COVID-19 Health System Overload Forecaster

bonza wrote:Stok wrote:bonza wrote:"Personally, I prefer to see our leaders and institutions following appropriate advice and strategies with resolve, rather than pandering to mobs. There is a mob which has been vocal against masks, lockdowns and now mandates - thankfully, their yelling has pretty much achieved nothing."
this may have been true up until mid-late last year. but now this is classic virtue signalling. irrational. and counter productive. by continuing to support such moronic policy measures when there is no scientific justification you are contributing to the decline in public trust in our scientific institutions especially public health and general vaccination uptake.
Bonza - just your opinion. For you to call it moronic just shows who you've been listening to.
stok it is my opinion. I listen to the science. ive contributed a fair share in my posts in pointing out the flaws and nutters with their pseudoscientific opinions. pretty much any link i post are robust, evidence based, publications. you may be an academic but it is clear you are not trained in science.
entertain me. How do you justify Victoria new decision to restrict teachers and parents from entering school grounds unless they are boostered while NSW government is ending mandates for health care workers?
that's not science that's politics. you are no different to the short and burleighs. its just that I think your illogical absolutist positioning is more damaging to science and public trust.
Where are you seeing ending mandates for health care workers?

Vic Local wrote:sypkan wrote:tylerdurden wrote:Yes and no Freeride. Individual private health care providers can mandate vaccination/boosters for their employees, as is their right, just less likely to do so if there is neither a Federal or State endorsement of the policy.
Stok, you’ve got a point in that each and every movement doesn’t have to supported by the government but each voice has a right to be heard, big difference.From what I can gather the protesters in Canberra wanted 4 things:
1. No vaccine mandates (either formal or by proxy)
2. Particularly no vaccine mandates for kids
3. A 2 week moratorium on the penalties for doctors or nurses speaking out such that they can say what the think without fear of punishment
4. More emphasis on early treatment of Covid such that doctors are less restricted in what they can prescribeI generally agree with all of those points
that really is not a very radical wish list
given the developments to this point in the pandemic... a major party that supposedly represents the people should probably asking for such a sober assessment at this point... you know, like 'the workers party' in opposition...
Hilarious blokes. Just 4 things?
Maaaaaaate, Their list of grievances doesn't fucking stop. Haven't you worked that out yet? Do you honestly believe that if they got these 4 points ticked off they'd go home and not be heard from again.
These people live in a permanent moral panic. There's always new threats to make up or old threats to cry about but not solve.
Like I said before, keeping this mob together is politically and financially beneficial to the carnival barkers on the stage. When covid is a memory, these flogs will be banging on about trans people, Christians being persecuted, muslims invading us, greenies locking up the country, immigrants taken arrrrr jarbs, or any other shit that angries up the losers and bigots.
Fucking turds just make up problems and not solve them. Meanwhile real problems like climate change , low wages, habitat destruction, etc don't concern these flogs.
The worst bit is fuckheads like Hanson complaining about govt corruption. She's done fuck all about it other than reap in the donations due to dodgy legislation. Fark me, you'd have to have shit for brains not to see what's going on here.
"Like I said before..."
amd again...
yeh we get it dude... you'te not interested in any rational discussion...
"....Fark me, you'd have to have shit for brains not to see what's going on here"
you got that bit right...
shit for brains

Robo wrote:bonza wrote:Stok wrote:bonza wrote:"Personally, I prefer to see our leaders and institutions following appropriate advice and strategies with resolve, rather than pandering to mobs. There is a mob which has been vocal against masks, lockdowns and now mandates - thankfully, their yelling has pretty much achieved nothing."
this may have been true up until mid-late last year. but now this is classic virtue signalling. irrational. and counter productive. by continuing to support such moronic policy measures when there is no scientific justification you are contributing to the decline in public trust in our scientific institutions especially public health and general vaccination uptake.
Bonza - just your opinion. For you to call it moronic just shows who you've been listening to.
stok it is my opinion. I listen to the science. ive contributed a fair share in my posts in pointing out the flaws and nutters with their pseudoscientific opinions. pretty much any link i post are robust, evidence based, publications. you may be an academic but it is clear you are not trained in science.
entertain me. How do you justify Victoria new decision to restrict teachers and parents from entering school grounds unless they are boostered while NSW government is ending mandates for health care workers?
that's not science that's politics. you are no different to the short and burleighs. its just that I think your illogical absolutist positioning is more damaging to science and public trust.
Where are you seeing ending mandates for health care workers?

bonza wrote:Robo wrote:bonza wrote:Stok wrote:bonza wrote:"Personally, I prefer to see our leaders and institutions following appropriate advice and strategies with resolve, rather than pandering to mobs. There is a mob which has been vocal against masks, lockdowns and now mandates - thankfully, their yelling has pretty much achieved nothing."
this may have been true up until mid-late last year. but now this is classic virtue signalling. irrational. and counter productive. by continuing to support such moronic policy measures when there is no scientific justification you are contributing to the decline in public trust in our scientific institutions especially public health and general vaccination uptake.
Bonza - just your opinion. For you to call it moronic just shows who you've been listening to.
stok it is my opinion. I listen to the science. ive contributed a fair share in my posts in pointing out the flaws and nutters with their pseudoscientific opinions. pretty much any link i post are robust, evidence based, publications. you may be an academic but it is clear you are not trained in science.
entertain me. How do you justify Victoria new decision to restrict teachers and parents from entering school grounds unless they are boostered while NSW government is ending mandates for health care workers?
that's not science that's politics. you are no different to the short and burleighs. its just that I think your illogical absolutist positioning is more damaging to science and public trust.
Where are you seeing ending mandates for health care workers?
thanks, just the boosters then.
But hang on they won't be up to date lol

I think the mandates should be strengthened. Lock these gronks out of supermarkets, chemists, pubs, cafes and Bunnings until they get the jabs. Any future protests arrest anyone sprouting any anti anything. Anti vax fine the arse off them. Any of those other lizard people peadophile baby blood drinking conspiracy whackos have them committed to a mental ward. It’s time to teach these knuckle draggers a lesson!!!

True Ben but I think Saturdays protest was the biggest single day protest in Canberra ever and the biggest since the BLM protests. A few of the capital city anti-lockdown protests were quite big but not as big as this one.
I would have thought that sized protest in Canberra would have made front page news and first news item everywhere.
Instead I saw a lot about Grace Tame and Russia/Ukraine. Important stories no doubt but the protests were right up there...and yet most of my colleagues didn’t even know they were on

seeds wrote:I think the mandates should be strengthened. Lock these gronks out of supermarkets, chemists, pubs, cafes and Bunnings until they get the jabs. Any future protests arrest anyone sprouting any anti anything. Anti vax fine the arse off them. Any of those other lizard people peadophile baby blood drinking conspiracy whackos have them committed to a mental ward. It’s time to teach these knuckle draggers a lesson!!!
Good idea.
That’s when you find yourself inside a burning building as the mob dares you to step outside and get a pitch fork through throat.
Hey….you want to push people into the corner so they have to fight to survive, you better be careful that your own survival isn’t jeopardised.
I recommend you go ask your mother to remind you how to treat your fellow members of society. Of everyone was as retarded as yourself the world would still be stuck in the Middle Ages.
I also recommend you go read the link about the anti-old growth logging protests on the other thread. Reactionaries like yourself still think you’re sitting in the men only front bar and whinging about those pinko poofyers who won’t go shoot Vietcong.

tylerdurden wrote:Important stories no doubt but the protests were right up there...and yet most of my colleagues didn’t even know they were on
You think that is because the MSM didn't cover the protests?
I really struggle to believe that TD.
Or is there a different hypothesis?
It was all over MSM, maybe the alternative media/social media did not cover it?
That also seems unlikely.
Maybe your colleagues just aren't interested in current affairs?

TD - would your colleagues know much about Russia/Ukraine? And how much more would they know about Grace Tame, other than the incident with the PM, and the photo with the bong?
Appreciate the point your trying to make, but I don't think the MSM in Australia has anywhere near the reach they think (and everyone seems to think) it has.
For better or (more accurately) for worse, Social Media smashes it out of the park. Of course, what you see in SM is dictated by your own preferences/friends/browsing history etc, so it's not a true reflection of reality.

Right $10g fine for Blowhard and Tylerturdforbrains

seeds wrote:Right $10g fine for Blowhard and Tylerturdforbrains
What do you do for a living seed ? How old are you ? I’m trying to break down the walls a bit whilst still remaining anonymous. Trying to humanise a bit. You realise that it’s myself who you are demanding is locked out of supermarkets right? I’m hoping you’re joking but the intent still has a really ugly vibe about it.

Blowin wrote:Vic Local wrote:Blowin wrote:freeride76 wrote:I'll watch later.
First thing I saw though was the classic complaint that MSM was not covering the protest.
tbh, when I see that easily refutable statement (MSM was all over the protest) I immediately switch off.
I only consistently look at the SMH for MSM news and they had nothing about the Canberra protest that I saw. I only found out about it in Swellnet and I check SMH several times per day. They had two stories that I was aware of and both were more about conspiracy theory rubbish and barely touched on the impetus for the rallies at all ( vaccine mandates ).
It was only that article linked by Supafreak which made a good faith attempt to discuss the gathering of tens of thousands of protesting Australians.
Hey blowin
Why are you still running this "SMH and MSM are ignoring the protests" bullshit. There's fucking articles everywhere. Blokes have been linking them all the time on this page.
I hope you've been shitfaced for the last three days champ, because the only other reason you're still pushing this bullshit is because you're a moron.It’s going to be pretty funny when I get down to the Surf coast and start asking around for VicLocal. It will be interesting exchanging opinions in the flesh.
You’ve got to remember that this could well happen bloke.
Ooohhh So scared of you now blowin.
Fuck you truly are a toxic nut job.

I guess the point I’m making is that rallies that size usually make headline news in a way that it is basically unavoidable to miss whatever your source of information.
I have to say I’m not on any social media and really only get my news from SMH/The Age, ABC and the “news” app which puts stuff on my phone, mainly sport.
But having said that, I do try to keep up with current affairs, mainly via tv news and listening to ABC radio in the car.
However, like a couple of others on here, I didn’t really appreciate the size and scope of the protest until a few on here mentioned it.
Either way, of the first 3 people I’ve met at work today 2 didn’t know the protests took place on the weekend and the other had heard about but didn’t realise how big it was, again thought it was only a few thousand at best. I consider them fairly astute.
Whether it was conscious suppression by the media or just not considered newsworthy I’m not sure but it seems largely under reported to me. Just my shit for brains opinion of course

Vic Local wrote:Blowin wrote:Vic Local wrote:Blowin wrote:freeride76 wrote:I'll watch later.
First thing I saw though was the classic complaint that MSM was not covering the protest.
tbh, when I see that easily refutable statement (MSM was all over the protest) I immediately switch off.
I only consistently look at the SMH for MSM news and they had nothing about the Canberra protest that I saw. I only found out about it in Swellnet and I check SMH several times per day. They had two stories that I was aware of and both were more about conspiracy theory rubbish and barely touched on the impetus for the rallies at all ( vaccine mandates ).
It was only that article linked by Supafreak which made a good faith attempt to discuss the gathering of tens of thousands of protesting Australians.
Hey blowin
Why are you still running this "SMH and MSM are ignoring the protests" bullshit. There's fucking articles everywhere. Blokes have been linking them all the time on this page.
I hope you've been shitfaced for the last three days champ, because the only other reason you're still pushing this bullshit is because you're a moron.It’s going to be pretty funny when I get down to the Surf coast and start asking around for VicLocal. It will be interesting exchanging opinions in the flesh.
You’ve got to remember that this could well happen bloke.
Ooohhh So scared of you now blowin.
Fuck you truly are a toxic nut job.
You think it’s toxic to remind you that the hideous things you love to say to me may have repercussions?
How many times have you said that actions have consequences? Now you think answering for your actions is toxic ?
Just remember that you may be happily going about your life one day, enjoying your little world without a thought for the things you’ve posted online, when out of no where a fella may just put his hand on his shoulder and ask if you’re VIC Local.
Something to think about bloke.
There’s still time to tone down the Uber Cunt persona. Finite amount of time.

website error.
public health experts messaging clear as mud

Time for a couple of posters to have some time out. Go for a surf, fellas.

bonza wrote:website error.
public health experts messaging clear as mud
that poll has 49% say yes, 1 in 2 are absolute idiots in VIC, no surprise really

this bloke is enough not to vote libs
Booster mandates looking unlikely in Vicco.
Looks like the sky isn't falling after all?

Those sort of threats deserve more than timeout..that shit should be removed for good.

Stok wrote:
Booster mandates looking unlikely in Vicco.
Looks like the sky isn't falling after all?
yeh, ...but that'll be no thanks to the likes of you and vicidiot gimp boys and your dungeon dictator leader man supreme fuckwit dandrews
a big thank you to the 'cookers' in the park every weekend though...
as the article suggests, supreme fuckwit isn't happy about it... he just simply can no longer justify his non scientific dictatorial ways... fucking unbelievable this guy, even when he concedes... he's the biggest power trippy non-sensical moron leader in the country, who has done untold damage to the labor party...
praise the gods, finally some sense pervails!
is he still locking out the parents?

Apprentice update.
Initially his heart rate increased beyond normal, chest pain, x ray and cardiologist confirmed that his heart became swollen and that it was a side effect of the vaccine. The hospital prior to the visit to the cardiologist recorded it as reflux.
It’s now 3-4 weeks after his second vaccination, he has low blood pressure, is still having instances of increased heart rate and chest pain, this is not being helped by his anxiety given his situation, lethargy and nausea. He is off to the heart specialist again tomorrow, left work early Monday, his first day back after his block release for school.
Poor fella is pretty stressed and the worst part is that he is still not exempt from having to get a booster. We, at work will not be insisting on this, it should have been his personal choice from the start.

Apprentice update.
Initially his heart rate increased beyond normal, chest pain, x ray and cardiologist confirmed that his heart became swollen and that it was a side effect of the vaccine. The hospital prior to the visit to the cardiologist recorded it as reflux.
It’s now 3-4 weeks after his second vaccination, he has low blood pressure, is still having instances of increased heart rate and chest pain, this is not being helped by his anxiety given his situation, lethargy and nausea. He is off to the heart specialist again tomorrow, left work early Monday, his first day back after his block release for school.
Poor fella is pretty stressed and the worst part is that he is still not exempt from having to get a booster. We, at work will not be insisting on this, it should have been his personal choice from the start.

sypkan wrote:a big thank you to the 'cookers' in the park every weekend though...
Good one Sypkan.

10 Unapproved Covid treatments you MUST avoid:
1) Drinking plenty of water: Please. Do you know what else drinks water? A horse.
2) Spending some time in the warm, pleasant Sun: This sun imbues us with Vitamin D, which the CDC has not approved for protection against COVID. Get inside now!!!
3) Getting a nice good workout at the gym: Stop fat-shaming! Besides, exercise will exacerbate your myocarditis.
4) Monoclonal Antibodies: Donald Trump's body was infused with monoclonal antibodies, and he's a literal Nazi. Do you really want that stuff in your body?
5) Laughter: Contrary to popular belief, laughter is not the best medicine. Stop laughing. It's probably bad for you.
6) Living A Meaningful Life Surrounded By Friends And Family: Those who live this lifestyle are 3,278% more likely to not look to the government for the answers. Sad!
7) Early treatment: Early treatment with therapeutics is a dangerous conspiracy theory promoted by enemies of Pfizer. Avoid!
8) Eating Your Vegetables: You know who else does this? Yeah, that's right: HORSES!
9) Only three jabs of the vaccine: SCIENCE now tells us it takes at least 8 jabs to achieve robust immunity.
10) Your Own Immune System: The science is clear – the human body is incapable of doing anything without a healthy dose of medical juice.
Let's everyone do our part! We're all in this together!

soggydog wrote:Apprentice update.
Initially his heart rate increased beyond normal, chest pain, x ray and cardiologist confirmed that his heart became swollen and that it was a side effect of the vaccine. The hospital prior to the visit to the cardiologist recorded it as reflux.It’s now 3-4 weeks after his second vaccination, he has low blood pressure, is still having instances of increased heart rate and chest pain, this is not being helped by his anxiety given his situation, lethargy and nausea. He is off to the heart specialist again tomorrow, left work early Monday, his first day back after his block release for school.
Poor fella is pretty stressed and the worst part is that he is still not exempt from having to get a booster. We, at work will not be insisting on this, it should have been his personal choice from the start.
Booster isn't going to be mandated soggy. Glad to hear he's back at work.

sypkan wrote:Stok wrote:
Booster mandates looking unlikely in Vicco.
Looks like the sky isn't falling after all?
yeh, ...but that'll be no thanks to the likes of you and vicidiot gimp boys and your dungeon dictator leader man supreme fuckwit dandrews
a big thank you to the 'cookers' in the park every weekend though...
as the article suggests, supreme fuckwit isn't happy about it... he just simply can no longer justify his non scientific dictatorial ways... fucking unbelievable this guy, even when he concedes... he's the biggest power trippy non-sensical moron leader in the country, who has done untold damage to the labor party...
praise the gods, finally some sense pervails!
is he still locking out the parents?
far from good enough. it all needs to end. e.g. mandating kids 8yrs above (or anyone for that matter unless they are or working with the vulnerable) mask up is absolutely ridiculous. as if 99% of people are doing it right anyway.
hurry the fk up and end it.

Stok wrote:soggydog wrote:Apprentice update.
Initially his heart rate increased beyond normal, chest pain, x ray and cardiologist confirmed that his heart became swollen and that it was a side effect of the vaccine. The hospital prior to the visit to the cardiologist recorded it as reflux.It’s now 3-4 weeks after his second vaccination, he has low blood pressure, is still having instances of increased heart rate and chest pain, this is not being helped by his anxiety given his situation, lethargy and nausea. He is off to the heart specialist again tomorrow, left work early Monday, his first day back after his block release for school.
Poor fella is pretty stressed and the worst part is that he is still not exempt from having to get a booster. We, at work will not be insisting on this, it should have been his personal choice from the start.
Booster isn't going to be mandated soggy. Glad to hear he's back at work.
Well he is and he isn’t back at work, he’s been back 3 days and had to go to the hospital/doctor on 2 of those.
I’m in WA, the booster is already mandatory. My wife had to have her 3rd Saturday so she could return to work (Rio Tinto) today. She also has a colleague who has been diagnosed with myocarditis after his second vaccination. He is now on heart medication for the rest of his life. In his early 30’s
I’m not sure how some of you blokes have been so dogmatic about vaccines. Seeds, geez mate. Do you really believe what you wrote above or are you just stirring the pot?


The idea of some muscled up, balding 50 year old angry dude going around winki carpark tapping guys and asking "You Vic Local?" has kept me amused all day.

adam12 wrote:The idea of some muscled up, balding 50 year old angry dude going around winki carpark tapping guys and asking "You Vic Local?" has kept me amused all day.
He would be found in the local pub, in the corner in the dark on his own, just look for a little old man with a hat and grey goaty.

Coachella has just dropped ALL mandates including being whacked and negative test.
The game is up, you fools that support “medical advice” from politicians need a fucking wake up call.
QLD cho today stated that the average covid death had 2.7 other illnesses.
The show is up, they can’t cover it up anymore.
Restrictions will ease soon but it will be “cautious” for the sooks and bedwetters.
What a shit show. I’m so glad I never took the poison.
If it smells like a rat, it’s a rat.

soggydog wrote:Stok wrote:soggydog wrote:Apprentice update.
Initially his heart rate increased beyond normal, chest pain, x ray and cardiologist confirmed that his heart became swollen and that it was a side effect of the vaccine. The hospital prior to the visit to the cardiologist recorded it as reflux.It’s now 3-4 weeks after his second vaccination, he has low blood pressure, is still having instances of increased heart rate and chest pain, this is not being helped by his anxiety given his situation, lethargy and nausea. He is off to the heart specialist again tomorrow, left work early Monday, his first day back after his block release for school.
Poor fella is pretty stressed and the worst part is that he is still not exempt from having to get a booster. We, at work will not be insisting on this, it should have been his personal choice from the start.
Booster isn't going to be mandated soggy. Glad to hear he's back at work.
Well he is and he isn’t back at work, he’s been back 3 days and had to go to the hospital/doctor on 2 of those.
I’m in WA, the booster is already mandatory. My wife had to have her 3rd Saturday so she could return to work (Rio Tinto) today. She also has a colleague who has been diagnosed with myocarditis after his second vaccination. He is now on heart medication for the rest of his life. In his early 30’sI’m not sure how some of you blokes have been so dogmatic about vaccines. Seeds, geez mate. Do you really believe what you wrote above or are you just stirring the pot?
@soggydog , thought of your young apprentice when I saw this tweet .
Just once, I would love for someone who thinks myocarditis in teenage boys is no big deal to sit down and run the numbers for 1 vs 2 doses of mRNA vaccination in that age group.
— Vinay Prasad MD MPH (@VPrasadMDMPH) February 15, 2022
No, not 0 vs. 2; no, don't include 70 year old women
Just boys 16-22, 1 vs 2 doses

QLD - 90.4% fully vaxxed
a very popular poison..

Supafreak wrote:soggydog wrote:Stok wrote:soggydog wrote:Apprentice update.
Initially his heart rate increased beyond normal, chest pain, x ray and cardiologist confirmed that his heart became swollen and that it was a side effect of the vaccine. The hospital prior to the visit to the cardiologist recorded it as reflux.It’s now 3-4 weeks after his second vaccination, he has low blood pressure, is still having instances of increased heart rate and chest pain, this is not being helped by his anxiety given his situation, lethargy and nausea. He is off to the heart specialist again tomorrow, left work early Monday, his first day back after his block release for school.
Poor fella is pretty stressed and the worst part is that he is still not exempt from having to get a booster. We, at work will not be insisting on this, it should have been his personal choice from the start.
Booster isn't going to be mandated soggy. Glad to hear he's back at work.
Well he is and he isn’t back at work, he’s been back 3 days and had to go to the hospital/doctor on 2 of those.
I’m in WA, the booster is already mandatory. My wife had to have her 3rd Saturday so she could return to work (Rio Tinto) today. She also has a colleague who has been diagnosed with myocarditis after his second vaccination. He is now on heart medication for the rest of his life. In his early 30’sI’m not sure how some of you blokes have been so dogmatic about vaccines. Seeds, geez mate. Do you really believe what you wrote above or are you just stirring the pot?
@soggydog , thought of your young apprentice when I saw this tweet .
Just once, I would love for someone who thinks myocarditis in teenage boys is no big deal to sit down and run the numbers for 1 vs 2 doses of mRNA vaccination in that age group.
— Vinay Prasad MD MPH (@VPrasadMDMPH) February 15, 2022
No, not 0 vs. 2; no, don't include 70 year old women
Just boys 16-22, 1 vs 2 doses
The cardiologist told him that there has been a significant increase in young men reporting for heart abnormalities post second vaccination. Health advice and public health messages……crickets. The hospital, post x ray records it as reflux.
Who exactly are these cookers?

Yep given this started as a data thread, it would be good to get it back on track. Who started this thread? Its time to see it in the data. Thermal will cry that its not SNs job but will equally claim that ppl who only put out snippets (because it not their job) are mis information knit wits.
So here you go, this will be a good start:
Flu cases vs COVID for the last 5 years
Total deaths for the last 5 years
Co-morbidities and covid, What rate 2.8 with every death?
COVID cases (jabbed vs non jabbed)
Hospitalisations out of ICU by age (jabbed vs non jabbed)
Hospitalisations in ICU by age (jabbed vs non jabbed)
COVID deaths by age
I look forward to receiving it.

Yep and noticed all the mainstream news articles now trying to form a narrative around how bad the lockdowns could be for your heart... Unbelievable.

udo wrote:QLD - 90.4% fully vaxxed
a very popular poison..
popular lol, forced by mandates more like it, fully vaxed includes a billy booster anyway, line up line up

The booster really lives up to its name.Boosting profits.

Can covid injection numbers be trusted?

Has anyone noticed the new govt. ads for shingles ?
Also numerous AIDS ads and billboards popping up across the globe. (should really be VAIDS ads.)
Omnicon specific 3 shot boosters to be released next month.
whack on, whack on, whack on - happy days.

In NSW 1600 of the 2500 deaths with covid were immigrants born OS.
30% of all deaths had dementia.
According to nine news.

Burleigh so around 5 million forced by Mandates...Really ?

Wonder what is achieved by spending day after day on a surfing website arguing and spreading misinformation and cherry picked facts and stats on a virus. Other than San Guine, none of you have any medical qualifications or experience and I doubt you have ever been involved in a medical debate or research or study before in your lives. Except you guys, no one gives a fuck what you think or say and would have to be fucken stupid to take any advice from you. I've got a research subject for you Shortenism, seeing as you demand homework from people, the topic is you, the question is why?

adam12 wrote:Wonder what is achieved by spending day after day on a surfing website arguing and spreading misinformation and cherry picked facts and stats on a virus. Other than San Guine, none of you have any medical qualifications or experience and I doubt you have ever been involved in a medical debate or research or study before in your lives. Except you guys, no one gives a fuck what you think or say and would have to be fucken stupid to take any advice from you. I've got a research subject for you Shortenism, seeing as you demand homework from people, the topic is you, the question is why?
It’s a forum Sherlock that’s what people do, who started the thread go abuse them.

udo wrote:Burleigh so around 5 million forced by Mandates...Really ?
Yep. Easy. Coerced, lied, manipulated. Prob more than 5 million.
Only a bed wetting sook would think otherwise

Oh OK Bed Shitter..
ill work on my Vax % and Qld pop figures.

shortenism wrote:Yep given this started as a data thread, it would be good to get it back on track. Who started this thread? Its time to see it in the data. Thermal will cry that its not SNs job but will equally claim that ppl who only put out snippets (because it not their job) are mis information knit wits.
So here you go, this will be a good start:
Flu cases vs COVID for the last 5 years
Total deaths for the last 5 years
Co-morbidities and covid, What rate 2.8 with every death?
COVID cases (jabbed vs non jabbed)
Hospitalisations out of ICU by age (jabbed vs non jabbed)
Hospitalisations in ICU by age (jabbed vs non jabbed)
COVID deaths by ageI look forward to receiving it.
How about you do it yourself? What do you think this is?
Then link where you got the results.

Nah dont let me steal the thunder.

shortenism wrote:Nah dont let me steal the thunder.
Or the fizzle?
I've created a spreadsheet forecast which I'll update as we go..
There's also a website with live running data..