Quotes, Proverbs, Axioms, Maxims, Adages, Sayings, Saws, Pensées, Epithets, Dictums, Aphorisms, Platitudes, Tenets, Mottos...

Yeah , I didn’t watch it. Like I sad , I hate Ben Lee.
Fuckwit who bottled him still needs corporal punishment though.

I look at you all see the love there that's sleeping
While my guitar gently weeps
I look at the floor and I see it needs sweeping
Still my guitar gently weeps.
I don't know why nobody told you
How to unfold your love
I don't know how someone controlled you
They bought and sold you
George Harrison

Can visionary Australian Leader/s ever be rewarded...Wot!
"I have more influence now than when I had the power!"...Gough Whitlam 1997
Such rare & humble Aussie insight yet so eloquent- from last Oz statesman Gough!
[Please delete unofficial PM quote (penalties apply)written and authorized by Govt]

Good call , Facto.
When you are sitting at your desk in your ALP division, you are all god with me throwing a bottle full of piss on your desk cause disagree with your opinion.
Classic nuvaue punk / SJW / Fake left fake hardness.....
If you threw piss over them they’d whine and accept it.......weak cunts.

Seriously, what would you d if I rocked up to your work and lobbed a lidless bottle full of urine over your desk ?

2013 tbb tore up the mental health act after several pleas to attend local festival!
Govt Psychs said tbb was too mental to attend a Gig...WTF.("Listen to yourselves!")
Govt formulated Gig strength dose to blend tbb in.(No Alcohol) one of us one of us!
So mental swellnetonians can now toss piss at Festivals if locked-up by midnight.
Again tbb only ever plotted his own breakout.Don't blame tbb for the poo tossers.
tbb wouldn't lie about Mental illness & wishes all / staff inner peace in my mind.

tbb will let his favourite Oz songwriter & performer weave his magic.
Check out Dom Mariani's perfect lyrics & song structure spanning three bands
The Stems - You can't turn the clock back (You need this LP)
Someloves - *Sunshine's Glove (This song is impossibly perfect)
DM 3 - Far from Here...exactly as he says! (It does cut out at end)
Yep! tbb saw his fav' star alright, even better than perfect live & told them so!

“So he’s not guilty of collusion “
Quoting Blindboy as he walks back 2 years of utter , utter bullshit.
Along with the media and millions of other democracy- rejecting retards who couldn’t handle an election being won by the people they respect least : the proletariat. Guilty of relentlessly persecuting a politician with a job to do then , when their ruse was exposed, guilty of doubling down and bullying him for resisting their false accusations.
I have no love for Trump, but I’ve got even less for the wankers who’ve perpetuated this garbage.
Though it is pretty sweet seeing BB faced with inarguable proof of his ability to be VERY FUCKING WRONG.

“Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.” ….. Jesus...Matthew 15:14

Geez ,Facto.
I’d have thought you’d have picked up on the unwritten Fake Left memo to not write off ANZAC day this year. Even the guardian has respectful ANZAC stories.
nonsensical dribble quote anyway. After all this time you’re a god botherer?

The Randolph Stowe quote is not nonsensical dribble, Blowin,
Take some time to engage with the words, as you would a great painting, and think about all the links, threads and emotions that this writer evokes. This piece transcends our petty opinions about the "day".

Thanks for the Stow reminder. Some good reading there.

Still garbage.
“But we come in humility, and in guilt, knowing that in some way we are all murderers, we are all cannibals, and the dead have been our victims. “
And that’s even before the god dribble. Usual Facto, style over substance. All well and good if your style and taste runs to the New Gideons bible.

Your happiness is just a chemical
Darren Hanlon

A wise woman (my mates mum) once said ‘A closed mouth gathers no feet.’

“By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you’ll become happy; if you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher.” – Socrates

There will be no end to the troubles of states, Or of humanity itself, Till philosophers become kings in this world, Or till those we now call kings and rulers really And truly become philosophers,

"Never miss an opportunity ( to have a go).
My gran.
" An omitted fact is just a lie having a nap".
First dog on the moon.

Lol facto....you've got to be yolking

Josh Frydenburg to Chris Bowen today:
"Look at all that paper, youve got more paper than me!"
Bowen quickly replies "That's because we have more policies than you"

And the libs brought n the GST.
That’s the thing with pots and kettles
They keep calling each other black

Good thought.

"This tribute to one of Australia’s most loved PMs by Tony Abbott, reminds you why he is one of the most loathed."
Tom Gleeson

Dammit! I thought it was a Hot Chocolate quote.

"Do not burn yourselves out. Be as I am - a reluctant enthusiast....a part-time crusader, a half-hearted fanatic. Save the other half of yourselves and your lives for pleasure and adventure. It is not enough to fight for the land; it is even more important to enjoy it. While you can. While it’s still here. So get out there and hunt and fish and mess around with your friends, ramble out yonder and explore the forests, climb the mountains, bag the peaks, run the rivers, breathe deep of that yet sweet and lucid air, sit quietly for a while and contemplate the precious stillness, the lovely, mysterious, and awesome space. Enjoy yourselves, keep your brain in your head and your head firmly attached to the body, the body active and alive, and I promise you this much; I promise you this one sweet victory over our enemies, over those desk-bound men and women with their hearts in a safe deposit box, and their eyes hypnotised by desk calculators. I promise you this; You will outlive the bastards.”
E. Abbey

Epic quote.
And exactly why I’m trying the political embargo.
The best thing in life ......no news , no TV , no internet.

You’re right there , Facto . Ignorance is bliss !
I’d remain ignorant of all the daily theatrical dross of the 3rd rate Aussie pollies and you .....well, you’d just remain ignorant.
“Whatever prevents you from doing your work has become your work.” - Albert Camus