Australia - you're standing in it

There's been a lot of talk over Phasing / Branding of Daz Kommissare's Classes & Codes...
Crew might recall Govt (vs) www ( Paying for hot linking News Media )
Daz Kommissare Compliance Code > Penalty Units > Fines = www Stealth Tax
This are the Guidelines that Media / Groups refer to...
Dates they came into effect...
March 2021 Online Safety Act
23rd Jan 2022 eSafety Act
16 Dec 2023 Phase 1 Social Media (Reporting Period)
12 March 2024 Phase 1 Search Engines (Reporting Period)
Breaches are when Madge hears a teen say ...'Bloody' then dials [000] Daz Kommissare.
Ya got 24hrs to remove the the fines...(Tabled Below)
23rd Jan 2022 (Penalty Units / Fines)
Individual : 1 Penalty Unit = $2,644 > 100 Penalty Units = $22,000
(Failure to Act) 500 Penalty Units = $111,000
Body Corporate : 1 Penalty Unit = $13,320 > 100 Penalty Units = $111,000
(Failure to Act) 500 Penalty Units = $555,000
Notes :
Ya got 28 days to Pay
Failure to comply with 100 Penalty Units = 12months Imprisonment.
500 Penalty Units Maximum = A Current Affair
Fail the ACA Viewer's Poll > Freeview Detention Centre @ The Hague
No! The above Penalties are Not for committing an Act of Violence...that's still free!
These fines are for more horrific crimes of talking about Violence or airing it online.
Everyday Mass Genocide / Total City Annihilation / Footy / Bombing Raids are exempted...well durr!

Just a mild quote from esafety guidelines:
Example of online gendered hate:
Something as simple as suggesting men are "disadvantaged by feminisim" - i.e. noting that some promotions appeared to be influenced by affirmative action policies - which is the intention.
But then, I read more and more examples of gendered hate in the guide and became very aware that virtually every reference to gendered hate had the male as the perpetrator.
I think we should report the esafety web site to the esafety commissioner for gendered online hate because their web site stereotypes males as dangerous and violent.
Sort of joking but sort of not. Read this and see if you feel some hate and a little sick in the stomach as to where things are going.

Frog that's really sad that all the perps are male in their examples.

Albo simply cannot stop lying. He doesn’t know how to stop lying.
Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie……and everything that goes into his mouth is a dick.
Largest number of temporary visas in Australia’s history!
2.4 million not including true holiday makers!
No one mentions this impact on housing/environment/ water / transport / infrastructure/ health etc etc. It’s as though these 2.4 million people don’t exist here.
1 in every 30 people in Australia right now is here on a temporary visa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Media only ever talks about permanent

Albo said this on 12th December 2021…..and he’s worried about misinformation and lying! Lolol

Albo's plan for a huge solar panel industry in Australia may be a form of misinformation given market realities...
"The Biden Administration has raised alarm about China's massive investment in factory capacity for clean energy goods"
"China is already hammering factories in Europe"
A plan with chance or misleading spin?
Its tough out there.

frog wrote:Albo's plan for a huge solar panel industry in Australia may be a form of misinformation given market realities...
"The Biden Administration has raised alarm about China's massive investment in factory capacity for clean energy goods"
"China is already hammering factories in Europe"
A plan with chance or misleading spin?
Its tough out there.
I dont know how anyone with half a brain can believe Australia could ever produce solar panels that could compete with imported ones from places like China, China can now produce cheap high quality products.
Only market would be for those that want to spend much more to support a local made product, that market isnt big when it comes down to $$$.
Otherwise we would have to put huge tariffs on the imports or ban import panels altogether,(or huge subsides) all unlikely to happen and even if they did it would just mean any panels on the market be it from China or local made would be much more expensive than now, which would only mean less people putting panel's on their roofs and less capacity.
We want the exact opposite, we want more people to put panels on roofs and more capacity and this is happening our take up rate is the highest per captia in the world
BTW. Panels are also an item with low shipping cost as pack perfectly (no wasted space)

I think its called 'energy security'
and, whilst it might be a bit fanciful and about 20 year too late...
I think its one of the smarter moves old uncle elmer albo has done

...interesting some of the war talk getting around over last couple of weeks...
from UK, EU, US etc. etc.
seems our reliance on china may finally be coming to an end (much to the disdain if a bunch of treasonous billionaires..)
forced... rather than any wisdom from our hapless and hopeless leaders...
the end of 'the end of history' is here

+1 for energy security
not so much end of history sypkan but just a return to the cold war with two separate economic systems
no doubt the Chinese can make the solar cheapest with the scale, harder to deliver if blocaded.

Fck China.
They’re no friends of ours. We can remain polite if all the stars align but if push comes to shove…..
Our political systems are at odds. We don’t appreciate their system and they don’t respect ours.
Luckily for Xi we have Albo and his LNP replacement pushing our society as far towards the Hahn model as possible without the population lifting their attention from the Higgins / Lerhmann affair*
* Substitute whichever exaggerated current thing. Looks to be domestic violence in the spotlight.

Slackjawedyokel wrote:Fck China.
They’re no friends of ours. We can remain polite if all the stars align but if push comes to shove…..
Our political systems are at odds. We don’t appreciate their system and they don’t respect ours.
Luckily for Xi we have Albo and his LNP replacement pushing our society as far towards the Hahn model as possible without the population lifting their attention from the Higgins / Lerhmann affair*
* Substitute whichever exaggerated current thing. Looks to be domestic violence in the spotlight.
Less than 3 weeks post male slaughtering numerous females in a shopping mall, and you reckon it's a bit of tokenism being in the spotlight? Reckon there's not an epidemic of men hurting and killing women? Stamp that attitude out. If you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem, and comments like that are a huge part of the problem.

Nope. It’s another distraction. The idea is for reactionary and overly emotive people like yourself to light up like a Roman candle at suggestions that the domestic violence issue is not the most prominent issue of our times. Your role is to demand that dominant headlines devoted to DV should overshadow any other topic. That’s how the MSM works.
It’s not just about censorship. It’s just as much about distracting the population from the most serious topics that the powerful don’t want the public to address.
Of course DV is a serious issue. But it’s not the most pressing issue of our time. Nor is the Higgins affair,
If the MSM was serious about DV they would note the demographic responsibile for the vast, vast majority of DV crimes. Of course our modern Wrongthink regime already prohibits me from mentioning the culprits. No doubt you already know what I’m talking about but you’ll blame me as the messenger for raising the issue- that-we-dare-not-mention. If you are serious about personally remedying DV issues then I suggest you find the statistics revealing which communities have the biggest DV problem. A problem which dwarfs those found in any other sector of Australian society
But anyway….excess deaths in Australia from…..? ( no one seems to want to look too hard into it ) are double the deaths in the war in Gaza and many, many, many, many , many , many multiples of DV deaths but instead we are many to focus on what the MSM demands we focus.

As for this rubbish :
“Stamp that attitude out. If you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem, and comments like that are a huge part of the problem.”
No ,mate. I’m not “ part of the problem”. I’ve not defended or mitigated DV. You are on the wrong track.

How's it rubbish?? You're writing off the political agenda as if it appears in a vaccuum.
The political ramifications are a quantifiable measure of the community voice of disapproval and the fact women DONT feel they are safe nor have a voice being heard.
It should be our primary focus right now in the political landscape.
As for China, i'm assuming you're referring to the Chinese political landscape and not chinese people or their culture as a whole??

sypkan wrote:^^^
I think its called 'energy security'
and, whilst it might be a bit fanciful and about 20 year too late...
I think its one of the smarter moves old uncle elmer albo has done
Having solar panel's as an individual is energy security and you can use the energy security argument for producing thing's like fuels but not really solar.
For instance if tomorrow we somehow became isolated from the rest of the world or China, we would be up shit creek without all kinds of of things very quickly like fuels or medicines etc but solar panels arent something you need until they need replacing.
And at the moment very few people are going to buy an Australian made solar panel that could cost twice the price and if you are company providing solar system's you want to provide the system where you get the best bang for buck, providing Australian made at a higher price would be a niche market.
And even if somehow Australia could produce pannels at a competitive price to those currently on the market, China made panel's probably have lots of room to move and go, okay well we will drop our prices to ensure we keep our market share.
Without some serious security provided by the government like huge subsidies or tariffs on imports, it would be very risky to start a company producing them.
Things like wind turbines might be different as they are a specialty product and shipping id expect high cost per item.
Everyone wants stuff made in Australia and its a popular narrative that both left and right love hence why political parties suggest it all the time even One nation focus on it, but the reality is its rarely realistic to manufacture things in Australia.

southernraw wrote:How's it rubbish?? You're writing off the political agenda as if it appears in a vaccuum.
The political ramifications are a quantifiable measure of the community voice of disapproval and the fact women DONT feel they are safe nor have a voice being heard.
It should be our primary focus right now in the political landscape.
As for China, i'm assuming you're referring to the Chinese political landscape and not chinese people or their culture as a whole??
What bs, have a look at the 2 guys in the last week, you wouldn’t want your daughter anywhere near them netherlone in a relationship with them. I don’t know any women that are not safe, the media making out like it’s all men out there and you have fallen for it.

@ashsam i barely watch or read any media.
I do know alot of women. It aint b.s mate.

Females are at a consistently lower risk of homicide than males.
Talk that violence against women should be the "primary focus right now in the political landscape" seems misguided.
In the study I'm looking at, spanning the whole of the 1990s, of 3045 homicide victims, 63% were male.
Moreover, the study (written by a woman in case it matters) states that "the likelihood of a woman being killed by a male stranger is very slight."
Any thought that women are being hunted down and bashed or murdered in the streets seems hysterical.

southernraw wrote:@ashsam i barely watch or read any media.
I do know alot of women. It aint b.s mate.
Well you must of read or seen enough to know what’s happened recently.
So how many that you know are not safe?

What’s the rubbish about a voice not being heard, you seem fixated on everyone having a voice.
Blame the judiciary system for letting these guys out on bail , the one at Dubbo court was a female judge.

So women are murdering men @andyM? I don't understand the relevance of that post.
As for 'hunting women down', i never suggested that was the case.
Obviously domestic violence is the issue, the Sydney shopping mall attack just clearly highlight the fact so many women are victims to male aggression.
I think as males, especially white priveleged ones, it's our duty to be proactive in being strong voices to ensure this is a primary focus of ours (white males) in our own backyards.
Pretty sure we all agree on that, and if some don't, maybe a good time to reflect on it
Anyway, that's my 2c worth and i'll leave it at that.

@ashsam, you're making assumptions...and being kinda rude.

southernraw wrote:How's it rubbish?? You're writing off the political agenda as if it appears in a vaccuum.
The political ramifications are a quantifiable measure of the community voice of disapproval and the fact women DONT feel they are safe nor have a voice being heard.
It should be our primary focus right now in the political landscape.
As for China, i'm assuming you're referring to the Chinese political landscape and not chinese people or their culture as a whole??
Hey SR
I'm with you mate.
It is a big thing, and to write off the whole Higgins shitfuckery as a distraction is naive. Political cover up of a rape.
Some commentators on this thread have gone too far down some right wing rabbit hole where there is an element of truth but then delusion.
Anyway all the best.

southernraw wrote:So women are murdering men @andyM? I don't understand the relevance of that post.
As for 'hunting women down', i never suggested that was the case.
Obviously domestic violence is the issue, the Sydney shopping mall attack just clearly highlight the fact so many women are victims to male aggression.
I think as males, especially white priveleged ones, it's our duty to be proactive in being strong voices to ensure this is a primary focus of ours (white males) in our own backyards.
Pretty sure we all agree on that, and if some don't, maybe a good time to reflect on it
Anyway, that's my 2c worth and i'll leave it at that.
Sydney was not domestic violence the guy was a mental nut case, what’s all the white privileged bs, go have a look at the figures on men aboriginal domestic violence and come back to us.
Or what they do to kids.
But that’s ok they were here first.
Get on that bandwagon SR.

ashsam wrote:southernraw wrote:So women are murdering men @andyM? I don't understand the relevance of that post.
As for 'hunting women down', i never suggested that was the case.
Obviously domestic violence is the issue, the Sydney shopping mall attack just clearly highlight the fact so many women are victims to male aggression.
I think as males, especially white priveleged ones, it's our duty to be proactive in being strong voices to ensure this is a primary focus of ours (white males) in our own backyards.
Pretty sure we all agree on that, and if some don't, maybe a good time to reflect on it
Anyway, that's my 2c worth and i'll leave it at that.Sydney was not domestic violence the guy was a mental nut case, what’s all the white privileged bs, go have a look at the figures on men aboriginal domestic violence and come back to us.
Or what they do to kids.
But that’s ok they were here first.
Get on that bandwagon SR.
So if a white fella, mental health.
A tanned fella, terrorist!
Btw any religious extremism is a mental health issue in my view...

@andymac, cheers mate.
You've always been one of the good guys with a heart of gold.
All the best back.

andy-mac wrote:ashsam wrote:southernraw wrote:So women are murdering men @andyM? I don't understand the relevance of that post.
As for 'hunting women down', i never suggested that was the case.
Obviously domestic violence is the issue, the Sydney shopping mall attack just clearly highlight the fact so many women are victims to male aggression.
I think as males, especially white priveleged ones, it's our duty to be proactive in being strong voices to ensure this is a primary focus of ours (white males) in our own backyards.
Pretty sure we all agree on that, and if some don't, maybe a good time to reflect on it
Anyway, that's my 2c worth and i'll leave it at that.Sydney was not domestic violence the guy was a mental nut case, what’s all the white privileged bs, go have a look at the figures on men aboriginal domestic violence and come back to us.
Or what they do to kids.
But that’s ok they were here first.
Get on that bandwagon SR.So if a white fella, mental health.
A tanned fella, terrorist!
Btw any religious extremism is a mental health issue in my view...
Sure, the white fella could have been but they would have found something on him, where as the tanned fella had a trail of being brainwashed.
Originally I didn’t say but I was referring to the 2 girls killed by partners this week, not the Bondi and western Sydney attacks.
I reckon that Bondi guy just went for women cause they were easier target, he shouldn’t have been allowed to walk that shopping centre for 15 mins stabbing people without some guys taking him down.

southernraw wrote:So women are murdering men @andyM? I don't understand the relevance of that post.
As for 'hunting women down', i never suggested that was the case.
Obviously domestic violence is the issue, the Sydney shopping mall attack just clearly highlight the fact so many women are victims to male aggression.
I think as males, especially white priveleged ones, it's our duty to be proactive in being strong voices to ensure this is a primary focus of ours (white males) in our own backyards.
Pretty sure we all agree on that, and if some don't, maybe a good time to reflect on it
Anyway, that's my 2c worth and i'll leave it at that.
I never mentioned women murdering men, I'm not sure what you're on about.
As for your statement that "the Sydney shopping mall attack just clearly highlight the fact so many women are victims to male aggression", I don't really follow you.
The vast majority of women know the perpetrator and are assaulted in a home, so I'm not sure how the Bondi Junction situation relates to that.
As for introducing race to this discussion, well, again I'm not sure where you're coming from.

"...Having solar panel's as an individual is energy security and you can use the energy security argument for producing thing's like fuels but not really solar.
For instance if tomorrow we somehow became isolated from the rest of the world or China, we would be up shit creek without all kinds of of things very quickly like fuels or medicines etc but solar panels arent something you need until they need replacing..."
the thing is indo - whether you love it or hate it - the current government has gone all in on renewables... therefore much of the connecting infrastructure, transport, and back ups, are going to be reliant on solar panels...
if we build our whole society around this - which we are - and suddenly the china solar panel tap stops... we're fucked!
hence, needing a capacity to build them in austalia
= energy security
"...And at the moment very few people are going to buy an Australian made solar panel that could cost twice the price and if you are company providing solar system's you want to provide the system where you get the best bang for buck, providing Australian made at a higher price would be a niche market..."
not if there is literally no supply from china...
be it due to war, a sttategic move from china, or sanctions imposed on china...
that last one is what an EU dude was talking about on abc this morning...
sanctions - basically saying the EU can longer facilitate open trade with china due to the ukraine war - as china is filtering its profits, resources, weapons, and tech. back to russia... to aid the war with the EU / NATO...
a bit of a 'pig iron bob' by proxy moment going on
and the belated realisation / outright denial chickens have finally come home to roost...
competitivness, subsidies, and tariffs simply will not matter
well, subsidies might...
it's called funding a war
seems the time for hypotheticals is over...
rishi sunak's speech was about as blunt as it gets

Solar is hardly feasable now, fit is hardly anything back so unless you are home all day using it up not worth it.
My last bill was similar than before I had solar installed 7 years ago, 5.4kw system.
Every country including us that has gone in on solar and wind has higher energy prices.
Go figure.

I’m not sold on EVs yet, is this a better option ?

Supafreak wrote:I’m not sold on EVs yet, is this a better option ?
What about this Supa? Been seen driving around Sydney this week.

Southern Raw
"Reckon there's not an epidemic of men hurting and killing women?"
According to the stats provided by the ABS, there's been a decline in the rate of physical violence against women between 2005 and 2022.

sypkan wrote:"...Having solar panel's as an individual is energy security and you can use the energy security argument for producing thing's like fuels but not really solar.
For instance if tomorrow we somehow became isolated from the rest of the world or China, we would be up shit creek without all kinds of of things very quickly like fuels or medicines etc but solar panels arent something you need until they need replacing..."
the thing is indo - whether you love it or hate it - the current government has gone all in on renewables... therefore much of the connecting infrastructure, transport, and back ups, are going to be reliant on solar panels...
if we build our whole society around this - which we are - and suddenly the china solar panel tap stops... we're fucked!
hence, needing a capacity to build them in austalia
= energy security
"...And at the moment very few people are going to buy an Australian made solar panel that could cost twice the price and if you are company providing solar system's you want to provide the system where you get the best bang for buck, providing Australian made at a higher price would be a niche market..."
not if there is literally no supply from china...
be it due to war, a sttategic move from china, or sanctions imposed on china...
that last one is what an EU dude was talking about on abc this morning...
sanctions - basically saying the EU can longer facilitate open trade with china due to the ukraine war - as china is filtering its profits, resources, weapons, and tech. back to russia... to aid the war with the EU / NATO...
a bit of a 'pig iron bob' by proxy moment going on
and the belated realisation / outright denial chickens have finally come home to roost...
competitivness, subsidies, and tariffs simply will not matter
well, subsidies might...
it's called funding a war
seems the time for hypotheticals is over...
rishi sunak's speech was about as blunt as it gets
If something really went down and trade stopped with China, solar panels are going to be at the bottom of the list of concerns.

SR has an agenda against white privaliged males when it comes to women and Abo’s.
Stats won’t help him.

conflating bondi with DV has got to be one of the dumbest political moves ever
not to mention the warped stats some are jumping on to fulfill this 'epidemic' narrative...
take out the 5 chicks from from the stats from what was clearly a 'massacre', go back to using 12 months as a measure instead of 3...
and if there is still an evident 'epidemic' blowout I might start listening
it's just the same old misandrist red meat for the faithful
none of that means I don't care
it just means they are going about it all wrong if they actually want to bring people into their choir

ashsam wrote:Supafreak wrote:I’m not sold on EVs yet, is this a better option ?
What about this Supa? Been seen driving around Sydney this week.
They failed to mention price tag . I can only imagine what musk would be asking.

Supafreak wrote:I’m not sold on EVs yet, is this a better option ?
Ive gone down this EV Vs Hydrogen cars rabbit hole on Youtube before unless something has drastically changed most say its the other way around, i can't remember why, will have to revisit it.

"If something really went down and trade stopped with China, solar panels are going to be at the bottom of the list of concerns."
not if we've already transitioned the whole of our economy, transport, tech, military, and infrastructure...
you need to take a little longer view
like china do...

Supafreak wrote:ashsam wrote:Supafreak wrote:I’m not sold on EVs yet, is this a better option ?
What about this Supa? Been seen driving around Sydney this week.
They failed to mention price tag . I can only imagine what musk would be asking.
If you click on order now shows in $US, $57-96k, not too bad lol Rams are $150k here.
Know a plumber that just spent $120k on a new Toyota 70 series dual cab.

ashsam wrote:SR has an agenda against white privaliged males when it comes to women and Abo’s.
Stats won’t help him.
Would it have killed you to write aboriginals. Geez!

seeds wrote:ashsam wrote:SR has an agenda against white privaliged males when it comes to women and Abo’s.
Stats won’t help him.Would it have killed you to write aboriginals. Geez!
Was going to say something regarding that, but thought better let through to keeper. But yeah words matter...

seeds wrote:ashsam wrote:SR has an agenda against white privaliged males when it comes to women and Abo’s.
Stats won’t help him.Would it have killed you to write aboriginals. Geez!
Serious it’s just a shortened name, not anything racist on my behalf, you offended at being called whitey instead of white man/fella.
Grows some and stop falling for wokeism.
Isn’t it indigenous not Aboriginal for the wokers anyway?

No it’s not, you fart in an elevator. It’s a shortened, derogatory and racist word that was and still used by odious people like you.

people call others a fing C on here but that’s ok, but say the A word oh no.

There isn’t a conversation starting here. Onya bike cunt.

There you go lol hypocrite
The "I can't believe it's not politics" thread.