Andrew Chan - Myuran Sukumaran

I'll give you 28 to 1 we have the reincarnation of Big Wayne!

Rabbits68 wrote:Alcohol is the biggest "elephant in the room" in this country. But should a politician dare to broach the subject, well, the end of their political life would be fast tracked. Good one Australia!!
Yeah domestic violence is rife with Booze , and both ways even the girls get stuck in ....
But i can guarantee that 90 % of spousal and ex partner murders are carried out by people with psychological damage by " hard drugs " and paranoia from years of abuse of everyones favourite soft drug ... the green ...

all forms of abuse are attempts to change one;s consciousness level and all the threads here contain very valid points, but the fact remains that if an action takes away from another persons quality of life, it isnt something that grows a population in a harmonious empowering way, Whatever issue, the only question is who am i in regards to this issue. Most forms of drugtaking, alcohol use, are forms of escapism from an issue to one does not want to acknowledge and those that try to make money out of it are caught up in object referral consciousness. People do not want to take responsibility for their mental and emotional states so they project frustration/angst on others, ie, people, institutions, laws etc etc . THey also deep down come from a place of low self esteem and need to be seen as being in control or being seen as important. This is ecocentricity gone mad and causes dysfunction/disease and disharmony. Until human beings accept their authenticity, uniqueness and find peace in being themself in the wondrous thing called life, human society will always have conflict and dysfunction as people sacrifice peace to be right, to know better than the next person and falsely believe their way is the best way for everyone. The executions are just as much for political machinations as for making an example and the lesson is a good one for all of us- take responsibility for your actions and if you put greed before peoples welfare, sooner or later, it will be your welfare that gets called into question.
I dont like anyone getting killed, but sometimes a small sacrifice can send out a message that can help future generations, I send my thought to the families, but let us learn, lets not disrespect and lets not deal with products that has, can and will destroy peoples lives. Our children deserve us to guide them ,and the facts are obvious, heroin cause more problems than it helps.
Abuse of drugs and alcohol are causing so much pain in our communities, the real question is whether we as a group have the courage to do something about it. FRee will also means acting in a way the has full evidential support that shows these issues are not adding value to our lives.

Davetherave, I owe you an apology as in an earlier post I said that you were just another character made up by sheepdog to be agreeable to him, your obviously not , sorry Dr. Dave T. Rave.
Some of the things toy say make sense Dave and the rest just honestly sounds like pretentious clap trap(-:no offense meant:-) The problem is Dr.Rave is your average Joe Lunchbox does not understand what your on about cause your highfalutin writing just make their eyes glaze over and Joe is most likely the one with the problems you talk about.

Yes Shaun, I think your right he is definitely not his Oneness.

thats okay shaun and morris, i dont expect most to understand as their consciousness is object referral based rather than self referral based. If u were to contemplate what i say you might then have to question your belief system which is a construct of your conscious mind or ego as this may mean you may realise that your identity is a construct based on socialisation, learned belief patterns and is more reactional than creative thinking, But thats okay, i rather enjoy your humour and the entertainment you provide stimulates me, but please be aware, i have no interest in what other perceive of me, whether they like, dislike or disregard me means absolutely nothing to me. My only interest is that you are happy with your understandings and if this truly is the case, u dont care what anyone else thinks, say or does. U dont have to convince anyone of anything because u know all is valid, but u are comfortable with your own perception regardless.

Well there you go... Shaun now accuses people of having two accounts.... I knew drug abuse causes paranoia.... Shaun, if you think I give a fuck what a self confessed drug dealer with no remorse like yourself and his gimp morris think of my character, you are more delusional than I thought... But that happens after years of brain abuse....Let's see... Holier than thou... No remorse re' bad deeds... Can't apologize... Can't let it go...I think we have an undiagnosed psychopath...
Get back to the bongs, Shaun...
Really was an interesting show of force by the Indonesian forces.... Selfies with the doomed... Fighter jet escorts.... A circus....

davetherave wrote:thats okay shaun and morris, i dont expect most to understand as their consciousness is object referral based rather than self referral based. If u were to contemplate what i say you might then have to question your belief system which is a construct of your conscious mind or ego as this may mean you may realise that your identity is a construct based on socialisation, learned belief patterns and is more reactional than creative thinking, But thats okay, i rather enjoy your humour and the entertainment you provide stimulates me, but please be aware, i have no interest in what other perceive of me, whether they like, dislike or disregard me means absolutely nothing to me. My only interest is that you are happy with your understandings and if this truly is the case, u dont care what anyone else thinks, say or does. U dont have to convince anyone of anything because u know all is valid, but u are comfortable with your own perception regardless.
Yes Master!
Can you please help Sheepdog.

Sheepdog wrote:Well there you go... Shaun now accuses people of having two accounts.... I knew drug abuse causes paranoia.... Shaun, if you think I give a fuck what a self confessed drug dealer with no remorse like yourself and his gimp morris think of my character, you are more delusional than I thought... But that happens after years of brain abuse....Let's see... Holier than thou... No remorse re' bad deeds... Can't apologize... Can't let it go...I think we have an undiagnosed psychopath...
Get back to the bongs, Shaun...Really was an interesting show of force by the Indonesian forces.... Selfies with the doomed... Fighter jet escorts.... A circus....
Good boy Sheepdog, take another deep breathe, let it all out. Good boy, Sit! Relax on your mat,stay.

You were up early today gimp boy.... Shaun says fetch.....

Always up early, Shaun has got me the gig to do the morning surf report in Gippsland, it's not what you know it's who you know.

Shaun says touch your toes, gimp.... Now touch your toes like a good little chester....

Morris says,"Yes Master!
Can you please help Sheepdog.
Thats Masterbater Morris-trademark (TM)
sheepdog is beyond help- he is a saint kilda fan!
I will refer him to Mrs Palmer and her five daughters Morris. Maybe u and shaun could use some help as well, nothing better than a hands on therapy session.

awesome!gr8 reading gentlemen.totally off topic.scratching ,hissing,hair pulling.....
daverave!u are da man!!please keep posting.that was some morpheous matrix gospel....object referral consciousness??always wondered how the universe worked?thanks that explains everthing....

Yesdave, Mrs Shaun plays all five daughters in stockings and heels, little does she know her outfit makes me think of Brutus in the shaping room with a curvy 6'8",usually gets me over the line, if you know what I mean.

lol dave.... took the easy option back at school and decided to follow a power club - hawthorn... even though he's a cockroach.... Warwick Cappas sydney swans just didn't do it for him... Dave found him sexy, but dave likes being on top....
Pretty sure you chose Manly in the league, and Man u in the soccer...... At least my beloved redcliffe came good in the long run davo ;)

yes troppo, unless you accept the dichotomy of relativity in a physical world/universe, you will never be at peace. the key is too accept the bad as being a contrast tool so one can identify as its relative opposite. Everything from total perfection to total imperfection exists and rather than judging or condemning, when one appreciates the contrasting elements it allows the choice of your desire. Just because your right handed, doesnt mean you condemn your left hand as bad, you thank it for allowing you to be right handed. The executions of the Bali Nine executions show us the importance choice we make not to be greedy, break country's laws and value the freedom of life conducting ourselves in a way that does not harm others. Remember, only their bodies will die, the lifeforce will live on. WE as a community and a species have decided drug abuse and profiteering are no longer something we want in our lives, especially impacting children's future. Sometimes a shock is needed to get the message across and the Balinese and Indonesians are sick of people disrespecting their culture and way of life. Let those who have eyes see and those that ears hear.

lol dave.... took the easy option back at school and decided to follow a power club - hawthorn...
first game of afl i saw was 76 final when roos beat the hawks, an old lady had just knitted me a woollen jumper in hawthorn colours. i hated it until i saw the footy and then i became a superstar in the backyard.
tucky was the man and now a cowboy supporter of course as i worked up pass coen and saw the kids go from sniffing petrol to plying footy in creekbed with matty bowen shirts on, but i have a soft spot for Knights as i did my thesis at uni working for them. hodgeys the man, go the hawkies and cowboys.

So you're now a cowboy supporter that was a manly supporter who has a soft spot for Newy.... Always knew you were an each way bet, Davo.... Had an inkling when you wiped out at ratshit, landed bum first on your fin, and smiled......... ;p

the death penalty is being used as a propaganda tool by indonesia to send out a message to the world but mainly to the indonesian people about how powerful the govt is and making a statement to the world. i also believe it is a payback of sorts for australia condemning indonesia about the boat people and getting them to spend money for australia's sake. politics always has casualties and in this case its the drug dealers which strengthens indonesian laws and gets them worldwide publicity focusing on justice. it will be a powerful barganing tool for future international relations and human rights

ewwwww!!!!!! That's disgusting!!!!!!! You always push it too far.....

And they call it! Puppy Love.
The story of a dogs un dieing love for his masterbater.

mehhhh......lame..... try again.....

Sheepdog wrote:ewwwww!!!!!! That's disgusting!!!!!!! You always push it too far.....
cant remember who your league team is, but i bet you are happy that the left quicks are bowling so well at the world cup Thanks for bringing my fin chop up, i try to forget all my mad wipeouts but the scar on my shoulder still annoys me, so i had to have a dig as i remember your laughter through my tears. yes i apologise for the below the belt humour, but im sure you will get over it

Good work Dave you've pulled sheepdog out the depth of depression and he seems to be back to his old arrogant self, always right!! Thought for a while there it was going to end in a blood soaked keyboard, welcome back Dogshit.

meanwhile in West Papua
where's Jules, Tones and ScoMo...and the other mob...on that shit?
Actually, to be fair, ScoMo did do this:
Yes, you can see how the LNP gang...and the rest of our elected officials...are really getting in a hand-wringing, shirt-fronting, pleading mess over these two unfortunates. Oh, the humanity!

Oh for fucks sake I wish oz government would just let this happen. It's unfortunate but there comes a time where u have to accept what will be will be. Seriously a formal complaint about the cop selfie, was he posing? I don't think so, does it matter? I dont think so. Everything in indo is a photo opportunity, is it tasteless? our standards, who the fuck advises the government on indo matters? They clearly have no idea. Another petty complaint from oz that is seriously undermining the relationship for no outcone. Surfers and the few tourists with the balls to go off the beaten track will feel the repercussions of this circus for years to come, for nothing, no gain at all.
Yes there was an air of overkill to the transportation process, this was for many reasons. To show oz that indo will not be bullied. To show they have some good stuff too (yeh a little pathetic and kampungan, but unless you're constantly the little person/ nation you'd never understand) but most importantly I read that indos were genuinely concerned there would be an aided escape. Possibly backed by government, outrageous u might think. Not when you look at covert operations of the past, and consider that the oz government appears so desperate, its not that unbelievable. Another reason is indo are probably genuinely concerned there could be an attack by terrorists or militant anti drug groups. Yeh this is dragging out but all the delays are not that ridiculous if u know indo, or you've ever dealt with indo aiuthorities.
This will happen, and this is all playing out to make jokowi look good domestically, whether it be by accident or design. The sad thing is when it happens it will feel terrible and uneccessary, and the negatives in relations will last years, all for no gains at all, for Australia anyway. And the really fucked thing is that if abbott was strong in the polls none of this would be happening, because he really doesnt give a shit.


shaun wrote:Good work Dave you've pulled sheepdog out the depth of depression and he seems to be back to his old arrogant self, always right!! Thought for a while there it was going to end in a blood soaked keyboard, welcome back Dogshit.
Cheers, drug dealer....

" And the really fucked thing is that if abbott was strong in the polls none of this would be happening, because he really doesnt give a shit"....
Well, there's something we can agree upon.... I wonder how many Australian flags he will have at his next speech..

Sheepdog wrote:Braudillio... This is a serious thread discussing serious consequences. It wasn't a shit stir thread over say the qualities of a 3 foot wonky tradeswell with an ese on it.... 2 blokes are to be killed........But you're right, I jumped into shauns swill.... I lowered myself to his pathetic standard, and for that I apologize..... Enough time wasted on a hack...

I've tried, brauds... Tried steering the debate to recidivism rates.... Even posted links... No response... Tried steering the debate to Indonesia's show of force..... No response.. Just click baiting... But hey, braudillio, if you and others need a villian, I'm fine with that....
But when you criticize the retaliater and allow the instigator free reign, when you by your own admission pre judge a situation whilst chomping popcorn due to "laziness", the high horse you sit on remains wooden and brittle...
BTW, I wrote a letter to President Widodo last night..... Now the poor buggers are doomed for sure lol

Click Bait:
An eyecatching link on a website which encourages people to read on. It is often paid for by the advertiser ("Paid" click bait) or generates income based on the number of clicks. (source:
Playing the victim whilst you continue to throw fuel on the fire, really sheepdog? How about growing the fuck up? Shaun et al. have all but admitted they are provoking you, why bite?

deleted for inappropriate captain goodvibes and astro exploits, AO rating.

davetherave wrote:deleted for inappropriate captain goodvibes and astro exploits, AO rating.
Goodvibes AO???? Nah, I mean how offensive could a talking pig be? He's not Peppa ...

tried to download funny goodvibes cartoon- didnt work.
yes energy cannot disappear, but it can change form/vibration. they have actually weighed people dying and there is a slight decrease. but this is because the electromagnetic energy was oscillating at a third dimensional frequency. On graduation this energy than spins at a faster revolution which then allows a new awareness/ consciousness to become available. The third dimensional energy system has a built in resistance that means humans focus on third dimensional perspectives mainly blocking out other frequencies. This allows the spirit inhabiting the human body to fully embrace and concentrate on this experience without being overloaded/overwhelmed with other frequencies of life. Hence fully embracing being human gives the spirit a complete experience of this one aspect of very very many experiences. Energy is always in a state of growing and each growth is seen as valuable as it all adds up to experiencing what the creator conceptualises. All physical worlds/experiences are virtual realities.

While we're defining internet terms pretty sure a troll is someone taking on an internet personality just to stir the pot, often a personality contrary to their real life personality. It is not used for anyone who has a different opinion to you, or an opinion you perceive as negative, one mans positive is another man's negative. This is not aimed at you SD, just saying because I'm tired of people using troll just because someone challenges your ideas and ideals. Shaun is often labelled a troll. He's no troll, he just has a different perspective to you nice middle class boys. Same with hater, sorry homosexual people out there, cannot think of another description, but hater is so fucking gay!!!! so top 40, 'all you haters' users.
Hey daverave, talking about lifeforce etc. Is it still true that there is an electric charge that dissapears when people die? ie. Actually dissapears without a trace, rather than just changing form as all energy apparently does. ie. No energy can disappear!!!

After the selfie thing…got me thinking.
Im going to be more surprised if there is no leaked phone footage of the executions than if there is..if there is its going to go down real bad in OZ.

braudulio wrote:Click Bait:
An eyecatching link on a website which encourages people to read on. It is often paid for by the advertiser ("Paid" click bait) or generates income based on the number of clicks. (source: the victim whilst you continue to throw fuel on the fire, really sheepdog? How about growing the fuck up? Shaun et al. have all but admitted they are provoking you, why bite?
Oh it's just fun, sheepy thinks everyone on here is real, some are just figments of his imagination.
He's a bit of a bully when someone doesn't agree with him and I just get sick of his attitude, bit like dealing with a spoilt 12 year old. Also he chose to hassle me about my lack of education, that's when I say fuck you and start annoying.

I was thinking the same indo d., didnt want to go thete. could be a nice little money spinner for some sly indo guard or cop.

indo-dreaming wrote:After the selfie thing…got me thinking.
Im going to be more surprised if there is no leaked phone footage of the executions than if there is..if there is its going to go down real bad in OZ.
Imagine the paparazzi right now in back rooms making plans. They do it in the middle of the night though ??

shaun wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:After the selfie thing…got me thinking.
Im going to be more surprised if there is no leaked phone footage of the executions than if there is..if there is its going to go down real bad in OZ.
Imagine the paparazzi right now in back rooms making plans. They do it in the middle of the night though ??
Infrared camera?

sypkan wrote:While we're defining internet terms pretty sure a troll is someone taking on an internet personality just to stir the pot, often a personality contrary to their real life personality.
Na mate, truth be known I'm a troll, now if you'll excuse me have to drive to the university in my merc. as I'm giving my 3.30 lecture on "advanced English literature"

braudulio wrote:shaun wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:After the selfie thing…got me thinking.
Im going to be more surprised if there is no leaked phone footage of the executions than if there is..if there is its going to go down real bad in OZ.
Imagine the paparazzi right now in back rooms making plans. They do it in the middle of the night though ??
Infrared camera?
well yeah, that would be better, I can see you but you can't see me.
You wouldn't want to get caught would you, I'm sure a very good reason would be given why one of the bullets went astray into the back of your head.

shaun wrote:braudulio wrote:Click Bait:
An eyecatching link on a website which encourages people to read on. It is often paid for by the advertiser ("Paid" click bait) or generates income based on the number of clicks. (source: the victim whilst you continue to throw fuel on the fire, really sheepdog? How about growing the fuck up? Shaun et al. have all but admitted they are provoking you, why bite?
Oh it's just fun, sheepy thinks everyone on here is real, some are just figments of his imagination.
He's a bit of a bully when someone doesn't agree with him and I just get sick of his attitude, bit like dealing with a spoilt 12 year old. Also he chose to hassle me about my lack of education, that's when I say fuck you and start annoying.
Hmmm, short term memory..... 30 years of bong smoking will do that... Do you still actually surf?

Can't help yourself can you. Yeah, I do surf and not piddly Queensland waves, haven't smoke anything for over 30 years, yup that's right ,I did it solely for the money.

u know, getting upset and taking offence just raises your blood pressure and puts you into a fight mode. Over time this manifests as a disease, because u have created a dis- at ease situation in your body, cause you will be cranky. By all means believe in your point of view, but accept other views as well as the more info u have the more u grow. Even if u dont agree with it, it is a gift, because it reinforces your own belief helping you to know you are being true to yourself. I think the swellnutters are great, they give me a lot to think about and I love all the characters and their variety of perspectives. Swellnet forums are instructive and entertaining so dont take them to heart. Its alot like surfing, some waves you let go, others you embrace.

Shaun and Sheepdog, I found this for you

shaun wrote:Can't help yourself can you. Yeah, I do surf and not piddly Queensland waves, haven't smoke anything for over 30 years, yup that's right ,I did it solely for the money.
So you cashed in on the drugs.... I think the heading should be changed to Andrew Chan - Myuran Sukumaran -Shaun.....
With your experience in dealing drugs, you could've brought something constructive to this debate, instead of accusing people of supporting dealing, or accusing people of having 2 identities... Now lets see if you can "help yourself"..... Have you got anything say in regards to the situation these two blokes find themselves in, or will this be the longest shitfight in swellnet history... Cos I'm not going anywhere, shaun....

mk1 wrote:Shaun and Sheepdog, I found this for you
hahaha.... Nice work, mk1....... Nice work indeed........
Could be executed by firing in around 7 days.