Australia - you're standing in it

Soggy brain . I wrote a major post on fracking in the climate change thread , go have a look if you want to know how we got to build the Gladstone project . It was paid for by overseas investors who wanted to guarantee their gas supplies for 20 plus years . They entered into binding contracts to buy x amount at y prices . This enabled the miners eg Santos to borrow the money to build the project . They then have to send the gas to these places eg Japan as contracted .
Because of ignorant people like yourself Australia did not do the same . We did not plan . We now are experiencing the consequences .
I will let you know that drilling has come a long way since Bass Straight was started ( still drilling there ) . Technology enables very deep drilling ( as safe as it can be done ) . That is how we are finding Nickel and other metals for our renewable technologies .
You now nothing about fracking . I bet you are worried about your tap spewing gas and catching fire .
Do you want to close the Gladstone projects as they ALL do fracking ? Do you know the consequences ?
You seem to be repeating yourself .

What is the expected financial return for the citizens of Australia for the extraction and sale of a resource they own sold in partnership with the gas extraction companies. That’s the bottom line fuckwit.
And so far all indications are little to nothing.
Plus I’m a builder not a politician or gas lobbyist so how was my plan deficient you silly old man.

With out even looking Soggybrain I can tell you the expected financial return was high enough for Santos to go ahead with the project . An IRR of 20% is usually needed . It was high enough for the banks to lend them the money knowing that they would be paid back .
Part of the bottom line was also the thousands of jobs created to build and run the projects .
I have no interest in spending hours explaining to you want happens in the real world . You don't even HAVE a plan . I hope you can read one in the job you do .
You write like a baby that is yet to gain knowledge .

And I’ll add that if you voted for the LNP in the last few elections then it was actually YOU who are responsible for the lack of planning in securing any future financial stability for our country from the sale of our resources. ALA Norway, Thanks fuckwit

Well the differences between you and me Hutchy is I actually live in the real world. I don’t spend all day every day bombing around a website using complex facts & figures to prove how little I know. I’m off to work to lead a productive life. Have fun pretending to be a surfer.

Hey Hutchy ya mad gronk. I'm still waiting to hear who you've sent letters of protest to in the past. I'm splitting my date with excitement actually.

Soggybrain - I am sure my facts and figures seem complex to only you .
Hiccup - my correspondence to private individuals is private . I would be happy to write a letter to my MP if Australia decided to explore in Antarctica as I think that should be left alone . Sorry to dampen your excitement and excretions . Happy for you to ask me my opinion on any matter you deem important .

Hutchy 19 wrote:Soggybrain - I am sure my facts and figures seem complex to only you .
Hiccup - my correspondence to private individuals is private . I would be happy to write a letter to my MP if Australia decided to explore in Antarctica as I think that should be left alone . Sorry to dampen your excitement and excretions . Happy for you to ask me my opinion on any matter you deem important .
So either nothing, or only about about something that would line your pocket at the expense of others. Pissweak.

No Hiccup . There is not ONE issue I have written to anyone to register my disapproval of that has been money related . I don't care that you think otherwise . I was very unhappy to have the sit a recent exam to keep working but just did it and chose not complain .
I have written and said many things to councils , company CEO's , local political members etc but nothing that I think would be of interest to you . They were private and as I said I don't disclose private correspondence or conversations . Do you ? Maybe time for you to close your CRACK .
Just my principle to not disclose ANY correspondence that is private .

I wonder if they read your letters and have the same reaction as 98% of the ppl here. "Who the fuck is this total fuckwit?"


I doubt very much if 98% of people thought "Who the fuck is this total fuckwit?".
Most people , and especially the ones I communicate with ,are decent people and are not abusive or bullies .
Your thread name really describes you so well ! Your picture is just how I imagine you would look to .
The definition of a hiccup -Hiccups, or hiccoughs, are involuntary sounds made by spasms of the diaphragm.
Absolutely PERFECT . Your picture is just how I imagine you to look to .

Hiccups wrote:I wonder if they read your letters and have the same reaction as 98% of the ppl here. "Who the fuck is this total fuckwit?"
Yep, that’s what I immediately thought along with something like a sweaty palmed limp wristed mummy’s boy ...
Works in finance and is bad at maths, interesting, at best a low level plodder, perhaps a mortgage brokers dog’s body clerical assistant with an over inflated view of his limited talents ....
Still live with the parents?

Dad died a few years ago Smiley . I don't live with my mother but do love her .
After being disappointed with my posts when I joined social media I did think of a mummy's boy solution .
Anything I write I would be happy to show my mum .
With my maths and typing skills I would be a poor cleric . In what I do I don't have to do any calculations . They are all done for me by "rocket scientists " , the best in the land .

“ ... Anything I write I would be happy to show my mum ...”
Fuck, don’t hold yourself to that standard, if we all did that these forums would be empty and besides we all have secrets we never share, even our parents have them ....

I had to Smiley . I was being too much of a DH at the start . Now I am being just a DH to those who don't agree with me .
My mum could accept that . I don't keep any secrets from my close family ( I don't tell them everything I think ) . I am not that exciting and a bit of an open book !

Do the right thing

This bloke looks like he’s actually enjoying this

Nothing to see here.

Congratulations Sydneysiders! You’ve been selected to be the vanguard of a new paradigm for Australian society. Due to the needs of a lazy and uninnovative business sector, the mass immigration Ponzi scheme is set to recommence after a brief Covid induced hiatus. Unfortunately the inescapable reality of living on the driest continent on Earth has created some unique challenges to accomodating an extra few million food delivery service providers and Sky Kennel residents, namely that their will not be enough fresh water to go around.
Never fear! Your brave politicians have come up with a very Sydney solution to this problem. In partnership with private industry, your water will now be sourced from the H2O which constitutes a significant portion of your own bodily waste.
So in future when you get thirsty and turn on the tsp you will now be paying top dollar to drink your own shit.

Ah, the London option

Don't worry Sydneysiders: Melbourne and Adelaide will follow shortly after. Melbourne because they need the water and Adelaide because filtered body waste will most likely taste better than what they already get.

I once drank a middy of recycled sewage. That was approx 25 years ago on a Surfrider visit to Kurnell sewage plant around the time they installed tertiary treatment so surfers could finally see their feet while sitting in the water at Voodoo.
Council was toying with taking it online back then.

I once drank a middy of recycled sewage.
It came out of a Fat Yak tap.

Why don’t they use stormwater…lots of nice clean water going down the drain especially in a big city and into not many really big pipes….use one of those big drilling machines and make a massive underground Aquifer….a simple sand filtrating system and bingo…clean no poo water.

Once you’ve got your head around drinking shit it’s a hop skip and a jump to Soylent Green.

Optimist the cost would be much greater. The sewer system delivers water from a large area to a central plant where it can be treated. The reality is that once it is processed it is only water.

What the government doesn't want you to know about nuclear submarines. 3-6 tons of highly enriched weapons grade Uranium with a half life of 700 million years coming to a port near you......if they ever actually happen.

It’s a bummer BB…I marched in all those rallies in the 70’s but here we have China starting a Cold War with the world who has been trying to help them develop. They have pushed their queen out on to the chessboard and Morrison had to respond and I think it was a clever move to get a renta army to patrol our waters. China are in checkmate now but I don’t think this is the real threat and probably never was. Their advancement in quantum computing thanks to the rest of the world, is going to be the real issue and we need to be the first to start de escalating from the internet. Our banking, defence and major services must all be free and unplugged from the net to assure their future security. We lived like that before and can do it again easily. The internet is fine for communication with each other but placing life’s essential services within the reach of a power with “sky net” capabilities is really just about as stupid as stupid gets. I also encourage all Australians to simplify your lifestyles by removing all your personal data from the net as well as paying cash for your bills on payday including shopping etc. change your date of birth on Facebook and other entities when online create your own cryptic system of ID. Etc turn off all your apps that track you etc etc.
We may not be able to stop the loss of our freedoms but we can at least put up a bit of a bloody good fight. Keep life clean and simple.

blindboy wrote:What the government doesn't want you to know about nuclear submarines. 3-6 tons of highly enriched weapons grade Uranium with a half life of 700 million years coming to a port near you......if they ever actually happen.
Malcom Turnbull clarifies the sub deal , or that there is no real deal yet......and how we burnt the French!

Optimist wrote:Why don’t they use stormwater…lots of nice clean water going down the drain especially in a big city and into not many really big pipes….use one of those big drilling machines and make a massive underground Aquifer….a simple sand filtrating system and bingo…clean no poo water.
Optimist in Vicco we have a desalination plant we pay $100's m just to keep it ticking over , as it's too expensive to shut it down and restart it. So it pumps in sea water and pumps out freshwater. Why don't they build a pipeline from the desal plant to our existing reservoirs and keep them full ?
here on the Surf Coast especially Torquay/Armstrong creek( 10 mins from Torquay, we have enough currently planned development that will increase from 20K people/Torquay - 15K Armstrong Creek to 45K /Torquay and 85K Armstrong creek.......
so where will the water come from .....reading Barwon Waters long term plan...we will all be drinking and using recycled water within 5 years , use the Anglesea Aquafier ...and long term build a desal plant somewhere on the SurfCoast....and don't get me started on the electricity grid , which melted down once last summer as we had one hot day of 40.....
One of the problems with politics is the 4 year cycle , and short term view of our resources....have we really forgotten so quickly what droughts do here in the build water recycling plants , desal plants ...ruin the coast and beaches because by the time we get our local community to 100K in the next decade , there will be no choice left!

You might like too look at this brutus

blindboy wrote:You might like too look at this brutus
yeah BB , the science is in about recycled water , but we built a 4$b desal plant that's never been used....but I think for us it's the amount of people and really , all the new residents coming down here to the Surf Coast don't realize , that we already have water/electricity problems , then throw in disappearing beaches and brown ocean as seal level rise really starts to kick in.
I agree we should be doing more the recycle water...but people like blowin who see recycled water as drinking shit, LOL....
.would you be able to get such high real estate prices (median house price Torquay /Jan Juc $1.2m for a shit box) if people understood that the lifestyle we lead now coupled with huge population increases taxing all the natural resources actually means that the lifestyle we living here now that everybody is buying into now...will only be short lived...5-10 years....then what?

These submarines were ordered from the French 3 or 4 years ago
and havent even started being built so too bad and if they build
them like their cars they would break down and be on the bottom
of the ocean before they got across the Atlantic.
For the she be all kool man brigade its the 21st century and war and invasion is a real threat and you need 21st century weapons to combat or deter.
Australia not only needs nuclear modern powered submarines we need
nuclear weapons period it would be the only way along with alliances
with powerful countries with similar values ideas and way of life.
For the ignorant Australia is very much a target for invasion from China
theyre preparing now and probably being doing that for some time before
it has became so obvious, Australia has every known to mankind resources and minerals in abundance, land area for a massive expansion for
world domination and total control of this planet.
China wont nuke Australia they dont want to take over a unusable country
which gives so much more power to them they will make full use of what
this country can provide for them. Invasion is going to be their way maybe not
tomorrow or even within a decade but there coming.
There is a reason they are the longest most successful nation in history they
think long term not a term of government.

I am not sure of the situation on the surf coast but the last item on the list should swing it for most surfers living in coastal towns. A lot of regional towns have serious issues with sewage pollution of their beaches that they do not even want to acknowledge. Population increases will continue to make things worse. In many parts of Australia people are already drinking recycled sewage as they take their water downstream of sewage treatment works. The environmental benefits of reducing or eliminating sewage discharge into natural waters are a good argument for closing the sewer/water supply loop.

"we need nuclear weapons"
In any plan for nuclear war the first target is your enemy's nuclear weapons. Not smart to sign up for that.

“I agree we should be doing more the recycle water...but people like blowin who see recycled water as drinking shit, LOL....“
I’ve lived for extended periods on desalinated / synthesised water and it makes you feel like crap after a while. All the elements and minerals are stripped out. It’s bad for you. I don’t care what links you might post, I’ve done it for months on end and the same conclusion was reached by everyone involved , which was thousands of people,…..engineered water is rubbish.
Here’s an idea you have overlooked in your hurry to compare unnecessary water generating systems- Why dont we entirely eradicate the artificially generated need for synthetic water sources with a single stroke of political policy and limit population growth?
Whoa…..that is too easy, cheap and provably effective! Not to mention it’ll preserve what’s left of our environment.
Not sure why you’d lose your marbles over an elevated walkway at Winki but feel no issue sitting here debating which unnecessary, imposing, expensive and environmentally destructive synthetic water industry we should build?

My Honours project was on the proposed desalination plants in the South Australian gulfs (BHP for Olympic Dam up at Pt Lowly and the Pt Stanvac one) and their outfall concentrations.
Desalination is energy intensive and highly inefficient (I don't think the following values have changed much since my paper). For every 1L of seawater, only 43% is converted to fresh water and the rest goes back into the ocean twice as salty (which is fine if there is wave action to disperse it). It's not fine when pumped out into the top of a gulf with long flushing times and minimal circulation.

Here's a breakdown of the worlds nuclear weapon arsenal.

Blowin wrote:“I agree we should be doing more the recycle water...but people like blowin who see recycled water as drinking shit, LOL....“
I’ve lived for extended periods on desalinated / synthesised water and it makes you feel like crap after a while. All the elements and minerals are stripped out. It’s bad for you. I don’t care what links you might post, I’ve done it for months on end and the same conclusion was reached by everyone involved , which was thousands of people,…..engineered water is rubbish.
Here’s an idea you have overlooked in your hurry to compare unnecessary water generating systems- Why dont we entirely eradicate the artificially generated need for synthetic water sources with a single stroke of political policy and limit population growth?
Whoa…..that is too easy, cheap and provably effective! Not to mention it’ll preserve what’s left of our environment.
Not sure why you’d lose your marbles over an elevated walkway at Winki but feel no issue sitting here debating which unnecessary, imposing, expensive and environmentally destructive synthetic water industry we should build?
So engineered synthetic water? Is that recycled water you know where water is dirty , we clean it, filter it and then can drink it?
Yes your solution of reducing population could be great in theory , are you suggesting China's one child only solution?
The problem with your solution is that Capitalism is predicated on growth , no growth, the system collapses or is called a recession/ in the short term, like the next 100 years what is your solution for more clean natural water?
as far as the plaatform was a scam from day permanent structure for the Bells contest at Winki , so the WSL's paying VIP's could watch the comp if and when it was at Winki....over $500K was spent on behalf of the WSL , reports/surveys/task forces/panels....then the WSL pulled yeah the level of corruption that was exposed actually changed the council makeup , the Shire officers have been put on notice that we know they have lied /and were part of scheme that would develop Bells into a 12 apostles type tourist attraction.....
So blowin a difference between you and me is , if I see something that is wrong , I go and actually do something about it and not sit on the sidelines and throw shit...but nothing meaningful!

I’m not belittling your efforts at Winki. I was impressed and stoked that you took it to them. That’s why I’m so surprised you’d bend over and accept the population growth model as a fair accompli.
Births in Australia aren’t the problem. Stop the importation of a million extra people every few years is a matter of refusing them visas. That’s neither in humane or difficult. You seem ready to do anything to prevent climate change but balk at the economic challenges associated with addressing the far more immediate and pressing danger of Australia’s rampant population growth which will destroy our society and country decades before we feel the effects of climate change to any comparable degree.
People see the headlines and shock of the 2019 bushfires yet fail to assume the same horror to the exponentially worse impacts of population growth because they don’t have the visual impact of 100 foot high flames. Far more habitat and species has been lost to our expanding human footprint than is lost to any fires and the destruction is permanent.
The need for drinkable shit / desalinated rubbish water and the continued environmental destruction of Australia has nothing to do with controlling birth rates and everything to do with the issuance of visas due to economic prerogatives. What price do you put on a liveable home for your grandkids?

The Winki platform sounds an good idea to me . Make it available to everyone all year round . Even if the WSL had the council over a barrel let them have or for a day or two . Charge them $10k a day . There are 360 other days for the public to enjoy the view .
Wonderful for the local community to have more tourists visit the region . Creates jobs ( not just making the platform ) .
If VicLocal and Brutus were against it , it was probably a fantastic idea . The only negative I can think of is to the local surfers who didn't want anything to impact their surfing . Stuff everyone else .

Blowin wrote:I agree with you a 100% in that our current system is not sustainable ( one of the most overused words trying to achieve wokeness,LOL)
(quote-Blowin )I’m not belittling your efforts at Winki. I was impressed and stoked that you took it to them. That’s why I’m so surprised you’d bend over and accept the population growth model as a fair accompli.
Births in Australia aren’t the problem. Stop the importation of a million extra people every few years is a matter of refusing them visas. That’s neither in humane or difficult. You seem ready to do anything to prevent climate change but balk at the economic challenges associated with addressing the far more immediate and pressing danger of Australia’s rampant population growth which will destroy our society and country decades before we feel the effects of climate change to any comparable degree.
People see the headlines and shock of the 2019 bushfires yet fail to assume the same horror to the exponentially worse impacts of population growth because they don’t have the visual impact of 100 foot high flames. Far more habitat and species has been lost to our expanding human footprint than is lost to any fires and the destruction is permanent.
The need for drinkable shit / desalinated rubbish water and the continued environmental destruction of Australia has nothing to do with controlling birth rates and everything to do with the issuance of visas due to economic prerogatives. What price do you put on a liveable home for your grandkids?
The problem is our current system that is increasingly buckling under the pressures of the capitalist system that we have been conned into believing is the only business runs the system....the system needs and wants profit at any cost....and we the people bare the cost...or profit at any cost when you breakdown what's happening to the environment/economies and the priorities we as a society accept and see as our God given right to be entitled to all our toys/holidays/free $'s and expect our current system to deliver for our Grandkids....therein lies the problem......expectation/entitlement and really can anyone see how in 10-20 years society/liveability will be better?
Just so you know when we found out about the WSL/SCS council scam on the Winki Platform ,I actually stood for council to expose some of the councillors and CEO(free trip to hawaii with the WSL for Pipe) and Surf Coast Shire officers...and a level of corruption that was actually transparent I went to war with a couple of friends , called out all the powers to be as corrupt....stood on Trust/respect and moral integrity...I called all of them out in public , not one of them came back at me.....then suddenly rumours and innuendo everywhere through the Shire wife left me because I bashed her , I am a misogynist , drug dealer , acid causality ......this was started by the ex-mayor , had 2 councillors ready to sign Stat decs that the ex-mayor spread the bullshit to protect the Labor party's control of the labor led council here will not and cannot stop the next 100,000 people coming here there is literally $30 b worth of development being be careful when you take shit on, they will come for you and your credibility.....

Hutchy 19 wrote:The Winki platform sounds an good idea to me . .
There are multiple places to view the ocean from connected by concrete paths stemming from the Winki and Bells carpark. Apart from bending over to cop it from the WSL - there is no reason to build a higher path so people can view it from further up in the air. I reckon Hutchy would be one of those people you'd avoid at a party. Constantly offering an opinion nobody wants to hear and taking a contrary opinion to anybody else just to hear the sound of his own voice. Geez Hutchy take a break - you're peppering every forum topic with self important drivel.

Brutus -"so be careful when you take shit on, they will come for you and your credibility....."
I have had the same experience . Blew a whistle and then got blown out of the water . I then got back in at another location .
As I said above I think the Winki platform would be good for the region .
Having corruption in the council should be called out and full marks for doing so !!!!
With regard to capitalism . Remember that its introduction allowed for the replacement of Feudalism . The change of a status quo that finally allowed wealth to be shared and not hogged by the nobility and their minions .
Its introduction in the 17th Century caused 100 years of chaos with the Little Ice Age contributing . The wars ( including civil ) and the famines caused European populations to plummet especially in the south .
The royals did not give away their power . It had to be taken from them and was hard won but ultimately well worth it .

icandig wrote:Hutchy 19 wrote:The Winki platform sounds an good idea to me . .
There are multiple places to view the ocean from connected by concrete paths stemming from the Winki and Bells carpark. Apart from bending over to cop it from the WSL - there is no reason to build a higher path so people can view it from further up in the air. I reckon Hutchy would be one of those people you'd avoid at a party. Constantly offering an opinion nobody wants to hear and taking a contrary opinion to anybody else just to hear the sound of his own voice. Geez Hutchy take a break - you're peppering every forum topic with self important drivel.
Icandig ....I think ol hutchy could be called the conversation Killer ,LOL!!!

If my memory is correct the Winki platform was all about a toilet and cigarette stop for the many (50+?) large tourist buses travelling down the GOR on a daily basis prior to Covid. Day tripping mostly Chinese tourists leaving Melbourne early before travelling down the GOR to the 12 Apostles and then back to Melbourne in the late afternoon (before flying to Sydney to do the Blue Mountains in a day before flying to Urulu or the Great Barrier Reef .... Australia in a week!! ). You can debate the merits of that sort of tourism all you like but the viewing platform on the cliff top inside a surfing reserve wasn't warranted although an upgrade to existing toilets would be good.

If my memory is correct, Winki is very easy to see while standing on the ground.
Only a short arse would want a platform.

If the platform and pathway upgrade doesn't lead to a better walking and viewing experience for everyone then it should never have been planned and not built . Money should be spent more wisely upgrading facilities like toilets and change rooms .
A ciggy shop is stupid as the tourists would have planned for a day out and have a good supply .
If it would be only used for better viewing of the Bells contest then it is a waste and good on everyone for stopping it .
The "I can't believe it's not politics" thread.