The United States(!) of A

Left, right call it whatever you want. It makes no difference. On one side is a wealthy elite pulling strings; on the other are common people who feel the weight of it. At least this is a perception that many people have.

hello Frog
The Elite Network don't believe in Capitalism , at all .
Whatever it takes , is fine with them .
They just want Power , which just happens , to Pay handsomely .
One example , Klaus Schwab .
He runs the WEF ( not a Democracy , but more powerful than most Countries ) .
Check out what HE thinks , the World should B doing .
He knows , what WE all should B doing .
He thinks he is very smart .
The Covid Truth Lion is exposing these people , 4 us .
Very handy .

velocityjohnno wrote:service guarantees citizenship
& frog I thought the Russia job was by big NY banks, as per Juri Lina's 'In the shadow of Hermes'. Lenin banked coin.
One guy traced the money and it was British and wrote a book on it. But this podcast is an eye opener:
The British embassy in Moscow was known to be a hive of activity during the revolution.
Pins the French Revolution on the Brits too!! King Louis was getting too strong.
Colour revolutions are the same template at work today.
Rust never sleeps.

The British Foreign Office has had the same policy , for 500 years .
Divide and Rule .
They are WAY too involved and stirring up NATO in Ukraine , 2 start WW3 .
They want Europe Weakened , again .
Stupid Macron , is walking into a Elite Trap .
The Elites are happy , as will Save The Day ( more Power ) and rebuilt it all , at a profit .

Pop, every power had the same policy in its history, what’s your point?

frog wrote:velocityjohnno wrote:service guarantees citizenship
& frog I thought the Russia job was by big NY banks, as per Juri Lina's 'In the shadow of Hermes'. Lenin banked coin.
One guy traced the money and it was British and wrote a book on it. But this podcast is an eye opener:
The British embassy in Moscow was known to be a hive of activity during the revolution.
Pins the French Revolution on the Brits too!! King Louis was getting too strong.
Colour revolutions are the same template at work today.
Rust never sleeps.
In the context of time imperial Russia was playing the same game. What’s the point here?

- fuck yeah ;)

I am reading a book on India during the colonial period. It is often a bewildering tale of intrigues, French / British / Russian and many local rivalries striving to retain and exploit the "prize" and complex local politics.
Bribes, poisoning, abductions, small wars, lies, alliance shifts, huge profits, and expat career swings and roundabouts fill the pages.
Everything was fluid and in play. Trust was rare. Fortunes were won and lost with a change of leadership or patrons.
Spies everywhere.
Servants on the payroll of the rivals listening and reporting.
Decisions driven by power and dollars. With the East India Company in there boots and all to exploit the local wealth to the hilt.
My point is that this was the way of the world in a more raw and "wild west" type era of colonialism. It was more out in the open and just known to be the way of things.
We sort of assume that things today are much more civilised. In many ways that is so.
But the never ending story we see and read is often the surface veneer carefully crafted by the players hiding the plunder and real power plays.
Don't underestimate the scope and scale of the Great Game.
The prizes are massive measured in $$s - billions and even trillions of inter generational wealth.
Sadly, many elites are forever thinking most about wealth "harvesting" (easy money) rather than wealth creation.

The point I am trying 2 make , is that during all of History , the Elites hang onto Power , no matter the Political System OR Economic System .
Capitalism or Communism .
When this Power is really abused and the People loose Trust , in Their Institutions ( run by the Elite ) , the people can get angry .
The People Always have more Power , eventually , than the Elites .
They just don't like having to use it and overthrow , the fn Elite , that often .
It always causes chaos , for a while , as the Power Vacuum fills back up .
The WEF has a Plan 4 The Future , anyone can read it .
Most Countries are following it's lead , including Australia .
Through the WHO , the WEF outlined its support for the Fauci Covid Plan .
They loved him !
They made a big mistake !
We now know their Covid Plan ( passports ffs ) was a total failure .
All their Plans are NOW being questioned .
They hate Trump as much as Hilary .
Immigration 1 , Globalisation 2 , Big Brother 3 , Cost of Living with a Green Energy 4 ......
The Genie is out of the bottle .
Its a Revolution time , in some places .

Too much going on o/seas and not enough resources to do the 'fixing' anymore
- back home internal divisions keep enabling the distraction ;)
" Its a Revolution time , in some places ."

Pop Down wrote:The point I am trying 2 make , is that during all of History , the Elites hang onto Power , no matter the Political System OR Economic System .
Capitalism or Communism .
The first brilliant moment in a book full of them, is when Dr Zhivago recognises the man handing out orders following the Bolshevik Revolution as a member of the monarchy from a few years previous.

If you want a good read on the Great Game, read Kipling’s “Kim”.
A classic, boys own adventure stuff.

Kipling's Kim sounds cool !
Klaus Schwab is Playing the Ultimate Game of Chess .
Think Kevin Rudd on Steroids , when it comes to Networking .
Think Napoleon type planner .
Think Rothschild type banker ( IMF is in his pocket ) .
Look at WHO and who , has gone through His Academy .
He is the real Voldemort imho .

Biden in big trouble:
"the Democrats’ historic advantage with Black, Latino, and Asian American voters has dwindled to lows not seen since the civil rights movement. -TIME"
The rest of the TIME article is full of anecdotes of dissatisfied Democrats, particularly young voters such as 20-year-old Aidan Kohn-Murphy.
It has nothing to do, as many assume, with the President’s age. With palpable frustration, Kohn-Murphy enumerates the list of perceived policy “betrayals” as though they were “tattooed on the back of my hand.”
"According to the report, GenZ voters "don’t understand why they should be compelled to cast their ballot for a candidate who has done so many things that are against their values," said Kohn-Murphy."
No wonder they have to use 92 legal actions to try to trip up Trump as some strange new form of Democracy rather than trust the voters.
Forcing a clearly fading 81 year old grifter on the voters is insulting.
The new USA national anthem?
"You Don't Care About Us" Placebo

From your link
"the border crisis he created by shredding all of Trump's Executive Orders on immigration has resulted in 10 million illegals flooding into the United States - which has left even Democrats livid."
How insane is that 10 million people arriving into USA illegally, thats almost half Australia's population or double New Zealand's population.
The issues that must be causing is insane.


Unfolding live tragedy...

indo-dreaming wrote:From your link
"the border crisis he created by shredding all of Trump's Executive Orders on immigration has resulted in 10 million illegals flooding into the United States - which has left even Democrats livid."
How insane is that 10 million people arriving into USA illegally, thats almost half Australia's population or double New Zealand's population.
The issues that must be causing is insane.
its absokute insanity!
as elon musk likes to point out, why would you make it so easy for the worst elements of society to break the law and infiltrate your society - with tax payers footing the bill?
...whilst it is still so hard for legal migrants, with so much to offer, to get into the countty...
there must be a nefarious agenda at work... whatever it is...
the fact democrats are lying about EVERYTHING re. what's actually going on, just adds insult to injury
their party faithful may be lapping up the propaganda... but seems the truth has now leaked into the mainsteam and people are finally waking up...
the sheer numbers make it now impossible to ignore

Trump just jumped into the blooming Bloomberg Billionaires Index , gosh , he is Super Trump !
The Index tracks the top 500 wealthiest people , on the bloody Plant , really .
On appeal , his Bond for doing something , was reduced by a Gazillion dollars , 2 a gazillion dollars ( 175m ) ..
The big kicker , was $US 4 Billion , as a 29 month SPAC Deal to Create Trump Media and Technology Group ( Social Media Stuff ) was finally completed lol as the SEC agreed finally , 2 terms .
Its only Paper Money and there is a 6 month escrow ( he will never sell his stake - think Murdoch , but he will be like an Elon in Musth(k) , on steroids haha ) , but Bloomberg still counts it .
And the Democrats started calling him " Broke Don " , that will work as well as Biden , now .
Trumps in a Landslide , that's becoming an Avalanche !

On really serious stuff:
Discussions on:
- why concert attackers were not typical jihadis (paid - not martyrs and no ritual stuff) and ran for Ukraine.
- but more importantly how Macron's 2000 troops to Ukraine is the analogy of the Arabic saying of "don't let the camel's nose under the tent otherwise the whole camel will come in" - potentially leading to 60,000 NATO troops to occupy west Ukraine, which in turn mean Russia will attack them as enemy combatants and then NATO must respond and attack the sources of the attacks which will include bases with nuclear capability, which in turn means Russia's stated doctrine that attacking its nuclear capability is pretty much the trigger for all out nuclear responses comes into play.
The danger is a sort of domino falling series of events that become automatic and hard to stop.
So Macron seems bent on creating a genuine WWIII trigger. He would be in lockstep with the US and NATO crazies on this strategy and has been made the front man (fall guy?). Frog does not support Le Petite Froglet.

U are right froggy , this IS getting , really serious .
The Neocons mouthpiece is the Institute for the Study of War ( ISW ) .
It's run by Victoria Nuland's sister in law .
Victoria's husband is Robert Kegan , he writes stuff eg Washington Post .
The ISW wants regime Change in Russia and now want it before Trump gets involved .
May/June look very ominous , the weather warms up and the War Drums get louder .
Most MSM in the US , listens 2 the ISW .
I don't like them and Macron shouldn't listen 2 them .

I’m sure this is unrelated …..

Yep, Viccy, the large scale war and death enthusiast, was a little too clear in her intentions in that clip
"accelerate the asymmetric warfare" and "nasty surprises"
and was pulled (jumped?) from the frontline to blur cause and effect and fuzzy the blame trail.
If only women ruled the world there would be no war they say.
... excepting of course, Madeleine, Hillary, Victoria, Maggie, Condoleezza etc

Listened to the full Tulsi interview with Tucker today, was interesting.
Had to laugh when she used the word woke a number of times.
Gee's her and Trump would be a very interesting duo in power.

Frog, Scott Ritter is a convicted child groomer.
Find a better source FFS. Stop remunerating that POS by directing traffic to his videos.

I thought you might have given up the SOP tactic of trying to discredit the messenger and instead focus on the points being made. But no.
I would say after two years, the mainstream western commentators have been very effective at presenting memes, spin and hubris.
- Russia always on verge of collapse - the favourite lines have been that Russia is brittle, weak, demoralised, poorly equipped, poorly led - how has that line gone down over time?
- superior NATO standard equipment, training and tactics are "winning" ... where?
- the often stated idea that Russia is suffering huge casualties e.g. at a 10 to 1 ratio even when Ukraine admits Russia is firing missiles at 10 times the rate of the Ukraine . Totally illogical
- the clear tactic of Russia to use a war or attrition strategy being adopted as a meme for Ukraine once they failed at the offensive - we are losing. Spin masters - no we are now going to call it a war of attrition (against a numerically superior opponent with more missiles and air superiority??).
- Ukraine will win, just need more equipment , more billions (and more death on a massive scale for the poor Ukrainians).
But on the ground the western media and military experts have been wrong, wrong and wrong as the conflict progresses.
Spin does not seem to win wars, it seems, to the disappointment of the US and NATO which has become addicted to it often in the place of serious military and strategic capacity and tactics.
Who has been consistently on the money in your view on the war that one could follow?
How do you think Macron's "plan" will work out?
What is your view non the point being made by Scott that by moving in NATO troops on small then probably larger scale, the potential for a lockstep path towards full scale war is greatly increased?

Frog, I’m not engaging with the topic.
I’m just suggesting that monetizing an unrepentant pedophile isn’t a great idea.
There’s a couple of credible commentators that share elements of the positions that Scott Ritter agree with. Link to them all you want. I’m not watching the video.
Let’s just remember that Ritter, McGregor et al have been wrong on more than they’ve been right in this conflict. Wasn’t this supposed to be a 3 day war?

A Three Day War ?
Gosh , sounds like a joke and a strange prediction by anyone .
They must have predicted Russia Nuking Kiev !
I do know , the Propaganda , that Russia was losing the War , was ALWAYS wrong !
So hard 2 know the bonafides of ANY Contributor , theses days .
I have NFI what Movies Weinstein was involved in !
I can easily choose to miss a Hensen Photo exhibition or watch a Woody Allen movie .
Start with Zerohedge , if in doubt .
I know Froggy keeps an eye on that , 4 me :)

There's a few reasons pirate boy no longer wants to engage ;)
- " The alternate universe is that people have been duped as much by Russian propaganda as they have by the US version.
There’s just layers and layers of bullshit and battalions of gullible fools prepared to perpetuate untruths.
Look at Pilger’s article. The ‘last straw’ was Zelensky’s threat to develop nukes? On 24 February? But that was the last straw? What exactly then precipitated the 3 months of military build up before that?
Have you read / listened to the genocidal ravings of Russian state media pundits in the past six months?
The irony of Pilger’s position (and whataboutery) on this is that this is / was always an exercise in colonialism. An evil that he built his reputation on savaging.
Anyway, my point was that it's all going wrong for Russia. Quickly." .
-"it's all going wrong for Russia. Quickly. " ?
& (from another earlier post) "things will only get worse for Russia" ?
This below is the only correct statement that can be applied haha :
- "been wrong on more than they’ve been right in this conflict"
^^^ kinda sounds like a description of US commentary on the conflicts they create and fuel, and the false accusations thrown around trying to blame others by pretending to sell a false narrative of deflection and mistruth.
It's gonna be impossible to engage in the topic purely because, "it's all going wrong for Russia. Quickly." was and remains to be completely false ;)
- the focus should, more appropriately, be upon how much worse things have gotten for Ukraine because of US meddling and how the billions of dollars of military aid wasted and thousands of lives sacrificed have been in vain.

Right on cue. Swellnet’s resident troglodyte.
Have a fun day stalking the forums JF.

Conspiracy expert named Rothschild...
Strange world we live in...

etarip wrote:Frog, I’m not engaging with the topic.
I’m just suggesting that monetizing an unrepentant pedophile isn’t a great idea.There’s a couple of credible commentators that share elements of the positions that Scott Ritter agree with. Link to them all you want. I’m not watching the video.
Let’s just remember that Ritter, McGregor et al have been wrong on more than they’ve been right in this conflict. Wasn’t this supposed to be a 3 day war?
Im not going to bother watching the video, but despite his background, i think he often just goes with a certain narrative for a certain audience for clicks no matter if it's true or not, its like they say black i will say white.
The shit ive watched him claim about the Hamas war from a military perspective is just ridiculous and goes against all other military analyst and just common sense and logic and hard stats.
That said im guessing he is taking an unpopular view on the Russia thing so i might even agree with something he says.
I kind of respect Ukraine and their leader, but i think we have been a bit conned right or wrong, Russia will win that war, Russia will just wait it out and do whats needed they have the military, soldiers, money, and will Ukraine only have the will.

"The alternate universe" certainly hinders engagement.

andy-mac wrote:Conspiracy expert named Rothschild...
Strange world we live in...
haha, as I keep saying, without organised religion, or shamanistic ritual, etc, some humans just seem to need to exercise that weirdy-bone through 'the time is now, the truth is ours' bollocks.
(reckon they might have been happier on the old days, where you spent half your life with lead-poisoning, fleas, and the squirts, shaking your fist at the sky while your children died of cholera).

Ok, lets use a mainstream source to stick to the point I was highlighting, not the source:
"Macron has subsequently maintained his position, even garnering backing from eastern NATO states."
"This week, the commander of the French ground forces said his troops were "ready" for any deployment, suggesting that 20,000 soldiers could be prepared within 30 days. Paris, General Pierre Schill said, could even command a combined allied force of 60,000."
Sounds like a radical escalation to me in concept and definitely in practice. Russia will attack them as enemy combatants and then NATO must respond in a bid way, and in turn Russia must respond in kind etc. and so the dominoes to possible nuclear war begin in earnest with almost no offramp.
High risk and low reward given the possibility of Russia posing a threat to NATO countries is so low.
Even if the intent was there (no evidence of that) all the experts say they would be totally overextended in capacity and logistics if they move too far away from their borders. They are struggling to progress in Ukraine.
If it was posturing and strategic ambiguity that is pointless at this point in the conflict. Russia is already way past worrying about Macron's 'tough' words, viewing this as existential, as the west has forced them to be through words and actions.

andy-mac wrote:Conspiracy expert named Rothschild...
Strange world we live in...
Or maybe it was just a simple case of a slip up by one of those extremely experienced sea captains who got his Ocean Seafaring Degree off the back of a Fruit Loops box.

Just checked my No 1 source .
The timing of the bridge collapse , is the Worst time for Agricultural movement .
Where was the Pilot ?
Why did the Ship turn , at the last minute and why was a Tug Boat not involved ( ship had NOT entered the Channel ) ?
Other Bridges hit like this , haven't fallen like this , before ( demolition Twin Tower like ) .
Why weren't horns Blasting ?
All good questions , imho .

Calm down Poppa D. Seems like a genuine shipping accident to me due to some mechanical or technical failure.
When a vessel like that loses power rebooting the systems isn't like firing up your new laptop.
They dropped the port anchor and radioed authorities before the collision, stopping traffic on the bridge.
There are a number of reasons the ship may have veered starboard after the shutdown, including hitting reverse hard if it was a single prop ship.
Tugs would have only been requested for the passage by the pilot if the weather/current or visibility was a factor, which it wasn't.
And the bridge was never engineered to take such a hit, most aren't.

"vp choice is a game changer"
seemingly not just hyperbole...
look at that bio
look at those quotes
chick comes across as a relatable genius
(not to mention another democrat that has abandoned the machine... anyone out there who still thinks the democrats are still 'ok' ... really has not been paying attention...)

I believe there would be many from both parties freaking out if Kennedy was able to pull this off , fark you would think he’d have a pretty big target on his back . He’s made out to be a crackpot but he’s in good company with the other candidates .

He Supa
I saw a photo that made me wonder about Kennedy .
The Whole Kennedy Clan , gazillions of them , got together 4 a Family photo .
Only 1 Kennedy , was missing .
The Photo was sent 2 Biden , saying the Kennedy's support U .
All the Kennedy's seem 2 view this Kennedy , as NOT part of the Clan ,
He is a Black Sheep .
Thats a bit freaky , 2 me .

Supafreak wrote:I believe there would be many from both parties freaking out if Kennedy was able to pull this off , fark you would think he’d have a pretty big target on his back . He’s made out to be a crackpot but he’s in good company with the other candidates .
Have not been following very closely but what I have seen if him, if I was a seppo I'd be voting for him.
Trump v Biden. Geez what a choice.

andy-mac wrote:Supafreak wrote:I believe there would be many from both parties freaking out if Kennedy was able to pull this off , fark you would think he’d have a pretty big target on his back . He’s made out to be a crackpot but he’s in good company with the other candidates .
Have not been following very closely but what I have seen if him, if I was a seppo I'd be voting for him.
Trump v Biden. Geez what a choice.
You might want to learn more about him not just "made out to be a crack pot" he is clearly a crack pot, he makes Trump looks normal on views on many things (remember Trump was pushing hard to get Covid vaccines as fast as possible at the start of Covid) .
Example: Taken from a much longer article
Over time, perceptions of Kennedy shifted from widely respected environmental crusader to conspiratorial outcast. He joined a struggling nonprofit called the World Mercury Project in 2016 and rebranded it as Children’s Health Defense, which became one of the country’s largest anti-vaccination advocacy groups. It falsely claims that a variety of childhood illnesses are being caused by the ingredients in vaccines, as well as fluoride, acetaminophen, and 5G wireless technology. Kennedy gave speeches, wrote articles, and produced videos claiming that vaccines were “making our children dumber and … giving them injuries.” He saw the ensuing criticism from scientists and public-health agencies as confirmation that he was right. Pharmaceutical companies were pushing harmful substances on children, he argued, and U.S. regulators were lying about it the same way they had about river pollution.
Invitations for interviews and public speeches dried up. “Once I started talking about vaccines, they didn’t just censor me on vaccines, they censored me on everything,” he says. In 2009, the Obama Administration reportedly briefly considered him for an EPA appointment, but decided it would be too controversial. In 2016, he met with the Trump Administration about a post on a vaccine commission, which also did not materialize.
Kennedy became more vocal about other theories: that the 2004 election had been stolen; that the CIA had killed his father; that 5G has been set up “to harvest our data and control our behavior.” In 2019, three members of the Kennedy family published an op-ed in which they said that while they loved him, he was “tragically wrong” about vaccines, and “part of a misinformation campaign that’s having heartbreaking—and deadly—consequences.”
The COVID-19 pandemic brought a new audience for Kennedy’s fringe views. He gained a following in online right-wing groups. The Children’s Health Defense Fund’s revenue doubled to $6.8 million in 2020, and then again to $16 million in 2021. That year, Kennedy published a book titled The Real Anthony Fauci, in which he accuses the top U.S. infectious–disease doctor of orchestrating “a historic coup d’état against Western democracy.” It sold more than a million copies. In January 2022, Kennedy was a prominent speaker at a rally at the Lincoln Memorial. Addressing a predominantly right-wing crowd of thousands, he denounced COVID-19 health measures and invoked Anne Frank to suggest that unvaccinated Americans have less freedom than Jews during the Holocaust. (He later apologized.)"

indo-dreaming wrote:andy-mac wrote:Supafreak wrote:I believe there would be many from both parties freaking out if Kennedy was able to pull this off , fark you would think he’d have a pretty big target on his back . He’s made out to be a crackpot but he’s in good company with the other candidates .
Have not been following very closely but what I have seen if him, if I was a seppo I'd be voting for him.
Trump v Biden. Geez what a choice.You might want to learn more about him "not just made out to be a crack pot" he is clearly a crack pot, he makes Trump look normal on views on many things (remember Trump was trying to get Covid vaccines fast tracked at the start of Covid) .
Example: Taken from a much longer article
Over time, perceptions of Kennedy shifted from widely respected environmental crusader to conspiratorial outcast. He joined a struggling nonprofit called the World Mercury Project in 2016 and rebranded it as Children’s Health Defense, which became one of the country’s largest anti-vaccination advocacy groups. It falsely claims that a variety of childhood illnesses are being caused by the ingredients in vaccines, as well as fluoride, acetaminophen, and 5G wireless technology. Kennedy gave speeches, wrote articles, and produced videos claiming that vaccines were “making our children dumber and … giving them injuries.” He saw the ensuing criticism from scientists and public-health agencies as confirmation that he was right. Pharmaceutical companies were pushing harmful substances on children, he argued, and U.S. regulators were lying about it the same way they had about river pollution.
Invitations for interviews and public speeches dried up. “Once I started talking about vaccines, they didn’t just censor me on vaccines, they censored me on everything,” he says. In 2009, the Obama Administration reportedly briefly considered him for an EPA appointment, but decided it would be too controversial. In 2016, he met with the Trump Administration about a post on a vaccine commission, which also did not materialize.
Kennedy became more vocal about other theories: that the 2004 election had been stolen; that the CIA had killed his father; that 5G has been set up “to harvest our data and control our behavior.” In 2019, three members of the Kennedy family published an op-ed in which they said that while they loved him, he was “tragically wrong” about vaccines, and “part of a misinformation campaign that’s having heartbreaking—and deadly—consequences.”
The COVID-19 pandemic brought a new audience for Kennedy’s fringe views. He gained a following in online right-wing groups. The Children’s Health Defense Fund’s revenue doubled to $6.8 million in 2020, and then again to $16 million in 2021. That year, Kennedy published a book titled The Real Anthony Fauci, in which he accuses the top U.S. infectious–disease doctor of orchestrating “a historic coup d’état against Western democracy.” It sold more than a million copies. In January 2022, Kennedy was a prominent speaker at a rally at the Lincoln Memorial. Addressing a predominantly right-wing crowd of thousands, he denounced COVID-19 health measures and invoked Anne Frank to suggest that unvaccinated Americans have less freedom than Jews during the Holocaust. (He later apologized.)"
Ok cheers @indo
Not much choice ey.

Its insane that for a country with 331.9 million people that these are the political choices.

It's not insane , at all , 2 think that one choice 4 the 331.9 million people , to Clean Up the Political Swamp , is a NON Politician .
Who better , 2 do the job .
Trump is really , ready this time .
Look at him now , compared 2 his first campaign .
He is very different .
He now looks like a Commander in Charge and knows what he HAS 2 do .
He is MUCH more formidable , now .
Imagine him with Tulsi by his side , instead of Pence .
The US people and Trump himself , had NFI and what he would actually DO , as President , the First time .
They just didn't want Hilary .
The US People and Trump , sure do know , what Trump will try and DO , this time .
This time , they surely won't want another 4 years of Biden !
Its such an easy choice , a fired Up Trump , or a diving Biden .

andy-mac wrote:Supafreak wrote:I believe there would be many from both parties freaking out if Kennedy was able to pull this off , fark you would think he’d have a pretty big target on his back . He’s made out to be a crackpot but he’s in good company with the other candidates .
Have not been following very closely but what I have seen if him, if I was a seppo I'd be voting for him.
Trump v Biden. Geez what a choice.
Given that he’s been quite a successful environmental lawyer he has a history of exposing powerful industries. His book on Fauci is quite confronting. I think if I was a Seppo that’s who I’d be voting for.
Far from a crackpot from what I’ve read and heard.
Not surprised by Indo’s take. That’s how the media have portrayed him.

From @indo’s post on Kennedy “ In 2019, three members of the Kennedy family published an op-ed in which they said that while they loved him, he was “tragically wrong” about vaccines, and “part of a misinformation campaign that’s having heartbreaking—and deadly—consequences.”
It could be said now, it was his siblings who were wrong. If you listen to him speak on vaccines rather than be anti vaccine he talks more about manufacturing and vaccine scheduling and why we have unnecessary vaccines on the childrens vaccine schedule. And the real reasons why.
A very well informed crackpot who was right on the vaccines and Fauci from 2019.
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank