All Things Religion Thread

That question is too simple.
Maybe you should be asking whether indigenous Australians knew your interpretation of right from wrong?

Mate, I just find it odd that someone who is so positive about indigenous culture can claim that the bible is the source of all ethical behaviour.

zenagain wrote:That question is too simple.
Maybe you should be asking whether indigenous Australians knew your interpretation of right from wrong?
Yes, right and wrong wouldn’t /shouldn’t come into it surely in what we understand of those words in our western religious tradition sense nor the little most (all) of us know of traditional indigenous culture. My guess (and that’s at best what most of us can surmise) the respectful question to ask is whether something complied with tribal law or not and that is all that would matter in a cultural context.

blindboy wrote:So indigenous Australians did not know right from wrong before the European invasion?
that's a damn good we have discussed before our Indigenous people believed in a higher entity/entities/Spirits/Gods which gave them a higher being to answer to.
over 50,000 years of social evolution , they actually had a superior social system where they answered to their spirits and's amazing to think that as they considered they were/are part of nature , have community system where elders /community have the final say in caring for kids , not the parents...where they struggle to understand the WINmen who are constantly trying to be better their fellow man called competition. .....I know a lot of Christian First peoples...Narana down here is Christian.....

In western culture I think that the Bible is the basis for right or wrong....
blindboy wrote:Mate, I just find it odd that someone who is so positive about indigenous culture can claim that the bible is the source of all ethical behaviour.

But you have to agree then that Christian beliefs are not necessary to know right from wrong or to develop a just society. I have known and admired many committed Christians, I do not share their beliefs but I share their core values. There are lots of people like me brutus and we should seek what unites us, not the personal beliefs that divide us.

GS, tribal law /indigenous belief and culture.......based on a higher entity......
The missionaries had a lot of success with the teachings of the Gospel/Jesus it was easy to understand and often not dis-similar to what was already the indigenous spiritual culture

Morning Brutus check out this clip, it might be more your style. One of my favorites. also Paul Kalkbrenner wrote and starred in a movie called Berlin Calling a rave style film which i highly recommend downloading with subtitles (unless you can speak German).

BB, I really believe that as a Christian , who has been born again as Jesus Christ asked......we should not be divisive but all inclusive.....there are so many sects in Christianity that have twisted versions of the teachings of Jesus....he embraced all....when you understand that the Apostles who followed him were considered the dregs of society...hated by the rest of society , that's why when you know him....we have to be forgiving and accept the most marginal in society as equals...
blindboy wrote:But you have to agree then that Christian beliefs are not necessary to know right from wrong or to develop a just society. I have known and admired many committed Christians, I do not share their beliefs but I share their core values. There are lots of people like me brutus and we should seek what unites us, not the personal beliefs that divide us.

Jesus and God are coming back to sue Mel Gibsons ass for royalties and awards from the movie "the passion of the Christ".They want his money not his love.
They will also use cocaine and eccies, maybe some amsterdamn champagne MDMA and realize designer drugs beat the hell out of wine.

Groudswell ,have you ever seen the Passion of the Christ?
Recounting a historical event , an event where a man gave his life , was tortured , and finally nailed to a the the ultimate sacrifice he gave his life for us, and was resurrected as he there was hope and not death!
Proverbs 1: 7-9 Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise , wisdom and discipline.
My child listen when your father corrects you , Don't neglect your mothers instruction, what you will learn from them will crown you with grace and be a chain of honor around your neck.
Happy New year!!

Im watching it now Brutus, without subtitles, so since its in latin its hard to understand.
Cant find a subtitle version online but i guess i get the drift of the plot without language,Just actions.
I dont believe its a true story though.A man probably killed in the same circumstances but i doubt he was the only son of God. According to the bible we are all the children of God. Being born a bastard who's mother cheated (on Joseph) doesnt make him special.
Surfs ok and i have the day off so in the middle of the movie im going for a surf.

Groundswell, no cheating, just sex before marriage because the love/passion was so pure. The attraction was so powerful it was impossible to resist, so old mate Y'shua was born and the story evolved to cover up for the religious viewpoint. Remember Y'shua's parents were like the Elders/ Priests in the local district so etiquette had to be observed. Yet for Y'shua it was the perfect scenario to come and be a guide for people. Very easy step for a bureaucracy to change a son of god to the son of god. The purse strings and the obedience to a dictate would surely be hard to sustain if it become common knowledge and practice that we are all the offspring of the living god. Old mate even said, ye are all gods. Hence being loving and kind is a great way to live your life.

GS...there's a lot more than just what you think. The Birth of Christ is well documented and was a prophecy that was realised .....of course you would think what you think , as you would have to read the scriptures or watch a Case for Christ....
groundswell wrote:Im watching it now Brutus, without subtitles, so since its in latin its hard to understand.
Cant find a subtitle version online but i guess i get the drift of the plot without language,Just actions.
I dont believe its a true story though.A man probably killed in the same circumstances but i doubt he was the only son of God. According to the bible we are all the children of God. Being born a bastard who's mother cheated (on Joseph) doesnt make him special.
Surfs ok and i have the day off so in the middle of the movie im going for a surf.

Dave...and just for the record Jesus was born in a barn to Joseph and Mary , Joseph was a shepherd not as you falsely claim.....where did you get Elders /priests?
davetherave wrote:Groundswell, no cheating, just sex before marriage because the love/passion was so pure. The attraction was so powerful it was impossible to resist, so old mate Y'shua was born and the story evolved to cover up for the religious viewpoint. Remember Y'shua's parents were like the Elders/ Priests in the local district so etiquette had to be observed. Yet for Y'shua it was the perfect scenario to come and be a guide for people. Very easy step for a bureaucracy to change a son of god to the son of god. The purse strings and the obedience to a dictate would surely be hard to sustain if it become common knowledge and practice that we are all the offspring of the living god. Old mate even said, ye are all gods. Hence being loving and kind is a great way to live your life.

Joseph was a craftsman like you Brutus. He was a carpenter and passed the trade on to his stepson Jesus. They made things like giant beams to support house roofs, wagon wheels, ploughs and ag tool handles etc etc. things beautifully crafted for purpose just like you. Jesus did this until 30 years of age and then started His ministry. God the son had to be a normal guy to fulfil His destiny. People soon realised they had God in visible form living among them when He brought dead people back to life (some after several days in the grave ) blind people seeing, lepers cleansed..etc etc…all in public….these unexplainable miracles combined with His teaching is why He became so famous and why we treat Him with the reverence and respect that He deserves….and yes He is very much alive and the clock is counting down.

Hi Optimist , I can't believe I wrote shepherd , of course Joseph was a Carpenter....I feel yesterday that I fell of the path as i was mean and egotistical on a couple of forums, which I an about to rectify.
I have the Bible App and this mornings verse of the day ,: Always be humble and gentle with each other , making allowances for each others faults because of your love." Ephesians 4:2NLT
I woke up very early as I was troubled.......and there it was, so thanks mate......just so you know the couple of mths has been amazing......I watched The blowing to learns more about the dregs of society who became the disciples......
There have been a couple of huge shifts in my life , and God has and is directing me towards a life that is all about him and a devotion to him....
Have you heard Of John Smith who created the God squad ??
If you still read here , I would love to share my story with you....and thank you for correcting my Shepherd Fault!
Optimist wrote:Joseph was a craftsman like you Brutus. He was a carpenter and passed the trade on to his stepson Jesus. They made things like giant beams to support house roofs, wagon wheels, ploughs and ag tool handles etc etc. things beautifully crafted for purpose just like you. Jesus did this until 30 years of age and then started His ministry. God the son had to be a normal guy to fulfil His destiny. People soon realised they had God in visible form living among them when He brought dead people back to life (some after several days in the grave ) blind people seeing, lepers cleansed..etc etc…all in public….these unexplainable miracles combined with His teaching is why He became so famous and why we treat Him with the reverence and respect that He deserves….and yes He is very much alive and the clock is counting down.

Brutus thanks for putting me onto “ The chosen” …far out… I just watched the livestream on you tube…I’ve been living in a COVID cave for ages and missed that one that’s for sure…I’m going to get the app and watch it all on my I pad…it’s so well done man I’m loving it….even teared up at Mary magdelen’s sabbath meal when Jesus turns up. And yeh I’ve heard of John smith and have met God squad guys many times over the 40 years of my Christian walk. Not thinking of putting some board racks on a Harley are ya Brutus?….I’m now 64…got saved at 24 or there abouts…I was a lot like those fishermen only a pretty loose feral surfer instead ha…
I would love to hear your story and wondered if you had read my rough short story version at the very start of this thread….cheers

optimist, yeah the Chosen is mind blowing.....make sure you watch the Chosen Christmas special...a ripper.....
Ok here we go , so about 2mths ago I was contacted by a friend who asked am I worried about people who aren't vaccinated as there's a young guy nearby that had been just laid off , because of his vaccination status...great worker 20 years old I was desperate ( prayers answered) to get more bds asked the guys here if they minded...we are all double vaccinated of the best young workers I have ever seen........2 days in he comes and says here read this book ( " on the side of the Angels by John Smith ) you remind me a bit Grand father as I know you have had a lot of near death experiences......he actually is 20 now , but when he was 14 he accompanied his Grand Dad to the UK for speaking tour....
So I finally starting reading the book , blew my mind and set me straight on quite a lot of questions I had.....then las week met young fellas Mum, daughter of John , we spent an hr or so chatting ...and now going to meet Johns wife I need to have a chat , as I wondered if I should get a Harley and join the God soon as I thought this ( about 9.00pm at nite) a voice came into my head.......Christian Surfers..........yeah ...I don't ride motorbikes but I surf.....what a journey...exciting what is to come.....frothing !!!!
another great person to watch is Francis Chan.....created a Mega church in California , then walked away and went to San Fran to help the people on the streets........yewwww
Optimist wrote:Brutus thanks for putting me onto “ The chosen” …far out… I just watched the livestream on you tube…I’ve been living in a COVID cave for ages and missed that one that’s for sure…I’m going to get the app and watch it all on my I pad…it’s so well done man I’m loving it….even teared up at Mary magdelen’s sabbath meal when Jesus turns up. And yeh I’ve heard of John smith and have met God squad guys many times over the 40 years of my Christian walk. Not thinking of putting some board racks on a Harley are ya Brutus?….I’m now 64…got saved at 24 or there abouts…I was a lot like those fishermen only a pretty loose feral surfer instead ha…
I would love to hear your story and wondered if you had read my rough short story version at the very start of this thread….cheers

Brutus said...
I feel yesterday that I fell of the path as i was mean and egotistical on a couple of forums, which I an about to rectify.
I have the Bible App and this mornings verse of the day ,: Always be humble and gentle with each other , making allowances for each others faults because of your love.
Not going to rectify your Evil Character Assasination posts against Jeff Rowley on Swellnet from 2012 on....
Just get Baptised and Bury it eh ?

udo , I know you don't like me and you have probably suffered some of you call them vile far as Jeff goes he knows what he did , and at that time he knows he attacked me by trying to get a restraining order on me , which meant the cops came and worked me over.....ended up in Court , where he lost....but yeah I was really pissed at him at the time as I showed him/ introduced him to "the Crew " and he shit in all of our faces for his glory and ego...he lost sponsors etc.....and yes I was partly responsible...I was very angry man because of my old life......and now as I seek a stronger spiritual connection...I have come across people who maimed and killed people, raped people , been some of the heaviest enforcers on the's part of who I was not now who I am....and that's the greatest joy of all in knowing that there is a God who sent his son to earth to die for our I have repented , been reborn.....a new man!
udo wrote:Brutus said...
I feel yesterday that I fell of the path as i was mean and egotistical on a couple of forums, which I an about to rectify.
I have the Bible App and this mornings verse of the day ,: Always be humble and gentle with each other , making allowances for each others faults because of your love.Yesterday...?
Not going to rectify your Evil Character Assasination posts against Jeff Rowley on Swellnet from 2012 on....
Just get Baptised and Bury it eh ?

Udo , I wonder if you would still make the same comment/joke you made about splitting Altar boys ??
Just so you know at the time there were accusations in the Ballarat diocese of paedophilia , and how 53 people who were abused had suicided ....I was brought up in Ballarat and ...????
udo wrote:Brutus said...
I feel yesterday that I fell of the path as i was mean and egotistical on a couple of forums, which I an about to rectify.
I have the Bible App and this mornings verse of the day ,: Always be humble and gentle with each other , making allowances for each others faults because of your love.Yesterday...?
Not going to rectify your Evil Character Assasination posts against Jeff Rowley on Swellnet from 2012 on....
Just get Baptised and Bury it eh ?

. . .

Udo ,am interested to hear,"Udo , I wonder if you would still make the same comment/joke you made about splitting Altar boys ??
Just so you know at the time there were accusations in the Ballarat diocese of paedophilia , and how 53 people who were abused had suicided ....I was brought up in Ballarat and ...????
udo wrote:. . .

The deeper one penetrates into nature’s secrets, the greater becomes ones respect for God…Albert Einstein.

Hi Optimist , thanx for the enlightening words and posts , I am signing out now in pursuit of a more humble and meaningful life which the forums seem to muddy for me.
I pray all goes well for you and your family and that ol Covid turns into a positive for you....once agin I thank you...God Bless!
Optimist wrote:The deeper one penetrates into nature’s secrets, the greater becomes ones respect for God…Albert Einstein.

Don’t respond to this Brutus but, there comes a time and I wish you the very best with your family, future, your health and your business. You’ve been a great character to discuss and debate with. I’m with you as I think it’s time some of the younger believers in Christ who read these forums step up and stand for God when the times are right. I’m getting a bit tired too and after 40 years of public preaching , I am enjoying quiet places and waves. Jesus said that people would abuse , accuse and harass because they did it to him first and the servant is not above His LORD.
To the young Christians, my advice is to study your New King James Version bible ( best modern one) in detail and then read commentaries on passages as well online like “ Matthew Henry’s bible commentary” also buy yourselves a “young’s“or “strongs “ bible concordance so you can study the original Hebrew and Greek words…they are fascinating….also when you read your bible, picture yourself in the moment, in the era and places your reading about. This is why video series like “ the chosen “ are so good as they help you live in the moment and amongst the people who wrote what your reading….common people…battlers..sinners like us who are transformed by the power of God and His Son.
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ I pray you all talk to God yourselves and see where it takes you. There is only one true and loving Heavenly Father and one visible version of Him we call Jesus the son….two but one…two bodies but one spirit and therefore one person….Have a great life…and…an amazing eternal one…Peace and love to you…Optimist out.

I just watched this
and it almost had me convinced there is a god. Lucky i have critical thinking and believe they are all brainwashed.I mean there might have been a global flood but that was supposed to be 40 days and 40 nights.
There's no way all the animals of the arc came from one ship. What were the lions eating?
Where were all the birds?
Bogus video but you might enjoy it Brutus or optimist.

“THE CHOSEN”…series 1 and 2 streaming free from Angel Studios..brilliant acting….so well done..can’t not love it.

couldn't help myself Optimist....Just watched the final of series II...The chosen really opens up our eyes to how Jesus , chose the dregs of society to become the Apostles and there is 5 series to come , yewwww.....I already watched the series twice...inspiring to those of us who have very sinful past......
.I am actually trying very hard to not get sucked into pointless ego driven comments that happen a lot on the have a great Sunday , Great life.....
Optimist wrote:“THE CHOSEN”…series 1 and 2 streaming free from Angel Studios..brilliant acting….so well done..can’t not love it.

Brutus, when around 5% of the entire earths population are watching THE CHOSEN, you know it’s a phenomenon and the young people that made it, are next level amazing.

Love the passion and of course all things are true as all is The Living God. But why would Yeshua Ben Joseph say, "Ye are all Gods" if he was the only visible version? He is, as is all. Humanity's original sin is the forgetfulness of it's divinity. All issues, including viruses, and all human troubles come from this forgetfulness, denial. But that's ok, this version of The Living God as Humanity is experiencing itself as a work in progress.
For Optimist and Brutus, Love your God with all your , heart, mind and soul, and love and treat other with loving kindness.

as we can now see the secular World failing around us , the timing of the Chosen couldn't be more relevant.....having watched a few times's such a down to Earth production and communicates, with a captivating cast and production , the Bible/Jesus's life for everyone.....therein lies the power the Chosen...anybody can watch it and understand how God and Jesus loved us all, and gave us the directions and laws of how to live our changing!!!
Optimist wrote:Brutus, when around 5% of the entire earths population are watching THE CHOSEN, you know it’s a phenomenon and the young people that made it, are next level amazing.

More good news from Israel.

groundswell wrote:I just watched this and it almost had me convinced there is a god. Lucky i have critical thinking and believe they are all brainwashed.
I mean there might have been a global flood but that was supposed to be 40 days and 40 nights.
There's no way all the animals of the arc came from one ship. What were the lions eating?
Where were all the birds?
Bogus video but you might enjoy it Brutus or optimist.
You cant deny that the arc happened. You have to remember that Noah lived for over 950 years enough to travel the globe many times in an arc and enough time to pick up every species of every animal.
Ofcoarse that is where the dinsaurs went extinct; the great global flood.
If you dont believe me go walk up to any mountain and if you look hard enough you will find shellfish fossils! Proof of a global flood and proof of Noah.
How cool is that ey?

Wrenched a few too many billys there Twisted?
or surely tongue in cheek ;-)

Twisted is close…facts about Noah’s Ark.
1/ Earths landmass was all joined before the great flood
2/ God sent the animals cross country to Noah over a period of 110 years
3/ It took 110 years to build the ark. It was probably Assyrian cypress.
4/ Using a modern Egyptian royal cubit the ark was 158.7 metres long.
5/ An Adamite 1000 year man would have been larger in stature and measured a larger cubit than the Egyptian modern one. The oldest man was methuselah aged 969 years.
6/ The average sized animal was the size of a small dog and they went in 2 and 2 males and females 2 of each plus 7 of each cow sheep etc and no the dinosaurs didn’t get a ride only the swimming ones survived and were even caught recently by Japanese fishers.
7/ The ark was afloat adrift for 1 year before the waters subsided enough.
8/ Every nation and people on earth has the story of the great boat with all the animals in their history and story telling.
9/ When it was all done, Noah grew a vineyard and got pissed…no man ever deserved a drink more than him.

Sorry Optimist, you cant use the word "facts" in that context.

Optimist wrote:Twisted is close…facts about Noah’s Ark.
1/ Earths landmass was all joined before the great flood
2/ God sent the animals cross country to Noah over a period of 110 years
3/ It took 110 years to build the ark. It was probably Assyrian cypress.
4/ Using a modern Egyptian royal cubit the ark was 158.7 metres long.
5/ An Adamite 1000 year man would have been larger in stature and measured a larger cubit than the Egyptian modern one. The oldest man was methuselah aged 969 years.
6/ The average sized animal was the size of a small dog and they went in 2 and 2 males and females 2 of each plus 7 of each cow sheep etc and no the dinosaurs didn’t get a ride only the swimming ones survived and were even caught recently by Japanese fishers.
7/ The ark was afloat adrift for 1 year before the waters subsided enough.
8/ Every nation and people on earth has the story of the great boat with all the animals in their history and story telling.
9/ When it was all done, Noah grew a vineyard and got pissed…no man ever deserved a drink more than him.
Citation needed!

Noahs ark is probably the most ridiculous story in all of the bible, every aspect of it is so unbelievable.
950 year old people, 8.7 million animal species on one boat all magically got there and dont kill each other and food to last the 150 days for all the animals, and a flood that floods the earth then magically recedes.
Christians are better saying the story is more a metaphor or something rather than a real event.

Is there a God, a higher force/ energy that humans cannot possibly understand or comprehend?
Anyone who claims they know for certain there is their interpretation of what this God may be due to some texts I believe are off the mark.
I have lived in countries where Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism are the main religions, and the devotees of each all believe they have the truth. Maybe they do? Think it was Dalai Lama I who said all religions are just different roads to God. All religions seem to have the same basic moral/ ethical code at its core.
The Vedas are the oldest religious texts that humankind have which originated from centuries of spoken story before being written down. Pretty much all moral or ethical questions can be found in them. They form the basis of Hinduism, from which Buddhism came about.
There are stories that Jesus actually travelled to India where he was exposed to Buddhism/ Hinduism and embraced it and upon his return at 33 practiced the main code of love, do unto others etc. These ideas were quite in contrast of the vengeful old testament God of the religion in the middle east at the time.
Anyway might be just a story. :)

Good one Andy-mac
Sentiment that moderate people of all faiths would share

Yep, he built himself an aircraft carrier and after the great flood that transformed the globe and changed the atmosphere,Then, God capped men’s lives at 120 years.
it’s all in Genesis…the ancient adamite world and our current new world which is due for another cleanup…and yes it’s not compulsory to believe any of it.

Optimist wrote:Twisted is close…facts about Noah’s Ark.
1/ Earths landmass was all joined before the great flood
2/ God sent the animals cross country to Noah over a period of 110 years
3/ It took 110 years to build the ark. It was probably Assyrian cypress.
4/ Using a modern Egyptian royal cubit the ark was 158.7 metres long.
5/ An Adamite 1000 year man would have been larger in stature and measured a larger cubit than the Egyptian modern one. The oldest man was methuselah aged 969 years.
6/ The average sized animal was the size of a small dog and they went in 2 and 2 males and females 2 of each plus 7 of each cow sheep etc and no the dinosaurs didn’t get a ride only the swimming ones survived and were even caught recently by Japanese fishers.
7/ The ark was afloat adrift for 1 year before the waters subsided enough.
8/ Every nation and people on earth has the story of the great boat with all the animals in their history and story telling.
9/ When it was all done, Noah grew a vineyard and got pissed…no man ever deserved a drink more than him.
That's pretty funny gave me a good laugh.
But seriously do people actually believe all that, like really believe that that actually happened?

Some people believe the world came from a tiny point and a Big Bang.
People like me believe the small focal point was the mouth of God speaking the universe into existence. So I suppose if your so powerful that you can do that, you can probably have fun with a really big boat and some critters.

A very smart man once told me the big bang was all gods doing but he believed the god didnt want people or even animals to worship him he just created the universe.
He went on "there is no clear reason why humans must worship the lord (or are there many lords?)."
Worship, fear of the lord, acceptance are all unnecessary for the universe has already been created and my involvement with human or animal life will only destroy destiny.

Following on from your comment TD, here is a similar view:

Are you trolling me with that longarse message?
I got to around halfway then read the end and couldn't quite understand it besides the "god "guy being aloof.

every aspect? How about a flood that ended civilization ......
indo-dreaming wrote:Noahs ark is probably the most ridiculous story in all of the bible, every aspect of it is so unbelievable.
950 year old people, 8.7 million animal species on one boat all magically got there and dont kill each other and food to last the 150 days for all the animals, and a flood that floods the earth then magically recedes.
Christians are better saying the story is more a metaphor or something rather than a real event.

Here you go optimist
Not sure my instinctive need to stick up for the secret desire to be one day honoured rightfully with the role of Forum moderator (expecting a call any day)...
But anyway I couldn't help but read your troubles on another thread...unfortunately I found myself siding with everyone's posts...other than your own...except for the part where you were told you can't post here!
So I put my low IQ mind to coming up with a solution that suits all...and here it is...a safe place if you like
You can post anything you like about your beliefs...and no one has to read it unless they want! Easy peasy...
maybe you could even get Jesus, fat Buddha, Mohammed, and friends to converse in adult conversation here
Solving the world problems, one at a it taking a shovel as a way of moving that mountain
All the
PS...I actually was born again once, but I grew up, and grew a brain of my own...and realised it was all a load of shit!