Interesting things too

Indo, seeing as you’re a dumb-as-a-post supporter of authoritarianism, I’m not surprised.
@stu “life-threatening to our allies”
Interesting statement especially in the context of what Assange was trying to achieve Stu.
As for “what’s happening now I’m Australia”, it’s been going on for decades.
We could probably include the Whitlam issue in there.
Couldn’t agree more with your last paragraph.

"@stu “life-threatening to our allies”
"Interesting statement especially in the context of what Assange was trying to achieve Stu."
What I mean is the naming of Afghani operatives etc.
The brave fuckers who put their lives on the line to help our troops being thanked by having their identities exposed for all to see.
How can you resolve that?

From Day 2 of the trial as reported by Craig Murray:
For the defence, Mark Summers QC stated that the USA charges were entirely dependent on three factual accusations of Assange behaviour:
1) Assange helped Manning to decode a hash key to access classified material.
Summers stated this was a provably false allegation from the evidence of the Manning court-martial.
2) Assange solicited the material from Manning.
Summers stated this was provably wrong from information available to the public.
3) Assange knowingly put lives at risk.
Summers stated this was provably wrong both from publicly available information and from specific involvement of the US government.
In summary, Summers stated the US government knew that the allegations being made were false as to fact, and they were demonstrably made in bad faith. This was therefore an abuse of process which should lead to dismissal of the extradition request. He described the above three counts as “rubbish, rubbish and rubbish”.
Summers then walked through the facts of the case. He said the charges from the USA divide the materials leaked by Manning to Wikileaks into three categories:
a) Diplomatic Cables
b) Guantanamo detainee assessment briefs
c) Iraq War rules of engagement
d) Afghan and Iraqi war logs
Summers then methodically went through a), b), c) and d) relating each in turn to alleged behaviours 1), 2) and 3), making twelve counts of explanation and exposition in all. This comprehensive account took some four hours and I shall not attempt to capture it here. I will rather give highlights, but will relate occasionally to the alleged behaviour number and/or the alleged materials letter. I hope you follow that – it took me some time to do so!

The bulk of Summers’ argument went to refuting behaviour 3), putting lives at risk. This was only claimed in relation to materials a) and d). Summers described at great length the efforts of Wikileaks with media partners over more than a year to set up a massive redaction campaign on the cables. He explained that the unredacted cables only became available after Luke Harding and David Leigh of the Guardian published the password to the cache as the heading to Chapter XI of their book Wikileaks, published in February 2011.
Nobody had put 2 and 2 together on this password until the German publication Der Freitag had done so and announced it had the unredacted cables in August 2011. Summers then gave the most powerful arguments of the day.
The US government had been actively participating in the redaction exercise on the cables. They therefore knew the allegations of reckless publication to be untrue.
Once Der Freitag announced they had the unredacted materials, Julian Assange and Sara Harrison instantly telephoned the White House, State Department and US Embassy to warn them named sources may be put at risk. Summers read from the transcripts of telephone conversations as Assange and Harrison attempted to convince US officials of the urgency of enabling source protection procedures – and expressed their bafflement as officials stonewalled them. This evidence utterly undermined the US government’s case and proved bad faith in omitting extremely relevant fact. It was a very striking moment.
With relation to the same behaviour 3) on materials d), Summers showed that the Manning court martial had accepted these materials contained no endangered source names, but showed that Wikileaks had activated a redaction exercise anyway as a “belt and braces” approach.

Stunet, any resolution there?

"Fucking hilarious when, on one hand, you get the dolt-right up in arms at people disrespecting Western traditions, and on the other hand they cheer on their gang as they destroy said institutions."
Turkeys voting for Xmas?

Nah, I'd say the "chickens voting for KFC" syndrome is related, though really something else - people voting against their best interests.
What I've outlined above is meer hypocrisy.

Where does Unions and the ALP aggressively siding with temporary foreign labour sit on the spectrum of shooting your self in the face ?

It's not a good look. Would like to know their reasoning.

I’ve got no idea .....cough ( yuan ) cough

What’s Facto got to say about the most obvious corruption of integrity in modern times being shamelessly broadcast by the ALP /Unions I wonder ?

@ Indo "Indo, seeing as you’re a dumb-as-a-post supporter of authoritarianism, I’m not surprised."
Yeah sorry that i think the law should be upheld and that people shouldn't be able to just hack into classified government files and share them with the world even putting life's or more at risk.
It's also not like he is a young naive hacker like he might have been in the early 90s when he was charged with 31 cybercrime including hacking into NASA and Pentagon systems.
You think he would have learnt after that, but nah went back for more.
No excuses, send him to the USA and let them decide his fate.

Indo you’ve clearly got no idea about “the law”.
For a start, sending Assange to America for 'political offences' would be illegal and break the 2003 US-UK Extradition Treaty.
Bullshit double standards eh?

all he did was let us know how corrupt and morally bankrupt the US wars in the Middle East were.
He should be lionised as an Australian hero, which is what he is.

The "law" - note ironic quote marks - has been waived, distorted, and ignored so many times in relation to Assange it behooves no-one to invoke it as a sanctity for justice.
Better off leaving that one out of it.

Yep thats the crazy thing, it should be illegal under intentional law not to hand him over especially a cyber criminal that is basically a cyber terrorist and especially a country that is allied too USA.

Curious, do you agree with the Middle East wars?

Wars are way to complex to have an opinion either way.
The point is if you are going to go hacking into government files and then making them public things aren't going to end real great.
The fact he has history of charges for similar things and then has gone to great lengths to evade authority's makes things worse.

Back in the day Indo would have been hunting down the Jews if the government told him to.
You know, because it was legal and all.

Or blackfellas.
Hang on, I think I hear the strains of Swellnet's very own hysterical, flamboyant, and relentless all day, every day, one-man articulated outrage machine.
Gloria (Gloria), I think they got your number (Gloria)...

Where does Unions and the ALP aggressively siding with temporary foreign labour sit on the spectrum of shooting your self in the face ?
What’s Facto got to say about the most obvious corruption of integrity in modern times being shamelessly broadcast by the ALP /Unions I wonder ?

On cue. With the hyperbolic fact(o)s...
"Gloria, you're always on the run now...
Running after somebody, you gotta get him somehow...
I think you've got to slow down before you start to blow it...
I think you're headed for a breakdown, so be careful not to show it..."

Where does Unions and the ALP aggressively siding with temporary foreign labour sit on the spectrum of shooting your self in the face ?

“Victoria's trade unions have called on the federal government to lift the travel restriction, arguing it discriminates against Chinese people based on their passport.
The Victorian Trades Hall Council is demanding temporary workers be allowed into Australia after passing the same health checks as permanent residents.
Luke Hilakari, Trades Hall secretary, said no "no worker should lose their job as a result of the travel ban."

“The money for the spelling bee — dubbed the "Prime Minister's Spelling Bee" —“
“including $345,000 for publisher News Corp to build a website for a spelling bee.”
“The statement also said an independent review would not be available for the grant, and the grant would be directly negotiated and agreed with News Corp.”
More taxpayer money for News Corp and again with no oversight. Tip of the iceberg though, a $311 million iceberg in grants.
Now that’s how to win an election. These guys just don't care how corrupt they are

"What’s Facto got to say about the most obvious corruption of integrity in modern times being shamelessly broadcast by the ALP /Unions I wonder ?"
this is a very fair question
especially considering factopupbum has accused many of us on here of having an issue with unions, it's not us with the 'issue', it's the bloody unions!!!! over and over again
I'm no union basher, quite the opposite actually, but this is a step way way too far
c'mon facto, one fucking straight answer, please...
you really think this is accceptable?

"No worker should lose their job as a result of the travel ban."
An interesting quote. Interesting that it isn't found on the Victorian Trades Hall Council's and/or the Trades Hall secretary Luke Hilakari's website/social media accounts. The only place it is found is the Nine newspaper network and a strange cut n paste 'news' site called Macrobusiness. It was on the Daily Mail site but then it was dropped in an update.
I guess, taking it on good faith that it isn't taken out of context at best (at worst??), that this isn't a focal point regarding temp visa workers in any way, shape and form, let alone as front and centre and important as blow in and the other, shall we say equally hyperbolic and excitable and skewed, media would like it to be?
Then again this Hilakari character did have this most recent AFR interview piece on his Twitter feed:
A formal policy statement that puts forward that employees who cannot work from home should not suffer loss of income if employers stand them down for quarantine purposes is coming this week, apparently.

And then there's these fellows. Go figure.

OK, Gloria & Hildebrand?

well done chairman mao, I think you just made a point, with facts and evidence and stuff - as opposed to fairy garden gossip and wishful thinking, ...very well done...
I'll chalk up one to you, that's one chairman mao: five hundred and seventy two gloria
I'm referring to the maritime union post, not the macrobusiness quote, I'm waiting for gloria before chalking that one up. I might give you that one too though, just to keep the game interesting and competitive, let's call it affirmative action, I don't think we'll quite get to the 'equality of outcome' you so desire, but we do need to level the playing field somewhat....
go the maritime union!
well done, saved a little face in my eyes, but I think we all know they are somewhat 'unique' as opposed to the brown and bechong representative committees the rest have become
anyway carry on...
...we might even get somewhere with this turning of a new leaf from you...

OK Hildebrand.

Unless you think this government is going to proactively manage this particular situation - and who does?? - this is why containment will not work.

From the vault,,,, here's a classic from the 'Onion News Network' on Bidens gaffes from 10 years ago,,


how the hell can joe biden be the best candidate the dnc has to offer?
I know the dnc and the establishment have shown themselves to be totally pathetic and corrupt, more than totally pathetic actually, but biden is a trainwreck without a crash ...yet...
I'm actually looking forward to the debates if he's the candidate. I'd prefer bernie give trump a run for his money, but it's going to be hilarious watching wa-po and nyt try to put a positive spin on his performance. the last week of (fake) news has been entertaining enough, ...but really biden?! ...that's the best you've got? ...seriously... what are these people thinking?
half the time the man doesn't know where he is, or even who his wife is. this is most embarrassing for the party that loves to bag old white men, they've picked the oldest whitest man with a history of homophobia, ....hilarious... at least try to find an old white man void of senility. it wouldn't be that hard would it? ....not if your party wasn't full of toxicity anyway....
oh the fucking irony!!!

Repeating yourself?!
Is that you Joe*?
*Biden not Hildebrand.

From these threads in 2016:
"Let's really release the LNP Kraken in times of global economic meltdown, or at the very least a more localised recession.
Let's see what they're really made of. More importantly, let's see what we're really made of.
Let's see what the 'lucky country' is really like when the luck runs bad...and the LNP is in charge.

"Repeating yourself?!
Is that you Joe*?
*Biden not Hildebrand."
Yep bit of senility slipping in...
...but I remember back when I was obama... I was with obama... when I was obama... with.. I am obama... we got stuff done!
...or was that hilary?
yes me hilary, ... in a bathroom... with obama, ...we got stuff done...
...err, no no, ....your hilary, sorry, ...I thought I was talking to my wife...


...but yeh... gotta agree with this one hilary....
"From these threads in 2016:
"Let's really release the LNP Kraken in times of global economic meltdown, or at the very least a more localised recession.
Let's see what they're really made of. More importantly, let's see what we're really made of.
Let's see what the 'lucky country' is really like when the luck runs bad...and the LNP is in charge.

Hmmm Sypkahn, repeating yourself...AGAIN...and then the ol' infamous "." treatment!?
Are you sure you're not coming down with the mask-wearing, stock-piling, share-shedding full-blown Caroma-Panic??
It's worse than the virus itself!!!!

Thoughts and prayers for a positive outcome.'re a nasty piece of work...
'nasty woman'

OK Donnie.

because you're contradictory, hypocritical, ip obsessed, globalisation version 2.0, neo-liberal stooge...

...sorry, but you did ask...

And Hillary is also a political has-been. Thank fuck. So why the obsession with her now...still?
Your Trumpiness has painted you into a corner, Don Quixote. Always tilting at windmills...still.
And BTW where were you when thinking people were railing against her husband and all he stood for when he was actual president?
Rocking out to Pearl Jam?
Always late to the party, huh 'edgelord'...?

"Speaking after a meeting of unions, business leaders and government on Tuesday, ACTU secretary Sally McManus told The New Daily that the pressures on casual workers were immense and could lead to workers shunning testing for the virus.
“Any response that does not stop casual workers from being financially penalised for doing the right thing, getting tested and isolating will totally fail,” Ms McManus said.
“Many will avoid getting tested and will go to work sick and this will spread the virus, especially as they are working in industries such as healthcare, retail and hospitality.”
The comments below the article are worth a read.

No doubt about that.
Though I recall seeing Christian Porter say that casuals are prepared for a lay-off because they get paid more.

cunt needs a kick
For when one interesting things thread isn't enough.