Quotes, Proverbs, Axioms, Maxims, Adages, Sayings, Saws, Pensées, Epithets, Dictums, Aphorisms, Platitudes, Tenets, Mottos...

Noone has ever made himself great by showing how small someone else is- Irvin Himmel.

Gulf ?
In your case it’s more of a tidal creek.

"There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved."
-Ludwig Von Mises, in "Human Action"

"You must be sure that the girl is pure for the Funky Cold Medina."
-Tone Loc

"The main problem in any democracy is that crowd-pleasers are generally brainless swine who can go on stage & whup their supporters into an orgiastic frenzy - then go back to the office & sell every one of the poor bastards down the tube for a nickel apiece." Hunter S. Thompson 1972
Remind you of anyone?

It’d be quicker to tell you the politicians it doesn’t remind me of.

Why on earth is this reposted in the quotes thread?
What does it have to do with anything here?
Your as bad as Crypto, Factom clearly butt hurt when you are clearly called out, then take things and run with them.

"She gave me a bunch of crap about me not listening to her, or something. I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention."
H. Dunne.

Im happy to argue the points i have written, which is basically just facts of what ive lived..
But why re-post here? Makes no sense to post here?
Why clog this thread up with topics discussed elsewhere?
There is already two current threads with that theme.

Every household I know of the ironing is done by a lady.
I’m sure this fact bothers some people.

C'mon crew,
Back to quotes.
And since the conversation took a turn toward interpersonal relationships,
As the great Robert Downey Jr has been quoted as saying, and I'm not sure if this is the hallmark of a sociopath or not:
“Listen, smile, agree, and then do whatever the fuck you were gonna do anyway.”

Nice joke dad...

Told this one while I was working at the local RSL last night:
Me: "Doctor, every time I drink a coffee I get a stabbing pain in my right eye."
Doctor: "I suggest you take the spoon out of the cup."
Fucking brought the house down, the kids loved it.
There's also this really religious lady working there in the kitchen, I suggested that we could make a place of worship - we could make a statue of baby Cheeses.

"He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."
Dr Johnson
.....and for bonus points name the book which used it as a dedication.

HST, but can’t recall which one.

Hells Angels?

Close, Las Vegas

In my own county I am in a far-off land
I am strong but have no force or power
I win all yet remain a loser
At break of day I say goodnight
When I lie down I have a great fear
Of falling
-Francois Villon
HST, 'Hell's Angels'

I dream of swimming up through
pressured blue,
erupting beyond
that surface of shifting light
into air.
I wake, still swimming.
This pressured blue world
grows deeper.
That surface
of shifting light floats further
I swim, suspended.
And you’re there.
We’re both
awake now and swimming through
the pressured blue and hoping
for air soon.
Silence in the silence–
and why not, when pressured blue
drowns out each other’s voice?
Why not, when we’re both swimming
now and the surface draws closer now
and something seems to be lifting us
up from below?
Why not talk up there,
beyond the trembling liquid edge of our
pressured blue world, where the shifting
light is air, and the air, where pressure
ends and space begins?
— Ry Beville

"Between the idea and the reality ......... Falls the shadow."
T.S. Eliot
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72

'Man with hand in pocket always on the ball'.....
confusion 1273.....or was it 2019 ? ....fuknose

“ Leilani don’t go to the volcano. “
Hoodoo Gurus

"Our fears are always more numerous than out dangers"

Relax, nothing is under control

The sea is the place where you can live like a king
Don't need to have money you can jump right in
All you need is a friend and beach to be free
Talk about the tubes that you missed in the sea
Tubular green
Celibate Rifles

dunno, dont care.- me , this afternoon.

"Surfing is the closest sport to masturbation."
Gareth Someoneorother
Publisher of Surf International

Gareth Powell then.

You should have been here yesterday.

Goop point , Facto.
That’s why it’s important to keep expressing opinions which the social engineers of modern society try to suppress. We must reject their intolerance of our questioning their irrational dogma.
With just under half of all Australians being born overseas and continued mass immigration, an important conversation needs to be had regarding how much we should be encouraging or even accepting the division of our society by ethnicity. The identity politics of recognising seperate and competing requirements based on skin colour or ancestry has the very real potential of fracturing the harmony of the nation.
Intolerance of any discussion or references to this needs to be rejected.
I don’t think that advocating anything beyond rational discourse , such as violence, has any real place in Australia though Facto.

what facto points to is a classic debate in political philosophy, that is often seen in the guise of (John Rawl-style) liberalism vs communitarianism.
but violence can't be the answer there. Popper seems to have strayed from his admirable strategy of falsificationism in thinking he could make such claims
Last night I watched a propaganda film from the mid 1970s made by the armed revolutionary group the weather underground.
there is also a good doco:
their passion and committment is admirable...but the violence is obviously so misguided.

“It’s better to remain silent and be suspected of being stupid , than to open your mouth and have all suspicions confirmed .”
Of course all political violence is equivalent. It’s just your perspective that justifies it or not.


Is that a reference to the last quote or did you just refrain, Batfink ?

Dot Boy and his sidekick Full Stop strike again.

Dot boy !
( It’s funny when it’s not you )

It was a reply to a comment on page one, but then came out here, which was totally out of place, so I just dot boyed it!
"Ideology is thought's toughest jailer." (Yossi Sucary)
"Every conviction is a prison"
I've got a million of 'em, been collecting them for 30 odd years. I like these two, saying the same thing, so deeeeeeepppp!
“Whatever prevents you from doing your work has become your work.” - Albert Camus