Climate Change

Funny, but brutal.

Greta is just an attention seeker who's skipped too many school days to go to protests etc.
She's not going away anytime soon. Just got detained twice at Hague it seems.

Gosh , Twice at The Hague .
Looks like Greta is not going Away , but coming Out , doubly and turning into a real handful , 4 the Dutch .
Greta at least is willing 2 make a sacrifice , 4 what she believes in .
She travels Coach .
She is different from the Rest , and I like her Spirit , 4 sure .
She wouldn't touch a Dutch Masterpiece imho .
I only mentioned her on the Politics thread this morning .

What do we really see!
Climate Change Media Hoax of Fake Poster Girl Arrests...
The more tbb sees the less he believes Greta has ever once been charged for a crime!
Started noticing these endless promos of Pin Up Cops brutalizing our Blue Planet Martyr...
Only it all looks too perfect...don't it now!
Check Wiki and nothing is said of Arrests > Charges...
tbb is not alone in calling out this Climate Change Protest Hoax.
Be like arrest me & me...Why ya always gotta arrest Greta...Life Sux!...We got no chance!
Here they come...they look meaner and tougher than ever...better watch out little girl...look away gromz!
Storybook Macho Village People Cops manhandling & probing our Blue Planet High Priestess
Media Scrum be like...That one looks too puny & a bit ugly...(Refuse to pay the Mayor for this Woke Cop!)
Emergency! Can we please get a more butch looking Cop! Said Now FFS...Just wait there sorry!
How about a double bluff...
World Trend 24 [Trending] ( OMG how did tbb end up in a Double Bluff! )
{ How Many Times has Greta Thunberg been Arrested? }
Think tbb just asked that & probably deserves too deep now!
Like why did our lazy crew never get their hands glad ya didn't coz now we're all hooked!
Drool is dripping...lapping this up!
Ya all wanna know...don't ya!
Well guess what...tbb did all the hard yards so refuses to share any Good Cop Bad Cop Greta Crisis!
Can find out for yerselves...
Wow! Luvin' this new mean arse tbb...
He's on some Fake Fake Climate Protest Arrests's like he don't care about Greta's Planet B!
Now approaching Punk Ethic Era Greta...
tbb Salutes Greta's crafty tattered Punk Sign of the Times...
Not long ago these Junk Cardboard signs looked the part.
Starting to think this is an art form...if so then...well, there's only one place for it then!
Greta's masterpiece will get hung in The Louvre & a Climate Denier will Splosh it with Tofu...that's Punk!
[Disclaimer] tbb once punked out a Schools Friday Rally / March!
Seriously! Gromz said ya need a Sign for the March Hodad!
Said I got a { SICK NOTE }
tbb Marched, proudly displaying a Crumpled Foolscap { SICK NOTE }
OMG did the Gromz / Camera Dudes laugh at the real deal!
Is that Hodad taking the Piss...why the fuck not!
Recall that was Scomo's request...A proper Grown Up officially excuses the Renegade Gromz March!

More net zero plans weirdness. New meme for the soup throwers? - "Just stop EVs"
Bloomberg headline:
"EVs Head for Junkyard as Mechanic Shortage Inflates Repair Costs
Insurers are totaling battery-powered cars with minimal damage because fixing them doesn’t add up."
Note that usually even minor damage to the huge battery under each car requires a total battery replacement if you are to not void insurance policies and stay safe. If the water seal protecting the battery is in some way damaged, the risk of water plus lithium fireworks is too high.
Note also that AI / cloud data centres are expected to add the equivalent of Germany + France in electricity demand by 2030. Those groovy AI generated photos and news articles and storage of every vid, bit of data and key stroke we do sure have some costs.
All the hoped for CO2 reduction gains seem to hang by some pretty thin threads in the current masterplans.

There’s all sorts of madness in this article. It’s no wonder that many remain sceptical about the climate change. These kinda policies are like a cherry on a cake for conspiracy theorists.

The UAE had 18 months of rain in 24 hours , which caused chaos !
Some think it was Man Made Climate Change on display !
The UAE , may have planted a few seeds in a few clouds and Created a Flood , of a Noah Dimension .
Maybe , Man should B a bit more careful about where 2 Plant his Stuff and not think he can stuff with Nature ( he really has NFI sometimes ) and get away with it ?
Nature will NOT let itself B changed , for NO Man or Woman , ever !
We are like Passengers on a Plane , perhaps .
We can smoke , drink and party BUT , don't F..k with the Plane !

flollo wrote:There’s all sorts of madness in this article. It’s no wonder that many remain sceptical about the climate change. These kinda policies are like a cherry on a cake for conspiracy theorists.
Imagine working all week, amped for a surf on the Saturday, and you can't go down the coast with your mates & boards & gear because driving is banned on weekends. Locals would love it though.

I think the German Minister is Dead Right .
German Politicians are Really Serious about reducing CO2 output .
In Vic , we have banned new gas appliances from being used , but will cook with Electricity ( made from Coal or Gas ) .
For Germany 2 reach its Zero 2050 Target , Car trips will HAVE to be banned .
Plane flights for Fun , 2 .
There society will Change dramatically , people will be in Lock Down , like Covid .
It's a sacrifice The People will need to be Willing to take , to meet their CO2 goals .
At least the German Minister , is telling his people , The Truth !
Good on him and we will C how long he lasts !

Albo and other politicians can’t solve homelessness but they can change the weather!
It’d be funny if they weren’t serious

Expect if you order a driverless EV
Proves your point from the other day blowin.
15 minute city anyone?

Poco poco

One point about that driving ban, he doesn't specify so I'd imagine it would include EVs? If so, despite being 'zero emission', the rights of people owning them to move freely is also curtailed? If so, then it's not about emissions at all.
As covid taught, love where you live.

"As covid taught, love where you live."
...move where you love, fast..
(whoops too late)

abc news
future developments water basins and salinity

Lies, lies , lies

Clear skies and dry days.
Abc news

Did I hear that right?
Adam Bandt. Response to Budget tonight. “We’ve always said we support Australian miners, by giving them jobs developing new mines in critical minerals”.
Ouch.. is there is a crisis management consultant in the room? We have a PR situation.

Interesting that Bill Gates is currently building a Nuclear reactor, i know Dick smith is pro Nuclear too.

indo-dreaming wrote:Interesting that Bill Gates is currently building a Nuclear reactor, i know Dick smith is pro Nuclear too.
That was good. Thanks indo.

Hurricane #Beryl has become the earliest category 5 hurricane on record, beating out 2005 by over 2 weeks. 😦
— Eric Webb (@webberweather) July 2, 2024
Unfortunately, this is likely a harbinger of things to come later this season 😬
If you don’t have a viable hurricane plan in place for this year’s Atlantic hurricane…
A dropsonde through the hurricane has picked up 176kt gusts, 325km/h.
This recent dropsonde into the NE quad of Hurricane #Beryl’s eyewall tonight is truly legendary.
— Eric Webb (@webberweather) July 2, 2024
Even after reducing the sonde’s winds to the surface & accounting for gusting, this would support an intensity of at least 145 knots 😮

fitzroy-21 wrote:
Fitzroy-21. Hi mate.
Thanks for this post.
Very interesting. AW

Great work following this Fitzroy 21 .
Saving our Great Barrier Reef from Global Warming destruction , has been a Core Claim by our Scaremongers promoting Renewables .
The Planet is Dying , as well , geez , they LOVE to Scare children .
Why is this Group so hysterical about our Planets prospects ?
The same bullshit , from biased Groups that keep Getting money !
They love the Gravy Train and will never get off .
Stop this Money wasting train and let's really look at the science ffs !
The numbers don't lie !
Warmer water , better runoff management , gosh , the Reef has NEVER been as good .
When do our Politicians start to recognise , that being panicked into spending Billions on bullshit solutions , is wasted money .
How many schools and hospitals could have been built . instead ?

Ah the estimable Peter Ridd, sacked by his university for misconduct. Lost an High Court. challenge to overturn it. Another boomer who believes he knows better than everyone else.

Some real science.
Or if you prefer, a layman’s version.

blackers wrote:Some real science.
Or if you prefer, a layman’s version.
Blackers. Evening mate.
I found them to be equally interesting and worrying.
Thanks for posting them. AW

fitzroy-21 wrote:
blackers wrote:Ah the estimable Peter Ridd, sacked by his university for misconduct. Lost an High Court. challenge to overturn it. Another boomer who believes he knows better than everyone else.
I think you need to keep an open mind, i also respect the fact that from my understanding Fitzroy spends time on the reef and with others that do
Of course that doesnt mean that climate change is not real, but money, funding, poltics etc can influence things at times around certain issues so it is possible it may around the effects on coral and the great barrier reef.

Indo is definitely following Malcolm Robert’s on instagram

It worrisome that a guy gets the Sack for having views that are not part of the GROUP Think !
The numbers don't lie , do they ?
I saw and posted last year , that the Reef was at Maximum recorded Levels !
Again this year .
So our Reef is NOT endangered , after all .
We were told Droughts would be common , wrong so far .
Cyclones would be more regular and more intense , wrong again , so far .
That major Ocean currents will change direction !
Sea levels would rise , dramatically .
That the Earth was is moral danger , the clock is Close to Midnight , UNLESS we Act now .
They all sound like Scare tactics now !!!
Perhaps we are being Bullied , into believing these views ?
Mate , surely it's proper to question these Views that have been Wrong , so far .
So the Group Think , one of our Universities , SACKS a Turn Coat .
That is Crap and is also wrong .
All scientific views are ON the table .
Reefs like Warm water , true !
Our Reef is doing wonderfully well , true .
Plants love more CO2 , true .
CO2 levels are going up , true and Should raise temperatures .
If Kyoto targets are met ( absolutely NO chance imho ) in 2050 , CO2 levels will be stabilised .
I read it will take 150 years plus , for them to come down ( please Correct this anyone !!! ) .
So we have to Adapt to the effects of Global Warming for 150 years lol , before things get back to normal ffs !
Shit , how about we just Adapt to whatever happens , without fucken thinking we can Can our Climate NOW .
And STOP scaring Children saying the World is about to end .
Piss off Chicken Little Thought !

Keep taking the tablets Pop

Hey Chiny
No tablets are available to deaden the Scare Mongering , unfortunately .
Were U part of the Group that thought building Gladstone would Destroy the Water Tables and the Reef ?
Always happy to be shown where I am wrong on my comments , mate .
Have a GO !

Pops, actually less cyclones/hurricanes but greater in intensity was the call.
Also shifting climates, some places getting wetter, others drier.
And for the reefs it's the heat stress from elevated temps compared to normal. Yes if they were growing in high temps they look to survive, but when marine heat waves hit and the temperature is warmer than normal for a prolonged period, that's when they start dying from heat stress.

seeds wrote:Indo is definitely following Malcolm Robert’s on instagram
What a stupid comment, i dont like the guy and i dont follow the guy, and i definitely dont agree with the guy on a lot or msybe even most thing's.(at least what ive read about him)
Heres a thought perhaps the issue of the reef and its health isnt so black and white, just like now we can look back on Covid and the vaccines and see that was the case, neither extreme views were correct and the truth in many cases was somewhere in between.
Ridd isnt some nobody wack job, he is well qualfied and backs up things with figures and research.
Is his views the whole story? probably not, but opossing views to his are most likely not either.
Ive got limited data so i didnt watch the video so this might have been said, but my understanding is the reef has increased in growth in areas like the south and other areas have also increased in growth, but the thing is not all corals replace themselves so fast, so diversity of corals is lost which isnt a good thing, but its also not exactly the same as the reef being a bleached dead mess as some want us to belevie either.

Craig - you follow this better than I do so OK , less cyclones were predicted .
I don't think they have been more Extreme , but happy to be corrected .
Extremes of heat does cause Bleaching .
We were told that it would take Decades for the Reef to recover from this .
Totally WRONG , the Reef is coping fine !
Climates have always sifted , the Sahara wasn't a desert a few thousand years ago , so wetter or dryer is NOT a catastrophe .
If Kyoto Targets are met , how long until CO2 come down and we get back to Normal Climate Change ?
100, 200 years ?

Pop Down wrote:Hey Chiny
No tablets are available to deaden the Scare Mongering , unfortunately .
Were U part of the Group that thought building Gladstone would Destroy the Water Tables and the Reef ?
Always happy to be shown where I am wrong on my comments , mate .
Have a GO !
Sorry, probably uncalled for, but I just can’t believe there are climate change deniers on this website. The science has been unequivocal for years. There is absolutely no doubt about it amongst the mainstream scientific community.

Ughhh, it's the rate of change Pops, and the impacts it will have now on a heavily populated planet.

There are a whole host of threats to the reef on top of climate change, and it isn’t coping fine as you say Pops. Sediment, nutrients and pollutants from runoff and bunch of other things.

The facts are out , the Reefs coverage is at Maximum recorded levels .
Read the data !!!
That happened despite ALL the Treats you correctly mentioned .
Craig , the Rate of Climate change has picked up due to Man , I agree with U .
U talk pollution , I thought we are talking about CO2 , the nice gas that Plants use to grow !
Same question , IF we meet Kyoto Targets , how long to the Rate of Climate Change returns to Normal ( thats hard to define :) ???
300 years ???
We have been sold a World wide disaster , that requires Urgent action . or we are Doomed !
I read an estimate from Bank of America that it will cost the World $250 TRILLION , to get to Kyoto 2050 targets .
OK , what bang 4 our buck do we get ?
When will our Global Warming/Climate Change return to normal ???
If we can't predict this , it might be never , so what is the point of spending 250T ?
The money will have to be spent adapting eg Desal plants etc , over the next 100 years anyway .
A lot of hospitals will not be built .

Pop Down wrote:Craig - you follow this better than I do so OK , less cyclones were predicted .
I don't think they have been more Extreme , but happy to be corrected .
Extremes of heat does cause Bleaching .
We were told that it would take Decades for the Reef to recover from this .
Totally WRONG , the Reef is coping fine !
Climates have always sifted , the Sahara wasn't a desert a few thousand years ago , so wetter or dryer is NOT a catastrophe .
If Kyoto Targets are met , how long until CO2 come down and we get back to Normal Climate Change ?
100, 200 years ?
Ridd was sacked for disclosing confidential information.
Having seen a number of his videos and watched him for a few years and would class him as a climate denier nutjob. He also has links to the IPA.
Here's some info on the reef :
Northern sections around Cape York are faring reasonably well while sections to the south are suffering varying degrees of bleaching.
Remember, when the corals die due to heat stress, most of the other marine life moves elsewhere. Bleaching is one of several items affecting the reef. Given the contribution GBR tourism makes to the Queensland and Australian economy we should make every effort to ensure its survival and continuing health.

Hey Salty
Assange was hunted , for doing the same thing .
I got freaked by the Crown of Thorns , by Bleaching and was worried about our GBR .
There are Three Regions of the Reef .
Lat year I read one was below Peak and the two others were at record levels .
Combined , the GBR is at World Record coverage , despite all the Doom or Gloom .
This is a Great example of how things can work out , despite our Catastrophic predictions .
Chernobyl is another !
It is recovering despite the predictions .

Hi Pop, I work out on the reef, covering the whole length from Cape York to the Swain's, with the scientists who are monitoring coral health amongst other things. Up until early this year sections of the reef were recovering well. Then those really high water temps caused devastating bleaching for vast swathes of the reef. Also there has been a big COTS outbreak out in the swains. The issue is the overlapping stress events becoming more frequent, not allowing corals to recover. Shall I list some? Over fishing around population centres, sedimentation from land run off, high water temps, COTS outbreaks, Coral disease, acidification of the oceans inhibiting calcium forming organisms from growing,etc,etc. Australia's GBR is under many different stress effects and is showing the signs of that unfortunately

If you actually listen to the video I posted carefully, Peter does not deny human induced climate change. He refers to it several times. He also acknowledges climate induced heatwaves.
What he is pointing out is what many of us that live and work on the reef see, verses what the media grab hold of and sensationalise. Led by organisations such as AIMS and JCU, selective reporting. As he points out, they are not lying, they are saying things that are untrue.
Anyway, I just put it out there for those that are interested to have a think about.

Pop Down wrote:Chin
The facts are out , the Reefs coverage is at Maximum recorded levels .
Read the data !!!
That happened despite ALL the Treats you correctly mentioned .
Craig , the Rate of Climate change has picked up due to Man , I agree with U .
U talk pollution , I thought we are talking about CO2 , the nice gas that Plants use to grow !
Same question , IF we meet Kyoto Targets , how long to the Rate of Climate Change returns to Normal ( thats hard to define :) ???
300 years ???
We have been sold a World wide disaster , that requires Urgent action . or we are Doomed !
I read an estimate from Bank of America that it will cost the World $250 TRILLION , to get to Kyoto 2050 targets .
OK , what bang 4 our buck do we get ?
When will our Global Warming/Climate Change return to normal ???
If we can't predict this , it might be never , so what is the point of spending 250T ?
The money will have to be spent adapting eg Desal plants etc , over the next 100 years anyway .
A lot of hospitals will not be built .
Easy then, all we have to do is ignore all the hysterical doom-sayers, keep heading down the path we’re on, but with more hospitals!

Thanks Spidermonkey .
I always listen to those at the Coal Face !
Hopefully the data released includes the effects of the recent boom in water temps .
If not , we will see the results next year .
The Reef does have numerous threats , as you have mentioned .
If coverage of Healthy Reef is at all time highs , it must be coping much better than Chin's Doomsters have predicted .
Chin wagger , come on , I always ignore hysterical people , who wouldn't ?
Investment in our hospitals is desperately needed , as Covid showed !
Same with Education and Housing .
If the Solution is to reduce CO2 by adopting Kyoto targets , WHEN will the Solution START to have effect ?
Come on , anything that costs $US 250 Trillion , MUST have easily defined Outcomes , surely ffs !
If we go down the path and MEET the targets , what do we GET and WHEN ?
If it's 100 years , it's too late for a Clock that is at 11.50pm .
Anyone , got ANY idea about this ???
Or do we just spend $250 TRILLION and see what happens , because some Doom sayers say so ?
Where is YOUR data , mate , on this Vital question ?
What outcomes do we get for 250 T ?

indo-dreaming wrote:fitzroy-21 wrote:blackers wrote:Ah the estimable Peter Ridd, sacked by his university for misconduct. Lost an High Court. challenge to overturn it. Another boomer who believes he knows better than everyone else.
I think you need to keep an open mind, i also respect the fact that from my understanding Fitzroy spends time on the reef and with others that do
Of course that doesnt mean that climate change is not real, but money, funding, poltics etc can influence things at times around certain issues so it is possible it may around the effects on coral and the great barrier reef.
Totally agree with you re Fitzroy's perspective. I have also talked to people with skin in the game, tourist providers, who say it's a shambles and getting worse. Ridd has a perspective, which many don't subscribe to, and it is his funding stream. The whole concept of the researchers making a mint out of their work is laughable, like most of Pop Downs comments. The reality is far more prosaic, having to continually re-apply for grants to continue work that takes a long time to gather and analyse . It's a hand to mouth existence.
The State of the Reef Report gives a summary.