Australia - you're standing in it

BTW. If you want to talk about the toll of officers that have taken their life due to to PTSD or suffered mental health issues or distress in the last year or two, imagine the toll from the attitudes caused by movements like BLM that have run a negative campaign towards officers painting all as racist or calling for defunding etc.

Meanwhile...congrats to Ollie but thought Clarry was a little stiff. Bring on Sat nite!

i'll say
doggies gonna smoke the dees

I posted this on the wrong thread .
DRex .
I am very confident of a GF win but also shitting myself as anything can happen .
Not worried though . The Dees have shown me that the have " True Grit" . The best spirit and culture of any side in 2021 . Williams and Yze have added the final ingredients necessary .
The MFC have also lead the way in supporting many other important issues like mental health ( Brayshaw especially ) and MND .
I could not be prouder of what they achieved this year .
A win on Saturday will be a much deserved reward .

I have done work on the imminent collapse of Evergrande in China . I have previously underestimated it's potential impact on this site ! It is a major player in the Chinese property market .
The official exposure is $300B and around 4% of the current outstanding RE loans . Much smarter people than me have told me today it is way more . Real estate ( RE ) has been the main driver of Chinese growth ( and Australia's current account surplus ) as they have urbanised . Global urbanisation is 81% with official Chinese stats saying theirs is 64% ( more likely 70% ) .
They have made a fundamental Capitalist mistake ( Brutus - Capitalism is the least bad system as it correlates more closely with human nature . It is not a West system and in its pure form it was the system of hunter gathers . Western Capitalism was not the first to use cheap labour . Think slavery and Egyptians ) .
The corrupt Chinese system has put its eggs in one basket -RE . They have over built in their greedy quest for money . They also have the major problem of demographics as their aging population , failed one child policy and increased wealth stopping parents from wanting many children begins to bite .
Their provincial governments rely on the taxes from RE ( much more than our states on stamp duty ) .
The Evergrande bomb has exploded . Time will tell if it was a nuclear bomb . It will be the Lehman Brothers of China and I hope it does not cause a GFC .
Australia will feel the tremors . Our Iron Ore will not be needed as much in China .
China have made the same mistake that Japan made . Japan at their peak was two thirds the GDP of the US . Now much less . Low interest rates in Japan lead to them building way too many property towers in Australia and the world in the hunt for better returns .
Japan was great at copying and perfecting the wests technology . Due to their lack of entrepreneurial and innovative spirit ( think the US ) they were unable to become the worlds leader .
I am hoping the same will happen to China . It will cause terrible hardships for Australia though . The old saying was if the US catches a cold we will get the flu . The same applies to China . your reply so long to made some valid points , but there are just some things that are non-negotiable for me...
.not one scientist has been able to prove that Covid was Lab made....lots of smoke and mirrors .....but so far the facts point to the transmission to humans from a bat....possibly a leak from the lab , but no proof.
China did try and keep the Virus in house as they do on they do not trust the West....go back to when the colonial powers invaded China , and got the Chinese addicted to opium...the opium wars and the Boxer revolution are still very present in the Chinese's psyche as they were raped and pillaged by the colonial powers including the USA!
China is a totalitarian regime , we have known that for decades , surprise surprise when the shit hits the fan in HK and the way China has handled the surprise for me...FFS Trump killed more Americans with his Covid policies, than China did!
Now we have Scomo pissing of our biggest trading partner and second biggest partner being the Merkel has retired.....the French President’s fury has to be taken seriously.
With the imminent retirement of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Britain’s Brexit departure, the putative leadership of Europe is about to pass to Macron and France.
The European Union is among the world’s largest trading blocs and represents one of the world’s largest economies. The bloc is also Australia’s second-largest trading partner and second-largest source of investment.
Australia has been negotiating a free-trade agreement with the EU – a market of almost 450 million people and a GDP of about $15 trillion – since 2018.
So Scomo's potentially sacrificed relations of our 2 biggest trading partners for a new alliance and a couple of subs in 20-30 years......

Brutus - you are months behind on this view . If it walks like a duck ......
".not one scientist has been able to prove that Covid was Lab made....lots of smoke and mirrors .....but so far the facts point to the transmission to humans from a bat....possibly a leak from the lab , but no proof."
Not one scientist can prove the vaccines will be problem free in the future either .
The lab had to change its air-conditioning FFS .
Time to expand your research from the Age and Guardian and see the light .

When Covid first appeared the French said it was not man made...........try this...
If Covid had been manufactured in a Lab there would be proof...there's none!
WTF is the air conditioning theory,LOL?
here read from someone who was in the Wuhan lab and from Geelong.....
so what do you read Hutchy...Breibart/the Australian/Herald Sun watch Peta and Bolt?

"so what do you read Hutchy...Breibart/the Australian/Herald Sun watch Peta and Bolt?"
That's generous Brutus. I reckon Hutchy does most of his resurch by clicking on Clive Palmer's text spam links.

Brutus - There is proof it was made in a lab . The Chinese don't let anyone in to look at it .
You need to try and get more informed so to help you keep up . The Chinese put out a tender on their official website ( then quickly removed it ) to update the aircon in the Lab ( September ) .
In lockdown I only read the Sunday Sun which I get from my mum . Love the sport and Peta !
I don't subscribe to any newspapers . I subscribe to Fox for the sports and have no time to watch SkyTV .

VicLocal - I do think that there were some who went to the protest looking for a fight and to be violent .
The 70 year old women would not have been part of that group . To knock her over and pepper spray her face while defenceless was inappropriate ( I hope you agree it was not proportionate ) as was this statement ( I don't expect you agree ) .
"The head of Victoria's Police Association has sensationally demanded his officers not be questioned for their tactics during Melbourne's anti-lockdown riot.
Wayne Gatt implied protesters seen being roughly tackled, bashed with batons, and pepper sprayed while on the ground deserved it just for showing up.
He lashed out that those who wanted to have 'needless debates' about whether police actions in those cases were 'proportionate'."

Just saw this item written this afternoon .

ALP Victoria selling off its motor registry after selling off its land titles registry.
There is nothing “Left” about the ALP.

have you read the nicholas wade article brutus?
...the article that basically made biden - and the whole mainstream media misinformation mega complex - completely change their position on the 'conspiracy'...
well respected writer, very balance article, inconclusive... but most certainly not as certain as you...

Blowin wrote:ALP Victoria selling off its motor registry after selling off its land titles registry.
There is nothing “Left” about the ALP.
not only that...
there's nearly nothing left to sell
and people said kennett's a cunt...

and a more extensive, incredibly well researched article...
sorry folks... ol' hutchy's gonna go hard... harder... now that he has some legit. sources...

Hutchy, It's hilarious that you and the protestors have suddenly discovered police are violent towards demonstrators. It's like these anti-lockdown protests were their first ever protest.
I've been to plenty of (what you would call) left wing protests standing up for human rights and the environment. Guess what mate, the police are violent at them too.
Here's the point, I've never seen protestors instigating the violence against police in Australia. I have seen it kick off when police charge peaceful protestor with horses and batons at the ready.
At this anti-lockdown riot, it was the protestors who kicked it off. And the hilarious thing is, you lot are shocked when the police started belting people back.
And what did your fellow travellers achieve? Fuck all mate. Just like the idiots in the CFMEU who had a tea room dummy spit.
Victorians are bloody furious with the anti-lockdown / anti vax morons who march without masks and started the violence.

Hutchy 19 wrote:Brutus - There is proof it was made in a lab . The Chinese don't let anyone in to look at it .
You need to try and get more informed so to help you keep up . The Chinese put out a tender on their official website ( then quickly removed it ) to update the aircon in the Lab ( September ) .
In lockdown I only read the Sunday Sun which I get from my mum . Love the sport and Peta !
I don't subscribe to any newspapers . I subscribe to Fox for the sports and have no time to watch SkyTV .
Hutchy where did you get the air conditioning story from ?

what's hilarious is you outrage merchants and your hysterical reaction to media getting moved on at blm protests
and your steely silence now...
Look at the police aggression as photographers scream that they’re media. They still got capsicum sprayed.
— Rita Panahi (@RitaPanahi) September 20, 2021
that's hilarious

its hardly 'conspiracy' stuff brutus...
"The committee staff also unearthed an archived version of a contract competition for a new $128,000 “Security Service Procurement Project” that was issued by the Wuhan Institute of Virology on Sept. 12, the same day the virus database went mysteriously offline. Four days later, the Wuhan Institute of Virology announced a new contract competition to completely renovate its air conditioning system for an estimated $606,000. Both contract announcements were later scrubbed from the Chinese Ministry of Finance website."

except this bit...
"Both contract announcements were later scrubbed from the Chinese Ministry of Finance website.""
some of you really are looking in all the wrong places for 'conspiracy theories'
or not... this conspiracy is real... no theory...

Clive Palmer would be looking at those moron anti-vax unionists in Melbourne, and be rubbing his hands with glee. They are his target audience for what will be a $100mil anti-vax election campaign.
The ALP's biggest fear is that Palmer will peel away enough traditional Labor voters, who swallow his anti-vax bullshit, and steer them to the LNP via preferences.
Labor need to be telling everyone long and loud about Palmer's scheme or they will be staring at 3 more years of LNP rampant corruption and shitfuckery.

just so crew know what ol' esme is on about...
classic scenes
— Nads OAM (@nads4000) September 20, 2021
Chaotic scenes at CFMEU protest today. Full footage on Facebook by @therealrukshan.
— Suzan Giuliani (@suzangiuliani) September 20, 2021
boys are pretty fired up

This is what happens when stupid people get played by scumbags. Those anti-vax unionists are just useful idiots for scumbags who want chaos for political and financial reasons.


Viclocal -" Hutchy, It's hilarious that you and the protestors have suddenly discovered police are violent towards demonstrators."
I asked you about the violence that 70 year old lady was subjected to . She could have been accidently knocked over .
I do not find it hilarious at all that ANYBODY , least of all one of our mainly wonderful police officers , would then bend down and spray in the face of a defensive person pepper spray .
I am offended that the person would not be accountable for those actions and a police leader thinks it ok .
You excusing it and not admitting it is inexcusable .
A new low for Victoria and majority of our incredibly brave and hard working police officers . I am SURE that most of them are very sad to see that happen .
Ashamed to see their hard won reputations shat on .
And you think it is hilarious ?

Oh did I excuse it. You'll have to show me exactly where I did that.
There's a golden rule at protests. You belt a cop, you're getting belted back much harder, and other people get caught up in the mayhem. This is what happened in Melbourne. I'm not excusing the police response to the 70 year old.
Remember when Trump used riot police to clear a peaceful crowd so he could get a photo op outside the DC church. Were you outraged then? or was that police violence on peaceful protests OK because your hero orchestrated it.

"Remember when Trump used riot police to clear a peaceful crowd so he could get a photo op outside the DC church. Were you outraged then? or was that police violence on peaceful protests OK because your hero orchestrated it."
I'm outraged... now...
do you deliberately spread fake news and misinformation on here every single day?
or are you just pig ignorant?
serious question...
donny lemon

a bunch of fake left media misinformation outlets have corrected their record...
you really should stop spreading your bullshit
it's actually quite damaging

sypkan wrote:its hardly 'conspiracy' stuff brutus...
"The committee staff also unearthed an archived version of a contract competition for a new $128,000 “Security Service Procurement Project” that was issued by the Wuhan Institute of Virology on Sept. 12, the same day the virus database went mysteriously offline. Four days later, the Wuhan Institute of Virology announced a new contract competition to completely renovate its air conditioning system for an estimated $606,000. Both contract announcements were later scrubbed from the Chinese Ministry of Finance website."
so Sypkan , based on all the links you have provided , what's your opinion of what really happened at Wuhan....and what's the next action do you think should happen to China and by who?
If the virus escaped , so be it who gives a's more if the virus was made by the Chinese as a tool of war.......
So much time energy and money spent .......meanwhile economies are rattled , people are trying to work out what hope there is in a future with Covid......the anti-vaxxers/right wing lobby continues to wreak havoc in our the whole construction industry has been shut down in Victoria , because of a few violent members...The ACTU says that the CFMEU has been infiltrated by anarchists/antivaxxers etc.....who knows the result is all construction workers in Victoria won't get paid in the next 2 weeks , costs our economy $1b a week.....
Hmm Wuhan vs our local issues ????

Strange to think that the smallpox deaths amongst Indigenous Australians when the Poms first arrived and spread it inadvertently are counted as genocide and still alluded to as semi murderous 250 years later ….but now it’s a dismissive shrug of the shoulders when China does the same to the entire planet.
Not worth worrying about says Brutus!

god you come up with some garbage.

Blowin wrote:Strange to think that the smallpox deaths amongst Indigenous Australians when the Poms first arrived and spread it inadvertently are counted as genocide and still alluded to as semi murderous 250 years later ….but now it’s a dismissive shrug of the shoulders when China does the same to the entire planet.
Not worth worrying about says Brutus!
Blowin , as usual no real facts, just emotional anger born out of ignorance...or could you show us your link to smallpox being part of planned genocide on Australia/s Indigenous peoples.....
So are you saying China has planned genocide of the rest of the planet, with Covid,LOL,LOL?

Here’s another one where the deaths attributed to smallpox are disingenuously counted as casualties during the frontier wars.
“The death toll resulting from the Frontier Wars is hard to know for certain, but it is estimated that around 2000 – 5000 colonists were killed over the years while the death toll is for Aboriginal people is unknown as it is so high. In ‘Queensland’ alone it is estimated that 60,000 Aboriginal people died (the Guardian). While the true death toll for Aboriginal people across the continent is impossible to know for certain due to most of the instances being covered up or not reported, it is estimated that around 90% of the Aboriginal population prior to invasion was killed during the wars. This is a result of both colonial violence and foreign illnesses the colonists brought with them such as the flu, measles, tuberculosis and smallpox.“

Vic Local wrote:Hutchy, It's hilarious that you and the protestors have suddenly discovered police are violent towards demonstrators. It's like these anti-lockdown protests were their first ever protest.
I've been to plenty of (what you would call) left wing protests standing up for human rights and the environment. Guess what mate, the police are violent at them too.
Here's the point, I've never seen protestors instigating the violence against police in Australia. I have seen it kick off when police charge peaceful protestor with horses and batons at the ready.
At this anti-lockdown riot, it was the protestors who kicked it off. And the hilarious thing is, you lot are shocked when the police started belting people back.
And what did your fellow travellers achieve? Fuck all mate. Just like the idiots in the CFMEU who had a tea room dummy spit.
Victorians are bloody furious with the anti-lockdown / anti vax morons who march without masks and started the violence.
In all of the "left" demonstrations I have been to, I have never seen protesters start the violence in the way we saw on Saturday. These fucks who think their human rights are being trampled have no fucking idea how to protest, as they've never stood up for anyone else having their rights violated. Selfish, self centred, ignorant, cunts.

Hiccup -" In all of the "left" demonstrations I have been to, I have never seen protesters start the violence in the way we saw on Saturday. "
You must have been protesting for dope legalisation . There are so many examples if you want to have a quick look . It is just a fact . No one does violence better than the left .
The right is dominated by the "SILENT majority " .
China needs to be honest ( ha ha ) on how the virus was created . It will give the medical professionals the best chance to work out what the virus might do next and how to combat it .
Provide full disclosure of Fauci funding ( and any other support ) gain of function research . Show the world they can admit mistakes and and are serious and willing to help the world overcome this global pandemic .
They could also help fund global research to combat the virus . If it is done correctly world specialists can go to China and create a Global Think Tank to work at overcoming the virus .

Hutchy 19 wrote:Hiccup -" In all of the "left" demonstrations I have been to, I have never seen protesters start the violence in the way we saw on Saturday. "
You must have been protesting for dope legalisation . There are so many examples if you want to have a quick look . It is just a fact . No one does violence better than the left .
The right is dominated by the "SILENT majority " .
China needs to be honest ( ha ha ) on how the virus was created . It will give the medical professionals the best chance to work out what the virus might do next and how to combat it .
Provide full disclosure of Fauci funding ( and any other support ) gain of function research . Show the world they can admit mistakes and and are serious and willing to help the world overcome this global pandemic .
They could also help fund global research to combat the virus . If it is done correctly world specialists can go to China and create a Global Think Tank to work at overcoming the virus .
Hey fuckwad. He who claims to know everything about everything, but actually knows FUCK ALL about anything. Have YOU ever been to a demonstration/protest? If so, (and I doubt it), what was YOUR experience?

In Australia the lefts protest have generally been technically peaceful we havent seen things turn real bad like in the USA luckily we havent had the whole radical Antifa/BLM type thing where they smash stuff up and love to light things on fire or loot shops or actually get violent towards people.
But it's one step away from that, its been illegal and in your face, physically blocking people from entering/exiting buildings and just pissing off the pubic blocking streets and public access even gluing themselves to roads etc its antagonising people or they have put spikes et in trees to stop loggers etc this can be very dangerous.
The right on the other hand in Australia while protest or gatherings are much much rare, even if they dont get violent the vibe does feel more on edge, and then there is off course the Cronulla Riots.
Then you have recent protest around lockdowns, vaccination etc yeah sure there is elements of the right involved but there is also a large number of people who are not right leaning and even left leaning, you can't label these right wing protest
I mean some might even label yesterdays Tradies thing as being of the right, but what would we be basing this on?..
The fact they are a bit rough around the edges?...
Most are clearly involved in unions and most likely Labor voters, hardly right wing or conservatives.
It's a similar deal with those vegan/animal rights type nutcases that break into farms and steal animals etc, you can label them as the left, yeah sure most are highly likely to be, but are they really?...wasn't hitler a vegan or vego, plenty of right-wing are vegans too.
And before anyone says you can say the same about extortion rebellion, i dont think so as they are also anti capitalism, anti establishment with marxist elements to things.

"Most are clearly involved in unions and most likely Labor voters, hardly right wing or conservatives."
Plenty of people there yesterday just chucked on a high vis vest to get in on the action. Anti vax groups were encouraging ppl to get down there and join in, people were fucking up union chants/slogans (suss as) and Bunnings Karen (remember her) was there for christ's sake.

Hiccups wrote:"Most are clearly involved in unions and most likely Labor voters, hardly right wing or conservatives."
Plenty of people there yesterday just chucked on a high vis vest to get in on the action. Anti vax groups were encouraging ppl to get down there and join in. Bunnings Karen (remember her) was there for christ's sake.
Im sure the majority were tradies.

indo-dreaming wrote:Hiccups wrote:"Most are clearly involved in unions and most likely Labor voters, hardly right wing or conservatives."
Plenty of people there yesterday just chucked on a high vis vest to get in on the action. Anti vax groups were encouraging ppl to get down there and join in. Bunnings Karen (remember her) was there for christ's sake.
Im sure the majority were tradies.
Yeah probably, but it looks like a good portion were not.

"Im sure the majority were tradies."
Where you there ID? If not, how would you know from 6 sec grabs on the news?
What is very clear is that mob was a mix of tradies and right wing rabble. There was plenty of online chat on anti-vax / anti lockdown groups encouraging their audience to get down to the protest.
This is exactly what happens when the grifters encourage the idiots. Setka does it all the time, but his voice was drowned out by the right wing scum, and he didn't like it at all.
Palmer and Hanson would be paying very close attention to these developments.

All the tradies I know are doubled vaxed because they know/accept no jab no work.
Interestingly the Liberal Party of Victoria has not once denounced or criticised the lockdown /anti vaccination protests ....

@Vic Local
Either way without knowing fully we both have to make an assumption. (just like im sure media are)
Im making an assumption most are tradies there for the reasons being protested, knowing tradies just like any other group of people can be pro vax or anti vax or in-between.
You are making an assumption that a decent amount of people there are not tradies but just anti vaxers or in your words right wing rabble.
Your assumption is clearly much bigger than mine especially when you add in knowing their political leanings.

Hiccup/Local - were you guys at the Melb BLM protest that got fined for covid breaches ?
I saw Prince Charles get barricaded in a Monash Uni hall in the 70's . Big Red knew how to do a protest . Been to a few as a spectator .
Not really the demonstration type .
Part of the silent majority . Too busy working .Protest by writing letters and voting .

Hutchy 19 wrote:Not really the demonstration type .
Part of the silent majority . Too busy working .Protest by writing letters and voting .
You're a funny bloke Hutchy - I give you that much.

garyg1412 wrote:Hutchy 19 wrote:Not really the demonstration type .
Part of the silent majority . Too busy working .Protest by writing letters and voting .
You're a funny bloke Hutchy - I give you that much.
The image of someone struggling to fight themselves out of a wet paper bag comes to mind somehow ....

Gary/Hiccup/Smiley/Viclocal etc .
Please give me an example of a protest you have participated in that has changed the status quo !
I don't like wasting my time doing anything that doesn't help a cause . Other than responding to you guys .
Please don't include protests to meet boys or girls .
The "I can't believe it's not politics" thread.