Climate Change


Richard Cheese wrote:
What a knob. Has Kevin asked himself the question, Why does Costa Rica have such low carbon in their soil ?
Burning down trees dead or alive is ridiculous, a dead tree is as equally important as a live tree, habitat, refugia, shading factors to floor dwellers, it harbours endless numbers of organisms,internally and externally and also especially those involved in the decomposition of cellulose, perching and vantage points for birds and other animals , vast ranges of fungi both arboreal, terrestrial and subterranean mycorrhizae. List goes on and on. He must have some kind of interest in this matter besides, carbon tax and offsets. No end to these clowns
Forests of the world were doing a fine job until humans intervened. AW

what a dickhead. where I live, on the limestone coast, farmers have to remove limestone from pasture, but put lime in the soil. so what? biochar through pyrolysis has a future. cherry pickin internet bozos citing archaic-practices as future appropriate, not so much.

Richard Cheese wrote:
What a knob. Has Kevin asked himself the question, Why does Costa Rica have such low carbon in their soil ?
Burning down trees dead or alive is ridiculous, a dead tree is as equally important as a live tree, habitat, refugia, shading factors to floor dwellers, it harbours endless numbers of organisms,internally and externally and also especially those involved in the decomposition of cellulose, perching and vantage points for birds and other animals , vast ranges of fungi both arboreal, terrestrial and subterranean mycorrhizae. List goes on and on. He must have some kind of interest in this matter besides, carbon tax and offsets. No end to these clowns
Forests of the world were doing a fine job until humans intervened. AW

Richard Cheese wrote:
What a knob. Has Kevin asked himself the question, Why does Costa Rica have such low carbon in their soil ?
Burning down trees dead or alive is ridiculous, a dead tree is as equally important as a live tree, habitat, refugia, shading factors to floor dwellers, it harbours endless numbers of organisms,internally and externally and also especially those involved in the decomposition of cellulose, perching and vantage points for birds and other animals , vast ranges of fungi both arboreal, terrestrial and subterranean mycorrhizae. List goes on and on. He must have some kind of interest in this matter besides, carbon tax and offsets. No end to these clowns
Forests of the world were doing a fine job until humans intervened. AW

hehe, today's psyentist award goes to.... kevinjjohnston!

I'm not sure it's climate change or El Nino but we've had the warmest winter I can recall. On Dec 31st I played golf and ended up in a polo shirt. Yesterday, had a sunset surf, it was cool but not freezing like usual this time a year. I thought the wind blew a leaf on my board when I was getting changed and it turned out to be a frog! I was gobsmacked- a frog in the middle of February?
Strange to say the least.

basesix wrote:what a dickhead. where I live, on the limestone coast, farmers have to remove limestone from pasture, but put lime in the soil. so what? biochar through pyrolysis has a future. cherry pickin internet bozos citing archaic-practices as future appropriate, not so much.
Basesix. Agree mate. That’s the problem with that ‘other type’ of social media, it’s given folk like him a voice to spruke about subject matters they’re clueless on.
I’d imagine your farmers are removing physical pieces of limestone, which is in rock form and therefore a long long way away from decomposing down to ground or very fine ground limestone which is required for raising soil pH.
I used to buy pallets of fine ground limestone in 20kg bags for turf renovation and the odd small football ovals we’d build for wealthy clients from a Melbourne dealer who purchased from your limestone coast. It was the best, nothing like billions of foraminifera making your soil sweeter (raising pH).AW

zenagain wrote:I'm not sure it's climate change or El Nino but we've had the warmest winter I can recall. On Dec 31st I played golf and ended up in a polo shirt. Yesterday, had a sunset surf, it was cool but not freezing like usual this time a year. I thought the wind blew a leaf on my board when I was getting changed and it turned out to be a frog! I was gobsmacked- a frog in the middle of February?
Strange to say the least.
Zenagain. Hi mate , hope you and your lovely are well.
Yep, worldly weird stuff. Goofyfoot just communicated how bizarre the weathers been on Lembongan, he remarked that it’s normally shite for the last few months and it’s been anything other than that .
Polar ice caps at both hemispheres are retreating at a great rate.
My brother just returned from Antarctica and remarked at the level of vegetation growing in the littoral zone, a species of Poa grass was discovered on his trip.
He had hardly a zephyr of wind the whole time away and remarked it was not very cold at all .
Only the inhabitants of the Falklands were cold, he wasn’t referring to their climate BTW. AW

… might all b effects from too much of z heavy metals ;)

The Greens in Australia have lead the way transitioning Australia to a Renewable Energy Future and a Carbon Neutral Footprint by 2050 , or whenever .
Their OWN Immigration Policy states that Annual intake of Migrants ( not refugees , I think ) should be 70k ( longterm average ) .
Over 700,000 people came to LIVE in Australia last year .
A smart commentator said on SN that is like the fn Gold Coast .
How is OUR Electricity Network being EXPANDED to cater for our new arrivals ???
We will just have to ration OUR usage of aircons, so they can turn there's on , as well .
The NUMBERS never seem to add up , when the Greens run our Energy Future .
Build a few Natural Gas plants , ffs .
If I was a Greeny and had ALL the solar and wind stuff , Tesla car etc and was in the outback , I would STILL take a fn Diesel Generator , as BACK UP , for my ENTIRE Electricity needs , just in case !!!
Because , without Electricity , I DIE ( and ANYONE with ME ) !
Time Albo used HIS numbers and DITCH the Greens ( has has enough to run the country ) .
700,000 came in last year , on HIS watch .
We MIGHT be building enough NEW renewable for 100-200k NEW people a year ( no way ) .
It will take years to get from 700k to 200k arrivals and 70k is in La La Land in the Present World ffs !!
( The Greens think we only want Under 30m in Oz - Not Many Australians agree With THAT !!! )
The Greens Numbers don't even seem to include poor refugees who we always support FFS !
I loved , in the early years , Greenpeace ( sticking it up the French ) and the STUFF that Bob Brown really supported .
Saving Whales and all animals .
Closing Ozone holes , getting plastic from Oceans and picking up litter etc etc !!!
Planting fn TREES !
Never voted for them as their numbers didn't seem 2 make sense .
I never wanted Australia to have our fn Lights turned OFF .
The Greens are ALL now Green , for the Green Stuff alright , they are a WASTE of our fn Money , 4 sure !

Unbelievable February warmth in Japan with hundreds of monthly temperature records broken today alone! Yūbetsu in Hokkaido prefecture recorded an outright absurd +17.1°C (+62.8°F), pulverizing the previous monthly record by a monstrous 6°C.
— Nahel Belgherze (@WxNB_) February 19, 2024
That’s 19°C above normal.

Yesterday got to 23° here in my area. It's usually single digits well into March.
Back to normal today though- it's about 5° outside right now and sleet. Snow due tonight. But gosh, we've been having crazy warm weather. A lot of ski resots especially on Honshu have really struggled to stay open this season.

Pop Down wrote:The Greens in Australia have lead the way transitioning Australia to a Renewable Energy Future and a Carbon Neutral Footprint by 2050 , or whenever .
Their OWN Immigration Policy states that Annual intake of Migrants ( not refugees , I think ) should be 70k ( longterm average ) .
Over 700,000 people came to LIVE in Australia last year .
A smart commentator said on SN that is like the fn Gold Coast .
How is OUR Electricity Network being EXPANDED to cater for our new arrivals ???
We will just have to ration OUR usage of aircons, so they can turn there's on , as well .
The NUMBERS never seem to add up , when the Greens run our Energy Future .
Build a few Natural Gas plants , ffs .
If I was a Greeny and had ALL the solar and wind stuff , Tesla car etc and was in the outback , I would STILL take a fn Diesel Generator , as BACK UP , for my ENTIRE Electricity needs , just in case !!!
Because , without Electricity , I DIE ( and ANYONE with ME ) !
Time Albo used HIS numbers and DITCH the Greens ( has has enough to run the country ) .
700,000 came in last year , on HIS watch .
We MIGHT be building enough NEW renewable for 100-200k NEW people a year ( no way ) .
It will take years to get from 700k to 200k arrivals and 70k is in La La Land in the Present World ffs !!
( The Greens think we only want Under 30m in Oz - Not Many Australians agree With THAT !!! )
The Greens Numbers don't even seem to include poor refugees who we always support FFS !
I loved , in the early years , Greenpeace ( sticking it up the French ) and the STUFF that Bob Brown really supported .
Saving Whales and all animals .
Closing Ozone holes , getting plastic from Oceans and picking up litter etc etc !!!
Planting fn TREES !
Never voted for them as their numbers didn't seem 2 make sense .
I never wanted Australia to have our fn Lights turned OFF .
The Greens are ALL now Green , for the Green Stuff alright , they are a WASTE of our fn Money , 4 sure !
PopDown. Well, call me green or whatever you want. I’m concerned about our country, aren’t we all ?
As a society we need stop looking at our economy as the saviour to our problems.
The Greens or any other party with a brain, knows, and I agree, Australia cannot carry a population around the 30 million mark.
Where are all the natural resources like water going to come from ?
How are we going to handle our waste, we have problems dealing with it now let alone a larger futuristic population?
Where is everybody going to live ?
How do we feed everyone including animals and stock ?
Where are we going to grow food ?
This unabated sprawl of housing is already chewing into large swathes and tracts of land, we will lose our ‘green buffers’, there will be nothing left but desert.
It’s any wonder that more and more animal transmitted diseases are on our doorstep, monkeypox, COVID etc., and it’s only going to get worse.
We are living closer to animals than we have ever lived previously because we are clearing and expanding into their ranges.
I’ve commented here previously, in 1996, Australia’s carrying capacity of a population was 12 million people ( based upon, soil’s suitable for agricultural/horticultural pursuits, water availability etc) , everything outside of that number creates a net loss to the ability of natural systems to cope, regenerate and replenish.
We have well exceeded 12mill and it’s just going up and up.
I know a country that’s done to itself on a gross scale what we are anticipating doing to ours and I don’t like it.
It’s full of ‘Stars’ and ‘Spangled’ people carrying a few ‘Banners’ of protest. AW

Doesn’t worry Albo, come one come all.
Coalition wants to 'whip up anger and fear' over visas for Palestinians, immigration minister claims
Josh Butler
Josh Butler
The immigration minister, Andrew Giles, has accused the opposition of wanting to “whip up anger and fear in the Australian community because they think there’s votes in it for them”, in a scathing response to criticisms about visas issued to Palestinians.
It follows comments by the shadow home affairs minister, James Paterson, who on Tuesday told Sky News that he was concerned about Australia issuing thousands of visas to Palestinian residents in the wake of the Gaza war – saying, “I don’t know how we can be doing adequate checks on the ground of those people” and “I’m deeply concerned that, at very least, among these 2,000 people will be sympathisers and political supporters of Hamas”.

ashsam wrote:Doesn’t worry Albo, come one come all.
Coalition wants to 'whip up anger and fear' over visas for Palestinians, immigration minister claims
Josh Butler
Josh Butler
The immigration minister, Andrew Giles, has accused the opposition of wanting to “whip up anger and fear in the Australian community because they think there’s votes in it for them”, in a scathing response to criticisms about visas issued to Palestinians.It follows comments by the shadow home affairs minister, James Paterson, who on Tuesday told Sky News that he was concerned about Australia issuing thousands of visas to Palestinian residents in the wake of the Gaza war – saying, “I don’t know how we can be doing adequate checks on the ground of those people” and “I’m deeply concerned that, at very least, among these 2,000 people will be sympathisers and political supporters of Hamas”.
Ashsam. Hi, hope you’re well.
It’s definitely a juggling act that’s for sure.
How do we balance the need to on some occasions, show compassion and to provide a place of refuge to those who need it , up against the want of not having a mass population rise, it’s bitter sweet for me, I don’t want a population increase at all, that may sound selfish, but it’s not, my position and stand on population growth is well known here.
It’s all about pressures on natural systems, if pressed too much they fail and species extinction is the ultimate outcome of shame.
Australia has lost more species to extinction in the last 50 years than any other country. Shame, shame and shame.
There’s no joy and life in a country devoid of functioning natural systems.
As an example, wetlands, without them, water that enters the ocean would be so polluted we’d all end up in hospital.
Or , are we going to follow the USA where many regional towns have to buy water in a plastic bottle , simply can’t drink from the tap.
That’s what happens when natural systems fail.
I don’t know the solution, but I know, ceasing mass intakes in our country is a start.
Good to chat.AW

zenagain wrote:Yesterday got to 23° here in my area. It's usually single digits well into March.
Back to normal today though- it's about 5° outside right now and sleet. Snow due tonight. But gosh, we've been having crazy warm weather. A lot of ski resots especially on Honshu have really struggled to stay open this season.
23°, wow Zen! Good to hear the white stuffs has returned.
Yeah I think I wrote down somewhere earlier with the + IOD, El Niño and warm water around Japan, Honshu was always going to struggle this season.

I'm a little south of Zenagain, so it's a wee bit warmer. But I got bitten by the first mosquito of the year the other day - something that shouldn't happen until late April. Also the cherry blossom is out in places.

Oh, wow.

Following the Cherry blossom timing back to 1812..

Perhaps there are reasons behind our current climate shifts
And why dont the paid scientists and retired scientists and others with different veiws and theories ever debate, science is never settled it is always evolving

Thanks Grom
I have been promoting Gas and U have shown how Big , Gas can be !
Great work , young fella :)
Jupiter , The Gas Giant of our Solar System .
It's Mass is two and a half times , the Mass of ALL the Planets , in OUR Solar System , COMBINED .
It may look small in the night sky , compared 2 our moon , BUT , it's the 5th Planet from the Sun and so close 2 Earth .
Somehow , Jupiter DOES influence our Planets Climate .
It's been studied for Thousands of Years .
Surely this stuff is already , in someones Climate Models ?
The influence of our Sun's and neighbouring Solar System , activity and locations on Earth , must be in Climate 101 , imho !?
We have Tide Models !
The wave models were a bit out , yesterday , here .
I Wasn't expecting , 6-8 Feet today (wrong coast :) !
Go West , young fella !

Gromfull, they do look at the solar cycles and their impact on the background temperature, it's just that the greenhouse effect is much more significant..
Have a quick scroll of this if you're interested..

And Pop, I had 6ft in my forecast..

Of course U did Craig , and off course , I fn missed it :)
Was checking out a spooky camera last night and thought , it might be on today at 4 feet .
The Big Sets are 8ft , and Bells is the spot .
Very happy for ALL our Beach spots , that such a Hot , Long weekend , of surfing ,has eventuated .
They deserve an Indian Melbourne summer .
I did see U called it very early :)
I love and follow your Forecasts , when I fn read them , carefully .

You get some? Looked fun as!

Pop Down wrote:Thanks Grom
I have been promoting Gas and U have shown how Big , Gas can be !
Great work , young fella :)
Jupiter , The Gas Giant of our Solar System .
It's Mass is two and a half times , the Mass of ALL the Planets , in OUR Solar System , COMBINED .
It may look small in the night sky , compared 2 our moon , BUT , it's the 5th Planet from the Sun and so close 2 Earth .
Somehow , Jupiter DOES influence our Planets Climate .
It's been studied for Thousands of Years .
Surely this stuff is already , in someones Climate Models ?
The influence of our Sun's and neighbouring Solar System , activity and locations on Earth , must be in Climate 101 , imho !?
We have Tide Models !
The wave models were a bit out , yesterday , here .
I Wasn't expecting , 6-8 Feet today (wrong coast :) !
Go West , young fella !
Just giving you a heads up, im not a young fella, I just had a hip replacement 4 weeks ago, its come from a nick name when i was much younger, but the buggers i worked with made it stick, hahah
Now for ever i could not correlate co2 to temps rising, how can a gas trap heat when there is no solid surface behind it, i may be wrong but it has never been explained, just this is what we are telling you so you must beleive it.
Also that oil is not a fossil fuel, the easyist way to beleive that is the depths that they drill for oil, no life existed there millions of years ago, straight up, there is the evidence that part of the equation that we are being lied to.
Now we know governments will lie to us about covid, what else are they lieing about.
Oil is a hydrocarbon that naturally replenishes itself, from what im lead to beleive.
Next point, in the 90's when we had to get ozone certification for my trade, we were told that the biggest volcanic eruptions sspew out more hydrocrabons and flourocarbons than man has ever produced, which got me thinking, and i havent stopped thinking about that ever since.
All of the chemicals we create all come from oil, so in a natural event as in a volcanic eruption all of the chemicals we have created are all expelled in a volcanic eruption, they are natural, now how has the earth dealt with all these chermicals before we started to get smart and extract them from oil, hmmm
Yet here we are blaming co2 for causing climate change when we have all these other factors to consider, yet those paid scientists refute these other factors and just say, its co2, if you think otherwise your a conspiricy RWNJ,
I have more to express but find it hard to put it in writing, but i do beleive we need robust debate, not throwing insults and shutting down debate
My 12 yr old wants to head west so it is a trip to do once the other hip gets done and i dont need the lumbar fusion and right knee, enviuos of your wave catching area and ability

Craig wrote:Gromfull, they do look at the solar cycles and their impact on the background temperature, it's just that the greenhouse effect is much more significant..
Have a quick scroll of this if you're interested..
I will check it out, i have another paper from another scientist about the effects or hydrocarbons and flourocarbons the totally goes against everything that we are being told, again all these gases are naturally occouring, so how did the earth sequest these chemicals before we came along, these are the questions that need to be debated.
And i still cant see how a gass can trap heat, its just my trade background as fridgy that needs claariffacation on these things, when what i was told 30 years ago, ill repeat, volcanic erruptions spew out more chemicals than man has ever produced gets me thinking.
As the moon effects the earth, why cant the other plaets have an effect on the sun.
There was areport that coinsides with a cycle every 130-70 years which is how close we get to the sun and just happens to have been the 1800's and now 130-50 years later shit is happening again, are the experts missing something ?

Hey Gromful
Very cool nick name and U must have had a big mouth Full of something ( maybe hard 2 stop eating stuff ? ), a lot haha .
My area for surfing is great , IF U love Wetsuits .
Nothing on my body ( not doing hippy back , shit :) can now , be operated on , with any success .
My surfing ability atm , is really poor ( it's fn NOT like Riding a Bike haha ) , but will improve consistently .
2 help things along , have a trip coming up 2 , going Shoulders Cortizonal Zoning therapy and build up my H2O Intake and Co2 Output ( sorry ) .
I know is cheating a bit ( no knifes ) but eases the Burpee Pain Feedback Loop , I want to try .
It's complicated , nearly .
U sound a nice , ex Grom full .

Grom, it's simple regarding gas trapping heat.
Gravity is keeping the atmosphere contained around the Earth, otherwise everything would fly away into space.
So the thing holding the gas there is gravity and certain molecules trap heat that's usually transmitted out back to space when not there. Quite simple.
There are lots of other drivers as you note, volcanic, solar cycles, shifts in the Earth's axis etc, etc. But the main warming contributors are the greenhouse gases and then the ocean which then absorbs heat from the atmopshere.

gromfull you're forbidden from having independent thoughts or consider alternative science outside of the capitalism-caused, western civilisation-caused climate eco-armageddon cult narrative. There is only one science and it's set in stone, never to change. It has every based covered. It dosn't consider alternative evidence or data.
However, and surprisingly, as an eco-armageddon cult warrior you're still allowed to be for instance a crypto trading guru, even if this is one of the most environmentally destructive activities on the planet. You're also allowed to have any kind of device or modern technology, luxury and gadget you want, travel on aeroplanes to wherever you want, etc, and even deflect all blame and responsibility away from oneself and instead towards governments and evil corporations.
It's the way of the eco-armageddon cult warrior.

Jupiter is affecting Earths Co2 , if the article is correct .
Most stuff , probably does .
In the history of Earth , Co2 levels and Oxygen levels have changed .
Huge Multi Eruptions of Mega Yellowstone type Volcano's .
Not sure how much Co2 an Asteroid brings with it , but smashing INTO Earth must cause it .
Man Does sure produces Co2 !
I sure contribute .
The City of Melbourne has heated up with 3 Hot days .
Don't take our temp now , the surf is hot 2 :)
It come down 2 the question , Can Humans ( as a whole ) reduce Co2 and reduce its affects on our climate and the answer , atm , IS Yes !
We can't predict a Volcano , yet , so they can stay out of the models !

I'm not shutting him down GSCO, actually acknowledging they do play a part, but there are bigger drivers at play.
Also the science is constantly evolving, but to deny human's impact on the continually warming and increasingly volatile planet is to have one's head well and fully buried in the sand.

Pop Down wrote:Hey Gromful
Very cool nick name and U must have had a big mouth Full of something ( maybe hard 2 stop eating stuff ? ), a lot haha .
My area for surfing is great , IF U love Wetsuits .
Nothing on my body ( not doing hippy back , shit :) can now , be operated on , with any success .
My surfing ability atm , is really poor ( it's fn NOT like Riding a Bike haha ) , but will improve consistently .
2 help things along , have a trip coming up 2 , going Shoulders Cortizonal Zoning therapy and build up my H2O Intake and Co2 Output ( sorry ) .
I know is cheating a bit ( no knifes ) but eases the Burpee Pain Feedback Loop , I want to try .
It's complicated , nearly .
U sound a nice , ex Grom full .
I haver been baattlingback problems since my thrities, 32 to be exact, first op 38, double microdissectomy of L4/5, L5/S1 discs had shattered into pieces and were being driven into my spinal cord, no op would have been paralised, now twenty years laater the back has set the hips off.
just met a guy who is treating his autistic kid with some type of ozone therapy, will be looking into it.
Have surfed in 5 years, hoping after the second hip i can get up off the ground again which might lead to be able to stand up again, will try out paddle boarding, but just want to surf again, maybe by my 60th.
cheers good luck with it all

I’m just curious as to why there’s been zero proof of causation between c02 levels and global temperature in 600 million years of world history but now it’s the primary driver?
Have I got this wrong, Craig? Has it been indisputably established through science that C02 is the primary driver of climate change throughout Earth’s recorded history…..and not just since 1870 or whatever the baseline currently stands?

hey gromful
I need 2 get on the ground more and stretch .
2 help me start 2 get up , on a board , I just got down on the ground a bit more :)
U sound like a guy that always gets back up , and do it quicker ( Imagine Popping :)
Its a good start , as is trying cool stuff with cool autistic kids ( and people ).
Ozone Therapy just , sound like it will help , the Earth loves that stuff !

Slackjawedyokel wrote:I’m just curious as to why there’s been zero proof of causation between c02 levels and global temperature in 600 million years of world history but now it’s the primary driver?
Have I got this wrong, Craig? Has it been indisputably established through science that C02 is the primary driver of climate change throughout Earth’s recorded history…..and not just since 1870 or whatever the baseline currently stands?
That actually shows the correlation. Elevated Co2 levels created a much warmer environment that we currently have, but it's been quite stable over the past 3mil or so years.
You'll also notice the lag between Co2 and temp there. When the Co2 drops, temp follows afterwards, similar with the rises.
And what we're seeing right now with the doubling of Co2 concentration since the Industrial revolution is now increasing temps.
The rate of rise in concentration of Co2 input is also nothing compared to the 'recent' past.

Where does that graph even come close to illustrating correlation ( which isn’t causation) ?
Even if you attempt to cherry pick some parallel trajectories between the two there is at least a 25 million year lag.
25 million years……!!!!!
Also not sure why you’re continually referring to the last eye blink in geological time scale for your references when it’s alleged we have confirmed data over hundreds of millions of years?

Causation is not proven and never has been. There could be all kinds of confounding variables causing both, and completely coincidentally. Visual correlation could be coincidental and does no imply causation. Humans don't know everything; we know very little.

As you were lads..

The Top Graph shows Co2 levels falling to Extremely Low ( Plants finding it hard to breath or grow levels ) and levelling off 20 million years ago .
A stable Climate , perhaps .
Amazing to C how low Average Global Temps are , on a big scale .
Winter water down here is fn cold .
The second graph shows 1 million years and has a bomb ( Human Volcano ) go off at the end .
Both maps are probably right ,with the second map , being a close up of the 1st end bit ..
In Australia we had 770 000 come 2 live last year .
Perhaps , a little Human explosion just happened here !
Might be a little , Krack a Toe A or 2 , and get our Co2 levels higher , again :)
I like ALL Eco Warriors , especially Greta !!!
Don't shoot hard working messengers , not a good look .
This stuff is NOT fn easy .

You can’t relay the simple premise of your beliefs if they’re mildly questioned?
At least show on the graph where you think there’s a hint of causation? There appears to be no relationship between the two to my eyes.

Keep tapping away on your device and flying around the world etc Craig while galavanting around the traps flogging yourself as an eco warrior. The inauthenticity and hypocrisy stands out even more than dogs balls.

Here you go, Craig.
I’ve put in the red line to show your interpretation of what the correlation between c02 and global climate SHOULD look like.
Does the red line follow the actual data as demonstrated by the blue line ? No. Not at all. In any way shape or form.
I’ll drop it as you don’t want to engage which is fair enough. I just want someone to convince me beyond “Trust the science”. Because there hasn’t been a red hot record of that lately. At least not since the scientific establishment told me that men can get pregnant.

Craig wrote:I'm not shutting him down GSCO, actually acknowledging they do play a part, but there are bigger drivers at play.
Also the science is constantly evolving, but to deny human's impact on the continually warming and increasingly volatile planet is to have one's head well and fully buried in the sand.
To finish with your last sentance, is excatly what im talking about.
What if the learned information your receiving is wrong, with everything that is happening no one can show how we are doing this, just showing graphs and saying this is it, is having your head well and truely in the sand, you just admitted it.
There are too many factors that cant be explained, and until that is shown through examples and clear definning data, i will conitue to be sceptical until someone does.
Now lets talk aboput gases and heat transfer which is what i deal with on a daily basis.
You dont make something cold, you remove the heat which causes it to get cold.
How are green house gases are cuasing the earth to heat up, which i dont beleive,
If the radient heat rising from the earth comes into contact with these green house gases, they would allow some heat to transfer heat out, its a gas, and if that heat was to warm that gas, that gas would draw more heat up as it is heating, and that heaat would be ejected out the other side becuase you would expect the other side of the green house gas to be cool, isnt that why astronuats where space suits becuase its fucking cold.
If there was a solid barrier behind the green house gas i would say it would heat up very quickly, but there isnt
Which i go back to volcanic erruptions, they have spewed out more chemicals than maqn has ever produced, by 10 or more, before we can along, explain that,
the earth has a way of sequencing these chemicals and yet we dont know why, or that critical information doesnt fit the narrative so it is squashed, until apparently rogue scientists try to explain it but are shut down and discredited, id beleive them over a paid schill anyday.
Always up for being corrected, or a new way, sway away

The IPCC , is the World's Gold Standard ( am guessing ) for nearly all Climate People .
90% Plus , of Climate People , should just take their data , and probably analysis , as fn Gospel .
Saves bloody Time !
They are the Ones that are encouraging Humans 2 reduce Co2 .
If I was a Climate Guru and used their data , for my WORK , point 2 the scoreboard that's up there , its not my job to argue 4 their views .
Point the way , 2 their data , and go on with MY work .
I have had quick glances at IPCC data .
They don't say Cyclones are as big of as concern , as first thought .
Great , they are updating views , as the data keeps coming into , their Big Models .
Groomy , U are really into Gas , and I like it 2 , not as into it , as U though , f me :)

I ain't no eco warrior GSCO, thanks for the personal attack :/ Just keeping people informed with what's happening with the world around us.
Sydney just recorded the warmest temp on record (yes very short)of 26.75°C and we've got 27-28°C water sitting off the coast.
It's as humid as it's ever been, we're seeing more intense, bursts of rain localised rain causing flash flooding, tropical species moving further south and the list goes on.
I'm conscious of my impact, which is a start, seems others don't seem to give a rats. It's the world we live in and it seems too far gone for individuals to try and do their bit with greater forces at play. Luckily there are others who are more positive.
Seeing the last COP meeting held in Dubai being turned into a form of greenwashing event is a shame, seems like we're far off heading down the right path, regardless if you believe humans are the cause.
Let's just continue to rape and pillage the Earth's resources..

That’s not keeping people informed. It’s singling out highly selective anecdotal evidence to support your narrative and conveniently ignoring and dismissing all other facts, data and evidence that does not support it.
It’s the way of the modern eco cult warrior.

Ain't nothing anecdotal about a daily, 30 year SST temperature record, but whatever fits your narrative.

gsco mkII wrote:That’s not keeping people informed. It’s singling out highly selective anecdotal evidence to support your narrative and conveniently ignoring and dismissing all other facts, data and evidence that does not support it.
Christ almighty...would you listen to yourself?
Unbelievable that you have the nerve to point fingers at anyone else on this site. You're the hypocrite par excellence, the Grand Poobah of Projection, the Raging Sinophile who shouted down anyone with a nuanced view of China, turned Raging Sinophobe shouting down anyone with a nuanced view of China.
You changed your mind, but not because of anything profound like new facts - no Churchillian response from you, good sir - just a new perception. You got out on the other side of the bed.
Perceptions. That's how the self-declared smartest man in the room does 'knowledge' before he goes out and calls other people hypocrites.
Carry on, GSCO. You do that well.