Interesting things too

Didn't some famous person once say "Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth". Could be the politicians and media weren't as corrupt and biased in his day.

I like a damn lot of Corbyn’s policies but can’t understand why he’s against Brexit.
He makes a fuss of demanding people respect the drive for independence of Scotland, Cuba and others but refuses to respect the desire of Britons restore sovereignty and to self determinate even after they’ve utilised direct democracy to insist that’s what they want.

Just more obfuscation. He’s stated previously that he wasn’t in support of it .
The people voted out .....get out of the way and let them have it. They didn’t vote for a deal Brexit or a no deal Brexit. They voted for Brexit 3 years ago and Corbyn has no intention of allowing it . He doesn’t want it , that is not in question.
Why doesn’t he want it is the question.

"The giant foreign corporations who extract the most from Australian soils and seabeds have once again paid the least in tax, dollar for dollar. Michael West reports on the fifth year of transparency data from the Australian Tax Office."
"Oil and gas majors ExxonMobil, Shell, Chevron, again paid zip in 2017-2018. Serial offender Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp, the money magicians from Brookfield, the “Giant Vampire Squid” Goldman Sachs, a bunch of coal companies and frackers again showed zero income tax payable."

That shit is criminal Stu. How do they get away with it, and maybe more importantly, why do we let them? I'm pretty passive mostly, but fuck those corporate cunts paying fuck all shits me!!

What's even more shitful Crg is that the high flyers running these thieving companies write off bucketloads of their personal tax obligations as well so the joke is a double one on all of us normal PAYG mugs. How hard can it be to have an equitable taxation system. That just might be a rhetorical question.


Don’t you think it’s intriguing that when some petty bitch or another proscribes Dunning-Kruger, cognitive dissonance or the inherent stupidity of the human race that they always seem to imagine they are exempt ?
But then again , the same dumb cunts thought that Alannis Morrisett’s song actually depicted irony.
I blame the education system. But then again , you can’t make a sculpture with clay that is prone to slump.


Funniest, most cutting, best written summary of our current predicament.
Please Read

Yawn, I see Facto is still having long conversations with himself.
Yes God gave us a nice garden to look after called earth.
We can do better.
The guy who started permaculture now works for the Princess of Jordan transforming the desert into a beautiful place.
He also said 7 billion people isn't enough workers to fully re-green the very spacious planet...We need more.
..I love that ..a positive attitude...Cup half full kinda guy.

Thanks for conversing that second link Facto. The beliefs postulated would be laughable if the article were fiction. Instead it is scary.

When in doubt, just leave it to God. What could go wrong,
"They believe that God loves humans and, ultimately, humans can do what they like with natural resources, because God will take care of the global climate."

Some interesting things I learned about our PM in the last few days, may have been overlooked in light of the fires. Hawaii was the return stopover, he went to New York for the opening of a Hillsong Church, hence the secrecy around his whereabouts. He came home a day earlier than planned. The other one was that he hired an empathy coach last year, at taxpayers expense. The guy quit the job after a short period of time.

Please tell me that none of that is true.
Particularly the empathy coach bit.

...except your proposition is fundamentally flawed...
aside from them both being desperate partisan attacks
....the impeachment of trump is a coup, manufactured by fuckwits desperately trying to hold onto power
clinton did have his cock sucked
as a result, the public aren't falling for it, it's actually working in his favour... a bugger that!
so a cute meme facto, but I believe you like to refer to it as a 'false equivelance'
clinton played with the cigar
trump did something apparently,
something exactly the same as biden, obama, and clinton did in similar circumstances,
just seems to be no one around to confirm it...
no smoking gun...
no semen-ed dress....
false equivelance...

Blowin' it is true mate, google Scott Morrison empathy coach, it's all there

stvklby insta
Steve Kilbey of 'The Church' fame re Sco Mo..

Serious question.
Is our a Prime Minister autistic ? Does he have Asperger’s syndrome ?
Or is he just a fully-blown , irredeemable cockhead ?

...all of the above...
hence the empathy coach
not even being flippant or a smart arse, this time....

seriously, I just heard the guy give another press conference, he still hasn't a clue about what people are pissed about, the man has no self awareness whatsoever
bonafide diagnosis

Sociopathic religious fundamentalist.
Never going to end well.

PvO from The Australian reporting on select journalists being removed from Bega press conference:

Rupert is going to sack PvO for sure.

Our mate Scotty has put together an outstanding propoganda piece
Just think...highly unlike him...he missed a slight utilising those mojo guys...
How do you feel...the countries hot but you got big Scott with his hands on the wheel...or something along those lines
I personally found him far more bearable whilst taking care of things from hawaii

Deleted. Link already posted in another thread.
For when one interesting things thread isn't enough.