What's what?

Exactly TT, as far as I can work out, the reason the farmers can get so bent over is because we've created and are supporting an effective duopoly. Coles and Woolies have way too much power. And you reckon they don't collude??
Good links too, I'm screen shooting and printing.
It's incredible how we shoot ourselves in the foot in the long term just to save a few dollars today.
As much as I try otherwise, I'm regularly guilty.
Give me convenience or give me death.

There's always room for Jello (or is that Shatner's domain?)

I haven't shopped at Coles or Woolworths for years for reasons as discussed above, they have also screwed independent "mum and dad" service station operators. Woolworths is Australia's biggest owner of poker machines, fancy that, the fresh food people are screwing profits out of problem gamblers.
I shop IGA and at local fruit, fish and butchers shops but I'm lucky coz they are all first rate shops. Food is always super fresh and way better than the big 2.
having said all that only a tiny % of milk at the farm gate is used for drinking, the majority goes to cheese and yogurt so what gives? someone must be making $$$ on the back of the farmers but of course in this free market environment we have that would be smiled upon except in an election year.
farmers do it tough but in a strict economic sense why does the government think farmers deserve help and say manufacturing doesn't? ...... don't get me wrong i believe there is a right and proper role for government to intervene strategically in the economy for the social and national good, but this picking of winners and losers by the LNP starkly highlights the flaw in their "free market" economy theories. if they truly believed in the market they would let the farmers go to the wall like they have with manufacturing and we would then get our milk from NZ or Chile or China.

Love Jello, he knew where it was at.

floyd wrote:I haven't shopped at Coles or Woolworths for years for reasons as discussed above, they have also screwed independent "mum and dad" service station operators. Woolworths is Australia's biggest owner of poker machines, fancy that, the fresh food people are screwing profits out of problem gamblers.
I shop IGA and at local fruit, fish and butchers shops but I'm lucky coz they are all first rate shops. Food is always super fresh and way better than the big 2.
having said all that only a tiny % of milk at the farm gate is used for drinking, the majority goes to cheese and yogurt so what gives? someone must be making $$$ on the back of the farmers but of course in this free market environment we have that would be smiled upon except in an election year.
farmers do it tough but in a strict economic sense why does the government think farmers deserve help and say manufacturing doesn't? ...... don't get me wrong i believe there is a right and proper role for government to intervene strategically in the economy for the social and national good, but this picking of winners and losers by the LNP starkly highlights the flaw in their "free market" economy theories. if they truly believed in the market they would let the farmers go to the wall like they have with manufacturing and we would then get our milk from NZ or Chile or China.
It might have something to do with the N in LNP but get what you are saying.

The major problem with dairy is that murray goulburn and fonterra played a game of chicken with the price of milk....and when they found out they couldnt keep it up they decided to tell their shareholders and not the aussie farmers..hence they are asking for repayments..which noone can afford because of a global oversupply of milk its costing more to produce than to sellthe SA government doesnt even use australian milk..they use nz milk..33000 litres of it..sure its not enough to save the industry but fark me..makes ya wonder what else un-aussie made they use.
1tonne of cereal is the same price now as it was in 1996..you look at canada and their price is up around $700 with $500 subsidised by the gov..milk costs 41c a litre to produce..with fonterra situation its costing those farmers 38c to payback the money to fonterra..

Australia's biggest horticulture company....http://www.smh.com.au/business/australias-fastestgrowing-food-company-se...
Australia's biggest dairy holding....http://thenewdaily.com.au/money/2016/02/24/dairy-farm-sale-sparks-price-...

Makes the blood boil Tim.
How much are our politicians being paid to make these traitorous decisions?

Saw a bullshit reality TV program the other night about Pommies living in India for a few weeks. Part of the program discussed how the Indian Government doesn't allow foreigners to buy land or property there. Fark, are we the only suckers in the world that allow foreigners to buy anything they fancy?

floyd wrote:Saw a bullshit reality TV program the other night about Pommies living in India for a few weeks. Part of the program discussed how the Indian Government doesn't allow foreigners to buy land or property there. Fark, are we the only suckers in the world that allow foreigners to buy anything they fancy?
2 points ;
1 - "Saw a bullshit reality TV program the other night"...... Yeah well I saw 2 bullshit reality TV programs this morning... I think one was called "Sunrise", and the other one "Today".......
2 - Dunno if you saw Mad as hell a week or 2 ago..... Had a new reality show called "Farmer wants a Chinese investor"...... Soooo fuckn funny...... Australians would sell their own children to Russian crime syndicates if the price was right.......

Waleed is either nowhere near as bright as the Logies Voting Panel (C) would have us believe or he's a genius at evasive thinking .
The world is rejecting Globilisation.
No one is into - anywhere.
Easier to ascribe an accusation of malcontentedness to the global population than to accede to the unpalatable concept that it's not mere xenophobia....it's that people aren't that keen to lose their cultural identities in the name of economic expediency .

Blowin wrote:http://www.smh.com.au/comment/the-age-of-dissent-20160526-gp45fc.html
Waleed is either nowhere near as bright as the Logies Voting Panel (C) would have us believe or he's a genius at evasive thinking .
The world is rejecting Globilisation.
No one is into - anywhere.
Easier to ascribe an accusation of malcontentedness to the global population than to accede to the unpalatable concept that it's not mere xenophobia....it's that people aren't that keen to lose their cultural identities in the name of economic expediency .
this guy is embarrassing

"I like the boy."

I think Waleed is right on the money, there are so many competing themes and needs (aspirations) in the electorate and they are drowning out any and all unity.
In politics its easy to identify things your party is against but what do they stand for? Five Prime Ministers in five years must tell you something about how fluid their values are, surely .... self preservation out weighs all principle ....... in many ways it would be good if the election gave a clear majority to either party so the backbench of the government wouldn't feel restless and not be tempted to roll another PM, we do need stability and direction in our governments but in return they need to stand for something positive and that is what Waleed is also saying.
For the record I think Turnbull might just scrap in with a reduced majority in the reps and some of the independents still with the balance of power in the upper house. With less numbers in the reps Turnbull's authority over the dunderheads on the right will be fuller weakened so all those people hoping to see the "real" turnbull after the election will be bitterly disappointed .... so three more years of the same infighting over what the libs stand for .. now we are back to what Waleed was saying again


What's with the 'Mollom Privacy Policy'?
Calling Brandis! Calling Doggo!!

It's just the SPAM eradication software we use. Nothing sinister there as far as I know (we just plug it in, configure it, and it does its thing).

You too, huh?
What an embarrassing shower of shite the Logies were, are, and forever will be.

talkingturkey wrote:You too, huh?
What an embarrassing shower of shite the Logies were, are, and forever will be.
None of this really concerns me..... My leg rope snapped whilst surfing the reef breaks of Seaford..... My wife decided to photograph me instead of collecting my board vefore it got smahed to bits..... I ate an extra donut at the christies beach bakery to make myself feel better.......

Leave the bloke out of it Sheepio.
Nothing to do with you champ.

wellymon wrote:Leave the bloke out of it Sheepio.
Nothing to do with you champ.
I'm a bit slow today.... That's gone right over the top of my head, bud..... Explain?

No need to explain at all Sheepio.
That's my uncle in that photo! Mate
So, its a little discriminatory
As always buddy>?????

wellymon wrote:No need to explain at all Sheepio.
That's my uncle in that photo! Mate
So, its a little discriminatory
As always buddy>?????
Well.... You better head over to the memes thread and have a go at the turkster.... Unless of of course there's 2 sets of rules...... :p

wellymon wrote:No need to explain at all Sheepio.
That's my uncle in that photo! Mate
So, its a little discriminatory
As always buddy>?????
How is uncle Edgar?

He's good Uncle Shaun.
He says hello and gives you his love;)

Doubt it has anything to do with mollom, it might, but this site is pretty unstable, there is often problems loading it or uploading to it.
Looks like if you don't wantinformation collected when you post on swellnet you can contact the company and they will do something about it.
"Your rights – You have the right to gain access to, correct and/or remove all personal data we store about you on our servers. All this is provided to you free of charge. In order to exercise your rights, please contact us."
Of course if you don't want a company you don't know about, collecting your ip and other personal details for up to two years, with you agreeing to any changes in policy simply by using the service....a VPN is the best option

I don't agree with the mollom privacy policy despite having to enter the captcha before posting

What's with this entering CAPTCHA bullshit? Every time you want to write something? Or if adding an external link, sometimes I get flagged?
Huh? What's the guts?
I may be a tool but I ain't no spam-bot.

Sorry guys.. Working our way around a few spam issues at the moment and trying various incarnations of the Mollom technology. Will have it changed back ASAP.

Even Swellnet needs protection

testing..... testing.... 1.2.3....... FFS!

"You light him up, there's a bit of a fizz, but then nothing… nothing." Keating about Turdstill.

talkingturkey wrote:What's with this entering CAPTCHA bullshit? Every time you want to write something? Or if adding an external link, sometimes I get flagged?
Huh? What's the guts?
I may be a tool but I ain't no spam-bot.

Shit, I thought it was turned off yesterday. I'll look into it ASAP.

You can't add links? No URLs at all?

Australian Christian Lobby likens Gay Marriage and Safe Schools Program to Nazism - yeah that's rational thought!

Just tried posting a Guardian news link...... No go......

Whaddya mean no go? I can post links... What are you seeing at your end?
We haven't changed any code on the site, if anything it can only be the Mollom software putting in measures to stop (what it perceives to be) SPAM. However often it gets it wrong.


Hako sent me this .
Apparently he's in it , or he penned the lyrics ?!?

southey wrote:Hako sent me this .
Apparently he's in it , or he penned the lyrics ?!?
That looked more like Mick-free.

Shatner'sBassoon wrote:Right, on one side we've got Scummo the happy-clapping advertorial sales-clown, Coremaaaaan the malfunctioning "global-economic-headwinds" Schwarz-bot, and O'Dwyer the 'Neil from The Young Ones' look-alike (except he had better policies - "We sow the seed, right. Nature grows the seed, and then, we eat the seed.")
On the other, Bowen (sans Trotsky-lite beard) and this guy, Andrew Leigh:
Testing all functions.
Satan'z Stanza (spookily interchangeable)! Bloke looks familiar?