The United States(!) of A

" I don't disagree" = you agree. I think that is twice now!
Most of my views on cause and effect are not particularly different from what one would expect based on what the US says openly about their geopolitical strategies and actions.
They say they want to achieve X and a series of events happen in that direction so they probably they did some of Y to make it happen. Often they straight out say they did Y in some forum but spin it as good or necessary or bury it in other news. Logical - not as absent of critical thought as you assume.
I browse far more widely than you think. We all have our own framework for making judgements. Mine are fairly flexible.
I read a lot of macro financial stuff (which often spills over into geopolitics) and events have taught me not to have too many fixed views on events, narratives or cause / effect. There is huge complexity, randomness, smoke and mirrors everywhere especially where big money and politics is involved. In investing, if you just read mainstream Bloomberg or the WSJ or stick to your set framework without also looking other viewpoints you will be blindsided time and again.
We probably agree on far more than you think.

Trump still whinging he was robbed. If he is the republicans pick for 2024 , is this his strategy for re-election ? If he doesn’t win , does he scream he was robbed again and civil war breaks out ? Going to be some angry nut cases getting around .
Trump this morning calls to be reinstated as president and declared the winner of 2020, or to have a new election immediately.
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) December 3, 2022

I remember seeing Tulsi listed as a future young leader for the WEF and I was thinking WTF , I’m glad she’s cleared that up .

Travelling in the US at the moment. Blown away by large billboards focused on countering anti-semitism off highways.
One I saw this morning in Florida:
“Can a billboard stop anti-semitism”
“But you can” - JewBelong
What has this place come to? Why does this message need to be reinforced?

Poor Donny has a bit on his plate besides the election being stolen from him .

So he's back on twitter? lol

US forces give the nod......
From Guardian:
"More US forces to be present in Australia
The US secretary of defense, Lloyd Austin, is up next.
Austin says there will be an increase rotational presence of US navy and army troops in Australia. It will see more US air, land and sea forces in Australia.
He says US and Australian “mateship” is important for global security.
Our mateship will stand as a bedrock of future peace and security."
Updated at 08.21 AEDT

etarip wrote:Travelling in the US at the moment. Blown away by large billboards focused on countering anti-semitism off highways.
One I saw this morning in Florida:
“Can a billboard stop anti-semitism”
“But you can” - JewBelongWhat has this place come to? Why does this message need to be reinforced?
That's interesting. I assume it's the free market kind of thing with billboard advertising so someone is financing it. I guess it's coming from various Jewish associations, it's a sad state of affairs if they have the need to do that.

update to Elon's purchase, it looks like he's going after spam accounts, and developing tools to show views, make it easier to go through threads, wants to improve signal to noise - and the politics includes polls he promised, and he's given air to Matt Taibbi's "Hunter Laptop" story. He's fired a Mr Baker from legal counsel too; it looks like the purchase is also a political/statement one.
Can't see Trump posting at present.

flollo wrote:etarip wrote:Travelling in the US at the moment. Blown away by large billboards focused on countering anti-semitism off highways.
One I saw this morning in Florida:
“Can a billboard stop anti-semitism”
“But you can” - JewBelongWhat has this place come to? Why does this message need to be reinforced?
That's interesting. I assume it's the free market kind of thing with billboard advertising so someone is financing it. I guess it's coming from various Jewish associations, it's a sad state of affairs if they have the need to do that.
Apartheid is a sad state of affairs. Just ask a Palestinian. Maybe that’s why they need a bit of positive propaganda.

@flollo - yeah, it’s funded by some kind of social group / association - the sponsor was in small writing at the bottom of the billboard just couldn’t read it.
@soggy - I don’t see a link between US domestic anti-semitism and US views on expansionist Israeli (proto-Zionist) policies. It’s almost an awkward bedfellows situation between the far-right polity that supports Israel unquestioningly from a foreign policy perspective but targets Jews domestically.
Anyway, it was intended more as a direct observation from the US - and something I’ve never seen in almost 20 years of travel here. I’m not in Florida now, and I haven’t seen it anywhere else.

Clearly nothing to this laptop thingo

Back when Donny recovered quickly from covid he wanted to wear a superman suit but his advisers talked him out of it . He seems to be be losing his grip on reality.
What’s he going to do? Leap from tall buildings?
— Michael Taylor 🇦🇺🏴 🖤💛❤️ (@AusIndiMedia) December 15, 2022

Not sure if desantis is serious about going after the cdc fda & big pharma or just playing up to a certain audience.

Here’s the “ major announcement “ from Donny , he never fails to disappoint.
. The comments are hilarious.OMG
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) December 15, 2022

It gets better , what a fantastic biggly xmas gift .

Supafreak wrote:It gets better , what a fantastic biggly xmas gift .
Fark, there is a major glitch in the simulation!!! How could this guy become President? And more frightening, how can people still support him?
Strange days indeed ....

andy-mac wrote:Supafreak wrote:It gets better , what a fantastic biggly xmas gift .
Fark, there is a major glitch in the simulation!!! How could this guy become President? And more frightening, how can people still support him?
Strange days indeed ....
Yep , it’s amazing to think this con artist salesman was president .


Supafreak wrote:It gets better , what a fantastic biggly xmas gift .
Fuck, that is insane and insanely hilarious.

Supafreak wrote:andy-mac wrote:Supafreak wrote:It gets better , what a fantastic biggly xmas gift .
Fark, there is a major glitch in the simulation!!! How could this guy become President? And more frightening, how can people still support him?
Strange days indeed ....Yep , it’s amazing to think this con artist salesman was president .
And a possibility he may be again? I guess that is looking less likely these days but you never know. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I think people underestimate his sly sense of humour :)

AndyM wrote:I think people underestimate his sly sense of humour :)
Possibly. The alternative is he is totally cooked, and looking at other ways of turning a buck.

AndyM wrote:I think people underestimate his sly sense of humour :)
Possibly. The alternative is he is totally cooked, and looking at other ways of turning a buck.

blackers wrote:AndyM wrote:I think people underestimate his sly sense of humour :)
Possibly. The alternative is he is totally cooked, and looking at other ways of turning a buck.
If 1 million people buy this at $99 , that’s not a bad little earn , if 10 million buy it well he’s got a nice fund to support his campaign.

Or his legals.

blackers wrote:AndyM wrote:I think people underestimate his sly sense of humour :)
Possibly. The alternative is he is totally cooked, and looking at other ways of turning a buck.
Haha, there’s a definite possibility of that!
I do get the feeling there’s a bit of self-deprecating irony there somewhere.
As well as bottomless ego and hubris

What a big beautiful swamp creature

So Elon is all for free speech on Twitter…. unless he is the subject of investigation/article?

Distracted wrote:So Elon is all for free speech on Twitter…. unless he is the subject of investigation/article?
Savin the world from the msm, one ban at a time. But happily drops Q shit.

Trump Trading Cards are fast losing value...
Thursday Opening Price = $99.00 lost 8% value in 24hrs...
Super Hero Range last chance power drive...was $120 by midday dropped to $71.89.
Reckon the crew might think that's a pretty good deal...Trump : "Winner...Fisty Pumps!"
Better be quick to bin them before ya go broke..."It's so Sad!"

Never heard of this podcast before and media bias fact check gives it a low credibility rating with extreme right bias . What they claim in this 10 minute video is that trump is doing the trading card thing as a joke and has footage of trump giving what is supposed to be his “ actual real “ big announcement. Whatever he’s up to , the whole thing is just plain weird or is he another global mastermind like our own Scotty ?

Distracted wrote:So Elon is all for free speech on Twitter…. unless he is the subject of investigation/article?
Its been widely reported they have been sharing his real time location information that puts his and others safety at risk, quite a reasonable reason to ban, unlike say banning someone because they didn't use the correct pronoun.

blackers wrote:Distracted wrote:So Elon is all for free speech on Twitter…. unless he is the subject of investigation/article? the world from the msm, one ban at a time. But happily drops Q shit.
Ha ha oh please if you believe this you are seriously gullible is just media click bait beat up demonisation of Musk cause he has gone from a leftie poster child to the lefts new villain.(for some strange reason)
Do a google search "follow the rabbit meaning" and it comes up with all kinds of explanations for the meaning but nothing about QAon on the 1st page(other than this trashy take), it's seems to be more a pop culture reference from the Matrix among other things.
This is like when some media gets a picture with someone doing some hand single and suddenly they are part of some white supremacy movement when there they probably don't even know there is alternative meaning for the hand signal as dont get involved in conspiracy type stuff, to me this type of thing is a form of nutty conspiracy theory type trash or just being misleading on purpose to demonise him either way its pure trash.

indo-dreaming wrote:Distracted wrote:So Elon is all for free speech on Twitter…. unless he is the subject of investigation/article? been widely reported they have been sharing his real time location information that puts his and others safety at risk, quite a reasonable reason to ban, unlike say banning someone because they didn't use the correct pronoun.
Looks like Elon snapped after a car with his 2yr old in was harassed by some nutter. Apparently, he blocked the car and climbed on the bonnet at some stage.

Supafreak's Xmas range : { Minister for Everything Cluedo }
NSW Pentecostal Police Chief :
"Our Pastor Scomo killed off Democracy atop Victory Life Prayer Tower with his 50 minute sermon."
Pastor Scomo :
"Wrong! It wasn't my boring sermon it was the Life Centre's $500,000 Job Seeker Payment rort!"
"Suck Shit Australia...I win Again!"
Wow! This is so Aussie...supafreak is floggin' off his Gold Standard Xmas Merch!

blackers wrote:[quote=Distractedwrote:So Elon is all for free speech....
Ha ha oh please if you believe this you are seriously gullible is just media click bait beat up ....
Don't lose your shirt fanboy. Do I believe Musk is a Q believer? No. Do I believe he is a provocateur? Yes. He plays to the crowd and then some dipshit takes it seriously, and then takes a hammer to an octogenarian. But keep up your lickspittle fawning of Musk, all good.
BTW, I dont need to ggogle it, White rabbit make a nice dark ale and a rip snorter chocolate stout. It is also a reference from Lewis Carol's Alice in Wonderland, you know a book. Then again maybe you don't.
Trump laughing all the way to the bank. Go figure ¯\_(⊙_ʖ⊙)_/¯

Holy shit that’s hilarious!

Someone should make some NFTs of Trump getting a golden shower.

Or picking up some soap in a prison shower.
But I forget - he probably has a draw full of pardons for himself and others.

I am greatly honoured by the Australian Government’s decision to nominate me as our country’s next Ambassador to the United States of America commencing in March.
— Office of Kevin Rudd, 26th PM of Australia (@MrKRudd) December 19, 2022

Supafreak wrote:
I'm sure he will an unctuous Ambassador...

san Guine wrote:Supafreak wrote:
I'm sure he will be an unctuous Ambassador...

san Guine wrote:san Guine wrote:Supafreak wrote:
I'm sure he will be an unctuous Ambassador...
I had to look it up, he certainly gives that impression. Hopefully not though. But thanks for the new word.

A bit of chaos in Europe has it upside. The "tremendous opportunities" Blinken referred to become a bit clearer as to what and for whom....
Belgium accuses US of ‘aggressive’ push to lure European business:
Alexander De Croo told a meeting at the European parliament on Tuesday that the US was seeking to undermine EU industry with the Inflation Reduction Act
“The US, our partner . . . they call our industry. And they tell them why are you investing in Europe? You should come over to the US. Calling German firms and Belgian firms in a very aggressive way — don’t invest in Europe, we have something better,”
And maybe even 10% for the big guy!

When Vlad rolled the tanks in, he united Europe. Kudos, it's a very hard thing to do!
US has just proposed local content rules on vehicles over and above that act, will comprehensively wedgie all importers who don't produce 70%+ locally. Interestingly, it's just how the Aussie car industry was protected in the early 1970s when it flourished. In fact, I believe they were encouraging manufacturers up to 95%+ local content.

15th Dec 1978 US + China announce & reiterate Taiwan is part of One China...
US would honour their pact & sever ties with Taiwan but continue as "Unofficial Contacts".
1955 SAMDT > Replaced by JC/EDR to be ratified on 1st Jan 1979.
Student Protests broke out in US.
US Govt sent Commander in chief of Pacific / Dept Sec of State / Defence / Commerce + Team of Aides.
28th Dec 1978 > US to sever ties with Taiwan & arrange framework for all future "Unofficial Visits"
With just 3 days for diplomats to work out a plan by > 1st Jan US/China One State Agreement.
US Govt / Pacific Defence Motorcade came under attack by 20,000 angry Taiwan Mob
For an hour the US Govt Motorcade was terrorized not unlike recent US capital attack.
US military bosses & Aides were pelted with Eggs / Tomatoes / Mud / Sand bombed / Paint bombed.
Angry Mob Hurling Rocks & Bamboo Sticks
The cars were shook / Dented sides & Roofs / wipers torn off / Windows -Windshields Smashed.
Aide/s had their glasses smashed & Faces Cut & bodies bruised.
One protester sets himself on Fire another chops off his finger.
Terrorising violent Youth cursed & shouted ...(Slogans)...
[ Yankee Go Home ]
{ Eagles become Chickens }
(Carter sells Peanuts & also friends)
[ We want Justice ]
Plain Clothes Men & Women cops were credited with cushioning the A Team to safety.
Talks were in jeopardy!
Foreign Ministry talks were diverted to a makeshift Hotel Visit.
Talks only went from bad to worse...
Taipei Govt : "US has seriously impaired Peace & Security of Asian Pacific Region!"
"US must mitigate the Disastrous Damage wrought by this mistake!"
"Please clarify how US will insure peace this region in a years time?"
OMG (Think the Bamboo under the Fingernails Torture might have won over the Yanks!)
Pretty much the US Govt was terrorized / abused / bruised / sworn at & bullied by Free Taiwan Gang.
US copped nothing more than an ear bashin' & no deal was done as easily as China only weeks before!
US Govt departure was secured secretly & abrupt...surprising Taiwan officials. (Outta Here!)
Washington strongly protested to Taipei Govt...All were lucky to get out alive from the Hostile State.
1st Jan 1979 TRA Taiwan Relations Act signed under duress of constant terrorist / Govt threat.
Passed in March 1979 basically affords US to exploit (Signed) One China's Defence Port as US territory!
This TRA was clearly signed under an act of terror.
Any nation supporting this corrupted Taiwan independence claim is supporting terrorism.
Ask US if they accept anarchy in their Capital...all know the answer!
It's Ok to Bully & smash up US officials to corrupt 50 year Pacific policy but not 4 years domestic policy?
It doesn't wash, does it...Yanks have got to close this ugly chapter!
Should Taiwan seek independence thru peaceful means...they may win legitimacy.
This US sponsored quest is worth shit as even they protested it was born from Hostility not Peace!
Sorry crew...none can advance Taiwan cause under acts of matter how long ago!
If Oz lap dogs US on this stinking pile of shit then we also support terrorism!
We can do too must US & Taiwan strive for peace in the Pacific.
No matter how this plays out...
Taiwan bully US to breach Chinese deal on Day One...none will buy into that...No Happy Ending!


Pretty damning video from the chair of the The Lancet covid-19 Commission.
How are we not living in a completely corrupt, compromised and fraudulent system?
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank