Commissioner for Oz!
Exactly : (To turn this hot mess around + to monetize kidz to then also fleece seniors!)
E Commissioner weens Kids from parents so Big Tech can raid the playground to harvest child slaves.
Besides winning an open youthful growing Market...the Banks need to grade Cute > Brainy kids
Currently restricted to dopey High School nerds but they're soon hitting on pay dirt sweet kidz!
First mission is to train youth to invade Aged Care & claim rewards for digitizing 60% Seniors Banking.
Think that's funny, sugar trap is well advanced ...{ World Economic Forum / Davos calls it Empathy }
Kids are selected for cute factor to win over hearts > Pro kidz move in to Hook a Hodad E signature...
Yes! in...wanna see the cute kid next week then do yer stupid Squirrel Banking Home Work Gramps!
For sure...Switch to Telehealth for another smile...Nice Work Gran...Super Nice E bay purchase!
E commissioner : "Every Corporatized Monetized Child Slave & Fleeced Senior wins a certificate!"
Why pay useless Bank staff for 20 years to pry cash from an old fart when they shower kids with it!
Parents throw I phones at seniors...don't expect me to show ya pops...go to the library or some shit!
Banks found their way into the Vault ~ Train a Corporate Kidz army > Got all the time in the world!
Best banking staff ever...& it's all free...Cyber Kidz ROBO banking of old farts
Stubborn old bastard cries over bullied kid = [ EMPATHY] Pours out...whatever ya want here!
More on the detail later...Sure it sounds crazy & it's miles away from yer skirmish on yer telly!
But it is also playing out real fast right now & without objection!
tbb assures the crew...Big 4 E Commissioner's main game...that other shit is the fluffy decoy duck!
Yes! You bet, with Anna & the Big E...Promos...the whole deal in plain sight...just the beginning!
Part 2
19 March 2015 : Public call for Nominations and selection process E safety Commissioner
Alastair MacGibbon AFP Cybercrime expert was selected from a strong field of 5 candidates
Budget $2.4m + $7.5m Schools online
Nov 2015 : Children's E safety Commissioner Alastair MacGibbon Q&A @ "Position of Strength"
Women's Safety Group by Twitter Director of Public Policy 'Julie Inman Grant'.
June 2016 : Alastair McGibbon becomes 1st Security Advisor
New Acting eSafety Commissioner is Ms Andree Wright
Changing from Child Bullying into Youth Body Shaming (Andree retires in Nov)
Role is handed over to 3rd & Current eSafety Commisioner US Julie Inman Grant
23rd Nov 2016 : Child eSafety Commissioner (Renamed) eSafety Commissioner
E Commissioner transferred roles from 1 Kidz Cyber Bullying > 2 Body Shaming > 3 Revenge Porn
Alistair forgoes his Kidz e Comissioner role to Julie Inman Grant (PM Turnbull - No public nominations)
Part 4
E Commissioner's current powers (Online Safety Bill March 2021)
Parties common complaint were secretive nature of bill readings with just 5 day submission time!
Most oppose the unaccountable overreach of unelected unlawful Judge Jury executioner!
These are their submissions...
Australian Lawyers : "Significant concerns with E Commissioners Powers!"
Do not proceed with this Bill without substantial community consultation!
Should the Bill proceed > Public / Multi stakeholder / Parliamentary > Review / appeals process
ALP : "Number of Stakeholders are concerned!"
"ALP is concerned with significant increase of E Commissioner's discretion to remove material...
No requirement for due process, appeals or transparency with no annual reporting or senate oversight!
Bill empowers E Safety Commissioner discretion to determine free speech without checks & balances!"
ALP require further amendments...Due Process / Appeals / Oversight /Transparency
Given the important Free Speech & Digital Rights considerations it engages!"
Greens : "Withdraw the Bill & redraft it with concerns by submitters!
Inadequate Transparency & accountability regarding discretion by a single unelected officer
Delay the Bill until we have a charter of Rights that protects free speech!"
Google : " Increasing powers of E Commissioner should be accompanied by a Formal Framework!
Multi-Stakeholder oversight into policy direction & decisions being made.
E Commissioner's Standards seem nebulous & highly subjective!
It is not clear if E Commissioner has any powers > No penalty provisions for non compliance!"
Facebook : "E Commissioner has too much power over online speech.
Need clearer guidelines, greater checks and balances to comply with community expectations.
Consider greater transparency, accountability > Reporting to parliament & better protect free speech!
Favouring an out of context solitary complaint without relative consideration risks more harm!
Low threshold of "Offensive!" exploits Cyber Bully directive!
E safety Commissioner can stifle (cyberbully) common 'Offensive' Political / Whistleblowing Posts!"
Twitter : "Lacks oversight, transparency, accountability & reporting obligations of E Commissioner!
We encourage "Oversight process into the Bill to ensure scrutiny to build trust for all alike!"
Microsoft : "Bill places human rights issues in the hands of one unelected official?
E Commissioner's Powers to impact human rights be subject to Parliamentary oversight.
Requiring further checks, balances, transparency to reflect community guidelines."
Qld Family & Child Commission : Bill doesn't include (Child Grooming?)
SA Commissioner for Kidz & Young people : "Feels child focus of educational empowerment are lost!
Kidz are grouped as Adults & will receive less attention...
Bill seems more intent regulating punitive criminalizing > particularly of youth."
Australian Christian Lobby : Bill surprisingly does not regulate or propose Age Verification Laws!
Despite cross standing committee "Protecting the Age of Innocence" to fast track Age Verification!
ACL strongly supports [Age Verification]
tbb : Please Note [Age Verification] This inconspicuous sideshow busts open a massive Can of Worms!
Any in the know...knows exactly what Hot mess tbb is exposing!
Summary of Bill being passed as is...
Part 5
Jan 2022 E Commissioner reappointed a further 5 years with 67 staff budget $25m/yr
More money promised during 2022...Dec (200 staff)
Part 6
9 May 2023:
ALP Go whole hog to bankroll unelected E commissioner...whatever she wants.
From $10.3m /yr > $42.5m/yr > 5 year budget from to $51.5m > $212.5m
So why did ALP flip from totally opposing E Commisioner's Powers to bankrolling them to the Hilt?
All that & more in companion report!
Hint...not as pretty as this report >
Age old Parental supervised Age Verification is being shopped out for Mandated Kidz Internet Licences!
eSafety Commissioner is weening kids off parental duty & grooming them as Corp enslaved playthings.
Devil is in the the Kindy...Ask! Why the fuck is Media not reporting on these Mad as Hell Mandates.
Youth Corps Assimilation is almost complete...all phases are in place...PM / Big 4 are nearly there!
Oz Gromz are the guinea pigz...Corp slaves from Kindy to Grave >
Yes! eCommissioner wants to mandate Kindy Kidz..not shy about it at all...recommends it, she does!

Notice how only now Media wake up to Classifications...better hurry!
14th March 2024 Stage 1 reform begins...
*Govt have implemented reforms > changes reduce unnecessary regulation and reduce costs by allowing industry to self-classify films and computer games using "Accredited Classifiers"
*Broadcasts can exempt themselves across all mediums
Meaning the Govt shopped out Review Board & privatized self certification...& you don't get a say!
Well apart from this sideline shit...
4th April 2024 Australian Govt...Stage 2
{Consultation opens on 'further erosion' of National Classification Scheme}
16th May 2024 Submissions close (See what ya can salvage!) ....Have yer Say here...Submit!
Modernizing the NCS > Scheme has not kept pace ( Ask when ya last saw Ratings Announcement)
Ye olde funny thing > Modernize it as Fit for Purpose
eSafety Commisioner proposes...
Womb : Do not share Fetus Photos online...
Mandate E Commissioner's Digital ID [eSmart licencing in School curriculum]
All below schedules are mandated into school subject Timetables (Not Voluntary after school)
Train all Teachers in E Commissioner's Certification of Student's eSmart Licences
Students are encouraged to use own devices...Are you ready...Let's rock...
Kindy : 'Recommend' E commissioner's Digital ID Mandated eSmart Licence
Grade 3 : Mandatory Digital ID eSmart Licence (Old school daggy Example)
Grade 7 : Mandatory Digital ID eSmart Licence
So why do they need a Digital Licence > for responsibly trained banking & shopping & bill paying.
But ain't they too young for that! Maybe..but not too young to learn > Legally Train others! Why do that!
Grade 7 : Young Mentors ( Kidz adopt the Be Connected but with loads of Star Power EMPATHY)
Ya see : Oldies refuse to listen to Family & Experts...but are besotted with random kids.
Random kids feel sorry for decaying things and wanna revive them...digitize them...Got it!
The holy Grail...the secret formula to cheer up that old bastard just long enough to digitize his $Millions! (Phases)
Phase 1 : eCommissioner Certified Teachers > wk 1 Registration
wks 1-5 : Partners > Modify Programs > Checklist.
Wks 6-10 : Prepare & Run Promo to confirm Participants
Phase 2: Training
Wks 1-2 : Invite & prepare Training > Best suited Roles (eg: Cute Young Bait > Geek Guy does the dirty)
Phase 3 : Supervise Mentoring + Confirm Venue (eg: Wealthy Aged Care)
Boomer Honey Pot Map :
Wk 1 : Confirm VIP Venue / Participant (Targeted Magnate) + Prepare for Hit.
Example of 13 y'o Kidz Banking Scheme to extort Senior Homework for return visit of yer fav kid!
This then repeats weekly > Get gramps onto Telehealth Scripts
Get Nan onto Ebay > Now the joint is jumpin...Aged care facilities are now #1 Shop Cart
Where to put all this shit? Where did Gramps' Super Go...Whats his PIN! Too Bad so Sad!
Hey! Where did that little brat go...he fleeced me!
Family...Wot kid where Dad!...don't say ya signed a banking contract...Please say No! Oh! Fuck No!
Yeah But only with My Cartoon finger...that's not real is it...FFS Dad...ya just blew 80yrs savings!
Wks 2-7 : Facilitate Mentoring 1 hr sessions over 6 wks (Class Dux only needs 3 good hits...too easy!)
Put into practice > eg: best Team work ( tbb notes Pros / 2hrs ) see here...
Prepare & Present signed eCommissioner's Certificates for each digital Bank / Telehealth Transfer!
Can be used as credits for Duke of Edinburgh's International Award...for embezzlement Charges!
Now ya see why Davos wank over our eCommissioner...Babies taking candy from big babies...
Just sit back & count yer money pile double > triple > Overflowing in boomer honey...
Reward the eCommissioner's Corporate Child Slaves with some Vanilla eVapes or some shit.
Hailing trillions of Gold Bars from heaven & don't have to spend a cent on CEOs or bank staff.
Our eSafety Commissioner loves the little children of the world!

captain killjoy reveals his thin edge...
I think some people need to realise where we're heading here
The Australian PM has demanded social media platforms ban memes making fun of him.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) April 24, 2024

He’s a wolf in sheeps clothing alright….a true Fabian society pinup boy. …I wasn’t sure he was dangerous until now but….theres too much evidence that demands a verdict….and in such a short time as well in leadership.

^^ yep, fancy a social media platform/publisher being held to account for publishing false information … thin edge of the wedge and dangerous stuff

GuySmiley wrote:^^ yep, fancy a social media platform/publisher being held to account for publishing false information … thin edge of the wedge and dangerous stuff
Haha yeah...

GuySmiley wrote:^^ yep, fancy a social media platform/publisher being held to account for publishing false information … thin edge of the wedge and dangerous stuff
Whats far more dangerous is having governments decided what is misinformation and what is not.

indo-dreaming wrote:GuySmiley wrote:^^ yep, fancy a social media platform/publisher being held to account for publishing false information … thin edge of the wedge and dangerous stuff
Whats far more dangerous is having governments decided what is misinformation and what is not.
100% agree there should not be censorship on political thought, opinions etc.
But with AI putting a head on somebody's body and sprouting bullshit should be not tolerated.
Would not be happy if an image of my daughter was stolen and then made into porn.
How about you?
It needs some oversight. AI is going to be a rough ride in this space.

indo-dreaming wrote:GuySmiley wrote:^^ yep, fancy a social media platform/publisher being held to account for publishing false information … thin edge of the wedge and dangerous stuff
Whats far more dangerous is having governments decided what is misinformation and what is not.
This line of thought is an acceptance that nothing should be censored and that it's all open slather, because the only option other than government is the social media companies themselves and their self-interest. They have no concern about the welfare of nations or the citizens in them.
It's entirely possible for a partisan approach to legislation that holds social media to the same standards as legacy media and makes it beyond the reach of party politics.

indo-dreaming wrote:GuySmiley wrote:^^ yep, fancy a social media platform/publisher being held to account for publishing false information … thin edge of the wedge and dangerous stuff
Whats far more dangerous is having governments decided what is misinformation and what is not.
Wasn’t it VicLocal who warned Info about social media algorithms and the rabbit holes they would take him to, what 4-5 years ago?

Strange how the Australian MSM showed endless replays of the 9/11 Islamic attack which killed thousands of people but now they’re OUTRAGED that a video of a physical assault is shared consensually between adults on X. Because it apparently incites violence…..?!?!?
And the censorship booster chorus line comes out to support our lying, untrustworthy, falsehood spitting government getting to decide what Australians are allowed to see and hear.
Albo is an arrogant millionaire who is beholden to interests apart from the Australian population. Don’t trust him, his interchangeable LNP replacement or any of our wretched and corrupt political class for a second.
Albo and the ALP exempted themselves and their pet MSM from the misinformation laws they wish to aim at the Australian people- cause Musk is not the target. The target is you and me.
Fuck these lying extremist clowns .

On top of that, I saw no outrage from the Labor or liberal govts for how many years regarding violent hardcore free porn being accessed by the kiddies at school on their phones.
No need to censor that or do they condone the aggressive degradation of women.
But no they are outraged about a clip that was shown on every free to air news channel. Some joke….politicians are only concerned about being made to look stupid on the internet by rivals….plenty of material available too.

andy-mac wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:GuySmiley wrote:^^ yep, fancy a social media platform/publisher being held to account for publishing false information … thin edge of the wedge and dangerous stuff
Whats far more dangerous is having governments decided what is misinformation and what is not.
100% agree there should not be censorship on political thought, opinions etc.
But with AI putting a head on somebody's body and sprouting bullshit should be not tolerated.
Would not be happy if an image of my daughter was stolen and then made into porn.
How about you?
It needs some oversight. AI is going to be a rough ride in this space.
so you disapprove of political cartoons in newspapers then?

sypkan wrote:andy-mac wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:GuySmiley wrote:^^ yep, fancy a social media platform/publisher being held to account for publishing false information … thin edge of the wedge and dangerous stuff
Whats far more dangerous is having governments decided what is misinformation and what is not.
100% agree there should not be censorship on political thought, opinions etc.
But with AI putting a head on somebody's body and sprouting bullshit should be not tolerated.
Would not be happy if an image of my daughter was stolen and then made into porn.
How about you?
It needs some oversight. AI is going to be a rough ride in this you disapprove of political cartoons in newspapers then?
Definitely not...
Don't think that the public would be misled by a cartoon unlike fake AI bots.
Think we are talking about different things.
Big difference.

Optimist wrote:On top of that, I saw no outrage from the Labor or liberal govts for how many years regarding violent hardcore free porn being accessed by the kiddies at school on their phones.
No need to censor that or do they condone the aggressive degradation of women.
But no they are outraged about a clip that was shown on every free to air news channel. Some joke….politicians are only concerned about being made to look stupid on the internet by rivals….plenty of material available too.
it's the same with the current blame men 'narrative' for gender violence in oz...
(using coveniently skewed statistics over a couple of months period that includes a mass killing... that actually is another thing altogether...)
without addressing porn and other stuff, this little endeavour by albo is just pissing into the wind
(and a little too politically convenient)

andy-mac wrote:sypkan wrote:andy-mac wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:GuySmiley wrote:^^ yep, fancy a social media platform/publisher being held to account for publishing false information … thin edge of the wedge and dangerous stuff
Whats far more dangerous is having governments decided what is misinformation and what is not.
100% agree there should not be censorship on political thought, opinions etc.
But with AI putting a head on somebody's body and sprouting bullshit should be not tolerated.
Would not be happy if an image of my daughter was stolen and then made into porn.
How about you?
It needs some oversight. AI is going to be a rough ride in this you disapprove of political cartoons in newspapers then?
Definitely not...
well there's a very very fine blurry line between political cartoons and the memes albo is whinging about
both are caricatures, and regularly put heads on bodies..

"...It's entirely possible for a partisan approach to legislation that holds social media to the same standards as legacy media and makes it beyond the reach of party politics."
yeh... because that has really worked hasn't it...
it's post truth times
doesn't seem to matter the outlet

- "Who controls the past controls the future, who controls the present controls the past."

Slackjawedyokel wrote:Strange how the Australian MSM showed endless replays of the 9/11 Islamic attack which killed thousands of people but now they’re OUTRAGED that a video of a physical assault is shared consensually between adults on X. Because it apparently incites violence…..?!?!?
And the censorship booster chorus line comes out to support our lying, untrustworthy, falsehood spitting government getting to decide what Australians are allowed to see and hear.
Albo is an arrogant millionaire who is beholden to interests apart from the Australian population. Don’t trust him, his interchangeable LNP replacement or any of our wretched and corrupt political class for a second.
Albo and the ALP exempted themselves and their pet MSM from the misinformation laws they wish to aim at the Australian people- cause Musk is not the target. The target is you and me.
Fuck these lying extremist clowns .
Dear Slackjawedwokel,
I can clearly recall vision of the 9/11 attack but I don’t recall seeing any dismembered, mutilated bodies. What was confronting, was the vision of people leaping from the buildings, having made a decision to hasten their certain death. Try explaining that to a young child.
As for the “physical attack” you mention: a gory scene by any standard, but you clearly believe it’s suitable for young children. Did Elon show it to his young children, and if so, did he consider the psychological impact on them? Probably not, I’d guess.
I understand numerous D Day veterans had to leave the theatre during the opening scenes on Omaha Beach in “Saving Private Ryan”. A re-enactment, but one so real it triggered traumatic memories of their ordeal. What effect do you believe a real-life situation would have them?
It’s clear you’re ok with showing anything on social media regardless of the impact on the young, or the mentally unstable who may be prompted to carry out a similar act. I can only assume you don’t have any children.
It’s also obvious some sections of the media cannot decide what is suitable for public exposure, therefore someone has to do it for them.
I point out this relates only to images: the written word is another matter.

Optimist wrote:On top of that, I saw no outrage from the Labor or liberal govts for how many years regarding violent hardcore free porn being accessed by the kiddies at school on their phones.
No need to censor that or do they condone the aggressive degradation of women.
But no they are outraged about a clip that was shown on every free to air news channel. Some joke….politicians are only concerned about being made to look stupid on the internet by rivals….plenty of material available too.
From my recollection, the hardcore stuff has been an issue for many years, and is probably the reason we are at this point now.

'my truth'
a couple of angles...

Good post Salty and for the most part I agree but in terms of children seeing these images, call me old fashioned, but maybe some parents can do some, I dunno what do you call it- parenting?

sypkan wrote:andy-mac wrote:sypkan wrote:andy-mac wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:GuySmiley wrote:^^ yep, fancy a social media platform/publisher being held to account for publishing false information … thin edge of the wedge and dangerous stuff
Whats far more dangerous is having governments decided what is misinformation and what is not.
100% agree there should not be censorship on political thought, opinions etc.
But with AI putting a head on somebody's body and sprouting bullshit should be not tolerated.
Would not be happy if an image of my daughter was stolen and then made into porn.
How about you?
It needs some oversight. AI is going to be a rough ride in this you disapprove of political cartoons in newspapers then?
Definitely not...
well there's a very very fine blurry line between political cartoons and the memes albo is whinging about
both are caricatures, and regularly put heads on bodies..
No problem with caricatures. Satire etc, betoota, juice media, Pauline cartoons etc. bring it on. Taking the piss is good.
Problem with people using any politician or anyone's image to try and mislead public.
AI can make look like Albo, Dutton or anyone can say something or do something that is false.
Cheap version was Kochie being arrested and the other guy with good hair but bad plastic surgery, think Richard Wilkins that kept coming up on feeds.
Hope that makes sense

zenagain wrote:Good post Salty and for the most part I agree but in terms of children seeing these images, call me old fashioned, but maybe some parents can do some, I dunno what do you call it- parenting?
Agree, until they have a device in their hand. Or their friend at school does.
For record I have 10 year old and she is not allowed device yet. However some of her friends do. Thankfully schools have now banned them, but kids can get around that.

zenagain wrote:Good post Salty and for the most part I agree but in terms of children seeing these images, call me old fashioned, but maybe some parents can do some, I dunno what do you call it- parenting?
Valid point Zen, and easily achieved in the home. But tech savvy kids will find a way to bypass parental controls elsewhere, and be exposed graphic material either intentionally or otherwise.
Also, it's fair to say not all parents apply the same standards.

zenagain wrote:Good post Salty and for the most part I agree but in terms of children seeing these images, call me old fashioned, but maybe some parents can do some, I dunno what do you call it- parenting?
its an interesting one
the amount of graphic images an indonesian kid sees on the nightly news is mind blowing
yet they don't seem to be having the violence and 'societal cohesion' problems we are currently facing...
something to be said for having a common culture maybe?
a 'culture' at all perhaps...
Im old enough to remember those banned movies of yore 'shocking asia'...
now, everyday social media is full of enough reels to make a shocking asia movie... every single day...
these imagrs are not something new
and, its been well documanted that that news image of a naked vietnamese girl running from a napalm attack was instrumental in turning the tide of support for the vietnam war...
surely a good thing?
I doubt whether that image would even get a run in the current climate
for a host of reasons...
the world has literally gone mad!

Jelly Flater wrote:- "Who controls the past controls the future, who controls the present controls the past."
With thinking like that JF you could easily get a job as a propagandist for the Chinese government … wait, more pointedly also for the Zionist Israeli government and their enabled land thieving followers in the West Bank

- or just settle for e safety commissioner ;)

Maybe even start a religion haha
- freedom (or the control of it) has so many opportunities ;)

Twitter files.

sypkan wrote:zenagain wrote:Good post Salty and for the most part I agree but in terms of children seeing these images, call me old fashioned, but maybe some parents can do some, I dunno what do you call it- parenting?
its an interesting one
the amount of graphic images an indonesian kid sees on the nightly news is mind blowing
yet they don't seem to be having the violence and 'societal cohesion' problems we are currently facing...
something to be said for having a common culture maybe?
a 'culture' at all perhaps...
Im old enough to remember those banned movies of yore 'shocking asia'...
now, everyday social media is full of enough reels to make a shocking asia movie... every single day...
these imagrs are not something new
and, its been well documanted that that news image of a naked vietnamese girl running from a napalm attack was instrumental in turning the tide of support for the vietnam war...
surely a good thing?
I doubt whether that image would even get a run in the current climate
for a host of reasons...
the world has literally gone mad!
Yeah watch the news in indo even during the day and they will show real graphic shit that would shock people in Australia like dead bodies dumped in a ditch showing everything , but then even Vimeo is blocked in Indo because of nudity. (not sure why they havent blocked X/twitter though you can find porn on there)
Thats why i think its impossible for a platform like Twitter to abide by rules/laws of one country, imagine trying to keep a country like China or Iran happy.
Thats the extreme examples but all countries have different rules/laws, views/values/morals etc you can never keep them all happy and you shouldn't even try
Best you can do is throw in some Geo filters or whatever they are called for some countries to try to keep them happy and then make a judgement on censorship based on the majority or economics.

I agree it's a difficult issue but something needs to be done, there's some vile shit on twitter, for example, this just appeared on my feed,
— Liam Nissan™ (@theliamnissan) April 24, 2024

Anzac Spirit.
World leaders saluted Le dude for hurling a bollard + All Luv Daggy Dad for manning up...
All saluted the Bros' / Lifeguard that bandaged the bleeding...
All thank the Cop for shooting the Attacker
All Oz thank Police & First Responders at both Stabbings.
Pakistani Security guard that was stabbed & still grappled with Attacker was recovering in hospital.
Politely asks...What about me...I was stabbed & still tried to disarm Attacker while saving me mate.
That one there...that best represents Anzac Spirit...Yet he was last to be rewarded if at all...Why?
In all definitions of a's surely him...
Albo : "Sure, will do somethin' or other mate...when we get around to it!" undercurrent of racism with that drab response...
Albo : Ok! Are we all done then...err! Not Quite...just mopping up ....
400 strong 5 eyes / ASIO / AFP / NSW Police & Crime Commission Joint Counter Terrorism Team!
13 raids / 7 arrests / 5 charges with 16 y'o Ring Leader attacking the Bishop at Wakeley Church...
We've some brave heroes that were stabbed while taking down the Teen Terrorist Cell Ring Leader!
Albo : "Seriously...FFS!"
Man in his 20's + Man in his 60's were stabbed while rescuing Bishop & still disarmed #1 Oz terrorist.
Also them 2 ladies bandaging the Bishop & Heroes that were keeping #1 terror threat at bay...forever!
These are the best photos tbb can share of #1 unsung Oz heroes...try our luck...
Mostly on account that eSafety Commissioner wants to erase any association of real heroes!
We know this coz eSafety Commissioner has insisted to remove all trace of #1 Oz Honour & Valor
Wounded Man in his 20's pins down #1 Oz terrorist > 400 strong Oz multi prong defence watching on!
Here we see gallant Lady apply pressure bandages to save the Bishop's Life...sure looks heroic!
One would surely expect these Heroes to be rewarded...
Not PM / Dutto / Premier / Church Leaders / Mayor / Local Member / Police / Health thanked #1 Heroes!
Not even in the picture! All know Why!
However! That's not quite true...
tbb persisted...knowing & hoping perhaps just one Voice was brave enough to honour unsung Heroes!
Thankfully...took some searching but tbb did come across just the one & ya won't believe where!
Ironically it appears on X...( Correct! )
Said ...Ain't X least Empathetic! (Well...who knew Experts would be proven wrong again!) A joke!
That's right....99.99% of All Oz Leaders / Media want our Heroes wiped out & for Good...
Not even gonna ask why...coz all know why..."I'm not Racist!" Biggest pieces of shit, the lot of them!
Here's the only known Salute to our real heroes that stepped up to take down OZ #1 Terrorist.
[L] MP Michael Sukkar : "The Courageous Church Parishioners who subdued the Terrorist at Christ the Good Shepherd Church in Wakeley, deserve our Eternal Gratitude!
I'm confident that these Heroes will be appropriately Nominated for an Australian Bravery Decoration as soon as Possible.
The courageous church parishioners who subdued the terrorist at Christ the Good Shepherd church in Wakeley, deserve our eternal gratitude. I’m confident that these heroes will be appropriately nominated for an Australian Bravery Decoration as soon as possible.
— Michael Sukkar (@MichaelSukkarMP) April 16, 2024
Firstly tbb was shocked, then thought it was a clever piss where it's due!
Never heard a Pollie motion for "Eternal Gratitude > Bravery Decoration!" Sounds real enough!
tbb gave it some thought & You know what...this Pollie stuck his neck out but he's also 100% right...
tbb openly nominates these #1 Heroes for an award for defending our Nation from #1 Terrorist Cell!
Exhausting 400 units from 5 nations + 5 Oz Frontline then it's obvious to reward true Anzac Spirit!
tbb motions to reward them instant citizenship for saving our arses...True Heroes defeated #1 Threat!
To think these Heroes prevented a Massacre as this terrorist slashed 5 victims...wasn't gonna stop!
For what it's worth...on the Video matter...
Haven't seen the Vid but know it would equally out Flash Mob + shows how these Heroes saved lives..
Guessing the Vid should stay long enough until Oz sees why these heroes must be rewarded.
The Vid is vital for as many helpful reasons to counter whatever the shock factor...
Doubt if eSaftey Commissioner or seemingly now whole of Oz cares enough about true Anzac Spirit!
Otherwise tbb needn't be motioning for these obvious #1 Oz unsung Heroes...C'mon Oz dump the Act!
On with the Show...but today...these true heroes are not forgotten...not on tbb's watch...
Oz must step up and motion to reward all fairly & equally...cut out this Racism from the Top down! Now!
Is that why the Anzacs fought the War ...

indo-dreaming wrote:
Haha that did make me chuckle!

Don't think social media is the only outlet of misinformation...

Remember the old chestnut that fascism being a case of the government and corporations weaponising each other in a symbiotic attack on the civilian population…..yep. That’s where we are at.
The attack on X / Twitter isn’t an attack on Elon Musk, it’s an attack on the civilian population and their freedom to communicate with each other.
The narrative that its government’s David stepping up to stare down an arrogant, elitist Goliath billionaire in defence of a naive and vulnerable society is pure garbage propaganda.
The "I can't believe it's not politics" thread.