Australia - you're standing in it

indo-dreaming wrote:sypkan wrote:elon v albo...
I dont get it?
Isn't it up to him and his platform what they allow?
Media in Australia have to abide by the rules around whether they can or not broadcast certain content I am assuming (guessing) they are trying to enforce that onto platforms such as X and Facebook etc.

Pop Down wrote:samaswas
Not many Australian kids that want 2 go 2 Uni , would B willing 2 Convert , mate .
Try another Simple suggestion , maybe ?
Not a sugestion or an idea of mine, it is a fact that the govt will not admit nor make public that bcoz of islam they may access interest free loans.
Check out my post "house prices".

A determined leader and Government CAN always Turn things around , very quickly .
Remember those rotten boats of the People Smugglers .
All of Australia's numbers , especially Immigration and wasteful spending , are really Hurting Australia .
Argentina delivered it's First Balanced Budget in 2 Decades .
Javier Melei has been in Power 4 4 months and like a Miracle , the Tide has Turned .
I am now really barracking hard 4 Geert ,as well .
What is it with Guys and Funny Hairstyles ( maybe Bald is Cool 2 ? ) .
Leaders with True Grit !
Albo has a year .
Common Albo , get 2 work , we need U 2 , desperately .

I focus wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:sypkan wrote:elon v albo...
I dont get it?
Isn't it up to him and his platform what they allow?
Media in Australia have to abide by the rules around whether they can or not broadcast certain content I am assuming (guessing) they are trying to enforce that onto platforms such as X and Facebook etc.
This is a decade+ old discussion on wether social media is a platform or a publisher. If publisher, they need to comply with the same regulatory framework as other media companies. This makes them more liable to defamation cases so they always fight against it. My position is (and there is plenty of research and evidence to support that) that they are a publisher.

sameaswas wrote:Pop Down wrote:samaswas
Not many Australian kids that want 2 go 2 Uni , would B willing 2 Convert , mate .
Try another Simple suggestion , maybe ?
Not a sugestion or an idea of mine, it is a fact that the govt will not admit nor make public that bcoz of islam they may access interest free loans.
Check out my post "house prices".
The bank owns the property and you pay the rent. Progressively, through the life cycle of the loan your equity increases and banks decreases. So the bank is not making money through interest but rent.

the plot thickens...
Did you know the eSaftey Commissioner used to work at Twitter before taking a position with the Australian Government?
— Avi Yemini (@OzraeliAvi) April 21, 2024
It seems that @tweetinjules is a disgruntled former employee who is abusing her bureaucratic powers for a personal vendetta.
At best, she has an incredible…

and dutton's onboard...
Peter Dutton throwing his support behind the eSafety Commissioner has to be his dumbest political move ever
— Avi Yemini (@OzraeliAvi) April 21, 2024

I focus wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:sypkan wrote:elon v albo...
I dont get it?
Isn't it up to him and his platform what they allow?
Media in Australia have to abide by the rules around whether they can or not broadcast certain content I am assuming (guessing) they are trying to enforce that onto platforms such as X and Facebook etc.
Its not realistic for any platform, to bow to all the wants of an individual country because all countries have different rules, laws, morals, views whatever.
Imagine a platform trying to satisfy China or Iran.
If a country really feels that strongly they can ban the website/platform like many countries have like China Iran Myanmar North Korea Russia Turkmenistan Uzbekistan etc
But thats not a list many countries would want to join.
So how do social media platforms then decide on what they can show?
Well its a balance between general community morals of target countries and economics, if countries like Iran ban your platform then you are probally going to be happy and know you are doing something right, but if the western world also bans you then you have gone to far the other way and will go broke.
Otherwise a government could go after the media poster or private poster in their country that breaks their country rules and the platform should have to provide the posters details without going to crazy lengths.

sypkan wrote:and dutton's onboard...
I agree with Dutton here

From what I have read and seen, the main target of the censorship is the misinformation and blatant bullshit that is being put out on social media with the sole aim of stirring up aggravation in the community. Look what happened regarding the naming of the Bondi attacker that turned out to be false. The original social media posts that named the guy came from fake accounts based overseas and gathered momentum from there and that is happening with the church attack. Posts were soon going out claiming mosques were being attacked by christians in retaliation to the stabbing of a christian minister by a muslim so mobs were turning up ready for a fight. You've got a volatile situation here in oz because of what's going on in the Middle east and now there are accounts just stirring up shit.
Not sure why anyone would want to support that type of stuff by thinking that X has a right to be sending out bullshit that only has the intention of causing friction and mayhem in the community because in the end it's the community and taxpayer that pays for all the chaos and aggravation. Like others have said, the social media companies are publishers and should be treated as such.

it's not a matter of wanting 'to suppot that type of stuff'
it's a matter of the government has shown time and time again that they cannot be trusted to discern what is and isn't misinformation...
recent examples are covid and the voice debate, where governments screamed and carried on about misinformation, all whilst being found to be spreading it themselves...
how can you trust any government to decide what is 'suitable' for public consumption?
state sanctioned disseminated misinformation is the new game in town
hearing that minns clown carry on about what he percieves as 'misinformation' the other day gives one no comfort at all...
if you really want to censor the internet for 'public safety', i can think of loads of places to start before taking down that recent video
it is purely an overreaction to the fruits of their own incompetence

Fliplid wrote:From what I have read and seen, the main target of the censorship is the misinformation and blatant bullshit that is being put out on social media with the sole aim of stirring up aggravation in the community. Look what happened regarding the naming of the Bondi attacker that turned out to be false. The original social media posts that named the guy came from fake accounts based overseas and gathered momentum from there and that is happening with the church attack. Posts were soon going out claiming mosques were being attacked by christians in retaliation to the stabbing of a christian minister by a muslim so mobs were turning up ready for a fight. You've got a volatile situation here in oz because of what's going on in the Middle east and now there are accounts just stirring up shit.
Not sure why anyone would want to support that type of stuff by thinking that X has a right to be sending out bullshit that only has the intention of causing friction and mayhem in the community because in the end it's the community and taxpayer that pays for all the chaos and aggravation. Like others have said, the social media companies are publishers and should be treated as such.
And quite often this agitation is stirred by troll farms with fake accounts.

sypkan, the 'misinformation' named an innocent man for murdering 6 people in Bondi and was spread by fake accounts based overseas. Also there were accounts claiming that muslims were attacking christian churches in Sydney which again was bullshit. The Australian wouldn't be allowed to get away with it so there's no reason why Musk should. My view is that the last thing we need is idiots, or as flollo mentions, troll farms, that are stirring up shit where people end up being harmed and if anyone wants to prevent that from happening they should be allowed to do it.
As for that "clown" Minns, he's actively trying to prevent disharmony in the community and calm things down which is what you'd hope any good politician would do.


well, the man was named by channel 7 taking information from fake accounts...
addressing that issue should be easy, with a massive fine for channel 7 (seriously, how can channel 7 be so stupid? ...people were calling bullshit on that as it happened...)
the fake accounts and troll farms should be easy too - especially with supposed 'AI'...
yeh, maybe that onus should be on X, but allowing the government to place blanket bans on what austalians can see is fraught with all sorts of problems
a big problem I see is musks blue tick model, which essentially means nothing, as people buy verification
but having said that, the legacy media and friends had already made the twitter blue tick model meaningless, as they were the spreaders of misinformation themselves... hence the reason for musk buying the shitshow in the first place...
the whole internet is a mess, censoring it is a dangerous road to go down, I do not accept that this is either the only / or a wise way to address the government's perceived problem. it is knee jerk, reactionary and ill thought out...
actually, the biggest problem might be that it isn't ill thought out..
they've been itching for this shit
the fact both parties agree on it just confirms this for me, it's bloody dangerous
the whole internet needs an overhaul, not censoring by people with too much power
the crap they allow kids to watch, whilst controlling various other information, is just mindless and plain counter-productive...

“how can you trust any government to decide what is 'suitable' for public consumption?”
Soooo is it better to trust an unhinged foreign billionaire??

Mobs have always rioted based on false information. Since time began. This does not mean that spreading rumours, writing letters, sending telegrams or cyber messages or postcards or every other form of communication has been banned does it?
This from the government and the opposition is a play for censorship and narrative control. The government and the opposition have no business, purview or social licence to do so. This is a paradigm shift, a moving of the political Overton window towards totalitarianism.
It’s not acceptable.
And what was the result of this apparent foreign bot attack ? Some damaged cop cars. Is this the low bar we are willing to foresake Freedom of speech and communication? Of course not. That’s fucking ridiculous.
Handing the authority to decide what is and isn’t acceptable information to the government -and more importantly their influential lobby groups - is the last thing we should do.
And since when have our political class had the intelligence, integrity or expertise to overall your own judgement over what information you should be allowed to interpret for yourself? Because it’s their politically appointed flunkies, who don’t want to foresake their comfy and highly remuneratived positions by contravening their political masters, who will be placed on a pedestal of consent far above your own.
Unless you wish Scott Morrison had the power to decide what you are allowed to say on the internet?
I honestly can’t believe I’ve got to explain the extent of what’s at sake to grown ups. Blows my mind.

GuySmiley wrote:“how can you trust any government to decide what is 'suitable' for public consumption?”
Soooo is it better to trust an unhinged foreign billionaire??
No. That’s not even the debate. You have misread it by a country mile. It’s got nothing to do with Musk.
And as far as he’s “unhinged” … Maybe you do need your information censored for your own good as you dont appear to be able to gain clarity on your own.
What has Musk said that’s unhinged? Actually said , not alluded to or alleged to have said by the MSM that have been peddling lies, propaganda and disinformation unhindered for decades.
Fuck….every single day the government lies to our faces and we are supposed to let them determine which information we can share with each other? What the fuck!?!?

some accounts should just have a big brown turd instead of a blue tick...
I'd just like to take the time to thank Aussie Cocksack and Syrian Girl for pulling the trigger on the loaded government mis/dis gun.
— The opinionated Black woman ~ Aunty (@Theblackfemini3) April 21, 2024
Thanks fucko's!
You gave them exactly what they needed.
Great job!
(most people are smart enough to already know which ones...)

sypkan wrote:
Why blame them? So what if someone lied? Who proposed that all of a sudden we humans aren’t capable or allowed to hear lies? Was it Albo and the gang who tell us everyday that they’re firehosing an extra 100,000 people into Australia every month doesn’t place additional pressure on the housing crises?
Are they the one’s determined to protect us from falsehoods?
Like you’d believe a single word that comes out of the mouths of those duplicitous cvnts, let alone let them determine what you are allowed to say or hear.
Crazy.Crazy. Crazy.

GuySmiley wrote:“how can you trust any government to decide what is 'suitable' for public consumption?”
Soooo is it better to trust an unhinged foreign billionaire??
I don't trust george soros either...
(you'd do well to wise up to that one)

This whole misinformation thing is such a hard one on how to prevent, and i 100% agree its a real problem, we see this with every issue these days from Covid to the Voice to Gaza, and it's scary and down right dangerous what people will believe and repeat.
But fuck the government is as bad or worse than most, id honestly trust Musk before i trusted the government.

"yeh, maybe that onus should be on X, but allowing the government to place blanket bans on what austalians can see is fraught with all sorts of problems"
As far as I can tell all that is being censored is the inflammatory bullshit that regular media would not get away with publishing not "blanket bans" and if it helps to prevent fucktards from rioting then all the better

Bottom line is all social media are publishers yet the laws governing all so-called traditional media don’t apply - they are lawless and that can’t be good on so many levels. Traditional media are not perfect but they must operate within the law

indo-dreaming wrote:This whole misinformation thing is such a hard one on how to prevent, and i 100% agree its a real problem, we see this with every issue these days from Covid to the Voice to Gaza, and it's scary and down right dangerous what people will believe and repeat.
But fuck the government is as bad or worse than most, id honestly trust Musk before i trusted the government.
And I would trust the Government before the LNP.
They produced “The Voice” then disowned it and referred to it as “Labor’s Racist Voice”. And clowns like you believed them.
Refer to any other piece of legislation going through Parliament and you will find the LNP spinning bullshit about it. Idiots like Antic, Canavan, Rennick, Joyce, Cash et al, should not be given any airtime whatsoever.

indo-dreaming wrote:I focus wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:sypkan wrote:elon v albo...
I dont get it?
Isn't it up to him and his platform what they allow?
Media in Australia have to abide by the rules around whether they can or not broadcast certain content I am assuming (guessing) they are trying to enforce that onto platforms such as X and Facebook etc.
Its not realistic for any platform, to bow to all the wants of an individual country because all countries have different rules, laws, morals, views whatever.
I am afraid it is, the test is if they are making money from advertising etc then they are or should be required to follow the laws of that jurisdiction.
They must be required to adhere to the laws governing content, their platform is the vehicle and hence totally their responsibility.
All these guys know exactly what I am doing and target me in advertising accordingly it's not a stretch to remove content I post that's illegal.
This is not censorship as you can freely discuss the issue you just cannot post content that fails to meet public standards as an extreme example that would be child sexual porn they seem to be able to stop that.

The big question though is who decides 'public standards'?

zenagain wrote:The big question though is who decides 'public standards'?
In democratic countries elected officials do, parliamentary members that the public can boot out but who do the social media owners answer to?? Seriously this debate is scary if people truly believe unelected profit motivated billionaires of questionable characters are better custodians of the “truth” than elected (flawed) politicians

Sorry Guy, I meant without stating the obvious.
One man's meat is another man's poison and all that etc.

zenagain wrote:The big question though is who decides 'public standards'?
the same people that tell us...
'nothing to see here'

Hey Zen..... "The Obvious" covers the meat/poison bit. If the legislation being passed is poison to you (third person "you") you can vote out the responsible parties.
Another could be.... Who decides what are 'public standards' in an autocracy?

I focus wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:I focus wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:sypkan wrote:elon v albo...
I dont get it?
Isn't it up to him and his platform what they allow?
Media in Australia have to abide by the rules around whether they can or not broadcast certain content I am assuming (guessing) they are trying to enforce that onto platforms such as X and Facebook etc.
Its not realistic for any platform, to bow to all the wants of an individual country because all countries have different rules, laws, morals, views whatever.
I am afraid it is, the test is if they are making money from advertising etc then they are or should be required to follow the laws of that jurisdiction.
They must be required to adhere to the laws governing content, their platform is the vehicle and hence totally their responsibility.
All these guys know exactly what I am doing and target me in advertising accordingly it's not a stretch to remove content I post that's illegal.
This is not censorship as you can freely discuss the issue you just cannot post content that fails to meet public standards as an extreme example that would be child sexual porn they seem to be able to stop that.
That would be fine if Australia was the only countries laws they had to abide by but imagine trying to police the rules/laws of lets be generous and say 150 of 195 countries, its just not realistic.
The most realistic approach would be to try to abide by the basic laws of your main market like say USA with 333 million people, but to bow to Australia with a population of 26 million...nah
Restrictions on porn like child porn are much different because the content is illegal in pretty much all countries and most people are not going to use the platform if it allowed child porn, so the energy put into policing it worth it and it would be much easier to police as key words would be blocked or alert and if anything slips through most people would report it.
While policing misinformation is very hard as often subjective and with a news story, who knows what is true, sometimes the truth doesn't come out until latter, even the media get caught out, an example was a few months ago when the media reporting an Israel missle hit a hospital killing 300 people because Hamas health depart said so, but not long after all evidence found it was a basic rocket (misfired from Palestine Islamic jihad) that made a 2ft deep dent in the hospital carpark and that windows only ten metres away remained unbroken.

It’s never the good guys demanding censorship.
And this is censorship. Nothing less.

Guysmiley said :” Seriously this debate is scary if people truly believe unelected profit motivated billionaires of questionable characters are better custodians of the “truth” than elected (flawed) politicians”
Elon Mudk isn’t trying to be custodian of the truth, he just advocates for your ability to state your opinion. It shows how confused you are on the topic when you say it’s a choice between who gets to decide what you can say or not. It’s a choice between someone limiting what you can say or hear to a truth defined by them - despite them being proven liars and routine spreaders of falsehoods - and someone else allowing you to say what you think and allowing you to decide for yourself what’s true or not.

G’day SJY, not saying that politicians have a good track record at all, they bullshit pretty good e.g. Brexit. What I’m perhaps badly trying to highlight is that there are currently no legal constraints on social media, they can and do “publish” anything while everyone else is constrained by the law or in the case of governments/politicians by the electorate. Free speech is a good thing but it has a right to it and a responsibility and the latter seems to be forgotten

It’s painfully obvious that the government and their corporate/ oligarch lobbyists want to censor social media as it presents narratives dissenting from their own.
The recent attempt at online misinformation laws specifically excluded politicians and legacy MSM media from being subject to the same laws! How much more revealing can they be about their true motivations. It as explicitly “Laws for thee but not for me”.
Here’s X / Twitters own policies. They aren’t any more permissive than our own speech laws , in fact they’re quite a bit less permissive. Any violations are removed and repeat or extreme offenders are banned.
The government is trying to censor information and opinions of which they do not approve.
Everytime you hear the word moderation, they really mean censorship. The government has no business or mandate to censor public speech or opinion.

Gday SJY, your comments are fair enough about government, I personally think that there needs to be way more transparency etc but when it comes to owners of X and Meta and their MO I’m thinking dark triad personality types and even if there’s only some truth in that surely that can’t be good

Guy - Theres reasons to find fault in Elon Musk .For example - I don’t appreciate his stance against unionism and organised labour. Beyond that I don’t actually know much about but I do accept his public comments and commitments regarding freedom of speech.
Freedom of speech has come under blatant attack in recent times. Western governments are acting in ways unthinkable even a decade ago. Their motives for rehabilitating long abandoned censorship regimens are disputed but the proof that it’s occurring is indisputable.
Censorship is authoritarian by nature. The government has no social licence or mandate to restrict the sharing of opinions, information or other unfettered free speech by free and innocent citizens. It doesn’t matter that they’re dressing the censorship up as arbitrary defence of public safety. They have no business censoring the population who are their employers.

We watch replays of hand picked Heroes taking down the 'Alleged' suspected Bondi attacker!
Never was the alleged attacker charged with any offence before being shot dead!
Days later the Paki' security guard says Wot About Me...Where's his 15 micro seconds of fame?
Shooting or throwing stuff at Alleged suspected Attacker wins World Leader Acclaim & residency.
Fine by all...
None dispute arming oneself & keeping a safe distance when conducting heroic deeds...Good Plan!
Non armed & fatally wounded while grappling with your Armed Attacker is deemed of lesser valor.
These poor buggers gotta campaign from death bed for equal PM praise!
Think that's a bit rough or a tough Gig...across actual Terrorist attack played out...
Religious leaders are being stabbed...
Screened live unarmed Wakeley folk thwarted a Terrorist attack also by grappling with Terrorist.
Not only survived but overpowered then disarming & capturing the Terrorist to save our Nation.
PM & World Leaders would surely rejoice in replaying & rewarding highest acts of emergency heroism!
Not one parishioner was anointed a National Hero of even proclaimed a Local Hero.
PM & World leaders demand to censor this Act of bravery in thwarting off a Terrorist Attack.
Ain't no replaying of local town heroes grappling & capturing the Terrorist ...
Police then protected this Terrorist which enraged the mob.
Soon went about charging mob while Terrorist was freely being cared for with Jam on Toast!
Police demand the community to cough up the Mobsters...
Here's the thing!
* Attack on Police / Gear happened in Pitch Black by Masked Mob!
* Church Footage mostly shares the backs of congregation facing towards the Altar.
* Terrorist incident plays out front & centre stage
* Altar is stormed and only at that exact time of stabbing are any faceless ones revealed
* Any censoring of this footage thwarts police directive & perverts the course of justice...
Yet PM and world leaders demand no none watches this Flash Point to expose the faceless ones!
Please don't jump to conclusions...
Please read the above as a cross checking sub set of a bigger unfolding inquiry...
tbb is not opposing Police Duty...simply trying to rationalize wot meaning or value!
Is certain detail omitted for media to form opposing opinion!
Important to share this ongoing line of enquiry is assisting NSW Police with Bondi Stabbing!.
Strange but True!
Every time a new motive or fact was announced it was trounced by another more powerful against!
How did the smartest sweetest ever boyfriend murder innocent females!
Gets a little heavy from here on in...
tbb never set out on a timeline but it soon became apparent that 2 timelines were on a collision course.
Promised myself to share this with Police first & foremost & have done that...they were thankful.
Crew can understand why tbb shared that with them first...
Can also share that Cops were cool & gave tbb all the time of day to share the timelines!
Also promised not to reveal too much a Police requisite.
Most of what follows has been reported but never is such exacting manner!
Firstly! Media revealed Male security guard was killed.
More importantly was why the attacker ventured to the 4th Floor before starting his killing spree!
So now we consider he loves floors 1/2/3...but goes spazz on 4th Floors...makes no sense!
There is a symbiotic nature of the 2 Male Victim's timelines (Correct...2 Males were killed!)
2022 Both had left any female relations & homes to both reside in Brisbane
Upfront not saying that they ever met...that's Police duty!
2023 (end) Both Men then move to Sydney NSW.
Let's just say there was much commercial benefit to both if they did meet.
Please don't read into that...It's simply an occupational fact born from necessity!
2024 Both frequent Parramatta / Penrith Westfield/s at exact same weeks
Again...if this was beneficial to their needs...then it's expected as entirely normal.
Example : Guard had poor English Skills > Attacker offered online English Lessons
Guard needed such skills to procure Security Licence (Celebrates!) & starts new Day shift.
Consider how would an unemployed trainee pay for such service...unless contracted by a Firm?
We're guessing the Employers cover the upfront costs for UN High Commission Refugees!
Yeah! That there instantly throws a spanner into the works. (Who questions these arrangements!)
Well! Can't say too much, but Attacker did offer communal type language swaps!
Again not saying to the Guard...just that he did quite recently offer similar in same open environs!
13 April 2024 Both timelines collide in Bondi (am) With Attacker's Payment Denied at Cafe
Payment : Note Attacker had no money until Guard started his new Lunch Shift...
(Now he can pay?) Where did Attacker get money & why now, only after Guard Starts Shift!
By now...tbb is callin' the cops...this is gettin' too hot...
Warning...even if there was an online contract or not > twas already too late...
Fatal Attraction was inevitable...Whatever promise or denial...the Attacker is now Armed!
13 April 2024 (pm) Both now Qldurrz share same Bondi Mall for first time.
Timelines are Colliding so fast now & not in a good way!
Now both are merging on the 4th Floor...can't end well..
Can almost feel the tension...
Pause : Recall the Attacker searches for Knives / Killing...
Consider attacker wants to test his knife & First two sight unseen victims were just that. his fav' movies > slips in the knife & out, onto the that...Works!
Also thinking he was planning to escape while also hiding his trail of vengeful intent.
13 April 2024 : Time has come today...Inevitably, Both meet Face 2 Face
Witness said Guards were unaware of any killings & allowed the attacker to approach?
Only now the attacker leaps & Face to Face plunges dagger into the chest of Guard.
The partner guard is stabbed to lesser extent as Attacker then runs away...
Being chased as slashing continues...again to hide is real motive...of Vicious Male Guard attack!
In otherwords the mentally deranged attacker feels the more damage blurs his personal guilt trip.
Still feeling he's gonna escape from his own private hell...unaware, he is now being hunted down!
Thankfully the Heroes stood up & good folk won out!
One, a well versed teacher the other desperately needing a teacher.
The Guard struggled to obtain his Security Licence...what did that cost him.
All see the equally desperate Teacher was also in need of Money & real fast!
Attacker went about selling himself...
Were the random Attacks of "Opposite ages / gender / Nature" meant to hide the real motive!"
That's now a matter for NSW Police...Sorry! Promised not divulge motives etc.
Reckon tbb likely shared too much & can see the rest is heavily dependant on further investigation.
Which UN Refugee Security Firms employ which Online loose unit Freelance Teaching Institution!
Reckon you'd break the internet...that's yer line in the sand...right there! Knock on the Door! Crash.
The above timeline in no way assumes events played out this way...please don't share as a truth!
Reads as a hypothetical line of Police inquiry! Ok!
The main purpose of sharing is to calm down unproven vindictive hate towards one group or another...
Nor saying it was a dispute...but it could just as easily be another motive of equal importance!

indo-dreaming wrote:That would be fine if Australia was the only countries laws they had to abide by but imagine trying to police the rules/laws of lets be generous and say 150 of 195 countries, its just not realistic.
The most realistic approach would be to try to abide by the basic laws of your main market like say USA with 333 million people, but to bow to Australia with a population of 26 million...nah
Restrictions on porn like child porn are much different because the content is illegal in pretty much all countries and most people are not going to use the platform if it allowed child porn, so the energy put into policing it worth it and it would be much easier to police as key words would be blocked or alert and if anything slips through most people would report it.
While policing misinformation is very hard as often subjective and with a news story, who knows what is true, sometimes the truth doesn't come out until latter, even the media get caught out, an example was a few months ago when the media reporting an Israel missle hit a hospital killing 300 people because Hamas health depart said so, but not long after all evidence found it was a basic rocket (misfired from Palestine Islamic jihad) that made a 2ft deep dent in the hospital carpark and that windows only ten metres away remained unbroken.
X makes money through advertising plus selling off your data etc same as Australian media the difference is one has signed up to a code of standards the other wants a free for all ,the disparity in opportunities making income is obvious and its the Australian media that loses.
But as a point of sovereignty then Australians through Parliament will decide what can be and cannot be classed as acceptable not not a mega company or its billionaire owners simple because its spread through multiple jusistricions.
Musk himself has exercised and applied standards when it suits him suppressing information about his location for safety reasons same principle applies for Australian media standards.
As for the so called truth and its many iterations it can still be published and still be well insides the standards required.

I would be a lot less concerned about social media censorship for inciting violence if there wasn’t also a movement which effectively claims that science, facts and or people's hurt feelings = hate speech = violence.

I should be able to take social media to court for defamation if there is an unrestricted spread of misinformation about myself. I can do that to Channel 7 for example. I would expect that social media companies are held to the same standards. They are fighting this regulation under the guise of free speech. There's nothing new here, this has been going on for over a decade.

flollo wrote:I should be able to take social media to court for defamation if there is an unrestricted spread of misinformation about myself. I can do that to Channel 7 for example. I would expect that social media companies are held to the same standards. They are fighting this regulation under the guise of free speech. There's nothing new here, this has been going on for over a decade.
Twiggy Forrest's battle against using his image for scams a good example.

flollo wrote:sameaswas wrote:Pop Down wrote:samaswas
Not many Australian kids that want 2 go 2 Uni , would B willing 2 Convert , mate .
Try another Simple suggestion , maybe ?
Not a sugestion or an idea of mine, it is a fact that the govt will not admit nor make public that bcoz of islam they may access interest free loans.
Check out my post "house prices".The bank owns the property and you pay the rent. Progressively, through the life cycle of the loan your equity increases and banks decreases. So the bank is not making money through interest but rent.
Thankyou flollo, i read that somewhere b4 and there are other ways to finance loans by islamic banks to muslims.
My point is it is not a level playing field and there is no way a loan for r.e. would ever be refused to a muslim bcoz the quaran tells them to go to nonmuslim cntrys and procreate and populate and bull.
Ok this is not the religion thread but what i allege (true but) is relevant to houseing in oz or any other secular democracy, there is and has been a planned effort by islam banks and muslims to buy r.e.
It ties in with their quaran prohecy of one caliphate.

Not my favourite comic but some profound stuff in this interview on a huge range of topics - some relevant to the above thread on censorship which now strays into cancelling people:
The titles do not reflect the content - much broader than that.
‘At no time in human history have the good guys censored stuff’
We should criticise ideas but you cancel people - it is the new book burning
and a big one for us all:
" It's your quality of life, minus envy, that's how happy you are"

Allso regards elon musk, good on him.
My previous post will be banned if the govt esafety b.s. (ergo 1984 and animall farm pigs.) have their way.
My comment is factual if not sue me but never censor. I have not threatened, lied, or encouraged someone to murder.
This is govt wanting to control all media to suit their agenda.

Allso regards elon musk, good on him.
My previous post will be banned if the govt esafety b.s. (ergo 1984 and animall farm pigs.) have their way.
My comment is factual if not sue me but never censor. I have not threatened, lied, or encouraged someone to murder.
This is govt wanting to control all media to suit their agenda.

flollo wrote:sameaswas wrote:Pop Down wrote:samaswas
Not many Australian kids that want 2 go 2 Uni , would B willing 2 Convert , mate .
Try another Simple suggestion , maybe ?
Not a sugestion or an idea of mine, it is a fact that the govt will not admit nor make public that bcoz of islam they may access interest free loans.
Check out my post "house prices".The bank owns the property and you pay the rent. Progressively, through the life cycle of the loan your equity increases and banks decreases. So the bank is not making money through interest but rent.
Thankyou flollo, i read that somewhere b4 and there are other ways to finance loans by islamic banks to muslims.
My point is it is not a level playing field and there is no way a loan for r.e. would ever be refused to a muslim bcoz the quaran tells them to go to nonmuslim cntrys and procreate and populate and bull.
Ok this is not the religion thread but what i allege (true but) is relevant to houseing in oz or any other secular democracy, there is and has been a planned effort by islam banks and muslims to buy r.e.
It ties in with their quaran prohecy of one caliphate.

flollo wrote:sameaswas wrote:Pop Down wrote:samaswas
Not many Australian kids that want 2 go 2 Uni , would B willing 2 Convert , mate .
Try another Simple suggestion , maybe ?
Not a sugestion or an idea of mine, it is a fact that the govt will not admit nor make public that bcoz of islam they may access interest free loans.
Check out my post "house prices".The bank owns the property and you pay the rent. Progressively, through the life cycle of the loan your equity increases and banks decreases. So the bank is not making money through interest but rent.
Thankyou flollo, i read that somewhere b4 and there are other ways to finance loans by islamic banks to muslims.
My point is it is not a level playing field and there is no way a loan for r.e. would ever be refused to a muslim bcoz the quaran tells them to go to nonmuslim cntrys and procreate and populate and bull.
Ok this is not the religion thread but what i allege (true but) is relevant to houseing in oz or any other secular democracy, there is and has been a planned effort by islam banks and muslims to buy r.e.
It ties in with their quaran prohecy of one caliphate.
The "I can't believe it's not politics" thread.