The United States(!) of A

factotum's picture
factotum started the topic in Thursday, 27 Aug 2020 at 11:12am

Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank

Pops's picture
Pops's picture
Pops Wednesday, 1 Sep 2021 at 3:28pm

Hot take:
Hutchy's a facto persona designed to satirise his perceived enemy.
Probably not true, but t'would be an amusing turn of events.

Hutchy 19's picture
Hutchy 19's picture
Hutchy 19 Wednesday, 1 Sep 2021 at 3:30pm

Blowin - I have an idea for you . Forget trying to start a political party .

Make a movie ! I have the perfect title - Dumb , Dumber and Dumbest .

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Wednesday, 1 Sep 2021 at 3:33pm
Pops wrote:

Hot take:
Hutchy's a facto persona designed to satirise his perceived enemy.
Probably not true, but t'would be an amusing turn of events.

"Unreal ! "
"Huzzah ! "
"Luxe ! "

Hutchy 19's picture
Hutchy 19's picture
Hutchy 19 Wednesday, 1 Sep 2021 at 3:42pm

Pops or Andy

Please post the definition of " facto persona " . I tried to look it up and it did not exist on google .

Please show me that your Latin is good and you are not dumb .

Hutchy 19's picture
Hutchy 19's picture
Hutchy 19 Wednesday, 1 Sep 2021 at 3:47pm

By that very fact or act ( Facto ) and person ( persona ) . This is what I found .

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Wednesday, 1 Sep 2021 at 3:54pm

Where's Uplift when you need him?

Hutchy 19's picture
Hutchy 19's picture
Hutchy 19 Wednesday, 1 Sep 2021 at 4:28pm

I think I get it ?

Am I masquerading ? Am I real ? Do I only exist in your imaginations ? Am I your worst nightmare haunting you all ? Maybe ?

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Wednesday, 1 Sep 2021 at 4:32pm
zenagain wrote:

I want Groundswell to tell another story.

The last one he told made a whole aircraft carrier of sailors blush.

. Better leave that for after dark groundy

overthefalls's picture
overthefalls's picture
overthefalls Wednesday, 1 Sep 2021 at 4:35pm

Hey Hutchy,
The phrase “facto persona” is a reference to an old Swellnet forum contributor by the name of Facto who established a reputation for being a pesky, puerile, patronising pain.

H2O's picture
H2O's picture
H2O Wednesday, 1 Sep 2021 at 4:50pm

Could be onto it Pops - Hutch is very annoying and got me thinking - fuck- the uplift stream of consciousness ramblings were often quite funny -his dog meme hilarious - and his fitness tips helpful, Facto put up some interesting links , Compared to Hutch...........................? So could be a plot for re-entry - "think I was bad -look what you could have ". Wonder what's in the mind of the umpire.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Wednesday, 1 Sep 2021 at 4:59pm
overthefalls wrote:

Hey Hutchy,
The phrase “facto persona” is a reference to an old Swellnet forum contributor by the name of Facto who established a reputation for being a pesky, puerile, patronising pain.

... proving what is one man’s annoyance is another’s required community service!

seaslug's picture
seaslug's picture
seaslug Wednesday, 1 Sep 2021 at 5:04pm

I'm so gutted that I missed groundswell story (deleted before I could get to it), damm you swellnet damm you :)

Hutchy 19's picture
Hutchy 19's picture
Hutchy 19 Wednesday, 1 Sep 2021 at 5:59pm

I now get how this site works . A bit like a Private Men's Club . Run by a committee that believe they own the place and set the rules .

Will not stand for a new member that doesn't think the Right way . Unfortunately the admission officer is not part of the committee . He admits new members that are willing to pay the admission fee .

The committee has worked out that if they don't like someone ( someone who refuses to play by their rules ) they can give the new member a hard enough time that most will leave the club voluntarily . Those that are not so compliant and have some grit will be given Plan B .

Abuse them , harass them , make them feel really bad and force them to react in a way that breaks the clubs rules . They then inform the admission officer who is forced to suspend them or
ban them outright .

Some of these poor souls then come back to the club masquerading as facto persona ( was Uplift one ) .

It will take me some time but I can look back through the history of this site . Unless the committee knows Hilary Clintons PC destroyer the records can be found .

It will not be difficult to then name the committee and name the poor facto persona's .

I am very busy at the moment so do not expect a finding in the next few days .

Have a good day !

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 1 Sep 2021 at 6:50pm

Pool egg

Westofthelake's picture
Westofthelake's picture
Westofthelake Wednesday, 1 Sep 2021 at 7:24pm

Red vs blue

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Wednesday, 1 Sep 2021 at 7:36pm

Hutchy I for one am looking forward to your findings.

Roker's picture
Roker's picture
Roker Wednesday, 1 Sep 2021 at 7:48pm
Westofthelake wrote:

Red vs blue

What does that mean?

Red people dying at five times the rate of blue people? Or unvaccinated red people dying at five times the rate of unvaccinated blue people?

Blue people tend to live in well appointed coastal cities, can work remotely, live in accommodation in which they can shelter safely in place and have sufficient income/insurance in order to access the health system.

Many Red ‘deplorables’ on the other hand are less fortunate. Have to show up to work,’ live in smaller accommodation, live in less well resourced rural areas, and might not be able to afford the health system,

In the Darwinian stakes I think the blues are better placed to survive a pandemic than the reds, vaccination aside.

tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter Wednesday, 1 Sep 2021 at 7:59pm

Far out Hutchy ,

I believe , and correct me if I'm wrong someone, but the reason others were suspended or banned was largely due to responses to swellnet HQ from an audience that doesn't or rarely contributes to the forum , but read it regularly . I've never been for banning anyone personally .There is no illuminati . There is no conspiracy. It is what it is . I agree with many of your points but the way you interact on here seems over the top at times .
You claim you're able to take a bit of constructive criticism and learn from it but I'm not getting that impression from your comments. I've argued the point with a few of these guys over the last few years , and I don't have ongoing issues with anyone. they're all bastards when they want to be , like me , and like you too. Get over it sunshine. After a while you'll work out some of the different personalities on here. In the mean time , enjoy the ride. And try to have a laugh along the way , it's very therapeutic.
I actually miss lifty , only had 2 clashes with the big fella , both times ended with a laugh. All other exchanges were quite friendly and informative,

seaslug's picture
seaslug's picture
seaslug Wednesday, 1 Sep 2021 at 8:13pm

Laughed at that one Blowin

Hutchy 19's picture
Hutchy 19's picture
Hutchy 19 Wednesday, 1 Sep 2021 at 8:24pm

I would guess this twitter estimate is trying to be deliberately misleading (a shame as I like what I have seen of Neil ) . I do not use twitter .

The CDC site shows that Whites ( non Hispanic ) that have had 2 doses is over 60% . Blacks , Indian/Alaskan natives and Asians are all under 10% , Hispanics are under 20% .

The tweet is actually saying that of the very small percentage of Republicans ( predominately white and old ) that are not vaccinated they are 5 times more likely to die than Democrat's ( which are vaccinated ,unvaxed and younger ).

Typical example of someone distorting facts to pull the wool over the eyes of the sheeple .

I am curious if you think that is a fair comparison and demonstrates the point you were trying to make Westy .

Not everyone is gullible .

Westofthelake's picture
Westofthelake's picture
Westofthelake Wednesday, 1 Sep 2021 at 8:29pm
Roker wrote:
Westofthelake wrote:

Red vs blue

What does that mean?

Red people dying at five times the rate of blue people? Or unvaccinated red people dying at five times the rate of unvaccinated blue people?

Blue people tend to live in well appointed coastal cities, can work remotely, live in accommodation in which they can shelter safely in place and have sufficient income/insurance in order to access the health system.

Many Red ‘deplorables’ on the other hand are less fortunate. Have to show up to work,’ live in smaller accommodation, live in less well resourced rural areas, and might not be able to afford the health system,

In the Darwinian stakes I think the blues are better placed to survive a pandemic than the reds, vaccination aside.

What does it mean?

"Red people dying at five times the rate of blue people?"

Yes, literally it means that for every 1600 'democrat' voters who die from Covid, 8000 'Republican' voters will die over the same period of time (whatever that is).

(I can't say I have fact-checked Neil DegT but someone will)

"Or unvaccinated red people dying at five times the rate of unvaccinated blue people?"

Good question, there is no reference to that in the quote. (Hopefully someone somewhere might clarify that)

Interesting and valid that you highlight fundamental differences between the 2 in terms of socio-economic environment and access to health systems. I don't believe these deaths are because there is a lack of access to health care. It's about the conscious choice to be ignorant.

"In the Darwinian stakes I think the blues are better placed to survive a pandemic than the reds, vaccination aside."

Well that's a given isn't it?

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 1 Sep 2021 at 8:55pm

Westof-The claim is based on death rates and the voting tendencies from various states. It’s about as generalised, inaccurate and disingenuous as you can possibly get. It says a lot about the credibility of that DeGrasse fella. None of which is good.

It’s the equivalent of saying that LNP voters are getting infected more than ALP voters because of the political leanings of their respective state governments and the Covid cases numbers in each state. It’s rubbish and your cheap shot at the intelligence of democrats over republicans makes you sound a bit dull. Political allegiances are built around moral and character traits, not intelligence.

You do realise that Republicans were traditionally the party of rat cunning business people don’t you? The Republicans are the US version of the LNP. You only think that Republicans are slack jawed hicks cause that’s how the media wanted to portray Trump voters.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 1 Sep 2021 at 8:57pm

"Westof-The claim is based on death rates and the voting tendencies from various states."

that's some low brow opportunistic void of context high grade hyperbolic bullshit if it's based on that...

I was initially thinking it must be done on voter registrations... but thinking about it... not bloody likely...

complete rubbish

Roker's picture
Roker's picture
Roker Wednesday, 1 Sep 2021 at 8:57pm

Isn’t he supposed to be some sort of astrophysicist? He’s as clear as mud. Thank God he wasn’t in Mission Control calling out riding instructions: “Okay Michael - Buzz and Neil are right there below you. Now! No, wait… Oh shit.

Stick to the late night circuit fella.

Hutchy 19's picture
Hutchy 19's picture
Hutchy 19 Wednesday, 1 Sep 2021 at 9:03pm


"Yes, literally it means that for every 1600 'democrat' voters who die from Covid, 8000 'Republican' voters will die over the same period of time (whatever that is)."

You really can not get your head around a simple statement !!

Let me correct you but knowing you I suggest you look CAREFULLY at the change .

"Yes, literally it means that for every 1600 'democrat' voters who die from Covid, 8000 'Republican' NON VACCINATED voters will die over the same period of time (whatever that is)."

Get it ?

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Wednesday, 1 Sep 2021 at 9:06pm

“Okay Michael - Buzz and Neil are right there below you. Now! No, wait… Oh shit.
Mike Collins, what a guy. I was thinking about him when the billionaires took their toy rockets for a few minutes on the edge of space. Mike Collins, alone on the far side of the moon, went further than anyone ever has. 60 years ago. Makes Bezos look a bit meh.

Westofthelake's picture
Westofthelake's picture
Westofthelake Wednesday, 1 Sep 2021 at 9:24pm

Blowin, Sypkan, Hutchy 19, and Roker, geez talk about coming out of the closet all guns blazing!

Just some clarification from Mr Tyson:

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 1 Sep 2021 at 9:50pm

well thats still some real shit ambiguous maths at best...

from the astrophysicist...

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 1 Sep 2021 at 9:54pm

sadly my description still stands...

'that's some low brow opportunistic void of context high grade hyperbolic bullshit if it's based on that...'

I was hoping to be proved wrong

I like/d that dude...

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Wednesday, 1 Sep 2021 at 9:59pm

That follow-up explanation makes less sense than the original post.

Fuck it’s a partisan shitshow.

Hutchy 19's picture
Hutchy 19's picture
Hutchy 19 Thursday, 2 Sep 2021 at 7:27am

Obviously a very smart person is Neil . Uses some poll ( does it exist ) that supports his view that he wants to ram down down peoples face .Then get his minions ( Westies ) to post it on sites so they can ram it .

Very deceptive , misleading and wrong .

Just what we get from most media personalities . They then wonder why we don't trust them .

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Thursday, 2 Sep 2021 at 7:42am

Westof- “All guns blazing “?

Yeah, nah. Simply points out that you posted absolute tripe and then used the tripe as foundation to expand into an even taller pile of dung. If you stop posting rubbish you will find that others aren’t compelled to point out where you’ve gone wrong.

You certainly came out “all guns blazing” when you blindly swallowed the obvious bullshit tweet. You seemed to find great joy in indulging yourself by spewing forth ever more dribble about Republican vs Democratic intelligence. Don’t for a second stop to think that you’re incorrectly stereotyping tens of millions of people- that might cramp your ability to spout more shit.

Westofthelake's picture
Westofthelake's picture
Westofthelake Thursday, 2 Sep 2021 at 8:06am

Triggered much?

Hutchy 19's picture
Hutchy 19's picture
Hutchy 19 Thursday, 2 Sep 2021 at 8:27am

Thank Westy

Neil just keeps digging the hole deeper and deeper . Up to deflecting now which is the usual next step .

I would hate to be in a rocket ship that he was putting in the data for directions . Wanting to go to Mars but with his coordinates he would point us to the Sun .

Please keep posting his tweets ! I am enjoying them , I might end up believing the earth is flat .

Hutchy 19's picture
Hutchy 19's picture
Hutchy 19 Thursday, 2 Sep 2021 at 8:58am

Thanks Troubleshooter ! I do agree with you but for my own piece of mind I will do some checking .

I did a little bit of work last night and don't believe Uplift has come back as facto persona . I couldn't find any examples of a post under another name using the word Squat multiple times .

Hutchy 19's picture
Hutchy 19's picture
Hutchy 19 Thursday, 2 Sep 2021 at 9:04am

Troubleshooter This comment worries me . Exactly what a committee would do . They are smart and like to operate under the radar . Thanks for the heads up !

"I believe , and correct me if I'm wrong someone, but the reason others were suspended or banned was largely due to responses to swellnet HQ from an audience that doesn't or rarely contributes to the forum , but read it regularly ."

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Thursday, 2 Sep 2021 at 9:37am

“Triggered much?”

Easily the gheyest saying in 2020. Repeating it in 2021 is beyond embarrassing. Particularly when you’ve made comments intended to inflame but instead were simply ridiculed.

This DeGrasse bloke doesn’t really seem worthy of any attention.

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Thursday, 2 Sep 2021 at 10:43am

Shows some of the kit left behind at Kabul airport and reports on the destruction of most of the planes and armoured vehicles there.

A bit more detail in this article:

tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter Thursday, 2 Sep 2021 at 5:06pm

Just to clarify the comment of mine you have quoted hutchy , the audience I'm referring to is the general public and not a committee. I think there may have been issues as well with constant breaches of the Swellnets code of conduct rules stated in the forum. I don't know exactly and I don't really care ,so go your hardest in uncovering whatever is you hope to dig up. I wish you luck.

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Thursday, 2 Sep 2021 at 6:12pm

Hey udo, I’m not sure that anyone is worried about those humvees and I don’t think Joe Biden is going to be impeached over it.

Hutchy 19's picture
Hutchy 19's picture
Hutchy 19 Thursday, 2 Sep 2021 at 8:28pm

Etarip - I think a lot of people are worried about the humvees . The US people that paid for them with their tax dollars , the military for letting them slip into the wrong hands and the Afghanis who will get run over by them .

The Republicans have already said they will not try and impeach Biden on the Withdrawal fiasco ( not for forgetting to take home the humvees ) .

If Trump had made such a balls up would the Democrats have done the same ?

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Thursday, 2 Sep 2021 at 8:51pm

Disagree. Sunk costs. Detritus of war. Not exactly a threat to continental USA, or anything outside Afghanistan. And the Taliban have never been short of creative ways to kill people - they don’t need Humvees.
I’ll leave it that.

Roker's picture
Roker's picture
Roker Thursday, 2 Sep 2021 at 9:34pm

The latest 'Common Sense' podcast from Dan Carlin, which takes a multi dimensional look at Afghanistan, from prior to the Soviet invasion, up to the present, with a quick peek into the future, is head shakingly good.

Couldn't begin to summarise it - but when he starts running through a few things that might have been worthy of consideration when contemplating an invasion of the 'graveyard of empires' - you kinda think that that quote that says "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it', ain't no hackneyed, hoary old cliché.

And as an added bonus, references to political parties and politicians are fleeting at most.

Hutchy 19's picture
Hutchy 19's picture
Hutchy 19 Friday, 3 Sep 2021 at 7:48am

The Taliban are creative . Hang people from a Black Hawk and fly them all over a city . So it is a good idea to help come up with other ways to kill people ?

What is the relevance of sunk costs mean in this case ? All the equipment left in Afghanistan is ONLY wasted (detritus) if you leave it there .

You are in a very small minority that don't worry about the balls up caused by the US
shambolic withdrawal .

san Guine's picture
san Guine's picture
san Guine Friday, 3 Sep 2021 at 8:07am
Roker wrote:

The latest 'Common Sense' podcast from Dan Carlin, which takes a multi dimensional look at Afghanistan, from prior to the Soviet invasion, up to the present, with a quick peek into the future, is head shakingly good.

Couldn't begin to summarise it - but when he starts running through a few things that might have been worthy of consideration when contemplating an invasion of the 'graveyard of empires' - you kinda think that that quote that says "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it', ain't no hackneyed, hoary old cliché.

And as an added bonus, references to political parties and politicians are fleeting at most.

Thanks Roker.
Also recommended is William Dalrymples' Return of a King, about the British East India Company and its failure in Afghanistan in the 1840's.
This book even draws quite eerie parallels with modern history , for example, the American installed President Hamid Karzai was from the same tribe as Shah Shugar (who the BEIC placed in power) and the insurgency was led by the Ghilhazis who would eventually morph into the Taliban.
Afghanistan is tribal, always was always will be...

Please excuse my spelling of the protagonists, done from memory

san Guine's picture
san Guine's picture
san Guine Sunday, 5 Sep 2021 at 8:15am
etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Sunday, 5 Sep 2021 at 8:48am

The shambles isn’t the withdrawal. The shambles was the campaign.
If you’re worried about cost - which you claim the US taxpayer also is - then you would surely calculate the cost of extending the deployment, in terms of sweat, treasure and blood, to take 20 years worth of stuff out of the country. It’s simply cheaper to leave the stuff there. It’s already paid for. Hence ‘sunk’ cost.
I’m well aware of the creative brutality of the Taliban. It is usually less ‘high-tech’ than the ‘bomb the shit out of them’ approach that you’re advocating (although you’ve never been clear on what that bombing is in aid of), but there’s some analysis that the cost in terms of human life is comparable.

You’re missing the point and misrepresenting my position. Which you consistently do to me and almost every poster on the site, on almost every issue and forum that you wander into.

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Sunday, 5 Sep 2021 at 8:54am

SG, great long view. It’s always tribal in Afghanistan, always will be. Fascinating to overlay linguistics group with ‘ethnic’ group with ‘religious’ alignment in any particular province or region. Tribe trumps them all.

Hutchy 19's picture
Hutchy 19's picture
Hutchy 19 Sunday, 5 Sep 2021 at 9:09am


Your comments first , then mine .

"The shambles isn’t the withdrawal. "

You are right the campain was a shambles . If the Taliban beat the Russians why did the US think it would not happen to them . The withdrawal was a disaster .

"It’s simply cheaper to leave the stuff there ."

Really , interesting concept . Is that why they also left people there . Do you leave your board at the beach ?

"I’m well aware of the creative brutality of the Taliban. It is usually less ‘high-tech’ than the ‘bomb the shit out of them’ approach that you’re advocating (although you’ve never been clear on what that bombing is in aid of), "

I said to do strategic bombing of their leadership and planners . I said don't bomb all the soldiers . In a football game I would target the opposition captain . Cut the head off a snake .

It works !!!!

"You’re missing the point and misrepresenting my position."

You’re missing the point and misrepresenting my position.