The United States(!) of A

exactly frog, and etarip
I actually said way back they had no message, no policy...
beyond don't vote for the other guy...
they did a morrison
even a moderate back of napkin plan for the economy and they would have probably smashed it. but i dare say the party is too divided to even agree on that
or too complacent with the biden shambles

A couple of political truisms are relevant to Trump and US politics:
Oppositions don’t win elections governments (or presidents) lose them; and
If you have to choose between a conspiracy and a cock up always assume a cock up.

I'm with Steve. Don't discount the effect Roe vs Wade would've had in this election.

etarip wrote:100% frog
Perversely. I think there might have been a sense of ‘better the devil you know’ that crept in too.
A choice between a "Sniffer and Grifter" and return to "Captain Chaos". What a choice :(

Speaking of grifting; Trump’s links to sites that are ‘fundraising’ for the GA senate run off -fine print- are split 90% Trump : 10% Walker (the actual candidate)

stunet wrote:I'm with Steve. Don't discount the effect Roe vs Wade would've had in this election.
My wife, who spent 8 years of her early adulthood living in the US, would agree with you on that Stu / FR. Her WhatsApp message groups were lit up.

adam12 wrote:Murdoch seeming to back DeSantis who has no MAGA voters outside of Florida. They will eat themselves.
Outside of Fox news The Daily Wire is the biggest Conservative news type platform in the USA on Facebook its page has a combined user number of likes and followers of over 7 million, so it's comment section is pretty good snap shot of USA conservative voters are thinking/viewing things.
Two years ago it would have been 99% pro Trump, it's not going that way anymore the majority of comments are in the vein of Trump needs to step aside and De Santis is the man.
Below is three snap shots of comments from three seperate articles in last week or so, I just clicked all comments and screen shot the top ones, I'm seeing this narrative under every article with Trump and De Santis, it's only a minority that are still 100% Trump.

I think Trump will trash the joint on the way out.

FR, Stu. I just read that 72% of women voters in the 18-29 bracket voted Dem for House election.
Way to go Roe.

Do ya reckon if trump announces he’s running in 2024 , that desantis will be told to cool his heels and save his run for 2028 ? Then he would have the trump voters behind him and a better chance of being elected.

I reckon the GOP will turn itself inside out if Trump announces an intent to run. Look at the amount of shit that’s being shared by former inner-circle since the mid-terms.

I reckon with Trump weakened, they will all run. Trump, DeSantis, Pence, Nikki Hayley, Pompeo, even Kari Lake if she gets in, maybe even Sarah Palin and Huckabee. Ted Cruz, Rubio, then there's Tim Scott, Youngkin, and perhaps even Liz Cheney. DeSantis may well get the nod and his youthful good looks compared to Sleepy Joe would contrast well, but the mid terms show that the electorate is up and about and has some bigger issues to prosecute this cycle, like democratic values and abortion. Going to be both fun and frightening to watch.
With that, I'm off these forums for a while, bigger fish, etc. have fun boys.

We should hope for a Biden / Biden ticket. Experience and Youth. A first family to be proud of.
Both pass the sniff test. Rupert Murdoch urges Donald Trump not to run in 2024, threatening to back a Democrat if he does

Didn’t like being told Donny was her man , likes guns too apparently. Also calls Donny , President Donald Trump
Don’t mess with the Aussies.
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) November 15, 2022

Supafreak wrote:Didn’t like being told Donny was her man , likes guns too apparently. Also calls Donny , President Donald Trump
60 Minutes vs The Dickless Donald. There are no winners here.

Supafreak wrote:Didn’t like being told Donny was her man , likes guns too apparently. Also calls Donny , President Donald Trump
Jeez Supa, but if you look at it from a different angle she will be a huge hero to some people. She held her ground exceptionally well (I don't agree with her) and those who support this view will see her as a freedom fighter. This video can be celebrated from multiple angles.

stunet wrote:Supafreak wrote:Didn’t like being told Donny was her man , likes guns too apparently. Also calls Donny , President Donald Trump
60 Minutes vs The Dickless Donald. There are no winners here.
No winners but a bloody good laugh

What I was saying about disputed real facts/truth - how can there be free speech when the most basic of facts are questioned?

"What I was saying about disputed real facts/truth - how can there be free speech when the most basic of facts are questioned?"
yeh your right, censor it all
its all a 'conspiracy'
russia russia russia...
biden's laptop
covid bullshit
lab leak
hilary's emails
shut it all down!!!
no debate to be entered into...
cos guysmiley said so


" can there be free speech when the most basic of facts are questioned?"
you're always throwing this line out there
Im sorry, but its your ilk thats been pushing more of the 'questionable facts' of late...
by a significant margin
with no debate to be entered into
then you've all got the audacity to pump out lines about 'facts'
its truly is alternate universe stuff

You’re a funny man sypkan

Here we go, this is the one

sypkan wrote:" can there be free speech when the most basic of facts are questioned?"
you're always throwing this line out there
Im sorry, but its your ilk thats been pushing more of the 'questionable facts' of late...
by a significant margin
with no debate to be entered into
then you've all got the audacity to pump out lines about 'facts'
its truly is alternate universe stuff
I missed this thread last night, but last nights comment in the other thread is even more relevant to this discussion.
This idea of Guys that you cant have free speech because basic facts/truths aren't believed by everyone is crazy and makes no sense at all.
It doesn't matter how crazy an idea is generally speaking* people should be able to air them and should be up for debate or discussion
For instance should someone have the right to believe and say publicly the earth is flat?
Yeah of course they should, its their right to believe it and say it publicly or even publish a website or book saying the earth is flat, but of course to most of us they also look silly and we can prove them wrong very quickly with science and most of us would never even bother getting into a discussion about it and find those who believe the earth is flat amusing.
Like my post last night dealt with, one of the craziest ideas around today and one popular with progressives and one that see's people banned from social media or canceled for not accepting or pointing out is false with science is the idea that a person born one sex can actually become the opposite sex purely because they believe it and even believe that a man can have a baby.
Again everyone should have the right to believe whatever they like and air their ideas publicly, but others should also have the freedom to say sorry while you might believe you are now the opposite sex, I can prove with science that you aren't and i can prove with science men cant have babies and of course not be forced into accepting your belief is true, exactly the same as flat earthers.
*Sure there is rare exceptions
BTW. The topic is fresh in my mind as yesterday i watched the docco "what is a women" could only find a crappy copy on youtube though.

Sssssh, info, you can have all the opinions you like (and you do) but not your own facts. World of difference I’m afraid.

And... Trump's back! Just announced he's running for President 2024.

thermalben wrote:And... Trump's back! Just announced he's running for President 2024.
Bring on the 'Great and Glorious again!'
What a shit show this will be. Get the pop corn ready as the USA implodes... Interesting times indeed ..

He's so embarrassing and cringe.

GuySmiley wrote:Sssssh, info, you can have all the opinions you like (and you do) but not your own facts. World of difference I’m afraid.
Well it should be that way an opinion should only become a fact when its able to be proven with evidence but as shown above it's not always the case, sometimes an opinion without evidence to support it can gain traction among many as fact even when its easily disproven with evidence.
Or in many cases it gains traction as fact even though it can't be either proven or disproven, in many cases it is seen as fact because it suits a certain political or social agenda viewpoint better or the outcome we prefer or feel most comfortable with..
Thats why freedom of speech is important, in many cases it should be part of the process of helping determine what is opinion and what is fact.
The problem some have is they fear their opinions they see as facts could be disproven so they oppose the free speech that may unravel things.

My head just exploded reading that, ID (to be fair, I'm still in pain with Shingles, but still, you've made it worse).

ha ha hope you get rid of those things they don't sound fun.

thermalben wrote:And... Trump's back! Just announced he's running for President 2024.
With covid on the back burner and the war in Ukraine asking for more billions , a distraction like trump running will keep the media foaming at the mouth for the next few years .Donald Trump just officially announced he is running again for president in 2024.
— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) November 16, 2022

Info, I’ve read your last post three times and still can’t comprehend what you trying to say, are you really saying opinions can be facts? Surely not, not even you c/would think that! Tell me I’ve misunderstood you

@indo you are reiterating the point I made earlier. Freedom of speech and being canceled on a private business platform like Twitter are not the same concepts. It's up to the business operators of Twitter (and similar) to decide who they want there and as you are on the right you should support their right to do exactly that. As far as I'm aware there is no societal-level legislation limiting what people can say which means freedom of speech is guaranteed. However, certain words can result in members of society (and certain businesses like twitter) canceling someone out. This basically means that they don't want to be associated with that person and I can understand that. Please don't confuse the 2, they're not the same things.

Trump 2024. Easy victory

It won't be easy. But it's certainly possible.

Geez, seems like the United of United States part may become history... Cannot see how big blue states such as California would accept another Trump presidency. Reckon the cold civil war happening now could heat up there if Trump got in.
Strange days.

andy-mac wrote:Geez, seems like the United of United States part may become history... Cannot see how big blue states such as California would accept another Trump presidency. Reckon the cold civil war happening now could heat up there if Trump got in.
Strange days.
Trump or death
MAGA are gathering outside Trump Tower in Manhattan chanting “USA!” while stomping on a DeSantis campaign poster, saying “Trump or death!” and telling Nancy Pelosi “There’s no ice cream in hell” before accusing her husband of being a “cruiser.” Not a cult, though. Absolutely not.
— Andrew—New YouTube Channel @LiveFromTheResistance (@AmoneyResists) November 15, 2022

GuySmiley wrote:Info, I’ve read your last post three times and still can’t comprehend what you trying to say, are you really saying opinions can be facts? Surely not, not even you c/would think that! Tell me I’ve misunderstood you
An opinion is just a viewpoint so of course it can be true and factual an opinion can also be false too and can also be partly true and party false or might not even fall into any real truth either way and only just be a personal opinion.
For instance long ago there was spilt opinion on if the earth was round or flat.
Some had the opinion it was flat and some that it was round.
But then those that believed it was round brought evidence to prove it was round with maths and science and exploration the opinion of those who thought the earth was round then become fact while those who thought the earth was flat opinion was proven false.
However an opinion doesn't have to be correct or wrong, for instance i could say a movie or band is good or bad, I'm nether right or wrong, its just a personal opinion.
Or opinions can be correct even though they may differ slightly, for instance i might go to one doctor get his view on the best treatment and then decide i want a second opinion and go to another doctor, their treatments might vary slightly but still work and be true.
I might even go to a naturopath and get their opinion and the treatment might be very different but still work.

Wonder how the Murdoch media machine will react after Rupert reportedly telling Trump he would not support his run for the top job.
Clusterfuck! GOP could self ignite? Democrats easy win, or does Trump get in although losing vote count twice???
Whatever happens, not good for USA or civil society. Trump supporters next level nasty pieces of work....

You're not doing yourself any favours, ID.

WTF, there's a big and easy difference between opinion and fact.

indo-dreaming wrote:GuySmiley wrote:Info, I’ve read your last post three times and still can’t comprehend what you trying to say, are you really saying opinions can be facts? Surely not, not even you c/would think that! Tell me I’ve misunderstood you
An opinion is just a viewpoint so of course it can be true and factual an opinion can also be false too and can also be partly true and party false or might not even fall into any real truth either way and only just be a personal opinion.
For instance long ago there was spilt opinion on if the earth was round or flat.
Some had the opinion it was flat and some that it was round.
But then those that believed it was round brought evidence to prove it was round with maths and science and exploration the opinion of those who thought the earth was round then become fact while those who thought the earth was flat opinion was proven false.
However an opinion doesn't have to be correct or wrong, for instance i could say a movie or band is good or bad, I'm nether right or wrong, its just a personal opinion.
Or opinions can be correct even though they may differ slightly, for instance i might go to one doctor get his view on the best treatment and then decide i want a second opinion and go to another doctor, their treatments might vary slightly but still work and be true.
I might even go to a naturopath and get their opinion and the treatment might be very different but still work.
This gave me a headache hahaha

indo-dreaming wrote:An opinion is just a viewpoint so of course it can be true and factual an opinion can also be false too and can also be partly true and party false or might not even fall into any real truth either way and only just be a personal opinion.
For instance long ago there was spilt opinion on if the earth was round or flat.
Some had the opinion it was flat and some that it was round.
But then those that believed it was round brought evidence to prove it was round with maths and science and exploration the opinion of those who thought the earth was round then become fact while those who thought the earth was flat opinion was proven false.
However an opinion doesn't have to be correct or wrong, for instance i could say a movie or band is good or bad, I'm nether right or wrong, its just a personal opinion.
Or opinions can be correct even though they may differ slightly, for instance i might go to one doctor get his view on the best treatment and then decide i want a second opinion and go to another doctor, their treatments might vary slightly but still work and be true.
I might even go to a naturopath and get their opinion and the treatment might be very different but still work.
@ Craig
Okay great if you think that then take the examples ive given and prove these examples are not correct.
Opinion can be fact, fiction or neither its just a view point.

Supafreak wrote:andy-mac wrote:Geez, seems like the United of United States part may become history... Cannot see how big blue states such as California would accept another Trump presidency. Reckon the cold civil war happening now could heat up there if Trump got in.
Strange days.Trump or death
MAGA are gathering outside Trump Tower in Manhattan chanting “USA!” while stomping on a DeSantis campaign poster, saying “Trump or death!” and telling Nancy Pelosi “There’s no ice cream in hell” before accusing her husband of being a “cruiser.” Not a cult, though. Absolutely not.
— Andrew—New YouTube Channel @LiveFromTheResistance (@AmoneyResists) November 15, 2022
Some of the comments are pretty funny!!

An opinion is just that..
Until proven to be true/factual/real, then it is called a fact (ie it ain't an opinion any more).

andy-mac wrote:Wonder how the Murdoch media machine will react after Rupert reportedly telling Trump he would not support his run for the top job.
Clusterfuck! GOP could self ignite? Democrats easy win, or does Trump get in although losing vote count twice???
Whatever happens, not good for USA or civil society. Trump supporters next level nasty pieces of work....
Yep murdoch has clearly stated he will support desantis and if he is beaten by trump then he ( murdoch ) will support the democrats just to keep things “ stable “ in the US . Unbelievable that a major media outlet so openly admits they support one party or the other. I can see desantis just stepping back myself and wait until 2028 with better support from all republican voters. He surely can’t win without full republican voter support and the RWNJs will be dirty on him if he beats their Donny boy. Many republican voters can’t stand Donny either so it may well be a gifted election to the dems. I see Donny has already promised to reinstate military personnel that refused the vaccination with full back pay.

Now my head is hurting!
I “think” you’re on the same page as me ie facts are facts / they can be proven to be so but you can have an opinion on them eg trump lost the election (fact) but he was robbed (opinion) … baseless by the way (my opinion)

Craig wrote:An opinion is just that..
Until proven to be true/factual/real, then it is called a fact (ie it ain't an opinion any more).
hmmm i think you have a point to a degree but not sure if it's that black and white i still stand by my previous post but it is now starting to do my head in.
Anyway most of the things we discuss here be it politics or social issues are opinion based from both sides and rarely have real conclusions or outcomes.
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank