Andrew Chan - Myuran Sukumaran

Daverave, this energy that disappears/changes frequency or vibration, do you think that'is the the frequency of vidrating strings in string theory? And have they ever measured these frequencies in string theory or are they still just theory?
And if all that is way off track, the energy loss of a body they can measure, can they detect thus change you ate talking about? Or is that theory too?

davetherave wrote:Morris says,"Yes Master!
Can you please help Sheepdog.
Thats Masterbater Morris-trademark (TM)
sheepdog is beyond help- he is a saint kilda fan!
I will refer him to Mrs Palmer and her five daughters Morris. Maybe u and shaun could use some help as well, nothing better than a hands on therapy session.
Careful dave I'm a saints supporter also...ohhhhhhhh

Sheepdog wrote:shaun wrote:Can't help yourself can you. Yeah, I do surf and not piddly Queensland waves, haven't smoke anything for over 30 years, yup that's right ,I did it solely for the money.
So you cashed in on the drugs.... I think the heading should be changed to Andrew Chan - Myuran Sukumaran -Shaun.....
With your experience in dealing drugs, you could've brought something constructive to this debate, instead of accusing people of supporting dealing, or accusing people of having 2 identities... Now lets see if you can "help yourself"..... Have you got anything say in regards to the situation these two blokes find themselves in, or will this be the longest shitfight in swellnet history... Cos I'm not going anywhere, shaun....
Yeah we know your not going anywhere, high horses don't have real legs. You never answered the question did you, How many time in your lifetime have you walked out (or been carried) of a public bar with a broken nose?

brutus wrote:davetherave wrote:Morris says,"Yes Master!
Can you please help Sheepdog.Thats Masterbater Morris-trademark (TM)
sheepdog is beyond help- he is a saint kilda fan!
I will refer him to Mrs Palmer and her five daughters Morris. Maybe u and shaun could use some help as well, nothing better than a hands on therapy session.
Careful dave I'm a saints supporter also...ohhhhhhhh
You know I was joking about you in the shaping room with high heels Brutus, now I know your a saints supporter you've ruined it anyway.

shaun wrote:Sheepdog wrote:shaun wrote:Can't help yourself can you. Yeah, I do surf and not piddly Queensland waves, haven't smoke anything for over 30 years, yup that's right ,I did it solely for the money.
So you cashed in on the drugs.... I think the heading should be changed to Andrew Chan - Myuran Sukumaran -Shaun.....
With your experience in dealing drugs, you could've brought something constructive to this debate, instead of accusing people of supporting dealing, or accusing people of having 2 identities... Now lets see if you can "help yourself"..... Have you got anything say in regards to the situation these two blokes find themselves in, or will this be the longest shitfight in swellnet history... Cos I'm not going anywhere, shaun....
Yeah we know your not going anywhere, high horses don't have real legs. You never answered the question did you, How many time in your lifetime have you walked out (or been carried) of a public bar with a broken nose?
Got coward punched at school once when I was sitting down.... Still put up a good fight, even though I was groggy as fuck... Then went and worked on the prawn trawlers up the cape..... Welly has seen my head... Still got all my teeth, shaun..... Used to spar with rave at the boxing club in Cairns northern beaches.... He was there when I totalled that big mother fucker conrad, the torres straight islander....
So, in final, nahh mate, never had a broken nose.....
Now, when are you gonna man up and say you were wrong re' my being supportive of drug dealing, you know, your "joke" that started all of this?

If I said what you want me to say , then I would be lying just to please you, so na.

Well, you would be showing everyone that you are a decent bloke who owns up.... But thats cool.... Have a good weekend shauny....

sypkan wrote:Daverave, this energy that disappears/changes frequency or vibration, do you think that'is the the frequency of vidrating strings in string theory? And have they ever measured these frequencies in string theory or are they still just theory?
And if all that is way off track, the energy loss of a body they can measure, can they detect thus change you ate talking about? Or is that theory too?
spykan. knowledge becomes available when a species reaches a certain level of awareness. Currently humanity operates at a relative based consciousness where contrast is the emphasis. Until humanity embraces the FACT that all of us, including all living things are ONE Family being supported by a BIOSPHERE, that level of knowledge regarding the resonance and oscillation of energy transformation is not available to us. HUmans still kill each other, 20% of the population own most of the wealth, while others starve and are homeless etc etc- humans do not share, they do not realise that if one part of humanity goes without, all parts of humanity will at some stage and in some way go without as well.
Hence we do not possess the technology to measure this energy as it does not discriminate as it sees all beings as just as important. THis energy is the LIfeforce and it permeates EVERYTHING, but it is invisible, it cannot be measured, it can only be experienced. Object referral consciousness is when you are searching or designating things outside yourself as the meaning of your life, how you define yourself, you think it is who u really are, but how long does this experience last??? Self referral consciousness means you accept the lifeforce lives in you and is in fact you and when you focus on this you come to realise your connection to all. You dont go without but you gain as you vibrate faster and start to experience things more amazi\ngly. LIfe becomes easier as co incidences seem to happen all the time because the lifeforce frequency using the law of attraction only magnetizes things that bring you joy. String theory is one physical attempt to understand this just as the internet is a physical representation of the universal mind.
Go ahead and try to find the God Particle Spykan, go find the Higgs Boson Particle, but remember it already is alive in you- say g'day to it, you will be pleasantly suprised. Our Science is still in infancy and the truth is they know less than what they dont know. THis is not a theory, it is an experience. Whirl round like a whirling dervish and get a taste. Everything is vibrating/spinning, feeling good vibrates you fast, feeling angry makes you vibrate slower. The universe responds to how you feel, so feel stoked my friend, life loves u.

Sheepdog wrote:Well, you would be showing everyone that you are a decent bloke who owns up.... But thats cool.... Have a good weekend shauny....
Go and have a bex and a lie down, maybe stop talking about your employees like they are something stuck to the bottom of your shoe and performance levels may rise.

sypkan wrote:Daverave, this energy that disappears/changes frequency or vibration, do you think that'is the the frequency of vidrating strings in string theory? And have they ever measured these frequencies in string theory or are they still just theory?
And if all that is way off track, the energy loss of a body they can measure, can they detect thus change you ate talking about? Or is that theory too?

sypkan wrote:Daverave, this energy that disappears/changes frequency or vibration, do you think that'is the the frequency of vidrating strings in string theory? And have they ever measured these frequencies in string theory or are they still just theory?
And if all that is way off track, the energy loss of a body they can measure, can they detect thus change you ate talking about? Or is that theory too?

Nice one Dave, and totally agree, but looking for more concrete answers ( I know that's the problem too from your post), I thought you could combine the hard science with the hippy science, maybe not. Nice work anyway. Have you read much about synchronicity? A good book called ' West of Jesus' talks about all this stuff in a surfing context, a good easy read. Probably too simple for your complicated mind though. Do you have a formal science or sociology background? You seem to have both, you seem kinda self taught. But didnt ypu have some crazy physics thing going on for a while?
You can stop answering my questions whenever you've had enuf, as I have too many. I won't be offended

udo wrote:So they were busted with 8kgs of big H.......from the golden triangle...probably about 90% pure ....
How many kgs of the 8kgs were destroyed ? how much went to the streets of Kuta or Jakarta to be sold ?
Yeah sadly ironic that catching them most likely only meant the shit ended up on the streets of Indo istead of OZ, id like to think not, but maybe that would be very naive considering we are talking about Indonesia.

Geeez, now its looking like these guys might actually get off, well avoid death penalty. Not sure if its good or bad but stuff is changing.

Really, why's that? You never know with politicians in charge do you, how long does freedom of information last for, be interesting to read the files on this one.

Yeh just not good when governments change their mind through intimidation, would be really interesting to read the Indonesian files

Indo goverment is way smarter than ours, they'd shred their files at the end of each working day.

sypkan wrote:Geeez, now its looking like these guys might actually get off, well avoid death penalty. Not sure if its good or bad but stuff is changing.
Why would you think that?
The hold up is not really related to their case, although they probably are waiting for their case to be heard, other wise Australia will whinge that it wasn't fair and they never waited.
The hold up is more to do with the other cases as most of them are getting judicial reviews of some sort this week
IMO there is more chance of one of the others getting off like the one from Brazil who has a mental illness as your not suppose to put to death people with mental illnesses.
Indonesia is not going to care anyway with all the media focus it doesn't hurt waiting another week or two.

Just seems like the indos were more determined before, apparently now its being challenged at different levels, and the indos are listening more. Yeh Mr Brazil probly has more chance, though I wonder how legit his mental illness is, doesn't everyone have mental illness in the modern context?
Yeh the indos won't be fazed by any delays, they thrive in waiting...whatever the reason....while the aussies will be wigging out with any minor delay.

I just think now its such a big issue they are treading a bit more carefully making sure all the appeals etc are finished otherwise those countries will really get shitty with them.
Hard to know what to believe though, the whole time through this issue the different media i read say almost completely the opposite things to each other every time, one put big positive slants on things while the other big negative slants.

sypkan wrote:Nice one Dave, and totally agree, but looking for more concrete answers ( I know that's the problem too from your post), I thought you could combine the hard science with the hippy science, maybe not. Nice work anyway. Have you read much about synchronicity? A good book called ' West of Jesus' talks about all this stuff in a surfing context, a good easy read. Probably too simple for your complicated mind though. Do you have a formal science or sociology background? You seem to have both, you seem kinda self taught. But didnt ypu have some crazy physics thing going on for a while?
You can stop answering my questions whenever you've had enuf, as I have too many. I won't be offended
thanks mate, sypkan my point is that these concrete answer cannot be made available to humanity until they grow their consciousness. look what they did when the discovered how to split the atom? The energy you are talking about can blow up or erase a physical dimension if used for EVIL- spell it backwards- yes evil is live-ing backwards which is valid in a physical manifestation, especially one like a kindergarten, the third dimension is. The Global Coherence Initiative and Dean Radin from the Institute of Noetic Sciences and the Heart Math Institute are conducting researching in these fields but the ancient Indians/Sanskrits have much research on it. Western medicine dont want to touch it as it will mean they will have to re-question an awful lot of their foundation principles..
But yes the energy, the electromagnetic sheaths that surround the mind body, the emotional body and the electromagnetic body that interacts with planet earth do re configure themself as does the awareness that lived as you. The real you cannot die, you will re incarnate again as whatever you choose and in your transition you will be completely supported, guided, comforted and loved regardless of how big a bastard you were down here, but you will get shown how you impacted overs and assisted to remember how to be a friendlier, kinder, caring being next time, unless of course you are chosen to go and play an antagonist in someone else's life. You will soon know this because you will end up on a swellnet forum- ha ha- just taking the piss fellas-enjoy your sunday. There is no such thing as space, it is teeming with pre intelligent invisible energy- that the physics i know.

Did anyone read "snowing in bali"?
Well apparently in the last lot of executions the other month the main character got death, now that guy sure deserved it.

Wow yeh I read it in a sumatran surf camp, great fun in an indonesian context, especially when u hook up with some young crew and go party with them in bali afterwards, good times. I thought it was a good book, and despite bindboys negative review, a pretty good summary of events. Im surprised the main character got done, he did quite an impressive escape across Indonesia on the chicken bus, no mean feat, especially for one acustomed to the coke high life. He was one smart dude, I guess karma catches us all.....eventually.
Which is what daves on about, thanks for your info/ideas dave. I hate to raise religion, but do you follow any formal religion?

I read about twenty pages of it. I'm a pretty notorious snobby arsehole when it comes to books, and after reading the introduction and a few more pages I knew it was going to be a poorly written book about an interesting subject. She pumped out three books on the drugs in Bali thing in a short time and just about every flight I get to Bali from Australia has at least 10 people reading it on the plane who become instant experts on the Bali drug trade and the Indonesian legal system.
I'm in Indo at the moment and have a conversation about the executions about twice a day which usually goes like;
'Hey Australian bloke (that's me), what do you think of the executions?'
'Not much. I don't agree with the death penalty but it seems like more of a political problem than anything else. What about you?'
'Yep, pretty much the same. ' (End of conversation).

You know i never thought John Howard ever had anything to say that was worth listening too, but i read this today and i think he said it perfectly in 2006 and there still words of wisdom today .
"Can I just say to every young Australian, please take notice of this. I even beg them not to take the terrible risks that these young people have done – their lives destroyed in the case of two people. I feel desperately sorry for the parents of these people, I do ... but the warnings have been there for decades and how on earth any young Australian can be so stupid as to take the risk is completely beyond me."
— Australia's prime minister, John Howard, quoted following the news of the death penalty, February 2006.

That probably sums it up, no one deserves to die, but the signs were there. I wonder if Johnny would hold that stance if he were in abbots shoes right now. Didn't like Howard myself ,but he did play the people well.

sypkan, formal religion is for people who are searching for the meaning of their existence and life's existence. It is what it is, but it places the lifeforce as being something seperate to you. There is only one thing, life, so you are one part of that. everything you see has been created and continually created by this lifeforce- including you. Now this lifeforce that has no shape/form in its original existence, wanted to experience all the things in conceptualised about itself, So within it, it created physical rea;ities so it could actually experience it's conceptualisations, You are one physical messenger, as is all things, WE are all continually sending information/experience back to this original creative lifeforce- which knows all things. This relationship is two way, u send information and it sends information to you- but u have to ask it and then be prepared to hear or feel the communication. It sounds out there, but this original creative lifeforce adores us, warts and all, but to have an amazing life one must make a choice to have this communication/ relationship as your top priority. In my experience i have gained so much and instead of getting cranky at the "madness" at human kind, I laugh and send them good vibes.
BUt each to their own, do what makes you feel good, cause in the end you will see just how special your human experience has been, even if it didnt go the way you wanted it too. The great news is that you will get another chance to come back and have another go if you want- maybe you can come back and be the pope!!!!!! lol or they talk about you as the new gabriel john john slater.

I should have said good story rather good book. But im not smart enough to be a book snob.
Yeh I remember that being one of the less ridiculous things Howard said, but people do stupid things for stupid reasons, like money, greed, desperation..youthful exuberance (chemical induced or not). I only caught the end of it, but it seems there was a period there where it seemed not so stupid and you could do just about whatever you wanted in bali. That innocence is long gone.

daverave,electromagnetic energy oscillating!!groovy 4th dimensional frequency
i've been talking to my object referral consciousness and my self referral conscience and they told me to get ahold of my lifeforce.together we3have united me 2share the universal knowledge that"nobody is perfect and i am nobody".....there4 I is..........transcendental tube time dude!

dave sounds like your describing Buddhism. is that not a formal religion? Maybe I should have asked do you follow a recognised religion?
Formal physics training? I heard a physucs lecturer say the modem concepts of physics appear to be close to Buddhism.

ssypkan, there are commonalities in all religions. Siddartha Gautama has been described as one of the worlds greatest physicists. So take all the good points that resonate with you from all religions and even drunks on the street. The secret is to find concepts and practices that work for you. So no, I wouldnt say I am a Buddhist, but I like a few of their ideas. Dont get caught up in labels as they are a limited way and we are continually expanding as we grow. I would say I am David the verb expanding and growing with a dedication to the lifeforce and embracing its knowledge and guidance in being a human that knows i am supported and loved and have been given the gift of an expamded conciousness. This automatically gives you the desire to help and share with others and lets you see how things really work including a level of physics currently beyond human conciousness. But humanity must be allowed to grow at their own rate, to interfere is to break free will and this is not how the lifeforce works as it knows destruction and death is not real, all things can be created and even something valuable can be learned by an experience that humanity would call disastrous.
Sorry to be so long winded, but your enquiry needed clarification and if you are committed and ask, u will find in your own way abetter way to experience being human, remember u are a spirit having a human experience, you cannot die, your body will be recycled to the elements of physicality, but u will move on to even more wonderful cosmic adventures. sypkan, all is well, be kindness and send it to those you see need it and having an attitude of gratitude draw good things to you,
Namaste,,,, the lifeforce in me honours the lifeforce in you. Have a great day and a great life.

troppo dichotomy wrote:daverave,electromagnetic energy oscillating!!groovy 4th dimensional frequency
i've been talking to my object referral consciousness and my self referral conscience and they told me to get ahold of my lifeforce.together we3have united me 2share the universal knowledge that"nobody is perfect and i am nobody".....there4 I is..........transcendental tube time dude!
troppo , good stuff, i love humour
everyone is perfect because they are relaying information back to the creative lifeforce. Human conciousness may not think so because they are caught up in the reality of relativity/duality. Good and bad, right and wrong, sane and insane, sexy and ugly. And Thats okay, we are here to be human but some of us are waking up to the fact that we are one. Space shuttle photo's show that we are all living in one biosphere. Just like your body, you want to care for all of it if you want to feel good and have a good life. But we still see ourselves as seperate from each other and the body of humanity is not working and functioning fully, hence we arent fit and healthy. Remember, the planet is surrounded by an electromagnetic shield and our bodies send messages through electrical charges. All these electrical signals have frequences hence they all are connected with this electromagnetic field and vibrate with resonance that the lifeforce interprets as information.
How you define yourself is up to you, free will troppo, and i hope u get heaps of tube time and as for transcendence, well it can happen at anytime, but enjoy being human and if you choose object referral you will find yourself feeling good, bad, sad and mad, but when you choose self referral thinking and feeling you will truly realise and feel how great you and life really is. You will develop an attitude of gratitude if u so choose.
Go get a good tube and you will get a glimpse of what i am writing about, all is well troppo, be happy and thankful regardless of what the 3d world presents.
It is a dichotomy, you think you are seperate to other aspects of life, but in reality you are totally united to life. That makes u perfect just as you are , even if you think otherwise.

Ahh dave, so your a Hindu? No shinto? No a bahai? Animist? No Ive got it, a matrix missionary. Sorry I'll stop with the labels now. Yeh I like this all religions are good idea, its just the Christians and Muslims that have fucked that up. While your posts may be long winded and convoluted, I think i get it and I see stuff pretty much as you do.
But I do think its kind of just the ziierghiest and sometimes related cop out of the modern world. I am sure one as enlightened as you practices some modesty and eco friendly ways. But when I hear of big Hollywood stars etc. spruiking Buddhism and the like I can't help but think there is nothing simple, frugal or modest about their practices when you look at their high consumption lifestyles, this is also the case for successful and well to do surfers etc. I meet on my travels, but hey each to their own, and who am I to judge? And if I don't judge and keep my zen, we usually get along real well and learn a lot from each other. I particularly like how you said we can even learn from drunks, there is often a lot of wisdom behind a miserable existence. I work with the peoplw nobody wants, very difficult to remain positive, but when you break through these peoples defence mechanisms there is lots to learn and gain from these people.
I liked Michael Gorbachev's answer when I saw him asked about religion. He said, I believe in the power of the universe.
Nice work Dave,
Namaste my friend

Dave can I be so crass as to ask, what do you think of porn?

daverave i knew u'd awnser the subject of religion the way u done did!dude-ism above buddhism,attitude of gratitude!sweet
now lets return to the lower vibratory realm here on earth.i have spent sometime in indo.been to their cockfights,stickfights,ceremonies.partied with police,military,military police,mafia n everday citizens.i love indo and have learned alot up there.some good,some bad.
sometimes societies need help in evolving.managing trash,how to drive,compassion.
sharing your knowledge is the key to enlightenment!
i'm cool with the death penalty.rite time,rite place,rite crime.
killing these guys after 10years in prision aint cool bottom line!inside all that time with glimmer of hope then dragg them out for the firing squad.torture aint cool dude!
manifest destiny,karma,return of the messiah?????.....
incarnated criminals have us questioning the fabric of our society!
now we have a massive public outcry,conscientious objection.
for every action there is an equal and or greater reaction.
time to draw a line in the sand.get up!stand up!making the world a better place starts with u n me.let those with eyes see,let those with ears hear,let those with voice speak with reason and lead us from the darkness....................

sypkan wrote:Dave can I be so crass as to ask, what do you think of porn?
its part of life so it's valid, so i accept it, but i much prefer to run my hands and tongue over a goddess and watch and hear her live in ecstasy. Sex is a natural part of life it is only when it is done by force and without consent and with children who are not ready to face the consequences of the act. Sex to me is a celebration, a union of beings who are showing their acceptance of each other. it is a highly spiritual experience, whereas porn seems to be at a level of physicality with no real heart connection, In your esoteric terms, real sex ignites all chakras, while porn acts only ignite the lower three. But it is part of life so it's valid, you can choose to like it or not-free will. WE live in a world of contrast, when you condemn the "badness" you cannot fully appreciate the wholeness. You dont have to like it or agree with it, but accept, bless it, send it loving energy and focus on the things that bring you joy.

troppo dichotomy wrote:killing these guys after 10years in prision aint cool bottom line!inside all that time with glimmer of hope then dragg them out for the firing squad.torture aint cool dude!
Don't blame the ten years on the Indonesian government, Blame the laywers and bleeding hearts that said we can appeal this and that on very slim technicality's.

good point morris.i was saying if u gonna kill em do it quick.!
i only blame the smugglers.i understand Widodo's point of view,its totally valid.
i watch indo tv,everyday there's donkeys@airport getting busted!poor,desperate,unlucky, greedy,arogant, stupid ect....
drugs and alcohol are here to stay.its part of the game if u take em or not,they're here,there,everywhere.
we all know drugs n alcohol can be a problem for illness.its the drunk never blame the drink.
prohabition didnt work.opium wars,war on drugs all failures.killing the donkey smugglers doesnt work.
the cycle continues.time for a new aproach

I don't think there is a solution and the cycle will never end, a newer drug just comes along which was invented to help people live longer. Drugs are invented to save lives so people can live longer, ironically causing the earth to be over populated and imploding on it's self. The good news is that the earth keeps on gong without mankind to fuck it up.:-)

The thing with drugs for me is there not bad if used in moderation, its that age period of about 16 to 21 that is real dangerous, at that age i was pretty much willing to give anything a go if my friends did and if it was available, and i had some friends that treated drugs like a hobby or obsession, if it was available they would try it, anything and everything even weird things, the danger is at that age if use a real addictive drug and like it like Heroin you could easily screw up your life, in those years a few of my friends ended up in cyco wards and one ended up becoming a smack addict, she was a fairly good friend but i don't keep in contact with her and she burnt all her friends even her best friends, last i heard she is still alive but still a smack addict 15 years after hey started (after already doing ever other drug from the age of 13)

It's good to hear that these two drug king pins have changed there life around after being in jail for 10 years waiting for there're executions, I wonder if they would have given 2 shits about the other seven if they had have been given the death sentence! If they had of made it back to Australia without being caught, they would have continued selling heroin to other Australians and arranging other couriers to travel to other Asian countries to collect drugs on their behalf. These 2 new the risks they were asking of the other 7 and I find it incredulous that they would think that they deserve any clemency for changing their lives around. The only ones we should feel sorrow for are their family members, as far as those two are concerned, they will get what they should get!

I couldn't find the article but found this, told you Indo holds the ace, if this happened it would be good-bye Tony
"Indonesia could release 10,000 asylum seekers to Australia if Canberra continues to antagonise the republic over the execution of the Bali nine duo, an Indonesian minister has warned."

indo-dreaming wrote:"Indonesia could release 10,000 asylum seekers to Australia if Canberra continues to antagonise the republic over the execution of the Bali nine duo, an Indonesian minister has warned."
"Your move, Mr Bond."

I noticed in the Indonesian press a few weeks ago Indonesia detained two big lots of asylum seekers that came in through both Medan and Padang and were said to be on there way to Xmas island (indonesia has something like 11 detention centres) at the time, i thought what the hell is Indonesia up too, i thought they generally just let them pass through into west Java etc.
But maybe this was/is part of a back up plan/warning if need, kinda like how a garden hose that only has a small trickle when kinked can build up pressure and once when let go, let out a flood of water.
Edit: yeah it was 170 Somalians and 23 from Myanmar and Bangladesh, i posted the links in another thread 3 weeks ago

Well the clock is ticking 72 hours notice from yesterday (Sat arvo)
You do have to really wonder what these fools were thinking when they walked past the signs in Denpasar airport "Death for drug smugglers"????
I know many feel sorry for them or feel it is unjust, but sorry to me they knew the deal and were basically playing russian roulette holding a loaded gun to their own heads hoping the odds were in their favour.
Anyway the good news is there was once a time when many people did not know the harsh penalties Indonesia has for drugs, thanks to the Sharpelle and the Bali nine i don't think there would be an Aussie over 15 that doesn't know, and the good news is since these people got caught ten years ago, no other big Aussie bust have happened and I believe there is no more Aussies on death row in Indonesia.
Hopefully that will continue and people will take notice of the consequences and just as important that there is no second chances, and no amount of legal wrangling, pubic campaigns even government threats are going to make a difference, hopefully people will take note and not roll the dice with their life's, and well if they do as harsh as it sounds IMO they will only get what they deserve.

As Australians we object the death penalty. To punish someone by death is to murder someone. It doesn't matter where on the planet it happens the death penalty is never an acceptable punishment for any crime let alone one with no violent intent.
In Bali it is common to be offered drugs in full view of police, correction, the police are closely watching because they are a part of the deal. In most developed countries that is called entrapment and the police would be the ones with the case to answer.
If you do want to get mashed up you can buy as much ephedrine, magic mushrooms and alcohol that as you like, tidak masala. If its not legal it might as well be it is advertised pretty openly.
That combo can send you about as far from reality as you can get.
The penalties for drug trafficking just don't equate with the penalties for violent crimes and the reality is that in indo you could have enough drugs in your pocket to give an army a heart attack no worries at all walk down the street no worries. If you are caught with enough weed to mildly effect one person you could have a big problem.
if you get busted by a dodgy cop - very good odds, you would need to pay his price and leave quickly and the nightmare would be no more than a dented wallet instead of a dented life.
It just makes no sense and when the punishment is as extreme as death I feel it is necessary as an Australian to protest.
I oppose the executions of these two Australians, my thoughts are with you yes you fucked up but no one deserves this.

I oppose the executions sickaz, just as I oppose the death penalty everywhere but I think the public sympathy generated for these two is misplaced. They are despicable profiteers on human misery. The death penalty degrades all involved in it but for me, they could rot in a stinking dungeon for the rest of their natural lives. Forgiveness? Rehabilitation? Not for 18kg of heroin.
Could be executed by firing in around 7 days.