The United States(!) of A

and, i honestly don't undestand why that 'the hill' media don't get more exposure
they are literally the only prominent US media capable of old school straight down the middle reporting...
our abc would do themselves well to broaden their 'credible sources'

U are Right , I can't remember (I am younger than Biden) ever seeing these two nice reporters before .
I thought their questions and interview , First rate .
I think I may have mentioned before , Ukraine/Russia was a VERY personal Conflict 4 Victoria .
How a Person ( The Family ) like THIS can be appointed to Run US Foreign Policy for decades , in bloody Europe , MUST be like a Direct Declaration of War on Russia .
She achieved that , at least , and be happy she punched a few Russians in the Nose , with Ukrainian fists .
A definite Conflict of Interest of the Highest Order fn Possible .
I wonder what NATO , think about ALL this ?
They won't be happy , the Money will stop flowing , their WAY .

"U are Right , I can't remember (I am younger than Biden) ever seeing these two nice reporters before ."
they were a beacon of light, hope, and rationality throughout the covid years...
through anything trumpy actually...
they still manage to bag him, and laugh at him... as any rational person should...
but without the downright nastyness and irrationality of other outlets...
"How a Person ( The Family ) like THIS can be appointed to Run US Foreign Policy for decades , in bloody Europe , MUST be like a Direct Declaration of War on Russia ."
and hilary!
the war machine's been itching to go there, as described in the vid... this whole debacle has just been in a holding pattern...
I can't believe it doesn't get more coveage, or any in fact... but hilary essentially declared her war on russia in the debates with trump - when she said she would declare a no fly zone over syria - showing she would shoot down russian jets...
syria was - and is - a fucking mess... but personally, I am grateful russia stepped in there, and cleaned it all up pretty quickly...
hilary and friends were lining up another iraq...

When I was a younger bloke like U , I thought Saddam had Weapons of Mass Destruction , for fn sure .
Would have been a maniac on any venue, like SN , shouting it from the rafters atm .
Thought Bin Laden , by himself , blew up the fn Trade Centres .
Aphghanistan ????
I thought , I got the ME ?
Shit , I knew shit , again !
Then I saw people like , Victoria Nuland .
I so loved Trump taking the Clinton's down .
Somehow , he won and the Truth Lion started shaking off its chains .
They could , try and take down Trump and did , but the Lion was out .
Biden's Team took Trump down , drove a fn a Billioms dollars over Trucks over him ( he just paid a $90m+ Bond ffs ) , BUT , TRUMP is back ( think Terminator ) .
He NOW knows what is Sitting in Front of his Train , a fn Speeding Bullet Train .
He is bringing his own Trump Team , this time .
He has a Vice President that is NOT from Alaska (. I like Sarah ) or a poor Pence , but a Jewel !
Candice Owen will be in Washington , waiting 4 The Trump Train .
She can hear it's Horn Blaring already .
The Trucks have joined in 2 .
Who WILL Stand , in their Way ?
Biden , lol , the horn will blow him over , or send him 2 sleep ?
Harris , Obama , The Rock ?
I really hope it's Hilary , again , but she is now scared of him , once bitten , twice shy stuff .
As I have said a few times , it doesn't matter who or what , is in Front of Trump , it is a Landslide this time .
He can just Land on Washington and start the Trump Tap a Mole Dance with Tulsi and Melinda in another Triumvirate Polka Party .
Sounds such fun imho .
First Trump , then Tulsi and topped off by Owens .
That is the Triumvirate of Presidents 4 the USA , I would like to C !
The USA can Win the Lottery !

Remember when flight 93 was meant to crash into World Trade Centre building Seven but the flight was delayed on the tarmac for 45 minutes and so by the time it’d gotten airborne the passengers onboard had heard about the other hijacked 9/11 planes and they fought back against the hijackers and caused the plane to crash harmlessly into the ground…excepting all deaths on board of course. RIP legends!
Anyway….WTC building 7 had already been rigged to blow and without the aircraft strike the plot would have been revealed so they BLEW IT ANYWAY cause they knew the alternative….a building rigged with explosives….would be hard to subvert.
Anyway….World Trade Centee building seven collapsed at the speed of gravity ,as did the other two WTC buildings, despite having no impact or justification for its collapse.
The 9/ 11 commission studiously avoided any mention of tower seven even though it was destroyed in the manner of a controlled demolition with no plane strike impact at all….
Totally above board!
But …but…the MSM that told us that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and the ( 20 year ) invasion of Iraq was justified because of the ( false flag ) 9/11 attacks would NEVER lie to us!
Even when they told us that the vaccines would prevent transmission and infection of covid even though the authorities knew for indisputable fact that the vaccine were never , ever designed, intended or tested to prevent transmission and infection of covid.
The same MSM that giggled at the INSANE, but provably true suggestion, that the CIA was responsible for running illegal drugs into the USA to fund insurgents against democratically elected governments in sovereign nations because those governments rejected the Mafioso -style overtures of US corporations? Yep…one and the same.

It’s all a fucken lie.

You seriously believe sep 11 was a set-up?

Look them up. Educate yourself for when the well intentioned clowns tell you that all organised malfeasance couldn’t possibly be the result of a conspiracy because……incompetence or some other such rubbish.
Or else the idea that “Any conspiracy couldn’t remain secret because there’s too many moving parts and someone would blab!”
Except of course someone ALWAYS does blab but The Blob / MSM delegitimises the source and the naïve clowns go back to bed to sleep peacefully knowing that the people who crave power more than regard for human life will always be forthright with the truth.
Lololol…except it’s actually very sad and shocking and quite a bit disconcerting.

goofyfoot wrote:You seriously believe sep 11 was a set-up?
What? You don’t?
Hmmm…who possibly benefited from the type of false flag attack that launched the Vietnam war ( Bay of Tonkin incident…look it up ) , Reichstag fire ….look it up, USS Liberty attack….look it up.
Etc etc.
And the outcome of 9/11?
Israel got its enemies attacked by the US whilst Iraq , Afghanistan , Yemen, Syria etc etc suffered decades of utterly unjustifiable but highly profitable wars afflicted by the US.
Wars are profitable. They make money on the destruction, the mobilisation of the military and the rebuild. Not to mention the loans to the invaded nations for rebuild predicated on conditions such as the sale of nationally owned resources to transnational corporations for privatisation if profits etc.
They also destabilise sovereign nations for plunder.
But sure…..those three WTC 8/11 buildings all fell exactly like a controlled demolition. Without exception! Even the tower that wasn’t hit with a fucking plane at all!
Seriously…..if you’re still swallowing that rubbish you need to check yourself.
Think about this…Why would the official 9/11 commission utterly refuse to investigate the tower 7 collapse despite no plane strike? Not even pretending. Just simply saying “ Yeah….we arent going there. We are not curious at all about modern building collapsing for no reason. We just assume that because it was 300 m adjacent to another building that fell that it might as well collapse on itself perfectly as well.”
Remember what the Nazis said about the Big Lie ?
Lessons learnt!

Hmm nah I don’t, call me naive.
I didn’t even know there was a third building (WTC building?) that fell.
I know of pentagon and both WTC’s.
Crazy stuff.
I think if you dig deep enough down the rabbit hole you can find anything to support whichever view you take.

Goofyfoot…here’s your basic homework. Watch and learn

Thanks. It’s gotta be better than Portugal

goofyfoot wrote:Hmm nah I don’t, call me naive.
I didn’t even know there was a third building (WTC building?) that fell.
I know of pentagon and both WTC’s.Crazy stuff.
I think if you dig deep enough down the rabbit hole you can find anything to support whichever view you take.
Sure …show me the evidence to support the WTC building 7 collapsing perfectly within itself like a controlled demolition despite suffering zero impact damage.
Anyway Goofy. Watch that movie I put up then get back to me. The stuff at the start graphically revealing how the organised religions stole the pagan rituals is worth your time alone. You’ll never listen to clowns talking rubbish about The SUN of God again without giggling to yourself. It’s basic stuff laid out in an unambiguous fashion.

goofyfoot wrote:Thanks. It’s gotta be better than Portugal
Maybe fast forward the throbbing light graphics for the first few minutes. It gets good quick after that. You could probably skip straight to the 13 : 30 minute mark

Hmmm, as former building surveyor wtc 7 has always been perplexing - damn hard right now to find footage from the day (reporter in foreground, that clip) of it going down.
I looked into it all years ago, there had been hazmat survey update recently prior I believe... Now certain fireproofing materials from the bad old days degrade over time and let loose their fibrous goodness to surrounds, and the nature of how they apply them and the fibrous matrix of the spray isn't the best stuff - let's just say it would be a nightmare to really remove it all and update the fireproofing. Big towers were like an exoskeleton frame that held up floors on girders, the steel was fireproofed so if that were to fall off...
Those huge clouds of dust in the streets still spook me out.

Here’s a better - uncensored - version. 37 minutes if you just want to see about the 9/11 hoax. Previous if you want to see hoe millennia of organised religion usurped pagan myth and astronomical reality to subjugate entire populations. Same same really….that the point!
This version is much better as it contains the historical news casts which reveal the on -the-ground insights which totally contradict the official myth
Loose change and weep

How the media works to control agendas to suit the desired narrative - get the simple line from central casting and repeat endlessly with minor variations across the globe
Not about NATO
Not about NATO expansion
Seriously this is not about NATO
Nothing to do with NATO
Nothing to do with NATO at all
Journalists who lied about this war have contributed to the growing possibility of nuclear war:
— Glenn Diesen (@Glenn_Diesen) March 1, 2024
- Instead of seeking the truth, there has been relentless pressure for conformity to a Manichean narrative of good vs evil in which war is the path to peace and diplomacy is treasonous
Then you end up at a BBQ and a relative says:
- of course it was nothing about NATO expansion
It works.
But where does it lead us when a complex issue with major consequences is summed up in 3 (misleading) words?

frog wrote:How the media works to control agendas to suit the desired narrative - get the simple line from central casting and repeat endlessly with minor variations across the globe
Not about NATO
Not about NATO expansion
Seriously this is not about NATO
Nothing to do with NATO
Nothing to do with NATO at all
Then you end up at a BBQ and a relative says:
- of course it was nothing about NATO expansion
It works.
But where does it lead us when a complex issue with major consequences is summed up in 3 (misleading) words?
It's all about NATO...

- haha
It's all about democracy ;)

lets bbq haiti style.........
🔥🚨BREAKING NEWS: Here is disturbing footage of the Haitian cannibal gang eating body parts of one of their victims as he cooks in the fire. The Haiti Cannibal Gang leader is named ‘Barbeque’ and is now the most powerful man in Haiti after their Prime Minster Ariel Henry fled.
— Dom $Lucre Memecoin (@dom_lucre) March 10, 2024
this is what happens when law and order break down

And after the delicious bbq you can do this.....

In the Interests of inclusiveness and equality the Haiti Cannibal Gang must now be referred to as the:
Haitian human flesh attracted persons club
Given ancient links to eating human flesh in many first nations peoples, some progressives are expected to advocate for a renewed support of the practice as part of spiritual and cultural revival and perhaps even to start a World Cannibal Pride Day to destigmatise an important marginalised group.

- important marginalised groups and cultural revivals ;)


US Jews over represent 4x in Pollie numbers to control balance of US Power.
Vote for Endless Defence Spending in Swing States.
US swing pollies back record US Aid for Israel + Ukraine.
2013-2021 US Defence Exports market = 14%
US spend 2x more defending Europe than NATO.
Prez Trump : "Make the Lousy Bums Pay!"
War on Ukraine + War on Palestine
2022-2024 US Defence Exports market = 33-40%
Da Prez : "All my Missile backers are lining up for Double Helpings."
Biden : "NATO now spend more defending EU than wot US chip in!"
US Aid to Ukraine sees 32% rise in Defence Budgets.
NATO gotta buy all their shit from US!
2022-2024 Dumbarse NATO spent more on Defence in last 2 years than past 2 decades...
Now got Peaceniks Nations clinging to our leg..."Ya gotta help us Joe...the wolf is at our door!"
If US can laugh off any / all Cease Fires > US Space / Defence Production increases by 17.5%
US now boss 50 of Top 100 Munitions ...
(China are locked outta Closed shop Do-gooderz Global Arms Race...Money for Jam!)
US War Mongers pooled their record Blood Money & can now afford a jar of Chinese Jam!
Albo : "So if I spend $368b & Collect 3 all Virginia Peel Subs...I get 50% off my next Subway Cookie!"
US now only spend 5% of their defence budget.
Less than 1% of total Govt more than Interstate Road Signage...
Provoking War all around the Globe > Sure beats goin' to War & losing a US citizen + half yer dough!
War on ChYNA > North Korea Nukes > Ukraine > Palestine > Aukus Indo Pacific Sea Monsters
Global Defence spend is up 9% to $2.2 Trillion...(Wargasm!)
US Aid = 90% Made in USA = 100 New Defence Manufacturing Plants in Swing States.
Prez Biden : Putin is bankrollin' my pet Swing States of Arizona & Pennsylvania
Also bankrolling > other sticky State City Jams...
Putin is Swinging GI Joe to Victory...Prez luvs his sweet Son of a Bitch!
Keep the Bombs comin' Please!
Think about it...wasn't the Cold War Arms Race that bankrupted Russia.
Was Reagan's MTV Goth Video that killed the Bear!
Commodore 64 Graphics + Hollywood Voice over Guy!
Russians couldn't keep up with The Commodore...
Iron Curtain New Wave bands couldn't get enough speed...Game Over!

- unelected & unaccountable

Very hard to predict what’s gonna happen but this would be very surprising and interesting .

Tulsi wants the job of VP .
Trump , IF he chooses her as VP , will be Appointing the next President , as well .
She will be the First Woman President and will probable serve 8 years ( 2 terms ) , as SHE is really smart and sensible .
Trump can now do , whatever HE wants .
Looks like Biden MAY now , run ( shuffle ) .
Michelle , Hilary , The Rock etc etc , ALL said , I am NOT taking on the Trump Train , no fn way :) !
If so , the Democrats , will just let Trump tear Biden apart ( no debates ) and not mortally damage , a Future Democrat Star .
Quite amazing , to give UP an Election .
I read ( zero hedge ) that China surgeons put a Pig Liver in a Brain Dead Human .
Maybe they can help Biden , before the Election , fire UP !

Trump’s challenge is that he’s bleeding a lot of moderate / centrist republicans. I’m not sure that Tulsi will alleviate that, and I’m not sure she’ll bring any ‘Dems’ with her.
Pretty good chance that there will be a lot of traditional GOP voters that won’t turn up on Election Day. Like Dems who just didn’t show up for Hilary in 2016.

All roads lead to London.
Is the US really the world hegemon or just the useful military enforcer of the British Empire (elites)?
Plans were hatched way back in 1880 to morph the far flung naval based empire to something more sustainable, subtle and less obvious.
Richard Poe puts a case that it took two (planned) world wars to bring the US fully back into the fold as a key economic and military tool for the 'empire" to get its way (and fight those forever wars on behalf of the planners in the shadows).
Meddling seems to never stop and they play every side, everywhere and, with hundreds of years of experience, are expert at the game - especially exploiting ethnic and other faultlines.
Ukraine not going so good. Have they lost their touch? Or will they pull some clever pivot? They don't seem to lose often long term ...

Actually goes back way futher, was walking by the Thames and came across an ancient obelisk beside one of the institutions...
Also there are two cities there, Westminster (more recent) and the ancient Roman city, 'The City'.

Wait, what? You’re telling me the hidden hand at the source of all misery in the world isn’t The Jews? It’s the Poms?

Trump finally says something I agree with,
Krudd in the scope .
Imagine how furious Kevin would be getting called not the "brightest bulb", "nasty" by Trump.
Hilarious, suck shit Kev!

Just watched a former MI6 boss in an interview state "we don't do misinformation, we operationalise the truth" with a straight face and a voice of calm reassurance. The Times interviewer nodded wisely in agreement.
Just not cricket old chap to not play a straight bat, eh what?
Of course, only nasty foreign spy agencies use misinformation.
Like a Baker telling the customers "we don't make bread".
We mostly see but shadows of shadows.

Was that Julia Bish installing the listening devices in the walls of the East Timor cabinet room.

Looks like an invasion to me.
One would assume this is in no way in the best interests of US citizens.
A party host should invite guests with care as a first priority. Not Joe Biden and the Democrats it seems.
Gatecrashers welcome.
Beyond incompetence. It all makes sense to and benefits someone...
The swarm:
A hidden hive:

yep, it's happening across the West. Outright warfare against Western civilisation by the global Marxist left. The attempted creation of a far left ideological voting base that smothers and drowns out conservative voters and culture. Via this, the attempted creation of one party states and then authoritarian socialist tyranny. The US democrats, Aus ALP, the whole EU, etc, are leading the charge. The US higher education system, with ours, Canada's, the EU's, etc, not far behind, turning into Marxist reeducation and indoctrination camps. All under the guise of DEI, even though it is anything but. It is a monumental turning point in modern world history. The global left must be defeated and annihilated at all costs.

Thought of calling in the Starship Troopers?

The frightening thing 4 me , is that the Swarm looks more desperate .
The Swarm will know , that Trump is coming and their time is running out .
The Southern USA boarders , will get another Few Brick's In the The Wall and it will be closed .
Who would let a desperate Mob of People ( any race ) , into their home ?
It's ridiculous , U never know who , might pop in .
The Swarm , will turn into a Pre Trump Flood , of biblical proportions !
As Stu forecasted , nearly , The Storm Troopers WILL have 2B called in , eventually !
Not a coincidence , that Immigration will be the No 1 Election Issue in the USA and Australia .
Immigration is Changing Governments ( or Irelands PM ) , all around the world , atm !

gsco mkII wrote:yep, it's happening across the West. Outright warfare against Western civilisation by the global Marxist left. The attempted creation of a far left ideological voting base that smothers and drowns out conservative voters and culture. Via this, the attempted creation of one party states and then authoritarian socialist tyranny. The US democrats, Aus ALP, the whole EU, etc, are leading the charge. The US higher education system, with ours, Canada's, the EU's, etc, not far behind, turning into Marxist reeducation and indoctrination camps. All under the guise of DEI, even though it is anything but. It is a monumental turning point in modern world history. The global left must be defeated and annihilated at all costs.
Ha ha dude you are going to send some people here into meltdown with all those trigger words, you need to tone it down and make it more subtle or they will hammer you.
But i do agree there is a section of our society that has become extremely self destructive and basically destroying western society from the inside out.

They don’t look desperate, they look entitled.
Who can blame them after the US government lays out the welcome mat of welfare, accommodation and citizenship after US and UN funded NGOs escort them to the border.
Can you imagine if they tried to rush the Chinese border? It’d be Tianamin Square style tank tracks over the lot of them.
Apologies for the spelling. Can’t be arsed looking up correct spelling. Got gutters to clean….sigh.

GSCO is right about most everything except he is mistaken that it’s a thing of the political left. Most of the work is accomplished through weaponisation of public companies by hedge funds. Definitely not the style of the left.
This is going to break some minds but Donald Trump is actually further towards the political left than the Democrats on a lot of policies. The DNC are an exaggeration of the ALP….it’s all about the globalisation, the personal power and the dollar$$$$$

sure, who knows what to call it. I can see where various people are coming from when they push back on calling it the "global left" etc. Maybe "peak human dysfunction and backwardness" is a better terminology.

Most likely the master minds are a century old globalist capitalist elite network bent on progressively creating a more and more compliant flock to harvest wealth from.
BUT they have learned to cloak themselves in the guise of virtuous left leaning language and ideology and to amplify left leaning memes and trends that serve their purposes.
Been so for a long time.
Marx was used (willingly) by the capitalists and his theories were used to stuff Russia with an imposed revolution plotted by the British.
So Stu, you will be pleased to know that it is probably the capitalists that are the problem after all - just mostly not the ones we see running most of the economy or the MAGA types.
Most work in the shadows.
We see the newbies more - approved mega successful new wealth and political favourites, get brought into the periphery of the inner circle to keep it evolving and integrated with the real world.
Harvesting happens in so many ways ....

frog wrote:So Stu, you will be pleased to know that it is probably the capitalists that are the problem after all - just mostly not the ones we see running most of the economy.
Why would I be pleased to know that..?

Because you can stand down the Starship Troopers.
Those cowboys start banging away and it’s hard to get them back in their box.

stunet wrote:frog wrote:So Stu, you will be pleased to know that it is probably the capitalists that are the problem after all - just mostly not the ones we see running most of the economy.
Why would I be pleased to know that..?
Because you seem defensive of the left and view many problems to be the makings of the right in your world view.
At a super macro level this is probably correct. But parts of the left have become a very useful tools of the super capitalists (globalists) sadly distorting the ideology and practice of this movement and amplifying certain trends to the worse for society.

Yeah...I can't talk in abstractions.
Bring in the Starship Troopers....

service guarantees citizenship
& frog I thought the Russia job was by big NY banks, as per Juri Lina's 'In the shadow of Hermes'. Lenin banked coin.
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank