Climate Change

Blows me away when covid came out and the authorities were breaking their backs trying to convey the gravity of the threat. We were all potential victims remember.
But there’s Obama having large parties at his summer house. There’s the person behind the modelling which shut down the UK breaking lockdown to go fuck his mistress. There’s the UK government throwing a Christmas party despite the Black Plague 2 allegedly waiting to spring and kill us all indiscriminately.
And now you have the most vocal harbingers of doom Criss crossing the globe in their private jets. Buying ocean fron properties. Cruising the globe on mega yachts. ….
Watch what they do , ignore what they say.

It's amazing.
It's like this guy I know who some days posts the most brutal comments about pro surfing being a scourge and pro surfers a waste of space, and the next he's vehemently defending their rights to avoid a mid-season cut.
Confusing as fuck.

I’ve always appreciated Swellnet’s dedication to free speech. Even when I got cancelled because of a few delicate and vocal ninnies threatening the bottom line with subscriptions or demanding you spend your time moderating my oh-so-horrendous opinions.
I’ve always reiterated how clever I think you are even when we disagree.
As for doxxing myself…’s an example of the toxic, dangerous out and offensive opinions I had during covid and for which the pearl clutchers repeatedly demanded that I be silenced / the thread be removed/ the discussion halted:

stunet wrote:It's amazing.
It's like this guy I know who some days posts the most brutal comments about pro surfing being a scourge and pro surfers a waste of space, and the next he's vehemently defending their rights to avoid a mid-season cut.
Confusing as fuck.
Why? It’s possible to hold various thoughts that appear superficially contradictory but are not contradictory at all.
I hold great surfing in the highest regard. I love watching it, I abhor the idea of competing myself and that breaks are tied up through competition but Great surfing arises through competition. Particularly professional competition where surfers can focus on performance whilst having a secure livelihood.
But I think pro surfers should respect the culture of preserving surf spots and only ply their trade at previously exposed breaks. Sell themselves and their ability, not some low key spot.
As for the cut….I think it hampers confidence and development through restricting experience. I did like it because it interferes with the development of great surfing

"Are there better phrases to capture this? Possibly. Take the challenge yourself: can you think up a pithy, accurate phrase to cover intensifying local and regional-scale droughts, fires, typhoons and floods; damage to crops and food insecurity; water shortages; existential threats to coral reefs and low-lying communities?"

I have a nicer 1 " Bloody Weather " .

bonza wrote:"Are there better phrases to capture this? Possibly. Take the challenge yourself: can you think up a pithy, accurate phrase to cover intensifying local and regional-scale droughts, fires, typhoons and floods; damage to crops and food insecurity; water shortages; existential threats to coral reefs and low-lying communities?"
Why do you need a better phrase? Are the ( disputed) facts not likely enough to make people shit themselves into abandoning the modernity , industry and high yield agriculture that sustain global populations and the associated civilisations?
There is zero evidence that any of the above, if they actually exist, are directly and indisputably attributable to human activity releasing C02 into the atmosphere.
And if there was then telling outright untruths, lies and fraudulent statements is not how you describe it.
It’s not how you describe anything unless….you’re a fraudulent liar who has no problem sewing outright untruths.
The statement wasn’t colouring slightly outside the lines. It wasn’t an exaggeration of fact. It wasn’t a misuse of words.
It was lies from start to finish. Closer to a D grade Hollywood movie you’d roll your eyes at than anything remotely adhering to scientific credibility.
The Earth is not boiling. The air is not unbreathably hot. The temperature is not unbearable.
It’s lies Black and white lies. Not poor language
The head of the UN could have read the very phrase you wanted reworded but the official intent was to create terror. People who are afraid are easily controlled and convinced that they are powerless and need a big, international institution to implement rules and systems to protect them…..oh wait- Maybe that’s something the UN could do!

Blowins on a heater.
Pardon the pun..

goofyfoot wrote:Blowins on a heater.
Pardon the pun..
Endless rain, relentless onshore wind. Excess caffeine.
And I’m not on a heater. I’m boiling. Literally boiling up till my bodily liquids evaporate due to the 100 degree centigrade heat.
Cue : TERROR!!!!!!!

My uncle and auntie live in Gympie in Qld and were saying yesterday they had something like 60 straight days of rain?
That’s unbelievable if accurate

“There is zero evidence that any of the above, if they actually exist, are directly and indisputably attributable to human activity releasing C02 into the atmosphere.”
That’s not true. At best the evidence against human caused climate change from scientific papers is 10% and at worst 3%.
I understand why people distrust science when a) recently it’s been manipulated by leaders to justify abhorrent policies and outcomes (intently or otherwise) and b) it’s abused and misrepresented by political posturing that attempts to eg; overthrow scientific methodology with DEI ideology; conflate religious warfare with environmental movements and; so called environmental parties who scream from the rafters of climate change refuse to accept links to environment degradation with population or acknowledge alternative safe effective energy solutions.
Makes it very hard to take one’s green posturing serious.
Unfortunately, science has become increasingly politicised. The best way to protect oneself from this is by sticking to the scientific principles of reason and rationality.
"And if there was then telling outright untruths, lies and fraudulent statements is not how you describe it."
I agree. the article addresses the risks in doing this. it's very harmful to the science.

No one seems too panicked around here since the terror started.
Same amount of 4WD's in the carpark.
Maybe the UN won't be able to take over so easily?
"That’s what the UN Is renowned for …..its use of fictionalised horror to install terror and panic in populations across the globe".
I'm just not seeing that around here.

One thing in that climate film that I found very interesting was the inclusion of Svensmark & Shaviv's work on clouds, cloud nucleation & galactic cosmic rays. (About 32:40)
Shaviv finding a link between cloud cover and respective position of Sol within the milky way (crossing galactic current sheets perhaps: diagram at 32:53 is very similar to pictures of how this sheet moves that I've seen previously) segues back into some of the astronomical cycles recorded by ancient civilisations. And in conjecture here, ancient myths describe fairly regular wiping of civilisations in biblical style events... Mayan calendar has expired, consider that...
Also note that almost everyone interviewed as a skeptic is a physicist or astrophysicist. That's telling.
It's sad that one side of politics has to be on one side of climate, and the other side of politics has to take the opposite view. It's retarded, even, but here we are.

WW3, biblical Armageddon or climate catastrophe?
Choose your poison. ;)

Sure Freeride… want me to dig up your post where you couldn’t see any evidence of coercion or mandates with the covid vaccine?
And I agree that the master plan isn’t assured of success by any means. Populations resist oppression and tyranny can never be sustained forever. But sometimes the tyranny can last a long time!
Freeride’s ancestors, England circa 980AD : “ No one seems too panicked around here . I don’t think the Monarchs and the Church will be able to take over so easily.”

Sure, if you like mate.
I know we see this differently : you see climate change as an opportunity for a vast tyrannical network to take over our lives.
I don't.
I didn't see Covid that way and still don't.
But yes, I accept there was probably lots of overreach and unnecessary intervention for a disease that in the end was mostly a danger to already old or sick people.

It's incredible how one person can be on the wrong side of every single argument,but at least your user name is completely correct this time blowin,you fucking drop kick!!!

Blowin have you ever done mushies, or done them recently? A mate and his Mrs chose not to get vaccinated during Covid, hence couldn't do their jobs and came under financial stress (FIFO/Nurse). He'd never done 'drugs' in his life and randomly picked mushies with his neighbour one day. Took some by himself one night (lives on acreage - set and setting etc.) and let all the anger go. Had epiphanies about being a better husband, father etc. 6 months on and the change is amazing. Better human to himself, his family and his friends.
Just a random thought. All the best mate.

"...It’s not intended as motivational hyperbole. It’s shock and awe to scare the basic bitches into compliance through fear..."
if it is intended as motivational hyperbole...
someone should really tell those chicks protesting in the streets
some of them do not seem well at all...
the new 'demand', is the government declare a 'climate crisis' or 'climate catastrophy', or something...
I completely fail to see what this would achieve
so government calls a 'climate crisis'... and then what?
I really cannot see how that ups the current ante from the rulers of the world and their new slogan of 'global boiling'
amazing how quick that lttle chestnut spread throughout media to the public vernacular...
like really really amazing!
language games...
pretty much all it is whilst bowen n albo are fying in seperate private jets...
seperate! ...insanity... whatever your take on climate change...
the event they were flying to just makes it all the worse and weirder
is there no one in government concerned with at least the 'optics' at a minimum?
anyway yokel is right... the language is off the charts...
and whatever the reality of the situation is... I think they peaked way way too early...

Hello Slackey
I C U are making a comeback , like me .
As I am such a tech Dinosaur and have such a crap memory , I have forgotten most of the old sores ( or scores ) , even the ones from a week ago !
I said on the Covid site a gazillion days ago , that I was not really interested in peoples Old views or comments , but their current views ( I change my mind , all the fn time :) !
I find your comments interesting and U are more Pithy than I am , very cool imho .
Try not 2B as Grumpy as I am , I am more Suited 2 that role haha .
Keep up the good work and surfing .

DAW wrote:It's incredible how one person can be on the wrong side of every single argument,but at least your user name is completely correct this time blowin,you fucking drop kick!!!
I strongly disagree. Pretty bang on with most things. I did think Medina was surfing a little horizontal thougg

But are the activists and the media too slick, coached and manipulative to be effective? Spin with no plan - attracts some, but repels others?

Slackjawedyokel wrote:Sure Freeride… want me to dig up your post where you couldn’t see any evidence of coercion or mandates with the covid vaccine?
And I agree that the master plan isn’t assured of success by any means. Populations resist oppression and tyranny can never be sustained forever. But sometimes the tyranny can last a long time!
Freeride’s ancestors, England circa 980AD : “I don’t think the Monarchs and the Church will be able to take over so easily.”
Blowin are you all right?
Your hyperbolic rant is as bad if not worse than those you are criticizing.
As for the "climate powers" or "UN powers" the fossil fuel corporates and their affiliates have far more money and power than just about everyone else just ask any conservative political party, start with the US Republicans.

"The Master Plan"
Haha, fucking hell!
Well at least that gave me a laugh.
Is it a contradiction that Klaus Schwab (chief architect of the Great Reset) and the WEF acknowledge global warming and discuss climate change mitigation as a matter of urgency?
Is their talk of sustainability just a smokescreen as they propagate the Marxist mind virus and look to subjugate us using the clot shot??
More as the story develops, as they say in the classics.

Greta has a lot to answer for.

AndyM wrote:"The Master Plan"
Haha, fucking hell!
Well at least that gave me a laugh.
Is it a contradiction that Klaus Schwab (chief architect of the Great Reset) and the WEF acknowledge global warming and discuss climate change mitigation as a matter of urgency?
Is their talk of sustainability just a smokescreen as they propagate the Marxist mind virus and look to subjugate us using the clot shot??More as the story develops, as they say in the classics.
I don’t understand Andy? You think the UN doesn’t have a master plan? You do understand that the UN does in fact have its master plan displayed on the internet for you to read at this very moment right?
They make no bones about the intent to control human behaviour in a variety of manners.
Take for example limiting consumption,
Exactly what form do you think this will take? Do you assume that it will all be completely voluntary at the individual level without even a precursory behavioural nudge , any social conditioning promoted at an institutional level or outright coercion…if not outlawing of behaviour full stop?
Of course they will. You’ve seen it all before.
The only reason you’ve got the school girl giggles is because you’ve chosen to think of the generic term “ masterplan” as something inherently fantastical and outrageous.
To be honest Andy, you’d be have to be a bit of a dim bulb to not realise that the scope of our freedoms as individuals is only going in one direction and that’s towards the decrease.
As an example of the potential strategy the UN might pursue to fulfill the outcomes required by its masterplan :
You currently can’t light fires at certain times of year due to bush fire threat and you accept that. Soon there may be a restriction based on climate threat ie limited use of combustion engines. Does this sound fantastical yet Andy? You still giggling ?
Or does it sound not just feasible…..but acceptable if you think that the very existence of life on Earth depends on such a sacrifice?
Then what about the foresaking of private vehicle ownership with all-electric fleets of share ride transport under a user pays subscription service?
Is this sounding like something you’d heehaw about Andy because it’s very possible and probably even likely within a decade.
All it takes is to make private vehicle ownership prohibitively expensive. That’s if there’s any unconvinced enough after being told by the head of the United Nations that they should be living in terror if they know what’s good for them and after being socially shamed by the early adopters.
See the thing is Andy that the UN literally does have a masterplan. There is intent to implement a strategy on a global scale but primarily concerned with prioritising the developed world. This is not in dispute. The only quibble is over the veracity of the reasoning behind its implementation. You say climate change is very real and the UN has a very real masterplan to contort modern society in a fashion that they claim will alter the climate.
So I get it , you think it’s cute to say you get a laugh. But all it does is show me you’re on the straight and not aware of what the UN intends for you to do around the next corner at someplace in your future. The fact that you remain ignorant of what they have mapped out in your future is not something I thought you’d want to brag about as funny. Whether their plan comes to pass or not remains uncertain but what is not uncertain is that such a plan exists and it has details including deadlines and milestones.
You’re still at the red circle on the timeline instead of the blue circle.
Catch up mate.

AndyM wrote:"The Master Plan"
Haha, fucking hell!
Well at least that gave me a laugh.
Is it a contradiction that Klaus Schwab (chief architect of the Great Reset) and the WEF acknowledge global warming and discuss climate change mitigation as a matter of urgency?
Is their talk of sustainability just a smokescreen as they propagate the Marxist mind virus and look to subjugate us using the clot shot??More as the story develops, as they say in the classics.
Climate Emergency - the perfect excuse to do just about anything, anywhere to everybody.
Climate Lockdowns have been proposed.
Or, right now, on a more insidious level:
European farmers are now treated almosr as the enemy of CO2 reduction plans and are swamped with regulations, paperwork and reporting detailing things with some possible climate impact such as the amounts of fertiliser used daily to send to Brussels. Farm all day then labour over Brussels inspired paperwork all night.
Que Bono?
The huge farmer protest were the result of what appeared to small farmers to be an agenda to force them towards to being so unprofitable and frustrated as to give up. To sell up.
Who could want such a thing?
Maybe certain in-the-club multinationals wanting to buy up all best land to create megafarms...
Never waste a crisis is the motto.

It's definitely an agenda.
I hate sustainability, it's part of the woke Marxist mind virus.

Slackjawedyokel wrote:AndyM wrote:"The Master Plan"
Haha, fucking hell!
Well at least that gave me a laugh.
Is it a contradiction that Klaus Schwab (chief architect of the Great Reset) and the WEF acknowledge global warming and discuss climate change mitigation as a matter of urgency?
Is their talk of sustainability just a smokescreen as they propagate the Marxist mind virus and look to subjugate us using the clot shot??More as the story develops, as they say in the classics.
I don’t understand Andy? You think the UN doesn’t have a master plan? You do understand that the UN does in fact have its master plan displayed on the internet for you to read at this very moment right?
They make no bones about the intent to control human behaviour in a variety of manners.Take for example limiting consumption,
Exactly what form do you think this will take? Do you assume that it will all be completely voluntary at the individual level without even a precursory behavioural nudge , any social conditioning promoted at an institutional level or outright coercion…if not outlawing of behaviour full stop?Of course they will. You’ve seen it all before.
The only reason you’ve got the school girl giggles is because you’ve chosen to think of the generic term “ masterplan” as something inherently fantastical and outrageous.
To be honest Andy, you’d be have to be a bit of a dim bulb to not realise that the scope of our freedoms as individuals is only going in one direction and that’s towards the decrease.
As an example of the potential strategy the UN might pursue to fulfill the outcomes required by its masterplan :
You currently can’t light fires at certain times of year due to bush fire threat and you accept that. Soon there may be a restriction based on climate threat ie limited use of combustion engines. Does this sound fantastical yet Andy? You still giggling ?Or does it sound not just feasible…..but acceptable if you think that the very existence of life on Earth depends on such a sacrifice?
Then what about the foresaking of private vehicle ownership with all-electric fleets of share ride transport under a user pays subscription service?
Is this sounding like something you’d heehaw about Andy because it’s very possible and probably even likely within a decade.All it takes is to make private vehicle ownership prohibitively expensive. That’s if there’s any unconvinced enough after being told by the head of the United Nations that they should be living in terror if they know what’s good for them and after being socially shamed by the early adopters.
See the thing is Andy that the UN literally does have a masterplan. There is intent to implement a strategy on a global scale but primarily concerned with prioritising the developed world. This is not in dispute. The only quibble is over the veracity of the reasoning behind its implementation. You say climate change is very real and the UN has a very real masterplan to contort modern society in a fashion that they claim will alter the climate.
So I get it , you think it’s cute to say you get a laugh. But all it does is show me you’re on the straight and not aware of what the UN intends for you to do around the next corner at someplace in your future. The fact that you remain ignorant of what they have mapped out in your future is not something I thought you’d want to brag about as funny. Whether their plan comes to pass or not remains uncertain but what is not uncertain is that such a plan exists and it has details including deadlines and milestones.
You’re still at the red circle on the timeline instead of the blue circle.
Catch up mate.
I love the inherent reasonable-ness of andym...
but on this issue, Im sorry, I see only cognitive dissonance...
'the plan' is laid bare for all to see
whilst the new york times and friends might like to STILL brush it off as 'conspiracy theory'...
how can that be so?
when it is all published online by it's very advocates...
no shame
no secret
no 'conspiracy theory'
there may be conspiracy... but it certainly ain't theory...
name it what you will...
just not theory!
'you'll own nothing and be happy'
it's clearly to me, a mantra to shoehorn the tech. driven 'sharing economy' on to unaware plebs
it doesn't have to be nefarious in nature... that will simply come down to your perspective...
but it ain't no fucking theory!

I think multi generational smaller scale farmers are also very much into sustainability.
Huge multi national mega farms, not so.much. Those with real power aren't Marxists. They are plunderers.

Where is this UN Master plan on the internet?

fwiw, Im ok with certain sacrafices and much needed changes...
you don't have to be a climate change cultist to appreciate the world needs changes - as billions of people race to our consumer driven middle class lifestyles...
but the likes of al gore, hilary and the obamas livng in absolute decadence, whilst preaching to the plebs... just ain't washing anymore...
and, bowen and albo's private jet debacle has got to be one of the biggest own goals in history

Deary me. Euro farmer protests? Victims? Give it a rest. Do some proper research. They have been done very well from the the EU for a couple of decades. They are now kicking off because they are are being asked to do something for the largesse that has been given to them for fuck all in the the past. I am all for subsidising for environmental gains but don't conflate their actions with your own agenda.

AndyM wrote:It's definitely an agenda.
I hate sustainability, it's part of the woke Marxist mind virus.
Hey….I’m stoked you find it laughable mate.
Though to be honest you don’t have much room to be cheerfully facetious irrespective of whether you are right or wrong . Pretty sure middle aged hospitality workers won’t find their lives any easier once the institutions start curtailing your living standards further in order to make the weather better.

@gsco? I hope you are drafting an aprioristic manifesto for people to play with during sloppy-surf weekend fun!

freeride76 wrote:Where is this UN Master plan on the internet?
Here you go, Freeride
But before you get back to me saying that all these goals sound highly desirable and laudable - with which I completely agree cause who doesn’t want cleaner air, healthier oceans or less inequality ? - stop and ask yourself exactly how the real world implementation of each is actually accomplished, whether it’s a net gain to humanity at all or if the resultant world is how you would personally choose to exist.
Because I don’t think you will have too many options when the alternative is supposedly a World that is literally boiling.
Ask yourself how an institution would Impose a sustainable lifestyle over yourself when you have no current voluntary disposition to do so despite your oft stated desire ? Here’s the tip - You won’t have a choice. Your lifestyle and consumption decisions will be made for you.
Sounds like serfdom to me.
I guess if you’re of the belief that the oceans are about to flood the Earth you will happily live, work , shop and recreate in a high rise apartment built over a railway station if the UN says that’s how we hold back the tide.

It looks like: the council imposing a tiny caricature of a bin on everyone and emptying it half as often, pay more (on top of your rates) for the previous normal sized bin; ratepayers anonymously dump rubbish on the highway.

“Is it any wonder that so many find it entirely plausible that the same elites who expect them to swallow all the coronavirus-related sacrifices while they party in the Hamptons and on private islands would also be willing to exaggerate the risks of the disease to get them to the accept more bitter “green” medicine, for the common good?”

Andy…apologies for the cheap shot. But that’s reality mate. Im just as concerned about the environment as yourself but I believe the story being fed to us by self interested parties is not honest and I’m trying to express as much.

basesix wrote:@gsco? I hope you are drafting an aprioristic manifesto for people to play with during sloppy-surf weekend fun!
What if he’s right? Some math bait…

^ haha, hella! what a mug shot. (I reckon in 20 years, if he's right, i'll raise an eyebrow, while tending tomatoes with my grandkids, and @gsco9.0 will become the joe rogan AI happy bunny).

Isn't the UN funded by sovereign states most coming from the US and yet the UN is going to make the same sovereign states follow the master plan... yes?

The UN , What Is it Go 4 ?
Absolutely Nothing ?
It was set up to Avoid WW3 .
Has a few Peace Keepers and Humanitarians , all over the Place , doing Not much , unfortunately .
Their Own Security Council , never can agree on anything .
The UN ( and WHO ) have been a Huge disappointment , in so many areas and ways .
Gosh , groups like UNISEF etc , started so well .

bonza wrote:basesix wrote:@gsco? I hope you are drafting an aprioristic manifesto for people to play with during sloppy-surf weekend fun!
What if he’s right? Some math bait…
Seriously... Equity based math? Where is the limit to all this madness?

The insanity will continue to get worse. I saw an email going around a certain uni this semester requesting all mathematics lecturers incorporate indigenous perspectives and themes into their classes.
Regarding climate change and UN mater plans etc, there's no conspiracy needed.
As Bonza points out, the overwhelming majority of scientists believe in the predictions of the climate models, that anthropogenic activities have contributed to an increase in temperature of over 1°C, and currently about 0.2°C per decade. And 175 nations have signed the Paris Agreement of achieving net zero, and limit global warming to below 2% and ideally below 1.5%.
They believe a climate catastrophe is 100% real and happening right now. They believe a large scale, globally coordinated response to the crisis is the only option.
Achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement will require a drastic response, and they believe that we need to do it. It will have a large impact on and will require large scale dismantling and restructuring of the main systems and structures of human and societal and economic organisation on planet earth, energy production and consumption, corporate and economic freedom, the relationship between government and industry, human freedom in general, the operation and governance of economic and financial systems, the democratic process and level of say of the people, the level of control and power of governments, the role of NGOs, etc.
The wheels are in motion across the board. There is a global coordinated response already forming and taking place by governments, NGOs, corporations, universities, whole sides of politics and the media, large chunks of the scientific community, whole global ideological movements and organisations, social science uni departments and research output, government directed funding and research, private sector funding and research output, etc.
If the climate models and catastrophic predictions of the scientific community are correct, then basically life as we know it needs to completely change. Human freedom will inevitably take a massive hit. Our way of life needs to be completely restructured. Indeed, human freedom, capitalism, democracy, high living standards driven by high energy usage, technological advance, high consumption lifestyles, etc, are believed to be the causes of the climate crisis.
There's nothing conspiratorial about any of this. It's just all part of the everyday, stock standard, normal debates and discussion taking place across academia, the scientific community, governments, NGOs, private industry, etc.

The only problem is , No one is willing to to reduce their Carbon Footprint .
The PLEBS Still want their bread and the reich and powerful . love their Jet's .
Saw some windmills again , driving home .
Probably 30 . 3-4 were spinning fast , 3-4 were dead and the rest were going a third of the speed as the fast ones .
I bet the Maintenance Bills for the Windies are a LOT more than expected .
The 30 , going at 30% efficiency , might power 10 housed on a Winters night .
The numbers aren't adding Up .
Time 2 prepare for CO2 Induced Climate Change , as we won't get CO2 below 400 parts per million , not in my lifetime , no way .
I saw a US Uni ( Philly ? ) was kicking some Goals with Nuclear Fusion .
The Windmill Eyesores , will only B around 4 10 years , or so .
What a waste of fn nice space those Monsters are !
I wonder , if the amount of CO2 created by the Average Australian , has gone down , in the last 10 years ???
How are we going with THIS stuff ?
Is the Rubber hitting the road ?
Has the Average SN subscriber Co2 Footprint , gone down , in the last 10 Years ?
Is anyone REALLY taking IT , seriously ?
Or does buying a Tesla , make everything , OK ?
It is a Climate Emergency !
I can't think of 1 Countries People , that have Agreed 2 take a Backward Step re their Standard Of Living , by reducing Co2 .
Not the Indians , Chinese , Russians , any African Country and NOT Australians !!!

“We had to destroy the village in order to save it”
Post that link here if you want to read it without subscribing

The great apes are loving this battery stuff.
Climate emergency / climate boiling hyperbole has consequences.
But it is green energy so all okay.

Excuse to use this meme