Climate Change

Few years old....
Change in the tilt, how loopy is that?
There's so much going on, including a weakening magnetic field, wandering poles, weakening heliosphere, increasing galactic cosmic rays being measured, all sorts of weird stuff going on in the solar system - all of it adds together, including the CO2 trapping heat. We are all very lucky to be here at this time, a time of incredible change.
Craig what do you know of the Atlantic conveyor belt slowing and perhaps stopping as of the ice water melt, as soon as 2025? This one is predicted in models btw - "The Day After Tomorrow" scenario. Get a good 4/3.

Lot of scientific guesswork over a couple of threads on here today.
By all means lads, lay your credentials on the table. AW

I find the UQ collaboration vid series helpful for me. short and snappy. a few examples here: (edit: ok snappy may be the wrong word. they were made before insta tiktok - old mate is rocking the bald head like a boss though)
separate paper :

There has never been any scientific theory, idea or model in the whole history of homo sapiens that was proven to be infallible, that perfectly explained everything it attempted to explain, and that wasn't exposed as having gaping holes and errors and later subject to revision and at times complete overhaul.
They thought they had something like this with Newton's laws of motion, but along came quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, general relativity, etc.
To think that climate science is somehow different to all science that has come before it is in fact the true definition of having one's head stuck in the sand. Doing so is not the scientific method. And to reinterpret and frame genuine climate science questioning and debate (which is the actual scientific method) as "climate denialism" and then completely dismiss and ridicule those who attempt it, is not the behaviour of scientists but that of a cult.
The climate science and its models are no different to any other idea, models or theory of science in the last few thousand years - it's just a theory with evidence for and against it. And there is indeed significant contradictory evidence against it.

bonza wrote:I find the UQ collaboration vid series helpful for me. short and snappy. a few examples here: (edit: ok snappy may be the wrong word. they were made before insta tiktok - old mate is rocking the bald head like a boss though) paper :
Bonza. Hi mate. How’s things ?
Nice little collaborations, informative for sure.
We’ve got the two ‘Refutable Clowns’ in action today, obviously have forgotten to take their meds.AW

Slackjawedyokel wrote:I’m just curious as to why there’s been zero proof of causation between c02 levels and global temperature in 600 million years of world history but now it’s the primary driver?
Have I got this wrong, Craig? Has it been indisputably established through science that C02 is the primary driver of climate change throughout Earth’s recorded history…..and not just since 1870 or whatever the baseline currently stands?
Slak, co2 is a result of temperature change, not the cause, as said by a few of the alternative scientists, some graphs indicate that , but depends on what graphs you need,
Next point, do all climate scientists agree or disagree that the amount of co2 is .04 % of the atmosphere, and 97 % is made by nature the 3 % is us and we are the problem, numbers dont add up.

velocityjohnno wrote:
Change in the tilt, how loopy is that?
There's so much going on, including a weakening magnetic field, wandering poles, weakening heliosphere, increasing galactic cosmic rays being measured, all sorts of weird stuff going on in the solar system - all of it adds together, including the CO2 trapping heat. We are all very lucky to be here at this time, a time of incredible change.
Craig what do you know of the Atlantic conveyor belt slowing and perhaps stopping as of the ice water melt, as soon as 2025? This one is predicted in models btw - "The Day After Tomorrow" scenario. Get a good 4/3.
So cheeky to throw in CO2 trapping heat, show us a formula thats confirms that , you said it like every one knows that, well some dont now prove how it can do that

gsco mkII wrote:There has never been any scientific theory, idea or model in the whole history of homo sapiens that was proven to be infallible, that perfectly explained everything it attempted to explain, and that wasn't exposed as having gaping holes and errors and later subject to revision and at times complete overhaul.
They thought they had something like this with Newton's laws of motion, but along came quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, general relativity, etc.
To think that climate science is somehow different to all science that has come before it is in fact the true definition of having one's head stuck in the sand. Doing so is not the scientific method. And to reinterpret and frame genuine climate science questioning and debate (which is the actual scientific method) as "climate denialism" and then completely dismiss and ridicule those who attempt it, is not the behaviour of scientists but that of a cult.
The climate science and its models are no different to any other idea, models or theory of science in the last few thousand years - it's just a theory with evidence for and against it. And there is indeed significant contradictory evidence against it.
Well said, i am amazed that so many are so quick to go yes, thats it, thats the answer we have been looking for when there are so many variables to add to the equation,
just what if all these climate scientists are wrong, completely wrong, just like they were with covid, you cannot deny that is now a real alternative, sad times,

gromfull wrote:Slackjawedyokel wrote:I’m just curious as to why there’s been zero proof of causation between c02 levels and global temperature in 600 million years of world history but now it’s the primary driver?
Have I got this wrong, Craig? Has it been indisputably established through science that C02 is the primary driver of climate change throughout Earth’s recorded history…..and not just since 1870 or whatever the baseline currently stands?
Slak, co2 is a result of temperature change, not the cause, as said by a few of the alternative scientists, some graphs indicate that , but depends on what graphs you need,
Next point, do all climate scientists agree or disagree that the amount of co2 is .04 % of the atmosphere, and 97 % is made by nature the 3 % is us and we are the problem, numbers dont add up.
& may disagree with the explanation but I think we can all agree that pony tails and mo’s combos actually do work.

bonza wrote:I find the UQ collaboration vid series helpful for me. short and snappy. a few examples here: (edit: ok snappy may be the wrong word. they were made before insta tiktok - old mate is rocking the bald head like a boss though) paper :
So you think oil is a fossil fuel.

Yes. Of course.

gromfull wrote:bonza wrote:I find the UQ collaboration vid series helpful for me. short and snappy. a few examples here: (edit: ok snappy may be the wrong word. they were made before insta tiktok - old mate is rocking the bald head like a boss though) paper : you think oil is a fossil fuel.
Gromful. So you tell us what you think it is, in 20 words or less, if that’s manageable, not what you cut and paste and then I’ll tell you what it actually is.
I’ve heard the term citizen scientists but a couple of you guys have taken this to a whole new level, I’m flabbergasted.AW

Hello AW
I saw your post on a suggested population size for Australia .
Cool , I love your Soft Footprint , view ( if I can describe it like that ? ) .
I am probably a Big Fat Foot ( ffs ) .
I now realise , maybe there is NO consensus view , on what population growth should actually B .
The Greens agree with U , but don't advocate their View .
Who Decided 770 k Australians , needed 2 come in last year and what is this years number ???
Is there ANY Plan ?
I would like Australia 2 have a Bigger Voice , on the International Stage .
It doesn't HAVE 2B MORE people , but it will help .
We are almost 27m , and growing .
We have space , plenty of water ( if managed ) and lots of people WANT 2 live hear .
I am more a Big Foot type ( unfortunately ) , looking forward , not Down on what I stepping on , perhaps .
So , NFI and will chuck ( spew ) in 39m in 15 years , as Pop's number .
I think ( maths is crap ) that means Immigration Levels need 2 SLOW , now (also. need a buffer , just in case ) .
Your view sounds nicer than mine , I feel like a hard foot :)

I nearly fell off my chair , Melbournes population is 5.2 MILLION !
A 1.63% increase ( 85,000 , nearly fills the fn G ) , last year , shit .
Why are 19% of Australians living in THIS City ?
We are NOT 19% of our Land Mass .
Our State Government has NO Plan , for HOW Big Melbourne should fn B FFS .
Our weather is supposed 2B Crap 2 .
Our Electricity Grid is breaking down .
We need a Population Plan , desperately imho .

AlfredWallace wrote:gromfull wrote:bonza wrote:I find the UQ collaboration vid series helpful for me. short and snappy. a few examples here: (edit: ok snappy may be the wrong word. they were made before insta tiktok - old mate is rocking the bald head like a boss though) paper : you think oil is a fossil fuel.
Gromful. So you tell us what you think it is, in 20 words or less, if that’s manageable, not what you cut and paste and then I’ll tell you what it actually is.
I’ve heard the term citizen scientists but a couple of you guys have taken this to a whole new level, I’m flabbergasted.AW
smug mug, ive already stated what i beleive oil to be, not repeating it to a comment like that.
so enlightened one please explain what you are told what it is.
i never promoted myself as a scientist, but am i not allowed to think, to evaluate and decifer information to appease my thinking, as stated never said i was completly right but up to be swayed, and i couldnt careless if your flabbergasted, deal with it

Pop Down wrote:Hello AW
I saw your post on a suggested population size for Australia .
Cool , I love your Soft Footprint , view ( if I can describe it like that ? ) .
I am probably a Big Fat Foot ( ffs ) .
I now realise , maybe there is NO consensus view , on what population growth should actually B .
The Greens agree with U , but don't advocate their View .
Who Decided 770 k Australians , needed 2 come in last year and what is this years number ???
Is there ANY Plan ?
I would like Australia 2 have a Bigger Voice , on the International Stage .
It doesn't HAVE 2B MORE people , but it will help .
We are almost 27m , and growing .
We have space , plenty of water ( if managed ) and lots of people WANT 2 live hear .
I am more a Big Foot type ( unfortunately ) , looking forward , not Down on what I stepping on , perhaps .
So , NFI and will chuck ( spew ) in 39m in 15 years , as Pop's number .
I think ( maths is crap ) that means Immigration Levels need 2 SLOW , now (also. need a buffer , just in case ) .
Your view sounds nicer than mine , I feel like a hard foot :)
PopDown. Hi.
Swellnet breakfast, I’ll have our Coco Pops, enlightening and entertaining, sweet on the palette, bad on the teeth, sugar crash ensuing.
That 12 million population cap was not mine.
I’m 1996 it was the accepted number put out by scientists and others who study population growth and futuristic modelling as the ‘carrying capacity or the ability’ of our continent to support our population without a net loss to natural systems and resources.
I just happen to thoroughly agree with that figure.
Approximately one year ago, Australia officially had removed a little over one half of its original vegetation, fathom that. It’s not good.
If we are not careful, we will follow the US and end up with people living in contrived environments, for example, new towns in deserts etc,
Our biota will be raped and pillaged.
Any mere suggestion by so called economic analysts that we need a population of 30 mill, 50mill, 100mm, is just sheer fantasy, their argument is that it generates an economy and that’s the way out. Fools thinking.
Id like to know where they think all the resources are going to come from for all the things people require.
We are way over the mark at present, as I stated in my last rant regarding this matter, I simply don’t know how we will control population growth, because a lot of people want to settle in Australia
One child China policy ? AW

A One Child Policy will cause China No End of Problems AW .
Un Australian !
We have No Population Policy , it seems
Matches win with our Housing Policy , No Policy , Policy .
Without Immigration , our population would be stable .
Most couples have 2 kids .
We will be at 30m in a few years .
With People like U and seedy , we WILL look after our flora and fauna , we like that stuff .
We do it much better than 30 years ago and are getting smarter at it .
We have Enough Natural Resources 2 Build another 2 China's .
Extracting what we already have done , has caused a few holes and scars , but it will heal .
Australia , as a whole , is Incredible and will always B incredible .

bonza wrote:Yes. Of course.
So why are all other fossils made of a solid substance ?
The depth that they drill for oil is well below any depth that predates any form of life, other wise the planet would be smaller.
Considering how much oil has been used to date and that it doesnt look like ending anytime soon, thats a lot of dinosaurs to be in one place and die to then to turn into this hydrocarbon of a liquid, yeah nah, doesnt make sense

Pop Down wrote:A One Child Policy will cause China No End of Problems AW .
Un Australian !
We have No Population Policy , it seems
Matches win with our Housing Policy , No Policy , Policy .
Without Immigration , our population would be stable .
Most couples have 2 kids .
We will be at 30m in a few years .
With People like U and seedy , we WILL look after our flora and fauna , we like that stuff .
We do it much better than 30 years ago and are getting smarter at it .
We have Enough Natural Resources 2 Build another 2 China's .
Extracting what we already have done , has caused a few holes and scars , but it will heal .
Australia , as a whole , is Incredible and will always B incredible .
You have to ask the question, why is the un pushing for australia to increase to what ever ridulous number for poplulation, years ago wasnt it accepted that 25 mil was about it due to water supply and keeping our biodiversity intact, a balanced approach.
But now we have labour governments pushing for mas migration and from coutries that hate the values of the west, yes islamic migration, why is it being pushed into all western countries.
Is it to create divide, unrest, civil warfare, history has shown us that everywhere that islam goes, it does not end well.
If it is the WEF, UN pushing this, well when are the identities of those who really control those organisations are exposed we may get an answer.
I have never seen it as a economical reason but more of a divide and conquor, hate speech in the streets of melbourne, in the mosques of sydney, the proof is there for all to see, but the liberal left just want to keep telling us it is the religion of peace, proof says otherwise,
In the middle of a housing crisis, we import 770000 in 1 year
we allow foreign investment to purchase homes and unit apartments, but are hardly being occupied
ridiculous amounts in foreign aid
what have i missed
oh, big corporations raping this country of profits through the government contracts, paying fuck all tax through offshore partners
not taxing the mining companies, its our minerals and should be shared by the people
we can all see a multitude of problems that seems to be easily fixed but our leaders constantly put spin on it to make us look like idiots for suggesting what evryone knows shopuld happen, Mybe Pauline was right all along.
Australia first

gromfull wrote:bonza wrote:Yes. Of course.
So why are all other fossils made of a solid substance ?
The depth that they drill for oil is well below any depth that predates any form of life, other wise the planet would be smaller.
Considering how much oil has been used to date and that it doesnt look like ending anytime soon, thats a lot of dinosaurs to be in one place and die to then to turn into this hydrocarbon of a liquid, yeah nah, doesnt make sense
Its decayed organic material - algae and plankton and plants that make up our "fossil fuels" not dinosaurs or at least very few.

That was a funny video .
I think it said all the animal stuff went down a billion years ago and caused Fossil Fuels haha .
A process that takes a million years .
Coal and Shale Gas are then , NOT , technically . a Fossil Fuel .
Hilarious .
The Huge Basins in Qld and other parts of Australia , were not caused by T Rex's haha .
Think The Amazon , going Down and/or getting covered .
This stuff happens more than , once in a billion .
I can't remember , the last one !
The One Advanced Well ( not high or spinning ) shown , going down and branching into the oil or gas field , looked bloody efficient , like a little nuclear reactor , but safe .

This latest heat wave shows why I always go by astronomical seasons. Meteorological seasons are a cop out, an "easy fit" for a dumbed down species. True summer ends on March 20, the equinox. But that's not "convenient" for simpletons.

I think most are aware that there's a 'seasonal' lag, thanks to the astronomical drivers you speak of Sheepy.

Sheepdog wrote:This latest heat wave shows why I always go by astronomical seasons. Meteorological seasons are a cop out, an "easy fit" for a dumbed down species. True summer ends on March 20, the equinox. But that's not "convenient" for simpletons.
True. Equinoxes and Solstices, drivers of meteorological and biological processes.AW

bonza wrote:gromfull wrote:bonza wrote:Yes. Of course.
So why are all other fossils made of a solid substance ?
The depth that they drill for oil is well below any depth that predates any form of life, other wise the planet would be smaller.
Considering how much oil has been used to date and that it doesnt look like ending anytime soon, thats a lot of dinosaurs to be in one place and die to then to turn into this hydrocarbon of a liquid, yeah nah, doesnt make sense
Its decayed organic material - algae and plankton and plants that make up our "fossil fuels" not dinosaurs or at least very few.
You missed the point, they are drilling too deep for there to have been any plant life, so how can it be called a fossil fuel if it cant become a fossil
Also where did the term fossil fuel come from, where coined the phrase fossil fuel, was it not Rockerfeller in the 20's too give the feeling of scarcity to keep the price high

Hmm not sure where you are going with this? Conspiracy? I'm not a earth scientist but the concepts are pretty simple to me. I thought the vid and links explained it well. Maybe you are forgetting that most of the planet was underwater at some point?
Sea levels were much higher - vast amounts of the planet was deep underwater. Eons in plankton and microorganisms deposits falling to the sea floor smothered in millions of tonnes of sedimentation over thousands, millions of years. The time is unfathomable. Geological processes over millennia. Processes that formed our mountains, oceans, rivers.
Sea levels rising, falling and rising again. Tectonic plate movements, Volcanos, Colluvial & Alluvial erosion & deposition processes. All combined to pressure cook with the sheer force of gravity, those biological materials, deposited within those prehistoric seas - in many cases where deserts now stand, into fossilised fuels through chemical processes. The materials now being, petroleum and gas finding their way through cracks and fissures in the earths crust and rock eventually finding their way to the surface or becoming trapped by impermeable rock.
Anyway that's what I was taught. I don’t think that has changed so far. I don’t know all the details but the general theory makes perfect sense. And it is supported by massive evidence. Last I comment about this one. Pretty bloody cool I reckon. All the best Grom.

Good on you for having the patience to give a sincere answer bonza.

As Bonza put so Well , the Evolution of Our. Earth is amazing .
Same with Humans Evolution .
Our Energy ( not food ) first came from Trees ( Wood ) and then Whale Oil .
The Whale numbers followed , us Up .
Mother Earth was squeezing Out Oil and Pushing Up Coal and we didn't notice , 4 Hundreds of Years .
When WE finally did , our Species Exploded in numbers .
Now OUR numbers are Big , we are Ignoring them , again , in Australia !
Go figure .
Lucky we have Natural Gas .
The Earth knows how 2 make Oil and Gas , so easily , in a Blink of her eye .
Humans have ONLY happened ONCE in HER Lifetime .
She wants US 2 just have fun , in our tiny moment .

EV carmakers are facing reality. The initial euphoria is over.

bonza wrote:Hmm not sure where you are going with this? Conspiracy? I'm not a earth scientist but the concepts are pretty simple to me. I thought the vid and links explained it well. Maybe you are forgetting that most of the planet was underwater at some point?
Sea levels were much higher - vast amounts of the planet was deep underwater. Eons in plankton and microorganisms deposits falling to the sea floor smothered in millions of tonnes of sedimentation over thousands, millions of years. The time is unfathomable. Geological processes over millennia. Processes that formed our mountains, oceans, rivers.
Sea levels rising, falling and rising again. Tectonic plate movements, Volcanos, Colluvial & Alluvial erosion & deposition processes. All combined to pressure cook with the sheer force of gravity, those biological materials, deposited within those prehistoric seas - in many cases where deserts now stand, into fossilised fuels through chemical processes. The materials now being, petroleum and gas finding their way through cracks and fissures in the earths crust and rock eventually finding their way to the surface or becoming trapped by impermeable rock.Anyway that's what I was taught. I don’t think that has changed so far. I don’t know all the details but the general theory makes perfect sense. And it is supported by massive evidence. Last I comment about this one. Pretty bloody cool I reckon. All the best Grom.
Run all yoou like, but the depths are too deep kilometres deep, maybe we were tuaght bullshit to go along with the narrative, they lied about alot of things, i recckon this is one of them.
Why are some scientists saying it is a liquid that is formed in the earths crust, makes sense from the depths that they drill for it.
And why hasnt it run out yet

Why is any of this important anyway? It’s kinda good to know stuff but it doesn’t change anything. Which narrative? Who’s lying? Does anyone even care about this?

hey Grom
The Earth is still making more "Fossil Fuels " , so the Stuff will NEVER run out .
It's renewable .
The Gasy , Fluidy , Coal/Shaley making Process happens every day .
The Gasy Fluidy Stuff keeps moving around 2 , through Rock , until it finds a resting place .
Finding the Stuff is tricky , it moves from Resting Places .
Shale ( Gas ) and Coal Deposits are fn Everywhere on Earth and don't move much , at all .
The ones we use , are the Shallow and good quality ones .
Simple stuff and 24/7 , Base Load Power .

"The Earth is still making more "Fossil Fuels " , so the Stuff will NEVER run out"
Weird thing to say Pop.

This was an interesting listen.
As well as talking about upbringing, business ,renewables he touches on Nuclear and Gas etc

Sheepdog wrote:This latest heat wave shows why I always go by astronomical seasons. Meteorological seasons are a cop out, an "easy fit" for a dumbed down species. True summer ends on March 20, the equinox. But that's not "convenient" for simpletons.
March 19th as per the 2024 nautical almanac *cough* : )

2024 Spring Equinox March 20, 2024 at 3:06 AM UTC
2024 Spring Equinox March 20, 2024 at 2:06 PM GMT+11
Sorry to be that guy, timezones are tricky. Your almanac from the US?

Do U think Earth as has Stopped , doing HER Creating Stuff ???
That's weird imho .
New Oil is being created today .
New Species of Plants and Animals 2 .
Its not weird , its Cool !

Yeah but the rate at which the earth creates fossil fuels is very slow like millions of years and the rate at which we have been burning them is very fast most fossil fuels we have only been burning for the last 100 years in great amounts
And even if fossil fuels didnt create global warming at some stage we would run out and at some stage we would have also extracted the easy and cheap to get stuff and have to go after the harder to get stuff and the expense would become higher to get them out of the ground, hence cost to consumer increase.
Its said we have about 150 years of coal left and about 25 years worth of oil and about 50 years of gas, these figures do seem to vary on sources but even if higher and they find more reserves, none are an infinite source of energy, while renewables are.
Dont get me wrong im not anti fossil fuels, but renewables make sense long term even without the global warming factor.

There are a Gazillion Oil Pools that are UNDISCOVERED , that are easy 2 extract , that COULD B used .
There are Huge Reserves that ARE harder 2 Extract and then need More Refining eg Canadian Tar Oil .
Gas Reserves , Coal and Shale are fn Everywhere , but OK 150 years will do .
Mate , I reckon that will B MORE than fn enough .
We will have Nuclear Fusion , within 20 years ffs.
All our Energy Sources , we have now and are building , WILL be Obsolete in fn 20 years .
It's so fn simple !
Does anybody on THIS thread NOT believe Humans will invent a NEW Energy source ?
Its a matter of , WHEN !

"Does anybody on THIS thread NOT believe Humans will invent a NEW Energy source ?"
It's an interesting question and idea.
I dont think a new major energy source will be discovered.
Because all energy is pretty much provided by nature in some way.
Fossil fuels-burning petroleum products, oil, gas, coal or burning other things like bio mass
Then non burning from nature- wind, sun, waves, tides, earth's inner heat, water and use of gravity.
Then other chemical type reactions like Nuclear.
The idea that we will discover another energy source im not so certain is true, it couldn't be something we burn, and we know all nature's energy sources, so it would have to be another chemical type reaction.
I dont think wind and solar will become obsolete these are the most common easily captured forms of energy that as long as humans live will not run out, but yes as time goes on the way we capture the energy from wind and solar will become better and maybe capture energy from below the earth's crust better, that one makes a lot of sense and tidal too.
Nuclear fusion is definitely the energy holy grail but nobody knows when or even if it will ever happen, so for now the sun is our main nuclear fusion generator.

The Whalers 150 years ago , probably thought like U2 .
Mate , look how Far Humans have come , In the Last 150 years .
Try and imagine where we will be in another 150 years .
U are thinking like a Fossil :)
WindMills , Thermal , and Whale Oil are ALL old Stuff that were great , in The Good Old Days .
When a human finally fell in some Oil , EVERYTHING Changed !!!!
The Earth said , Leave the fn Whales alone and Use this shit . It's Great and U will love it !
Sea Water Tidal Stuff , shit , That fn sounds EASY and Might look good on our fn Coast !
Why make this SO fn hard ?
U don't mention Natural Gas !
Why ?

Mother Nature thinks Humans are Crazy , to Try and Harness Her .
Tidal , Geothermal , Wind , Solar and Hydro , try to harness Nature and its fn hard work !!!
The Earth has put STUFF all around US , to Use that is So Easy , to use for Electricity Generation .
Stuff U just can put a fn match to and it Burns for ages .
Its so CHEAP !
IF the only cost is CO2 , lets deal with the consequences and hope the change 2 a New energy happens sooner , rather than later .
It will take Renewables 50 years ( perhaps ) , to be able 2 provide BASE Load Electricity , 4 Melbourne .
Until it can , we need to use fossil fuels .
We won't need either , then .
And this Plan ends up creating , LESS CO2 ???
Humans are so weird !

@Pop. Hello, happy weekend : )
Now, I am quite serious about this, I think you should write some of these cosmological musings down, and approach publishers in the education sector. With the way paper publishing is, coffee table books by celebrity chefs, I think some would jump at the chance to have a high-publicity kids' release like yours, that morning shows would be champing to interview you about. And I suspect it would quickly garner a cult status and become a hit among right-leaning boomers for the grandys (big market if you keep the spelling US friendly, i.e. "no-one apologized for the oil spill in the harbor as Momma Earth loved the color")

Indo, it's not often I find myself nodding in agreement with your comments, but your engagement with Pop had me doing just that . Keep up the good fight!

lol Gday base 6 :)
Going surfing later , so a great day in sunny Melbourne .
I have a kids book in my head , Billy Nudgel ( Blonde boy from Melb aged 12ish ) visits his grand parents @ Mullum and saves The Mountain Frogs from the fn Cane Toad Invasion . He get ALL the Native Animals involved and kicks some Mexican butt , OFF Mt Warning !
A King Parrot ( Billybudgel ) , talks him into it haha .
I like being anon :) & not a Culty guy at all and NO Leader of 1 haha .
Fame is too dangerous !
I like delegating :)
Have ONE book I would really like to C put on paper - have a title "The Tea Lady " .
About Pearl , who has lost her belief in God , but finds it , I love a happy ending :)
Am looking for a Ghost ( Voldy ) , writer :)
Am at a Fork In The Road ( listen to Kerryn Fields new song :) and just smelling some roses .
So , NFI , but think am in temporary Vortexy spot ( have to move as owner wants my place :) ?
How is Out West , looking and where should I B looking :) ?

;...invent a NEW energy source' - already exists doesnt it? and is being withheld? UAP technology - what the fark is driving those things? and that also relates to your comment Indo - '...and we know all nature's energy sources' - I think not, and not just referring to the UAP technology. I wouldnt assume we already know everything about nature

I had to google UAP, but yeah ive listened to USA pilots etc talk about those things.
Hard to know what they really are, very weird has to be human tech if real, but then also weird sighted near USA, has to be USA tech..i hope.

Hadn't thought of hail storm risks to solar farms. Well it is real. A whole farm could be destroyed in an hour if those (rare) large hailstones come down. Roof top solar also at risk. The east coast is more at risk.

I was in living in Sydney when Golf ball hail stones smashed into the city just before the Olympics .
Was like a hammer smashing cars , planes , whatever .
It almost tore the City apart .
A Solar Panel would stand NO chance !