What's what?
southey wrote:Hako sent me this .
Apparently he's in it , or he penned the lyrics ?!?
Flag has the wrong colour stars for Mick ;-)
What, does he go under the rainbow?
Shatner'sBassoon wrote:Don't just take my word for it!
In his latest blog, Bill Mitchell, Professor in Economics and Director of the Centre of Full Employment and Equity (CofFEE), at the University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia, lays the blame with the IMF:
“In the last month or so, we have seen the IMF publish material that is critical of what they call neo-liberalism. They now claim that the sort of policies that the IMF and the OECD have championed for several decades have damaged the well-being of people and societies. They now advocate policy positions that are diametrically opposite their past recommendations (for example, in relation to capital controls). In the most recent OECD Economic Outlook we now read that there is an “urgent need” for fiscal expansion – for large-scale expenditure on public infrastructure and education – despite this organisation advocating the opposite policies at the height of the crisis. It is too early to say whether these ‘swallows’ constitute a break-down of the neo-liberal Groupthink that has dominated these institutions over the last several decades. But for now, we should welcome the change of position, albeit from elements within these institutions. They are now advocating policies that Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) proponents have consistently proposed throughout the crisis. If only! The damage caused by the interventions of the IMF and the OECD in advancing austerity would have been avoided had these new positions been taken early on in the crisis. The other question is who within these organisations is going to pay for their previous incompetence?”
As i've said, Ideologies come..... Then they go.....
People are angry..... Not good for business..........
even the true believers have lost faith in the church of neo liberalism, IMF openly criticising it
"....the study’s lead author says that this research wouldn’t even have been published by the fund five years ago."
"....What makes the fund’s intervention so remarkable is not what is being said – but who is saying it and just how bluntly. In the IMF’s flagship publication, three of its top economists have written an essay titled “Neoliberalism: Oversold?”."
"The very headline delivers a jolt. For so long mainstream economists and policymakers have denied the very existence of such a thing as neoliberalism, dismissing it as an insult invented by gap-toothed malcontents who understand neither economics nor capitalism. Now here comes the IMF, describing how a “neoliberal agenda” has spread across the globe in the past 30 years.
"The results, the IMF researchers concede, have been terrible. Neoliberalism hasn’t delivered economic growth – it has only made a few people a lot better off. It causes epic crashes that leave behind human wreckage and cost billions to clean up,"
bernie summed it up so well, extreme capitalism for the poor, and socialism for the bankers and brokers that caused the GFC
globalisation is a hoax, free trade is a pipedream. if we're going to chase pipedreams it may as well be fair trade.
any system that makes it viable to transport produce across the globe while local farmers can't turn a profit is an unviable system. an environmental and social disaster
One sign of this concern came from an unlikely quarter last month, in a little-noticed speech given by Jeffrey Immelt, chief executive of the multinational industrial giant General Electric. He described the global economy as “the most uncertain I have ever seen”.
“Protectionism is rising. Globalisation is being attacked as never before,” Immelt told graduating students at New York University’s Stern Business School, saying it was time for companies to “localise” in response.
“But the leader of a $300bn company cannot afford to bet on wishful thinking. And so, Immelt said, General Electric is already retooling its business based on the expectation that the current backlash against globalisation is not a pausing moment, but rather a new reality to which business has no choice but to respond.”
And yet it's full steam ahead for Cap'n Turdstill on the HMAS Trickle-down. Aye aye, all boats will rise, and Jobs n Growth, me hearties.
The imf destroy countries through economic means the same as "free trade" agreements do.....
The boys are at it again … gotta have control. They've Shorty by the short and curlies, now the volunteer fire fighters … just can't help themselves.
Service to the ill-informed (Tones).
I have many mates in the CFA. Most but not all are LNP supporters and generally anti union. All volunteer at CFA fire stations that have saved many many houses (perhaps up to 100 not sure) in the last 2 summers; houses on the edge of the great urban sprawl called Melbourne.
While they all have concerns about recent UFU and CFA issues all also agree that there needs to be a greater role for the paid fire fighters (UFU) given the constant and increasing housing density of what was once a totally rural area. They equally have issues with CFA management which they believe are mostly putting scare politics ahead of sensible policy.
................. as an aside, Tony Turnbull getting involved in a state issue last week is encouraging. Firstly, it gets him off message about his failed trickled down economics $50 billion tax cut to big business black hole and secondly it might encourage him to get involved in that even bigger state issue in NSW meaning the Coal and CSG Industries raping of the Liverpool Plains; after all Tones, that's apparently a state issue as well.
tonybarber wrote:The boys are at it again … gotta have control. They've Shorty by the short and curlies, now the volunteer fire fighters … just can't help themselves.
Old Vicco mate chucks his two cents in.
"As usual, the media has been hopelessly biased on this issue. This is hardly surprising from the HUN [Murdoch's Herald Sun] given that it is just a propaganda outfit for the Libs. But Fairfax is even worse. Characterising the insertion of employee consultation clauses as a ‘takeover’ of the CFA is moronic. It may be annoying to people who are used to getting their own way but it is not a takeover. In countries like Germany, consultation provisions are constitutionally required. Only an idiot would suggest then that unions run all the companies in Germany. The Liberals, and their fellow travellers, hate the idea that the people who actually do the work should have any say in how it is done – even if their safety depends on it. After all, when was the last time one of the CFA Board was injured fighting a fire. Most of the few hundred people who demonstrated yesterday were staunch anti-Labor voters. That’s why they are so easily fooled by manipulators such as Guy [Liberal leader of Opposition in Vicco].
It appears that there are more than 1200 CFA stations. In just 34 of them do paid CFA officers work alongside volunteers. It would be interesting to know just how this new EBA effects arrangement at these 34 with respect to the arrangements that are currently in place. The idea that volunteers should be able to solely direct and order around full-time expert professionals is a bit bizarre. Imagine if volunteer police (Miss Marple!) were able to order around paid officers or volunteer soldiers were able to order around the professional military. Finally, the contempt shown by the media, and even this article, to Commissioner Roe is disgraceful. FWA Commissioners are drawn, in roughly equal numbers, from employee and employer organisations. Decisions and recommendations are always discussed “in-house” to ensure they are fair and give due weight to the submissions from the parties to the EBA. There is no evidence that his background has had anything to do with his recommendations, especially since he has been with FWA for many years and no such allegations have ever been made before. But it is typical of the anti-democratic bunch of Liberals that we have these days. Deliberately undermining the courts, and other judicial or quasi judicial bodies, when they don’t get their own way is a daily event. They seem to have little regard for the importance of impartiality in these bodies for the stability of our democracy. Look at places that are not democracies and you will see what I mean."
If you are against the Adani coal mine, or against cuts to hospitals, the coalition assume you must be a dole bludger......
Always knew the conservatives are wankers, but this is ridiculous..
But wait!!!!! There's more!!!!! And no, not steak knives!!! Why stop at patronising anti Adani pro hospital funding citizens? Why cut and run at filming ones' self fapping in a public toilet?
Why not own brothels but don't declare it? Why fap when you can pimp? Yep... Those conservatives are a funny mob.....
Innovative and agile
aren't they the same adults that are always better at managing the "transitioning economy" (whatever that means)? industrial relations? the environment? education? health? veterans affairs? borders? the NBN? ....... are people to plucking dumb they would get suckered by all that trickle down voodoo economics bull crap?
That brothel owning Liberal candidate thought turfing under 25yo's off Newstart would help him get some new workers for his whorehouse? That plus a tax cut, no wonder he joined the Liberal Party?
Let's hope Thommo pays back some of the cash he borrowed from the HSU to visit these brothels.
tonybarber wrote:Let's hope Thommo pays back some of the cash he borrowed from the HSU to visit these brothels.
Hmmm.... I'm having a case of "sarcastic overload".... I've got so many quality responses I could use to this... Dunno which one to choose.....
tonybarber wrote:Let's hope Thommo pays back some of the cash he borrowed from the HSU to visit these brothels.
Poor ole Arthur, the bag man with no memory .......
Sarcastic overload - yeah maybe but the problem here is that it is fact. That's not sarcasism that's sad and that's a Labor bloke to you. If you think the HSU is thinking this is sarcasism then you are dreaming. They will keep on trying to get the cash back. The fight ain't over yet.
But wait!!!!!! There's more!!!!! Yesssss..... More........ More I tells ya.......... Now Barberino, get your best Thommo retort at the ready.... Ya gonna need it....... Just recapping first on the past 3 days;
NT LNP minister quits after filming himself masturbating in a public toilet, then sending it to a voter...
Victorian Coalition candidate quits election after not declaring business interests in Brothels...
And NOW; "LNP campaigner and aspiring MP convicted of child sex offences" in Qld...
Hmmmm..... Perhaps Corey Bernardi should drop the whole "gay marriage will lead to bestiality" thing, and try to tidy up his own party.....
Just a suggestion to old Berno, that's all......
Well, before you go down that sleazy direction, be careful as that sort of talk goes to all sides of politics sadly. I was highlighting Thommo (and you can add Williamson) because that has not been fixed, certainly not in Thommo case. I can only suggest is get involved and join a party and maybe your eyes will open.
Sheepdog wrote:But wait!!!!!! There's more!!!!! Yesssss..... More........ More I tells ya.......... NOW; "LNP campaigner and aspiring MP convicted of chiId sex offences" in Qld...
tonybarber wrote:Well, before you go down that sleazy direction, be careful as that sort of talk goes to all sides of politics sadly. I was highlighting Thommo (and you can add Williamson) because that has not been fixed, certainly not in Thommo case. I can only suggest is get involved and join a party and maybe your eyes will open.
ok Im game for some sleaze, what you got heir barber. I'll do liberal and you can do,"all sides of politics"...
Liberals...kiddy Fidler, public tiolet masturbater, sending dick pics to voters, seat sniffer
Lab, greens and independents.....
Feel free to expand the lists
TimF … Ill leave the sleaze to you buddy. I'll rather reflect on the week we just had here on the east coast.
Well, barberino, neve knew you were so concerned about union members.... You see, the difference is that not everyone is in a union, or pays union fees.... But everyone pays taxes..... These gumbos I point out are/were in line to recieve a salary off the taxpayers teet...
Now dodge weave dodge weave.... Stay lucky
Billy Sneeden found dead in a NSW motel room, died of a heart attack while on the job .... its alright he was wearing a condom when he was found.
Malcolm Fraser found in a public place in the US without his trousers ............
Then there was Peter Reith and Phil Lynch ........... how far back do you what me to go Tones?
........ but we all digress, that Royal Commission into union corruption, what did it find apart from the two culprits Tones reminds us of? well, a few known thugs that was it, no Ms Gillard and no Shorten no nothin ......... and nothing the police couldn't have dealt with.
but meanwhile the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) is still refusing to release $4,000,000 (count the zeros Tones) to the Liberal Party because it refuses to divulge where $200,000 in political bribes (oops donations) came from ..... you know Tones, the ones that were collected when Arthur Sinodinos was Treasurer of the NSW Liberal Party and he knows nothing about how this $200,000 was sent from NSW donors to the Liberal Party in Canberra before being paid to the NSW Branch .......... now, if the AEC were out of line here you could image the Murdoch press and the political pressure brought to bear but we aren't hearing anything Tones ......... come to think of it Tones why isn't the Murdoch press onto why the Libs are refusing to advise the AEC of the donors?
Smells like corruption to me Tones ..........
You forgot this guy floyd.....http://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2016-02-17/former-victorian-liberal-party-...
yorkessurfer wrote:You forgot this guy floyd.....http://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2016-02-17/former-victorian-liberal-party-...
yeah, and then there was Geoff Shaw, found using his government car and government fuel card to support his hardware business, taken to task, left the Libs and then held them to ransom ...... a true man of principle, but lets not forget he is a good god fearing christian man to boot,
ONE WORD: Parakeelia! I'm paying for this shit?! We all are?!
And T (cough, cough) B, you are dead-set useless. Can't even get your union-bashing done correctly. Here comrade, I'll give you a hand. Forget Thommo (fairly familiar there....mate of yours?) and even Williamson, surely you've heard of Kathy Jackson?? And her beau, Michael Lawler??
Make Thomson's transgressions look like, I dunno, Pete Slipper's cab-work compared to 'Sweaty' Joe Hockey's!
Want me to put up some links (for you to ignore)?
Yorko, PinkF, Chook..... My main point is not about the "deeds"...... Both sides are guilty - recent Labor guy in S.A found with child porn... Goes right back to Qld Labor leader Keith Wright.....
My point is the conservative facade, the high moral ground, the holier than thou.... Labor, the Greens etc never portray themselves to be the party of conservative values..... But under the shadow of Jesus, the modern coalition put forward this Bernardi/Nikolic/Andrews/Abbott/Christensen/Abetz picture of moral superiority, hence the "who pays for your dole" comment by the Turnbull adviser.... They belittle gay marriage, call it a sin, say it will lead to fucking animals, yet here these oh so moral people are, wanking in public toilets and filming themselves, getting busted in child sex stings, not declaring brothel ownership ( - nothing wrong with brothels in my eyes but obviously something wrong in the LNP candidates eyes NOT to declare)....
If ya gonna talk the talk, walk the fucking walk......
couldn't agree more sheepo ...... but lets expand it to the economy or the environment or pretty much any area of public, economic or social policy ...... they always think they are right coz they have their old fashioned christian and forgiving god on their side and the rest of it is just the devil's work .... they know what's best for the plebs with their zealot's far right faith and ideology.
any of you guys remember the liberal party before it got infested with catholic parliamentarians? there was a time when it was a true "liberal" party and that's before howard and his influx of catholics.
Agreed Sheepy, Keith Wright, Bill D'Arcy (that fucker came to my primary school swimming carnival), Milton Orkopoulos (little indigenous boys) et al.
Credit to them, they didn't take the moral high ground, they're just fucking grubs.
Definitely a part of it, Doggo. Nobody likes a hypocrite.
Bigger for me is how these 'indiscretions' are treated in the corporate media. The last couple of election cycles, as well as this one, have really brought home how beholden to corporate interests, and thus the gang that really bends over backwards for them, these media clowns are. I include the cowed and chicken-shit ABC in that equation too.
I mean, can anyone imagine if Arfur Sinodinos, say for example, was a Labor politician, he'd still be trotted out as a spokesman in this election?? Or if Shorten, say, squibbed on appearing at a leader's debate on fucken Sky we still wouldn't be hearing about it?? Or if his name appeared in the Panama Papers he'd even still be around??
I somehow sat through a Scomo one-sided 'interview' on ABCs Insiders the other day without destroying the telly. Scomo shit-talking in tongues and nothin' from Big Bad Bustlin' Barry Cassidy. Nothin'! Yeah, yeah, thanks for coming.
Even Katherine Murphy live at The Guardian, FFS, is coasting along on the Mal train. Check it out. Actually, go straight to the comments. She used to make an appearance answering stuff but now she's gone AWOL.
Small media gene-pool. Get along to get along. Jeez, if anything Mal is copping more shit from the Abbott cheer squad?! 'Cos he's too much of a hippy??!
Which way are we gonna go, people?
talkingturkey wrote:Definitely a part of it, Doggo. Nobody likes a hypocrite.
I somehow sat through a Scomo one-sided 'interview' on ABCs Insiders the other day without destroying the telly. Scomo shit-talking in tongues and nothin' from Big Bad Bustlin' Barry Cassidy. Nothin'! Yeah, yeah, thanks for coming.
Yeah, nah. Nothing to see here.
Just voted ....... as they say vote early vote often!
The sitting (Liberal) member has retired and the newly anointed/ pre-selected Liberal candidate was there and introduced himself to me ... big mistake.
I politely asked him to explain the Libs economic policy.
He eagerly advised they are giving small business a tax cut and that would be be good for business and jobs. I asked him why that would be good for the economy when the budget was in deficit ... stunned silence and then he repeated they are giving small business a tax cut.
I then asked why the Liberals were giving a tax cut to big business and multi-nationals and all up this will cost tax payers $50 billion over 10 years. His face went blank and he then said they weren't giving a tax cut to big business .... WTF.
I asked him to explain how dividend imputation would see most of the tax cut flow to overseas investors and he went blank again; I asked him whether he knew what dividend imputation was, he replied he had heard of it.
He then asked one of his helpers (a bloke in his 60s needing a shave and haircut) whether the tax cut would flow to multi-nationals in years 8-9-10 of the Libs tax plan!! This bloke laughed and said that's 3 elections away!!
Taking pity of the this smartly dressed young candidate I explained his policy to him and why he ought to get on script before the media make mince meat of him.
And folks herein is the problem with politics today ... the party machine sausage factory just keeps on popping them out and they haven't got a clue .... no fire in the guts to make a difference, no value system, no sense of what would make good social policy or whats good for the country ....... just we're giving business a tax cut, aren't we good? ........ FFS I want to scream.
Floyd - they've got a fire in the guts, make no mistake.
Like every politician before them , they've got a burning desire to control those hapless souls around them that just wish to get on with their lives.
And to make a shitload of unaccountable cash at each end of every deal before they retire to a board on the private sector that they've been discretely nourishing for years ....all on a sweet little taxpayer funded pension thanks very much.
Fuck Floyd, I know it's hard ( read impossible ) , but I reckon you've got to let this shit go.
You ever see gymnastics at the Olympics ?
The floor event where they are whipping the ribbon around in amazing synchronicity with their routine ?
Well as far as politics goes, it's the very tail of the ribbon you're seeing.
The motions are already in place , the routine was planned with dry discourse and detachment weeks, months , years before the ribbon was ever set in motion.
You see what you're allowed to see or what is impossible to hide.
Nothing more.
Go surfing . Hold your loved ones. Appreciate the inalienable realities of our beautiful country and turn off your news feed.
Advice is as much for myself as it is you.
Buzz off, Blowie. You're part of the problem.
Caught Q & A last night. It's been a long time. Shorten on his lonesome answering to the engaged public (why else would they be there?). Oh, and versus Tony Jones in equal measure.
I was genuinely surprised with his effort. Impressively surprised! There I've said it. 'Beige' Shorten pretty well nailed it!
And Tony Jones came off looking like more of a 'kneel-before-Zod' egotistic knob than usual.
And I wasn't alone going by today's commentary.
NOW the interesting thing will be next week's show where Mal gets to go solo. Jones will have to show at least the same vigorous interruptive style (30 times or so) or, really, the whole media shit-show jig will be up. Seen for what it all is. Corporate lick-spittlin'.
It potentially could be a defining moment and/or indictment of this election's media coverage. Time will tell. Anyone want to take a punt that Mal gets a soft ride from host as well as public? Or - gasp - gets the same Jones treatment as Shorten did?? And the public saved from gaggin' on too much of Mal's polly-wafflin'?
jones was fair & on par with his usual knob status. but that doesn't take anything away from shortens appearance. it was impressive, very impressive. shorten just told it how it was, no crap, no stories, just straight up. last night jones could have been a member of the Gestapo and it wouldn't have made a lick of difference. mal has his work cut out to beat that performance.
floyd wrote:Just voted ....... as they say vote early vote often!
The sitting (Liberal) member has retired and the newly anointed/ pre-selected Liberal candidate was there and introduced himself to me ... big mistake.
I politely asked him to explain the Libs economic policy.
He eagerly advised they are giving small business a tax cut and that would be be good for business and jobs. I asked him why that would be good for the economy when the budget was in deficit ... stunned silence and then he repeated they are giving small business a tax cut.
I then asked why the Liberals were giving a tax cut to big business and multi-nationals and all up this will cost tax payers $50 billion over 10 years. His face went blank and he then said they weren't giving a tax cut to big business .... WTF.
I asked him to explain how dividend imputation would see most of the tax cut flow to overseas investors and he went blank again; I asked him whether he knew what dividend imputation was, he replied he had heard of it.
He then asked one of his helpers (a bloke in his 60s needing a shave and haircut) whether the tax cut would flow to multi-nationals in years 8-9-10 of the Libs tax plan!! This bloke laughed and said that's 3 elections away!!
Taking pity of the this smartly dressed young candidate I explained his policy to him and why he ought to get on script before the media make mince meat of him.
And folks herein is the problem with politics today ... the party machine sausage factory just keeps on popping them out and they haven't got a clue .... no fire in the guts to make a difference, no value system, no sense of what would make good social policy or whats good for the country ....... just we're giving business a tax cut, aren't we good? ........ FFS I want to scream.
Good on you Floyd, I wish more people had the knowledge and the guts to front and embarrass these used-car salesmen. If he was made to feel like the cock that he is ten times per day he might reconsider his stance and the nonsense he spouts.
Kinda sums up modern Australian politics in general - pre-programmed stooges sticking to the script with no view to the future.
You're right, where is the conscience, the values, the vision?
When the fuck does the revolution start??
talkingturkey wrote:Buzz off, Blowie. You're part of the problem.
When you say the problem, do you mean I'm the dumb cunt that subsidises clueless fuckstains that wish to perpetuate this fantastical dream of achieving all that they desire by participating in the self flagellation that is two party politics ?
So by rejecting the limited paradigm THEY want you to accept , I'm the problem ?
Good luck with that.
Talking Turkey : Thinks he's ahead of the curve by nodding his head at all the appropriate times during a theatrical act that's broadcast with the explicit aim of convincing the mindless masses that they're this close (!!!!!) to actual democratic representation.
Keep wishing on that star you fucking retard.