Interesting stuff

Udo - that closing sale was last year.

Soundings with Dane Reynolds. I'm not a podcast person but this was a great listen. Clicked out of curiousity yet listened to the end.

OK, so I've listened to a few of those Soundings podcasts now. Some are worth it, others sound more like two old friends going through the motions: yeah they give space for each other to talk but the topics are delivered with little feel or emotion.
Tony Alva was the most recent and that was full of surprises. Asked his favourite surfer and the lord of Dogtown said Torren Martyn. Was not expecting that, nor his intimate knowledge of surf history, all delivered with laser focus. Jay Adams may once have been a running partner but Alva is a vastly different personality.
Dave Parmenter was a good one too. No surprises, lot of rehearsed military allusions but thoroughly enjoyable.

Yeah, I enjoyed the Parmenter one.
He was more gracious and less polemical then I expected.

Thanks for getting me on to this podcast Stu. I liked the Barton one, don’t agree with everything he says but he’s a different kind of guy.
The story about his old man passing after saying he had the best day ever with his 3 boys had me in tears I’ve gotta say

word of the day FR

Looking forward to Tony Alva. I was a big fan in my pre teen skating days.
I was pleasantly surprised by Parmenter/Brisick. Have previously found both a bit grating, but they complemented eachother, and it was a great conversation.

ive listened to all of them and found them all to be great ,
really liked the barton one and yvon chouinard also

While on a roll VJ…..

oh no haha
Getting punk'd by Huey

9/10ths lie under the surface...

haha, and a town named 'Dildo'? FMD, not to mention Conception Bay and Dicks Cove.
The drone footage.

What an article!
"Giant phallus-shaped iceberg floating in Conception Bay surprises residents of Dildo, Canada"

The Toronto Star ran with "Dildo man captures phallic iceberg in Conception Bay/"

tubeshooter wrote:The Toronto Star ran with "Dildo man captures phallic iceberg in Conception Bay/"
And thus the internet was won.

"Frozen stiff" was the other contender. :)

Gives a new meaning to 'Blue Balls'. And about Bloody time i had a statue erected in my honour. 555

"The Donzi boat is 60-foot long, and while the swell wasn’t massive it was big enough for a comp to be held at Mavericks 30ks south on the same day last week. Peter Koff who happened to be filming surfers at Ocean Beach called it:
“A solid 15-feet. Captain Booya was drinking and gave it a full send on the outside set. You can't see the landing but I'm sure it wasn't pretty. Everyone in the boat was hurt except the driver. The hull cracked but it made it back to its dock."
"According to Boating Magazine, two Donzi models were priced at US $799k and $563k.”

Ouch, that would hurt.
And just going back to the iceberg, it wouldn't be out of place at this festival.

stunet wrote:"The Donzi boat is 60-foot long, and while the swell wasn’t massive it was big enough for a comp to be held at Mavericks 30ks south on the same day last week. Peter Koff who happened to be filming surfers at Ocean Beach called it:
“A solid 15-feet. Captain Booya was drinking and gave it a full send on the outside set. You can't see the landing but I'm sure it wasn't pretty. Everyone in the boat was hurt except the driver. The hull cracked but it made it back to its dock."
"According to Boating Magazine, two Donzi models were priced at US $799k and $563k.”
That was nuts...

Memlasurf :

EV alternative

British / western imperial democracy ;)
- upholding sovereignty, liberty, equality and freedom !
… and making the world safer and more secure ;)

frog wrote:EV alternative
I'm super interested in this. EV will never work for me. Maybe as a second, city car but there is no way that I'm taking EV to my regular country drives.

Yes, the Balfour declaration.

Electricity in South Africa
If you thought things were shithouse here, we're doing really well actually.

And speaking of EV's, Chile has it's 'Francisco D'Anconia' moment:
I can see more of this going on as people weigh up where all the lithium is/is coming from.

flollo wrote:frog wrote:EV alternative'm super interested in this. EV will never work for me. Maybe as a second, city car but there is no way that I'm taking EV to my regular country drives.
The electrification of everything is presented as a big win but to the world aspects of it will be like trying to poop a large untrimmed pineapple in terms of its economic and environmental impact - quite a lot more pain than we are being told.
Oil has been such a convenient, portable and storable energy source for many purposes - especially transport. Hydrogen can take its place more easily than pure electrification, batteries etc. Chinese battery giant CATL to supply first sodium-ion batteries to Chery EVs

velocityjohnno wrote:Yes, the Balfour declaration.
My initial thoughts too VJ. Hardly a hidden fact. This was all in the year 9 history syllabus in NSW.

So… the Balfour declaration…
(just like british intervention in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Ukraine etc.)
- was implemented democratically
- upheld sovereignty
- enhanced liberty, equality and freedom
- made the world safer and more secure
Kind of like when governments label their armies as ‘defence’ forces…
- yet they attack, invade and occupy ;)
… a year 9 level brain fails to register nor acknowledge those bits …
- hidden facts ;)

Well, it certainly did guarantee a kind of sovereignty for the Jewish people who had wandered and lived without a homeland for hundreds of years

You must have fallen asleep in that class JF.
The year 9 syllabus pretty much covered all of those things.
Post-colonialism. Skyes-Picot, geopolitics, US influence on the fading imperial powers. The impact on Palestinian sovereignty. Migration from Europe, the broken promises to the Arabs, the Kurds pretty much everyone.
And if you continued onto Modern History in years 10-12, you would have covered it in a whole lot more detail.
PS, you know I was in the ADF. If you want to insult me, find a different angle. I don’t give A flying fuck what you think about it.

No insults.
Pointing out the obvious ;)
Just like you trying to rediscover the year 9 history syllabus …
And you serving - I don’t give a fark about that - just shows how infantile you remained and reinforces that your progress beyond year 9 intelligence never occurred ;)
… or it was just for the adventure $$$
- But you keep chowing down ya hotdogs pirate boy ;)

I don’t need to rediscover the year 9 history syllabus. But it looks like you did. Who posted the gotcha clip again?
I’ve studied that subject at a bachelors, honours and postgraduate level. pretty comfortable with my ability to engage with the topic objectively.
You’re an unpleasant fellow JF. Genuinely unpleasant.

Personally, I can't remember much about post-colonialism or geopolitics etc in year nine.
I was still drawing perfect peaks in my notebooks in history class at that stage. Had no interest in it.
Plus, I had a pretty high absentee rate that year. What can I say, the 'point' just wouldn't stop pumping.

Nice work tubeshooter …
- sounds much better than trying to brag about any expertise in studying at whatever level …about anything, with whatever perceived level of comfort ;)
And… genuinely…
Cheer up pirate boy ;)

Ningaloo on ABC with TimWinton / just started.

@JF “ that - just shows how infantile you remained and reinforces that your progress beyond year 9 intelligence never occurred”
Maybe that comment invited a response. Not a brag. Maybe there’s more to life than YouTube clips?

Maybe instead of intelligence it is better served to say ‘mentality’ ;)
And… there are other options…
Cheer up tho ;)

Projecting much?

Haha … sure thing ;)
Keep hangin onto those handlebars !
- you must be one of those not unpleasant fellas ;)
Guessing the Iraqis and Afghans and everyone else attacked by our ‘defence’ guys enjoyed your pleasant projections…
Certainly pleasant when ‘liberators’ come to your house (if it hasn’t already been bombed) and smash in your doors and violently assault or kill the occupants / civilians ;)
That’d be nice if the shoe was on the other foot… it would be… liberating.
Let’s sign up for that … kewl .
Stand down pirate muppet ;)

"“If this technology goes wrong it can go quite wrong," says creator of ChatGPT
And from another article (written by the keynote speaker in the upcomingSydney Morning Herald Sydney 2050 Summit)
The unfortunate thing is this is all happening at the same time AI is being unleashed upon the world. If you think the Internet was transformative, Generative AI will be bigger.
The breakthrough was the Transformer, allowing large language models to consume large amounts of data: now 10% of the Internet, soon to be all of it. What now comes out is dark juju magic. It can answer any question, speak any language, draw illustrations indistinguishable from photographs, and is now learning to write software.
Any job that you can do, the AI can do better. At least, jobs using a computer, for now.
ChatGPT hit 100 million users in two months, the fastest in history. It currently scores in the top 1% in verbal in the GRE, for US grad school, the top 7% in the SAT for undergrad, top 10% in the Uniform Bar Exam, top 12% in the LSAT, and top 15% in advanced placement statistics, art history, psychology and biology.
Every day, the AIs sucks down more data, and every day they’re getting smarter.
Where it fails, for now, is in what we perceive as creativity. It’s hard to get ChatGPT to crack a joke that isn’t a dad joke. But as we give it more data, we’re seeing intelligent behaviours that we don’t understand and didn’t predict. Scientists are wondering if we’re starting to see sparks of artificial general intelligence. Creativity, heart and soul might just emerge.
The next biggest job for migrants is being a GP, not that we’ll need as many soon due to ChatGPT. The 8% of the population trying to wangle valium or oxycodone will be happy about that. A study comparing ChatGPT to GPs saw patients preferring the AI 79% of the time with responses four times longer, four times better quality and 10 times more empathetic.
Motor mechanics follow, which electric vehicles need less of, then accountants. I feel sorry for accountants because with OnlyFans models, AI is going to wipe them out.
Half of white collar admin jobs will go. Accounting is rule-based. There’s no room for creativity, or if you’re being creative, the government doesn’t like it.
Half of lawyers are next as, with the exception of deal making or Charles Waterstreet theatricals, most is drafting and ChatGPT can do it better. Instead of paying a lawyer $1200 an hour in 6 minute increments, ChatGPT can write an agreement, letter, patent, research, explain a case, file a suit or fight your parking ticket in seconds, for free.
Minter Ellison, Australia’s largest law firm, panicked first, “Many of our clients have really been grappling with the question of whether the billable hour is the best way to measure our value as professional advisers.” Les jeux sont faits, the game is up. Wads of legal bills annotated with “read email”, pull out template, edit, edit, pretend I did something, “teleconference with partner”, “reply to email” are over.
Frankly, software will be next and even more amenable to LLMs. I told my engineers there’s a chance in 12 months they won’t be writing code, at least not like now. They’ll move ‘up the stack’ more like a product manager, a director or producer.
Mass layoffs are coming. We’re going to see the same social displacement and upheaval that the mechanisation of agriculture caused in the 18th and 19th centuries, and mechanisation of manufacturing caused in the 20th century. Only this time it’s with the intellectual classes. The first contributed to the Long Depression of the 1870s, and the latter led to the Great Depression of the 1920s. The higher paying the job, the more vulnerable it is.
IBM just announced it’s stopped hiring and that 8,000 jobs in the next five years will be replaced by AI, including 30% of all non-customer-facing roles.
Education, our fifth biggest export, will be heavily impacted. Researchers have found that 19 of 30 jobs most likely to be wiped out are postsecondary teaching. AI can already develop a curriculum better, personalised to a student’s strengths, weaknesses, and learning style. You can now chat to your textbook, as if it were a professor. Chegg, the textbook company, saw their stock fall 48% after they admitted ChatGPT was affecting their business.

it'll be ok, stu. the long-term picture sees us returning passively, but with a heightened understanding, to the savannahs, tidal flats and forests, with only a half-memory of the colossal, diseased, self-interested dysfunction we created. just give it a millennia or so. it will all be forgotten like last year's christmas toys.
“We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
Through the unknown, remembered gate
When the last of earth left to discover
Is that which was the beginning;
At the source of the longest river
The voice of the hidden waterfall
And the children in the apple-tree
Not known, because not looked for
But heard, half-heard, in the stillness
Between two waves of the sea."
TS Eliot

Well I'm already on a paleo diet so I'm halfway there.

look to an animal's teeth to see what food it eats ; )

We may only understand when we aren’t the slave masters anymore and the tables have been turned ;)
Human nature is still geared to the concept of learning ‘after the event’ … (often the learning bit gets missed) and yet the strongest instinct lies in blaming others - and robot lord doesn’t exactly sound like a nice prospect for anybody…
This is modern day frankenstein ideology.
- mixed in … and accommodated by (and also fuelled by) an orwellian environment of fear spliced with purported promises of technological enhancement and freedom.
It is robot lord of the flies ;)
Not sure what is the scarier part - the AI bit or the proposed government regulation of it…
It’s all almost too convenient - and we may not even have allowed for the choice for it all to be forgotten ;)
- interesting stuff.
Have it cunts