Quotes, Proverbs, Axioms, Maxims, Adages, Sayings, Saws, Pensées, Epithets, Dictums, Aphorisms, Platitudes, Tenets, Mottos...

If one bird carried every grain of sand, grain by grain, across the ocean, by the time he got them all on the other side, that would only be the beginning of eternity.
Truman Capote.


You nailed that one , BB.
Re - Trump will be a tyrannical dictator who will subvert democracy ( BB - 2017 )
Trump colluded with Russia and he’s Putin’s puppet ( BB- 2017 )
Trump has us heading towards imminent nuclear war . 2 minutes to midnight.( BB -2017)
Trump has no intention of trying to recreate the manufacturing base for US workers ( BB - 2017)
Trump is a warmonger. The worst president ever ( BB 2017)
Trump will definitely be impeached . ( BB-2018 )
Massively increasing the population of Australia will have no negative effects on the environment. ( BB- 2019 )
The desire to reduce Immigration is racist ( BB - 2018 )
Etc etc
You get the picture.
“The real world is not as calm as it appears to be from here
The small world is not as strong and the testing ground is near
The old world is not as strong as the one we could have seen
The great south land can be as great as the one it could have been
The one it could have been“


“Own your shit “
Graffiti on toilet wall at Biiggenden Hotel

Facto - sad thing is that they are.
That’s just the tip of the Blindboy bullshit iceberg. It’s all here in black and white if you care to look. How can someone be so regularly and obviously and provably wrong , still believe that it’s every one else who’s incorrect ?
Direct result of decades of standing in front of gormless , hormone addled teenagers , reading rote facts and feeling like the smartest person in the room.
You can defend him if you like , but the question remains.....Why would you ? He’s constantly wrong , mislead , deluded and very vocal about it.
Not to fear .....he’ll just move on to his next fallacious claim with the same sanctimonious vigour.
Feel free to hitch yourself to his wagon. Gravity won’t complain about the extra weight as he leads you both over the cliff .

They might not be direct quotes but they were certainly the gist of those threads.

Facto - If Blindboy had an inch of traction he would have revved up the self righteous machine to full sanctimony by now.
Obviously he doesn’t. After years of fear mongering and finger pointing , it turns out that after this whole time , the source of the infamous Fake News is ....himself.
And you’re acting like the haemorrhoid hanging off the BB arsehole. Even the arsehole is wondering what you get out of the relationship.

it's a fucking nightmare. by rights that bloke should have had that lump of coal rammed up his arse last week, but games were played and now we all will pay.

'That bloke' (Bill Shorten?) did have that lump of coal inserted, wallpaper. The Australian voters overwhelmingly told him to stick his climate change hysteria where the sun don't shine.

I read an article that pointed out that if you take Queensland out of the equation Shorten would've got across the line.

Having an agenda to address current and future man made climate change is not hysterical.

Ralph, not just QLD, but WA,SA and NSW

D-Rex. I haven't checked the numbers but what the article was saying was that in Qld the coalition won 23 and labor won 6. So if you excluded Qld from the election then the coalition would have had 55 and labor would have had 61.

Yep, Politico threads have been removed from the front page.
Totally happy for you guys to nut it out in these threads, but TBH we've been getting pretty tired of the front page displaying a revolving door of political commentary (via the 'In The Forums' latest comments). The Politico forum attracts a tiny percentage of our users, but over the last year or so, has seemingly occupied a permenant position on the homepage. I was hoping it'd abate post-election but the reverse seems to have occured.
We're a surfing site, and would much prefer to promote a broader spread of discussions around more relevant topics. Like surfing. Or waves. Or surfboards. Or surf travel. Or something kinda related to surfing.
We are planning a big makeover of the entire Forums section (a general look n' feel, plus some new functionality), but in the meantime this is a short term measure designed to improve the aesthetics of the front page.
Hope y'all understand.

@thermalben ...and I'm so glad you did. I was about to cancel my subscription and leave Swellnet primarily because of that and in particular because of Blowin's continual playing the man under the guise of playing the ball.

Maybe you should have participated, Janos ?
I only ever give it to people who’ve asked for it , mate. I’m a very fair person generally.
You might be able to swallow more shit than I can though ? Everyone’s different.

“ Those who can do, those who can’t teach. “

facto, I spent a bit of time at sandycove last year, visited the Joyce Museum in the Martello Tower and walked along the strand. It was a really strange feeling to walk around and remember that first section of Ulysses. It was October, but so warm people were sun bathing and swimming in the cove.

"You're the reason shampoo bottles have instructions on them"
-Donald Trump.

"If you don't like our policies, don't vote for us"
Chris Bowen (LOL)

“Delusions are lies that tell the truth”.
“Whatever prevents you from doing your work has become your work.” - Albert Camus