What's what?

Blowin if you were a mining magnate or property developer I'd say, sure, I understand why you vote LNP - you're a bastard, but I understand it.
But to support the LNP on that basis is just pure ignorance.
Sorry mate.

Good onya andy enjoy your $80 hourly rate..free education..free healthcare its ok..earn a good living and ask everyone else to pay for that knee injury you earnt in the ments..its ok we can afford it..

AndyM wrote:Fucking hell Blowin, if you don't want to be owned by government/corporations, the LNP are the last people you should be supporting! Do you really not realise that?! Jeezarz...
Can't believe you've swallowed that "small government" bullshit.
You need to read a bit more.
Huh ?
I just said I wouldn't vote liberal - never have.

Can anyone give me (1) simple and (2) easily understood instructions on how you post photos on this site, ta

Gotta make that distinction between big and small "L" Blowin, it means everything.

Youll have to explain what it is you don't think I understand.

go to http://tinypic.com/
upload your photo using the instructions
copy the URL it provides you. the URL should read something like [img]......[img]
paste the URL into your post
its not going to be another photo of a cat is it?

liberal =progressive
Liberal (party) is very conservative
You said you would never vote liberal/progressive

We gotta help the poor aint that right? Oh yeah the poor, whove had 6 kids get all those benefits family tax rebates free health care education laptops allowances but yeah thats cool lets prop them up cayse they deserve it those carbon consuming reproducing swing voters that sit on swellnet all day debating charts/economy/boards/wheres their next holiday like floyddy...but yeah fuck the dairy farmers fishers miners business owners cause we all suck...we all percieved rich cunts..thats fine..labor class warfare scabs

AndyM wrote:http://theconversation.com/australian-liberalism-old-and-new-15692
liberal =progressive
Liberal (party) is very conservativeYou said you would never vote liberal/progressive
You with me?

AndyM wrote:AndyM wrote:http://theconversation.com/australian-liberalism-old-and-new-15692
liberal =progressive
Liberal (party) is very conservativeYou said you would never vote liberal/progressive
You with me?

Then what Floyd ?
If you've got the time and inclination, it would be a lot simpler if you could simply describe what your dream political and social situation for Australia would be and how we could get there from here.
Be a lot easier than spending 18 pages saying what you don't want.
PS That evil looking pyramid in your picture that symbolises the stratification of society is going to be represented regardless of your political ideology don't you agree ?
Do you dispute that Humans naturally adopt a hierachial structure in their societies ?
So no matter which way you jump, there's going to be winners and losers.

the measure for "poverty" is often spoken of as living below 50% of median wage. a capitalistic society often has more living under the technical definition of poverty because there is a large separation gap between rich and poor in that society. not so in socialist regimes. so does that mean that poorer people living in socialist regimes are better off?

barley wrote:We gotta help the poor aint that right? Oh yeah the poor, whove had 6 kids get all those benefits family tax rebates free health care education laptops allowances but yeah thats cool lets prop them up cayse they deserve it those carbon consuming reproducing swing voters that sit on swellnet all day debating charts/economy/boards/wheres their next holiday like floyddy...but yeah fuck the dairy farmers fishers miners business owners cause we all suck...we all percieved rich cunts..thats fine..labor class warfare scabs
As for that "well there it is...that's the stupidest fucking thing I'll read all day" meme...
Jeez Blowie, you can't even win that one at the mo. Which numpty is up next? T (cough, cough) B? Happy Arse, gonna have a crack (so to speak)?
You do all realise that there isn't a buck in it?

talkingturkey wrote:barley wrote:We gotta help the poor aint that right? Oh yeah the poor, whove had 6 kids get all those benefits family tax rebates free health care education laptops allowances but yeah thats cool lets prop them up cayse they deserve it those carbon consuming reproducing swing voters that sit on swellnet all day debating charts/economy/boards/wheres their next holiday like floyddy...but yeah fuck the dairy farmers fishers miners business owners cause we all suck...we all percieved rich cunts..thats fine..labor class warfare scabs
As for that "well there it is...that's the stupidest fucking thing I'll read all day" meme...
Jeez Blowie, you can't even win that one at the mo. Which numpty is up next? T (cough, cough) B? Happy Arse, gonna have a crack (so to speak)?
You do all realise that there isn't a buck in it?
Lest we forget

A trip down memory lane, Blowie? But then I didn't see ya there. Deflection lane?
Anyway, 3 pages of some weird shit. Like this!
wellymon wrote:TowMan,
110kg of power,
Faster than a speeding wave,
More powerful than an 80kg bottom turn,
Can break a tow rope with the look of a stare,
Meet TowMan,
The super hero of Tow ins,
Can get toe y with the glance of a foot.

Barely has a go though. Yew
barley wrote:I dunno why you lads give air to this fuckwit..I think a lot of you must enjoy it..If you really wanted to fuck him over ..you could ring up his employer or let the mainstream media know about a 'well respected' trainer with a very offensive potty mouth who continues to abuse and degrade people for having an opnion different to his..ACA or TT would have a field day!..! but hey its fucken funny reading all this shit!!
I might say some things that people don't agree with but I respect another person for their right to have an opinion.
Uppy its about time you realize your not KING shit..you might think you are but your not..Muscle isn't everything..Agility is.110kg of pure muscle or 110kg of pure muscle and agility....110kg of pure muscle or 85kg of pure muscle and agility..do you get what I'm saying? I dunno why you lads give air to this fuckwit..I think a lot of you must enjoy it..If you really wanted to fuck him over ..you could ring up his employer or let the mainstream media know about a 'well respected' trainer with a very offensive potty mouth who continues to abuse and degrade people for having an opnion different to his..ACA or TT would have a field day!..! but hey its fucken funny reading all this shit!!
I might say some things that people don't agree with but I respect another person for their right to have an opinion...
why try and tell a goose its a duck when it will always be a goose!!

I thought Uplift had the most revealing posts myself, Turkey.
It's always fun to see what some people hide behind a thin veneer of illusory sanity.
It's like a scratch and sniff picture of a cute puppy that with a few scrapes of a nail smells like....dogshit.

Indeed, Blowie. A strange psychologIcal phenomenon, hey? What's missing out there...in the real world?
"The inlaws live in a beautiful part of the world. Whilst the surf can get world class at times it is mostly just fun, and uncrowded. Which is more than fine. In factsome locations are so uncrowded that it is like surfing in a different era. One spot i call 1972 due to the fact that it reminds me of a scene from morning of the earth. Crystal clear zippering walls with barely a soul out- generally one or two others. This coupled with the verdant tree lined headland and sand bottom makes it a pleasure to surf , as opposed as it is to the unforgiving desert and limestone/ coral reefs i'm used to.
But i had never visited during the holiday season...till now. This tranquil lineup had transformed to a seething mass of humanity. All manner of craft coating the formerly pristine line up. As this spot has somehow slipped the radar of the herd, the crew consisted mostly of dads and kids and the less than commited crew. And the line up worked. Somehow it was fun and egalitarian and everyone got a slice of the pie.
Whilst not exactly morning of the earth anymore the vibe was great. I surfed for six hours straight,like a grom. Ball rash from so many run arounds, nipples like i had taken a cheese grater to them. Even toked on a joint at around the three hour mark that a couple of crew were burning on the jump off rock. Life was good.
Then i noticed a new face in the lineup, with a couple of cronies in tow , talking in an exaggerated volume and jostling the take off spot. With a sweep running down the point and a jump rock granting access to pole position, Loud Mouth was berating anyone entering the lineup, loudly proclaiming how snakes jumping staight to the take off position would not be tolerated and how they would be dealt with. The accused being mainly mid teen lidders. The good feeling permeating the lineup rapidly evaporated , but who gives a fuck ? I was surfed out and ready for one to shore. Just make it a good one eh ? No hurry, the walk up the beach was gonna make my thighs bleed anyway.
So i waited in pole position, a few meagre sets passed before my wave came. I started
to paddle noticing Loud Mouth paddling furiously from his recent entry off the jump rock declaring possesion. Whatever fuckstick, i'm going. So i went. Loud Mouth went too, i faded and Loud Mouth and myself went over the falls as one.
He came up swearing blue murder.
"You dinged me board! on the beach cunt" he said. First time i'd ever heard it in real life. Still did not really give a fuck. Surfed with many tools over many surfs and knew a blow hard when i heard one. Caught the next whitewash, my session was corrupted and i was spent anyway.
Loud Mouth caught it too and a weird tension was between us as we exited the water, metres apart. I could plainly see the bitter contempt and rage on his face, but i could also see doubt as i had inadvertently called his bluff by coming in even though it was not for his benefit. We walked up the beach a few steps before he addressed me as the cunt that ruined his surf. I told him where he stood in my eyes
What happened next seemed to occur in the blink of an eye. He dropped his board on the sand and so, it seems, did i. I was expecting more front , instead Loud Mouth punched me fair in the face.
Let's get this straight. I'm no fighter. I have not been in a sober fight since primary school, and the pissed scuffles were just that, scuffles. But i do like to stay fit. And a favoured way of fitness for me is hitting a heavy punching bag, the height and range of which was exactly the same as this pricks face. I wore the punch and before even i knew what had happened my right fist shot out and connected with Loud Mouth's mouth.
It was only a jab but the cocksucker reeled,backed off and took stock. This was not part of his plan. I was as suprised as he was. I know i'm not a coward but i had never fronted another man face to face and this was new territory. I still wasn't angry, hours of surfing and exertion had mellowed me and given me a bit of distance from the pain and affront of being physicaly assaulted.
So we stood there for a period , wordless. Loud Mouth seemed hesitant, his bitterness satisfied after spreading his hate so obviously and his two dimensional bullying bravery vanishing after his chosen victim did not roll over pleading mercy.
For a further few seconds relative normality remained. Without agreement we both took a step back and picked up our surfboards. In retrospect i see this as a point of reflection for us both, the slandering continued, by now he had assumed the role of unapologetic local valouriously facing down the invasion of neophyte blow in invaders, i was still processing just what had happened, from mellow and happy to dragged into a whirlpool of bitterness and spite. For seemingly the first time since reaching the beach i realised what was happening. I looked around at the at the beach that i was so accustomed to being empty and saw the holiday crowds, the families formerly enjoying a festive summer day staring in open mouth shock at what was happening before their eyes.
That was when the madness set in. I looked at the blue sky and the white sand and realty, or unreality, set in. I started to blather, i could not tell you for certain what i was saying but it was lost mans dribble refering to the beautiful day and how this cunt had destroyed it with malicious intent. He started to walk along the beach cursing me over his shoulder, i think he saw in me something that i was not consciously aware of myself and his desire for confrontation was gone.
We walked in lock step along the beach as though to jump back off the point, myself slightly behind, fermenting, when we reached his friends. His bravado reappeared, turning to face me he addressed his friends, a half dozen guys and girls staked out against the wire guarding the dunes, he described my crimes as a blowin, an unwelcome abhorration, i saw the girls sneer as i raved about being from somewhere else, somewhere where people are judged on their merits in the surf. I recollect displeasure on their faces when they realised i wasn't from a city with inferior waves to theirs.
Then the red mist came over me
It was the assumed resentment of the women that really got me.
The smug superiority of some small minded no- one cunt moll that set me off. I turned to face Loud Mouth in front of his cunting piece of shit friends and with every ounce of will ,energy and misdirected anger from every point of my life i drove my fist into that cunt's putrid face and punched him to the sand.
I was standing over Loud Mouth's form bellowing that he was an imposter king presiding over a weak, gay wave, raising my fist for another blow when i realised my hand was broken . Then i heard a lady screaming and i was back in my head, concious of what i'd done , aware of where i was.
Loud Mouth was not cowering , but all fight had left the man. He was submissive but i was not gracious. Thank fuck i did not have a gun cause if i did i would have shot the cunt. The only thing that stopped me from kicking him till he twitched was some chick throwing herself over his prostrate form.
I looked up to see four hundred sets of eyes willing me in gaol. I walked towards the path that led to the carpark, unrepentent, as i approached my car a smiling mother said to her young son "look at that mans face honey! " , i stared at her and tried to fathom what type of person would be so insensitive to anothers situation.Then i told her to "shut the fuck up , mole," and walked to my car.
Looking in my cars rear view mirror i saw that Loud Mouth's initial punch had broken my nose. I straightened it suprisingly easily and drove one handed to the hospital where the nurses shook their heads with scepticism and unabashed disgust as i lied to their faces and told them i had broken my hand and nose in a wipeout.
I can't say i moved on and put this bullshit behind me so easily. The fact that i'm still talking about it now reveals the truth.
In fact i went into a fair spiral of hatred towards my fellow man and society in general following this little episode. I pretty much bailed on humanity till the holidays ended. Then i would cruise the short streets of 1972 with my fish killing baton at hand only half deluding myself that i was'nt looking for Loud Mouth, the man that pretty much single handedly robbed me of my love of the human race.
Of course i got over it. But it took me a whole lap of this awesome land to come to grips with the act of a single fuckwit. And that was a few years ago.
The lesson i've learnt ? Don't humour some clown that wants to bring you down to their bitter level or, as a wise fella has told me since- Never get into a mud slinging match with a pig cause you both end up covered in shit- only the pig likes it."

The Swellnut contributor really let it all hang out there, hey? Sharing is caring. Well, wholly dependent on the carer and what's being shared...for some.

I don't understand.
Are you saying that we are in a safe place amongst friends and that its cool to bare our souls without fear of judgement ?
Fair enough.
So I told a story about getting binked by some fuckwit, I didn't post a photo of the fetid growth that thrives on my perinium or describe in lurid detail the time I caught my cousin fingering the beloved family pet....but if you think that gives you licence to start posting up fraudulently fabricated character references from unknown , Z grade institutions again , then go for it .
PS. Not a fan of the Swellnut tag Turkey - I find that it diminishes the people that post on here indiscriminately and equally ....which is demonstratably undeserving in my opinion.
But then it makes me think of the Groucho Marx quote regarding clubs he'd rather not be a member of ,so ......if the shoe fits I guess.
Paint us all with as broad a brush as you'd like if brightens your day.

Blowin wrote:I thought Uplift had the most revealing posts myself, Turkey.
It's always fun to see what some people hide behind a thin veneer of illusory sanity.
It's like a scratch and sniff picture of a cute puppy that with a few scrapes of a nail smells like....dogshit.
Sunday fun-day.
Cool story too, bro. No, really. And a spot-on self review of it too just here.
I can see you n Uplift are certainly highly certified.

Got a way with words, has old Andy:
"Any journalist who thinks they've done their job by describing the dead cat and not looking for the distraction is a fool. Any editor who confuses the 'dead cat' with the story of the day should be boiled in their own piss and then deported."
And he's also got a point. The 'dead cat' mesage was a message intended for the media and they lapped it up like a bowl of warm milk thereby diverting the story.

talkingturkey wrote:A trip down memory lane, Blowie? But then I didn't see ya there. Deflection lane?
Anyway, 3 pages of some weird shit. Like this!
wellymon wrote:TowMan,
110kg of power,
Faster than a speeding wave,
More powerful than an 80kg bottom turn,
Can break a tow rope with the look of a stare,
Meet TowMan,
The super hero of Tow ins,
Can get toe y with the glance of a foot.
Resurfaced from saturation.

"If you're not doing anything wrong, you've got nothing to worry about"....... That was the argument many, including some swellnutters who I will not name, made when the draconian George Orwell metadata laws were passed.... The government hid behind Teerrrrrrrorrrriiizzzmmmm........ Fear....... "We need to keep you safe".......... So, those pesky paranoid types like dawg spat and splurted.... "You got something to hide, dawg???? You sending money to FATWA inc??? Or is it that Randy housewives with hairy horses site you like???"
Ummmmm..... No......... As I said at the time, and as I have said with the recent NSW protest laws etc, it will be used on well meaning folk.... it will be abused....... And now, my brain dead wax rubbing rubber wearing narcisistsic water junkies, it's happening.....
"Australian police accessed phone records of asylum whistleblower; Dr Peter Young, a former detention centre psychiatrist, was investigated after he condemned the government’s asylum policies in the media"
Dob in a drug dealer - yep government enocourages that - even got a hotline.... Same with tax cheats, or working single mums..... They want people to blow the whistle........ But blow the whistle on the government?????? Your metadata will be grabbed..... You will become the enemy.......
With that in mind, if I see anyone selling pot, or dodging tax, or working cash in hand, I'll just nod and tap my nose with one finger..... Why the hell should we all be dobbers when those that want you to dob can't handle being caught out themselves, and in fact bully and bury those that dob on them?

Rather like this, it puts it sort of all into perspective

Now the truth finally starts to come out about Barnaby Joyce...

And some gorgeous photos there by Nic Walker with the soft light glinting off Barnaby's ruddy and somewhat bloated complexion.

AndyM wrote:Now the truth finally starts to come out about Barnaby Joyce...
What a barney! How's the comeback? He's a self-proclaimed fictional cannibalistic serial killer!
Some roos loose in the top paddock or what? And he's the DEPUTY PM!
No wonder his parents take the piss out of him too!
Meanwhile, it's DELCON ONE time. Strap yourself in!
"The pressing concern for Turnbull is the conservative revolt under way inside his own party. Many Liberal voters did not like the big spending, big taxing budget. They are seething over the retrospective changes to superannuation. They are appalled by suggestions the party would swap preferences with the Greens. And they are still smarting over the leadership coup.
It has even sparked a new movement of disaffected Liberals who say they won’t vote for the party at all, or who may register a protest vote in the Senate by temporarily switching their allegiance to the Liberal Democrats led by David Leyonhjelm."

rather sounds like a guy comfortable with his own image, beliefs, and place in society.

happyasS wrote:rather sounds like a guy comfortable with his own image, beliefs, and place in society.
Your glass is definitely half full Happy!
Others might see him as a buffoon who is incapable of self-reflection.

happyasS wrote:rather sounds like a guy comfortable with his own image, beliefs, and place in society.
Who the fuck are you talking about here? Can't be Barney. Mal?

AndyM wrote:happyasS wrote:rather sounds like a guy comfortable with his own image, beliefs, and place in society.
Your glass is definitely half full Happy!
Others might see him as a buffoon who is incapable of self-reflection.
I feel a bit bad Happy, after all Barnaby did oppose the sale of the Kidman properties to overseas interests.

oh o. I detect a soft spot for a coalition member. ;) its a slippery slope Andy. before long you could even find yourself voting liberal? (gast)
the bloke would be alright to have a beer with. at least you know when hes talking about a spade he
IS LITTERALLY talking about a spade.

I think you're on to something Happy Arse. The REAL pub test. Who would/could you have a beer with.
Barney, the ex-bouncer, doesn't pass muster for me. His oldies sound like a laugh though.

happyasS wrote:oh o. I detect a soft spot for a coalition member. ;) its a slippery slope Andy. before long you could even find yourself voting liberal? (gast)
the bloke would be alright to have a beer with. at least you know when hes talking about a spade he
IS LITTERALLY talking about a spade.
Even a stopped clock tells the right time twice per day Happy!
Will be a long time before I vote Libs, the far right still have that party by the proverbials. Still a lot of bloodshed to happen there.

Has Barnaby thrown a dead cat or does he just have no future as a diplomat??

The farm boy made good.
Barnaby Joyce identifies with the locals in Walcha when he's flying in on a chopper.
Barnaby Joyce has a beer with the shearers back in the day down on the farm. The multi million dollar Rutherglen, that was when he came home on holidays from St ignatius Riverview. The shearers all stayed out in the shearers quarters. His parents weren't 'fabulously' wealthy, it's an odd measure of wealth...fabulous, I guess they were very wealthy.
Barnaby Joyce wasn't liked much by the locals when he was growing up, bit of loner, had it tough, felt right at home once he discovered the Queensland of sir joh. I wonder was it the alcoholism, the corruption, the ineptitude?
Barnaby Joyce was an alcoholic at university, at the time UNE held the world record for consumption of alcohol per capita, the Colleges were embarassingly known for the high number of sexual assaults and rapes that were generally covered up.
Barnaby Joyce is an underdog, the battlers can relate to him, born with a silver spoon in his mouth. An agrarian socialist.
Barnaby Joyce sold out the farmers in south Aus and his decision to repeal protections on the Murray darling will/is destroying the river system, he did this so the 'farmers' aka Japanese multinational cotton farming operation at cubby station can use all the water to grow cotton, cotton to eat, cotton that we eat in Australia.
Barnaby Joyce was fortunate enough to have the crystal ball forsight to buy not one but two properties in the Pilliga region. Properties that he describes himself as mongrel country, but bought them to farm wheat, despite wheat not grown in the area. Didn't work out surprisingly, sold them for a mint when santos (formally eastern star energy) got the csg mining rights for the area. Eastern Star had been exploring in the area for 7 or so years, Barnabys good mate, former national and former deputy prime minister John Anderson was chairman of Easter star at the time, graciously accepting the appointment on his leaving parliament. Surprisingly John hadn't mentioned anything to Barnaby about the potential csg operations nor indeed that eastern star was exploring in the region. Just a coincidence that of all the country in nsw Barnaby was lucky enough to buy two blocks of useless land that turned out to be a golden egg.
Barnaby would be great to have a beer with, he's an alcoholic, but the red face is just his complexion, he calls a spade a spade, he'd even tell you how to use it, use it himself though? Never

Time to make sure we buy branded milk - not the two dollar special.

Well said Tones, when milk is that cheap, you know it's the primary producers that are getting shafted.

Well Tim certainly gave it to Barnaby and yes, I think we can afford to pay a bit more for milk. Although the health trend with Almond and Coconut Soy milk now competes with our hard working Dairy Farmers.
Up D-bah Hill yesterday and run into some of the old boys who were really happy to see me and the conversation soon turned to politics. Lots of louder passionate debates abounded about policies and people and the whole process from all sides of the political spectrum.
However the conversation soon stalled when I reminded them just how lucky and important it was for us to vote in this election, especially for the senate.
Not on the electoral role davey, haven't lodged tax forms, don't want them knowing this or that....blah blah blah. Ah nothing like wasting time on a sunny day with a bunch of people who don't or won't put their power where their mouths are.
Hence, I like my own company these days, at least I can admit to my own hypocrisy.

Nope, it's time to stop shopping at Coles or woollies or buying food through these setups, if you are still buying branded milk you are supporting the agencies that along with farmers deregulated the milk price and started the milk war. Coles and woollies will continue to sell $1 milk regardless of market variation and continue to damage the industry. How is it that milk is so cheap but qld is importing milk from o/s?

From the (26/5/'16) article: A stormy first meeting of the amalgamated Mid Coast Council has followed revelations that the administrator put in charge of the Gloucester former CSG battleground has ties to a coal mining company.
John Turner is the chairman of the community consultative committee for Whitehaven Coal.
An angry meeting of the forcibly amalgamated Gloucester, Great Lakes and Taree councils yesterday, fronted by the administrator, was shut down by angry protesters yelling ‘undemocratic’, ‘leave now’ and ‘out, out, out’. ...
Greens MP and Local Government Spokesperson David Shoebridge defended the community’s opposition to its appointed new leader.
“We know that John Turner was appointed by Whitehaven Coal, effectively helicoptered in by them to run the committee to try and as best they can neuter community opposition to the expansion of their coal operation,’ Mr Shoebridge said.
‘The mid coast community are quite rightly insulted that their council has been handed over to the Chair of a number of committees run by the coal companies overseeing the Maules Creek and Boggabri mines,’ ...

davetherave wrote:Well Tim certainly gave it to Barnaby and yes, I think we can afford to pay a bit more for milk. Although the health trend with Almond and Coconut Soy milk now competes with our hard working Dairy Farmers.
Up D-bah Hill yesterday and run into some of the old boys who were really happy to see me and the conversation soon turned to politics. Lots of louder passionate debates abounded about policies and people and the whole process from all sides of the political spectrum.
However the conversation soon stalled when I reminded them just how lucky and important it was for us to vote in this election, especially for the senate.
Not on the electoral role davey, haven't lodged tax forms, don't want them knowing this or that....blah blah blah. Ah nothing like wasting time on a sunny day with a bunch of people who don't or won't put their power where their mouths are.
Hence, I like my own company these days, at least I can admit to my own hypocrisy.
I like it!
And if you can, fuck off the Coles/Woolies duopoly entirely. Know who they are and avoid...again, if you can.
And if you like your plonk: