What's what?

Shatner'sBassoon's picture
Shatner'sBassoon started the topic in Friday, 6 Nov 2015 at 7:48pm



sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 30 Aug 2018 at 8:20pm

Just curious blindboy, and definitely not looking for a fight (god knows there's enough of that here already), or even a smartarse comeback opportunity. But how does this statement fit in with your theory/idea there is no such thing as race?

"As scientific methods evolve they place the origin of the Homo Sapiens in Australia—not Africa.
Professor Rebecca L. Cann, together with her colleague Alan C. Wilson, previously claimed that humanity can be traced to people living “about 200,000 years ago, probably in Africa”. But she later revoked that claim, declaring that “Mitochondrial DNA puts the origin of Homo Sapiens much further back and indicates that the Australian Aborigines arose 400,000 years ago from two distinct lineages, far earlier than any other racial group.” [2]"

Also, if you have the inclination, let us know from your science guy perspective, what is your thoughts on this oz versus africa debate about the origin of homo sapians?

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 30 Aug 2018 at 9:13pm

The future's gonna be alright.

Thanks, to trump the disruptor, and the teens not taking him so seriously.

Now if only the media could be that smart.


CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight Thursday, 30 Aug 2018 at 10:04pm

'I was just explaining why I went there. It was because I was provoked. You, on the other hand, needed no provoking, you just like to make it all about you.'

'And, I was just clearing up that I said nothing about my studies being " ...in Indigenous studies and colonialism...". Those were your words, put in my mouth...again!

Even though that was a component of my studies, I said nothing of the sort. I was just clearing up the bullshit actually.'

Mmmm. I know what you were doing, save your fingers sypko. Yeh anyway sypko, it wasn't a component for me. Indigenous Australians were the full time focus for me, for 3 years when I won those awards. Surely you'd like to know your heart surgeon had plenty of experience and references in the field too, plus studied extensively and had won some awards? No shame there, no good hiding it! Still you never know maybe you'd get some delusional, ludicrous dreamer who did some googles, and posed as a heart surgeon, one who built up a fucking huge body count on the way too, an intermediate expert one!! Sounds bright!!!

The future too!

'From what I have said of the Natives of New Holland they may appear to be to some to be the most wretched people upon Earth, but in reality they are far more happier than we Europeans; being wholly unacquainted not only with the superfluous but the necessary Conveniences so much sought after in Europe, they are happy in not knowing the use of them. They live in a Tranquillity which is not disturbed by Inequality of Condition: The Earth and sea of their own accord furnishes them with all things necessary for life, they covet not Magnificant Houses, Household-stuff &c, they live in a warm and fine Climate and enjoy a very wholesome Air, so that they have little need of Clothing and this they seem to be fully sencible of, for many to whome we gave Cloth &c to, left it carelessly upon the Sea beach and in the woods as a thing they had no manner of use for. In short they seem'd to set no Value upon any thing we gave them, nor would they ever part with anything of their own for any one article we could offer them; this in my opinion argues that they think themselves provided with all the necessarys of Life and that they have no superfluities. (Beaglehole 1955, p395-399).'

There's a great first hand account of an experienced bloke! Not exactly bristling with war like violence and bloodshed. No, the exact opposite. Alright by the highest court in the land! His diaries are a great read. Who'd have believed vast, huge forests actually stood in many places we quickly turned it into deserts!!! What a track record contrast! Could learn a lot hey! The good 'ol lies and genocide machine kicked in real quick hey! And away went the highly experienced, the highly trained good 'ol propaganda machine!!! Veni vidi vici forever!!! Serial killers dressed up like granny and gramps walton... the worst fucking kind... dreamerz boyz!!

Even though your whole ludicrously delusional 'intermediate' but expert trader kookfest is fully documented, you still actually think you are an intermediate trader dreamer. Fucking classic delusional shit, they write books about it in the trading world. What a case study your 'work' is!!! Still, if you don't want change, if you don't want truth and honesty restored, equality, restitution, care for the planet, as the foundation here, you could always hightail back home! Your cork head would make a good dyke plug!!! And when your not 'working', you could teach them how to trade tulips... again!

Poor little fucking hapless! Hows that list going hapless... nowhere fast I'll bet!

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Friday, 31 Aug 2018 at 8:37am

BTW. I don't think we ever talked about how HERC changed his name to Crypto Knight in an obvious attempt to just troll that Bitcoin thread, pretty lame especially considering the guy is supposedly in his late 60's

Anyway this topic has once again run it's course, probably shouldn't have given him what he wanted and took the bait in the first place especially seeing as the indigenous topic had zero to do with anything we were discussing, and we all know discussing this topic was never going to go anywhere or bring any kind of good, pretty much a done to death topic.

I guess it's about time to just put the old man back on ignore and just skim over his ranting, cut and paste ,baiting and insults

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Friday, 31 Aug 2018 at 9:36am

But you didn't know cryptokunt, as evidenced by your assumptions, a bit of an ongoing theme.

Mate I do respect your opinion, because clearly you have been educated in a field. But it is just that, an opinion established on certain research. I'm sure your research touched on bias, or did you miss that bit too?

My opinion is based on education too, and working in social services for 8 years. Its also based on being a tradesman, a gardener, a factory pleb, and a heap of other experiences across many states, and a of bit indo language and history too. Sounds rather well rounded if I may be so self indulgant.

I really don't give a fuck if you respect my opinion or not, I just think I have good information to share from my experiences, because frankly, the information coming from the likes of you is shit. Shit, one sided, and full of crucial ommissions. Still valuable, when read with a critical eye, but on the whole, shit.

As one of my wiser lecturers said "...the information that's not written tells you just as much as what the writer chooses to put in...". Or something to that effect.

Universities are full of one eyed morons pushing agenda. And academics are usually one trick ponies who can usually never, NEVER, EVER, admit they got anything wrong, even when its plain as day.

One eyed, one trick ponies, lacking self awareness, socially difficult, special interests, don't like to be challenged, ...social work spider senses are tingling....sounds like a diagnosis is required.

Just like the media, universities often talk of balance, but there is little. Unfortunately long gone are the days of vehement debate in universities. And boy are we seeing the results across societies right now.

CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight Friday, 31 Aug 2018 at 10:56am

The sad thing is, you two dumb fuck clowns are real.

'Look, look, look evewy body, kwpto made uth not even care about vem Nungaths!!! Becosth he pwovoked uth!!! And we were weawy, weawy going to show vem Nungaths what to do!!! Thso vere kwpto... we weawy got you now!!'

You fucking pathetic little clowns.

Completely, 100% innocent people. Families. Little children, mothers, fathers. Connected to the land and planet in ways that either you are too stupid to comprehend, or just refuse to, because you love the stolen goods, and the power and life it affords. Invasion, outright war, dehumanizing, stripped of everything, paraded to the world as chimps, then vermin, then genocide. All so recent. heinous, beyond belief brutality and depravity that should shock you to your core, but you two morons are incapable of that. Squealing and blubbering over fuck all, yet, imagine if a tiny, minuscule percent of what the poms did to Indigenous Australians, and that is perpetuated to this day, happened to you two pathetic little fucking sooks. The racist google boy full of great ideas for the Indigenous Australians, and just wanting the truth out there, of all their faults, and inabilities, told the incredible, sad tale about his meltdown because he couldn't pay his rego. Tears.

Completely, 100% innocent people. Families. Babies, little children, mothers, fathers. Connected to the land and planet in ways beyond our cultural comprehension. In the blink of an eye, invasion, outright war, dehumanizing, stripped of absolutely everything, everything, paraded to the world as chimps, then vermin, then genocide that went on for hundreds of years, and is still going on. Every aspect of their being, subject to the propaganda machine, paraded as less than foxes. Culled vermin. Over and over and over. Every time they lifted a finger, they were paraded as less than 'uppity' scum. Every time they didn't, paraded as piss weak, helpless chimps. There was no violent war machine. It was nothing like the confrontations, the 'greetings' that the poms got when they invaded truly war like, war, and violence experienced Cultures. Just an innocent people that had astounding, unrivaled success, that the vile fucking red necks despise, and will do anything to wish away and demean. To keep the 'balance', in the name of good 'ol fair play, truth, justice and... fucking bullshit, just how they want it.

And yeh, sook, that delusional bitcoin thing, is the most comical, delusional, South Park goes live shit, I have ever seen. And yes, anyone with a real knowledge and experience of trading as their income is laughing their fucking heads off at you. They write books about you, your fucking ludicrous, documented delusions. The share trading world exposes the real character and nature of people quick smart, as you documented. You are delusional. and you swear by it.

Except in this case, its not your capital you've frittered away stupidly, its this you are fucking over, to swear by, and uphold your delusions:

Completely, 100% innocent people. Families. Babies, little children, mothers, fathers. Connected to the land and planet in ways beyond our cultural comprehension. In the blink of an eye, invasion, outright war, dehumanizing, stripped of absolutely everything, everything, paraded to the world as chimps, then vermin, then genocide that went on for hundreds of years, and is still going on. Every aspect of their being, subject to the propaganda machine, paraded as less than foxes. Culled vermin. Over and over and over. Every time they lifted a finger, they were paraded as less than 'uppity' scum. Every time they didn't, paraded as piss weak, helpless chimps. There was no violent war machine. It was nothing like the confrontations, the 'greetings' that the poms got when they invaded truly war like, war, and violence experienced Cultures. Just an innocent people that had astounding, unrivaled success, that the vile fucking red necks despise, and will do anything to wish away and demean. To keep the 'balance', in the name of good 'ol fair play, truth, justice and... fucking bullshit, just how they want it.

'Sovereignty stripped away

The irony of a treaty process is that treaties also assume the participation of sovereign parties. Indigenous peoples have never ceded their sovereignty. So, how did Australia acquire it?

The founder of Melbourne, John Batman, was an unsavoury character with little time for Aboriginal peoples, but is credited with being the first to pursue an Indigenous “treaty”, such as it was.

In May 1835, he sought to purchase land directly from the Wurundjeru land owners in a ruse to get around colonial restrictions, entering into what he called a “deed”, or agreement. Infuriated, Governor Richard Bourke quickly sought a proclamation from the Colonial Office to prevent this usurping of government control. It defined anyone occupying land without government authority as illegal trespassers, proving devastating for Indigenous peoples.

The Crown knew Indigenous peoples had their own systems of land ownership and deliberately chose to ignore this. The doctrine of terra nullius, land without owners, was born.

Read more: After Uluru, we must focus on a treaty ahead of constitutional recognition

The Australian High Court, in the Mabo Decision of 1992, did not overturn terra nullius. The decision recognised prior Indigenous sovereignty, but nonsensically affirmed the sovereignty of the Australian parliament anyway. It acknowledged terra nullius was a lie, without following through the implications: Australia remains a nation without a moral and legal foundation.

There have been attempts in recent years to pursue constitutional recognition of Indigenous peoples, but this is also based on a false premise. Symbolically removing racist clauses from the Constitution and “recognising” Indigenous peoples is pointless: without treaties, the Constitution has no moral or legal legitimacy.

Constitutional recognition cannot restore a moral and legal foundation. We need a new starting point.
A new approach

Non-Indigenous Australians want to see Indigenous peoples “included” or “embraced” in the nation. But many don’t want to change their ways to accommodate Indigenous rights or difference. The flow is one way. We are taught that western civilisation is superior, and Indigenous difference is a deficit.

There is Indigenous leadership on these questions that is both visionary and practical. In 1987, Kevin Gilbert, a Wiradjuri man, produced a comprehensive critique of Australia’s claims to sovereignty, and the need to recognise the sovereignty of Indigenous peoples.

Irene Watson, a Tanganekald and Meintangk Boandik legal scholar and professor, points out that crises such as climate change are a call for a new relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigneous Australians and our environment. She shows how Indigenous moral and relational values provide a sound basis on which to build those new relationships.

Read more: Treaty debate will only strengthen Indigenous recognition process

Victoria Grieves, a Warraimaay historian, foresees a Republic of Australia based on the sovereignty of Aboriginal peoples. She says:

Australia could achieve absolute decolonisation and shared sovereignty and live up to the reputation we like to have, as a nation deeply concerned with human rights and social justice.

It is wrong-headed to think of “embracing” Indigenous peoples. Those with a western heritage must relinquish their arrogance, rewrite the distortions of their history, and place Indigenous interests at the forefront of social, economic and political concern.

We need to look beyond symbols to restitution: compensation, reparations and resource sharing. Indigenous peoples, through seeking a treaty, invite us to share in building an honourable future. Surely we can agree that Australia is worth it.'

'From what I have said of the Natives of New Holland they may appear to be to some to be the most wretched people upon Earth, but in reality they are far more happier than we Europeans; being wholly unacquainted not only with the superfluous but the necessary Conveniences so much sought after in Europe, they are happy in not knowing the use of them. They live in a Tranquillity which is not disturbed by Inequality of Condition: The Earth and sea of their own accord furnishes them with all things necessary for life, they covet not Magnificant Houses, Household-stuff &c, they live in a warm and fine Climate and enjoy a very wholesome Air, so that they have little need of Clothing and this they seem to be fully sencible of, for many to whome we gave Cloth &c to, left it carelessly upon the Sea beach and in the woods as a thing they had no manner of use for. In short they seem'd to set no Value upon any thing we gave them, nor would they ever part with anything of their own for any one article we could offer them; this in my opinion argues that they think themselves provided with all the necessarys of Life and that they have no superfluities. (Beaglehole 1955, p395-399).'

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Friday, 31 Aug 2018 at 11:17am

Just what I was talking about!

Even the IMF have been reluctantly dragged kicking and screaming to the party! Now calling for more research - no doubt to fill the decades long void of research that would never have gotten published not that long ago - because it didn't fit the agenda.

Fuck I love dave chappelle. Fighting another alarming trend over the last few years where nigger became ' the N word' never even to be written publicly.

This is where political correctness has lost its worth, gone too far. It had its time, and served its purpose, but just kept on going, and going, and going.

I cannot even remember the last time I heard someone say nigger, gook, or abo publicly, and that's a good thing! (except aboriginals calling each other nigger which is kinda different and complicated).

But the agenda pushers just kept on steam rolling, finding new stuff to be offended by, culminateing in that gem of identity politics 'cultural appropiration'.

When political correctness goes too far it becomes a humourless world, that is rather bland and boring. Where humour cannot be used to break down barriers and fight injustice - some of its greatest qualities by the way.

Decades of post modernist clap trap. Billions of dollars of research, and tied up university places, to only deliver 'cultural appropriation' and 'intersectionality'. Two of the most useless, uninspiring, counter productive academic non events in history.

They may have a place, and are worthy of discussion, but to think that 30 years of identity politics research has come up with nothing more than this is just sad to say the least.

Turkeyman pushed intersectionality on indod once, and I couldn't even tell if he was being serious or not. Him being a smart cookie I thought he was taking the piss. 30 years to establish that a black working class ugly lesbian, with one leg and one testicle, is less employable than a hot white chick. I could have told you that in grade six. Nice work academia, you've wasted billions of dollars, countless research opportunities, and a hell of a lot of goodwill on a non event. A non revelation.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Friday, 31 Aug 2018 at 11:10am

I only read the first few words of each paragraph cryptokunt, but once more, I don't deny or dispute any of it.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Friday, 31 Aug 2018 at 11:50am

Ummm , Sypkan you’re not required to understand it . You’re meant to merely stand in the dock , hands cuffed and with your head bowed as Lifty proclaims you guilty of inadvertently leading your life in the modern state of Australia that was created on land that also provided habitation for others in the past.

The confusion arises when he begins to believe he can ameliorate the fact that he’s “ guilty “ of the the exact same charge by a attending a few tax payer subsidised courses and a whole lot of finger pointing .

CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight Friday, 31 Aug 2018 at 12:38pm

Play misty for me!!! again!!! Swillnuttus maximus... in a nutshell!!

'Then the red mist came over me
It was the assumed resentment of the women that really got me.
The smug superiority of some small minded no- one cunt moll that set me off. I turned to face Loud Mouth in front of his cunting piece of shit friends and with every ounce of will ,energy and misdirected anger from every point of my life i drove my fist into that cunt's putrid face and punched him to the sand.
I was standing over Loud Mouth's form bellowing that he was an imposter king presiding over a weak, gay wave, raising my fist for another blow when i realised my hand was broken . Then i heard a lady screaming and i was back in my head, concious of what i'd done , aware of where i was.
Loud Mouth was not cowering , but all fight had left the man. He was submissive but i was not gracious. Thank fuck i did not have a gun cause if i did i would have shot the cunt. The only thing that stopped me from kicking him till he twitched was some chick throwing herself over his prostrate form.
I looked up to see four hundred sets of eyes willing me in gaol. I walked towards the path that led to the carpark, unrepentent, as i approached my car a smiling mother said to her young son "look at that mans face honey! " , i stared at her and tried to fathom what type of person would be so insensitive to anothers situation.Then i told her to "shut the fuck up , mole," and walked to my car.'

'It was the assumed resentment of the women that really got me.
The smug superiority of some small minded no- one cunt moll that set me off'

' i stared at her and tried to fathom what type of person would be so insensitive to anothers situation.Then i told her to "shut the fuck up , mole," and walked to my car.'

' i stared at her and tried to fathom what type of person would be so insensitive to anothers situation.Then i told her to "shut the fuck up , mole," and walked to my car.'

' i stared at her and tried to fathom what type of person would be so insensitive to anothers situation.Then i told her to "shut the fuck up , mole," and walked to my car.'

Pathetic, racist clown. The little 'sav' limestone badboy!!! Bullshit artist limestone 'sav' looking for non existent lost maytes in east fucking Albany!!! No idea, found 'em yet!! The little racist, women hater, misty bad boy, taking on an Indigenous women giving a Cultural Sensitivity talk.
'I actually said that to an indigenous lady that was presenting a course on cultural sensitivity that I attended after she'd laid it on too thickly that Whitey only cares for himself , not even his family, unlike her faultless people....very Upliftesque.'


Pathetic, brain dead red neck.

'Sovereignty stripped away

The irony of a treaty process is that treaties also assume the participation of sovereign parties. Indigenous peoples have never ceded their sovereignty. So, how did Australia acquire it?

The founder of Melbourne, John Batman, was an unsavoury character with little time for Aboriginal peoples, but is credited with being the first to pursue an Indigenous “treaty”, such as it was.

In May 1835, he sought to purchase land directly from the Wurundjeru land owners in a ruse to get around colonial restrictions, entering into what he called a “deed”, or agreement. Infuriated, Governor Richard Bourke quickly sought a proclamation from the Colonial Office to prevent this usurping of government control. It defined anyone occupying land without government authority as illegal trespassers, proving devastating for Indigenous peoples.

The Crown knew Indigenous peoples had their own systems of land ownership and deliberately chose to ignore this. The doctrine of terra nullius, land without owners, was born.

Read more: After Uluru, we must focus on a treaty ahead of constitutional recognition

The Australian High Court, in the Mabo Decision of 1992, did not overturn terra nullius. The decision recognised prior Indigenous sovereignty, but nonsensically affirmed the sovereignty of the Australian parliament anyway. It acknowledged terra nullius was a lie, without following through the implications: Australia remains a nation without a moral and legal foundation.

There have been attempts in recent years to pursue constitutional recognition of Indigenous peoples, but this is also based on a false premise. Symbolically removing racist clauses from the Constitution and “recognising” Indigenous peoples is pointless: without treaties, the Constitution has no moral or legal legitimacy.

Constitutional recognition cannot restore a moral and legal foundation. We need a new starting point.
A new approach

Non-Indigenous Australians want to see Indigenous peoples “included” or “embraced” in the nation. But many don’t want to change their ways to accommodate Indigenous rights or difference. The flow is one way. We are taught that western civilisation is superior, and Indigenous difference is a deficit.

There is Indigenous leadership on these questions that is both visionary and practical. In 1987, Kevin Gilbert, a Wiradjuri man, produced a comprehensive critique of Australia’s claims to sovereignty, and the need to recognise the sovereignty of Indigenous peoples.

Irene Watson, a Tanganekald and Meintangk Boandik legal scholar and professor, points out that crises such as climate change are a call for a new relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigneous Australians and our environment. She shows how Indigenous moral and relational values provide a sound basis on which to build those new relationships.

Read more: Treaty debate will only strengthen Indigenous recognition process

Victoria Grieves, a Warraimaay historian, foresees a Republic of Australia based on the sovereignty of Aboriginal peoples. She says:

Australia could achieve absolute decolonisation and shared sovereignty and live up to the reputation we like to have, as a nation deeply concerned with human rights and social justice.

It is wrong-headed to think of “embracing” Indigenous peoples. Those with a western heritage must relinquish their arrogance, rewrite the distortions of their history, and place Indigenous interests at the forefront of social, economic and political concern.

We need to look beyond symbols to restitution: compensation, reparations and resource sharing. Indigenous peoples, through seeking a treaty, invite us to share in building an honourable future. Surely we can agree that Australia is worth it.'

'From what I have said of the Natives of New Holland they may appear to be to some to be the most wretched people upon Earth, but in reality they are far more happier than we Europeans; being wholly unacquainted not only with the superfluous but the necessary Conveniences so much sought after in Europe, they are happy in not knowing the use of them. They live in a Tranquillity which is not disturbed by Inequality of Condition: The Earth and sea of their own accord furnishes them with all things necessary for life, they covet not Magnificant Houses, Household-stuff &c, they live in a warm and fine Climate and enjoy a very wholesome Air, so that they have little need of Clothing and this they seem to be fully sencible of, for many to whome we gave Cloth &c to, left it carelessly upon the Sea beach and in the woods as a thing they had no manner of use for. In short they seem'd to set no Value upon any thing we gave them, nor would they ever part with anything of their own for any one article we could offer them; this in my opinion argues that they think themselves provided with all the necessarys of Life and that they have no superfluities. (Beaglehole 1955, p395-399).'

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Friday, 31 Aug 2018 at 1:07pm

Racist , woman hater , pathetic , bullshit artist , no mates , redneck clown !

You’re funny !

Thanks for brightening an otherwise cold , rainy , overcast , onshore day.

CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight Friday, 31 Aug 2018 at 1:14pm

And what a horrible, horrible, terrible, shocking, depraved, maniacal, earth shattering, devastating 'situation' it was for our little misty, bad boy blowin!!!!

' i stared at her and tried to fathom what type of person would be so insensitive to anothers situation.Then i told her to "shut the fuck up , mole," and walked to my car.'

Whilst visiting the waltons in paradise, having surfed all day, stoned off his scone, he drops in on a local, on a 'shit wave', and turns into the fucking, WTF, South Park psycho from rome, or hell, take your pick.

Yes, an absolutely, devastating horror story compared to what the poms have brutally and maniacally dished out to Indigenous Australians. Still, down at the 'Cutural Sensitivity Talk', he's pulled himself off, or together, and sorted the uppity woman out for her sake, all whilst still suffering from:

' i stared at her and tried to fathom what type of person would be so insensitive to anothers situation.Then i told her to "shut the fuck up , mole," and walked to my car.'

That's if one fucking iota of his swillnut, limestone bad boy bullshit is actually remotely true.

happyasS's picture
happyasS's picture
happyasS Friday, 31 Aug 2018 at 1:20pm

Terminal's picture
Terminal's picture
Terminal Friday, 31 Aug 2018 at 1:26pm

I'm confused. I thought crypto had highest honours in colonialism studies and commentary, but crypto says its sykpan. Someone help me out on this colourful adventure

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Friday, 31 Aug 2018 at 2:26pm

Yeah , Crypto is an expert in colonialism , gym work , share trading , diet, surfboard design and mind conditioning amongst many topics.

You can state your opinion on these topics if you like , but be aware that you will be ridiculed and corrected even if your opinion doesn’t actually conflict with the stone cold facts he gleamed from the various theoretical courses he attended at evil white man educational institutions.

Of course any evil white man knowledge is a slight to the mythical insight into the world attained by other cultures. Unless it’s knowledge he’s taken a course in.

It’s convoluted but you’ll figure out the nuances of the utter contradictions involved if you are masochistic enough to persevere.

Terminal's picture
Terminal's picture
Terminal Friday, 31 Aug 2018 at 2:33pm

Got it, cheers.

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Friday, 31 Aug 2018 at 3:20pm

As I've said before being smashed by the big guy is all part of the colourful and diverse world of the Swellnet forums. What do you want some combination of a knitting circle and an echo chamber? This place is pretty special because of the diversity of opinion and the bluntness with which it is stated and if you can't laugh when the shit is thrown in your direction, that's your loss. (Not aimed at you Blowin or indo,) Enjoy!

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Friday, 31 Aug 2018 at 6:12pm

....... now for something we can all agree on, I'd hope. WTF is that crypto-racist Abbot with his dinosaurian brain and his reptilian ethics doing back in indigenous affairs? Special envoy? Yeh right. Extra-special paternalistic, moronic, Eurocentric, ante-diluvian facist fellow traveller. He's the "solution" to a problem the government has neither the will, the skill nor even the true desire to solve.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Friday, 31 Aug 2018 at 3:39pm

“Visiting the Waltons in paradise , surfed all day stoned off his scone.”

Fuck , that was a GOOD day for a while there.


Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Friday, 31 Aug 2018 at 3:40pm

I think you’ve answered your own question there , BB.

Quint's picture
Quint's picture
Quint Saturday, 1 Sep 2018 at 7:34am

Some meat for your Satdy morning punters.


zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Saturday, 1 Sep 2018 at 9:36am

Ha-ha! I, I mean Mee knew that had to be a pisstake.

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Saturday, 1 Sep 2018 at 9:38am

Double post.

Thanks for lightning up this thread Quint.

CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight Saturday, 1 Sep 2018 at 12:06pm

'Yeah , Crypto is an expert in colonialism , gym work , share trading , diet, surfboard design and mind conditioning amongst many topics.'

Yes all actually true. Deluxe! Then there's the property development, some large projects, huge profits too. For myself and others, no shortage of real cash over this way! I attribute it to that mind conditioning one. Again, all easily provable. And, there's when I gave millions away too, gave it all away! But we've been down this road before blownit, when you mouthed off, bullshit squwarked up blownit, then with nothing to back your squwark, got publically owned. So again, a cashed up savvy dude like you, a travelin' limestone bad boy, we won't go over board but, we'll make it just a $100,000 a pop, every time I prove one of the topics in your list is true. That way, you'll only be up for $700,000 or so. It will be easy for you, just a quick bank transfer. If you can't come up with it, if your funds are tied up in bullshit, I can get finance arranged for you easily too! But we all saw what happened last time, that was when you called me out on schooling, and I said I could prove I was dux of my school. And, but, If there's one thing surfee swillnuts hate with a vengeance though, its them fucking, stinkin' lousy qualifications, references and the stinkin' lousy truth! With a vile vengeance!!! In a nutshell! They lurvs a good 'ol fashioned googly but!!! Oh how they lurvs them googly's!!!! And a bitta bullshit... well, maybe a bit more than a bit...

So, and this grower is getting to blinders point. Even though you savvy limestone bad boyed it, I never did have to look to my right, ever, and wonder here's a nice bomb, wonder if blownit is going inside, never, not even once, ever. Ever, not once. Despite day after day after day after day after day after day after (did I say day), year after year after year after year after year, after year, after year after year (did I say year). Board design you bullshit. I never said that. So, for the first $100,000 you need to produce truth. Just transfer the money now. Yeh, I know all about McCoys, and yeh, sat with that twinnie ledge for years, had mountains of talks with him, about boards in real bombs. You woulda known about that years of twinnies in bombs, if you really were a savvy, connected, limestone bad bay like you said. But, like when you came out with that doozy, looking for your mate east of Albany, I knew you were just full of shit. Just like your other savvy limestone charger mate's ' kid on the rox' doozy bullshit. Coz I spent years with those guys, because of my trading and property stuff, I could surf all day every day, and did. With those two as well, and visited their home towns, with them. I even made it possible for your long lost east Albany maaatyye to live right where he is now. So, I knew you were no savvy, connected, limestone cowboy straight away, just like your 'kid on the rox' maaaayyyyte!!!

The end bowl's coming blinder. Nothing wrong with a bit of swillnut bullshit but, in a nutshell. But, like your intermediate expert found out quick smart, in the real world, coupla bored googles is a disaster waitin' to happen. Like it did. Squwarkin up with nuthin' but googles up your sleeves, or boardies, ends in a pubic slapping up and down the street, in full view. And the market don't care about delusional googles, they write volumes and volumes about that delusional shit. Blax don't care about googles neither, more than plenty of skin and bone too, on the reef. You'd think that would sort it, but delusion is delusion.

Donny and tone. I hate to do this to you blinder. No doubt you're staring out at good 'ol manly bay, on the eastern sea board of all places, your gut knottin', the vomit taste tickling at your tongue, as you hear, 'jeeze, she's brakin lyke faaarkin pipe aye!!!' That's why Donny and tone. And this shit. You think, how did a fucking psycho, red mist lunatic, like fucking hitler, convince people to feed kids into blast furnaces? How the fuck did that shit happen!!! Donny and Tone. Rabs and Abs. Read this shit blinder. Waltons, paradise with shit waves all day, stoned, finally drops in on local, on shit wave, rambo/manson clone destroys town. As ludicrously ludicrous as the psychopathic outburst is, and again, sorry blinder, by now you've probably just watched an eastern seaboard surfee yeehaaarrin' out of a bomb that broke like sunset, and the backpackers have just woken up, and are headin' out, it get way, way fucking worse.


But, on a side note, never seen them, I must say, but I know those who have well, there's a reason the herrings migrate... and its not the 20 foot plus fish, or the flies, or dust... but, back to worse. It does get much much worse, and explains hitlers, tones and donnies perfectly. So fucking worse... unbelievably fucking worse. Worse than hating a fucking referenced qualied up, experienced parading fucking cunt, but lurving the royal parade, gushin', wavin your limp flags at the fucking parading royals, and the fucking paradin' corgis, but knowing deep down your just a fuckin' commoner, a little christian soldier, hatin' any other paradin'!!! We lurv ya phil!!! We'll get the fuckin paradin' cunt for ya... maaaayyyteee!!!

Read this blinder.


Yes even worse blinder...

Read the fucking ludicrous, sickening posts. Just the the first one is enough. And as you writhe in agony, soaked in vomit, dry retchin' for hours, you see, donnie and abs didn't have to try at all. It was bound to happen. Swillnuts in a nutshell... forever... sorry blinder... a dutch back packer just rode padang...

Yep, just the first one is enough... excuse me while I chuck my fucking guts out... again... in a nutshell...

Speaking of... how's that client list going hapless...

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Saturday, 1 Sep 2018 at 12:58pm

Limestone bad boy ?


I’m just an average surfer that really , really enjoys catching waves in beautiful places. That’s all I’ve ever claimed to be. Maybe it’s time to take stock of how you’re presenting yourself ?

Unless your aim is to come across as an insecure and unhinged old man then maybe it’s time to tone it down a few levels.

Friendly advice .

CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight Saturday, 1 Sep 2018 at 12:58pm

Nice one donnie!! I knew ya had nuthin'! Swillnutter extraordinaire!!! Bullshit artist!! Where's my money!!! ring ya bank maaaytes!!! Bullshit artist!!!

Hey, found ya long lost maaayte from east a Albany yet... ha ha what a doozy!!! Bullshit!!

What's a tall poppy?

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Saturday, 1 Sep 2018 at 1:06pm

A tall poppy is a wanker that gets pilloried for being a wanker but who is actually such a wanker that they believe the pillorying is due to other causes such as jealousy.

And you’re right. I’ve got nothing. You’ve got the lot and left the rest of us bankrupt . Donny and tones would be proud. You’ve dominated me like hitler and the Queen would’ve . Typical whitey.

CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight Saturday, 1 Sep 2018 at 1:06pm

' i saw the girls sneer as i raved about being from somewhere else, somewhere where people are judged on their merits in the surf.'

Oh oh... ya not gonna go red mist psycho on me are ya... fffaaark!!!

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 1 Sep 2018 at 1:11pm

You know the smartest people I've met, are people that often don't even think they are smart or clever often very humble and always good listeners, because observing and listening and living is learning, generally people that have lots of varied life experienced life and are often walking inspirations, they don't need to talk themselves up because they aren't out to prove anything and in most cases their action speaks louder than words.

Then you have common folk like me and Blowin, Sypkan and others we have our areas of interest and knowledge we have our opinions but we are also willing to listen to others and even if we disagree we try to do it in a civil manner. (although all of us often let our emotions get the best of us, especially when stirred up)

Then you have people like Herc, that always think they are right about everything, everyone else is always wrong and if anyone dares voice their views or an opinion, they are cut down, attacked and ridiculed.

You can almost put money the next post of Hercs/Cryptos will be a great example of this.

CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight Saturday, 1 Sep 2018 at 1:13pm

That explains your one and only real world, publicly documented foray, your 'wook evewywun, I'm a swillnut googwer, and eye fink, well, eye nose...' bitcoin, ludicrous, delusional, disastrous debacle perfectly dreamer!!! You idiot!!! In a nutshell. They write volumes about it!!!

Terminal's picture
Terminal's picture
Terminal Saturday, 1 Sep 2018 at 1:21pm

I always wondered the exact meaning and origin of the word 'dux' so decided to look it up. It's general meaning was what I suspected, but its secondary meaning in the Urban Dictionary gave me a chuckle:


1. Shit Talker
2. Escaped Mental Patient

1. "He's a total dux"
2. "Did you hear about the dux on the news today?"

CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight Saturday, 1 Sep 2018 at 1:25pm

Just get one of the medals, and you won't have look it up, you terminally brain dead idiot!!?!! In a nut shell!!!

CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight Saturday, 1 Sep 2018 at 1:29pm

Or even simpler, and even stupe' tried to ban it... STOP FUCKING BULLSHITTING!!!

Just even try!! Just once!!! Unlike me, the fucking market has no mercy on fucking bullshit!!! You fucking idiots!!!

Terminal's picture
Terminal's picture
Terminal Saturday, 1 Sep 2018 at 1:31pm

I hate to be the grammar police, particularly for a dux, but the comma preceding 'and' in your sentence was not necessary.

CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight Saturday, 1 Sep 2018 at 1:35pm

STOP FUCKING BULLSHITTING!!!! You love it!!! The market will eat you and spit you out, like ya delusional maaayyte...

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Saturday, 1 Sep 2018 at 1:36pm

Uplift defines himself through conflict . Not real conflict mind you. Just by attempting to belittle others to increase his sense of self worth.

Rather than attempting to keep the phantom bad back at bay through 12 hours of gym work per day , maybe that’s where you should be really looking to improve yourself mate ?

You’ve had a prolonged dispute with pretty much every single regular poster on Swellnet. So who is the freak ? You or EVERYONE else ?

Self improvement. Give it a real shot.

PS You know the rules Lifty . Christ , you wrote them . Put up a photo of you holding the school dux medal or it never happened.

CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight Saturday, 1 Sep 2018 at 1:58pm

STOP FUCKING BULLSHITTING!!! Just try once. Defined by conflict you reckon... 'real' conflict? Like dropping in on a local, in self proclaimed shit waves, after having a full days surf, stoned off your scone? How howwible!!! So you turn into a rambo/manson clone psychopath? Really?


Ok, you sign a binding, fool proof legal agreement to pay the $100,000 up front, and put the money in a solicitors account. I'll even discount your loss to $50,000, if you can't come up with $100,000.


CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight Saturday, 1 Sep 2018 at 2:10pm

You know what, I'm a really savvy, connected, experienced surfer so I'm gonna go to the east coast in school holidays to escape the crowds... faaaarrrrkkk... its shit and I'll kill all the fuckin' cunts... women and children too... its ruined my whole life!!!! Where's my fucking fish batton... nuke 'em!!!!


Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Saturday, 1 Sep 2018 at 2:25pm

Have you got some mates you can talk to Lifty ? Your issues are there for all to see. The constant aggression and attacking people for no reason. Disrupting every thread . Always making yourself the centre of discussion. It’s obvious that your posts are a cry for help . A cry for help I can’t ignore. I’m not going to turn my back on you Lifty.

You’re welcome tp cry on my shoulder if you need to. It doesn’t matter what you bench . Real men cry . Go ahead .....cry.

PS photo proof or it never happened.

PPS I’m not a savvy , connected surfer. That’s you. You’re the fella that’s had a spot in the Blax line up for 50 years cause of your natural ability out there and cause you charge so very hard . And I don’t care what people say - that’s why you v e got a spot in the line up and it’s not cause it’s a tiny remote town that the vast , vast majority of surfers wouldn’t consider visiting let alone living in . So yeah , I’m just a bloke that likes to spend time amongst the waves. You’re a shark....I’m a dolphin.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Saturday, 1 Sep 2018 at 2:19pm

I always kinda thought 'dux' usually correlated with biggest wanker/nerd/teacher's arse licker/biggest moronic jock etc. etc. in the school. Sure seems to. I won't bother looking it up, as it seems to be a load of seppo shit anyway, that only private school wankers seem to worry about. Never really heard anyone of substance mention it.

Got a link for that tussle with blowin? I must've missed that one.

Old chinese proverb. If you think you're right,and ten people think your wrong, you're probably wrong.

If you think you're wrong, and ten people think you're right, you're probably right.

Seems apt. But will probably fly straight over the dux guts head.

CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight Saturday, 1 Sep 2018 at 2:25pm

Knew it!!!


Have you found your maayyte from east of Albany... surely the special ops maayytes can track him down... well, if it was actually true... which I know it wasn't...

'You know what, I'm a really savvy, connected, experienced surfer so I'm gonna go to the east coast in school holidays to escape the crowds... faaaarrrrkkk... its shit and I'll kill all the fuckin' cunts... women and children too... its ruined my whole life!!!! Where's my fucking fish batton... nuke 'em!!!!'

'OMG, that is a beautiful, amazing, magnificent story. Thank you so much, its really changed my life!!! In a nutshell!!!'

Nice try, but the klu klux clan, and hitler and his nazis were 100% wrong sykko.

Its true... WTF am I doing here. In a nutshell.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Saturday, 1 Sep 2018 at 2:32pm

Real men don’t attack strangers on the internet because of the colour of their skin or their ancestry ( Evil whitey , Dutchy )

Real men cry.

Cry Lifty, cry.

And don’t listen to the haters - you’re talented. In so many ways. Probably even in some ways that you haven’t yet told us about I bet !

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 1 Sep 2018 at 2:32pm

See told you, he couldn't resist it.

"Uplift defines himself through conflict . Not real conflict mind you. Just by attempting to belittle others to increase his sense of self worth"

100% correct, summed up perfectly.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Saturday, 1 Sep 2018 at 2:36pm

I probably just inadvertantly bagged blowin too, but my main reason for going there, is because I cannot stand all this seppo shit infiltrating our culture.

And, since australians have turned to the private school system at an alarming rate, all this rubbish is filtering into the state school system. We just don't need this shit.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Saturday, 1 Sep 2018 at 2:48pm

More rain and onshore today.

Be careful what you wish for people .

Terminal's picture
Terminal's picture
Terminal Saturday, 1 Sep 2018 at 2:48pm

Shatner'sBassoon must just sit back now days and admire this masterpiece that he's created....

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Saturday, 1 Sep 2018 at 2:49pm

"Unless your aim is to come across as an insecure and unhinged old man then maybe it’s time to tone it down a few levels."

You've gotta wonder how he does see himself coming across. As someone who loosely aligns themself with 'the left' of politics (that's me I'm talking about, but the allegiance is challenged day by day even without the input of cryptokunt) he certainly doesn't seem to be helping in the public relations crisis 'the left' seems to be enduring atm.

CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight's picture
CryptoKnight Saturday, 1 Sep 2018 at 3:02pm

Yes, poor sykko poppins vortex. His mind. And his little clan of merry mmmaaayyytes. Always looking for backup. The caps you boyz love and champion so, so much, fit so, so well!!!


Over... and...