Quotes, Proverbs, Axioms, Maxims, Adages, Sayings, Saws, Pensées, Epithets, Dictums, Aphorisms, Platitudes, Tenets, Mottos...

Tried to delete my dot boy entry, but took me to a page that said I don't have access to it. You might want to see about that Stunet, having a delete button and all. False advertising.

Violence is always necessary in the end.
All political violence is equivalent.....still. It’s just not the answer you think it should be.


truebluebasher feels all dirty...
I think factotum just broke me or somethin?
Dear Gary G;
I think i've been violated or probed even bullied...Wishing for all three!
Does tbb need a hug or should I just man up?
Signed swellnet harem slave...tbb.

No need to 'Man 'Up' and repress those natural feelings, TBB.
Gary advises you let it all hang out.

"........ we are really just a nation of 220 million used car salesmen with all the money we need to buy guns, and no qualms at all about killing anybody else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable."
HST 1972

Laugh and cry with Tim Minchin

"Opinions are like arseholes, in that everyone has one. However opinions differ significantly from arseholes in that yours should be constantly and thoroughly examined."
Tim Minchin
Great link Shoredump, recommended viewing especially for the yoof.

I never did understand that saying about opinions and arseholes. I mean, of course everyone has an arsehole. Everyone has a nose too, so are opinions like noses?
I imagine it came from a D-grade 80s film, probably starring Rob Lowe or Corey Feldman, and you were supposed to laugh because, despite the lack of wit, it included the world 'arsehole' and was delivered in a sneering, dismissive way.

“Those documents better be pretty tight!”
“Believe me, they’re tighter than AC/DC in ‘78”

OK, I was close. It was a cheesy 80s film, but not delivered by Rob Lowe or Corey Feldman.

Don’t overthink it Stu :)

Why? Everyone has an arsehole, but only a few people can overthink things.
I think.

My head hurts.

Not only does everyone have an arsehole, but in my long experience and with very few honourable exceptions, sooner or later, everyone is an arsehole.

Its "Opinions are like arseholes everyone has one and they all stink"

That's not what Clint thinks.

"I can eat planets."
- attributed to Tom Cruise, in Superhero Movie

Attention pussy shoppers! Take advantage of our penny pussy sale! If you buy one piece of pussy at the regular price, you get another piece of pussy of equal or lesser value for only a penny! Try and beat pussy for a penny! If you can find cheaper pussy anywhere else, fuck it!
Chet Pussy - From Dusk Till Dawn

You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time but you can never fool all of the people all of the time.

With the budget done and dusted and the nation now filling time fiddling with their baseball bats to kick the neo-con lying weasels out it’s time for some good old fashioned Paul Keating on budgeting https://m.

A piss without a fart is like a pie without sauce.- Unknown punter at the trough of the Espy mid nineties. Needless to say I've never forgotten it and I pissed all over my shoes from laughing so hard!

" Of all the Causes which conspire to blind
Man's erring judgement and misguide the Mind,
What the weak Head, with strongest Byass rules,
Is Pride, the never failing vice of fools."
Alexander Pope

In the bay of the Waitangi Treaty Grounds today ....
Te au hononga tai
Te au hononga ini
The currents that bind tides
The currents that bind people

"Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind."
William Shakespeare
I was reminded of this one by Bill Shorten's response to the budget. He said something like "it's a con!"

...the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes “Awww!”
Jack Kerouac.

I was wondering when someone would put that up.
(btw, that's not a quote)

"It aint bragging if you can do it"
Jay "Dizzy" Dean - U.S. baseball player.

To any aspiring politicians out there this one's for you. (Inspired by the election of 2004)
Wild spending and ridiculous promises
Outspoken dreamers and constant advertisements
In your face in everyway till polling day passes
Have a round on me and make me Prime Minister
Absentia votes and electoral boundaries
Surplus or deficit tax relief we never get
Up or down interest rate buy or sell maybe wait
Like the look of me and vote me Prime Minister
I'll give you everything you need say the politician
Spending the budget is my decision.
Labor or Liberal normal or typical
Replublican or democrat green or church party hat
Keep it simple kiss a kiddie smile a lot and keep it witty
Like the look of me and vote me blind minister
I'll give you everything you want say the politician
Smoke and mirrors just an illusion
I'm very generous when I'm spending your money
With one hand in your pocket on the other total confusion
Vote for me vote for me trust me I'm the politician of the day
Trust me trust me just vote for me I promise to lead you astray
Tunnel vision with conditions
black or white what a fight
Love or war what's the score
mass destruction hey what for
Stay or go dont you know
Do what I say and reap what I sow
Wont you look and see and vote me Prime Minister
Well I 'll tell you everything you need to know
Say the politicians
When it comes to those spending those budget taxes
Its always my decision
Cause I'm at my most generous
When I'm spending your money
With one hand in your pocket on the other total destruction
Well I tell you what I think you should do With politicians
If you wanna have a crack at running this country Stop snoozin
If you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything
So stand up for your right to run
Its election time again.
Vote 1

Make a list of things you need, leave it empty
Except for number one, write "love, gamble everything"
Keep it under lock and key
If you want to, you can gamble everything for love
Ben Lee

Different world then.
They needed Dalton on the door.
The fella who threw the bottle needed putting in the stocks and kicked in the arse till he prolapsed.

Someone king hits an innocent bloke in the face with a beer bottle when he’s trying to entertain them is about as low as you can get in society. Then when you put your head down and hide from your dog act you’ve done the impossible and sunk even lower.
Put him in the stocks !
The fella who threw it probably has kids of his own now. You reckon he’d be shouting the beers if someone bottled his kid cause they didn’t like their music ?
Were you buying the thrower beers , Facto ?

The detail comes from the fact that my missus was there wth my mates partner whilst we hung at his place at the southern end of the capes.
If you think a bottle to the face is funny then you’ll celebrate the folklore of a guy with a couple of catchy tunes getting bottled.
The sympathy of the fake left - It’s a kaleidoscope of opposing victimhoods. Who’s better , who’s best ....inverted.
Who’s entitled......who’s hand is closest to the till of the Nation.
But by all means continue to melodramatise the PC emotional plight of any minority’s you feel have been triggered .

Facto ....appreciate the tune to soothe the waters.
But I never could stand Ben Lee.
Know where you arecomng from. We probably have a lot in common. You’ve just got to realise that the ALP is only slightly less detrimental to our country than the LNP.
We need a new paradigm.

In a similar vein...or train, or double-decker bus:
"What shall we do?
What shall we do-oo, when 100,000 Morrisseys come marching over the hill?"
“Whatever prevents you from doing your work has become your work.” - Albert Camus