COVID-19 Health System Overload Forecaster

Craig's picture
Craig started the topic in Wednesday, 18 Mar 2020 at 7:44pm

I've created a spreadsheet forecast which I'll update as we go..

There's also a website with live running data..

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 10:07am
Stok's picture
Stok's picture
Stok Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 10:15am
burleigh wrote:

We will have endless boosters, I guarantee it.

I guarantee there won't be endless boosters.

Vic Local's picture
Vic Local's picture
Vic Local Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 10:19am
Robo wrote:
freeride76 wrote:

So each state has different requirements.

Which makes the Convoy to Canberra kind of weird if all the Feds can do is aged care mandates.

I could be wrong but do protests ever really work anyway?

Geez robo, you're a bit slow on the uptake mate. These protests aren't about getting politicians to crumble to the mob's ridiculous demands and adopt their batshit crazy agenda.
No government in Australia is going to side with the crackpot fringe. Surely you must now that?
The objective of these protests is two fold. 1. Make sure the cooked idiots are a tight group that will vote for parties like the UAP or Hanson and then steer the preferences to the LNP. 2. Make cash for the grifters.

Vic Local's picture
Vic Local's picture
Vic Local Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 10:31am

Interesting discussion about the cooked mob going on at the moment.
Scumbags like Kelly, Hanson, and Palmer are walking a very fine line with these idiots. So too is scumo but more of that later.
The protest movement needs crazy to keep and attract new cult members, but too crazy could kill it. And when I say "too crazy", I mean violent crazy not the batshit crazy rhetoric that's been flowing thick and fast at the rallies.
We've already seen old Parliament House set alight twice now. The Melbourne riots were a disgrace and there's been two incidents of cooked nutters carrying loaded firearms around Canberra. One of them had a map of Parliament House. The warning signs are there. If even one of these nut jobs starts something, the political backlash will be swift. Palmer and Hanson will clutch their pearls saying how awful it is, but they will be gone as a political force.
Scumo has failed to condemn these nutters, saying he feels their frustrations, doesn't agree with mandates (Novax Djokovic) and blames the states. This disgusting flog wants their votes but doesn't want to be too close to the whackos.
It's a tightrope. When you have fuckwits like Palmer and Hanson weaponising conspiracy theories and people with obvious mental health issues for political gain, things aren't going to end well.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 10:36am

Deplorables? No. These convoy protesters should not be ignored If Logan County in West Virginia is remembered in America at all, it’s as a battleground in the nation’s most infamous family feud, between the Hatfields and the McCoys.

It ran for nearly 30 years, from 1863, beginning with the murder of Asa McCoy by a Confederate guerrilla unit called the Logan Wildcats, led by William Anderson “Devil Anse” Hatfield. I found a statue of Devil Anse standing over his grave in November 2016, tucked away in a river valley on the side of a steep hill. A Confederate flag fluttering nearby stood as testament that not all the rebels in the county had been buried.

The presidential campaign was nearing its end and I had come in search of Trump supporters. The mother lode was in Logan, where 79.6 per cent would go on to cast their vote for him. Coal made Logan rich and added another bloody chapter to its violent history. The brutal attempts to suppress unions by company towns such as Logan led to what’s known as the Battle of Blair Mountain in 1921. It’s claimed that more than 1million shots were exchanged between miners and muscle hired by the bosses.

To distinguish themselves in the fight, the miners tied red handkerchiefs around their throats and would be immortalised as the Red Neck Army. By 2016, Logan’s glory and riches were gone. There had been no real wage increase since the 1970s. The coal industry was being shuttered. The county had the nation’s second-lowest household income and less than half of the adults had a job.

The defining mood in Logan was rage; at politicians who had abandoned them and a mainstream media that downplayed, dismissed, mocked or ignored their concerns. These were the people Hillary Clinton dubbed “deplorables”. Given politics as usual had broken them, all they wanted from Trump was for him to go to Washington and break it. He delivered, which might help demystify why his base was unassailable.

I caught a glimpse of Logan County close to home over the last two weekends, wandering through the Convoy to Canberra crowd as it marched on Parliament. Quite a few stopped me to make it clear I was a part of a media they held in contempt, but most were polite. “We’re not all rednecks,” said one.

That was evident to anyone who bothered to look. Most of the crowd looked like they had just wandered out of Bunnings. There was a myriad of grievances, but most opposed vaccine mandates. All were sick of being subjected to constant and mercurial government interference in their lives. There were extreme elements. Ironically, the only ones wearing masks were a handful from the neo-fascist group Proud Boys. There was also a fair littering of conspiracy theories scrawled on signs and muttered in conversation.

Some have undoubtedly behaved boorishly, a handful lawlessly, but the vast majority were peaceful. I was in the crowd at the March4Justice rally outside Parliament last year and don’t judge it by the woman in the black balaclava who spent half an hour standing centimetres from my face yelling that I was “a c--t” while her friend taped the encounter.

Something important is happening. It could grow. It might not stay peaceful.
The people in the Convoy to Canberra looked like middle Australia. There was a smattering of Indigenous Australians and ethnic groups waving the flags of many nations. If anything defined them, it was that most didn’t appear to work in jobs they could easily do from home. Once we would have called them working class.

The crowd was massive. Trying to judge its size is a mug’s game, but it was easily the biggest I have seen in 30 years of covering protests in the capital. There is also compelling evidence that they are a minority, given nationwide vaccination rates sit above 90 per cent. But, as in Logan, something has broken, and we need to understand it. This is not a crowd that takes to the streets without extreme provocation. They are reacting to extraordinary interference in their lives. If you don’t have a right to protest being locked in your home, robbed of employment, separated from your family, forbidden from travelling overseas, barred from returning to Australia and forced to take a vaccine to keep your job, then what does constitute a just cause?

Given the welter of national and state discrimination laws are not written for these people, their only redress is to take their grievance to the street and exercise their right to peaceful demonstration.

They can also express their rage at the ballot box. Nationally they are too small to move mountains, but there are tens of thousands of them. In a close election, a few hundred votes in marginal seat might change a government. Something important is happening. It could grow. It might not stay peaceful. Politicians and the media should try to understand what is going on. That begins by listening to people and talking to them, not at them.

Vic Local's picture
Vic Local's picture
Vic Local Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 10:43am

Most people understand why many of those people are in Canberra. Covid has wrecked plenty of livelihoods and people are vulnerable. There's obviously serious mental health issue with many in that mob.
the thing is, their demands won't improve their situation one little bit. In fact, they'd make it a lot worse.
I swing from feeling sorry for that mob, to having contempt for them because they can't see how they are being used by turds like Palmer and Hanson.
When it comes to negotiating with them, or pandering to their baseless concerns and conspiracy theories, that solves nothing.

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 10:45am

"They can also express their rage at the ballot box. Nationally they are too small to move mountains, but there are tens of thousands of them."

How though?

By voting ALP?

UAP or One Nation?

Where is the political representation of these views to be found?

If this is Middle Australia then then it's highly doubtful these fringe politicians will represent them.

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 10:45am

"They are reacting to extraordinary interference in their lives. If you don’t have a right to protest being locked in your home, robbed of employment, separated from your family, forbidden from travelling overseas, barred from returning to Australia and forced to take a vaccine to keep your job, then what does constitute a just cause?"

"Something important is happening. It could grow. It might not stay peaceful. Politicians and the media should try to understand what is going on. That begins by listening to people and talking to them, not at them."

jesus VL you can be tone deaf sometimes.

tylerdurden's picture
tylerdurden's picture
tylerdurden Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 10:49am

Good point Freeride.
Federal Labor are probably very aligned with the Liberals when it comes to vaccines.
But each state and ScoMo want to get re-elected and will generally promote policies that they believe will get them re-elected.
Not sure how it will pan out.
The nurses in the UK certainly got what they wanted

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 10:52am

And in NSW.
vaccine mandates dropped for health care workers.

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 10:54am

"If this is Middle Australia then then it's highly doubtful these fringe politicians will represent them."

half of north america voted for trump. why is that?

Stok's picture
Stok's picture
Stok Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 10:55am

Does every cause deserve political representation?

Protesting, among other things, is a way of proving the opportunity exists for strong political representation. If the protesters are resolved and firm in their message, and it's reasonable, it's easy for a party to swoop it up and run with it, collecting the votes.

The anti everything movement is a mess. At the moment it's an unhinged scream against Government. Everyone pulling in different directions, bound loosely by vaccine mandates. But, I think for the most part, just the vaccine mandates being quashed won't be enough. Only the bottom of the barrel parties are playing ball with this crew at the moment, and as VL said, they're walking a tightrope due to the dangerous ideals mixed in.

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 11:01am
bonza wrote:

"If this is Middle Australia then then it's highly doubtful these fringe politicians will represent them."

half of north america voted for trump. why is that?

Trump won a primary to be the Republican Party Candidate.

Hanson and Palmer are fringe politicians representing minor parties with tiny percentages of the primary vote.

If Hanson or Palmer were leaders of the ALP or Libs then that would be a Trump equivalent.

Half of Aus will not vote for Palmer/Hanson

tylerdurden's picture
tylerdurden's picture
tylerdurden Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 11:12am

Yes and no Freeride. Individual private health care providers can mandate vaccination/boosters for their employees, as is their right, just less likely to do so if there is neither a Federal or State endorsement of the policy.
Stok, you’ve got a point in that each and every movement doesn’t have to supported by the government but each voice has a right to be heard, big difference.

From what I can gather the protesters in Canberra wanted 4 things:
1. No vaccine mandates (either formal or by proxy)
2. Particularly no vaccine mandates for kids
3. A 2 week moratorium on the penalties for doctors or nurses speaking out such that they can say what the think without fear of punishment
4. More emphasis on early treatment of Covid such that doctors are less restricted in what they can prescribe

I generally agree with all of those points

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 11:16am

American politics is presidential - its all about the voting for the president not the party. so half the country voted for him or thereabouts. twice.

if we continue to label, ignore, ridicule and dismiss genuine concerns we risk pushing more people to the fringe even when its against their interests to do so.

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 11:22am

Yeah, possibly.

They vote for Palmer/Hanson, then what?

They come back to Canberra with guns?

Start new political parties?

Likely the mandates/restrictions will/have eased, at least in NSW/QLD.

In which case what happens to Middle Australia then, do they go full rabbit hole or pull back?

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 11:29am

"From what I can gather the protesters in Canberra wanted 4 things:
1. No vaccine mandates (either formal or by proxy)
2. Particularly no vaccine mandates for kids
3. A 2 week moratorium on the penalties for doctors or nurses speaking out such that they can say what the think without fear of punishment
4. More emphasis on early treatment of Covid such that doctors are less restricted in what they can prescribe"

Not having a go TD, but how did you gather that?

Was there a statement of demand from protestors?

I couldn't see any coherent list of demands like that being made.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 11:30am
freeride76 wrote:

And in NSW.
vaccine mandates dropped for health care workers.

Believe it or not, I am pretty happy for that to happen. It should be Australia wide.

I wonder if there are any legal issues around health care workers transmitting to patients?

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 11:32am

How’s how no one gives a single fuck about Omicold but MacGowan is still acting like he’s St George taking on the dragon.

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 11:33am

i'm not suggesting any sort of immediate reaction. I don't know what will play out.
I'm just arguing that we ignore Covid enhanced inequality and associated loss of liberty (VIC and WA reluctant to hand power back) at our peril.

tylerdurden's picture
tylerdurden's picture
tylerdurden Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 11:39am

All said in this video and repeated by a few of the other speakers at various times apparently.
Definitely hard to distill exactly what they wanted but these points seemed to recur

By the way, I certainly do not agree with everything said in this video

Stok's picture
Stok's picture
Stok Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 11:46am
Roadkill wrote:

Believe it or not, I am pretty happy for that to happen. It should be Australia wide.

I wonder if there are any legal issues around health care workers transmitting to patients?

Yeah no one wants mandates to stay, and they will go in due course.

Personally, I prefer to see our leaders and institutions following appropriate advice and strategies with resolve, rather than pandering to mobs. There is a mob which has been vocal against masks, lockdowns and now mandates - thankfully, their yelling has pretty much achieved nothing.

When the next pandemic rolls around, I want to see concise strategies put in place quickly. If it means masks or mandates again then so be it.

Stok's picture
Stok's picture
Stok Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 11:50am
freeride76 wrote:

In which case what happens to Middle Australia then, do they go full rabbit hole or pull back?

Some will get sucked into the sov cit rabbit hole, some will go paedo's in parliament, but most will go home and back to work.

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 11:50am

I'll watch later.

First thing I saw though was the classic complaint that MSM was not covering the protest.

tbh, when I see that easily refutable statement (MSM was all over the protest) I immediately switch off.

Snuffy Smith's picture
Snuffy Smith's picture
Snuffy Smith Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 12:17pm

Lest we forget?

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 12:17pm

"Personally, I prefer to see our leaders and institutions following appropriate advice and strategies with resolve, rather than pandering to mobs. There is a mob which has been vocal against masks, lockdowns and now mandates - thankfully, their yelling has pretty much achieved nothing."

this may have been true up until mid-late last year. but now this is classic virtue signalling. irrational. and counter productive. by continuing to support such moronic policy measures when there is no scientific justification you are contributing to the decline in public trust in our scientific institutions especially public health and general vaccination uptake.

tylerdurden's picture
tylerdurden's picture
tylerdurden Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 12:21pm

To a degree Freeride.
Ran a straw poll at work over the last 2 days.
When I said “did you see the size of that crowd down in Canberra on the weekend” some knew protests were on, rest didn’t know they were on. When I said at least 20 000 people maybe more even the ones who knew it was on were were flabbergasted, thought it was mainly a couple of thousand at best.
Try it yourself and see what comes back.

But anyway, that’s the best video I could find that summarised the speakers points which also means it was not very well reported on elsewhere

Snuffy Smith's picture
Snuffy Smith's picture
Snuffy Smith Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 12:20pm
Snuffy Smith wrote:

Lest we forget?

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 12:20pm
tylerdurden wrote:

Yes and no Freeride. Individual private health care providers can mandate vaccination/boosters for their employees, as is their right, just less likely to do so if there is neither a Federal or State endorsement of the policy.
Stok, you’ve got a point in that each and every movement doesn’t have to supported by the government but each voice has a right to be heard, big difference.

From what I can gather the protesters in Canberra wanted 4 things:
1. No vaccine mandates (either formal or by proxy)
2. Particularly no vaccine mandates for kids
3. A 2 week moratorium on the penalties for doctors or nurses speaking out such that they can say what the think without fear of punishment
4. More emphasis on early treatment of Covid such that doctors are less restricted in what they can prescribe

I generally agree with all of those points

that really is not a very radical wish list

given the developments to this point in the pandemic... a major party that supposedly represents the people should probably asking for such a sober assessment at this point... you know, like 'the workers party' in opposition...

Vic Local's picture
Vic Local's picture
Vic Local Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 12:22pm

So what happens next with the mob?
One thing is for sure, scum like Hanson and Palmer will desperately try and keep it together. It's their power base. The mob and the string pullers aren' there for solving problems. They are there for the whinging and the distraction.
This mob won't achieve anything because that's not the reason for its existence. Remember how hard this mob sooked about the pandemic bill? Well folks the sky didn't fall in in Victoria when the bill passed did it. Nobody noticed the difference so the scum just moved on to their next topic. Lockdowns have been massively wound back. Is the mob happy about that? Fuck no they just sook about something else even harder.
What this shape-shifting mob represents is the ability to create a sense of chaos. It draws on groups and political parties that thrive during chaotic times. eg evangelical grifters and far right scum.
There's a bunch reason why this circus continues, and one of them certainly isn't their ability to create change or solve problems.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 12:29pm
freeride76 wrote:

I'll watch later.

First thing I saw though was the classic complaint that MSM was not covering the protest.

tbh, when I see that easily refutable statement (MSM was all over the protest) I immediately switch off.

I only consistently look at the SMH for MSM news and they had nothing about the Canberra protest that I saw. I only found out about it in Swellnet and I check SMH several times per day. They had two stories that I was aware of and both were more about conspiracy theory rubbish and barely touched on the impetus for the rallies at all ( vaccine mandates ).

It was only that article linked by Supafreak which made a good faith attempt to discuss the gathering of tens of thousands of protesting Australians.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 12:28pm

"When the next pandemic rolls around, I want to see concise strategies put in place quickly. If it means masks or mandates again then so be it."


good luck with that

you seem to have no concept at all of public good will

squandered brains, ....the good will... you are brains...

the next pandemic is going to be a bloody disaster, an absolute free for all incoherent mess.... no matter what the mandates...

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 12:28pm
tylerdurden wrote:

To a degree Freeride.
Ran a straw poll at work over the last 2 days.
When I said “did you see the size of that crowd down in Canberra on the weekend” some knew protests were on, rest didn’t know they were on. When I said at least 20 000 people maybe more even the ones who knew it was on were were flabbergasted, thought it was mainly a couple of thousand at best.
Try it yourself and see what comes back.

Not an exact comparison, but the Tarkine protest in Tasmania has been going on much longer and has also received very little press. The Oz gave it a cursory story the other day when CCP involvement was floated, but that's about it.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 12:28pm
Vic Local wrote:

So what happens next with the mob?
One thing is for sure, scum like Hanson and Palmer will desperately try and keep it together. It's their power base. The mob and the string pullers aren' there for solving problems. They are there for the whinging and the distraction.
This mob won't achieve anything because that's not the reason for its existence. Remember how hard this mob sooked about the pandemic bill? Well folks the sky didn't fall in in Victoria when the bill passed did it. Nobody noticed the difference so the scum just moved on to their next topic. Lockdowns have been massively wound back. Is the mob happy about that? Fuck no they just sook about something else even harder.
What this shape-shifting mob represents is the ability to create a sense of chaos. It draws on groups and political parties that thrive during chaotic times. eg evangelical grifters and far right scum.
There's a bunch reason why this circus continues, and one of them certainly isn't their ability to create change or solve problems.

It’s hard to see the above as anything but a hate filled rant. Great example of the hatred our political leaders have manufactured and perpetuated. The post has no point beyond “ I hate those people because they’re different to me “.

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 12:30pm

Mate it was all over MSM.

Maybe the Canberra Times had the coverage being the SMH sister paper?

This consistent trope that the protests are being ignored is really not based in reality, as far as I can see.

it seems to be a potent fuel for the grievance narrative.

Was/is the coverage fair?

Thats debatable, but the concerns were given a fair hearing in a lot of the stories I read and saw.

Here you go, Chris Uhlmann in todays SMH.

tylerdurden's picture
tylerdurden's picture
tylerdurden Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 12:34pm

Nothing in the print version of the SMH on Monday, not a single cracker
Try the straw poll with the next person you meet and see what they say

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 12:37pm

Chris Uhlman is the very definition of a mainstream political journo.

Stok's picture
Stok's picture
Stok Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 12:39pm
bonza wrote:

"Personally, I prefer to see our leaders and institutions following appropriate advice and strategies with resolve, rather than pandering to mobs. There is a mob which has been vocal against masks, lockdowns and now mandates - thankfully, their yelling has pretty much achieved nothing."

this may have been true up until mid-late last year. but now this is classic virtue signalling. irrational. and counter productive. by continuing to support such moronic policy measures when there is no scientific justification you are contributing to the decline in public trust in our scientific institutions especially public health and general vaccination uptake.

Bonza - just your opinion. For you to call it moronic just shows who you've been listening to.

Vic Local's picture
Vic Local's picture
Vic Local Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 12:39pm
sypkan wrote:
tylerdurden wrote:

Yes and no Freeride. Individual private health care providers can mandate vaccination/boosters for their employees, as is their right, just less likely to do so if there is neither a Federal or State endorsement of the policy.
Stok, you’ve got a point in that each and every movement doesn’t have to supported by the government but each voice has a right to be heard, big difference.

From what I can gather the protesters in Canberra wanted 4 things:
1. No vaccine mandates (either formal or by proxy)
2. Particularly no vaccine mandates for kids
3. A 2 week moratorium on the penalties for doctors or nurses speaking out such that they can say what the think without fear of punishment
4. More emphasis on early treatment of Covid such that doctors are less restricted in what they can prescribe

I generally agree with all of those points

that really is not a very radical wish list

given the developments to this point in the pandemic... a major party that supposedly represents the people should probably asking for such a sober assessment at this point... you know, like 'the workers party' in opposition...

Hilarious blokes. Just 4 things?
Maaaaaaate, Their list of grievances doesn't fucking stop. Haven't you worked that out yet? Do you honestly believe that if they got these 4 points ticked off they'd go home and not be heard from again.
These people live in a permanent moral panic. There's always new threats to make up or old threats to cry about but not solve.
Like I said before, keeping this mob together is politically and financially beneficial to the carnival barkers on the stage. When covid is a memory, these flogs will be banging on about trans people, Christians being persecuted, muslims invading us, greenies locking up the country, immigrants taken arrrrr jarbs, or any other shit that angries up the losers and bigots.
Fucking turds just make up problems and not solve them. Meanwhile real problems like climate change , low wages, habitat destruction, etc don't concern these flogs.
The worst bit is fuckheads like Hanson complaining about govt corruption. She's done fuck all about it other than reap in the donations due to dodgy legislation. Fark me, you'd have to have shit for brains not to see what's going on here.

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 12:40pm

TBH Tyler, I'm not sure how anyone could have avoided the Canberra protests?

It was all over ABC, mainstream news of every channel.

Maybe the SMH (print) was the sole MSM outlet/outlier that missed it?

My work colleagues are on here and they know about it.

My fam and friends all know about it.

This is just duelling anecdotes though, I totally respect the fact that your experience is different.

The weight of evidence though, is easily in favour of mass MSM coverage.

Vic Local's picture
Vic Local's picture
Vic Local Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 12:45pm
Blowin wrote:
freeride76 wrote:

I'll watch later.

First thing I saw though was the classic complaint that MSM was not covering the protest.

tbh, when I see that easily refutable statement (MSM was all over the protest) I immediately switch off.

I only consistently look at the SMH for MSM news and they had nothing about the Canberra protest that I saw. I only found out about it in Swellnet and I check SMH several times per day. They had two stories that I was aware of and both were more about conspiracy theory rubbish and barely touched on the impetus for the rallies at all ( vaccine mandates ).

It was only that article linked by Supafreak which made a good faith attempt to discuss the gathering of tens of thousands of protesting Australians.

Hey blowin
Why are you still running this "SMH and MSM are ignoring the protests" bullshit. There's fucking articles everywhere. Blokes have been linking them all the time on this page.
I hope you've been shitfaced for the last three days champ, because the only other reason you're still pushing this bullshit is because you're a moron.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 12:45pm

"I only consistently look at the SMH for MSM news and they had nothing about the Canberra protest that I saw. I only found out about it in Swellnet and I check SMH several times per day. They had two stories that I was aware of and both were more about conspiracy theory rubbish and barely touched on the impetus for the rallies at all ( vaccine mandates ).

It was only that article linked by Supafreak which made a good faith attempt to discuss the gathering of tens of thousands of protesting Australians."

yep, i was checking too, nothing on the day, as it was unfoding, it was being reported elsewhere (very selectively)

then the conspiracy theorist story pops up...

their agenda is pretty clear

they could have run that conspiracy theorist story any day of the month... but they chose the day when arguably they should have been reporting a pretty significant protest - whether you think it worthwhile or not...

Robo's picture
Robo's picture
Robo Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 12:46pm

VL wouldn't agree with that story, they are all nutters according to him.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 12:46pm
Vic Local wrote:
sypkan wrote:
tylerdurden wrote:

Yes and no Freeride. Individual private health care providers can mandate vaccination/boosters for their employees, as is their right, just less likely to do so if there is neither a Federal or State endorsement of the policy.
Stok, you’ve got a point in that each and every movement doesn’t have to supported by the government but each voice has a right to be heard, big difference.

From what I can gather the protesters in Canberra wanted 4 things:
1. No vaccine mandates (either formal or by proxy)
2. Particularly no vaccine mandates for kids
3. A 2 week moratorium on the penalties for doctors or nurses speaking out such that they can say what the think without fear of punishment
4. More emphasis on early treatment of Covid such that doctors are less restricted in what they can prescribe

I generally agree with all of those points

that really is not a very radical wish list

given the developments to this point in the pandemic... a major party that supposedly represents the people should probably asking for such a sober assessment at this point... you know, like 'the workers party' in opposition...

Hilarious blokes. Just 4 things?
Maaaaaaate, Their list of grievances doesn't fucking stop. Haven't you worked that out yet? Do you honestly believe that if they got these 4 points ticked off they'd go home and not be heard from again.
These people live in a permanent moral panic. There's always new threats to make up or old threats to cry about but not solve.
Like I said before, keeping this mob together is politically and financially beneficial to the carnival barkers on the stage. When covid is a memory, these flogs will be banging on about trans people, Christians being persecuted, muslims invading us, greenies locking up the country, immigrants taken arrrrr jarbs, or any other shit that angries up the losers and bigots.
Fucking turds just make up problems and not solve them. Meanwhile real problems like climate change , low wages, habitat destruction, etc don't concern these flogs.
The worst bit is fuckheads like Hanson complaining about govt corruption. She's done fuck all about it other than reap in the donations due to dodgy legislation. Fark me, you'd have to have shit for brains not to see what's going on here.

Hate speech.

Stok's picture
Stok's picture
Stok Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 12:46pm
sypkan wrote:

"When the next pandemic rolls around, I want to see concise strategies put in place quickly. If it means masks or mandates again then so be it."


good luck with that

you seem to have no concept at all of public good will

squandered brains, ....the good will... you are brains...

the next pandemic is going to be a bloody disaster, an absolute free for all incoherent mess.... no matter what the mandates...

Glad I made you laugh!

All I can say is I completely agree with your last sentence! I just hope there's a generation or two between the next one....long enough for us all to forget this shitfight.

I have an appreciation for public good will, but also recognise inability to individually grasp dangers which aren't aligned with our evolutionary traits. We're tuned to immediate, visible dangers - not invisible, viruses which only seem to effect SOME people.

Robo's picture
Robo's picture
Robo Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 12:49pm
Vic Local wrote:
Blowin wrote:
freeride76 wrote:

I'll watch later.

First thing I saw though was the classic complaint that MSM was not covering the protest.

tbh, when I see that easily refutable statement (MSM was all over the protest) I immediately switch off.

I only consistently look at the SMH for MSM news and they had nothing about the Canberra protest that I saw. I only found out about it in Swellnet and I check SMH several times per day. They had two stories that I was aware of and both were more about conspiracy theory rubbish and barely touched on the impetus for the rallies at all ( vaccine mandates ).

It was only that article linked by Supafreak which made a good faith attempt to discuss the gathering of tens of thousands of protesting Australians.

Hey blowin
Why are you still running this "SMH and MSM are ignoring the protests" bullshit. There's fucking articles everywhere. Blokes have been linking them all the time on this page.
I hope you've been shitfaced for the last three days champ, because the only other reason you're still pushing this bullshit is because you're a moron.

says the keyboard warrior in his cave, pension day tomorrow you can get out

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 12:50pm
Vic Local wrote:
Blowin wrote:
freeride76 wrote:

I'll watch later.

First thing I saw though was the classic complaint that MSM was not covering the protest.

tbh, when I see that easily refutable statement (MSM was all over the protest) I immediately switch off.

I only consistently look at the SMH for MSM news and they had nothing about the Canberra protest that I saw. I only found out about it in Swellnet and I check SMH several times per day. They had two stories that I was aware of and both were more about conspiracy theory rubbish and barely touched on the impetus for the rallies at all ( vaccine mandates ).

It was only that article linked by Supafreak which made a good faith attempt to discuss the gathering of tens of thousands of protesting Australians.

Hey blowin
Why are you still running this "SMH and MSM are ignoring the protests" bullshit. There's fucking articles everywhere. Blokes have been linking them all the time on this page.
I hope you've been shitfaced for the last three days champ, because the only other reason you're still pushing this bullshit is because you're a moron.

It’s going to be pretty funny when I get down to the Surf coast and start asking around for VicLocal. It will be interesting exchanging opinions in the flesh.

You’ve got to remember that this could well happen bloke.

thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 12:50pm
tylerdurden wrote:

To a degree Freeride.
Ran a straw poll at work over the last 2 days.
When I said “did you see the size of that crowd down in Canberra on the weekend” some knew protests were on, rest didn’t know they were on. When I said at least 20 000 people maybe more even the ones who knew it was on were were flabbergasted, thought it was mainly a couple of thousand at best.
Try it yourself and see what comes back.

But anyway, that’s the best video I could find that summarised the speakers points which also means it was not very well reported on elsewhere

Out of interest, I wouldn't mind a comparative straw poll asking whether your colleagues know anything about Watergate, Grassgate, the Sports Rorts saga, and whether the country needs a national integrity and corruption commission.

I reckon a lot of big news stories - in my eyes - are completely off the radar for most people, unless they are directly affected.

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022 at 12:51pm
Stok wrote:
bonza wrote:

"Personally, I prefer to see our leaders and institutions following appropriate advice and strategies with resolve, rather than pandering to mobs. There is a mob which has been vocal against masks, lockdowns and now mandates - thankfully, their yelling has pretty much achieved nothing."

this may have been true up until mid-late last year. but now this is classic virtue signalling. irrational. and counter productive. by continuing to support such moronic policy measures when there is no scientific justification you are contributing to the decline in public trust in our scientific institutions especially public health and general vaccination uptake.

Bonza - just your opinion. For you to call it moronic just shows who you've been listening to.

stok it is my opinion. I listen to the science. ive contributed a fair share in my posts in pointing out the flaws and nutters with their pseudoscientific opinions. pretty much any link i post are robust, evidence based, publications. you may be an academic but it is clear you are not trained in science.

entertain me. How do you justify Victoria new decision to restrict teachers and parents from entering school grounds unless they are boostered while NSW government is ending mandates for health care workers?

that's not science that's politics. you are no different to the short and burleighs. its just that I think your illogical absolutist positioning is more damaging to science and public trust.