The United States(!) of A

Good point, you'd have to work out where those 3 or 4 worked, if their work influenced government policy (or lobbying, media, policy drafting etc). He did say he identified the 3 or 4 over a period of time and then followed up by surveying that group (over many thousands). The immediate picture is he's found those who work in the corridors of power, but perhaps only the preconditions (background). For those 3 or 4, there might be 12 or 15 who have similar education/salary who don't think that way, who work in the corridors of power. How to differentiate, if he feels he hasn't already done so?

I'm more interested in the way the article contributes to the same "culture war" it denounces.
The actual "elite 1%" in America earn $650k per year. Run the numbers on those people. Where they live, where they work and what sorts of policies they support.
I think then you will start to see the true “power aristocracy” the article mentions. This is the ACTUAL elite 1% who "dominate the universities, news media, judiciary, intelligence agencies, giant foundations, and most major corporations. Although they are relatively few, they marry each other, their children go to the same schools, and they hire and promote each other."

May I add that the Western Worlds Media , mostly , are in this Elite group and sure think they are elite .
I watched a clip of Peta Credlin last night on Utube .
This woman IS elite .
She and Tony have NOT mentioned the details of this UGLY affair in 10 years .
She couldn't hold it in for 1 second longer and wrote a major piece .
The mental and emotional pressures this woman was subjected 2 and survived ( just apparently ) , were ridiculous !
Both Credlin and Abbott declined to be in the ABC's Deep Dive into Abbotts knifing .
Credlin said , the ABC did a good job with the first episode ( 4 the ABC ) .
I knew Turnbull was Turnbull BUT Morrison was the WORST .
He is NOW the worst PM in Australia's history imo .
An absolute piece of wrecking shit that put Australia BACK , 5 years !!!
He knifed Abbott ( 4 Turnbull ) and then knifed Malcolm .
Planned it for years and before Tony won in a Landslide .
She gave a special thank you to Shorten and Albo , who came up to her in private and said she had done a great job and that she , and Tony , had been treated dreadfully .
Both these men I now rate higher !
She said she had no messages from Bishop or Gillard !
She said she was criticised for shielding Tony .
She said , ffs , they could have called him , emailed him or sent him a bloody letter .
Everyone in Canberra knew , he did all communications , for himself .
Tony Abbott will never tell his side of the story .
U might not like or believe Peta , but she has now told , her side .
Have a look at the WAY she tells her side of it as she is just adding some incredible details imo .
This woman is Elite , I can see it in her expression .
I really believe Albo , Shorten , Rudd and Dutton would be willing to follow and support a good leader .
Morrison , Turnbull and now probably , Gillard 2 , just wanted the Top job , no matter what the cost 2 Australia .
Scum .
Caesar was knifed 2 .
Brutus gets the main bad rap but was like a Turnbull ( wealthy ) .
Longinus was the Morrison .
Was helped by Caesar and Caesar trusted him .
Didn't like Caesar hanging around and keeping him out of the limelight .
He was the 1 that did all the planning and convinced Brutus it was right , to kill Caesar .
History repeating itself .
Longinus and Brutus died for killing Caesar and are not remembered as good men .

Good stuff Kook Man. Here's my fav US big salary break-down:

What influence??? Plenty of that.
- Ownership of MSM
- Staffing of well funded Think Tanks that feed policy and people into the halls of power
- membership of groups such as The Council for Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, WEF, Freemasons, Skull and Bones etc
- political donations and inside stock tips so the "Law Makers" are made part of a rich but compromised "club".
The strange emergence of racism, gender, covid fear, facilitated illegal immigration, climate fear, quite moderate disagreement with desired narratives being portrayed as "far right" etc as things resembling purposeful, almost obsessively repeated themes that have the effect of fracturing society.
As per my post further above on a possible motivation - after the Occupy Wall St scare, the elite chose divide and conquer for the peasants.

Of all the beliefs of The Elite mentioned in the article above , the 1 I want to highlight is the percentage willing to RIG a close Election .
This belief has been around for a while , at least since Trump was on the ballot sheet .
As Stalin said , it's those that Count the Votes , who announce the winner .

frog wrote:Kook,
What influence??? Plenty of that.
- Ownership of MSM
- Staffing of well funded Think Tanks that feed policy and people into the halls of power
- membership of groups such as The Council for Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, WEF, Freemasons, Skull and Bones etc
- political donations and inside stock tips so the "Law Makers" are made part of a rich but compromised "club".Division?
The strange emergence of racism, gender, covid fear, facilitated illegal immigration, climate fear, quite moderate disagreement with desired narratives being portrayed as "far right" etc as things resembling purposeful, almost obsessively repeated themes that have the effect of fracturing society.
As per my post further above on a possible motivation - after the Occupy Wall St scare, the elite chose divide and conquer for the peasants.
Where do groups such as Atlas, Heritage Foundation and Koch brothers etc fit into this?
2 warring elite groups??
Edit. Should say 2 groups of various elite groups....

Watergate was tiddly winks compared to what goes on today.

The Elites that really count , know that there are , elite , Elites .
As their main goals are the same , they ALL work together , on certain fundamental issues .
Like staying in Power and the Money that can flow from having it ( if abused ) .
As I have said somewhere , Covid has given us all a lot of Proof of what the Elites were Up 2 .
The issue brought them unstuck and showed the Media's True Colours .
They are in big trouble and they WILL fight to hold , what they have .

Everything is a rich man’s trick.
Crazy to think that Woody Harrelson’s old man claims to have shot JFK! Apparently he was a known assassin.

further to frog's little interlude above...
it's an insult to anyone's intelligence this constant line from the democrats about supossedly 'protecting democracy'...
they are doing the exact opposite
and they have form...
20 odd years of scamming, conniving, litigious form

"The strange emergence of racism, gender, covid fear, facilitated illegal immigration, climate fear, quite moderate disagreement with desired narratives being portrayed as "far right" etc as things resembling purposeful, almost obsessively repeated themes that have the effect of fracturing society."
you know what they say about if you repeat something enough times...
no matter how ridiculous the premise
"far right"
they got the frown throwing it around ad nauseam...

A recent article i read noted that instead of democracy being:
- for the people by the people
It is now:
- for the institutions by the institutions.
So in the EU context, for example, views of the people (e.g. farmers) in disagreement with the Brussels based bureaucrats and their policies are a likely to be termed a threat to "democracy".
In the US, concerns about uncontrolled immigration are in conflict with what the institutions proclaim as good and so are labelled dangerous and (in recent years) "far right".
Question a war, a lockdown, etc and it is the same. The institutions have made their proclamation. Any other views can easily be labelled a threat to democracy or disinformation.
Debate is thus quashed.
The institutions have primacy.
They have a self perpetuating life of their own with agendas serving themselves and the most influential members of the "big club" and those well hidden behind the curtain.
The people and their opinions are just a bit annoying and inconvenient.
This view is a broad brush simplification but it is useful.


Hey Frog…… i agree with much of what you said. There is something off bout it though. And i can’t quite put my finger on it. Not well enough to communicate it effectively, anyways. And i am dog tired and falling asleep towards another Noc shift. I don’t wanna antagonize in my current state, and generally like your views. The thing i am gonna express poorly is that some of what you said… i.e. the institutions claiming primacy… i agree with what i believe you are getting to, but, also, to some extent, it needs to be that way. Not to the extent that it has gotten, that’s where i think we agree. I have been thinking about starting a Governance thread. As in, what is “good governance?” What are reasonable expectations of such? What is “civic duty?” Basically, a more esoteric view of these issues we shout about. I haven’t yet for two reasons. One, i am a Seppo, and, while i think that is cute, it does put a drag on any ideas i may have, and two, i believe it would quickly dissolve into Specific Aggrevement. I dunno, Frog, all the best to ya and your day/night. I am gonna hit sleep, now.

Wax 24 has hit the nail on the head imho !
It is ALL about good Governance .
Most positions in life come with Written and unwritten rules .
The Financial Industry requires good governance to enable Investors to TRUST ,that their Money will not be ripped off .
ES & G !!!
A company that does not have good governance is ostracised by the Market .
Shareholders will then change management . and , if things change , the market will reward that company .
The Market sets the rules and will kill , anyone , who doesn't PLAY by them .

The "Democracy" Censorship Predicate: A Quick Primer
- After 2016, the national security state, the foreign policy establishment, & the gov't-funded NGO-plex orgs redefined the word "democracy": it no longer meant a consensus of individuals, it meant a consensus of institutions— Mike Benz (@MikeBenzCyber) June 26, 2023
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Good governance is far from a default result. Many African and South American countries have never known it.
It takes a whole set of checks and balances and a sound national and organisational culture built over many years as well as good leadership to be sustained. In the West, good governance in both business and government probably peaked as a practice a few decades ago and has been in steady decline since for a whole range of complex reasons.
Some of this is just slippage. But, more often now, than in the past, there seems to be an intentional willingness to let various agendas dominate in conflict with past practice, logic, data and even the law itself.
The anchor chain of good governance is often now just a frayed elastic band stretched out to its limit.
I have read of many retired US military and diplomatic professionals despairing at what they see today in terms of the quality of leadership in their fields and the level of capture by special interests.

A great post frog but I think U are wrong in Listed Businesses Governance .
Everything else , spot on .
Demonstrating Good Governance is a prerequisite for a Major Corporation .
Not sure they all are acting like it eg US Trading Banks .
Look what has happened to Qantas .
There will always be some crooks who come out of the dark cracks .
Like the Curly haired Crypto Kid that blew billions of OPM and gave millions to a Political Party .
The market exposed him and punished him .
The Regulators treated him with Kid Gloves , of course .
In my career of 30 plus years , it's never been harder to Cook Your Books .
2 easy 2 get burned by the market and regulators this days .
Then there is the ATO !

Pop Down wrote:Wax 24 has hit the nail on the head imho !
It is ALL about good Governance .
Most positions in life come with Written and unwritten rules .
The Financial Industry requires good governance to enable Investors to TRUST ,that their Money will not be ripped off .
ES & G !!!
A company that does not have good governance is ostracised by the Market .
Shareholders will then change management . and , if things change , the market will reward that company .
The Market sets the rules and will kill , anyone , who doesn't PLAY by them .
Hi Pops
The old adage "Government of the people, by the people, for the people" (Abe Lincoln's Gettysburg Address), appears to have gone out the window. Some special interest groups are now getting preferred treatment. It may have something to do with how much you can "donate" to the cause.
Yes the shareholders can change management, but remember the Stock Market overall has evolved into a casino with the house setting the rules and often not telling you.
A few big players, Black Rock, Vanguard for example, can exert extraordinary influence on markets particularly if they wish to collude (but they'd never do that would they!!!???).
The stock market is really a trap for the unwary(retail traders/investors), readily exploited by the big boys.
Look up the term "gamma", for an idea of what happens in markets.
Lets not start on the con men shonks and shysters who call themselves Short Sellers.

hey salt
I know gamma beta alpha etc lol .
The Derivative market IS like a Supercomputer program I hope someone understands .
Guessing if Buffet was asked , can Berkshire Hathaway , rig the market ( Casino ) he would laugh , shake his head and say NO .
The Market is like a Casino as , in the long term , it has never lost .
Buffet finds a company he likes ( Governance is his and Charlie's MAIN priority ) and just HOLDS , mostly .
It definitely sets the rules of engagement .
I mentioned about the World Foreign Exchange InterBank Market ( and also the US 10 year Bond market ) having Clear written and unwritten Rules .
Like a Great Lawyer , Black Rock know the rules BETTER than the Judges .
They DO look after the Elite's money but even Black Rock , ARE always worried about what the Market thinks of them ( Redemptions are pouring out atm ) .
The Rules of our ASX have NEVER been tighter .
Like all games , some are willing to win , by risking breaking , the rules .
Umpires need to be strong and unbiased .
ASIC is both .
The SEC ( USA ) ?

There was 1 company that EVERYONE thought could manipulate ( 100% make profits in ANY market ) the Market .
The Company attracted ( actually there was a Stampede of money 2 them ) Gazillions of $US from the Elite ( and Financial Elite ) .
The Market let them set up and place ALL their bets and blew them out of the water .
Guessing U know about Long-Term Capital Management ( LTCM ) ?
They had a full Greek alphabet that strangled themselves , tried 2 B 2 clever .
Market made sure it wasn't around Long , and all the Capital they managed , disappeared !
In 1998 , we said it wasn't well named and were glad ONLY the Elite were allowed ( size of the fund ) to participate in that deal ( even UBS were Not invited and we thought we were elite haha ) :)
The Hunt Brothers thought they could Rig a Silver Market .

Holy mother of sweet baby jebus make (north) America great again

There is a lot of people in a lot of countries , saying exactly the same things .
Even here , in The Land of Oz .

Strike me down with a feather @pops

Hey Frog, hope your day was alright. Thanx for your measured reply, much appreciated. My takeaway from it is that it is not the systems and institutions so much as it is the folks running it all for the last, oh, most all of my life, and certainly in the last 25 years. Am i right to take that away, or did you mean something else?

Pop Down wrote:Smiley
There is a lot of people in a lot of countries , saying exactly the same things .
Even here , in The Land of Oz .
Hi Pop,
They appear frequently on Sky and various public fora!!
Actually, I think Sky TV news etc is a parody.
Rita Panahi is doing Kylie Mole, Rowan Dean is Russel Coight, James Morrow is Leo Wanker and Bolt is Poida. Credlin is Sharon Strzelecki.

GuySmiley wrote:Holy mother of sweet baby jebus make (north) America great again
There are plenty of those to choose from! I like the way the interviewer poses the question then points out the contradiction, and lets the idiots tie themselves in knots!
But it really shows how the web has been used to convince people they are smarter than they actually are.

Pop Down wrote:Smiley
There is a lot of people in a lot of countries , saying exactly the same things .
Even here , in The Land of Oz .
Everywhere in Australia you hear it from people of all political views, how often do you hear people talk of the good old days and how things were always better.
When does anyone say things are better now?
Over the years we have seen it here too as a topic of focus, for instance Blowin was always talking about how Australia is being ruined by high immigration, people from cities moving in to coastal town and the beach side shacks being knocked down and Mcmansions built and the locals often pushed out a part of Aussie culture lost
And Blowin was correct, but for me as a tradie its a two edged sword, i hate the influx of people to where i live, but on the flipside i never have to worry about work, while in the 90s tradies where i live often had to go to Melbourne to get work.

Hey Salty
Don't watch Sky ( unless a uTube clip ) and don't know what a Strzelecki is :)
Is it a MAG(D)A ???
If Sky is a parody , I have other shows , like Yes Minister or the Real Russel , 2 watch or , 2 re watch for a laugh , thanks but no thanks .
I did watch the above video and DID really relate 2 the first , older white guy though , if interested .
Freedom is always more important than Equality !
I have said , my freedoms were removed because of Covid .
How did U go ?
At first , I thought the interviewer was deliberately trying to make them look good lol .
He did a good job , either way , imho haha lol !!!

Frog, i did not vote for the President in the 2020 Election. I voted down ballot, but could not choose Trump or Biden. I felt a little disturbed by that as i have never not voted and believe strongly in executing that right. I told myself that, next time, no matter who is running, i have to pick one and vote. And now it looks to be almost a certainty that we will get the same rancid soup, reheated. I am very angry at BOTH parties for this. Neither choice is a good one. And, despite what i have told myself about voting this year, i am once again leaning very hard towards only voting Down Ballot, again. I do not allow that to turn to aggrevement, to where i am just always distrustful of Government, Authority, etc... I am not a malcontent and do not want the baby thrown out with the bathwater. I try to stay in the present, stay calm, and look for solutions, just generally. This populist movement is toxic, in my opinion. I have seen firsthand what it does to people. We've all seen MAGA, yikes. There are no solutions to be found there. None that would stand the test of time. I am actually down for a revolution of sorts, but it can't be cries to wreck the systems, "drain the swamp," own the Libs, etc... If one arises that talks of policy not politics, and seeks to unite rather than divide, who knows what i might be willing to say, do, vote. This current environment is only destructive. Pointing out incessantly (and i am NOT saying you do this, Frog) how bad the bad guys are just empowers THEM. It further divides, and makes it too easy for them to keep up the staus quo. The HARD of it all, is that. i am not sure i can see any solutions, atm. Maybe it is just a matter of surviving what is to come. I have a "deep well" and a great deal of patience. This is why i will sometimes attempt to hijack one of these threads and try to just connect with others here. THAT is where any solution that is worth it's salt will be found. Yelling about the other side of the aisle ain't where it's at. Until we (WE Writ Large) begin to understand this, we will continue to get what's coming.

And, Frog, and all, sorry for that Ramble. Not as coherent as i'd like, but i am at work now, on a break, and things here are requiring most of my brain power.

I don't think any Institution needs 2 be killed !!!
Their Governance HAS to change with the Times .
The ability of the US political system to work with and accept help from ALL Lobby Groups is Legendary .
Stop the blood money that Feeds the Swamps !
Let them drain themselves and the Swamp will kill itself .

Pop Down wrote:Hey Salty
Don't watch Sky ( unless a uTube clip ) and don't know what a Strzelecki is :)
Is it a MAG(D)A ???
If Sky is a parody , I have other shows , like Yes Minister or the Real Russel , 2 watch or , 2 re watch for a laugh , thanks but no thanks .
I did watch the above video and DID really relate 2 the first , older white guy though , if interested .
Freedom is always more important than Equality !
I have said , my freedoms were removed because of Covid .
How did U go ?
I only watch the occasional YT video of Sky stuff, just to remind me of what happens when things go terribly wrong.
Strzeleki is Magda’s character in Kath and Kim.
As for COVID there is too much to write: I’d have to tell you face to face. I did however get quite a few sessions in at the old Pines with a cast of hundreds including several off duty cops from Mornington. I live in Mt Eliza BTW. Wife found it more difficult as she is not capable of doing a two hour exercise run as Dan The Man suggested. So we often packed a lunch and went for a drive to a scenic location to fill in the time. Was never confronted by the blackshirts and even if I was no fines were ever going to paid.
The only time we were confronted by the police was at Queenscliff ferry terminal when we were returning home from helping our daughter in Torkers when she required some hospital treatment.

It's the right attitude @wax, I feel for you. Micro-cosmos/macro-cosmos, koyaanisqatsi, life in balance.. here's a labored ladder metaphor for you, haha.. hope you're a DIY guy:
self, family, community, local-authority, state, federal, regional, global.. all rungs on the same ladder. When it breaks down, it ALL breaks down, there is no golden-solution rung higher up the ladder, as you are saying.
We do what we can to improve the rungs on the ladder that we have an effect on.
Irate flailing at upper rungs, by, as you say, malcontents, changes nothing, achieves nothing.
Imagine if all that indignant internet energy was put into ladder-rungs closer to home?
Hang in there @wax, you got vitaminD season 'round the corner. Hijack away, your posts rock.

Good work salty .
I played footy on the Mt Elisa ground and hated playing U as U bloody have the Dees colours .
I think U beat Rye in the 83 GF ( U or Mornington ) .
Guessing from Frankston down , things were handled much better than up here .
Great to hear than you confirmed it , as my friends in Rye , felt the same .
Guessing , if we do get 2 meet , face to face , we won't be chatting about covid :)
If U can stop your wife from running , she can tell me a running away from Dan , Story haha !
Cheers 2 U 2 !

Pop Down wrote:Good work salty .
I played footy on the Mt Elisa ground and hated playing U as U bloody have the Dees colours .
I think U beat Rye in the 83 GF ( U or Mornington ) .
Guessing from Frankston down , things were handled much better than up here .
Great to hear than you confirmed it , as my friends in Rye , felt the same .
Guessing , if we do get 2 meet , face to face , we won't be chatting about covid :)
If U can stop your wife from running , she can tell me a running away from Dan , Story haha !
Cheers 2 U 2 !
It won’t (probably) happen again as the decision making has been taken out of the hands of the CHO and given to the pollies.
But if it does, we’ll pack the car and head off to Torkers and move in with daughter!
One day we may meet, (if we haven’t already!), it can be a small world!

You got it, exactly Base and thanx.

reckon this might chill your guts @wax, Mal Webb is Australia's most musically-talented 14-year-old-boy-that-never-had-to-grow-up. 'Your One Drop':

Thanx again, Base.... i rather enjoyed that. I wish i coulda been a 14-year-old-boy-who-never-had-to-grow-up. (some would argue i've attempted, lol). My next goal is to become a cute, friendly old man of whom no one has any expectations. Just lotsa kisses on the cheek. I am working towards this goal on the daily. (wink)

Tolstoy's idea of happiness @wax:
“A quiet secluded life in the country, with the possibility of being useful to people to whom it is easy to do good, and who are not accustomed to have it done to them; then work which one hopes may be of some use; then rest, nature, books, music, love for one's neighbor — such is my idea of happiness.”

About 20 years ago (shoot, maybe 30) i had this quote in a rotation with another quote as my screen saver on my work computer. Remember when screen savers had a wow factor?! lol
The other quote was (i believe) a Buddhist quote.......
"Chop wood, carry water."

This will cheer everyone up. Sitting above the conflict and division (bread and circuses) there may be a well thought out plan. Just not one you will like.
Whitney has done very deep research into the who and the how.
Incompetence and hubris seems to abound in the echo chambers on high - so they make a lot of mistakes e.g. Ukraine (where nothing worked out as they intended), the rise of the BRICS (the US hegemon's missteps and overreach in trying to maintain control have ironically encouraged a counterforce to emerge... oooops) and the Middle East chaos. Therefore things may not work out as per the plan.
Ignorance and passive acceptance is not good.
Humour is a powerful tool. Making fun of the ridiculousness and weirdness helps.

Love that Tolstoy quote.
Chuck in some waves and sign me up.
dr. phil, telling it like it is...
NEW: Dr. Phil is at the Southern Border blasting Kamala Harris and speaking out against the Biden Border Crisis calling it a "humanitarian crisis unlike anything we've seen before."
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) February 2, 2024
You know it's bad when Dr. Phil is involved.
The move from Dr. Phil came after he announced that…
elon too...
Biden’s strategy is very simple:
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 3, 2024
1. Get as many illegals in the country as possible.
2. Legalize them to create a permanent majority – a one-party state.
That is why they are encouraging so much illegal immigration. Simple, yet effective.

^^^ hahaha

The Biden regime are radical extremists who hold no respect for the USA or its citizens.
Republicans are no different. The Uniparty is an organised criminal enterprise.

Hey Slacky
I don't think the Republican Party Leaders , ever wanted Trump to be President .
His First Presidency was due to the rank and file support , his biggest asset .
Since Biden replaced Trump 3ish years ago , Trumps biggest Asset has grown MUCH bigger .
After the recent Court Ruling , looks like Trump WILL run , after all .
The prediction is , the Rank and File of the US will Vote in November , and be 60% , a bloody Landslide .
The worry is , a woman that runs the US Military ( starts with N and Ukrainian background ) will start something , that even Trump can't STOP .
On the 2nd of February , the Trump Train officially left the Station .
It's final destination is locked in .
It going to Washington again .
The First train was like Puffing Billy .
A bloody Bullet Train is now just warming up .
Biden ( atm ) is in his way , that won't slow him down at all imho .
Trump has not lost one supporter in the last 3 years .
How many supporters has Biden and the Democrats lost , 20% ?
That is the prediction .

@opti, this you?
M https://m.

Tay Tay Bill #1,001 {The D.E.F.I.A.N.C.E Act}
Disrupt Explicit Forged Images And Non Consensual Edits Act of 2024
[Factcheck] Naked or Half naked...It's impossible for a computer to spit out an ugly fake Tay Tay image.
Feel free to type search 'Ugly Horrible Taylor Swift Search Combo'...always returns picture of Beauty!
Try rude Combos and get really Graphic stuff but these Lame images are buried deep (Not for www)
Not saying Dark Web or where to search but Mainstream are burying them...
Hodad tbb is least computer savvy but can still find nests of them in little time...
So why are Latest batch of lesser explicit 100's 'Chiefs' Taylor Swift Ai Deep Fakes banned...
Pervs search for censored self censored images > No genitalia with all bits / crevices shadowed out
Media then censor already shadowed out artistic why all the fuss with Benny Hill Porn!
Any Dad (tbb) of similar aged daughter would demand 1m other images be removed ahead of these.
Taylor's pretend Tongue being the most explicit shock in only one or two why all the fuss!
Feel free to examine as there is no real nudity...but tbb refuses to share images...Why!
That's the reason why they're being banned...
Ai has crossed over into exploiting Celebs as Coded Billboards in plain sight!
Examples of Coded Imagery...
Large NFL in goal LOGO changes in each Image...(Always reverse / mixed letter coded)
Lettering on Taylor's Body is also mixed with dual meaning Codes!
Players & Fans Similar Jersey Slavic / Jewish Names are purposely exposed or only part hidden.
Code : Dual Letters as one / Back 2 front or seemingly Reverse mixed Slavic lettering...
Crowd's Ai faces are exposed...seemingly outing Political or Controversial figures in plain site.
Many in US Sports / Politics would point out similarities...less so to us here!
eg: Prez as Coach sniffing Taylor's Hair in change rooms > ultra pervy...but avoids explicit nudity.
Other images imply / out Ai characters as Sterile or Gay or Lustful...(Like in oldschool Master' Painters)
Pretty certain these images are rubbing many up the wrong way & getting [close to the edit]
Often see Hands with only 4 fingers (NFL = Most Crucial 15min Play) Be alert!
6 Fingers...again as NFL / Nike The Perfect Fit imprint on Taylor.
The power in these images being they fall short of being Explicit so they grift'n'drift across mainstream.
When a carrier Flags it...they don't see rude bits, but they'll argue that it's lewd, degrading - well suss.
The evil doers are exploiting Non explicit Celeb humiliation as unsavoury Coded VIP vessels.
Kinda like Lad's Goldie-locks...meant to be shared as they're not explicit images just vile blokey stuff.
Think Suicide Blonde...all perv but see nothing so unknowingly spread the pol/bot imagery!
Super Hot Mess Tay-Tay Cheer Gal (flip) Steroid Trump Hero Cards (Studly Hodad Alpha Male).
Coincidentally not by accident 2 flip iconic Ai's peak at exact same time...
#1 Dem ~ Slutty Cheer Gal (vs) #1 GOP ~ Super Hero Alpha Stud
Oldschool Punkz like tbb pulled records from Crass Collage Posters with similar Political metaphors!
Qld Joh Govt banned LP's with similar images of Politician's Heads on S&M imagery...
Possibly yer closest comparison to these Lewd lowest grade pornographic VIP Knock Offs
Outside Qld...none care...simply place 3x Censor bars to provoke outrage for worldwide ban!
[factcheck] Cut'n'paste 80's Maggie Image is more lurid than any 2024 Banned Tay Tay NFL images!
Uncontrolled vile political messaging worries powers that be...less about the Fake low level porn.
{Warning!} Crass Poster of Political Nature was free for Kidz of the World to view in record stores.
But Qld Govt...censored & removed such filth from child friendly record / book stores!
Whereas ABC iview Tay Tay Vidz / Bananas in Pyjamas mandates Adult Online subscription
[Factcheck] Adult tbb can't access iview Bananas in Pyjamas without US Authorization...(Tried reasoning!)
If any crew could share how to bypass US mandated sign up to USBC iview...tbb would be Stoked!
Just sayin'...all know this level of control has gone too far already...only the beginning!
Pollies drum up fear to censor Exorbitant Private Adult Only www Media to scale back to General Audience Kidz TV.
Paving the way for Tech Players to marry into Chinese Closed Circuit Pleasantville Shop Cart!
UK Top 10 Hit [Close to the Edit] was banned in NZ for encouraging violence towards children...
Perhaps NZ could step up the censorship to ban current Wars killing a planet of children...Kidz 'd luv that!
1984 End of World MTV > 2024 End of World Ai (Fits the Bill nicely...don't it!)...Already Voted Aye!
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank