Interesting things too

P [46] Harvest Moondance Cont...
tubeshooter is livin' the dream..thanx for the neat track...can't leave that hangin'
"Ma! Ya'll finished hooverin' tbb's Moon Boots ...
Better Hurry...coz it sounds like tubeshooter's BBQ track has fired up another Moondance race!"
One of those!

Onya tbb. Those boots were made for walking.

And just for you TBB.

Beauty of a pic, Blackers

tbb just bets Lunatics love playing the Numbers Game!
Deep into Houso research & ended up with Pyramid Ponzie Housie Scheme of Universal acclaim.
Intro Most Young crew want a house but bet on the Footy!
Lottery dreams of Retirement > Holidays > Dream Houses never ring true.
[factcheck] Lotto Players avg 60 yrs 13% retire 17% Go on Holiday 20% buy a House?
$7.8b Annual Pool Just 0.8% is invested in New Housing > 0.1% to Hospital Prize Home Raffles etc...
In other words Oz lotteries are #1 Bet for Health / Houso Crisis
All know Oz blows it's dough on Gambling...
Thought to brainwash Aussies by flicking their switches to Old school Home Lottery Draws
Also thought (Housos or Housie!) was a shit hot winning name!
Then thought ...WTF is 'Housie' @ 1530 Italian Mobsters State Lottery!
Then read about Humanitarian Court battles (vs) Home Lottery scams of all sort of subterfuge.
eg : Restricting Home lotto to Local Communities locks out underclass from contaminating posh burbs!
C'mon tbb...just how can Italian Mobsters rig Bingo Cards...that is the million dollar question!
Turns out that some Housie cards are more lucky than others...
If the mobsters could allocate batches of these Lucky Cards to da Family.
By selectively dealing these winning cards...the mobsters could win more times than not.
Huh! How can that be so tbb...surely each card of equal numbers has equal chance...
Crew ain't stupid enough to fall for that old one!
Let's Play the Numbers Game...who want's to win a sure bet!
Each of the crew are free to Choose their own Combo ...Card [1][2] Card [2][3] Card [3][4]
tbb 'n' all thought this was a trick & if given a choice...most bet on common denominators [2][3]
Too easy...Show tbb the Money!
Turns out most would blow their hard earned dough...that's bullshit tbb...(Nope!)
Card [1][2] wins 8 rounds + 2x 50% Split pools
Card [2][3] wins 4 rounds + 4x 50% Split pools
Card [3][4] wins 8 rounds + 2x 50% Split Pools
Huh! Why is that...
Well notice that Only Card [2][3] Shares Numbers & is voted least likely to pull a clean win.
Now notice [1][2] + [3][4] have unique combos, giving distinct advantage of winning in their own right!
Now apply same Party numbered Coalition Voting Cards year in year out...thinking it's a fair election
[1] ALP [2] Greens [3] NP [4] Liberal
Example...(AEC allocate their assumed random 2 PP Voting Numbers)
Same 2 Political Party winners ever fighting equally for same majority 2nd Preference Parties
Simply by AEC switching [1< >2] + [3< >4] numbers > Greens / NP win with ALP/L as minor coalition.
Country never once notices any difference as AEC mobsters switch Combos to serve either master!
Way of the world...Corrupt pollies serve up a fair choice to the plebs! (AEC Rubber Stamp!)
So what did we just learn?
Life's a Mugs Game!
Nothin' but a very simple numbers game is needed to fools the masses every time after time & again!
Friday week, Q & A, Brunswick Heads.. anyone seen it?

Great video showing two different swells cross-hatched over each other. The sets from the top left are most mesmerising..

8000 year old settlement found under eroding seabed in English channel:
"Lobsters mucking around the seabed at the site about 10 years ago revealed a cache of Mesolithic flints, prompting further excavations that uncovered two hearths (ancient ovens) dangling precariously from the edge of an underwater cliff.
Burnt wood fragments gouged with cut marks and a layer of wood chippings were found lying under 35 feet of water during the latest dig. Divers brought the material to the surface still embedded in slabs of the sea floor that were carried up in specially-designed boxes, which were then pieced back together and examined and dated in the lab.
"We now have unequivocal evidence of human activity at the site," Momber told LiveScience. "There were people here actively making stuff and being quite industrious."
At 8,000-years-old, the settlement is the only underwater Mesolithic site in Britain, though it is probably part of a much larger area of occupation yet to be uncovered, Momber said.
As the climate began to warm up near the end of the Ice Age about 10,000 years ago, people were moving into Northern Europe and settling down in the many river valleys left behind by melting glaciers, Momber explained. Many of the valleys, such as the ones now beneath the English Channel, were eventually inundated completely when temperatures returned to normal.
"A good chunk of the material left behind from this cultural period is eventually going to be found underwater," Momber said."

The great flood VJ. I would like to see some sort of doco on it. I love that stuff.

Impressive brown. Was I always rousing on my boys to stop stuffing around in the dunes “there’s some big arse snakes living there”

seeds wrote:The great flood VJ. I would like to see some sort of doco on it. I love that stuff.
seen any stuff about Doggerland, seeds? One of those cool sunken lands from that time, like the Bass Strait land bridge
here's a nice detailed doco about it

Doggerland doco:
(ha, you can buy 'swimming reindeer' repros from British Museum or Creswell Crags shop)

thanks crew, some good stuff to watch later on.
Check out the coastline maps here - does anyone else wonder what kind of waves these sunken coasts would have had? Imagine people surfing waves on bits of left over boatbuilding material 8000 years ago!

@basesix They’re into dogging big time in Great Britain. Or so I here
Thanks I’ll have a look

Those maps are great VJ. Huge difference. Doggerland right there hey. Never heard of it.
Had a watch basesix. Very interesting. All discovered by fishermen dragging up a chunk of bog in their net.

It really makes you wonder what they would find at about that depth at river deltas off the Aus coast, too!
this one not fully confirmed
nor is this one
but isn't the world full of wonders! History when I was young said there wasn't much of civilisation (ie buildings, cities etc) beyond about 5000 or 6000 years ago, look at it now
that one's above water, but was deliberately buried?!

Absolutely VJ, the world is full of wonders, good links!
Those that Graham Hancock has in his netflix doco, like bimini, and the indo stone one in ep 1, are great. He's one of these strange people that needs to create grand weirdo-stuff theories - aliens, templaresque-pyramid-cults and atlantis, but he hides that well in his netflix, by getting others to allude to that stuff, and there is value in his respect for myth-stories. He's cleverly swung his schtick to being a victim of scientists not allowing him to ask big questions, like a guy did with the Oumuamua comet>asteroid.
Google 'gereja ayam', if you don't know it, the chicken church.. When it was on the market some years ago, I was rooting for someone to suggest making it a jungle-Far-Side-Gary-Larson museum as an alternative (complimentary?) attraction to Borobudur!

I found this fascinating when I first heard of it also

that was interesting @seeds!

Zealandia looks choice as! Imagine the right handers peeling up that southern coast...

I watched Hancock's Indo documentary, that was amazing, and the use of ultrasonics to discover hidden structures and cavities in the site was cool. How old?
There's a lot of stuff you can find on YT on the methods of construction of megalitihic stone structures, examination of the post-megalithic Egyptian stones reveals the further back you go, the more advanced the stonework was. I cannot help but think they had some techniques or machines we don't know about. This might spin you out:

I'm itching to jump off the accepted archaeological version of things here...
Edit: totally want to build a house this way one day lol

And let's hear it for eccentric backyard hobbies!

Really like Graham Hancock. Interesting take on things from ancient civilizations to psychedelics.
Seems he can back up a fair bit of his theories whether correct or not. Read somewhere theory that ancient stone work was actually grounded up rocks poured into moulds as they have found human hairs and other stuff in middle of massive rocks ..
Sorry if that mentioned in vids, haven't had time to watch em yet.
Earth is an interesting place..

Holee-shit VJ! Hell yeh, what a da Vinci legend ^^
kids off school, "grandpa's gonna do something wild!'

Thank you .
I was starting to think aliens had helped them .
Very clever for you to " Find Wally ".
I loved the video .
Maybe it was done from Stonehenge , to Egypt and across to Easter Is .
People must have had too much spare time to think of this stuff .
There are easier ways to find north imho :)
Very cool , imo .

velocityjohnno wrote:I watched Hancock's Indo documentary, that was amazing, and the use of ultrasonics to discover hidden structures and cavities in the site was cool. How old?
There's a lot of stuff you can find on YT on the methods of construction of megalitihic stone structures, examination of the post-megalithic Egyptian stones reveals the further back you go, the more advanced the stonework was. I cannot help but think they had some techniques or machines we don't know about. This might spin you out:
Love this shit, the Hancock' series was really good, while i dont think you should go in thinking its gospel, its good to look at things from a different angle and consider the perspective he takes.
I will have to watch this it look's good, this stuff amazes me., i go on Egypt binges from time to time.
I cant remember if it was Hancock who claimed those small drill hole's in granite would be impossible with the tech they had, but this video shows how it can done with what they had quite simply.
Amazing how clever they were.

That was so good Indo, I think those guys have solved the drill holes and cores - their method explains many characteristics of what is found in quarry debris fields. I wonder if you did acid digests and scans of the surrounding sand you'd find spikes of copper in it still, 3000 years later?
I noticed Russian guy has the same clamps as I do. You never can have enough clamps.
You're a builder, do you see any of what they did and go 'a ha!' to yourself? I expect you'd have people you would go to to contract out certain stone work. I was a building surveyor so I can quicky assess a structure and it's type of construction/solidity/material compostion.
In my 'precision' vid above at 20 mins you will see the old kingdom vase and pot work - he details they get tiny fractions of an inch thick walls when finished with perfect symmetry and balance in even harder rocks than granite, cutting through materials that would have varied in their hardness - would love to see a reproduction vid to get that quality and precision of work!
Here's the original article that inspired a lot of this, Dunn's 1984 'Advanced Machining in Ancient Egypt'. It's a long read, but he's an aircraft engineer iirc with a long career and understood that the marks a tool leaves will give away what type of tool it was. There's some spun out stuff in Egypt's debris fields:
I became interested in this stuff after making my own rocker machine in my 20s (no internet, had to wing it on the design but achieved what everyone else seemed to get) and then became interested in the tool marks the router left in the foam and how accurately it cut curves and consistency within the curve over the length and breadth of the blank. (<1mm for mine) I learned a good machine is only as good as it's operator: where they decide to cut, how fast/slow, how good the end mills are etc. Doing CNC has only reinforced this and I do love the tool marks left in a fibreglass, perspex or timber blank after each type of run. I'm currently off chasing 0.1mm side to side accuracy and constantly thinking of ways to get that extra part of precision. So to see some of the cuts in Egyptian rock, it's so spun out.

yeh, cool as @indo! I particularly liked his plea (in the top clip) from 9:20 - 11:20, about how the internet is eroding Russian education, via poorly-educated bloggers pedaling fantasy/compelling easy-answers, undermining science.
Gawd, it'd help for the Nobs to have had a few hundred craftsmen-slaves handy - that drilling looks brutally grueling..

Also guys, check out about 39:00 to 44:00 in the 'precision' vid and let it sink in - absolutely mind blowing considering the scale, the inferred requirements of the design and tooling process, the material, and the accuracy.

Looking forward to those VJ, i'll watch em this eve, after my son's basketball tournament.

Watched pretty much all of that Precision video, its all mind boggling stuff.
And like the video points out and ive seen noted before some of the most accurate high quality craftmanship is the oldest works while much of latter work is not as good and even quite crude, its almost like two very different groups of people did the works with very different techniques.
But how did the older groups come up with such skills and why weren't these skills then passed on to latter groups?
Those vases are mind blowing, most of its mind blowing.

Conjecture: there was a day that world ended. Anyone left over from the carnage took part of the prior civilisation with them, not enough to rebuild it fully. It's in all the ancient myths (note: day of the dead/all hallows eve is coming up soon). It's in Plato's retelling of Solon visiting the sages. It's in the Younger Dryas sea level record. It's in the mass mammalian extinctions of around the same time. Whether it was an impact, nova, glacial lake or otherwise - there are competing theories. Randall Carlson's examination of the NW of the US for evidence of a great flood is compelling, the erosion speaks of a massive deluge, from memory 100m high at 160km/h over a period of an afternoon, residing over following weeks. Nothing survives that. Of particular interest is both the baktun calendar (last one ran out in 2012) and the idea in the Yugas of a 24,000ish year cycle that may be in transition now, and in the Zodiac. We're at the exact opposite of the dawn of the age of Leo when the catastrophe was supposed to happen, right now.

Why were the skills not passed on ?
Great question !
Most empires collapsed and ended up being buried .
Perhaps , as writing wasn't invented , the wonderful skills were not recorded and just lost ?
Humans seemed to have had to reinvent the proverbial wheel a few times .
Such a shame .
Also ,the lost records in the fires of so many ancient libraries eg Alexandra .

I have a question for U brainyacks , if I may ?
I don't think the earths surface is rising .
Why is everything , even just 2000 years ago , buried so deep :) ?
I know we build on top of things .
Do these "things" have to sink to keep the earths circumference , relatively , consistent ?
It does make things hard to find .
I am guessing there is a One word explanation/process , for me to google .
Lostilisation doesn't work .

Never got to see these guys, but super influential on the post punk scene. Reckon this would be worth a look

Night Sky lovers Look Up now...Aurora / Orange Moon..
Majesty all around... everyone's a winner.
Southern Skies : Aurora Australis...Xmas come early!
Central / north'east skies > see: Vivid Orange Pumpkin Moon
Blood Moon Festival times Pacific West Moon with US Halloween
Thought it was the Qld Bushfires but Japan also has a Pumpkin Moon
How about it tbb...Do we get some super obscure creepy Halloween Moon Tune..
Halloween Moon Tune.
Halloween Moon Spell
Halloween Moon Song.
If ya liked that creepy Toon's the real deal.
Pumpkin Moon Toon "TV Special" Think this is a one off...
UK/US production has weird high end fusion Tunes...kinda like rogue Disney.
For Families wanting a high brow Alt creepy Toonz Experience.

I Hope you have Stopped Wellymon

Microplastic-eating plankton may be worsening crisis in oceans, say scientists
— David Ullrich (@DavidUllrich202) November 9, 2023
A type of zooplankton found in marine and fresh water can ingest and break down microplastics, scientists have discovered. But rather than providing a solution to the threat plastics pose to aquatic…
once dropped a spanner into the trunking of an AC plant, impossible to get it
this can be seen from space

Haha what a clown. Wild ride no doubt!
ps. Who’s ever had a clean run through Coffs?
"He also appealed to a younger generation, winning the most votes of any party in the 18-35 age group."

velocityjohnno wrote:
"He also appealed to a younger generation, winning the most votes of any party in the 18-35 age group."
Lots of conservative/right wing parties getting back in around the world Italy, Sweden, Finland ,Hungary, and now the Netherlands.
Oh and NZ the other week
Decent chance USA will go back Democrats if they run Biden again.
Lot of it is driven by immigration/ refugees/ border issues and with conflict in the middle east, the whole security risk from Jihadist is likely to increase everywhere..
Australia really got a lot right in regard to our policy on discouraging and controlling uncontrolled/unregulated border entry.

indo-dreaming wrote:velocityjohnno wrote:
"He also appealed to a younger generation, winning the most votes of any party in the 18-35 age group."
Lots of conservative/right wing parties getting back in around the world Italy, Sweden, Finland ,Hungary, and now the Netherlands.
Oh and NZ the other week
Decent chance USA will go back Democrats if they run Biden again.
Lot of it is driven by immigration/ refugees/ border issues and with conflict in the middle east, the whole security risk from Jihadist is likely to increase everywhere..
Australia really got a lot right in regard to our policy on discouraging and controlling uncontrolled/unregulated border entry.
I really wouldn’t put NZ govt change anywhere near what is the reason for far right change in Europe. NZ left and right govts are far closer in ideas and practices than even AUS left and right parties.
European change is all about rising Muslim immigration not integrating into the various cultures and bringing their baggage with them.
Moby escaped again.
I'm having a bit of trouble reconciling Moby Dick and the spirit of Christmas - trying to fit the monomaniacal revenge pursuit of a white whale and peace on earth and goodwill to all. The whale is very cool though.

You can love him or hate him but you have to admit - that was a remarkable marketing move .
For when one interesting things thread isn't enough.