Australia - you're standing in it

‘You cannot protect women whilst actively protecting patriarchy, settler colonialism and state violence’
— Lisa (@Lisa9Sophia) April 28, 2024
What exactly are these protestors saying? And what is the solution they’re asking for?

Albo showing he is a bully and an ignorant pig.
Imagine bullying the head of the protest in front of everyone and putting her in tears…moron.

^^ and jebus wept

Albo caught out once again blatantly lying, what a piece of absolute trash, i hope this story blows up and doesn't get ignored.
But sadly it seems only one news outlet has covered it so far.

GuySmiley wrote:^^ and jebus wept
Go back under your rock

Albo’s behaviour could be construed as gendered emotional violence if he was in possession of a few Y chromosomes.
But seriously… this point is there any real difference between Albo and Scott Morrison?

Optimist calls it "bullying", Indo who usually wants to run over protestors believes the head protestor implicitly.
Can't help but think there's something else at play here...

Definitely a sense of deja vu developing about scommoalbo.
Apparently he has 11 media advisers and so he would be punchdrunk with spin and barely have an original thought or natural instinct left.

indo-dreaming wrote:Albo caught out once again blatantly lying, what a piece of absolute trash, i hope this story blows up and doesn't get ignored.
But sadly it seems only one news outlet has covered it so far.
Sarah was just on Ben Fordham show on 2GB, he also told her was the PM he can do what he wants.

frog wrote:Definitely a sense of deja vu developing about scommoalbo.
Apparently he has 11 media advisers and so he would be punchdrunk with spin and barely have an original thought or natural instinct left.
You just regurgitate anything Murdoch media writes huh? Two hours ago they post that story, then it appears here ostensibly as 'your thought'.
And as for ScomoAlbo, I find much more similarity between Scomo and you, and Scomo and SJY.
When women protested violence, old Scomo reminded them they were lucky they weren't being shot, and in this thread despicable posts make the same justification.
"You uppity wimmin don't know how good you've got it."
The words of a small man.
For God's sake, last page you even defended the "men bad" narrative. You really feel that persecuted, mate?
Small, small man...

stunet wrote:Optimist calls it "bullying", Indo who usually wants to run over protestors believes the head protestor implicitly.
Can't help but think there's something else at play here...
I dont recall wanting protesters run over but I do believe the public should have a legal right to use physical force to remove illegal protestor's who block roads and other types of access.
Protesters that have a legal peaceful protest ideally with permits are very different to illegal protest that purposely aim at inconveniencing and antagonising the public.

indo-dreaming wrote:stunet wrote:Optimist calls it "bullying", Indo who usually wants to run over protestors believes the head protestor implicitly.
Can't help but think there's something else at play here...
I dont recall wanting protesters run over but I do believe the public should have a legal right to use physical force to remove illegal protestor's who block roads and other types of access.
Protesters that have a legal peaceful protest ideally with permits are very different to illegal protest that purposely aim at inconveniencing and antagonising the public.
Don't be obtuse. At every turn you've demeaned and undermined the politics, decisions, and lifestyle choices of protestors, particularly those protesting social issues. Yet here, without knowing that lady nor the backstory, you believe her implicitly.
And why do you believe her...? Because she had a cross word with Albo.
Get what I'm saying..?

So we have 27 women killed in violent circumstances (=murdered) to date this year and we are arguing about semantics and political optics.? Ask the women in your life how they feel. Sheesh.

blackers wrote:So we have 27 women killed in violent circumstances (=murdered) to date this year and we are arguing about semantics and political optics.? Ask the women in your life how they feel. Sheesh.
It's astonishing, isn't it?

Optimist wrote:Albo showing he is a bully and an ignorant pig.
Imagine bullying the head of the protest in front of everyone and putting her in tears…moron.
Was going to write it would be interesting to see the background of the women. Maybe sincerely upset, or maybe a plant to make Albo look bad? Conspiracy?? Would not put it past LNP, One Nation mob etc.
If you think that Dutton and the alternative are better, you are deluded.
At least Albo was there, Scomo was telling em how lucky they were they weren't being shot. With Dutton and crew, we'll be probably looking at Handmaid's Tale scenario and he would have sent in the riot squad to break it up. Ok maybe exaggerating, but crikey there is a concerted media effort going on to make Albo look bad and it does seem to be succeeding.
Careful what you wish for with a Dutton led govt.

Mmmm.... that response (attack) is more than a little personal. Nice way to treat your paying customers.
Way over the top.
I can live without swellnet. Membership to be cancelled shortly.

Will add that any violence towards women is abhorrent.

frog wrote:Stu,
Mmmm.... that response (attack) is more than a little personal. Nice way to treat your paying customers.
Way over the top.
I can live without swellnet. Membership to be cancelled shortly.
no surprise considering the filth they allow from members on here, especially in the religion forum

frog wrote:Stu,
Mmmm.... that response (attack) is more than a little personal. Nice way to treat your paying customers.
Way over the top.
I can live without swellnet. Membership to be cancelled shortly.
Gladly, Contact Ben or myself. We'll reimburse you what's owing.

Special mention to @sippy for posting that unhinged X account this morning ….. but like pigs swilling in shit great for those who deny climate, are pro nuclear, anti Labor and you guessed it defenders of Musk and Trump …. and chow down the usual suspects did.
Great comment @blackers

“ So we have 27 women killed in violent circumstances (=murdered) to date this year and we are arguing about semantics and political optics.? Ask the women in your life how they feel. Sheesh.”
^ spot on blackers

A quick note to commenters:
Being a subscriber doesn't put you above the level of general decency. There's a fine line between free speech, irony, healthy debate, and indulging hate under the cloak of the above. Reluctant as I am, I'm gonna have to watch this much more closely.
I had a busy weekend and couldn't be online much but some of the posts were fucking appalling. If you made any defence of domestic violence over 'bad stats', 'media hype', or 'political bandwagoning' then please consider it your last.

stunet wrote:A quick note to commenters:
Being a subscriber doesn't put you above the level of general decency. There's a fine line between free speech, irony, healthy debate, and indulging hate under the cloak of the above. Reluctant as I am, I'm gonna have to watch this much more closely.
I had a busy weekend and couldn't be online much but some of the posts were fucking appalling. If you made any defence of domestic violence over 'bad stats', 'media hype', or 'political bandwagoning' then please consider it your last.
Bloody oath. Well said Stu.

Just to clarify, in no way am I defending domestic violence, that should go without saying.
In fact I explicitly pointed out that women have major issues with domestic violence, that is quite clear through any metric you wish to use.
I just think it would be helpful to walk the discussion back a step further and ask where this violence comes from, as opposed to a Nancy Reagan approach of "just say no".

GuySmiley wrote:Special mention to @sippy for posting that unhinged X account this morning ….. but like pigs swilling in shit great for those who deny climate, are pro nuclear, anti Labor and you guessed it defenders of Musk and Trump …. and chow down the usual suspects did.
Great comment @blackers
GuySmiley. Hi mate. Have been enjoying your musings of late, including this. Good stuff.
Looks like we have ourselves a ‘Frog Off’. AW

x2 Andy.

AndyM wrote:Just to clarify, in no way am I defending domestic violence, that should go without saying.
In fact I explicitly pointed out that women have major issues with domestic violence, that is quite clear through any metric you wish to use.
I just think it would be helpful to walk the discussion back a step further and ask where this violence comes from, as opposed to a Nancy Reagan approach of "just say no".
All good. I understand the point.
As I've mentioned on here before, a family member started up R U OK Day. In its early throes, R U OK was criticised for various reasons: being shallow, not addressing cause, etc etc etc..but the point missed by those critics, and some on this issue too, is that we have a big social problem, it's kinda mysterious in its roots and causes, not to mention how complex humans are, so therefore society needs many tools to counter the issue. Some people will respond to one campaign, others to another. It all helps.
Violence is similar. People might sneer at the grandstanding, undermine action for any manner of reasons, but whatever it takes to bring attention to the matter is worthy as humans are friggen complex and it's a complex problem.

""News Corp is not a legitimate news organisation. It masquerades as one in order to deceive its audiences into voting for parties that serve the interests of the mega-rich. It lies, fabricates and distorts routinely.
This has been proven in Australia, the UK and the USA by countless court judgments, defamation settlements, parliamentary inquiries, academic research, independent fact checks, press council adjudications, media investigations and others.
As long as it continues to operate in Australia, the nation will be all the poorer.""


@AndyM your posts didn't come across as defending DV from my perspective.

Whilst we cool down a bit and assess how hurtful so called free speech can be.
Take time to reflect on a matter with many similarities.
How about we extend this discussion to pull in or call out the minority on here who without fail, have to throw barbs or insulting comments about aboriginal people on a consistent and regular basis. I’ve simply had enough.
Take the time to assess their circumstances and better understand our nationally embarrassing situation and to how and why they got there in the first place.
It’s about time to look over the edge of privilege and entitlement and seek a better future for all.
We’ve put them in that situation. Don’t you get it !! AW

"I just think it would be helpful to walk the discussion back a step further and ask where this violence comes from, as opposed to a Nancy Reagan approach of "just say no""
the current canpaign is so mindless and blunt it is bewildering
and, very likely is feeding the very thing they seem most concerned about, ie. the incels and tates
whilst I don't accept there is anything remotely resembling an 'epidemic' ... I do accept there is a new kid in town re. misogyny
screaming at the majority for the ills of an outright minority seems kinda counter productive to me, and just drives the divide wider ...and the weirder, weirder...
'the culture' they want to change is an absolute subset, get a bit wiser
but nah, division, blaming and belittling is easier...

^^^ sooooo, why post mindless X accounts and how is that helpful to an informed debate?

because albo is trotting out the same mindless rubbish instead of 'informed debate'
plus he's a lying prick
and, I take some schadenfreude in watching the bumbling fool walk into into a political disaster due to his own sheer desperation...
seems it was a wall of resentment he stumbled into purely due to his abysmal poll numbers
&list=PLn2RjxYNpcayY0zHjGoj0zNq-msE32bsO&index=2&pp=iAQBthe dude's always MIA when and where it matters
he looks more and more like morrison every day...

and, why not post it?
it was a pretty signifiant political moment...
where the 'good guy' made a chick cry
at a women's rally!
you would not hold back if it was morrison...
you'd be going harder than ever

I grew up in a house with DV so have first hand experience.
Bit of a long story but will post it if anyone is seriously interested, don't want to get trashed or looking for sympathy though.

sypkan wrote:and, why not post it?
it was a pretty signifiant political moment...
where the 'good guy' made a chick cry
at a women's rally!
you would not hold back if it was morrison...
you'd be going harder than ever
you can hear her version here.

^^^ notwithstanding the pisstake factor not sure how that X account nor any of its pet causes could be remotely defended by the very same standards you are holding the PM to, it seems your ideological bias is on display again @sippy

Gee whiz….lots of foaming at the mouth simply because their Marxist pin up boy showed his true colours …..and at a women’s rally…
....Albo just blew himself up and with that the greens as well.
Truth is surely a beautiful thing when it shows its lovely face…
.He didn’t even care when that woman started crying from humiliation even when her friends surrounded her…….oh but it’s a conspiracy….ha ha…that’s really funny.
Richard Marles would be a better choice anyway and if labor was smart they’d cut Albo loose…..he’s a smiling con man and a fraud and he just proved it.

southernraw wrote:@AndyM your posts didn't come across as defending DV from my perspective.
Thanks mate, appreciate it.

^^^ …and speaking of ideological bias and the irony of @opti speaking of truth for jebus sake, swill away ….

Haha yep ;)
- the flopti levels of hypocrisy and ignorance are all time.
At least he's still a pioneer of legitimacy and 'truth' hahaha
- and still numba 1 lawd fraud body surf skater extraordinaire ;);)

sypkan wrote:well that went well...
what a terrible look
Serious question here for anyone who knows.
Have rewatched clip and wondering why into the section of the speech Albo brings up not being invited. What's the back story as he seemed to be going ok and then brings up that he wasn't invited when she then states that's a lie.
What's the story and precursor?

not sure if this helps @ andy-mac?

Haha, we had Scomo the liar and now we have Albo the liar.

stunet wrote:frog wrote:Definitely a sense of deja vu developing about scommoalbo.
Apparently he has 11 media advisers and so he would be punchdrunk with spin and barely have an original thought or natural instinct left.
You just regurgitate anything Murdoch media writes huh? Two hours ago they post that story, then it appears here ostensibly as 'your thought'.
And as for ScomoAlbo, I find much more similarity between Scomo and you, and Scomo and SJY.
When women protested violence, old Scomo reminded them they were lucky they weren't being shot, and in this thread despicable posts make the same justification.
"You uppity wimmin don't know how good you've got it."
The words of a small man.
For God's sake, last page you even defended the "men bad" narrative. You really feel that persecuted, mate?
Small, small man...
I was going to let Stu's insults / abuse towards me disappear into the night. But no, given the topic has drifted into the recent news on abuse and DV, they need to be called out.
My major contribution to this thread was not on DV but was to point out ABS statistics that can be summarised as "Women were about as likely as men to experience emotional abuse by a current partner (6.1% compared with 5.2%)." On the whole they were pretty mild, balanced and middle of the road posts as is generally my way.
Now, as someone who has for over 3 decades living with a partner who has severe bi-polar disorder and major depression, a sharp mind, plus a hair trigger temper, this data on the usually hidden behind closed doors forms of abuse is more than a statistic for me, it is lived experience.
Through thick and thin I have supported her and had a mostly happy marriage. But, behind closed doors, no-one but my children and I know the troubles I we have seen.
I have stood in the hallway, arms at my side, with her fists punching hard on my chest until she gave up and wept. I have many times (20+ times - lost count) searched carparks and walked along beaches late at night after receiving suicidal texts.. I have spent decades being the shield absorbing the periodic temper snap abuse or just the draining depressing bad times when she was deeply in depressed so as to let my children live a mostly normal life.
At multiple times over my life, if asked the question R U OK the answer would have been "not really".
Mostly life is good. Mostly the medications work. The ice, however, is always thin. It often breaks for a short while and we have to struggle to get her back on firmer ground.
In the end, for those who may be interested, choosing to be stoic, for me, has been the most practical solution to get on with life rather than try to untangle what is a very complex disorder. In my view, elements of stoicism are a sounder path through life for a man than much of the "get vulnerable" meme promoted so often today.
The points I made on this recent part of the thread has been that both women and men face serious struggles in their relationships with real consequences. DV is heavily skewed one way of course. But male suicide rates are a bleak reminder that these issues can be life threatening in their own way for men.
For that, I copped a very personal attack from an employee of swellnet and someone who is supposed to be a moderator of discussion - not an inflamer.
So Stu, maybe before you get on a rant and personally attack individuals on forums, pause and think of what I have written above. You knew nothing of me or my circumstances and my posts were very much on the milder side relative to most in this thread.

basesix wrote:not sure if this helps @ andy-mac?
Cheers @base6
Clear as mud. haha
Seems lack of communication more than anything, but not a great look.
Anyway thanks for posting.

the irony of albo calling musk an ego maniac is next level...
sells himself as man of the people
his actions are the exact opposite...
every single time he is tested

poor look indeed @andy, seems a bozo move, whatever the communications were, to make a chucking-under-the-bus virtue-signal in front of organisers and people who were mid emotive event.
The "I can't believe it's not politics" thread.