Australia - you're standing in it


Couple of winks there JF
Here’s a bicycle song


All for more Australian manufacturing but here just one slice of a multifaceted problem.
Business owner just cannot get workers to do factory type work.
The business owner says everyone these days has been indoctrinated to go to Uni and avoid blue collar work and seems to only want a cushy office type job where they can work from home.
Or, I might add, to be an:
- influencer
- instagramer
- vlogger
- OF "content" creator
I saw the guy interviewed on TV and he had lots of work but no-one applying for jobs. His staff were mostly in their 50s or 60s+
Imagine trying to staff a huge factory churning out solar panels.
"Can I work from home?"
"Can I have time off to attend protests?
"Do I have to wear a hair net?- Imagine if someone snapped a piccie of me in one and posted on instagram! That is like instadeath.
"Will I be a manager with an office in 6 months or a bit longer?

See that's the thing, manufacturing policy over the last 40 years was set by a morass of screeching baboons and so we're in such a state that we hardly make a thing now, and all the skillsets of the machine shops, the pattern makers, the engineering - is much lessened. Mechanics too, a forecast shortage for the future. Simplicity, and what you understand enough to maintain yourself, will be key rather than hi tech and throwaway.
So the contrarian trade is to make things yourself. Have had a lot of fun teaching self machining in last few years, can make all sorts of things.
Oh yeah:
"From 1 July 2023, the Minimum Stockholding Obligation will require Australia’s 2 refineries, and our major importers of refined fuels, to hold baseline stocks of:
petrol; 24 days, increasing to 27 days in 2024 for importers
diesel fuel; 20 days, increasing to 32 in 2024 for importers
jet fuel; 24 days, increasing to 27 days in 2024 for importers."
Now in this case an electric with solar setup already installed will be pretty good, but most of your food comes in a diesel truck. We do make biofuels here:
and it's possible to get Biodiesel and E85 on top of the E10. Some surf wagons now on the 2nd handy market are tuned for E85 such as some VEII Commodore 6's and VF MY14 models (all motors) - a handy bet for armageddon, or just to reach the surf in the next apocalypse. Burns clean and smells like Vodka at times. Here's a blast back from when we had a car industry (we are now only OECD top 20 nation without a car industry)
our economic complexity rating is now 93rd, behind Uganda:



AndyM wrote:Southern Raw
"Reckon there's not an epidemic of men hurting and killing women?"
According to the stats provided by the ABS, there's been a decline in the rate of physical violence against women between 2005 and 2022.
Andy these statistics are unreliable.
The Australian population grew by 6million people between 2005 and 2022(roughly 25% population increase), so unless i'm mistaken, (which is possible with my shit maths), the percentages of reported DVs would drop as population increases.
Also you have to factor in post covid (after this survey) and the mental health effects it had on relationships in the time since, which, in correlation with cost of living pressures, the rental crisis etc etc would be putting alot of pressure on relationships.
(Edit: i think my maths is all back to front. A higher pop. would mean the opposite. Its 1am and had my head in the books all night so a bit confused. Will have a thorough look again tomoz)
Would be interested in a bit more info about your research paper if you're willing to share. Good on you for digging into this.
As for ashsam, no surprises there at all. Chronic pest. As thick as mud.

I’m no statistician, but those figures are percentages. So in other words, they are rates or proportions which take into account changing population.
I haven’t gone into this stuff very far, but it seems the statistics are quite clear with regards to rates of violence depending on gender.
Basically women have major issues with domestic violence, while males are much more likely to be assaulted out in the streets.
At the same time, it sounds like there’s a surge in homicides against women this year, so I’d be interested to have a look at that.
I’ve said this many times, but as far as I’m concerned, the issue is not so much male violence against women, the issue is male violence.
But male violence against women seems to be much more of a headline grabber in recent years.

ashsam wrote:SR has an agenda against white privaliged males when it comes to women and Abo’s.
Stats won’t help him.
You know where im coming from i hold conservative views and im anti woke, but there is no need to use this word it's outdated and cringy and it just ruins your other points by using it and by using it you are just playing into the hands of people like SR who think white equals bad, black can do no wrong.
IMHO there is only a couple words we need to avoid these days this one one or two other old Aboriginal similar slurs, the N word and a couple homophobic descriptions that use to be common place but are now just outdated slurs.
Its kind of like the religion thing you can be critical of others but you kind of need to do it with a degree of respect, those that dont just weaken their view points like all the people in the religion thread that just troll it looking to mock others belief's.
Anyway thats just my view plus i dont want people like you who bring balance to the forum banned for using pointless outdated slurs which you risk doing.

Worth noting that once you consider non physical abuse the perpetrator / victim data paints a picture of surprising similarity between the men and women.
Women suffering emotional abuse after the age of 15
6.1% (575,400) by a current partner18% (1.7 million) by a previous partner
An estimated one in six men (16% or 1.4 million) have experienced partner emotional abuse since the age of 15, including:
5.2% (473,600) by a current partner12% (1 million) by a previous partner
Women were about as likely as men to experience emotional abuse by a current partner (6.1% compared with 5.2%).
An observation most would agree with supported most by data, is that the skill set of females in the arena of verbal fights and associated tactics are quite advanced when they choose to use them. Plus, they have the emotional lever of "I'll take the house and kids"....
In the modern parlance, where abusive words seemed to be often regarded as violence, domestic violence could be said to be almost as common for men as women.

seeds wrote:ashsam wrote:SR has an agenda against white privaliged males when it comes to women and Abo’s.
Stats won’t help him.Would it have killed you to write aboriginals. Geez!
Of course Abo is just Australian colloquialism Aboriginal and no offence is objectively applied. Just like abbreviating afternoon to arvo or avocado to avo. The decision to attach offence to the word rests with the individual. If no offence is intended then I see no reason to not use the term Abo.
The irony of Seeds pulling someone up on the use of an abbreviated Pronoun is thick as in the same post he uses the word “Geez” . This is an abbreviation of “Jesus” and utilising the name Jesus in Seed’s context is considered blasphemous and very offensive to some people. Particularly in an age when Catholics are enduring world wide persecution and oppression. Tens of thousands of Catholics have been murdered for their religious beliefs in recent years. A Catholic was subjected to an attempted murder in Sydney last week purely because of his beliefs.
I’m sure Seeds didn’t intend to slight this persecuted minority during this time of violent extremism against them but it serves as a good lesson in finger pointing.

As for the Domestic violence…women are the most safe they’ve been in Australia for at least 40,000 years !
An issue that some certainly don’t want to look in the eyes as the truth puts them in a very uncomfortable position.

Wow, what a dumpster fire of a thread!

Terminal wrote:Wow, what a dumpster fire of a thread!
You’re not a fan of facts?

Slackjawedyokel wrote:Of course Abo is just Australian colloquialism Aboriginal and no offence is objectively applied.
Even in the early 80's I wouldn't have used "Abo" with Aboriginal mates.

I don’t think the word has ever been used in a non racist way. Racist colloquialism used amongst white Australians especially in the past.

AndyM wrote:I’m no statistician, but those figures are percentages. So in other words, they are rates or proportions which take into account changing population.
I haven’t gone into this stuff very far, but it seems the statistics are quite clear with regards to rates of violence depending on gender.
Basically women have major issues with domestic violence, while males are much more likely to be assaulted out in the streets.
At the same time, it sounds like there’s a surge in homicides against women this year, so I’d be interested to have a look at that.
I’ve said this many times, but as far as I’m concerned, the issue is not so much male violence against women, the issue is male violence.
But male violence against women seems to be much more of a headline grabber in recent years.
Thanks AndyM. I think that's a pretty good observation overall.
It does feel (yes, an arbitrary word) that there's been a large spike in incidents of homicides involving females in the last 2-3years. The possible post covid causes i listed above surely must have an influence.
Cheers for teaching me something and giving me a different perspective to look at it from.

indo-dreaming wrote:ashsam wrote:SR has an agenda against white privaliged males when it comes to women and Abo’s.
Stats won’t help him.You know where im coming from i hold conservative views and im anti woke, but there is no need to use this word it's outdated and cringy and it just ruins your other points by using it and by using it you are just playing into the hands of people like SR who think white equals bad, black can do no wrong.
IMHO there is only a couple words we need to avoid these days this one one or two other old Aboriginal similar slurs, the N word and a couple homophobic descriptions that use to be common place but are now just outdated slurs.
Its kind of like the religion thing you can be critical of others but you kind of need to do it with a degree of respect, those that dont just weaken their view points like all the people in the religion thread that just troll it looking to mock others belief's.
Anyway thats just my view plus i dont want people like you who bring balance to the forum banned for using pointless outdated slurs which you risk doing.
Get help indo. You're not well in the head. These forums are making you sicker.

Slackjawedyokel wrote:seeds wrote:ashsam wrote:SR has an agenda against white privaliged males when it comes to women and Abo’s.
Stats won’t help him.Would it have killed you to write aboriginals. Geez!
Of course Abo is just Australian colloquialism Aboriginal and no offence is objectively applied. Just like abbreviating afternoon to arvo or avocado to avo. The decision to attach offence to the word rests with the individual. If no offence is intended then I see no reason to not use the term Abo.
The irony of Seeds pulling someone up on the use of an abbreviated Pronoun is thick as in the same post he uses the word “Geez” . This is an abbreviation of “Jesus” and utilising the name Jesus in Seed’s context is considered blasphemous and very offensive to some people. Particularly in an age when Catholics are enduring world wide persecution and oppression. Tens of thousands of Catholics have been murdered for their religious beliefs in recent years. A Catholic was subjected to an attempted murder in Sydney last week purely because of his beliefs.
I’m sure Seeds didn’t intend to slight this persecuted minority during this time of violent extremism against them but it serves as a good lesson in finger pointing.
Is ashsam blowin??

Is that all you took from that comment?

Slackjawedyokel wrote:Terminal wrote:Wow, what a dumpster fire of a thread!
You’re not a fan of facts?
Actual facts, or your facts? Username checks out, that's for sure...
Anyway, I'm not taking the bait.


Slackjawedyokel wrote:seeds wrote:ashsam wrote:SR has an agenda against white privaliged males when it comes to women and Abo’s.
Stats won’t help him.Would it have killed you to write aboriginals. Geez!
Of course Abo is just Australian colloquialism Aboriginal and no offence is objectively applied. Just like abbreviating afternoon to arvo or avocado to avo. The decision to attach offence to the word rests with the individual. If no offence is intended then I see no reason to not use the term Abo.
The irony of Seeds pulling someone up on the use of an abbreviated Pronoun is thick as in the same post he uses the word “Geez” . This is an abbreviation of “Jesus” and utilising the name Jesus in Seed’s context is considered blasphemous and very offensive to some people. Particularly in an age when Catholics are enduring world wide persecution and oppression. Tens of thousands of Catholics have been murdered for their religious beliefs in recent years. A Catholic was subjected to an attempted murder in Sydney last week purely because of his beliefs.
I’m sure Seeds didn’t intend to slight this persecuted minority during this time of violent extremism against them but it serves as a good lesson in finger pointing.


Yes, facts.
The strange thing is that you’ll do anything to attack me for posting this link. You’ll do anything to undermine these facts. You’ll do anything to mitigate the truth of these women and children getting violently assaulted and killed by their relatives. You will refuse to accept that culture needs to change and that it’s not my fault for pointing this out.
To paraphrase Southern Raw, if you are willing to excuse these facts then you are part of the problem. The media is gorging on this issue as a distraction but they too refuse to look the problem in the eye as it may cause discomfort. In the meantime….it’s culturally permissible or overlooked to flog your wife and kids in some parts of the Australian population.
I find it truly disgusting and disgraceful that people would rather shout “ racist” than look at this serious issue with objectivity. Looking away doesn’t solve the problem. Acting as though this culture of DV Is primarily the result of social dislocation or dispossession is just as bad. No one wants to say that the culture has problems that are inherent within it and not resultant from any external force.
Rates of remote community DV are far greater than regional community DV rates which are in turn far greater than urban community DV rates. Awful facts ths5 will not be remedied without addressing the problem from head on and without a veil of lies that only serve to guarantee more violence and deaths

Slackjawedyokel wrote:I focus wrote:Slackjawedyokel wrote:Of course Abo is just Australian colloquialism Aboriginal and no offence is objectively applied.
Even in the early 80's I wouldn't have used "Abo" with Aboriginal mates.
I heard many people use the term Abo in the eighties without intending any offence. Most people to be honest. Some used it in a derogatory fashion, not the majority.
Blasphemy has been considered offensive for thousands of years.
Neither Abo nor Geez was employed with negative intent despite the possibility of someone taking offence. That’s why hate speech laws are mostly ridiculous, arbitrary and subject to cultural evolution
I'm not agreeing or disagreeing, but if you want to test the limits of free speech then do it somewhere else.


stunet wrote:Slackjawedyokel wrote:I focus wrote:Slackjawedyokel wrote:Of course Abo is just Australian colloquialism Aboriginal and no offence is objectively applied.
Even in the early 80's I wouldn't have used "Abo" with Aboriginal mates.
I heard many people use the term Abo in the eighties without intending any offence. Most people to be honest. Some used it in a derogatory fashion, not the majority.
Blasphemy has been considered offensive for thousands of years.
Neither Abo nor Geez was employed with negative intent despite the possibility of someone taking offence. That’s why hate speech laws are mostly ridiculous, arbitrary and subject to cultural evolution
I'm not agreeing or disagreeing, but if you want to test the limits of free speech then do it somewhere else.
I agree with sjw view, it's like ok for pome or wog in certain conversations but offensive to the poi depending on the way it is delivered or interpreted ( recieved).
I would never use that slang in conversation if i thought it offensive which it is but since this " voice" debacle ( etcetcetc) their is a huge rift in our society and a lot of anger at fnp and censoreing opinions ain't gunna fix it.
As the " blues brothers" movie said " if 5he shit fits wear it".

“ their is a huge rift in our society and a lot of anger at fnp”
I reckon that’s total bullshit.

sameaswas wrote:stunet wrote:Slackjawedyokel wrote:I focus wrote:Slackjawedyokel wrote:Of course Abo is just Australian colloquialism Aboriginal and no offence is objectively applied.
Even in the early 80's I wouldn't have used "Abo" with Aboriginal mates.
I heard many people use the term Abo in the eighties without intending any offence. Most people to be honest. Some used it in a derogatory fashion, not the majority.
Blasphemy has been considered offensive for thousands of years.
Neither Abo nor Geez was employed with negative intent despite the possibility of someone taking offence. That’s why hate speech laws are mostly ridiculous, arbitrary and subject to cultural evolution
I'm not agreeing or disagreeing, but if you want to test the limits of free speech then do it somewhere else.
I agree with sjw view, it's like ok for pome or wog in certain conversations but offensive to the poi depending on the way it is delivered or interpreted ( recieved).
I would never use that slang in conversation if i thought it offensive which it is but since this " voice" debacle ( etcetcetc) their is a huge rift in our society and a lot of anger at fnp and censoreing opinions ain't gunna fix it.
As the " blues brothers" movie said " if 5he shit fits wear it".
All the cockroaches are coming out today.

Shine a light on them and hopefully they’ll scuttle away again.

Spot(Light) on @AndyM.
The irony is that it was these cockroaches that inserted FNP people into this conversation even though it was a completely separate convo.
They then went on to use clearly derogotory language about them. (which they've done before...yawn.)
Before signing off with a discriminatory swipe at indigenous Australians post voice debate.
A clear demonstration of severe defecits of empathy, compassion and perspective displayed by all actors that partook in that self created branch of the conversation.
Leopards never change their spots(lights).
I have nothing but contempt for these racist individuals. Each and every one of them.

SR, must of forgot you inserted your white privaleged comment, to get the ball rolling.

AndyM wrote:“ their is a huge rift in our society and a lot of anger at fnp”
I reckon that’s total bullshit.
Always has been, you ever lived in a country town, Bowraville, Kempsey, Moree etc etc?
Ever been to any of the public housing missions?
Or you just a greeny city dweller?
Ever been harassed/intimidated for money outside your local Woolies/Coles?
Happens to my Mrs all the time, Woolies/Coles have given up won't even call the cops anymore as they don't do jack.
They are not homeless either looking for extra cash for grog.
And they pick on mainly women too, how's that for you SR.
One of the things we have to put up with for being white privileged.

Are you suggesting we're actually not white and not privileged ashsam?

AndyM wrote:“ their is a huge rift in our society and a lot of anger at fnp”
I reckon that’s total bullshit.
Grammar police. 'There.'

ashsam wrote:AndyM wrote:“ their is a huge rift in our society and a lot of anger at fnp”
I reckon that’s total bullshit.
Always has been, you ever lived in a country town, Bowraville, Kempsey, Moree etc etc?
Ever been to any of the public housing missions?
Or you just a greeny city dweller?Ever been harassed/intimidated for money outside your local Woolies/Coles?
Happens to my Mrs all the time, Woolies/Coles have given up won't even call the cops anymore as they don't do jack.
They are not homeless either looking for extra cash for grog.
And they pick on mainly women too, how's that for you SR.
One of the things we have to put up with for being white privileged.
Hang on a sec. When it was The Voice debate, you lot were overly vocal about us all being one country, one nation, etc etc, the voice creates division. WE'RE ALL AUSTRALIAN!!
I'm not sure i understand the sudden marginalization of Indigenous Australians to suit your agenda. It's either one or the other isn't it?

Farkin 'ell
- gashcam says:
'And they pick on mainly women too'
Well u better not go there or you'll get rolled ;)
- u are a solid piece o shit.
Wonder if you regard when fnp children were forcibly removed from fnp women as a simple case of 'they pick on mainly women too'.
- you're setting the bar low gashcam, and when I say you're a good for nothing cunt it's just an abbreviation for cunt head ;)
Fnp have 'welcome to country'.
- with you it's just 'welcome to cunt' ;);)
On ya bike u pig
- that organic goon grog has given u brain rot ;)

Anyway, wrong thread. Ashsam, instead of doubling down, i hope you might reflect that your views, and those above are at odds with how our society could be moving forward in a more enlightened way.

p.s: what JF said!
Eloquent and succinct Jelly ;-)

southernraw wrote:Anyway, wrong thread. Ashsam, instead of doubling down, i hope you might reflect that your views, and those above are at odds with how our society could be moving forward in a more enlightened way.
you need to get out in the country and see what's really going on

The conversation over the last page went as follows :
Me : the issue of DV is serious and worth discussing but it is being used by the MSM as distraction du jour.
Southern Raw : DV Is exploding in society! If you don’t talk about it you’re part of the problem.
Me : OK. Let’s talk about it. A certain section of the population is extremely, extremely over represented with rates of DV and violence against women and children. This cultural issue needs attention rather than the dismissal of focus which has only served to entrench the violence against women and children in those communities.
Southern Raw : Racist!!!!!!!!!! Why would you mention the disproportionate rates of DV by that certain subset of society ! Racist!
Do you understand? I’m not trying to antagonise you , Southern Raw. And I’ve said nothing racist. I come from a place that believes we should extinguish DV from our society to the best of our ability. I believe that saving the lives of women and children and trying to limit them as victims of violence is worth the potential discomfort of highlighting those responsible.
Don’t you agree?

Jelly Flater wrote:Farkin 'ell
- gashcam says:
'And they pick on mainly women too'Well u better not go there or you'll get rolled ;)
- u are a solid piece o shit.
Wonder if you regard when fnp children were forcibly removed from fnp women as a simple case of 'they pick on mainly women too'.
- you're setting the bar low gashcam, and when I say you're a good for nothing cunt it's just an abbreviation for cunt head ;)Fnp have 'welcome to country'.
- with you it's just 'welcome to cunt' ;);)On ya bike u pig
- that organic goon grog has given u brain rot ;)
lol no one uses the C word anymore in the real world, just internet trolls like you, showing your age belly fat.

- you're wrong there.
And showing your true association to the 'real world' ;)
& as usual
- u got nothing ;);)

&pp=ygUeYmlrZSByaWRlciBqZXN1cyBvbiBiYWNrIGNyYXNoCheer up old cunt ;)

Slackjawedyokel wrote:The conversation over the last page went as follows :
Me : the issue of DV is serious and worth discussing but it is being used by the MSM as distraction du jour.
Southern Raw : DV Is exploding in society! If you don’t talk about it you’re part of the problem.
Me : OK. Let’s talk about it. A certain section of the population is extremely, extremely over represented with rates of DV and violence against women and children. This cultural issue needs attention rather than the dismissal of focus which has only served to entrench the violence against women and children in those communities.
Southern Raw : Racist!!!!!!!!!! Why would you mention the disproportionate rates of DV by that certain subset of society ! Racist!
Do you understand? I’m not trying to antagonise you , Southern Raw. And I’ve said nothing racist. I come from a place that believes we should extinguish DV from our society to the best of our ability. I believe that saving the lives of women and children and trying to limit them as victims of violence is worth the potential discomfort of highlighting those responsible.
Don’t you agree?
Blowin the racist call had nothing to do with that part of the convo and i'm sure you are aware of where it came from.
In fact, bringing the indigenous aspect into the convo had nothing to do with me. I'm bemused by the mentality that still exists amongst some.
That aside, i get your points and they're valid points.
As Stu pointed out...Steer clear of that other bullshit though. No need for it.

ashsam wrote:southernraw wrote:Anyway, wrong thread. Ashsam, instead of doubling down, i hope you might reflect that your views, and those above are at odds with how our society could be moving forward in a more enlightened way.
you need to get out in the country and see what's really going on

@SR , what’s it like living in that huge city where you are ?

Supafreak wrote:@SR , what’s it like living in that huge city where you are ?
haha ;-)
The "I can't believe it's not politics" thread.